Starkey bitter tincture - description and production at home. Cooking stark at home Stark vodka how many degrees

Lovers of bitters are undoubtedly familiar with the name "starka". And those who have not yet tasted its taste should make up for lost time, the old tincture deserves it by right. She is mentioned in their works by Kuprin, Bulgakov and Venedikt Erofeev, and in very laudatory terms. Starka tincture is a cross between vodka and wine, light brown in color, ideally has a slightly pungent taste with hints of rye and a complex aroma. This drink is a bit like cognac in color and taste. It can also be called the Slavic equivalent of whiskey due to its place of origin. Let's get to know this original vodka better, for now, with the help of the text.

The history of the drink

The very word "starka" reminds us that this is something old, aged. The Russian ear is familiar and familiar with this sound. Indeed, the word refers us to the method of production of the liqueur - this is rye vodka, aged in oak barrels to soften and enrich the taste. In one of the Slavic languages, Starka is a woman who is losing her youth. However, over the years, the tinctures only get better, which, alas, can not always be said about the fair sex.

The drink dates back to the 15th century. The recipe for this tincture survived the state in which it was invented and began to be produced - Rzeczpospolita, which included modern Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and western Russia. It was here that strong moonshine originated from rye wort, subjected to double distillation, and then aged in oak barrels with the addition of apple and pear leaves. The barrels had to be taken not new, but previously used for storing wine or port - this method makes the taste of the tincture softer, richer, and richer.

There is a legend that in the landowners' farms the barrel with the future starka was not unsealed until the heir entered into marriage, on whose birthday this barrel was poured. For greater reliability, the container with the tincture was buried in the ground. But in any case, the starka should have had a aging period of at least 10 years, and preferably more, for example, 50.

Bitter liqueur gained particular popularity in the 19th century, when alcohol based on cheap ones came into wide use. Compared to these unassuming drinks, which, among other things, gave a heavy hangover, the exquisite tincture impressed with deep nuances of taste and softness. Commoners could not afford to use it. It was all the more pleasant to enjoy the aroma and astringency of the liqueur for the privileged strata of the population, who relished the taste of starka with pleasure. At that time, it was produced by the Bachevsky company in Lviv and private distilleries in Lithuania.

The modern starka is made by the Polish company Polmos Szczecin. Its production began with flooding in 1947, and its sale - in 1955. In Russia, analogues of the famous tincture are produced by the Federal State Enterprise Soyuzplodoimport (SPI), the Moscow plant Kristall. Interestingly, the domestic tincture from Soyuzplodoimport began to be produced earlier than the Polish one - in 1931, and in 1958 it received the Gold Medal at the International Exhibition in Brussels. Russian vodka called "Starka" officially has a strength of 40 degrees, although experts say that a true bitter liquor must contain 43% alcohol.


How is a real starka prepared? Rye wort is double distilled in the distillation still. The resulting rye moonshine is aged in cellars at a temperature of 12 degrees for 10-50 years. Moreover, for aging, oak barrels from wine or port should be used, and pear and apple leaves, sometimes lime blossom and other ingredients added to it, give a special taste to the tincture. If the technology is observed, an excellent soft vodka is obtained, with a pleasant bitterness and aroma, without the taste of fusel oils and the smell of alcohol.

Soyuzplodoimport describes its starka as a legendary liqueur based on grain alcohol, drinking water, port wine, cognac, a little sugar, infusion on the leaves of Rosemary and pear trees Alexander Bera. The Kristall plant admits that it adds vanilla flavor and natural sugar color to its vodka recipe. On the basis of this information, as well as the preserved information about the original stark, you can prepare your own variation of the tincture at home.

Unfortunately, not everyone can use the method of steeping the distillate in an oak barrel. However, lovers of homemade alcohol reproduce the taste of starka using a simplified version of the preparation, which is also good because such a tincture can be put on the table not after 10 years, but after 10-15 days. This recipe can be stored for up to 5 years.

Ingredients for 1 liter of vodka:

  • Oak bark or pegs - 20 g;
  • Apple and pear leaves - 20 g each;
  • Linden blossom dry - 0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • A third of the lemon - to remove the zest;
  • Ground coffee - 0.3 tsp;
  • Grated nutmeg - on the tip of a knife;
  • Vanilla sugar - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking process

  • Prepare oak bark purchased from a pharmacy or from private traders. It must be poured with boiling water for 15 minutes, then drain the liquid and rinse the workpiece well with cool water. This stage is necessary in order to get rid of excess tannins, which coarse the taste of the finished tincture. If oak chips from a specialized distillery store were chosen for the production of starka, then we work with them according to the instructions specified by the manufacturer.
  • We remove the fresh zest from the lemon, after washing it well in hot water. We need a thin yellow rind, try not to grab the bitter white rind.
  • We take a clean jar of a suitable size and pour all the components into it. Add vodka, mix, close tightly with a lid.
  • In the absence of a basement, we store the future stark at room temperature, but choose a dark and dry place for it. We keep the tincture under these conditions for 1-2 weeks.
  • After 5 days, you can taste the composition and smell it, developing your receptors and tasting abilities. Did you manage to catch a special cognac taste and a pleasant smell? Then we filter the drink with gauze and cotton wool. If the concentration of the substances does not suit, then we leave the stark to infuse further, testing it once a day. But it is not recommended to overexpose the drink, the oak bark can give an excessive taste to vodka, which will overpower the rest of the ingredients.
  • Add some more sugar if desired to make the tincture more pleasant and sweet.
  • The last stage - we pour the almost finished starka into bottles with a sealed lid and insist for 3 or 4 days in a cool place (for example, a refrigerator or on a balcony in the off-season). At the end of this period, homemade stark with a strength of 33-36 degrees is ready!

But what about drinking stark? Venechka Erofeev could not avoid this legendary vodka in his alcoholic ode "Moscow-Petushki" and urged to drink a large glass every half hour, "avoiding any snacks as much as possible." Decide whether to follow this advice, taking into account the situation and not overestimating your capabilities. Enjoy your tasting!

Starka belongs to the category of "national vodkas" - the production of this strong alcohol (alcohol content from 40 to 50 degrees) began in the 15th century in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - in the present territories of Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus and western Russia. A real starka has a complex aroma of aged cognac with hints of rye, the taste is soft, with a slight bitterness.

Peculiarities. The technology for the production of starka is simple: rye wort was subjected to double distillation in a distillation still, as a result rye vodka (moonshine) was obtained - not yet starka. It became a famous drink later, after 10-50 years of aging in oak wine barrels at a temperature not higher than 12 degrees.

The "secret ingredient" is also important - the starka was aged with pear and apple leaves, and linden blossom was also often added. The result was a bitter and aromatic vodka with a mild taste that does not give off alcohol and fusel oils at all.

Starka vodka received special recognition in the 19th century, when cheap potato moonshine appeared on the market and alcohol of a higher class stood out in a separate segment.

Stark is often called "Russian whiskey", and the name itself comes from the Polish word, which means both the aging process and an elderly woman.

There was a tradition in the landlords' farms: on the day of the birth of the heir, the head of the family poured a barrel of starki, sealed it with wax and buried it under the ground. They dug up the drink on the day when the grown child got married.

In the 19th century, starka was produced by the Lviv company of the Bachevskys and several Lithuanian distilleries, and during the Soviet era, Starka liqueur was produced on the territory of the USSR, which, due to the essence of herbs, quite authentically imitates the taste of the original drink, but in fact has nothing to do with it.

The stark looks like cognac, the taste is more like whiskey

Today, starku is produced by the Polish company Polmos Szczecin, and there are also bitters on the market that are not made according to the original recipe, but contain most of the components of real starka.

Starkey recipe

To prepare a classic stark, you need to pour the double-distilled rye moonshine into an oak wine barrel, add pear and apple leaves (linden blossom optional), close the barrel, leave it in the basement for at least 10 years.

If it is not possible to infuse the distillate in a barrel, you can try to make a starka at home using a simplified version, simply imitating the taste.


  • vodka (rye moonshine) - 1 liter;
  • oak bark (pegs) - 15-20 grams;
  • ground coffee - a third of a teaspoon;
  • ground nutmeg - on the tip of a knife;
  • vanilla sugar - on the tip of a knife;
  • apple leaves - 20 grams;
  • pear leaves - 20 grams;
  • dried linden blossom - half a teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon peel - from a third of the fruit.

Oak bark is sold at the pharmacy. To remove excess tannins before use, I advise you to pour boiling water over it, leave for 10-15 minutes, drain the broth, then rinse again with cold water. Pegs (chips) for infusing strong alcohol can be found in special stores for distillers, you need to work with them according to the manufacturer's instructions.


1. Wash the lemon in warm water, remove the zest without touching the white bitter pulp.

2. Put all the ingredients in a container for infusion - a jar. Pour in vodka, stir. Close the lid tightly.

3. Insist for 6-12 days in a dark place with room temperature. After five days of aging, taste the taste once a day. When a pleasant aroma and characteristic cognac taste appears, filter the drink through cheesecloth and cotton wool. Add more sugar for sweetness if desired.

Attention! If you overexpose the drink on bark or pegs, an unpleasant oak flavor may appear.

4. Pour the finished starka into bottles for storage. Close hermetically. Before use, let it brew for 3-4 days in a cool dark place.

Fortress - 33-36%. The shelf life is up to 5 years.


I did not think that I would write a review on alcoholic topics, and even praise the drink at 43 degrees. But you have to)))

The hero of my review today is bitter tincture Starka. Reserve from Belarus.

Basic information:

  • Volume: classic 0.5 l.
  • Fortress: 43 %.
  • Price: up to 10 Belarusian rubles, the most common price tag is 9.90. In Russian rubles it is about 300, in dollars 5.

To be honest, I assumed that the price was an order of magnitude higher. Therefore, having learned the real cost, I was surprised.

  • Shelf life: 36 months.
  • Made in Belarus;
  • Where can I buy: in Belarus in stores of large retail chains, I met in Euroopt, Korona.


softened drinking water, luxury rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials, unseasoned rye distillate, alcoholized infusion of oak bark, sugar, apple extract, vanilla extract, raisin extract, sugar color I simple, prune extract, pear extract.

That is, both rectified alcohol and distillate are used. What is the difference? If interested, read here:

Until recently, all our legal vodkas and liqueurs based on them were made from rectified alcohol, i.e. purified on special rectification columns - devices for continuous steam and heat and mass exchange between counter flows of liquid. For 120 years, since the introduction of the state wine monopoly in the Russian Empire, this was the only permitted technology in the entire space of the former empire. And in the countries of her heirs, including even Poland and Finland, with a few exceptions. It was only in 2015 that industrial grain distillates were finally restored in Russia and Belarus.

In the old days, all spirits were made from distilled alcohol obtained in a distillation still, as today famous whiskey, rum, tequila, cognac, grappa, chacha and other traditional products are produced all over the world.

While writing a review, she significantly expanded her knowledge in the alcoholic field. Now I even know how Lux alcohol differs from Extra alcohol, which are the basis of strong alcoholic drinks.

The differences lie in the degree of purification of alcohol and the composition of the feedstock.

Pure alcohol deluxe contains 96.3%, Extra - 96.5%. According to this indicator, it seems that Extra is better, right?

But in the initial raw material, which is a grain or potato - grain mixture, the content potato starch

for alcohol Lux - no more than 35% is allowed,

and for Extra - 60% is possible.

We draw conclusions ourselves.

Let me remind you that alcohol is used in Stark Suite.


Starkey's bottle is pretty presentable. If I am not mistaken, such a square bottle is called damask.

Consistency and color:

The consistency is liquid, like ordinary vodka or bitters. But there is one peculiarity - an oily arc, characteristic of a good cognac, remains on the walls of the glass. The trace in the glass lasts a long time and flows down to the bottom, leaving beautiful "legs". It's a pity I didn't take a picture, and the next libation is not expected yet)))

Starkey's color is light amber, rather even straw. In the rays of sunshine, well, just beauty!

Taste and aroma:

I cannot say that I am an expert, connoisseur, or at least a connoisseur of strong alcoholic beverages. My opinion will be purely subjective. And yet, I will express it.

The taste of the drink is very mild. The alcoholic component is not at all nasty and does not hit in the nose. It is drunk softly and imperceptibly, while pleasantly warms. You can even not in one gulp, but in small sips. Taste a little with sweetness. And the aftertaste is light, pear-honey.

The aroma is also slightly sweet. There is a subtle smell of smoke, I suspect that this is how prunes work.

The taste and aroma are very natural. Starkey contains no artificial flavors, colors or flavors.

A little about the drink:

Starka is a novelty from JSC "Minsk Grape Wines Factory". Produced by the Brest branch of the plant, in the same place as the infamous Svoyak vodka. Not to be confused with the Brest distillery "Belalko", these are completely different enterprises.

A novelty that is not lost among others, but is confidently gaining popularity. Believe me, there is enough alcohol in Belarus, as well as the enterprises producing it. And what kind of bottles-labels-promises are not here! And they are new and new.

The tincture first appeared on sale in October 2017. And within a year it has become a truly popular alcoholic drink in Belarus. It does not linger on the shelves. It is not often found in stores, and only at large retail chains. And then, sometimes only the price tag remains on the shelves ...

A novelty, then a novelty, but the roots of this drink go back to the distant 15th century.

The legendary for Belarus alcoholic drink - "Starka", has been known to our ancestors since the 15th century. This rye vodka with a pleasant aftertaste and light fruity tones was the pride of distillers, was difficult to manufacture and was put on magnate tables on the most solemn occasions.

It was produced in an artisanal way (on landlord farms) in Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and the western regions of Russia. Known since the 15th century, it gained popularity in the 19th century, when cheap vodka made from potatoes appeared, and starka began to be considered a more valuable drink.

Modern Stark, by the way, is made according to an old recipe from 1858. According to the method of manufacture and the set of components, this tincture can be considered as a Slavic version of whiskey.

Starka spirit was made by double distillation of fermented rye wort in a distillation still, which brings the production of starka closer to the production of whiskey.

From what do I conclude that the drink is popular?

Our family leads a somewhat nomadic lifestyle. We ride on weekends in different cities and regions of our small country. And, I must say, Stark is known and respected in each of them.

First tried with parents. We paid attention to the beautiful packaging design and the good content inside.

Then they were visiting good friends. The status of which has long stepped over the banal vodka - there is an opportunity both to buy good expensive alcoholic drinks, and to treat them to them. So, this time we drank not 25 year old cognac, not malt whiskey. We were offered to rate Stark!

The next time we were going for a picnic and bought Stark ourselves. My friend saw her and was even delighted. "Stark ?! So praise, you have to try!"

Then I was on my guard. Are there too many coincidences? Everything suggests that these coincidences are a pattern.

I was finally convinced when I saw such a picture in the store. Moreover, not in one.

What to combine with:

Combined with barbecue - liked it!

Sliced ​​sausage - too.

With fruit - great! Especially with pear and melon.

Somehow not very much only with cheese.

Impressions from use:

Positive impressions! The drink warms and gently relaxes. In the morning does not make itself felt at all. Even after the state of "underdrink", when he drank less than he wanted, but more than he could.


If you live in Belarus and sometimes drink strong alcoholic drinks, and have not tried Stark yet, be sure to try it!

If you live in Belarus and are going to travel to another country, buy Stark as a souvenir.

If you are a guest in Belarus - find Starka and try it!

I think there will be no disappointed.

And yet, do not forget that this is a strong alcoholic drink, and excessive alcohol consumption ....

In general, when using today, think about tomorrow.


If you liked this review, read about another worthy alcoholic drink of Belarusian production - really good Razdivill champagne

And here is a review about the Belarusian moonshine infused with porcini mushrooms "Dobrogon craft".

And also about the city where Stark's bitter is produced - the Belarusian city of Brest.

Connoisseurs of strong alcohol, for sure, are familiar with such a name as Stark. This tincture was mentioned in the works of Bulgakov and Kuprin, and in a rather laudatory form.

Starka - rye alcoholic drink, which is a cross between wine and vodka, light brown in color, with a complex aroma and a slightly pungent taste.

Strong tincture, which quickly strikes in the head, appeared on the territory of the Lithuanian and Polish states as early as the 15th century, a little later they began to be engaged in its manufacture in Belarus.

It is believed that this drink used to know those times on solemn occasions - the conclusion of contracts, victory in battles, the birth of a child, etc.

Already after tincture gained popularity in the USSR, it began to be unofficially called Soviet whiskey, since the process of making the drink is very similar to the mentioned alcohol.

Starka has a very unusual taste, and it can take up to several decades to mature. Traditional technology involves double distillation of rye wort, which is then drained into strong oak containers and removed to cool cellars for at least 10 years... Sometimes the barrels were even buried in the ground. Thanks to the addition of pear and apple leaves, as well as a mixture of spices and various herbs, the drink acquired an unusual aroma, taste and shade.

The main role in the process of making the tincture belongs to the alcohol base. The fermented rye wort is placed in a still, where it is double distilled.

To get a drink with a more pleasant taste, it is infused in old oak barrels, in which wine or port has already matured.

For the manufacture of Starkey in an industrial environment, the following are used Ingredients:

  • Rectified alcohol;
  • cognac;
  • purified water;
  • infusion of pear and apple leaves;
  • port wine.

All components mix and insist.

The length of the holding period may vary. For example, in Russia Starka insists 10 years, while in Poland this period can be increased up to 50 years!

One of the important conditions for making a good drink is cool(storage temperature should not exceed 12 degrees). That is why barrels with tincture are placed in basements where there is an appropriate microclimate. With strict adherence to all the rules and recommendations, you can get strong alcohol, which is characterized by a bitter taste and a stunning cognac aroma with pear and apple notes.

As you know - the standard process for making Stark vodka very complex and time consuming. However, this does not prevent you from getting a drink at home. The only negative is that only a few moonshiners are waiting for Starkey to fully mature.

Over the course of several centuries, the technology for preparing the drink has undergone dramatic changes, however, if all the recommendations are followed, you can prepare a tincture very similar to the original.

Among the many recipes for making homemade tincture, 3 options can be distinguished, which are equally suitable for both people living in apartment buildings and the owners of private backyards.

Option 1

To prepare a drink according to this recipe, you must take the following ingredients:

  • Good quality vodka - 0.5 l.;
  • zest with 1/4 lemon;
  • sugar - 1/4 tsp;
  • oak bark - 1 tsp;
  • natural coffee - 3 grains;
  • ground nutmeg - 0.5 tsp.


Option 2

The manufacturing technology is the same as in the previous recipe, however, there are differences in the set of components: vanillin is used here, ground coffee and lemon slices are used instead of zest. The rest of the ingredients are the same, the only difference is their quantity. To prepare the bitter tincture according to the second recipe, we need the following ingredients:

  • High-quality vodka - 3 l.;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • oak bark - 45 gr.;
  • ground coffee - 1 tsp;
  • vanillin - 2 gr.;
  • nutmeg - 0.5 tsp


  • Finely chop the lemon and place in a glass jar.
  • Add ground coffee, sugar, nutmeg, oak bark and vanillin there.
  • Pour all components with vodka.
  • Close the container with an airtight lid and place in a cool place, where to infuse for 10 days, but it is better to extend the exposure period to at least two weeks.
  • After that, the drink must be filtered 2-3 times and bottled.
  • Store in a cool place.

Option 3

The tincture prepared with this recipe is the closest to factory standards The following ingredients should be taken

  • Vodka - 1 liter (if possible, it is better to use moonshine from rye wort, double distilled);
  • cognac - 50 gr.;
  • port wine - 100 gr.;
  • alcoholic infusion of apple and pear leaves - 25 ml.;
  • vanillin - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar syrup or fructose - 1 tsp


  • First, an infusion of pear and apple leaves is prepared. To do this, mix 20 gr. first and 50 gr. second.
  • The mixture is placed in a glass container and poured with 70% alcohol (1 l.)
  • Close the container and leave for a week in a cool place.
  • After this time, the apple and pear infusion will be ready.

Now proceeds directly to the preparation of the tincture itself.

  • All the ingredients used in this recipe are mixed in a glass jar.
  • The container is tightly closed and placed in a cool place.
  • Insist for 5 days (at least), while the can of the drink must be shaken periodically - at least 1 time / day.

The tincture is ready.

People living in the private sector have a significant advantage over residents of apartment buildings, because they can cook Starka according to the original recipe.

To do this, you need to prepare the above components and an already used oak barrel, in which you mix sugar syrup, rye moonshine, port wine, cognac, vanillin, fresh apple and pear leaves.

The container with the mixture placed in it is closed and sent to the cellar. Now all that remains is to wait at least 10 years. Of course, it seems like a very long time, but believe me - it's worth it.

As a result, you will get a truly elite drink that will become your pride. But if you are anxious to try the tincture as soon as possible and you are not ready to wait such a long time, there is a faster option for making a drink.

On sale you can find Stark vodka, obtained in a short time. The following ingredients were used to make it:

  • Cognac;
  • vodka;
  • port wine;
  • rosemary;
  • vanilla;
  • leaves of apple and pear trees.

It is moonshine that is used to make almost all bitters, including Starkey.

To get a drink that is truly fragrant, does not exude an unpleasant odor of various impurities and fusel oils, after which the head hurts the next day, it is necessary to properly prepare the solution.

First, choose the right raw material for the wort (ideally rye). You can use another type of moonshine, however, it should be borne in mind that the taste of the final product depends on the initial raw materials, the amount of yeast and sugar. For example, if you use legumes or potatoes, then you will end up with a sufficient amount of alcohol, however, it will be of very low quality. In this regard, additional distillation, filtration of the solution and thorough purification will be required.

Regardless of the type of raw materials used, it is very important to observe the technology for preparing the drink.

The solution is brought to the concentration of the alcohol base according to the recipe. If alcohol is indicated - up to approximately 70%, if vodka - up to 40%.

The use of a distillation column will help to obtain a higher quality moonshine with a minimum amount of impurities. Otherwise, the manufacturing process for Starkey is similar to that described above.

As you already understood, it is not so difficult to prepare a drink on your own that matches the original one as much as possible. Moreover, now it is quite possible to do without long infusion, double distillation of the alcohol base and other difficulties.

Correctly selected ingredients, even with a short maturation period of the tincture, will help you get the same tasty and aromatic drink as the original Stark vodka.

The territories of Lithuania, Poland, and a little later also Belarus. It is generally accepted that the nobility of that time indulged themselves with this alcohol on special occasions - the birth of a child, the long-awaited victory, the conclusion of profitable contracts. The drink itself is very similar to whiskey in manufacturing technology, and that is why its second (unofficial name) is "Soviet whiskey". So Stark was doomed after she gained popularity on the territory of the USSR.

The drink has a rather peculiar taste, and it can take more than a dozen years to ripen. According to traditional technology, rye wort was distilled twice, poured into strong oak barrels and removed for at least 10 years in cool cellars. In some cases, the container was generally buried in the ground. The drink acquired an unusual shade, taste and aroma due to the presence in the composition of apple and pear leaves, a mixture of herbs and spices.

Strong and aromatic alcohol is mentioned in many works of art and songs. For example, the characters of M.A. Bulgakov or V.S. Vysotsky, after drinking the starks, they simply did not remember what happened to them on the eve of the libation.

Today, starka (bitter tincture) can well be prepared at home, however, few moonshiners wait until the drink is fully ripe. The recipe for aromatic strong alcohol has changed a lot over several centuries, but if you follow the recommendations, you can make a similar tincture.

Starkey recipes

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At the moment, there are several modified methods for preparing herbal bitters. Explore our recipes and try to create legendary alcohol with your own hands.

Recipe number 1. Simple drink option

To make starka using this method, you will need the following ingredients:

  • moonshine or vodka - 3 l.;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • oak bark - 2-3 tbsp. l .;
  • ground nutmeg - ½ tsp;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • ground coffee beans - 1 tsp

Read also: On the use of tinctures of bee podmore

Cut the lemon into small cubes, put it in a glass container, add the rest of the ingredients and pour over with alcohol. A future starka in a dark cool place should be infused for at least one and a half weeks. After that, the drink is passed through a layer of cotton wool several times and distributed into bottles for long-term storage.

Lovers of sweeter alcohol can be advised to add room temperature sugar syrup to the finished drink. You can make it from 150 gr. sugar and ½ glass of water. It is necessary to add the sweetener little by little, periodically trying the resulting solution.

During the Soviet era, another method of cooking starka at home was widespread.

Tincture "Stark"

conditions. For the drink, we took such components as:

  • vodka - 1 l.;
  • concentrated alcoholic infusion of apple and pear leaves - 1 glass;
  • fructose or sugar syrup - 1-2 tsp;
  • cognac - 1.5 glasses;
  • port wine - ½ cup;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife.

It is quite simple to prepare an infusion from the foliage of fruit trees. For him take about 40-50 grams. apple and 20-30 gr. pear leaves, put them in a jar and pour a liter of alcohol diluted to 70%. After a week, the liquid is filtered, after which it can be used to make starks.

All components are mixed in a glass jar or bottle, infused for 5-7 days, and then passed through several filters. The drink will then be ready to drink.

As you can see for yourself, it is quite possible to prepare a drink reminiscent of the legendary "Stark" without prolonged infusion in oak barrels, double distillation of the alcohol base and other difficulties.

Competently selected components with a short ripening will help you achieve the same taste and aroma that distinguished the original bitter tincture.