Salted zucchini for the winter. Crispy zucchini for the winter in jars: instant recipes with a photo Pickled zucchini recipe

11.08.2021 Desserts and cakes

Zucchini is very popular, one might even say a traditional vegetable of our region. It is very versatile as it allows you to prepare a variety of dishes. In addition, it is an extremely healthy product: it can absorb toxic substances, cholesterol and excess water, speeds up digestion and quickly saturates the stomach. Taking into account all these advantages of zucchini, it is simply a sin not to make preparations from it for the winter.

Sauerkraut is a very economical recipe. At the same time, they can be both a side dish for meat, and an appetizer for potatoes or an ingredient in a salad. Such zucchini is much healthier than recipes with pickling, cooking caviar, salads and others, since they contain fewer various preservatives (for example, vinegar).

How to choose zucchini for winter harvesting

For fermentation, it is better to choose young fruits, without damage and with dense pulp. Of course, it is preferable to take fruits without seeds, as they will be softer.

Selected zucchini must be well washed and dried, and then cut off the "tail" and "nose". Only then can they be cut into suitable pieces. Most often, zucchini is fermented for the winter, cutting into circles or large cubes. But, in general, the method of slicing depends on the chosen recipe.

Additional components for sauerkraut

Like similar preparations of other vegetables, you can emphasize the taste of zucchini by adding horseradish (leaves or root), hot peppers, dill or garlic. In addition, cherry, raspberry, grape and currant leaves can be added for piquancy.

Also, zucchini goes well with other vegetables, such as carrots, cabbage, bell peppers. In general, any spices you like, such as turmeric or basil, are suitable for sauerkraut.

We store pickled zucchini correctly

The advantage of pickling zucchini is that they can be harvested not only in a special barrel, but also in a jar under a nylon lid. The main rule: keep containers in a cool place - cellar or refrigerator.

Usually, after cooking, the zucchini are ready to eat after 3 days. If you still want to roll up the dish with metal lids, then after the zucchini have fermented for a couple of days, the brine must be drained and boiled. Banks also need to be sterilized in boiled water for 15 minutes. After that, you can roll up the dish without worrying that the lids will "explode" in winter.

  • Young zucchini can be fermented according to the same recipes as cucumbers.
  • Instead of zucchini, you can take their "relatives": squash or zucchini.
  • If you decide to ferment zucchini in a barrel, then choose wooden (for example, oak) containers, they themselves contain many useful elements that will also give a special taste to vegetables.
  • It is better to roll up zucchini with metal lids if there is no cold storage space, this will allow them not to oxyderate.
  • You can ferment the zucchini with cucumbers in half, so you get two excellent snacks at once to the table.
  • If you want to play it safe against a possible "explosion" of the lids, you can add aspirin to the jars before filling with brine at the rate of 3 tablets per 3-liter container.

The classic recipe for sauerkraut

If you are fermenting zucchini for the first time and are afraid to do something wrong, use a recipe proven over the years.


  • zucchini - 1.5 kg;
  • on a branch of dill and horseradish;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 g salt;
  • several bay leaves (2-3 pieces);
  • peppercorns.

Cooking process:

  1. We clean the fruits of dirt, cut off the tips and cut them into 3-4 cm thick circles.
  2. Lay the zucchini in layers with dill, horseradish and garlic. If you want to make a spicy dish, then you can add hot peppers (no more than one pod).
  3. Prepare the brine: add salt, bay leaves and pepper to boiling water.
  4. Fill the fruits with brine and sterilize under the lid for 10 minutes.
  5. Roll up the mixture and wrap until cool.
  6. After three days, we put the dish in a cool room.
  7. Zucchini prepared according to this recipe can be rolled up in jars. But first, you need to boil the brine from the resulting workpiece, and sterilize the cans.

Sauerkraut stuffed with carrots

A very original appetizer recipe that should not be ignored if you like crunchy preparations.


  • zucchini - 3 kg;
  • carrots -1 kg;
  • onions - 3 pieces of medium size;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces;
  • hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • salt and sugar - 1 tablespoon each;
  • peppercorns;
  • coriander;
  • water - 1 liter.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepared zucchini by crumbling thin (about 3 mm) long plates.
  2. We boil water with salt, cook the zucchini in it for a couple of minutes.
  3. We immediately throw the cooked plates into cold water to cool down faster.
  4. Rub the washed carrots to make a thin straw, chop the onion in half rings.
  5. Soak the greens a little, let them drain and finely chop.
  6. Chop the pod of hot pepper into thin rings.
  7. We crush the peeled garlic using a press.
  8. We mix all the ingredients in a large bowl.
  9. We wrap the resulting minced meat in zucchini plates to make rolls, and put them in well-washed jars.
  10. Next, you need to prepare the brine. To do this, bring salt, sugar, bay leaves, coriander seeds and pepper to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  11. When the filling has cooled down a little and is warm, pour it into jars with zucchini rolls.
  12. We cover with a lid and leave to ferment for about five days, then we put them in a cold place.

Sauerkraut with cabbage

This recipe is very original. And thanks to the addition of cabbage, you can double the volume of the harvest.


  • 1 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 kg of white cabbage;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 2-3 bay leaves;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the prepared zucchini into small cubes, and finely chop the cabbage.
  2. Rub the carrots with a grater with large holes.
  3. Put all the vegetables in a large bowl, add pepper, bay leaf and salt to them.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly, cover with a plate and set some kind of weight on top.
  5. We leave it in this form for 3 days, then put it in jars.

Sauerkraut with squash and celery

This dish will allow you to move away from the usual recipes, diversify the taste of winter preparations and after the very first preparation will take its rightful place in your cookbook.


  • 1 kg of zucchini and squash;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • a bunch of celery;
  • 1 sprig of mint;
  • 2 branches of dill;
  • a few leaves of horseradish, cherries and currants.

Cooking process:

  1. As in all recipes, you first need to rinse and cut off the zucchini "butts", cut them into thick circles.
  2. We choose young patissons so that their peel is thin. We also cut off their tails and pierce them in several places with a fork.
  3. We spread the zucchini and squash in layers, between which it is also necessary to lay greens, leaves and garlic.
  4. From above, cover this entire blank with a lid of horseradish leaves and dill inflorescences.
  5. We prepare a simple brine: from water and salt.
  6. When it boils and cools down, fill it with vegetables. We press on top with oppression.
  7. In this form, we leave the vegetables to ferment for three weeks. After that, the dish is ready to eat.

Delicious and healthy pickled zucchini will delight you and your loved ones all winter. Bon Appetit!

We all know perfectly well that sauerkraut is delicious. But it turns out that sauerkraut no less tasty dish. Moreover, they are prepared very easily and simply. The only caveat is that you need to store pickled zucchini only in a cool place.

For making pickles you will need

  • Zucchini - 2kg
  • Garlic - 2-4 heads

Brine: for 1 liter of water

  • Salt - 80g
  • Sugar - 10g
  • Black pepper - 10 peas
  • Allspice - 10 peas
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Coriander seeds - 1 teaspoon

Cooking process

1. First you need to prepare the brine. To do this, add salt and sugar to the water and boil for three minutes. Then you need to add the rest of the spices and continue cooking for another five minutes. After the brine is ready, it must be cooled.

2. Prepare the garlic as follows: peel and cut into small pieces.

3. Zucchini must also be peeled. If there are seeds in the middle, then they must be removed. Cut the fruits into slices 2-3 cm thick. If the zucchini diameter is too large, then they need to be cut into halves or even quarters. And very young zucchini, without peeling, can be cut into circles or small cubes, as indicated in the photo.

4. Spread zucchini in layers in sterile containers, sprinkling them with garlic. Fill with warm brine and insist at room temperature for a couple of days.

5. After a while, we sterilize cans, small displacement - 7-10 minutes, larger - 20 minutes.

6. We close the cans with plastic lids or metal lids.

Store in the refrigerator.

If you have a large crop of zucchini, then by all means make zucchini caviar for winter stocks or.

Sauerkraut for the winter is a simple and tasty appetizer that goes well with any dish as a side dish. The main condition under which vegetables can be stored for a long time is that the jars should be kept in a cool room. This could be a cellar or refrigerator. You can also prepare such an appetizer on everyday days to pamper your loved ones with delicious pickles.

Zucchini with currant and cherry leaves

You can ferment vegetables for every day without sterilization when the season of zucchini has begun. The recipes for this conservation are quite simple.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 kg of small zucchini;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • A bunch of fresh dill;
  • Currant leaves;
  • Cherry leaves;
  • Horseradish leaves;
  • Boiled filtered water;
  • 30 grams of coarsely ground table salt.

Cooking method without sterilization:

Vegetables are fermented according to this recipe, usually in a barrel. First you need to prepare vegetables and herbs. Everything needs to be thoroughly rinsed under running water, the zucchini should be cut into large circles, the dill should be finely chopped. It is better to take zucchini young and without seeds. Peel the garlic.

Next, we cook in this way: first you need to prepare the container. Currant and cherry leaves, horseradish leaves and peeled garlic are placed on the bottom. Then, you need to lay out the sliced ​​zucchini tightly. Top with chopped dill. Then, add salt and pour boiling water over everything.

Place the barrel in the refrigerator. After 3 - 4 days, the snack can be served at the table. Vegetables according to this recipe will turn out to be incredibly tasty.

Canned zucchini with carrots

Sauerkraut is ideal as a side dish for main courses, especially mashed potatoes or fish. What other recipes are there? For example, the way to prepare this carrot snack is pretty simple.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 kg of zucchini;
  • 200 grams of carrots;
  • Fresh dill;
  • 10 grams of horseradish root;
  • Hot pepper pod;
  • Head of garlic;
  • 55 grams of table salt;
  • 1 liter of filtered water;
  • Black peppercorns;
  • Fresh currant and cherry leaves.

See also
Instant salted mushrooms at homeRead

Instant pickled vegetables:

Zucchini must be thoroughly rinsed and the stalk cut off, then cut into large rings. Peel the head of garlic, separate the cloves from each other and cut them into slices. Wash greens. Peel and grate the horseradish root. Chop the hot pepper into circles together with the seeds. Cut the carrots into rings.

To ferment zucchini in jars, the jars must first be sterilized. This is necessary to make the fermented zucchini last longer.

Put greens and hot pepper on the bottom of the jar. Lay out some of the zucchini. Then add garlic, carrots and some greens. Put the zucchini again. When the jar is full, lay out the grated horseradish root, dill and cover everything with salt. Pour boiled water over.

Cover and place something heavy on top. Leave for 10 days. At this time, brine will flow out of the jar, so it is recommended to put a deep cup under it. After 10 days, they can be rolled up and sent to the cellar.

This crispy appetizer is the perfect accompaniment to any meal.

Sauerkraut with cucumbers

There are various recipes for pickled zucchini, for example, with cucumbers. This is a light snack that the whole family will enjoy.

Required Ingredients:

  • 4 young zucchini of medium size;
  • Small cucumbers;
  • 2 sprigs and a root of fresh parsley;
  • A bunch of fresh dill;
  • Celery;
  • Horseradish leaves;
  • Currant and cherry leaves;
  • A sprig of tarragon;
  • Black peppercorns;
  • Head of garlic;
  • Hot pepper (optional);
  • 2 liters of filtered water;
  • 55 grams of table salt;
  • 10 grams of granulated sugar.

Method for preparing zucchini starter culture for the winter:

Prepared marinated zucchini as follows: rinse the vegetables thoroughly under running water. Cut the cucumbers from the side of the stalk. Cut the courgettes into rings. Wash the herbs, chop the parsley and dill. Finely chop the parsley root. Cut the garlic into slices.

In order not to be too sour in vegetables, you can not add acetic acid. How to prepare the pickle? For this, sugar and salt must be diluted in boiling water.

Put currant and cherry leaves, some greens, parsley root and garlic on the bottom of a saucepan or any other container. Then put the vegetables in the middle. Then put the remaining greens, hot peppers and peppercorns and lay out the vegetables. When the container is full, you can pour the marinade over the vegetables.

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Cover the container with a lid or cloth. Leave the zucchini to ferment for 4 days. After 4 days, vegetables can be put in jars and sent to the refrigerator.

According to this recipe, zucchini can be rolled up for the winter. To do this, after 4 days, drain the brine, strain it and boil it. Rinse zucchini and cucumbers under water along with spices, and then put in clean jars. Pour everything with marinade, after 7 minutes pour it out again and boil again. Repeat two more times. After that, the jars can be sterilized. When the jars are cool, they can be sent to the cellar.

Making moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the end of the existence of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and an article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law prohibiting you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - making alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ "On Administrative Liability of Legal Entities (Organizations) and Individual Entrepreneurs for Offenses in the Field of Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcohol and Alcohol-Containing Products" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 28 , art. 3476).

Excerpt from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

"The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) who produce products containing ethyl alcohol, not for the purpose of marketing."

Home brewing in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Administrative Offenses of January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. So, according to article 335 "Production and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages", the illegal manufacture for the sale of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, home brew and other alcoholic beverages, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with the confiscation of alcoholic beverages , devices, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten non-taxable minimum wages for the manufacture and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for storage without the purpose of selling devices * for its production.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. "Making or purchasing strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their manufacture (mash), storage of apparatus for their manufacture" in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Clause No. 1 informs: "The production of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine) by individuals, semi-finished products for their manufacture (mash), as well as the storage of devices * used for their manufacture, - entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with the confiscation of the specified drinks, semi-finished products and apparatus ".

* It is still possible to purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumery.