Diet menu of meat dishes. Beef diet dishes: cooking features

25.09.2019 Salads

Losing weight, gaining muscle mass, diet or proper nutrition - all this requires a special approach from a person to draw up a daily menu. To help your body get rid of excess fat and keep it in good shape, you need to include in your diet low-calorie foods, one of which is meat. It is an irreplaceable supplier of protein, amino acids, trace elements and vitamins, without which the full functioning of all organs and systems of the human body is impossible. Among the products of animal origin, there are those that differ in the minimum calorie content and are considered dietary.

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    Rating of types of meat

    Nutritionists have compiled a calorie rating for all meat varieties traditionally used in cooking:

    The types of meat that occupy the first six positions can be safely classified as dietary.


    The most low-calorie type of meat is veal. Fats and carbohydrates are practically absent in it. With the help of properly cooked veal, you can quickly lose weight, but nutritionists do not recommend getting too carried away with this product.

    It is believed that red meat from calves, when consumed in excess, increases the risk of developing cancer. But if you eat a portion of veal 1-2 times a week, and on other days include other types of meat in the diet, it will benefit the body.


    Horse meat contains a large number of B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. It does not contain cholesterol, which is dangerous for people with heart and vascular diseases.

    Despite the benefits of the product, horse meat is rarely found on the tables of our compatriots. But if possible, it is advisable at least sometimes to include in the diet of young horse meat, in which the minimum fat content.


    Chicken meat is well digested, it tastes good with any method of heat treatment. Chicken fiber contains vitamins A, D, E, phosphorus and iron.

    Chicken goes well with various products: vegetables, herbs, cereals. However, it is recommended to separate the skin from the carcass during cooking, as it contains the highest amount of fat.


    The most popular type of dietary meat in the world is beef. It is absolutely safe for health, so dishes made from it can be eaten even by people with chronic diseases. Lean meat, properly cooked, normalizes stomach acidity, is quickly digested and easily absorbed.

    The only drawback of the product is the lengthy cooking process: for the dish to become soft and tender, you will need to spend some time in the kitchen.


    Turkey fillet is considered the record holder for phosphorus content: there is much more of it in poultry than in sea fish. The product is also useful in that it contains selenium, B vitamins, antioxidants and bioflavonoids. Nutritionists advise choosing the lighter part of the carcass - it is the least fat.

    Don't eat turkey skin. It contains a lot of calories, which when losing weight can nullify all efforts.


    It is customary to include rabbit meat in many dietary diets. Such popularity of the product is explained by the balanced content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and low calorie content. Rabbit meat improves lipid metabolism, which leads to an acceleration of metabolism and helps to normalize weight.

    Rabbit meat is hypoallergenic, therefore it will be appropriate on the tables of allergy sufferers and asthmatics. The main thing is to choose a dry carcass of a pale pink color, without foreign odors, bruises and bruises.


    The energy value of mutton is much higher than that of the above types of product. Therefore, it can be considered dietary meat only with a stretch. Regular consumption of lamb can provoke the development of atherosclerosis and obesity. Elderly people, patients with diseases of the joints, blood vessels and heart are advised to exclude this type of meat from the diet.

    Despite the relatively high calorie content, lamb has some medicinal properties. It contains B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, iodine and iron, which are essential for anemia.


    Doctors have long dispelled the myth that pork is poorly absorbed by the body. It has a valuable composition that contains vitamins, zinc and iron. Pork stimulates milk production in nursing mothers, allows you to quickly restore energy after severe physical exertion or a protracted illness.

    Goose and duck

    Goose and duck meat closes the list of products, since it is the fattest. It contains cholesterol, which is dangerous for diabetics and people who are overweight or obese.

    Poultry is contraindicated for people with diseases of the stomach, liver and pancreas. Despite the fact that the fibers of goose and duck contain useful minerals, vitamins and amino acids, this category of meat should be excluded from the diet when losing weight.

    Recipes for cooking dietary meat dishes

    The benefits of meat largely depend on how it is cooked. Frying in butter or margarine, introducing various additives into the minced meat automatically increases the calorie content of the dish. For example, the energy value of chicken fillet is only 160 kilocalories, and chicken cutlet made from the same meat is 330 kcal, that is, 2 times higher.

    The most dietary dishes are those that are steamed or in the oven with a minimum amount of salt, vegetable and animal fats. Vegetables are considered the best food addition to meat - raw, boiled or stewed.

    Below are 5 recipes for preparing delicious and healthy dishes from different types of dietary meat that will help you lose weight and maintain a slim figure.

    Warm chicken salad

    To make this low-calorie but hearty salad, you will need:

    • 200 g chicken breast or legs (no fat);
    • 400 g broccoli;
    • 1 medium carrot;
    • lemon;
    • olive oil.


    1. 1. Free the chicken from the skin and boil until tender.
    2. 2. Peel and cut carrots into pieces.
    3. 3. Simmer vegetables over low heat for 10 minutes.
    4. 4. Cut the boiled chicken into cubes, add to warm vegetables.
    5. 5. Pour the salad with olive oil and sprinkle with freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon.
    6. 6. Arrange in portioned plates and serve.

    If desired, you can add other green vegetables to carrots and broccoli: courgette, zucchini, asparagus, or green beans.

    Turkey meatballs

    This dish is so harmless that it can even be given to babies as complementary foods. To create a culinary masterpiece you will need:

    • 500 g turkey fillet;
    • 1 head of onion;
    • a small zucchini;
    • stalks of stalked celery;
    • 4 tsp oat flakes "Hercules";
    • 2-3 cloves of garlic (optional);
    • onions and carrots for frying;
    • sunflower oil.


    1. 1. Pass the turkey and vegetables through a meat grinder.
    2. 2. Stir the mixture and add to it the oatmeal, spices, salt and pepper to taste.
    3. 3. Form meatballs from the minced meat and place in a wide saucepan.
    4. 4. Peel the onion separately and cut into cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
    5. 5. Fry with a little oil and place in a saucepan.
    6. 6. Pour meatballs with water and simmer over low heat for half an hour.
    7. 7. Serve with low fat sour cream or herbs.

    Turkey meatballs can be cooked not only on the stove: this recipe is perfect for a multicooker as well.

    Beef with vegetables

    Steaming beef with vegetables makes a dietary meal that will keep you feeling full for several hours. To prepare it you will need:

    • 400 g of beef;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 1 tomato;
    • 150 ml milk or water;
    • half a lemon.


    1. 1. Clean the beef from fat layers and films.
    2. 2. Cut the meat into large slices and beat slightly.
    3. 3. Rub with salt and fry in a preheated pan greased with a small layer of vegetable oil.
    4. 4. Add a little water, cover and leave to simmer over low heat.
    5. 5. Boil carrots until half cooked, grate on a fine grater.
    6. 6. Twist the tomato in a meat grinder or grate.
    7. 7. Add milk and juice of half a lemon to vegetables.
    8. 8. Pour the mixture into a skillet and simmer until tender.

    Beef prepared according to this recipe will be an excellent addition to the diet.

    Rabbit in sour cream

    Rabbit and vegetable stew is not only healthy, but also delicious. The composition and quantity of vegetables can be changed at your discretion. To prepare a stew with vegetables you will need:

    • 600 g of rabbit meat;
    • 200-300 g frozen vegetable mixture;
    • 4-6 st. l. sour cream;
    • salt and black pepper to taste;
    • vegetable oil.


    1. 1. Cut the rabbit carcass into small pieces.
    2. 2. Place in a frying pan greased with sunflower oil and fry on both sides until golden brown.
    3. 3. Season with salt and pepper, add a mixture of slightly defrosted vegetables.
    4. 4. Simmer covered over low heat for 20 minutes.
    5. 5. Add sour cream and a small amount of boiled water, stir, cover and simmer until the meat is fully cooked (about 20-30 minutes), stirring occasionally.

    Store mixed vegetables can be substituted for foods that are on hand. As additional ingredients, you can use zucchini, carrots, green beans, corn, asparagus.

    French meat

    Unlike the traditional recipe, there is no mayonnaise, which significantly increases the calorie content of the finished dish. But despite the slightly changed composition, the French meat turns out to be appetizing and satisfying. Would need:

    • 500 g pork tenderloin or chicken fillet;
    • 1-2 fresh tomatoes;
    • 1 head of onion;
    • 2 tbsp. l sour cream or yogurt with a low percentage of fat;
    • 100 g of any hard cheese (no more than 30%);
    • salt, pepper and aromatic spices to taste.


    1. 1. Cut the pork into portions, after removing the films and layers of fat, if any.
    2. 2. Beat the pulp from both sides, sprinkle with salt, pepper and spices (optional).
    3. 3. Place the prepared pieces on a baking sheet covered with parchment.
    4. 4. Grease the meat with sour cream or yogurt.
    5. 5. Put a ring of onion and tomato on each piece.
    6. 6. Grate the cheese and sprinkle it over the meat.
    7. 7. Send the baking sheet to the preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes at 170 degrees.

    Dishes prepared according to the proposed recipes will make the dietary menu varied, and the process of losing weight will be as comfortable as possible.

    And a little about secrets ...

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Since ancient times, meat has been an integral part of the diet of almost all human cultures. Due to the content of a large amount of protein and essential amino acids for the human body, which cannot be obtained from other types of food.

Due to the large amount of protein, meat takes a long time to digest, as a result of which a person does not feel hunger, and accordingly eats less than he could if he ate something else.

This product perfectly restores strength, which is necessary after heavy physical exertion. So dietary meat dishes must necessarily be in the diet of athletes and people who are engaged in hard physical labor.

Today there are many types of meat. It is not only the animal that was the source of this product, but also the part of the carcass that is used for food.

Types of dietary meat

If we consider meat as a product that can help to lose weight, then it should be noted that only dietary varieties should be eaten for weight loss. To date, the following are considered dietary varieties:

Rabbit meat... This product has an almost ideal ratio of calories to fat and protein for weight loss. Rabbit meat is hypoallergenic, easily digestible and helps in normalizing fat metabolism. However, in order for the use of rabbit meat to bring only benefits, you should only eat fresh food. To determine the freshness of a rabbit, you need to carefully examine the carcass. The carcass should not smell and be wet. There should be no bruises or bruises on it either. Rabbit meat should have a pleasant pale pink color.

Turkey. Perhaps the most dietary meat. It belongs to the dietary one due to its relatively low fat content. It should be noted that there is even more of such an element as phosphorus in turkey than in sea fish. In addition, this healthy dietary meat contains vitamins of group B and vitamin P. To reduce weight, you need to choose the part of the carcass with the least fat;

Chicken, as a dietary meat, is known to everyone who has ever thought about losing weight. Chicken is rich in vitamins and easily digestible protein. However, in order to lose weight using this product, you should eat chicken without skin and fat layers, and also choose the leanest part of the chicken - the breast.

Veal... The lowest-calorie meat, however, in addition to this advantage, it has several disadvantages that prevent it from becoming the best dietary one. The fact is that veal has incompletely formed fibers, which are not very useful for the human body. In addition, all types of red meat increase the risk of developing malignant tumors. So this product costs no more than once a week.

Beef... It differs from other varieties in its unique composition and properties. It is easily absorbed and can normalize stomach acidity. However, eating it every day is still not worth it. Also, the disadvantages of beef include a lot of time that should be spent on preparing a dietary product. In order for a dish from this product to be called dietary, it is necessary to choose the least fatty parts of the carcass.

Horsemeat. This is far from the most popular meat variety, some people generally consider it "dirty" and unsuitable for food. However, such a product is able to fill the body's need for many elements, as well as amino acids. Horse meat contains very little fat and a large amount of complete protein. In addition to all this, horse meat is valuable because it does not contain cholesterol, so people with high cholesterol levels can eat it. The only drawback of this product is its specific taste and smell.

Mutton, like horse meat, also has a specific taste and smell. This variety contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, especially iron, which is more in it than in other types of meat. In addition, lamb contains lecithin, which helps the body to normalize metabolic processes and blood cholesterol levels. However, lamb is very fatty and may well provoke cardiovascular disease in persons prone to them.

Pork. Pig meat contains a large amount of trace elements and vitamins. Pork proteins are fairly easy to digest. However, when losing weight, it is worth considering that pork is very high in calories, so it should only be eaten in small quantities.

Who can eat meat

Meat products can be eaten by almost everyone, the exceptions are those people who suffer from diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and liver. The fact is that, like any protein food, meat creates a great load on these organs. In addition, when choosing the type of meat that will be eaten, it is necessary to take into account the individual properties of the product. So lamb, pork and some parts of beef carcass cannot be eaten by people with vascular and heart diseases, and veal is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract.

How to cook dietary meat

The most dietary cooking option is cooking, in water or steam. However, this is far from the only cooking method. Meat dishes can be baked without oil and even fried. The only condition is that a minimum of oil should be used when frying, or the cooking process should take place without it.

When preparing dietary meals, many nutritionists advise using a minimum of spices and salt, or even do without them.

Diet meat dishes:

Meat with vegetables is an excellent dietary meal. Both types of food contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Meat, in turn, contains protein, and vegetables, fiber. Meat can be cooked separately, vegetables can be used as a side dish, or you can prepare a dish where everything will be together. This dish is roast.

To cook roast, you need to take: a pound of veal or beef, a medium bunch of herbs, a glass of vegetable broth, three onions and three lightly salted cucumbers. All vegetables must be peeled and cut, and the greens must be washed thoroughly. Greens together with vegetables must be passed through a meat grinder, thus obtaining a homogeneous gruel. The beef is also washed and cut into small pieces. Divide the vegetable mass into two parts, and put one part on the bottom of the non-stick pan. Next, beef is laid out in the second layer. The last layer is the second part of the vegetable mixture. Then all this is poured over with vegetable broth. Further, dietary meat with vegetables is sent to a heated oven, where it is until fully cooked.

The most important dish that should be in the diet of a losing weight is this is a dietary soup with meat. In principle, almost any soup can be made dietary, except, perhaps, those that are boiled in cream. It is only necessary to boil the meat separately and fry the vegetables without oil or simmer them instead of frying.

Boiled meat can also be called a dietary meal. Boiling removes fat from the product, making it even lower in calories. The most important thing is not to overcook the dish, otherwise it will become tough.

Oven baked meat can also be dietary. It is only necessary not to use fatty sauces, such as mayonnaise, and a large amount of oil. You can also bake meat in foil. In this case, it retains its juices and turns out to be soft.

It is also fashionable to bake meat with vegetables. An example of such a recipe is dietary meat in french... In this case, you need to take a pound of veal, two small onions, nine hundred grams of pumpkin, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, two glasses of vegetable broth and a tablespoon of lemon juice. It is necessary to peel and cut the onion into half rings. Peel and dice the pumpkin. Rinse and cut the veal into small pieces. In a deep container with a non-stick coating, half the pumpkin is placed on the bottom, half of the onion goes in the second layer, and then the veal. After that, first the remaining onion is evenly stacked, and then the second part of the pumpkin. All this is poured with broth and recovered in the oven. Sprinkle the finished dish with lemon juice.

Diet meat soufflé is one of the most delicious dietary meals. For a simple preparation of this dish, you need to take: five hundred grams of meat, half a liter of water, two hundred milliliters of milk or cream, a teaspoon of salt, two eggs and half a teaspoon of ground black pepper. The meat is cut into small pieces and steamed for twenty minutes. After that, it is ground in a blender with the addition of all other products until smooth. The mixture should be transferred to a baking dish and sent to the preheated oven for twenty-five minutes.

Many diets that last for several days do not include meat and meat products. The picture is different with a monthly diet - at least once a week, it is allowed to eat a dietary beef dish. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to eat meat during a diet, we will talk about a diet based on beef and vegetables.

Dietary characteristics of beef

There are a huge number of diets that are based on chicken meat, and beef diets are practically not common. Low-fat beef meat in terms of characteristics and useful properties is practically not inferior to chicken meat.

Not so long ago, experts in the field of dietetics conducted an experiment: 30 women ate a chicken-based diet for a week, 30 other women ate beef for a week. As a result, all participants in the experiment managed to lose the same amount of kilograms. Based on research, it was concluded that eating beef during the diet is okay, but in limited quantities.

Beef meat contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Meat is also rich in vitamins and minerals, which are not enough in the body due to diet.

Diet on meat with vegetables

The beef diet stands out among other methods of losing weight in that there is practically no feeling of hunger. Even a small piece of meat has enough nutritional value to replace a full lunch or dinner. In addition to beef, during the diet, it is allowed to include the following foods in the daily diet:

  • Skim cheese;
  • Herbal teas;
  • Fresh juices;
  • Boiled eggs (no more than 2 yolks per day, unlimited protein);
  • Porridge based on oatmeal or bran;
  • Sour milk products with low fat content;
  • Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.

Losing weight on a meat diet occurs due to the fact that beef is very quickly absorbed by the body.

Features of the beef diet:

  1. Dieting for 14 days can help you lose up to 8 kilograms. Weight is actively lost in the first days of the diet, then the result is fixed and fixed.
  2. In addition to tea and juices, you should drink at least 2 liters of clean water every day.
  3. After the age of 40, it is better to replace beef with veal, so the result of losing weight will be more noticeable.
  4. Before starting a beef diet, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. The diet is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, etc.

Sample menu for 1 day

The menu below can be adjusted depending on taste and preferences using the permitted products that have been described above.

  1. Breakfast: a casserole is prepared from 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, a spoonful of honey, eggs, vanilla and cornstarch. The mixture can be baked or cooked in a double boiler.
  2. Lunch: beef chop, any fruit (except bananas and grapes), a cup of green tea, or plain water.
  3. Afternoon snack: a glass of natural yogurt;
  4. Dinner: a slice of boiled beef, vegetable salad, herbal tea.

During the day, you must drink at least two liters of clean water, the first glass - 20 minutes before breakfast. The last meal is no later than 6 pm.

Diet number 5

Beef is included in the diet of diet number 5. At the same time, you can eat meat just like that in a boiled or baked form, or cook cutlets, meatballs, pilaf and other dishes from it.

Beef cutlet recipe

Required products:

  • Beef meat;
  • Potatoes (if desired, you can replace them with carrots, this will not affect the taste);
  • Stale white bread;
  • Milk;
  • Salt and pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. Beef meat is washed under running water, cleaned of veins and films, passed through a meat grinder (you can grind it in a blender);
  2. Potatoes (carrots) are grated and added to the cooked minced meat;
  3. The bread is pre-soaked in milk for half an hour;
  4. The resulting mixture (together with milk) is added to the minced meat. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed;
  5. Salt and pepper are added to taste;
  6. Cutlets are formed from minced meat, they are laid out on a baking sheet and half filled with plain water;
  7. The baking sheet is placed in the oven until the cutlets are completely cooked.

You can also cook beef cutlets in a double boiler.

Beef in the Ducan Diet

The Ducan diet, which is quite popular all over the world, also allows the use of beef. A huge number of recipes have been developed specifically for this nutritional system.

Ducan Beef Recipe

  1. The meat is washed under water, peeled and cut into small pieces;
  2. Pieces of beef are placed on a baking sheet, filled with marinating sauce and left for three hours;
  3. Onions and garlic are thoroughly chopped and then fried in a pan until golden brown.
  4. In the same frying pan, marinated meat is fried (about 20 minutes, the pieces are constantly mixed for uniform heat treatment).
  5. Fried onions and garlic are added to the finished meat.

Meat recipes for diet

In order for beef to be suitable for eating during a diet, it must be baked, stewed or boiled with a minimum of oil. Below are the most common dietary beef recipes.

Boiled beef

A piece of boiled beef has a low calorie content, while in terms of satiety it can replace a full meal. To prepare a dish, the following products are required:

  • Half a kilo of fresh beef;
  • Two medium-sized onions;
  • Small carrot;
  • Celery;
  • Thyme;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

So, it was decided: from tomorrow (from Monday, the first day of the next month, new year - underline the necessary), we begin to fight overweight, go on a diet, prepare only dietary meat dishes for weight loss .

At the end of it, shocked girlfriends faint from your gorgeous figure, and men just stack up in stacks at your feet.

Can I eat meat for weight loss?

It is not just possible, but necessary - it is from meat that we get a full-fledged protein and a lot of vital substances: vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants, etc.

Therefore, in a balanced diet, meat must be present, although not every day. It is believed that 3-4 times a week is enough; on other days it is replaced by fish.

Please note: when we say "meat", we mean just meat, not sausage, sausages, sausages, ham and other purchased product.

Thanks to numerous publications, TV programs, information on the Internet, they are all completely discredited - firstly, it is not known how much meat is contained there (and whether there is any at all); secondly, even if there is, from which parts of the carcass, how much fat is in it.

And in general - meat and meat are different, and it depends on the method of preparation whether dietary dishes for weight loss are obtained from meat or not.

The best ways to lose weight

What kind of meat can you eat to lose weight

But pork, despite its excellent taste characteristics, will have to be excluded. The fact is that it contains a lot of the so-called hidden fat.

Even if the fat in a piece of pork is practically invisible, it is still penetrated by its subtle veins.

True, there is the so-called lean pork, from the back or lumbar part of the carcass. It is sold as a tenderloin or fillet, but there is also fat in it.

It is better to buy chickens and turkeys from store (broilers), rather than farm ones. Poultry chicken is easy to distinguish by color - it is usually yellow, which indicates good fatness and, again, a lot of fat content. For the same reason, goose and duck are also not suitable for losing weight.

How to cook meat to lose weight

It is not enough to choose the right meat, you also need to properly prepare dietary meals from meat for weight loss. The best cooking methods are boiling (preferably steamed), stewing, baking.

But from fried meat, well-fried cutlets (especially breaded), you must categorically refuse. And, of course, as many vegetables as possible, fresh or boiled.

More and more people who follow their figure refuse to eat meat. Yes, it contains a lot of animal fats, which not only contribute to weight gain, but also "hit" the heart and pancreas, impair blood circulation - especially if it is fried, seasoned with mayonnaise and served with the "wrong" side dishes. But let's not forget the lean meats! Dishes based on them will not harm your figure and will make your diet balanced and healthy. There are many recipes for delicious meat dishes. How to cook them?

Meat is an irreplaceable product in the diet of every person. It is a source of animal protein and vitamins, which are essential for the normal functioning of the body. Especially the inclusion of meat in the menu is important for athletes experiencing constant physical activity.

And even those who care about their figure do not need to completely stop eating meat! But this is the main "flaw" of many mono-diets for weight loss, when only vegetables remain in the diet. But if you take low-fat types of meat and cook the dish correctly, you will not have to deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating deliciously without harming your figure. The diet will be balanced - no emotional stress from "malnutrition" and harm to health. Proteins take a long time to digest - and a significant amount of energy is expended. In addition, without this nutrient entering the body, it is extremely difficult to build muscle relief - and this is very important if, in parallel with the diet, a person trains in the gym.

Existing "meat" recipes allow you to cook a variety of dishes based on this product. The choice of lean types is wide enough - the diet will be varied and low-calorie. Of course, meat cannot be lean in the direct sense of the word - this term is understood as the product that contains a minimum of fat.

What types of meat can be included in the diet?

  • Rabbit

Caloric content - 180 kcal / 100 g. In terms of taste, rabbit meat is similar to chicken. But nutritionists find this type of meat more useful - an irreplaceable product in dietary and baby food. Another important advantage is that there is initially little salt in rabbit meat, the use of which should be limited during the diet. At the same time, proteins are easily absorbed by the body.

  • Chicken

Calorie content - 200 kcal / 100 g. It is chicken meat that is most often used in dietary recipes - it costs much cheaper than other types. Please note that the calorie content of the product will vary - it all depends on which part of the chicken you take for cooking. For example, the thighs and legs are slightly fatter than the breast.

  • Turkey

Calorie content - 150 kcal / 100 g. The meat is rich in vitamins E and A, and the protein in the composition is quickly absorbed by the body - turkey is considered the most useful product for preparing dietary meals.

  • Veal

Caloric content - 150 kcal / 100 g. Be sure to add veal to your diet - the product becomes a source of a large amount of B vitamins and minerals (iron, copper, zinc). The product will also help normalize blood sugar levels, which is very important when dieting.

  • Beef

Caloric content - 200 kcal / 100 g. Useful substances in meat are absorbed by the body quickly - they help to normalize the acidity of the stomach and improve blood formation. The only negative is that many recipes involve a long preparation of dishes based on this type of meat.

Rules for the preparation of dietary meat dishes

In the dietary food, include only those dishes that are prepared according to all the rules. What recommendations can you give to those who are losing weight?

  • Postpone until "better times" eating fatty lamb and pork, geese and ducks.
  • Steam or bake meat in the oven, boil and simmer. Food fried in oil will not be useful.
  • No mayonnaise or ketchup when cooking!
  • Do not marinate meat in different sauces before cooking.

Do not forget about the correct serving of ready-made meals. The best side dish for meat is vegetables. But if you add meat with pasta or potatoes to your diet, there will be no benefit for your figure for sure!

Stew, cutlets, meatballs - all these dishes will not be high in calories if you take lean meat and cook it correctly. And your diet won't be "boring."

Let's designate such recipes for meat dishes that should be added to dietary food:

Zucchini cutlets

You will need such products - 1 small zucchini, 500 g of chicken breast, 1 small onion, 2 teaspoons of bread crumbs (can be replaced with semolina or flour). Wash the chicken, cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder together with the onion. Now prepare the zucchini - peel it, remove the seeds from the pulp, grate on a coarse grater, squeeze the liquid out of the resulting mass. Stir meat and vegetables, add bread crumbs. Form the minced meat patties and steam them.

Veal with Brussels sprouts

Prepare such a list of products - 200 g of veal, 2 medium-sized tomatoes, 300 g of fresh Brussels sprouts. Wash the meat, cut into 2-3 cm portions, cook until tender. Place the boiled veal and cabbage on a non-stick baking sheet (you don't need to use oil this way). Place tomatoes cut into thin slices on top of the dish. Bake it in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 15-20 minutes. Serve the finished dish sprinkled with finely chopped parsley.

Warm chicken salad

You will need - 200 g of chicken fillet, 400 g of broccoli, carrots. First, wash and boil the meat in salted water, cut it into small pieces. Rub the carrots on a coarse grater, divide the broccoli into inflorescences - stew the vegetables in a little water for 10-15 minutes. When the vegetables have cooled slightly, remove any remaining water and stir in the chicken. Sprinkle the finished warm salad with lemon juice and sprinkle with chopped fresh basil on top.

Turkey meatballs

You will need such a list of ingredients - 500 g turkey fillet, half a squash, 1 stalk of celery, half an onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. l oatmeal. Wash the fillet and cut into slices. Peel the vegetables and chop them too. Pass all ingredients through a meat grinder. Add oatmeal to the resulting minced meat - mix everything thoroughly. Form meatballs from it. Place them in a small saucepan and simmer in water until tender - about 30 minutes. The finished dish can be served with a vegetable salad.

Veal soup

To prepare a delicious soup, take 450 g of veal, 4 tomatoes, 200 g of asparagus, 150 g of spinach, an onion, 2 stalks of celery, 2 bell peppers, a bunch of fresh cilantro. Dip a whole piece of meat in a saucepan with a little salted water. When the broth boils, drain it, and cut the veal into small pieces and cook for 30-40 minutes in new water. Then add chopped onions, carrots, bell peppers and herring to the soup. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, peel them off and chop finely - send the vegetables to boil too. Simmer the dish over low heat for another 20 minutes. At the very end of cooking, add chopped spinach and cilantro to the soup.