Styr fry. Principles of proper preparation

19.05.2021 Beverages

- 300 gr pork
- 2 carrots
- 1 Pepper Bulgarian
- 5 champignon mushrooms
- 1 onion
- 50 ml of soybean sauce
- 1/2 teaspoon starch
- lemon juice to taste
- vegetable oil
1. Cooking the fill, mix starch and soy sauce. Finished fill with retreat.
2. Next, cut all the products convenient for you with pieces of the same size.
3. In the gross focus on a large fire on a vegetable oil quickly fry for a couple of minutes prepared by meat. Meat in the frying pan put in portions so that when the juice is highlighted, it has managed to plunge before the appearance of a golden crust, and not stew. Vegetables also fry portions, let them remain crispy and juicy inside and save their bright color. Do not push Styre Fry. Vegetables should work out, so let's say on the teeth.
4. In the last portion of firefighted vegetables, squeeze through the press several garlic teeth, add parsley or kinse greens. Quickly we add all the roasted vegetables and meat, we fill with the fill mix, everything will become very beautiful and brilliant. Serie the dish on fire and remove from the fire.
5. Very elegant glossy fragrant dish is obtained. And most importantly prepare it quickly.

Today, you will prepare a pork with vegetables of Styr Fry in Asian style.

Styr-Fry is not the name of the dish, but the traditional food preparation technique in the countries of the East.

Translated from English means "fry and stir".

Styr-Fry is great for cooking pork, beef, chicken, shrimp, tofu, vegetables and noodles.

To prepare Pork Styr Fry We will need:

List of ingredients:

  • pork 1 kg
  • carrot 2-3 pcs.
  • pepper Bulgarian 3-4 pcs.
  • mushrooms 300 gr.
  • onion 3-4 pcs.
  • podkal bean 300 gr.
  • garlic 5 Zubkov
  • kinza 1 beam
  • soy sauce 150 ml.
  • starch 3 ppm
  • rice (apple) vinegar 2 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • sugar 1-2 Ch.L.

Pork with vegetables Styr-Fry - Step-by-Step Recipe:

To begin with, we apply all the products with a large straw.

Vegetables in this dish should be 2 times more than meat, so let's start with them.

Since the process of cooking styrene-fry passes very quickly, all products must be prepared in advance, because In the process of frying to cut them, there will be no time.

In the meantime, I chose a large straw onions, carrots, and now I cut the bell pepper.

In order for the dish to be bright and beautiful I took the pepper of different colors, and in general it can use absolutely any vegetables that you like to prepare the styrefray.

For this recipe, take a large bunch of fragrant cilantro, cut it.

After cutting the pork with thin identical lumps the size of one bite. So that the meat prepared faster, it must be cut across the fibers. As a rule, no fatty meat or poultry is used for styrene-fry.

All products are prepared, go to the stove to fry them.

Traditionally, wok used to prepare this dish.

We pour some vegetable oil into it and heated it strongly.

It is best to use any refined oil for this.

First of all, fry the pork.

Preparing meat, constantly stirring, until the meat juice is completely evaporated, then fry a couple of minutes in oil and shift in a bowl.

On a small amount of oil, alternately fry all the vegetables. Like meat, they must be constantly mixed for more uniform formation of caramel crust. Fry vegetables on a strong heat for no more than 5 minutes, so that they will be wrapped up, but at the same time they remained slightly crispy. Oil add to wok as needed, only if the vegetables have completely absorbed it.

Meanwhile, I roasted sweet bell pepper, carrots, podtalki beans and mushrooms. I have frozen champignons if you have fresh mushrooms - make them the same slices.

It remains to fry onions. We pour oil into wok, pour onion and on a strong fire we prepare it to a slightly golden color.

After about 5 minutes, we pour out chopped garlic into the fried onions, and another 1-2 minutes fry it together with the bow.

Pour all roasted vegetables in the wok, without reducing the fire, add sugar and mix. Sugar is added for additional caramelization of vegetables.

After a couple of minutes, we put the fried pork to vegetables, pour rice vinegar, mix and continue to cook on a strong fire.

In the meantime, mix the starch and soy sauce, we pour the mixture into the wok and mix for 1-2 minutes until the sauce thickens, and the products will acquire a brilliant glossy look and viscous consistency.

It remains to add greens, mix and if necessary - to chop.

Now turn off the fire, our pork with vegetables Styr-Fry is ready!

Sprinkle sesame and serve both as an independent dish and with a side dish. Best for this is suitable for fig.

If the dish is cooked quickly and right, then the vegetables should not be boiled, but also not to remain raw, but grumble slightly.

This recipe is very successful, pork is obtained unusually tasty and fragrant. Gentle meat, slightly crispy vegetables and spicy greens, impregnated with sour-sweet sauce, are perfectly combined and will fall to taste to all Asian cuisine lovers.

I wish you bon appetit!

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Pork with Vegetables Styre Fry - Video Recipe:

Pork with vegetables Styr Fry - Photo:

- Article that reveals all the secrets of asians of the fast way to prepare useful meals. Styr Frey.- One of the most popular methods of cooking dishes in all of Asia. I opened it for myself quite recently, but already fell in love with the taste, useful properties, quality, originality and speed of preparation. Today I will tell about several principles are rightcooking Styr Frywithout which it will be hard to navigate at the very beginning. How to cook Styr-Fry? We read and remember.

1. Styr Frey.- This is not one dish. These are a lot of dishes that exist or not yet invented, prepared by this technology. Styr-Fry denotes "Fry, continuously stirring" than we will do. In this way, you can prepare almost all products that are in your refrigerator.
2. W. - a mandatory object for cooking styrene-fry, so sometimes dishes prepared in this way are called "wok dishes". This is a big frying pan made of fine steel. It has a cone-shaped shape with a rounded or flat bottom (for electric stoves), which contributes to the proper frying of the ingredients. The wok never fills in full, the maximum number of ingredients that can be put in it - on 2 servings. Otherwise, the content will begin to cool the frying pan, and the products will begin to stew, and not instantly roasting at high temperatures. The wok cannot be replaced with anything, however, if I really want, you can try Styr-Fry, using a deep cast-iron pan, but you need to warm up it longer, and the finished dish from the pan immediately, otherwise it burns, as the cast iron has a property for a long time to keep the right High temperature. Here is a photo - an example of a classic alone:
3. Preparation of ingredients- A very important process that should be carried out in advance. First, all the products are mine and cut, then we put the wok on the fire, otherwise you risk getting black coals instead of a colorful dish, and we do not need it. Cut products are also needed with the mind. First, it should be small pieces that can be easily taken with chopsticks. Secondly, each ingredient is cut in accordance with its characteristics: meat - thin plates, dense vegetables (carrots, for example) - a small straw, and more watery (Bulgarian pepper) - diamonds or wide stripes.
4. Refined vegetable oil- Mandatory component of Styr Fry. Without oil roasting ingredients, do not achieve, so we pour generously (minimum 2 tablespoons) and heated strongly. Therefore, we draw attention to the fact that the burning "Verginel" of the first spin oil / oil in this case will be useless and simply burn. It is best suited to the usual, cheap refined corn or sunflower oil. For a special Asian spirit, at the end you can add a few drops of sesame.
5. Heat- The key to the success of cooking styrene-fry. We turn on the largest burner on the biggest fire and bring the pan to white cation. Nearly. Only hot wok allows meats to instantly become ready for use, and vegetables retain useful substances, bright colors, remain juicy and crispy. Through the frying of all ingredients, the frying pan temperature should not decrease, so the flow of fire under the wok, while the cooking process passes, should not be changed.
6. Order of fried - The next important point arising from the previous one. Since all ingredients have different properties and different types of roasting, it is necessary to put them in a certain sequence. We remember the order of investing and the time of roasting ingredients of the classic styrene-fry, for this principle you can cook almost everything in the refrigerator:

  • butter: It is poured first, well warmed it, spilling minutes 3-4 minutes over pan;
  • spice: garlic, and ginger should be attributed to them, and chili, they are put directly into the oil, to give it the necessary fragrance, give him to roast only a few seconds, otherwise they will instantly burn;
  • meat, seafoodor tofu.: proteins He fry in front of the other ingredients, because they are preparing all the longest, fry and stir 5 minutes for 5 minutes, until every piece is brightened;
  • vegetables: They also put in a certain sequence: first dense (carrots, eggplant, ascent beans), then more watery (paprika, green onions) and roasted 3-4 minutes before adding the following ingredients;
  • noodlesor Fig: carbohydratesprepared in advance in a separate saucepan can be added to the wok almost at the very end, because additional temperature processing does not require;
  • sauce:the final chord of the dish prepared by the Wash Fray, connecting all the individual ingredients, most often it is a mixture of soy and fish / oyster sauces and pepper, but many Chinese add a teaspoon of starch, diluted with cool water for a special shine and a beautiful feed (this Wonderful Lifehak: The dish immediately acquires a glossy shine and a worthy view).

7. Permanent stirring- Mandatory Conditions of cooking in the method of Styr Fry. We will not stir - everything burns, because the cooking temperature is very, very high. Real masters of cooking dishes on wok stir the ingredients with chopsticks, but it is not necessary. And yes, once again we constantly stir!

Styr Frey. - Such a cooking method, when all products are pre-chopped into thin pieces, are very quickly roasted in hot oil with a constant stirring.

It is because of this constant stirring that all the ingredients at this method cooking are prepared in advance, which is very characteristic of Chinese, or rather Cantonese cuisine - then there will be no time for cutting.

If you need to cook quickly, then simply cut a pork to thin strips and already these strips are pickled in the same marinade for about 20-30 minutes.

In and in the other case, pork is cut into thin strips, for for styr-Frya. This is used by such a cutting.

The onions are cut with thin half rings, the white part of the green onion is cut by slices of three slices of a centimeter. Carrots cut by thin caskets with a match. Celery cutting thinly by deform. Bulgarian pepper cut straw.

If you use any additional ingredients, they are also cut in a similar way - the mushrooms are cut by thin plates.

Ginger clean (it is convenient to do it with a spoon) and cutting with rugs.

The second clove of garlic originally wanted to simply crush the flat side of the knife bladder, but then changed his mind and simply chopped with large plates.

All the same, ginger and garlic serve only to flavor oil, and not for food.

So all the ingredients for styr Frey. Prepared.

We prepare styrene fry from pork.

It is best to cook, of course, in wok. But it is impossible to say that in each kitchen there are wok. So we will prepare in a deep pan.

On strong heat heated vegetable oil, peanut or corn preferred, since they have higher boiling points.

Lay on onions, carrots and celery into the frying pan.

Constantly stirring quickly, literally a minute and a half fry vegetables in oil, they should only begin to mock, then add chopped green onions - white part - and bell pepper.

Constantly stirring fry all together until the pepper starts to filter.

If you use any other ingredients, then add them. If vegetables succeeded a lot, we prepare them in several goals.

The main thing is not to redeem - vegetables should remain slightly crispy in the middle.

We lay out vegetables from a pan in a bowl and proceed to roasting meat.

If necessary, add oil into the frying pan and warm it again.

Cut the ginger and garlic in hot oil, frying their seconds 30, not allowing the burning.

Then we put into the frying pan sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin pork strips. If the meat is much, then fry the pork parts - it is necessary that it is frying, and not stewed in its own juice. Accordingly, the oil in the pan must be very hot, almost hot, so that the pork will immediately start roasting, and all its juices would be sealed inside a piece.

Fry pork to full readiness. This C can be done freely and only slightly fry it, leaving or with blood or pink inside.

It is important to fully deliver pork and at the same time not to cut it.

When the pork is added to add soy sauce to the wok (or frying pan), if desired, a little mples or rice vinegar can be splashed.

Constantly stirring to bring the sauce to a boil - it will take 10-20 seconds, slightly evaporate the sauce, about a minute, we clean garlic and ginger, they have already done our own business, and add roasted vegetables and almost all sliced \u200b\u200bgreen onions, it is already a green part.

Mix everything together again so that the sauce covers each piece.

If there is such a desire, you can breed a teaspoon of starch in cold water and pour starch into the sauce, thereby slightly thickening it and give the sauce an external gloss.

Serve styr-fry from pork Best of all with fresh rice or noodles. I spread meat on a plate with sauce, spreading rice around, sprinkle with the remaining green onions and immediately serve on the table.

Pork and vegetables are obtained very fragrant, the meat is soft, and vegetables are a bit crispy, which creates a pleasant contrast.

I don't even know who in our family prepares more often and more ... I am either a husband ... somehow it turns out evenly, although, no ... the husband is cooking, after all, more often ...))
You probably noticed that in my magazine a lot of recipes cooked by my spouse, I even have such a tag. Now I decided that posts with his recipes differ from mine to make a avatar for him ... Hmm, my boys salary in the kitchen!))
That's so awesome Styre Frem He feeds us yesterday! Bomb! No other glory!)))

What do you need:

Pork pulp (can turkey) - 1 kg.,
Eggplant - 2 pcs.,
Pepper Bulgarian - 3 pcs.,
Cucumber large - 1 pc.
Onion green - a small bundle.

Garlic - 4 tooth.,
Soy sauce - 6 tbsp,
Oyster sauce - 3 tbsp,
Vinegar rice red (rice wine, or lemon juice) - 2 tbsp,
Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.
Acute paste from red pepper "Pasta Perezovanang" - 1 tbsp. (can be replaced with fresh chili pepper)

The remaining marinade,
Meat sauce (or water) - 0.5 glasses,
Starch - 1.5 ppm
If necessary: \u200b\u200bsalt, pepper chili, pepper paste, etc.

For frying:
Vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp,
Creamy oil - 50 gr.

How to do:

1. Mix all the ingredients for marinade.
Meat cut into thin slices and pick up in a prepared marinade for 30 minutes.
Cut with straw Bulgarian peppers, eggplants, cucumber slices. Green onions Cut the macock, 3-4 cm long.
2. In wok heat 4-5 tbsp. vegetable oil and 50 gr. Butter.
First you need to fry meat. Meat fry parts (here you can divide into three parts, and fry in three sungo), on a strong fire. Fry quickly, literally 3-4 minutes, before the appearance of a crust. If the juice from meat appears in the wok, first, cast it into a separate bowl, this juice will be useful to us later for sauce, and secondly, we need to roast meat, and not stew, therefore, the excess fluid in the wok we are not for what!
The finished meat is shimmer shifted into the cup.
3. Meat is ready, now we do vegetables.
First, fry the cucumbers and peppers. We also do everything briefly and quickly, literally 1-2 minutes, as soon as the golden crust appeared, take out the noise, we remove into the cup to the meat. Do not fry long so that the vegetables have not turned into porridge. Do not forget that they are frying everything on strong fire.
If oil ended in wok, add 1-2 tbsp. Vegetable, you can still 1 tbsp. creamy. Now we will fry eggplants. Also quickly, until golden crust, 1-2 minutes - no more.
4. While vegetables roasted, we finish our sauce.
We take the remnants of the marinade, in which the meat was pickled, add meat juice there (remember, which we at the beginning were cast from the ink) about 0.5 glasses (if there is no meat juice, it is possible to replace with ordinary bottled water), we are aligned, add starch to 1.5 Ch.L., mix. Try the sauce to taste if you need, add a little salt, chili-pepper .. Everything is your taste.
5. Now the final process:
In the wok, we shift the meat, vegetables, mix, put the chopped green onions, pour sauce, mix and cook for another 1-2 minutes.
Serve immediately with boiled rice!