Cheese pancakes with herbs recipe. Cheese pancake recipe with photo

30.05.2021 Snacks

Hello my dear readers. Great Lent will come very soon, when we have to go through a long and difficult path of purification of the soul and body. In the meantime, you can relax and spend the whole seven days before this sacred test in festivities and fun, widely celebrating the farewell to winter, illuminated by the joyful expectation of close warmth and spring renewal of nature. In Russia, this time entered our homes under the name of Maslenitsa, since this week, according to Orthodox tradition, meat was already excluded from food, and dairy products could still be consumed.

The celebration of Maslenitsa was originally an ancient Slavic tradition, which was based on a whole system of pagan beliefs and rituals. Burning a stuffed animal, symbolizing the passing winter and eating pancakes, personifying the sun, were some of the most striking actions, drawing a mental line between a cold sleep and a warm awakening of nature. The list of superstitions related to this holiday included the obligation to spend Maslenitsa as tasty and fun as possible, otherwise during the whole year one could expect only sorrow and failures, therefore Maslenitsa is, first of all, abundant and satisfying food and festivities.

Even the adoption of Christianity could not completely eradicate the pagan views of the Russian people. Therefore, the festival itself remained, but acquired a fundamentally different religious meaning - Maslenitsa was called Cheese, or Cheese Week. The attributes lost their pagan sacred meaning, but the tradition of eating from the heart remained. Therefore, there is nothing shameful in not indulging yourself in sweets at this time and trying a lot of tempting and tasty dishes, within the bounds of reason, of course.

The main and invariable attribute of the festive table this week are pancakes: round, ruddy, hot, so today I suggest you prepare delicious cheese pancakes with herbs that will delight you and your loved ones on the fun and hearty days of Maslenitsa.

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 gr.

BZHU: 9/11/17.

Kcal: 198.

GI: Medium.

AI: high.

Cooking time: 25 minutes

Servings: 10 pcs (diameter 26 cm).

Ingredients of the dish.

  • Wheat flour - 160 g (1 tbsp).
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 10 g (1 tsp).
  • Salt - 5 g (1/2 tsp).
  • Milk 1% - 350 ml (1.5 tbsp).
  • Baking dough - 10 g (1 tsp).
  • Vegetable oil - 30 g (2 tablespoons).
  • Greens - 50 g.
  • Hard cheese - 150 g.


We prepare the ingredients. The flour must be sieved, so the pancakes will be fluffier and softer. Heat milk to room temperature or slightly higher. The fat content of this product should be chosen based on your preferences, but the higher it is, the more high-calorie the final product will be.

Greens can be used fresh or frozen. I have a second option.

Drive two eggs into a bowl, add sugar (1 tsp) and salt (1/2 tsp).

Beat the contents of the dishes until fluffy and dissolve the bulk products using a whisk or mixer.

Gradually introduce the sifted flour into the liquid, while stirring the contents of the bowl with a whisk (spoon or fork), avoiding the formation of lumps.

Then add baking powder to the dough. Stir until smooth.

Rub the cheese on a fine grater.

Add grated cheese to the dough. We mix.

Then finely chop the greens and send them into a liquid mass, pour in vegetable oil (2 tbsp) there.

The finished dough, due to the cheese added to it, is not very liquid (like low-fat sour cream).

Using a ladle, pour the flour base into the center of a hot frying pan with a non-stick bottom (if you have a regular frying pan or are not sure about the quality of the coating, grease its surface with oil before the first pancake, you will not need to do this further). Then we raise the pan, tilting it in a circle, and evenly distribute the dough over its entire surface.

We turn the pancake over to the other side, slightly lifting the edge with a spatula (if you are not afraid to burn yourself, you can do it with your hands), and leave it to brown for half a minute.

We put the finished products on a plate one on top of the other, so they stay hot longer (the surface of each can be greased with butter for greater juiciness).

We serve hot cheese pancakes with greens with sour cream or your favorite sauce, you can also wrap the filling in them. Pour milk or tea into a mug and enjoy a delicious, aromatic and hearty lunch.

Bon Appetit!

How to cook a recipe for cheese pancakes with a photo - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

Then we combine milk mixed with yolks, cheese, salt and sugar. Mix everything well. Sift the flour and add it here. Mix everything well so that there are no lumps in the dough.

3 comments to this step

▪ Good afternoon, when should you add flour?

MARIE Good afternoon, and at what point should you add flour?

▪ MARIE, good evening. Thank you very much, it is at step number 3 that we add flour :)

Anna Alekseevna Bezikova MARIE, good evening. Thank you very much, it is at step number 3 that we add flour :)

▪ Is it possible to replace milk with whey?

Cheese pancakes with herbs - a step by step recipe with a photo of preparation

Cheese pancakes with herbs- This is a very tasty dish of Slavic cuisine, which, despite the traditional recipe, tastes a bit like Georgian khachapuri. Pancakes are a classic element of the Russian table, because almost any Slav should be able to cook them. Pancakes differ mainly only in the types of filling.

There are many recipes for making pancakes. Eggs are always the same ingredients. flour. butter and milk. In the version of cheese pancakes with herbs, the pancakes are beautiful golden in color with a delicate creamy taste. It is better to serve this dish with sour cream.

There are few ingredients for cheese pancakes, and they are prepared quite quickly, so time and finances will not decrease, but it will turn out to surprise relatives and friends with an unusual taste.

A special feature of this dish is the addition of cheese and herbs as components of the filling, which will go hot. Thanks to this, the pancakes will have an extraordinary taste. And outwardly they look very appetizing.

You can learn the features of making cheese pancakes with herbs from the recipe with step-by-step actions and photos.

  • Wheat flour
    (1 tbsp.)

  • Milk
    (1.5 tbsp.)

  • Hard cheese
    (150 g)

  • Egg
    (2 pcs.)

  • Granulated sugar
    (1 tsp)

  • Vegetable oil
    (1 tbsp. L.)

  • Parsley
    (1 bundle)

  • Garlic
    (1 clove)

  • Butter
    (50 g)

  • Edible salt
    (1 tsp)

At the very beginning, finely rub the cheese. To do this, you can use an ordinary kitchen grater or just a large knife.

You can choose greens at your discretion. We wash it under running water and chop it finely with a knife. Parsley must be finely chopped for even distribution over the filling.

Sift the wheat flour through a sieve.

Peel the garlic and grind it using special garlic equipment. As a result, you should get a fine garlic gruel.

Add salt and sugar to the eggs to taste. Beat with a mixer or blender. The main thing is to have fluffy foam.

Add warm milk to the egg mixture.

In a separate bowl, mix the baking powder with wheat flour, then add a little egg mixture with milk. Beat the resulting mass until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Add butter and cheese mass with herbs and garlic to the dough.

Mix all the ingredients well so that all the ingredients are evenly distributed.

Grease the pan with oil and put it on the stove so that it warms up in advance. After the pan is warmed up, proceed to baking. The oil must be used once - only when we heat up the pan.

After being removed from the pan, each pancake is slightly greased with butter. It goes well with the cheese flavor.

Cheese pancakes with herbs are very satisfying, so they are recommended to be served for breakfast in combination with a hot drink.

Cheese pancakes with herbs

  • Milk - 1.5 tbsp
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Flour - 1 tbsp
  • Cheese - 150 gr
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Dill - to taste

Good morning friends! I'll come to you with pancakes, very, very tasty! You just eat your mind hot! It seems to me that you can eat them endlessly. Recipe from "classmates".
1. Mix warm milk with sugar, salt and eggs.
2. Add sifted flour with baking powder
3. Grate cheese on a fine grater, add to the liquid mass.
4. Then add finely chopped herbs and vegetable oil
5. Stir well with a whisk. Bake in a greased and hot skillet on both sides
6. Grease the finished pancake with butter.
Delicious hot (you can reheat in the microwave at any time).
Enjoy your tea!

Recipe: Cheese pancakes with herbs, how to cook quickly and tasty at home

Cheese pancakes with herbs

If you love cheese in any form, then you should definitely take note of the recipe for making cheese pancakes with herbs. They are simply delicious as a breakfast or a party snack.

  • Cheese 150 Gram
  • Milk 300 Milliliters
  • Egg 2 Pieces
  • Flour 200-250 Gram
  • Dill 2-3 Art. spoons
  • Salt 1 pinch
  • Dispenser 1 Pinch
  • Sugar 1 pinch
  • Vegetable oil 2-3 tbsp. spoons

1. First you need to do the test. Drive eggs into a deep bowl. Add a pinch of salt and some sugar. Beat with a fork or whisk. Heat the milk a little (do not bring to a boil) and pour into the egg mixture. Mix everything thoroughly so that the mass is homogeneous.

2. Sift flour with a baking powder and gradually introduce into the dough. If lumps form, the dough can be left for 3-5 minutes, and then beat again - the lumps will disperse, and the dough will be completely homogeneous. The amount of flour can vary as the recipe for herb cheese pancakes cannot take into account the size of the eggs, the quality of the flour, and the exact amount of milk.

3. Grate the cheese on a fine or medium grater. If the cheese is salty, you may not need to salt the dough.

Cheese pancakes with herbs. Step by step recipe with photo

Recipes for thin pancakes in a pan today can be found for every taste, from simple to complex. Today I want to show you a recipe for thin pancakes with herbs and cheese baked. Pancakes with a creamy taste and aroma of fresh dill, I am sure, will not leave indifferent any admirer of pancakes. Cheese pancakes with herbs, step by step recipe with the photos of which I want to offer you, they cook very quickly, they do not stick to the pan and do not break during turning.

  • Milk - 1, 5 cups,
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • Flour - 5-6 tbsp. spoons,
  • Cheese - 100 gr.,
  • Dill - a small bunch,
  • Sugar - 1 tsp,
  • Baking powder for dough - half a bag,
  • Vegetable oil,
  • Salt on the tip of a teaspoon.

Cheese pancakes with herbs - recipe

Beat eggs into a deep bowl.

Pour in milk at room temperature.

Add sugar and salt.

Add half the baking powder bag. If you do not have it, then simply extinguish a teaspoon of baking soda with vinegar.

Stir the pancake mix thoroughly with a whisk. It should turn out to be liquid and homogeneous, like ordinary thin pancakes.

Wash and dry the dill. Chop it finely. Add to dough.

Grate on a medium grater or fine hard cheese. Transfer it to a bowl of dough.

Stir the mass again until smooth. That's it, our pancake dough is ready. By the way, if you want to get more yellow pancakes, then add half a teaspoon of turmeric to it. It will give the pancakes a beautiful yellow color. What color they get, you can see in the recipe for pancakes with turmeric, cheese and garlic.

Heat the skillet. Pour in quite a bit of sunflower oil. Scoop up the dough and pour into the skillet. Twist it in different directions to distribute the dough evenly over its entire surface.

Once the bottom of the pancake is baked, turn it over using a wide spatula. Fry until golden brown on this side.

So bake everything cheese pancakes with herbs... Add vegetable oil to the pan as needed. Put the pancakes in a stack on a plate. Serve the pancakes by folding the edges and rolling them up. On the table, offer sour cream or sour cream sauce to them. In addition, you can come up with different fillings for them, for example, wrap fried champignons in them, cottage cheese and salmon filling, boiled chicken fillet, crab filling, or any other that your imagination tells you.

Well, if you really want to surprise your guests or your family, then you can build a snack cake with them. Pancakes are smeared with grated cheese mixed with mayonnaise and garlic. The top of the cake can be decorated as you wish. Enjoy your meal. I also advise you to cook pancakes with cottage cheese and banana.

Cheese pancakes with herbs. Photo

Cheese pancakes with herbs

Have you ever made cheese pancakes? If not, then you have lost a lot! It's not just delicious - it's delicious! So it's definitely worth a try.

And if you add greenery, the result will be even more interesting.

I took dill, or you can add parsley, cilantro, fresh basil, etc. to the dough.

By the way, if you wish, there is a place in the dough for garlic too! You can use both granular and extruded through a press. The choice is only yours!

Ingredients for cheese pancakes with herbs

Recipe for cheese pancakes with herbs

First of all, beat eggs with milk with a blender.

You can also use a mixer, but a regular whisk may not cope with lumps in this recipe.

Grated cheese on a coarse grater.

I washed the dill, dried it and chopped it with a knife.

I sent it to the dough along with cheese and sunflower oil.

Beat it again - the dough is ready!

She baked as usual - in a hot frying pan for a few minutes on both sides.

From the ingredients taken, I got 8 pieces. Try it, it's really incredibly delicious!

Cheese pancakes with herbs

These pancakes can be prepared for breakfast and as a snack. They turn out to be very tasty and satisfying. In the heat of the heat, you just can't come off!

  • After cooking, you will receive 5 servings
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes 30 minutes
  • cheese, 150 grams
  • salt, 1 tsp.
  • sugar, 1 tsp.
  • baking powder, 1 tsp.
  • dill, 1 bunch.
  • milk, 0.5 l
  • vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l.
  • egg, 2 pieces
  • flour, 1 stack.

Cooking method

Let's prepare all our ingredients.

Beat eggs and salt with a mixer.

Add milk and sugar. Mix.

Rinse the greens well, dry with a paper towel and chop finely. Pour into the dough.

Grate hard cheese. And add to the dough as well. Mix.

Then add the sifted flour and baking powder for the dough. Stir with a whisk.

The last step is to pour in vegetable oil. The dough is ready. It shouldn't be very liquid.

Grease a frying pan with oil, pour in a small amount of dough, distribute over the surface and fry on both sides until golden brown. I recommend greasing the pan before baking each pancake.

Serve hot, with sour cream. Bon Appetit!

They prepared it. See what happened

Everyone loves pancakes, both adults and children, they are simply baked and then eaten with incredible speed. Let's move away from the traditional recipe for making pancakes, which is not the first time we have done this - pancakes from zucchini have already been baked in Tasty Kitchen. and today we will have cheese pancakes with herbs on our table. Cheese pancakes are a good option for a hearty and tasty breakfast. The mood for the whole day will depend on how you eat in the morning. Give yourself a good mood, taste delicious and aromatic cheese pancakes with herbs and sour cream.

To prepare delicious, hearty, cheese pancakes, you will need products:

wheat flour - 2 cups

granulated sugar - 3 teaspoons

sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons

eggs - 2 pieces

hard cheese - 150 g

a small bunch of dill

The process of making pancakes with cheese

1. Beat eggs with granulated sugar and salt until the latter dissolve.

2. Pour in warm milk, sunflower oil, stir everything.

We will gradually introduce sifted flour so that there are no lumps.

In general, the pancake dough is ready, but today we have not simple pancakes, but cheese ones, so you also need to prepare cheese and dill.

3. Grate cheese on a fine grater, chop finely washed dill.

Let's add them to the pancake dough.

Mix everything well, the pancake dough with grated cheese and dill for baking cheese pancakes is ready.

4. Pour vegetable oil into a well-heated frying pan and add a small portion of the dough. Grasp the handle of the pan and use a circular motion to distribute it evenly over the entire bottom of the pan. Important: so that the cheese does not stick to the surface of the pan, before pouring the dough, it must be well heated.

After frying the pancake until golden brown on one side, turn it over and fry it on the other side.

Delicious, ruddy, cheese pancakes are ready,

they can be served with sour cream.

In Tasty Kitchen, you can cook:

Photos of ready-made cheese pancakes

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

Many housewives are looking for new recipes for pancakes, since the usual ones on milk sometimes become boring. I will help you replenish your culinary collection of pancake recipes. I propose to bake unusual pancakes with cheese and experience a terrific new taste. They turn out to be quite interesting, original and festive, moreover, they have a very unusual delicate cheese taste. At the same time, despite the fact that they are prepared with cheese, they can be served with any sweet fillers: jam, honey, condensed milk, jams, and, of course, with sour cream.
This method of cooking can be attributed to a series of hot pancakes. There are several options for their preparation.

  • First: a little dough is poured into the pan and the filling is laid out on top.
  • Second: first, the filling is put into the pan, and then it is poured with dough.
  • Third: the crushed products are immediately put into the finished kneaded dough.

All of the above options are good, but each hostess must decide for herself which one is most suitable for her. I used the first method today. Since in this case, the amount of filling can be independently adjusted for each pancake.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 204 kcal.
  • Servings - 20
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Flour - 250 g
  • Sour cream - 50 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons or to taste
  • Drinking water - 500 ml

Making cheese pancakes

1. In a bowl of a suitable size, pour the flour, which it is desirable to sift through a sieve, so that it is enriched with oxygen. This will give the baked goods a softer consistency.

2. Pour vegetable oil into the flour. You can replace it with any fat: olive oil, melted butter, melted lard or mayonnaise. But do not put any fat, you cannot, otherwise the pancakes will stick to the surface of the pan.

3. Add sour cream to the food and beat in an egg.

4. Add a pinch of salt, sugar and drinking water at room temperature. Use a blender to knead the dough well until smooth, so that there is not a single lump. If there is no blender, and knead the dough with a whisk, then the products must be combined in a different way. First, combine all the liquid components, mix them until smooth, and then add a little flour and gradually knead the dough to the desired consistency.

5. Leave the kneaded dough to stand for 30 minutes so that the flour begins to release gluten. Then the pancakes will be better fried and will be softer. Meanwhile, grate the cheese on a medium grater.

6. Now put the pan on the stove and heat it very well so that it even starts to smoke. Its good heating will not allow the first pancake to come out “lumpy”. Then grease the surface of the pan with a piece of bacon and heat it up a little. Scoop up the dough with a ladle and pour it into the pan in a circular motion. Immediately, on the dough, until it has set, spread the grated cheese, and only after that, send the pan to the stove.

7. Fry cheese pancakes on one side for about 1.5-2 minutes, then turn them over and fry for no more than a minute. the pancakes on the back are cooked 2 times faster. Put the finished patches on a plate and serve. By the way, if you want the edges of the pancakes to be soft, then cover them with a lid, and if you like crispy ones, then leave them as they are.

See also a video recipe on how to make cheese pancakes.

Milk pancakes

Gingerbread pancakes

Rye pancakes with condensed milk

Nalistniki stuffed with cottage cheese and plums

Beer pancakes

Pancakes with milk and eggs

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Cheese pancakes with herbs. A very simple recipe.

Pancakes with milk fluffy without yeast recipe

Cheese pancakes are an excellent solution for a festive table. They are suitable as snacks, good for a variety of fillings: salads, sausages, mushrooms, eggs, chopped vegetables, seafood, sauces, caviar. Their main advantage is in the simplicity and speed of preparation, in the budget of the products. You can also decorate the dish in different ways: rolls, canapes or bags tied with green onions. If you fill cookie or muffin molds with dough, we get curly pancakes in the form of cupcakes.

The five most commonly used ingredients in cheese pancake recipes are:

Cheese for cheese pancakes - one that melts well, best hard, easy to grate. The dough for them is prepared with and without yeast. Such pancakes can be deliciously baked in the oven, laid out ready-made in a baking dish and sandwiched with a filling of minced meat or vegetable.
A variety of products can be added directly to the dough: greens, onions, chopped vegetables, cottage cheese. You can serve pancakes with cheese both hot and cold.

The process of making pancakes looks like this:

  1. Grate hard cheese on a fine grater.
  2. Beat eggs with salt and stir in warm milk.
  3. Sift flour with baking powder and add to mixture.
  4. Pour in vegetable oil.
  5. Stir the grated cheese into the flour mass, adding spices and other products to taste as desired.
    By other products we mean: vegetables, mushrooms, ham, green onions, etc. Fry mushrooms in the same way as usual - in a preheated frying pan without oil. Then cool, fill, roll up and serve as a snack.

In addition to wheat flour, you can use rice flour, and replace milk with cream, kefir, whey or even water. Instead of adding grated cheese to the dough, you can make a filling from it. In this case, pancakes are prepared according to any traditional recipe, then rolled up in envelopes with cheese filling inside.

The five fastest cheese pancake recipes:

  • if you make rolls roll the pancake hot
  • for peki bags thinner pancakes, pouring them into the pan in a thin layer

“Pancakes are a culinary product made from liquid dough,
poured into a hot frying pan. They are round.
Pancakes are served with different appetizers, and thin pancakes are
sometimes with a filling that is wrapped in them "
From the Internet

And it was said something like correct, intelligible and understandable, but somehow not so, without a soul. Do you really need to talk about pancakes like that? It is necessary to write poems about them, to compose odes in honor of the most Russian of all Russian dishes, inherited from our ancestors and still desired and beloved in every family. How to convey in words, to make you feel how good they are - hot, ruddy, with droplets of melting oil, warming, like the sun, everything around with one look. You take this delicious sun in your hand, and so your soul becomes joyful from its warmth, from the anticipation of the extraordinary pleasure of eating pancakes, this real mystery, understandable only to the Russian soul.

No, you can't just sit down and eat pancakes, you definitely need to taste them: with sour cream, jam, honey, or it is possible with caviar or salted fish, with different fillings, which cannot be counted. Each - both salty and sweet will be in place, everything is delicious with pancakes. Probably every nation has the same special dish, but pancakes rightfully belong only to us. And although they have been baked in Russia for more than a dozen centuries, they are not tired of them. Today we will make it with poppy seeds, and tomorrow, for example, with cheese.

Witchcakes with cheese, which turn out to be golden, with crispy edges and a viscous cheese filling, are an amazingly tasty dish. Pancakes with cheese are good on their own, they don't even require additional sauces and toppings, but you can pour sour cream or butter on them if you want. Add cheese to the dough - you get baked pancakes, wrap the cheese inside the finished pancake - here's a pancake with cheese, and if you add something to the cheese itself, for example, garlic, onions, mushrooms, fish, caviar or herbs, then the dish already new on the table. Try it and see for yourself, and "where the pancakes are, there we are," as they say, and are happy to help.

Thin pancakes with milk and cheese

2.5 stacks flour,
3 stacks milk,
200 g of hard cheese
5 eggs,
100 g sugar
½ tsp salt.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Combine the yolks, flour and finely grated cheese. Whisk the egg whites and salt separately into a strong foam and gently add the protein mass to the pancake mixture. Bake like regular pancakes in a buttered skillet.

Yeast pancakes with cheese

2 stacks flour,
500 ml warm water
2-3 eggs,
1 tsp dry yeast,
2 tbsp Sahara,
½ tsp salt,
¼ stack. vegetable oil,
300 g of cheese
cumin - optional.

Stir the yeast in warm water. Mix eggs with salt and sugar. Add some flour. Add flour to the dough in small portions, kneading it well each time so that no lumps form. Leave the finished dough for 30 minutes. Then add vegetable oil to it and mix thoroughly again. Prepare the cheese: grate it and add a handful of caraway seeds to it. Now start baking pancakes.
Option number 1 ... Pour the dough into the skillet and sprinkle with the cheese immediately. When the pancake is baked on one side, flip over and bake with cheese side down.
Option number 2. Pour the dough into the skillet and bake the pancake on one side, then turn over and sprinkle with cheese. Wait a little until the back of the pancake is browned and the cheese is slightly melted. Then fold the pancake in half, with the cheese inside.

Cheese pancakes with onion baked

2 stacks flour,
500 ml of milk
5 eggs,
4 onions,
150 g hard cheese
1.5 tbsp Sahara,
½ tsp soda,
½ tsp salt.

Mix eggs with salt and sugar, add 100 ml of milk and stir in flour little by little, bringing the mixture to the consistency of sour cream. Rub the cheese into the dough, add baking soda, flour and the remaining milk. Knead a light pancake dough. In a frying pan in vegetable oil, fry a tablespoon of chopped onions and cover it with dough. And so bake all the dough.

Cheese pancakes with mushroom baked

For pancakes:
2 stacks flour,
1 stack. milk,
2 stacks water,
2 eggs,
salt to taste.
For brazing:
hard cheese, champignons, green onions - quantity as desired.

Knead the pancake dough. Cut the champignons into small pieces and fry in vegetable oil, chop the green onion, grate the cheese on a fine grater. In a greased frying pan, distribute some green onions, cheese and fried mushrooms, cover with pancake dough and fry as usual on both sides.

Pancake envelopes with cheese

2 stacks flour,
200 g of hard cheese
3 eggs,
1 stack. milk,
1 stack. water,
1 tbsp Sahara,
salt to taste.

Beat eggs, mix with water and warm milk. Add sifted flour, sugar, salt and beat thoroughly. Bake the pancakes on both sides in a greased frying pan. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Place some cheese in the center of each pancake and wrap the pancake in an envelope. Fry the pancake envelopes in butter. Then put them on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Rice pancakes with cheese, baked

3 stacks wheat flour,
2 stacks rice flour,
1 liter of milk
200 g heavy cream
3 eggs,
30 g dry yeast,
150 g butter
200 g of Parmesan cheese,
3 tbsp Sahara,
1 tsp salt.

Dissolve yeast in 500 ml of milk, add wheat flour, put in a warm place for 2-3 hours. When the dough rises, add the yolks, 100 g melted butter, sugar, salt and rice flour. Stir and dilute with the remaining milk to the desired thickness, then add whites and cream whipped into a thick foam, stir everything carefully and let stand in a warm place. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Bake the pancakes in butter, sprinkling with grated cheese over the dough. Fold the finished pancakes into a mold, sprinkle each pancake with cheese and brush with a piece of butter. Place the dish in a preheated oven for 5-10 minutes to melt the cheese.

Pancake envelopes with cheese and mushrooms

For the test:
280 g flour
500 ml of milk
3 eggs,
3 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tbsp Sahara,
1 tsp salt.
For filling:
300 g champignons,
200 g cheese
2-3 pickled cucumbers (optional),
1-2 onions
chopped herbs, salt, pepper - to taste.

Break eggs into a bowl, add sugar, salt and mix with a whisk or fork. Pour some of the milk (about 200 ml) into the eggs and stir again. Next, add flour and stir until you get a dough without lumps, consistency like thick sour cream. Pour in the rest of the milk and stir again to form a thin, easy-pouring dough. Add 1-2 tablespoons to it. vegetable oil, stir and let stand for 15 minutes. Make thin pancakes. For the filling, wash the mushrooms, dry and cut into slices, finely chop the onion. In a preheated pan with vegetable oil, fry the onion until soft, add the mushrooms and fry until tender, stirring occasionally. Season with salt, pepper, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Grate the cheese, cut the pickled cucumbers into slices. Place 1 tablespoon in the middle of each pancake. fillings, a few pieces of pickled cucumber and sprinkle with grated cheese thickly. Fold the pancakes into envelopes and fry in butter until golden brown.

Pancakes with cheese and egg (breakfast idea)

pancake dough.
Filling for 1 pancake:
1 egg,
30-50 g of hard grated cheese.

Grate the cheese. Pour a portion of the pancake dough into a hot skillet and, after frying the pancake on one side, turn it over. Immediately beat a raw egg into the center of the pancake and sprinkle with cheese on top. Immediately fold the pancake into an envelope, hold in the pan for 30 seconds and serve immediately. A hot frying pan and hot pancake will quickly set the egg and melt the cheese. Inside the pancake, you get a very tasty cheese and egg filling.

Pancakes with cheese and onions, fried in bread crumbs

For pancakes:
1 stack. milk,
3 eggs,
2 tablespoons of sugar
a pinch of salt
some vegetable oil.
For filling:
200 g of hard cheese
2 onions
2 eggs,
5 tbsp bread crumbs.

Chop the onion finely and fry it in a pan with vegetable oil until golden brown (10 minutes). Then transfer the onion to a bowl and leave to cool. Bake the pancakes, put each pancake on a cutting board and cut the edges to make a square (do not discard the trimmings from the pancakes, cut them finely). Grate the cheese. Toss half of it with cooled onions and chopped pancake trimmings. Mix the remaining cheese with the breadcrumbs. Place some filling in the middle of each pancake square and roll the pancake into a tube. In a separate bowl, beat two eggs, dip the stuffed pancakes in them, and then roll in the mixture of crackers and cheese. Heat the butter in a skillet and fry the stuffed pancakes on all sides over low heat until golden brown.

Dutch pancakes with cheese

200 g flour
200 ml of milk
300 ml of natural or instant coffee,
150-200 g of hard cheese
1 egg,
salt to taste.

Sift flour, add egg and stir well. Add milk and coffee gradually and beat. Preheat a skillet, brush with oil and pour in the dough. When the pancake is browned on one side, turn it over and spread thin slices of cheese on one half of the pancake. Cover the pancake with the other half and brown a little on one side, then on the other.

Pancakes with cheese and apple

500 g flour
1 stack. milk,
2 eggs,
4 apples,
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp honey,
150-200 g soft cheese
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
icing sugar, cinnamon - to taste.

Sift flour and add milk, eggs, a pinch of sugar and salt to it. Stir until smooth and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Peel the apples, cut into 4 pieces, core and cut into thin strips. Combine lemon juice, honey, cinnamon and pour over the sliced ​​apples with the resulting sauce. Heat oil in a skillet and bake pancakes. Grease the finished pancakes thickly with soft cheese, put apple straws on one half of each pancake, cover it with the other half and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.

Pancakes with processed cheese "Spicy"

For pancakes:
6 stacks flour,
500 ml fermented baked milk,
2 eggs,
1 tbsp Sahara,
2 tsp soda.
For filling:
3 processed cheese,
2 tbsp greenery,
3 cloves of garlic

Use the above ingredients to make pancake batter and thin pancakes. Grate the processed cheese on a coarse grater, add herbs, garlic passed through a press and season this mixture with mayonnaise. Put a little cheese mixture on the edge of the finished pancakes and fold each pancake into an envelope. Before serving, pancakes with cheese filling can be slightly warmed up.

B linchiks with feta cheese

1 stack. flour,
1.5 stack. milk,
2 eggs,
300 g feta cheese,
4 tablespoons sour cream,
1 onion
ground black pepper - to taste,
a few sprigs of oregano.

Combine flour, egg yolks, a pinch of salt, milk. Beat the whites separately until they are foamy and gently mix into the dough. Heat oil in a skillet and fry thin pancakes. Chop the onion finely, rinse the oregano leaves, dry and tear into small pieces. Grate cheese on a grater, mix it with sour cream or natural yogurt, and then combine with onions and oregano, season to taste with salt and pepper. Grease warm pancakes with this mass, fold them into triangles and serve.

Pancake rolls with cheese, shrimps and dill

4 tablespoons flour,
4 tablespoons starch
500 milk
4 eggs,
1-2 tbsp Sahara,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
200-250 g cream cheese
150-200 g of boiled peeled shrimp,
1-2 cloves of garlic
1 bunch of dill
a pinch of salt.

For the dough, combine flour, starch, sugar and salt. Beat the eggs and stir into the dough. Then, stirring continuously, gradually pour in the warm milk. Pour in vegetable oil and mix thoroughly again. Let the dough sit for 30 minutes. Bake thin pancakes. For the filling, combine soft cream cheese with finely chopped shrimp, dill and garlic. Lubricate each pancake with the mixture and roll into tight tubes.

Pancake appetizer with cheese and salmon

2 stacks flour,
2 stacks milk,
3 eggs,
½ tsp starch
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
200 g lightly salted salmon,
200 g cream cheese
1 bunch of green onions
a pinch of baking soda

In a bowl, combine the egg and half a glass of milk. Add flour, starch, baking soda and salt.
Pour the remaining milk into this mixture, rubbing the dough well. Add vegetable oil and mix the dough thoroughly. Bake thin pancakes. Grease the finished pancake with a thin layer of cream cheese, sprinkle with chopped green onions. Place thin slices of salted red fish on top of the cheese. Roll up the roll, cut into rolls with a sharp knife, secure each with a toothpick and lay on a dish. Garnish with fresh green onions.

Bon appetit and new pancake stories!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Yeast and thin, with or without fillings, large and small, thick and thin - absolutely any are good and tasty. True, baking their business is somewhat troublesome. Large lovers of thin pancakes purchase special electric pancakes to simplify and shorten the cooking time of pancakes. However, even they confirm that the most delicious pancakes, exactly those that we remember from childhood, are obtained only in a frying pan. And it is desirable that it be cast iron, although modern ones with non-stick coatings will do.
On ordinary days, when you want to pamper your family with pancakes, you don't particularly look for a recipe for thin pancakes with milk or, but use a proven one. But on the days of Pancake Week, when invitations to taste delicious pancakes are heard from all sides, you start looking for something new, you want new pancake tastes, and also surprise your family and friends. Not just pancakes appear on the table, but pancake cakes, pies, salads with pancakes. And what kind of fillings you will not find. Or additives in pancake dough, so that.
It is the latter that I propose - add cheese to the pancake dough and make excellent cheese pancakes. It turns out slightly salty, hearty, soft pancakes. The best way to bake cheese pancakes is in a small frying pan (mine is 16.5 cm in diameter). Melting, the cheese makes the pancake very soft, turning it over is a little problematic, but the small size makes it easy to do. After two or three pancakes, you will get the hang of it and will juggle like a real chef. And another tip: try to pour a little dough so that the pancakes with cheese don't get too thick.
I present to you a delicious recipe for cheese pancakes.

- flour - 65 gr.;
- sugar - 1 tsp;
- salt - a pinch;
- egg - 1 pc .;
- milk - 190-200 ml.;
- hard cheese - 75 gr.;
- vegetable oil (optional) - 2-3 tbsp.

Recipe with photo step by step:

You need a few bowls, prepare them. But first, rub the cheese on a medium grater, if you grate it on a very small one, then its taste will be less pronounced.
By the way, changing the taste of cheese, you can get different pancakes: slightly spicy, salty, creamy.

Divide the egg into yolk and white, distributing them in different bowls.

Stir the yolk with a whisk and pour milk into it. And stir again thoroughly.

Sift flour and salt into another bowl, add sugar and mix too.

Beat the protein lightly, no strong foam is needed. The whipped protein will give the pancake fluffiness and softness.

Now you can combine everything to make a pancake dough. Pour the milk mixture into the flour. In small portions, stirring thoroughly. It is at this stage that you need to achieve a homogeneous dough without lumps. At first, a very cool batch will turn out, but it is he who will allow you to break all the lumps well. Then we will simply dilute to a pouring state.

Pour in the cheese and mix well again.

Now it's the squirrel's turn. He intervenes quietly and carefully.

When all the ingredients are added and mixed, we look at the consistency of the dough and, if necessary, add a drop of water. But only a drop. If these are your first pancakes, and you have no idea what consistency they should be, then you will have to correct after the first pancake, when you pour the dough into the pan and see if it spreads or is too thick and does not spread. This is why the first pancake is needed, which is not always lumpy.
The second caveat is the coating of your pan. If you bake on a Teflon or other non-stick coating, then the preparation is over for you, you can proceed directly to baking, those who bake in ordinary pans need to add vegetable oil and mix the dough again. When baking, you do not need to grease the pan.
Bake as usual: pour into a preheated pan, medium heat, fry both sides. To turn over pancakes, it is better to take a wide spatula or, if you are used to, turn it over with your hands, but with extreme caution.
We put it on a warm plate.

Pancakes can be stacked, greasing each one with butter (especially if you did not use butter in the dough), or you can fold it into triangles or a tube. Cheese pancakes do not need to be added, well, except perhaps in a glass of warm milk or sour cream.
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