What can be twisted from plums for the winter. Plums for the winter

30.05.2021 Restaurant notes

Many housewives, having collected a rich and generous harvest, begin to think and look for useful information on how to prepare plums for the winter. From beautiful plums you can cook a huge number of blanks, we will focus on the most popular, easy and simple recipes that any housewife can cook.

Credit: www.winiary.pl

1. Dry (dried) plum

How to dry plums? A unique prunes in the kitchen will always come in handy. Dried plums contain many vitamins, various microelements, and antioxidants. The beneficial substances contained in the composition prevent the growth of bacteria that cause caries. Such a healthy fruit must be prepared for the winter.

In order for the plum to dry properly and well, select only the ripest fruits that fall from the tree or are ready to fall. Not all varieties are successful for drying, the most suitable are Hungarian and plums with a high content of sucrose, pectin in the composition. An important condition for obtaining good prunes is the presence of dense pulp, well-removed bones when pressed, the content of pectin and sugar in high quantities.

Healthy plums are selected, bones are removed, then the fruit must be blanched for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, then dipped in cold water and removed, allowing it to dry a little, remove excess liquid with napkins. To make the prunes shiny and dark, the plums are soaked in honey syrup (two parts of boiling water are taken for one part of honey) for 3-5 minutes.

Credit: ogorodko.ru

You can dry it outdoors, in the sun, or use a special dryer, gas or electric oven. To dry in the sun, spread the cream on a tray or baking sheet in a single layer, turning occasionally. The time spent in sunlight is 4-5 days, it must be brought indoors at night so that the fruit does not become damp. After the dew dries, put it outside again. After the specified time, prunes should be removed in the shade for drying for several days (usually 3-4).

When the prunes are ready, no liquid should be released when pressed, they should be elastic, not crumble in the hands. Ready-made dried fruits are usually added to meat dishes, used for baking, preparing various desserts or spicing up salads.

2. We freeze the fruits correctly

Plums can be frozen to enjoy the natural taste in winter or cook compote according to a recipe, add a delicious dessert, bake a pie, etc. For freezing, dense varieties are used, with a high percentage of sugar content and a thick skin, where the inner seed is easily separated. The Hungarian and the Kuban legend showed excellent qualities in freezing, after thawing they retained their natural taste and shape.

The selected cream is thoroughly washed, but not overexposed in water, then dried and the bones are removed, cut into two parts. Also frozen whole, if necessary for culinary affairs in the winter. The plum is packaged in plastic bags or containers in one layer, sent to the freezer.

Credit: canalblog.com

After an hour or two, they check if the plums have seized and hardened, they are removed for a long freeze, folding all the plums into bags, plastic containers. If you put all the available plums at once in a bag and freeze, it will be difficult to extract fruits in winter, so the fruits will be easily separated from each other. The storage temperature of plums in the freezer is -16 ° ... -18 ° С, in such conditions the product is stored for up to six months.

3. Preparing plum juice

The recipe for making juice is very easy, it will not cause trouble for novice cooks. Plum juice retains all the beneficial elements, including insoluble pectin. To make juice from plums, take 2 kg of fresh fruits, 0.4-0.5 liters of filtered pure water and 100 g of granulated sugar.

Credit: simplepurebeauty.com

They take only ripe and overripe plums, which must be washed and pitted. Put the plum into the pan, add water, heat to a temperature of +75 ° ... +80 ° С. Remove from heat, let stand for a while to soften the plums, then wipe the fruit through a sieve or use a juicer.

In the resulting thick consistency, pour some water from the pan in which the fruits were located, add granulated sugar and put it on the stove again. We are waiting for the juice to heat up to a temperature of +85 ° C and pour it into pre-prepared containers (jars, glass bottles), roll it up. To adjust the saturation of the juice, reduce or increase the amount of water at your discretion, so you will achieve the desired consistency and sweetness.

4. Make Delicious Plum Marshmallow and Sweet Marmalade

To prepare plum marshmallows, you need 1 kg of freshly picked fruits and a little vegetable oil. First, liquid puree is boiled by analogy with the recipe for making juice from plums, then it is laid out in a saucepan (but not in aluminum) and boiled until the volume is halved.

Credit: ogorodko.ru

The mass of plums is cooled, laid out on baking sheets, trays, etc., having previously covered the bottom of the form with parchment, greased with oil. The mass layer should not be more than 2 cm. The plum mass packaged in forms is sent to the oven with an internal temperature of +80 ° ... + 90 ° С. An important point when cooking marshmallows is a slightly ajar oven door, otherwise the product will just be baked at the exit. The approximate cooking time for the recipe in the oven is 3-4 hours.

When the puree thickens enough and stops sticking to your fingers, the plum marshmallow is ready. The finished marshmallow is taken out of the oven, cut into wide strips (along with parchment), put in glass jars and put in the refrigerator for storage.

To make marmalade from plums, you need 1 kg of plum puree and 500-600 grams of sugar. It is better to cook in a saucepan with a thick bottom, in which the mashed potatoes are laid out, put on a small fire and stir constantly until the mass stops sticking to the bottom. At this point, during the cooking process, the volume will decrease by half.

Credit: www.italianfoodforever.com

Be sure to taste the resulting mass until the consistency of chewy candy is reached. If the puree is still quite viscous and easily eaten, boil until the desired viscosity is obtained.

Parchment is lined in prepared containers, marmalade from plums is distributed with a layer of no more than 2 cm, left to cool, dry in a dry room for a couple of days. After 2-3 days, marmalade will easily separate from parchment paper, cut into pieces, dip in sugar. Store homemade marmalade from plums in a closed dry container.

5. Pickled Plum - Add some spice to your dishes

Not every housewife will find a pickled plum in the kitchen, this product is not so popular, but in vain. Plum in the marinade will not only decorate the dishes for the festive table, but also add an unusual taste to meat or side dishes.

The recipe will require 5 kg of plums, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar, 250 ml of wine vinegar, 20 g of bay leaf, 10 g of cloves. Ingredients such as ginger, cinnamon or allspice can be used in the recipe as desired.

Credit: www.lovefoodeat.com

The plum is placed in a container in small layers, sprinkling each of them with seasonings. The marinade is prepared separately - 250 ml of wine vinegar is taken, the indicated amount of granulated sugar (do not be afraid of a thick consistency), mixed, put on a flame and simmered until the ingredients are completely dissolved and a homogeneous composition is obtained. The resulting hot, almost boiling syrup is poured over plums. The plums may not completely cover, the plum juice will fill the voids after a while, so do not worry. Leave to cool for a day.

After 24 hours, the plums are carefully separated from the marinade and the procedure is repeated. Over the next three days, put on the stove, bring to a boil, then pour again and leave to cool. It is advisable to drain and boil the marinade twice a day (morning and evening), but one is allowed according to the recipe.

Five days later, the fruits are laid out in pre-prepared clean jars (necessarily sterilized), spices are added and poured with boiling marinade to the very edge of the jars, corked or rolled up. Pickled plums will not only diversify the festive table, but will also become a delicious treat for guests.

6. Cook jam and preserves for the whole family

Delicious plum jam will not only be a wonderful treat for tea on a frosty winter evening, but will also serve as an excellent filling for various confectionery delights, especially in combination with apples, chocolate, lemon. After harvesting plums, be sure to make a couple of jars of jam! There are quite a few jam recipes, we will focus on an unusual version, very fragrant and unsurpassed in taste, children and adults will definitely like the delicacy.

Credit: www.panbagnato.com

To make plum jam in chocolate, according to the recipe, take 2 kg of washed fresh plums, 1 kg of granulated sugar, 40-45 g of cocoa powder and 40 g of vanilla sugar. A plum with dense pulp is cut into two parts, the seed is removed, 0.5 kg of sugar is added, gently mixed, trying not to crush, left for 24 hours in a cool room to release the juice.

A day later, the remaining sugar is added, vanilla and cocoa powder are poured and put on low heat. With gentle movements, the plum is mixed and boiled for 50-60 minutes. For each plum variety, the cooking time may vary, and the ripeness of the fruit also affects the duration of the process - the riper, the faster it will cook. Once the plum jam is cooked, transfer the product to jars and roll up.

Plum jam is prepared using a different technology and differs from jam in its consistency, which has a jelly-like structure. For the recipe you will need 1 kg of plums, 1 kg of sugar, 2.5 g of citric acid, 125 ml of purified drinking water. The bones are removed from the plums, cut into 4 parts, placed in an enamel saucepan, poured with boiling water. Then, stirring constantly, cook for 20 minutes on a fairly low heat.

After that, they begin to add granulated sugar in small portions and cook for another 35-40 minutes, removing the resulting foam. At the end of cooking, pour in the lemon, let it boil for one minute and pour into jars to twist. Jam will differ not only in taste, but also in a beautiful iridescent color.

7. Unusual plum wine - a luxurious drink to the table

For plum wine, according to the recipe, 10 kg of pitted plums, 4.7 kg of granulated sugar and 1 liter of filtered water are taken. Prepared fruits cut into 2 parts are put in a glass jar (bottle), pour water, granulated sugar and leave in a warm room for 3-4 days, not forgetting to cover the neck with gauze.

Credit: ogorodko.ru

When the fermentation process begins, a water seal is installed on the bottle or a medical glove is put on in the old fashioned way, making one or two punctures in the fingers, and left for fermentation for 25-30 days.

A month later, the wort is filtered thoroughly. The pulp must be thoroughly squeezed out, the wort must be filtered with a fine sieve several times. Now the wine is poured into a clean container (preferably glass), corked and placed in a dark, cool room for further infusion. It will be possible to taste delicious plum wine in 2-3 months.

The longer the wine stands, the tastier and richer it will be. Plum wine has an incredible aroma and pleasant taste, be sure to try cooking according to the recipe, you can’t buy this in a store! Yes, and from wine from other fruits and berries, plum stands out noticeably.

Plum is a tasty, fragrant and healthy fruit. In order to have something to eat on winter evenings, you can make jam from these fruits.

This recipe is the easiest and fastest to prepare. It is also called the five-minute. During the cooking process, almost all vitamins are preserved and the delicacy remains healthy and nutritious.


  • sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • plum - 5 kg;
  • vanilla sugar - 25 g.


  1. If you want to make jam, not jam, choose unripe fruits. Rinse fruits in water. Remove leaves and any debris.
  2. Cut each plum in half.
  3. Remove the bone with a knife.
  4. Put in a large container.
  5. Sprinkle sugar on top. You can't mix.
  6. Leave for half a day. This is necessary in order for the fruit to release the juice and become more solid.
  7. Turn on the stove to the maximum setting. Put the pot with fruit and boil.
  8. Switch to the minimum cooking mode and boil for five minutes.
  9. Remove from stove.
  10. Cool down completely.
  11. Put on fire. Boil and remove from stove.
  12. Pour hot into jars.
  13. Roll up.

Cooking with yellow plums

Yellow fruits have an original unique taste. Pleasant, beautiful plum color will give a chic look to the delicacy. The jam will turn out fragrant and similar to honey. The fruits will remain in pieces and vitamins will be preserved. Due to the lack of a peel, the delicacy melts in your mouth.


  • yellow plum - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2.4 kg.


  1. To make the delicacy delicious, wash the fruit, remove the seeds and peel. With these fruits, it is removed quickly and easily.
  2. Transfer the prepared mass to a bowl.
  3. Sprinkle with the required amount of sugar.
  4. Mix.
  5. Turn the burner to the minimum. Stirring, cook until sugar dissolves. Wait for a boil.
  6. Boil five minutes.
  7. Transfer to banks.
  8. Screw on the lids.
  9. Cover with a blanket until completely cool.

original spice recipe

If you cook plum jam with the addition of spices, you get a fragrant delicacy that will surprise all guests with an amazing taste.


  • cloves - 12 pcs.;
  • plum - 2.5 kg;
  • cinnamon - 2.5 sticks;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg.


  1. To better wash the dirt from the fruit, it is necessary to pour water into the basin, put all the plums there. Leave. Take out and wash twice.
  2. Remove the bones with a sharp knife. Remove skin. If the fruits are yellow, then the peel can be left. In this variety, it is soft and is not felt in the jam.
  3. Cut the fruit into four slices.
  4. Sprinkle with sugar.
  5. Juice will appear in an hour.
  6. Put it to boil for an hour. Turn on the minimum fire.
  7. Leave for 12 hours.
  8. Add cinnamon, cloves.
  9. Boil for half an hour. Do not cover with lid. Remove the formed foam.
  10. Remove the spices, otherwise the jam will be soaked too much and you will get a rich taste.
  11. Pour into jars. Spin.

Seedless plum jam for the winter

Jam differs from jam in that this delicacy is boiled longer. The color is darker than jam. Jam has a slightly sour taste, a homogeneous thick mass without pieces of fruit.


  • plum - 2.4 kg;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 1.8 kg.


  1. To make real jam, choose ripe fruits. Check for worms. You need to cook with the skin on.
  2. Wash fruits.
  3. Put in a container that can be put on fire.
  4. Pour in water so that the fruit is completely immersed in the liquid.
  5. Boil, but do not boil. This is necessary in order for the skin to exfoliate from the fruit.
  6. Cool down.
  7. Get the bones.
  8. Drain the juice that stands out into a separate container and use as you wish.
  9. Take a blender. Whisk.
  10. Sprinkle with sugar.
  11. Turn the hob to low mode. Boil fruit for three hours.
  12. Stir constantly and remove when foam appears.
  13. Add lemon. Stir.
  14. Boil five minutes.
  15. Rinse small jars with soda, wash off its remnants. Put in a hot oven or microwave at low power.
  16. Boil the lids for 5 minutes.
  17. Transfer jam to containers.
  18. Close the lid.
  19. Wrap up.

Recipe for jam with cocoa

You won’t surprise anyone with ordinary jam, but few people have tried chocolate delicacy. According to this recipe, plum jam prepared for the winter turns out to have an original taste, fragrant and healthy. And it will definitely please chocolate lovers.


  • powder - cocoa - 15 tbsp. spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • plum - 4.5 kg.


  1. Wash fruits.
  2. Remove bones.
  3. Cook in a wide pot. Pour in water to cover the bottom.
  4. Transfer fruits.
  5. Close the lid.
  6. Turn the burner to the middle position. Heat until water boils.
  7. Switch to minimum. Boil for half an hour. The fruit will become soft and release juice.
  8. Turn off gas. Cool down the mass.
  9. Beat with a blender. You can take a colander with wide holes, and grind the fruit. This method is more suitable for jam, as the skin will separate from the pulp, the delicacy will turn out to be tender and uniform. Therefore, it is better to use ripe plums, they can be easily and quickly rubbed.
  10. Transfer back to saucepan.
  11. Pour 600 grams of sugar.
  12. Mix.
  13. Put on fire.
  14. Boil. Boil for half an hour on low heat.
  15. Stir often so that the mass does not burn.
  16. Pour in the remaining norm of sugar and cocoa. Mix.
  17. If the jam tastes sour, you can increase the sugar content.
  18. Boil 20 minutes.
  19. Place in jars. Close.

If you like thick jam, use late varieties. If using an early variety, add more sugar and cocoa to the recipe. To make the mass resemble chocolates, add more cocoa.

Cooking with nuts

Everyone should try this jam. It has a bright taste and original aroma. You will be pleased to surprise your guests with an interesting and tasty delicacy.


  • sugar - 1.7 kg;
  • walnut - 250 g;
  • plum - 2.5 kg.


  1. Remove leaves, branches and other debris from fruit.
  2. Rinse.
  3. Remove bones.
  4. Cut the pulp into small pieces.
  5. Sort nuts. Remove, if any, pieces of shell and partitions. Take a deep plate, sprinkle nuts. To fill with water. It should be at room temperature. Hold for half an hour.
  6. Prepare a large container that can be put on fire. Arrange prepared fruits.
  7. Boil 20 minutes. If the fruits do not secrete juice, water must be added. During the cooking process, stir and skim off the foam.
  8. Pour sugar over plums. Boil for 40 minutes. Cook over low heat.
  9. Strain the water from the nuts. Transfer to the plum mass. Mix.
  10. Boil. Boil for 20 minutes.
  11. Remove from fire. Roll up hot.

With the addition of oranges

If you combine a plum with an orange, you get an amazing dessert that the whole family will enjoy on cold evenings. The delicacy comes out sweet, has a slight sourness of plum and a unique aroma of orange. In order not to change the color of the jam, stir only with a wooden spoon.

Citric acid will help avoid sugaring the dessert. Add a teaspoon of lemon per kilogram of sugar and the jam will remain in its original form.


  • granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • oranges - 3 pcs.;
  • plums - 3 kg.


  1. Remove branches, leaves from fruits. Spoiled, rotten, crumpled fruits are not suitable for jam. Rinse. Allow time for excess water to drain.
  2. Remove the skin and cut out the bones. If you leave the peel, then during cooking it will separate from the pulp and the jam will not look very beautiful.
  3. Remove rind from oranges. To do this, use a small grater.
  4. To avoid bitterness, remove all white partitions from the orange.
  5. Transfer plums to a heatproof bowl.
  6. Add zest and sorted oranges.
  7. Pour out the sugar. Leave for a while. The fruits should release juice, and the sugar should melt.
  8. Turn the burner on medium. When the mass boils, switch to a minimum. Boil 15 minutes. Stir constantly and remove the foam.
  9. Turn off the fire. Leave the mass to cool.
  10. Boil again and cook for a quarter of an hour. Be sure to remove the foam.
  11. Boil the lids.
  12. Sterilize jars.
  13. Divide the jam into containers. Roll up.

Plum and apple delicacy for the winter

In jam, pieces of fruit retain their shape. In jam, everything boils down to a thick state. This mass is easy to spread on pancakes and rolls, it is convenient to add to tea. When making jam, you can take fruits that are overripe.


  • sugar - 4 kg;
  • plum - 2 kg;
  • apple - 2 kg.


  1. Cut the plums in half, remove the pits. Place in a saucepan, falling asleep with two kilograms of sugar.
  2. Leave to extract juice for an hour.
  3. Put on the stove. Boil for half an hour. If during this time little juice stands out from the fruit, pour a little water.
  4. Leave to cool for two hours.
  5. Remove the peel from the washed apples, remove the seeds. Cut into slices.
  6. Place to the plum mass, falling asleep with the remaining sugar.
  7. Mix.
  8. Boil fruit for half an hour. To prevent burning, stir with a wooden spoon. Remove foam regularly.
  9. Take a blender. Whisk the fruits. Boil.
  10. Preserve.

How to cook a delicious dessert in a slow cooker?

The easiest cooking option is to use a slow cooker. Taste qualities will remain unchanged, and cooking time will take much less. In this cooking option, the syrup will definitely not burn. For a beautiful color of jam, it is best to use yellow varieties of plums.


  • yellow plum - 4 kg;
  • sugar - 4 kg.


  1. Sort fruits, clean from branches and leaves. Rinse.
  2. Leave only strong, whole fruits without damage.
  3. Remove the seeds by cutting the fruit in half.
  4. Transfer the fruits to the bowl from the multicooker.
  5. Pour in sugar.
  6. Select the "Extinguishing" mode. Time to put on the hour.
  7. Close the lid.
  8. Do not interfere during the cooking process.
  9. An hour later, the treat is ready. Transfer to jars. Preserve.

Strengthen blood vessels, overcome anemia, normalize blood pressure - this is not a complete list of problems that eating plum fruits will help to cope with. You can get all the benefits of this fruit in the cold season, you just need to make delicious jam from it, there are a lot of recipes for it. Some of them can rightfully be considered culinary masterpieces.

Classic recipe

Pitted plum jam according to the classic recipe turns out to be very tasty with a pronounced aroma of summer. Pieces of fruit in it turn out to be quite soft and, together with syrup, they resemble something like jelly in thickness. Such a winter preparation will not only be a delicious addition to cereals or a spread for sweet sandwiches, but also a filling for any pies and puffs.

The classic recipe uses only two ingredients, the amount of which can be proportionally increased or decreased.

Since the jam will be brought to a boil three times and boiled for some time, and it will need to be completely cooled between boils, the process of making it can take a whole day, depending on the volumes of fruit and sugar.

How to make pitted plum jam step by step:

"Five minutes" - fast and insanely delicious

Housewives make blanks from summer berries and fruits in order to enrich their diet in winter with the beneficial vitamins contained in them. But long heat treatment can destroy most of the useful substances. This fact was the reason for the appearance of jam from Pyatiminutka plums.

For cooking, only fruits and sugar are also used, the amount of the latter ingredient in relation to plums can be increased or decreased, depending on the sweetness of the fruit. The following proportion is generally used:

  • 1000 g of ripe plums;
  • 1000 g of granulated sugar.

The cooking time is only 5 minutes, but additional time will be required to prepare the fruit and bring the mass to a boil, so the total cooking time can take up to 5-6 hours.

The calorie content of "Five Minutes" with a ratio of ingredients 1 to 1 will be 219.4 kcal / 100 g.

Boiling sequence:

  1. Wash the fruits, remove the seeds and cut into quarters or smaller pieces. This will speed up the release of juice;
  2. Transfer the fruits to a suitable saucepan, sprinkle them with sugar on top and put on a small fire;
  3. Periodically stirring the fruit and sugar mass with a large wooden spoon or spatula so that it does not burn from below, bring to the state of “a second to a boil”. So the jam must be kept for five minutes;
  4. After that, while the mass has not yet cooled down, lay it out in sterilized jars and roll it up with the same sterile lids;
  5. Set the jars upside down on a towel and wrap in a warm blanket to keep warm. Leave the blanks in this form until completely cooled, then they can be transferred to the basement for storage.

Pitted plum jam

Usually, those varieties of plums are used for jam, in which the stones are easily separated. This allows you to immediately reject wormy specimens in the process of preparing fruits, as well as prepare a product that is 100% edible, from which you do not have to pull out the bones later. But even from those varieties in which it is difficult to extract the seeds, you can cook delicious jam with a bone.

For such a preparation for the winter, you need to take:

  • 1000 g plums;
  • 1200 g of sugar;
  • 900 ml of water.

Not taking into account the time for standing and cooling the mass between boils, the cooking time for the jam will be about 2 hours.

The calorie content of the finished plum delicacy is 167.1 kcal / 100 g.

Work algorithm:

  1. Sort the plums, remove the stalks and rinse well. Then make several punctures on each fruit with a toothpick or fork;
  2. After that, put everything in a bowl of a suitable size and pour the amount of water indicated in the recipe. Put a container of water and fruit on the stove and warm up to 75-85 degrees for two to three minutes;
  3. Drain the water from the fruit, add the prescription amount of sugar and boil the syrup. Pour plums with boiling syrup and leave to stand for 3-4 hours;
  4. After that, the jam will need to be brought to a boil three times, but not allowed to boil, removed from the stove and left to cool and stand for 10-12 hours;
  5. For the fourth time, let the fruits boil over low heat for about 15 minutes and place them hot in sterile jars. Leave the rolled cans upside down to cool completely.

"Plum Delight" - option without cooking

Plum jam can be prepared even without heat treatment. This will help preserve all the benefits of fruit, but in this case, special attention must be paid to the cleanliness and sterility of containers for winter harvesting, as well as its storage conditions. It's best to keep your jam jars in the refrigerator or cool basement.

Since in this case sugar acts as a preservative for the finished product, the proportions of the ingredients should be as follows:

  • 1000 g plums;
  • 2000 g of sugar.

For those who do not like too sweet jam or do not plan to store it for a long time, you can reduce the ratio of sugar to fruit, but not less than 1 to 1.

The calorie content of 100 g of jam without cooking is 278.3 kcal.

It will take no more than 40-50 minutes to prepare a winter harvest without cooking.

Recipe for plum jam without cooking step by step:

  1. Carefully wash the fruits, discard rotten and wormy ones, remove the seeds;
  2. Grind prepared plums using a meat grinder or blender;
  3. Pour sugar into the resulting fruit mass and mix. Then let stand for a while (up to 10 minutes);
  4. Repeat stirring several more times at short intervals. The task is to completely dissolve the sugar;
  5. Arrange the finished jam in a sterile container, close with sterile lids and immediately store in a suitable place.

Plum jam with apples

This thick, beautiful and tasty jam with pieces of apples and a breathtaking aroma will be an excellent filling for pies, bagels, pancakes, as well as an independent treat for tea. Its preparation, of course, is a long and difficult process, but the result is fully justified.

The products used in the cooking process will be required in the following proportion:

  • 2500 g of plum fruits;
  • 1000 g of apples;
  • 1000 g of granulated sugar.

The duration of cooking will depend on the number of boils of the mass and the duration of the cooling intervals between them, which can take from 8 hours.

The calorie content of apple-plum jam, calculated per 100 grams, will be 122.2 kilocalories.

Cooking order:

  1. Wash the plums, sort and remove the pits. Then put them in a bowl (pan), in which the jam will be cooked, and cover with half the sugar. Leave them to let the juice out;
  2. In the meantime, you should work on apples. For this preparation, only ideal fruits are required, which must be peeled, core with seeds removed and cut into beautiful slices;
  3. Transfer the prepared apples to the plums and sprinkle the rest of the sugar on top. Leave the fruit mass again so that the apples also secrete juice;
  4. Then put the dishes with the ingredients on the fire, bring to a boil and boil from half an hour to 40 minutes. Turn off the fire and let cool;
  5. After 4-5 hours, when the fruits are completely cool, they must be boiled again for 15-20 minutes and cooled. Repeat the steps several times until the desired consistency of the product is obtained;
  6. When the jam is ready, it must be hot laid out in glass (pre-sterilized) jars and, after cooling, roll up the lids.

Cooking plum dessert with cocoa

After this jam, a pleasant aftertaste and a trail of chocolate aroma will remain in your mouth, after which you will not want to put it in pies, but simply enjoy it like expensive chocolates with tea. The texture of the finished product is homogeneous, thanks to grinding the fruit through a sieve. You should not resort to a blender during the cooking process to get puree, as it will leave pieces of peel.

Proportions of products for one liter jar:

  • 1500 g pitted plum fruits;
  • 600 g of granulated sugar;
  • 150 g cocoa powder.

The duration of all cooking processes will be 5-6 hours.

The calorie content of the product is 158.5 kcal per 100 g.

The process of making plum jam with cocoa:

  1. Weigh out the required amount of plum fruits prepared without pits and transfer them to a saucepan, on the bottom of which a little water is poured (literally 200-300 ml);
  2. Put the pan on the fire and let the mass boil under a closed lid for 20-25 minutes, so that the fruits become soft. Then remove them from the fire and cool;
  3. Rub the cooled plums through a sieve, removing the skin from the total mass. Pour 500 g of sugar into fruit puree and simmer for 30 minutes after boiling, stirring regularly;
  4. Stir the cocoa powder with the remaining sugar and add to the boiling jam. After that, cook the mass for another quarter of an hour, then cork hot into prepared jars.

Plum jam with orange

Often, housewives who have been preserving plum jam for more than a year want to add variety to the usual classic preparations. This can be done by adding a citrus note to the fragrant plum base. This recipe uses oranges, their freshly squeezed juice and zest.

The ratio of the number of ingredients to the main product:

  • 1500 g plums;
  • 1250 g of sugar;
  • 400 ml of orange juice;
  • 15 g orange peel.

The total cooking time is 1.5-2 hours.

Calorie content - 184.3 kcal / 100 g.

Culinary processes:

  1. Prepared clean plums, cut into two halves, while removing the seeds. Put the fruit in a suitable saucepan, pour over the orange juice and cook after boiling until soft (approximately 20 minutes);
  2. Then remove the fruit with a slotted spoon on a baking sheet, and add sugar and zest to the juice. Boil the syrup, waiting for the complete dissolution of the sugar grains;
  3. After that, return the plums to the syrup and cook for another 10-15 minutes, until the syrup sample is on a soft ball. Roll hot jam into prepared glass jars.

How to cook tender and juicy - please your loved ones with a delicious snack.

Read how to cook a tender apple pie in a slow cooker.

Delicious omelette in a bag - the dish is tender and light, but at the same time it is less high-calorie than fried in a pan.

Jam from yellow plums in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, you can cook jam from any kind of fruit, berries, and even some vegetables. The advantage of this method is that the mass does not need to be mixed during the cooking process, and it will not burn. But it is not worth putting more than a kilogram of raw materials into the multi-pan, since it is likely that the jam will run away.

For jam from plums in a slow cooker, you need to take:

  • 1000 g of yellow plums;
  • 1000 g of white granulated sugar.

The duration of cooking in a slow cooker will be 1 hour, additional time will be needed to prepare the fruit.

The nutritional value of plum delicacy from the multicooker is 219.4 kcal per 100 g.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the fruit, sort it out, remove the seeds and disassemble into halves. Then transfer them to the multicooker bowl and cover with sugar;
  2. Leave everything for about an hour in order for the juice to stand out. After that, using the “Stew” (or “Soup”) option, cook the jam by closing the multicooker with a lid;
  3. For greater density, the mass can be boiled again after cooling. Such jam is stored, as well as prepared in the usual way, in glass jars.

Sweet preparations for the winter

Both nuts and plums are rich in vitamins and useful macro-, microelements, which are very valuable for the human body. You can combine the benefits of these two products in such a winter preparation as jam from plums with nuts. For its preparation, you can use, as suggested in the recipe, walnuts, or you can take almonds and hazelnuts.

To cook a walnut-plum blank for the winter you will need:

  • 1000 g plums;
  • 600 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 100 g walnuts;
  • 30 ml brandy.

The duration of work on this jam will be about 2 hours.

The calorie content of the product is 178.9 kcal / 100 g.

Plum jam recipe for the winter with nuts step by step:

  1. Fold the clean halves of pitted plums into a saucepan, pour in water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes after boiling;
  2. Then add sugar and cook, stirring constantly, for 40 minutes;
  3. At the third stage, add chopped walnuts and cognac to the mass, boil for another 10 minutes. After that, spread the jam from the plums into jars and close the lids.

For jam recipes from halves of plums, it is better to use the fruits of the "Renklod" or "Hungarian" varieties, since the stone separates very well from them.

If the fruits are not large, then you can put them whole in the blanks, but for better impregnation with syrup, they need to be pierced in several places.

So that the thick skin on the fruit does not burst, violating the integrity of the plum slices, the fruit must be blanched for 1-2 minutes, and then rinsed with cold water.

Also, the integrity of the fruits for plum treats will help preserve the soda solution in which they must be kept and then rinsed thoroughly.

In winter, such plums can be used as a side dish for meat, as an additive to salads. They also pair well with a glass of red wine.

Recipe for canned plums without sugar

Natural sugar-free plums are suitable for those who monitor weight, control blood sugar levels. The taste of such canned food remains natural, they retain plums and a light summer aroma. For the preparation of these canned fruits, strong and elastic are selected, you can also take a little immature.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. The fruits are carefully sorted, washed, placed in a colander.
  2. Blanch in boiling water for a few seconds, then cool them in cold water for a couple of minutes.
  3. Fruits are placed in clean and sterile containers, poured with boiling water to the neck.
  4. Filled containers are placed in a container for sterilization.
  5. Sterilize for about 20 minutes, then roll up, turn over and cool.

Plum compote for the winter (with seeds)

A fragrant drink made from fresh plums has been known to everyone since childhood. Few people refused such a compote, cooked from fresh fruits, it is also considered tasty in canned form. Plums for such a dessert are used whole, the bones are not removed. This makes the drink more saturated, besides, the plums themselves retain a special aroma and taste.

For a winter drink, you should prepare:

  • 1 kg of unripe and dense plums;
  • 700 ml of water;
  • half a kilo of sugar.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Plums are carefully sorted, washed, kept in boiling water for 5-7 minutes.
  2. The fruits are tightly packed in clean and sterile jars.
  3. Syrup is made from sugar and water.
  4. Pour plums with boiling syrup, cover the jars with lids.
  5. Placed in a container for sterilization, carry out the procedure for about 15 minutes.
  6. Roll up, turn over, leave to cool.

Many housewives prefer to add an umbrella of cloves to the syrup - this gives the taste of the finished dish a special note and an unusual aroma.

Stewed dessert

Unusual and special are plums prepared by the “languishing” method. This method helps the fruit to remain fragrant and juicy, while maintaining a maximum of vitamins.


  1. Ripe and loose plums are sorted out, washed thoroughly in cold water, dried a little.
  2. Each plum is pierced on one side and placed in an enameled container.
  3. The syrup is brewed based on 600 g of sugar 600 ml of water. Mix, heat to a boil and pour the fruit. Set aside for 12 hours.
  4. The syrup is strained with a colander, let it drain. Plums are transferred to prepared sterile containers for preservation, after placing a bay leaf on the bottom of each.
  5. When shifting the plums, they are sprinkled with sugar in layers, the remaining syrup is also placed in jars, covered with lids.
  6. The jars are sterilized for about a quarter of an hour, after which they are corked and turned over.

Such plums are also suitable as a filling for pies, decorating cakes in the winter. The pit of the plum can be removed just before using the fruit to make desserts.

Jam from fruits with a stone

Plum jam with pits remains the most popular delicacy for many. Preserving such a dessert does not take much time, is not considered troublesome and costly. Such jam is also stored well, without additional cooling conditions.

For this sweet dessert, you should prepare the ingredients:

  • 1 kg plums;
  • 1.810 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 610 ml of water.


  1. The fruits are sorted, washed thoroughly, blanched in boiling water for 5 minutes, dipped in cold water.
  2. Each plum is pricked on one side, placed in an enamel bowl.
  3. Syrup is boiled from water and 610 g of granulated sugar, plums are poured with boiling syrup, the fruits are kept for 8 hours.
  4. A kilogram and 200 g of granulated sugar are divided into 4 parts, the jam is boiled four times, adding a portion of sugar each time.
  5. After the last cooking, the jam is transferred to prepared sterile jars, sealed until cool.

For those who store jam in cool cellars, it is not necessary to seal the jars hermetically. It will keep well under a nylon cover.

Pickled assorted

You can surprise guests in winter and treat your home with the unusual taste of pickled fruits by preparing a pickled assortment of plums and grapes. For such a marinade, dense and whole plums are selected, strong grapes in clusters, the ingredients are taken in equal quantities.


  1. Carefully filtered and washed plums and grapes are placed in layers in a jar, first a couple of peppercorns, an umbrella of cloves, and a little cinnamon are placed on the bottom of each jar.
  2. A syrup is prepared at the rate of 120 g of sugar per 320 ml of water. The mixture is heated, brought to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. After that, filter and bring to a boil again.
  3. Pour 60 g of 6% vinegar into the syrup, then pour fruit in a jar with syrup, cover with lids.
  4. They are placed in a container for sterilization, the jars are sterilized for 20 minutes, rolled up, sealed for cooling.

Plum compote (video)

Canned plum has long been considered the decoration of any festive table, evening tea. The popularity of these simple preserves is not decreasing, almost every housewife seeks to please her family and guests with an exquisite plum dessert.

Good afternoon dear friends. Today I offer you excellent recipes for plum jam. This berry is often overlooked, but the plum is simply created for making sweet desserts.

It is not only tasty, but also healthy, it contains such a rare vitamin P, better known as rutin. This vitamin helps to normalize blood pressure, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and helps in the functioning of the immune system.

Of course, there will be more benefits in fresh products, but you can also benefit in the cold season. It is enough to properly prepare the plum for the winter. You can cook compote, dry berries or cook marshmallow, but today we will talk about how to cook tasty and healthy plum jam at home. Some of the masterpieces of this sweet tree have grown and will be discussed today.

In a classic recipe, you only need two main ingredients that can be easily increased or decreased. The main thing is to maintain the correct proportions and then the treat will turn out to be moderately sweet and very tasty.


  • Plum 1 kg.
  • Sugar 1.5 kg.

Cooking process.

Rinse the collected berries well, remove the seeds. If the berry is large, then the large halves can be further divided into halves. You get quarters.

We shift the prepared plum into an enameled pan and sprinkle lightly with sugar. Leave for 5-6 hours in a cool place. Usually I start cooking in the evening and leave the workpiece for the night.

In the morning I mix well and put the workpiece on the stove. I bring it to a boil, let it boil for 5-7 minutes and turn off the heat completely.

After the mass has cooled to room temperature, I put it back on the stove and bring it to a boil, but I don’t let it boil. Turn the heat off again and let the jam cool to room temperature.

Before I put the jam on the boil for the third time, I first prepare the jars. I sterilize them over steam, and pour boiling water over the lids.

I put the pan with the sweet mass on the fire, bring it to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for 5-7 minutes.

When boiling, foam appears, it must be removed and cleaned. After cooling, this foam is eaten on the very first drink of tea.

And so the jam boiled for 7 minutes, now it can be laid out in jars and twisted with lids.

After the last lid is twisted, I make the jars with the lids down and cover with a warm cloth. I stand the jam until it cools completely, only then the cooking process is considered completed.

Thick pitted five-minute jam

Of course, the entire cooking process takes more than five minutes. It is called a five-minute because it takes no more than five minutes to cook. Such a short period of heat treatment allows you to save a huge amount of useful substances in the product.


  • Plum 1 kg.
  • Sugar 800 gr.
  • Water 150 ml.
  • Citric acid 0.2 teaspoon.

Cooking process.

Pour water into a saucepan or small saucepan and bring to a boil. Start adding sugar to hot water. While stirring, prepare the syrup. That is, in 150 ml. water you need to dissolve 800 grams of sugar. When the syrup is ready, set it aside and let it cool down slowly.

While the syrup is cooling, we have time to prepare the plum. It must be washed and removed from each bone. This process is quite laborious and requires increased attention. Believe me, it will be very insulting and painful to stumble on a bone and break a tooth. Therefore, I treat this process very carefully.

And so the plum is prepared, you need to pour it with syrup and mix well. Leave the berry in the syrup for 3-4 hours. After that, be sure to boil the jam for no more than five minutes. When cooking, remove the foam with a spoon.

When the mass has cooled well, put the bowl back on the stove and repeat the cooking process. 2 minutes before readiness add citric acid.

After that, you can lay out the jam in sterile jars and tighten the lids.

Banks make upside down and wrap. After cooling, transfer to a cool place.

How to make plum jam at home


  • Plum 1 kg.
  • Sugar 1.5 kg.
  • A pinch of citric acid.

Cooking process.

For making jam, it is best to use a little overripe. And wash the berries so well.

Separate the pulp from the bone.

We wipe the pulp through a sieve to get rid of the skin. That is why it is best to use overripe fruits, as they easily part with the skin.

Mix the resulting mass with sugar.

Put on the stove and cook over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. During the cooking process, the mass will begin to thicken. 2 minutes before the end of cooking, add citric acid and stir the future jam well.

Pour the finished product into sterile jars and tighten the lids.

The jam turns out to be thick, jelly-like and moderately sweet, almost like a store-bought one.

Plum jam slices

For this recipe, large strong varieties are best suited, then the berry will not fall apart, but will remain whole, beautiful and tasty. This is a cross between compote and jam, and the whole cooking process will take only a couple of hours.


  • Plum 2 kg.
  • Sugar 750-800 grams.
  • Citric acid half a teaspoon.
  • Water 2 liters.

Cooking process.

And so, sort out the plum and rinse well. You can fill the berry with water for two hours, so that it gains more strength.

Cut into two halves and remove the bone.

Sterilize jars and lids. Divide plum halves into jars. Try to stack the halves as tightly as possible, but not too much. It will be enough just to shake the jar a couple of times for everything to fall into place.

Heat water and pour into jars, cover with a lid and let stand for 20 minutes.

Then drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar and bring it to a boil. Boil the syrup for 5-7 minutes and add citric acid 2 minutes before the end of cooking.

After that, you can pour the syrup back into the jars, twist the lids.

In winter, plums can be used as a decoration for any dessert, and cakes can be soaked in syrup.

Plum jam in a slow cooker with cocoa and chocolate

I suggest you cook a very unusual plum jam with the addition of cocoa powder and chocolate. Yes, yes cocoa and chocolate, you read everything correctly. It may seem strange to you, but such a recipe exists and it is very popular. Give it a try and I assure you, you and your family will love this treat.


  • Plum 2 kg.
  • Sugar 600 gr.
  • Cocoa powder 2 tablespoons.
  • Dark chocolate 60 gr.
  • Butter 50 gr.
  • Water 50 ml.

Cooking process.

Wash the berries and remove the seeds. Put in a slow cooker, pour 50 ml. water, turn on the steam mode for 20 minutes.

The plum will boil down almost in two, but you will get a huge amount of liquid.

Blend the hot mass with a blender until pureed.

Pour in the sugar and mix. We set the slow cooker to the extinguishing mode and set the timer for 45-50 minutes.

Chocolate can be broken into small pieces, or grated.

At 25 minutes of stewing, put chocolate and cocoa into the boiling mass. Gently mix with a whisk, close the lid and simmer under the closed lid for the remaining time.

After the readiness signal, open the lid and spread the butter.

We mix the mass until the oil is completely dissolved and lay out the resulting plum-chocolate jam in sterile jars, twist tightly with lids.

From the given amount of ingredients, 3 half-liter jars of jam are obtained. And there is still some left to try.

Sweet dessert with walnuts and cinnamon

Almost every year, the world of conservation is replenished with new recipes that immediately become mega hits. So it is with this new walnut and cinnamon jam recipe. I suggest watching a detailed video recipe where everything is told in detail and each step is shown.

This sweetness goes well with sweet pastries. I remember when my mother cooked for us, she often served plum or. And for today I have everything. Try to cook something from the proposed options and share your impressions and results in the comments. Peace, goodness and delicious food to all.