Styr fry. Principles of proper preparation

19.05.2021 Restaurant Notes.

- Article that reveals all the secrets of asians of the fast way to prepare useful meals. Styr Frey.- One of the most popular methods of cooking dishes in all of Asia. I opened it for myself quite recently, but already fell in love with the taste, useful properties, quality, originality and speed of preparation. Today I will tell about several principles are rightcooking Styr Frywithout which it will be hard to navigate at the very beginning. How to cook Styr-Fry? We read and remember.

1. Styr Frey.- This is not one dish. These are a lot of dishes that exist or not yet invented, prepared by this technology. Styr-Fry denotes "Fry, continuously stirring" than we will do. In this way, you can prepare almost all products that are in your refrigerator.
2. W. - a mandatory object for cooking styrene-fry, so sometimes dishes prepared in this way are called "wok dishes". This is a big frying pan made of fine steel. It has a cone-shaped shape with a rounded or flat bottom (for electric stoves), which contributes to the proper frying of the ingredients. The wok never fills in full, the maximum number of ingredients that can be put in it - on 2 servings. Otherwise, the content will begin to cool the frying pan, and the products will begin to stew, and not instantly roasting at high temperatures. The wok cannot be replaced with anything, however, if I really want, you can try Styr-Fry, using a deep cast-iron pan, but you need to warm up it longer, and the finished dish from the pan immediately, otherwise it burns, as the cast iron has a property for a long time to keep the right High temperature. Here is a photo - an example of a classic alone:
3. Preparation of ingredients- A very important process that should be carried out in advance. First, all the products are mine and cut, then we put the wok on the fire, otherwise you risk getting black coals instead of a colorful dish, and we do not need it. Cut products are also needed with the mind. First, it should be small pieces that can be easily taken with chopsticks. Secondly, each ingredient is cut in accordance with its characteristics: meat - thin plates, dense vegetables (carrots, for example) - a small straw, and more watery (Bulgarian pepper) - diamonds or wide stripes.
4. Refined vegetable oil- Mandatory component of Styr Fry. Without oil roasting ingredients, do not achieve, so we pour generously (minimum 2 tablespoons) and heated strongly. Therefore, we draw attention to the fact that the burning "Verginel" of the first spin oil / oil in this case will be useless and simply burn. It is best suited to the usual, cheap refined corn or sunflower oil. For a special Asian spirit, at the end you can add a few drops of sesame.
5. Heat- The key to the success of cooking styrene-fry. We turn on the largest burner on the biggest fire and bring the pan to white cation. Nearly. Only hot wok allows meats to instantly become ready for use, and vegetables retain useful substances, bright colors, remain juicy and crispy. Through the frying of all ingredients, the frying pan temperature should not decrease, so the flow of fire under the wok, while the cooking process passes, should not be changed.
6. Order of fried - The next important point arising from the previous one. Since all ingredients have different properties and different types of roasting, it is necessary to put them in a certain sequence. We remember the order of investing and the time of roasting ingredients of the classic styrene-fry, for this principle you can cook almost everything in the refrigerator:

  • butter: It is poured first, well warmed it, spilling minutes 3-4 minutes over pan;
  • spice: garlic, and ginger should be attributed to them, and chili, they are put directly into the oil, to give it the necessary fragrance, give him to roast only a few seconds, otherwise they will instantly burn;
  • meat, seafoodor tofu.: proteins He fry in front of the other ingredients, because they are preparing all the longest, fry and stir 5 minutes for 5 minutes, until every piece is brightened;
  • vegetables: They also put in a certain sequence: first dense (carrots, eggplant, ascent beans), then more watery (paprika, green onions) and roasted 3-4 minutes before adding the following ingredients;
  • noodlesor Fig: carbohydratesprepared in advance in a separate saucepan can be added to the wok almost at the very end, because additional temperature processing does not require;
  • sauce:the final chord of the dish prepared by the Wash Fray, connecting all the individual ingredients, most often it is a mixture of soy and fish / oyster sauces and pepper, but many Chinese add a teaspoon of starch, diluted with cool water for a special shine and a beautiful feed (this Wonderful Lifehak: The dish immediately acquires a glossy shine and a worthy view).

7. Permanent stirring- Mandatory Conditions of cooking in the method of Styr Fry. We will not stir - everything burns, because the cooking temperature is very, very high. Real masters of cooking dishes on wok stir the ingredients with chopsticks, but it is not necessary. And yes, once again we constantly stir!

Styr Fry (Stir Fry) - a method in which products are roasted in oil at maximum fire. Time for cooking in this case is minimized, which makes it possible to preserve the whole juice of the ingredients.

We will prepare according to the method described in the method of meat, adding it to mushrooms, sweet pepper and carrots. Fried pork "Styr Fry" with bright vegetables, filled with soy sauce with garlic, it turns out to be aware of the sharp and truly delightful! Ensure that by taking this wonderful dish!


  • pork (flesh without bones) - 300 g;
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • fresh champignons - 180 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3-4 teeth;
  • vegetable oil - 80-100 ml;
  • green - a small bundle.

For sauce:

  • potato starch - ½ h. spoons;
  • rice vinegar - ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml.

Fried Pork "Styre Fry" Recipe With Photo

How to cook "Fry Styre" from pork with vegetables

    1. First of all, we prepare a refueling for pork and vegetables. In a separate paw, we mix soy sauce with starch and rice vinegar. The last component can be replaced by conventional lemon juice. All mix and still remove to the side.
    2. Next, we prepare all the ingredients for roasting. We rinse the pork, and then cut the finest straw across the fibers.
    3. Washed mushrooms cut plates.
    4. Sweet pepper cut into two halves, remove all seeds and partitions. The remaining part is cut by slices, the size of which should roughly coincide with the size of meat pieces.
    5. Cleaned carrot cut straw.
    6. We split a thick frying pan with high sides by adding a spoon-other vegetable oil. Immediately, all the oil should not be pouring - in the cooking process, add it as necessary in small portions. Stirring, prepare meat on a strong heat for a couple of minutes. Due to the thin cutting and high temperature of the pork, it will very quickly spare and get very soft. Please note that meat pieces in a frying pan are fried with parts (approximately 4 minutes): if you put all the meat at once, it will allocate a lot of juice in which it will be stealing, and not roast.
    7. The finished pork is still shifted into another dishes, and on the hot surface of the liberated frying pan laying champignons. Since we are preparing on the technology of "Styr-Fry", fry mushrooms need small portions (in 3-4 closures) on high heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring them vigorously.
    8. Following in 2-3 sites, fry slices of sweet bell pepper. We continue to maintain a high temperature and do not forget to stir vegetable cutting. Literally a minute, we remove the pepper from the frying pan.
    9. Similarly, we prepare carrots. Do not forget that the "Styr Fry" method does not allow the supplemented products! All vegetables should turn out to be crisp and maintain their natural color.
    10. In the last portion of vegetables, we post all the components coarsed earlier. Quickly pour prepared at the very beginning sauce and squeeze garlic. Functively mix and after a minute we remove the frying pan from the fire. The dish is beautiful and shiny after refueling the sauce.
    11. We distribute meat with vegetables on the portion plates, we supplement the chopped greenery and serve. If the soy sauce is not solid, you can satisfy the ingredients.

The recipe for fried pork in a frying pan "Styre Fry" - an excellent opportunity to diversify the standard menu. This dish is suitable even for festive lunch. Enjoy your meal!

- 300 gr pork
- 2 carrots
- 1 Pepper Bulgarian
- 5 champignon mushrooms
- 1 onion
- 50 ml of soybean sauce
- 1/2 teaspoon starch
- lemon juice to taste
- vegetable oil
1. Cooking the fill, mix starch and soy sauce. Finished fill with retreat.
2. Next, cut all the products convenient for you with pieces of the same size.
3. In the gross focus on a large fire on a vegetable oil quickly fry for a couple of minutes prepared by meat. Meat in the frying pan put in portions so that when the juice is highlighted, it has managed to plunge before the appearance of a golden crust, and not stew. Vegetables also fry portions, let them remain crispy and juicy inside and save their bright color. Do not push Styre Fry. Vegetables should work out, so let's say on the teeth.
4. In the last portion of firefighted vegetables, squeeze through the press several garlic teeth, add parsley or kinse greens. Quickly we add all the roasted vegetables and meat, we fill with the fill mix, everything will become very beautiful and brilliant. Serie the dish on fire and remove from the fire.
5. Very elegant glossy fragrant dish is obtained. And most importantly prepare it quickly.

Pork Styre Fry is a Divine meat dish, which will be appreciated by higher grades, even the most arrogant gourmets.

Stir-Fry is a way of cooking, which is often used in the preparation of various kinds of Chinese dishes. In our country, this method of cooking has not yet passed, but in the most expensive restaurants it is already beginning to enjoy great popularity.

The necessary ingredients for cooking Fry Styr are quite accessible, and the chinese pork recipe is pretty simple. The main rule is the fast roasting of all ingredients on a chipped frying pan in the lowest amount of fat. Also should not forget about the addition of soy miracle sauce at the end of the cooking. It is the sauce that gives pork styrene Fry a beautiful view and a thin notch of sourness.


- 0.5 grams of pork,
- 1 carrot,
- 100 grams of mushrooms,
- 1 Bulgarian red or yellow pepper,
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- 3-4 tablespoons of soy sauce,
- 1 tablespoon starch (not complete),
- Salt and pepper (to taste).

Photo - Pork Recipe in Chinese

Prepare products.

Pork thoroughly water under running water, and then apply in small stripes.
Let's lay out pieces of pork on a pan with a small amount of oil and frighten a minute on each side.
Mushrooms apply to pieces.
Pepper with stripes.
Just wear with you ...
Carrot squeeze on a grater for Korean carrots.
On a hot frying pan, frog pepper strips with grated carrots for 2 minutes. Then I will definitely add garlic sliced \u200b\u200bpieces.
Mushrooms also fry for 2 minutes.
Mushrooms should be shred.
In a deep bowl, connect soy sauce with starch. We mix.
Let's lay out on the pan