Stir pork fry with mushrooms. Steer-fry

19.05.2021 Desserts and cakes

- 300 gr pork
- 2 carrots
- 1 bell pepper
- 5 champignon mushrooms
- 1 onion
- 50 ml soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon starch
- lemon juice to taste
- vegetable oil
1. Prepare the filling, mix the starch and soy sauce. We set aside the finished fill.
2. Next, we cut all the products into pieces of the same size that are convenient for you.
3. In a hot wok over high heat in vegetable oil, quickly fry the prepared meat for a couple of minutes. Put the meat in the pan in portions, so that when the juice is released, it has time to fry until a golden crust appears, and not stew. We also fry vegetables in portions, let them remain crispy and juicy inside and retain their bright color. Don't overcook your wash fry. Vegetables should turn out, so to speak, by a tooth.
4. In the last portion of fried vegetables, squeeze a few cloves of garlic through a press, add parsley or cilantro. Stir quickly, add all the fried vegetables and meat, fill with pouring, mix, everything will become very beautiful and shiny. Let's keep the dish on fire for a minute and remove from heat.
5. A very elegant glossy aromatic dish turns out. And the main thing is to cook it quickly.

- an article that reveals all the secrets of Asians of a quick way to prepare healthy food. Steer-fry Is one of the most popular cooking methods in all of Asia. I discovered it for myself quite recently, but I fell in love with it dearly for its taste, useful properties, quality, originality and speed of preparation. Today I will tell you about a few principles of correctcooking stir fry, without which it will be difficult to navigate at the very beginning. How to make stir fry? We read and remember.

1. Steer-fry Is not one dish. This is a multitude of dishes that already exist or have not yet been invented, prepared using this technology. Stir-fry means "fry, stirring continuously," which is what we will be doing. This method can be used to cook almost any food in your refrigerator.
2.Wok- an obligatory item for preparing stir-fry, therefore sometimes dishes prepared in this way are called "wok dishes". This is a large frying pan made of thin steel. It has a conical shape with a rounded or flat bottom (for electric cookers), which facilitates the correct frying of the ingredients. The wok is never filled completely, the maximum amount of ingredients that can be put into it is 2 servings. Otherwise, the contents will begin to cool the pan, and the food will begin to stew, and not instantly fry at a high temperature. Wok cannot be replaced with anything, however, if you really want to, you can try a stir-fry using a deep cast iron pan, but you need to heat it up longer, and remove the finished dish from the pan immediately, otherwise it will burn, since cast iron tends to hold the desired one for a long time high temperature. Here is a photo - an example of a classic wok:
3.Preparation of ingredients Is a very important process that should be done in advance. First, we wash and cut all the products, then we put the wok on the fire, otherwise you risk getting black coals instead of a colorful dish, but we don't need that. You also need to cut food wisely. First, it should be small pieces that you can easily pick up with chopsticks. Secondly, each ingredient is cut in accordance with its own characteristics: meat - in thin plates, dense vegetables (carrots, for example) - in medium-sized strips, and more watery (bell pepper) - in rhombuses or wide strips.
4.Refined vegetable oil- an obligatory component of the stir-fry. You cannot fry the ingredients without oil, so pour generously (at least 2 tablespoons) and heat up strongly. Therefore, we draw your attention to the fact that burning virgin / virgin oils in this case will be useless and will simply burn out. Plain, cheap refined corn or sunflower oil works best. For a special Asian spirit, add a few drops of sesame seeds at the end.
5.Heat- the key to the success of cooking stir-fry. Turn on the largest burner on the highest heat and bring the pan to white heat. Almost. Only a red-hot wok allows meat to instantly become ready to eat, and vegetables to retain useful substances, bright colors, remain juicy and crispy. The temperature of the pan should not decrease as all the ingredients are frying, so the flow of fire under the wok during the cooking process should not be changed either.
6.Roasting procedure- the next important point arising from the previous one. Since all ingredients have different properties and different roasting times, you should place them in a specific sequence. We remember the order of insertion and the time of frying the ingredients of the classic stir-fry, according to this principle, you can cook almost everything that is in the refrigerator:

  • butter: it is poured in the first place, we warm it up well, pouring it all over the pan for 3-4 minutes;
  • spices: garlic, ginger, and chili should be attributed to them, they are put directly into the oil to give it the desired aroma, let it fry for just a few seconds, otherwise they will instantly burn out;
  • meat, seafood or tofu: proteins fry in front of the rest of the ingredients, because they take the longest to cook, fry and stir for 5 minutes, until each piece brightens;
  • vegetables: they are also put in a certain sequence: first, dense (carrots, eggplant, asparagus beans), then more watery (paprika, green onions) and fried for 3-4 minutes before adding the following ingredients;
  • noodles or rice: carbohydrates, those prepared in advance in a separate saucepan can be added to the wok almost at the very end, because they do not require additional heat treatment;
  • sauce: the final chord of a dish prepared by the stir-fry method, combining all the individual ingredients together, most often a mixture of soy and fish / oyster sauces and pepper, however, many Chinese add a teaspoon of starch here, diluted with cool water for special shine and beautiful presentation (this wonderful life hack: the dish immediately takes on a glossy shine and a decent look).

7.Constant stirring- prerequisites for cooking dishes using the stir-fry method. We will not stir - everything will burn out, because the cooking temperature is very, very high. Real wok cooks use sticks to stir the ingredients, but this is not necessary. And yes, stir constantly again!

Steer-fry- this method of cooking, when all products, previously cut into thin pieces, are very quickly fried in hot oil with constant stirring.

It is because of this constant stirring that all the ingredients for this cooking method are prepared in advance, which is very typical for Chinese, more precisely Cantonese cuisine - then there will be no time for slicing.

If you need to cook quickly, then just cut the pork into thin strips and marinate these strips in the same marinade for about 20-30 minutes.

In both cases, pork is cut into thin strips, because for stir-frya just such a cut is used.

Cut the onions into thin half rings, cut the white part of the green onions obliquely into pieces of three centimeters. Cut the carrots into thin sticks the size of a match. Slice the celery diagonally thinly. Cut the bell pepper into strips.

If you use any additional ingredients, they are also cut in a similar way - the mushrooms are cut into thin slices.

We clean the ginger (it is convenient to do this with a spoon) and cut into round slices.

Initially, I just wanted to crush the second clove of garlic with the flat side of the knife blade, but then changed my mind and simply cut it into large slices.

All the same, ginger and garlic only serve to flavor the oil, not food.

So, all the ingredients for stir-fry prepared.

Cooking pork stir-fry.

It is best to cook, of course, in a wok. But this is not to say that every kitchen has a wok. So let's cook in a deep frying pan.

Heat vegetable oil over high heat, peanut or corn oil is preferable, since they have a higher boiling point.

We put onions, carrots and celery in a frying pan.

Stirring constantly quickly, literally for a minute or a half, fry the vegetables in oil, they should just start to soften, after which we add green onions chopped with feathers - the white part of it - and bell pepper.

Stirring constantly, fry everything together until the pepper starts to soften.

If you use any other ingredients, then add them as well. If there are a lot of vegetables, then we cook them in several passes.

The main thing is not to overexpose - the vegetables should remain slightly crispy in the middle.

Put the vegetables from the pan into a bowl and start frying the meat.

If necessary, add oil to the pan and reheat it strongly.

Throw chopped ginger and garlic into hot oil, fry them for 30 seconds, avoiding sticking.

Then put pork chopped into thin strips in a frying pan. If there is a lot of meat, then fry the pork in parts - it is necessary that it be fried, and not stewed in its own juice. Accordingly, the oil in the pan must be very hot, almost hot, so that the pork immediately begins to fry, and all its juices would be sealed inside the piece.

Fry the pork until cooked through. With this, you can act quite freely and only lightly fry it, leaving either with blood or pink inside.

It is important here to completely fry the pork and at the same time not to overdry it.

When the pork is fried, add soy sauce to the wok (or pan), if desired, you can splash a little mirin or rice vinegar.

Stirring constantly, bring the sauce to a boil - it will take 10-20 seconds, slightly evaporate the sauce, for about a minute, remove the garlic and ginger, they have already done their job, and add the fried vegetables and almost all the chopped green onions, already its green part.

Stir everything together again so that the sauce covers each bite.

If there is such a desire, then you can dilute a teaspoon of starch in cold water and pour the starch into the sauce, thereby slightly thickening it and giving the sauce an external gloss.

Serve pork stir-fry best with unleavened rice or noodles. Put the meat and sauce on a plate, spread the rice around, sprinkle with the remaining green onions and serve immediately.

The pork and vegetables are very aromatic, the meat is soft and the vegetables are a little crispy, which creates a pleasant contrast.

Today we'll cook Asian style pork with stir-fry vegetables.

Stir-fry is not the name of a dish, but a traditional technique for preparing food in the countries of the east.

Translated from English means "fry and stir".

Stir fry is great for pork, beef, chicken, shrimp, tofu, vegetables and noodles.

To cook pork stir-fry, we need:

Ingredient List:

  • pork 1 kg
  • carrots 2-3 pcs.
  • Bulgarian pepper 3-4 pcs.
  • mushrooms 300 gr.
  • onions 3-4 pcs.
  • green beans 300 gr.
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • cilantro 1 bunch
  • soy sauce 150 ml.
  • starch 3 tsp
  • rice (apple) vinegar 2 tablespoons
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • sugar 1-2 tsp

Stir-fry pork with vegetables - step by step recipe:

To begin with, we will cut all the products into large strips.

There should be 2 times more vegetables in this dish than meat, so let's start with them.

Since the stir-fry cooking process is very fast, all food must be prepared in advance, because in the process of frying, there will be no time to cut them.

In the meantime, I cut the onion, carrots into large strips, and now we chop the bell pepper.

In order for the dish to be bright and beautiful, I took peppers of different colors, but in general, you can use absolutely any vegetables that you like to make stir-fry.

For this recipe, take a large bunch of flavored cilantro and chop it up.

Next, we cut the pork into thin, equal pieces of one bite size. For the meat to cook faster, it must be cut across the grain. As a rule, non-fatty meat or poultry is used for stir-fry.

All products are prepared, we go to the stove to fry them.

Traditionally, a wok is used to prepare this dish.

Pour some vegetable oil into it and heat it up a lot.

It is best to use any refined oil for this.

First of all, fry the pork.

Cook the meat, stirring constantly, until the meat juice has completely evaporated, then fry for a couple of minutes in oil and transfer to a bowl.

In a small amount of oil, fry all the vegetables in turn. Like meat, they must be constantly mixed for a more even caramel crust formation. Fry vegetables over high heat for no more than 5 minutes, so that they have time to brown, but at the same time remain slightly crispy. Add oil to the wok as needed, only if the vegetables have completely absorbed it.

Meanwhile, I sautéed bell peppers, carrots, green beans and mushrooms. I have frozen mushrooms, if you have fresh mushrooms, cut them into equal slices.

It remains to fry the onion. Pour oil into the wok, add onion and cook over high heat until slightly golden brown.

After about 5 minutes, pour the chopped garlic into the fried onion, and fry it with the onion for another 1-2 minutes.

Pour all the fried vegetables into the wok, without reducing the heat, add sugar and stir. Sugar is added to further caramelize the vegetables.

After a couple of minutes, add the fried pork to the vegetables, pour out the rice vinegar, mix and continue cooking over high heat.

In the meantime, mix the starch and soy sauce, pour the mixture into the wok and stir for 1-2 minutes, until the sauce thickens and the products acquire a shiny glossy appearance and a viscous consistency.

It remains to add the herbs, mix and, if necessary, add salt.

Now we turn off the heat, our pork with vegetables is stir-fry ready!

Sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve as an independent dish or with a side dish. Rice is best for this.

If the dish is cooked quickly and correctly, then the vegetables should not be boiled, but they should not remain raw, but slightly crunch.

This recipe is very successful, the pork turns out to be unusually tasty and aromatic. Delicate meat, slightly crispy vegetables and spicy herbs soaked in sweet and sour sauce go well and will please all lovers of Asian cuisine.

I wish you bon appetit!

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Dina was with you. Until next time, until new recipes!

Pork with vegetables stir-fry - video recipe:

Pork with stir-fry vegetables - photo:

I don't even know who in our family cooks more and more ... me or my husband ... somehow everything works out evenly, although, no ... my husband cooks, after all, more often ...))
You probably noticed that in my magazine there are many recipes prepared by my husband, I even have such a tag. Now I decided to make posts with his recipes different from mine, to make an avatar for him ... Hmm, guys in my kitchen rule!))
He fed us with such a funky wash yesterday! Bomb! There are no other glories!)))

What do you need:

Pork pulp (turkey can be used) - 1 kg.,
Eggplant - 2 pcs.,
Bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs.,
Large cucumber - 1 pc.
Green onions - a small bunch.

Garlic - 4 teeth
Soy sauce - 6 tablespoons
Oyster sauce - 3 tablespoons
Red rice vinegar (rice wine, or lemon juice) - 2 tablespoons,
Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons
Hot red pepper paste "Gochudyang pepper paste" - 1 tbsp. (can be replaced with fresh chili pepper)

Leftover marinade,
Meat sauce (or water) - 0.5 cups
Starch - 1.5 tsp
If needed: salt, chili, pepper paste, etc.

For frying:
Vegetable oil - 4-5 tablespoons,
Butter - 50 gr.

How to do:

1. Mix all the ingredients for the marinade.
Cut the meat into thin slices and marinate in the prepared marinade for 30 minutes.
Cut the bell pepper, eggplant, cucumber into slices. Chop green onions obliquely, 3-4 cm long.
2. Heat 4-5 tbsp in a wok. vegetable oil and 50 gr. butter.
First you need to fry the meat. Fry the meat in parts (here it can be divided into three parts, and fry in three passes), over high heat. Fry quickly, literally for 3-4 minutes, until a crust appears. If juice from meat appears in the wok, then, firstly, pour it into a separate bowl, this juice will be useful to us later for the sauce, and secondly, we need the meat to be fried, not stewed, therefore, we do not have excess liquid in the wok for what!
Put the finished meat into a cup with a slotted spoon.
3. The meat is ready, now let's turn to the vegetables.
First, fry the cucumbers and peppers. We also do everything briefly and quickly, literally 1-2 minutes, as soon as a golden crust appears, take it out with a slotted spoon, put it in a cup to the meat. Do not cook for too long to prevent the vegetables from turning into porridge. Do not forget that we fry everything over high heat.
If the wok is out of oil, add 1 to 2 tablespoons. vegetable, you can still 1 tbsp. creamy. Now we will fry the eggplants. Also quickly, until golden brown, 1-2 minutes - no more.
4. While the vegetables are roasting, we finish our sauce.
We take the remnants of the marinade in which the meat was marinated, add there the meat juice (remember, which we poured from the wok at the beginning) about 0.5 cups (if there is no meat juice, you can replace it with ordinary bottled water), stir, add starch there 1.5 tsp, mix. Taste the sauce, if necessary, add a little salt, chili pepper ... everything to your taste.
5. Now for the final process:
Put the meat and vegetables in the wok, mix, put the chopped green onions, pour the sauce, mix and cook for another 1-2 minutes.
Serve right there with boiled rice!