The benefits of sour cream for the body. Sour cream fat percentage

30.05.2021 Dishes for children

Sour cream is a fermented milk product obtained by means of fermented milk from sourdough and cream. It got its name from the original production at home. First, the settled milk (the top layer) was poured out, and then the layer under the cream was swept (collected) with a spoon or a whisk. This is what sour cream is - a delicious highly nutritious product.

Types of sour cream

Sour cream can be divided according to various criteria, for example, according to the method of production:

  • smooth - this is the top layer removed from sour milk;
  • separator - for its manufacture, a special apparatus is used that allows ordinary milk to be divided into skim milk and cream; the cream is subsequently cooled, pasteurized, sourdough is added to it and after a while the sour cream is ready.

Also, this product can be divided by the percentage of fat: 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%. And the higher the fat content, the more calorie content.

The composition of sour cream and useful properties

Natural sour cream is made from a special sourdough and pasteurized cream. In the process of fermentation and maturation of this product, it is possible to obtain substances that the body can assimilate better than from ordinary milk. The sour cream contains a full-fledged milk protein, easily digestible fats, amino acids necessary for the body, milk sugars. It contains a lot of vitamins (A, C, E, PP) and trace elements (iron, phosphorus, calcium, etc.).

The process of lactic acid fermentation provides a probiotic effect, since the microorganisms present in it contribute to the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora and its development, affect bacteria that provoke putrefaction.

For people with digestive problems and poor appetite, sour cream is a great option because it is very nutritious and high in fat. It is used in special nutrition for anemia and depletion of the body.

The use of this product is great for muscle and mental performance. It is necessary to eat it in the first half of the day, because consumption in the afternoon contributes to overloading the liver and, in the presence of a pathology of this organ, can provoke an exacerbation.

The composition of 100 grams of low-fat sour cream can be seen on the table.

Table 1 "Composition of sour cream"
Composition Content in 100 g
78.1 g
Ash 0.7 g
7.1 g
3.5 g
10.6 g
Retinol () 88 mcg
Alpha-tocopherol () 0.3 mg
Thiamine () 0.04 mg
Riboflavin () 0.12 mg
Niacin () 0.07 mg
Pyridoxine () 0.02 mg
Cyanocobalamin () 0.42 μg
Calciferol () 0.2 μg
Choline () 19.2 mg
Folic acid () 11 mcg
Vitamin C () 0.9 mg
Phylloquinone () 0.5 μg
71 mg
141 mg
71 mg
212 mg
10 mg
0.07 mg
3.1 μg
0.5 mg
16 mcg

How to choose

High-quality sour cream of the highest grade should not contain foreign tastes and odors, grains of fat and protein. The appearance should be glossy, the consistency is uniform and sufficient density. The first grade product may have a thinner consistency, slight fodder tastes and slightly sour taste are possible.

Sour cream made in accordance with GOST may contain only cream and a special leaven. In no case should there be any additives, the manufacturer only then has the right to write "sour cream" on the packaging. If there are additives in the product, for example, emulsifiers and stabilizers, you will be able to see the name "sour cream" or "sour cream". Such names indicate that there is a dairy product in the package.

The evidence of the quality of sour cream is its storage temperature and shelf life. The more there are various additives in the product that have nothing in common with sour cream (stabilizers, vegetable proteins, etc.), the higher the storage temperature will be (up to + 20 ° C) and the longer the shelf life (14-30 days ). Fresh natural sour cream in a sealed container for 5-7 days and in an unsealed but closed package - up to 72 hours. At the same time, the storage temperature is +2 - + 6 ° С.

We check the quality of the product

How can you find out what is in the package - sour cream or sour cream? This is not difficult to do. Several methods can be used for this.

  1. Add a drop of iodine to a spoonful of sour cream. Real product, without herbal additives, will not change color, may become more yellow. In the presence of third-party components, for example, starch, which is added to give a thicker consistency, its color will turn blue.
  2. Apply sour cream on a piece of glass in an even thin layer, wait until it dries. The product is of high quality if an even layer is formed, which cannot be said if there are streaks.
  3. Add a spoonful of sour cream to a glass of hot water, stir. If it is of high quality, then it will dissolve completely, otherwise it will curl up and a precipitate will fall to the bottom.

Usage rate

How much sour cream do you need and can eat in order to benefit from it? A reasonable biological norm is considered to be 6.5 kilograms per year. Based on this, it is possible to determine the average consumption rate per day - this is about 20 grams. But this number can be considered approximate, since many factors affect more accurate indicators: a balanced diet, real energy consumption of the body, body weight, age, gender and others. Therefore, the consumption rate of any product must be calculated individually.

Of course, women will need less sour cream than men, whose occupation is associated with high loads. High-fat sour cream should be eaten less compared to a low-fat product. Everyone should determine their own rate individually.

Cooking use

Sour cream in cooking is used as part of various dishes and as a separate food. Many people like to eat sour cream with cottage cheese. Also, this fermented milk product can be used with fruits, jam, honey, vegetables, added to both second and first courses, on its basis to prepare gravies, mousses, sauces, seasonings, various pastries, delicious desserts.

If you need to whip sour cream, add the raw egg white to it - and a wonderful airy cream is ready.

In all spring salads, you should not put mayonnaise, but sour cream. When baking any dish in the oven, take sour cream - such food will be more healthy.

There are many recipes for sour cream, so we will only list a few of them. This product is added to borscht, hodgepodge, pickle, soups, okroshka. Dumplings, pancakes, pancakes, cheese cakes, dumplings, cabbage rolls are eaten with it. Fish, meat, vegetables are baked and stewed with sour cream, puddings and casseroles are prepared, added to the dough. A very tasty and simple dish - young boiled potatoes with sour cream and fresh dill.

A glass of sour cream with sugar will relieve depression and depression, help relieve the effects of stress. Therefore, if you are nervous and overworked, try this remedy, and the result will surpass all expectations. If desired, sugar can be replaced with honey.

Use in folk medicine and cosmetology

Sour cream is widely used in folk medicine. When consumed with raw carrots, you can improve your eyesight and increase your body's resistance to various infections. This fermented milk product is an excellent tool for increasing and maintaining potency in men.

Fatty sour cream will help with sunburn - it will help relieve redness, burning, and soothe the skin. In the case of a slight burn, when there are no bubbles on the skin yet, it is worth immediately applying this mixture abundantly: 2 tbsp. mix tablespoons of sour cream with 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil and egg yolk. Apply a gauze bandage on top, which must be changed once a day.

Sour cream is an excellent antidepressant and will help improve your mood.

Consuming sour cream regularly can significantly improve memory. Only in her 100 gr. there is 25% of the daily value of choline - a substance that stimulates the brain, increases intellectual abilities, sharpens memory. Choline has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetal brain, so this product is especially useful for pregnant women.

Women who consume sour cream every day experience menopause later. This is because it contains copper, which is involved in the production of female sex hormones.

Due to its fat content, this product helps to assimilate fat-soluble vitamins that enter the body.

Since ancient times, sour cream has been used as a cosmetic product that can saturate the skin with beneficial nutrients, soothe it, narrow pores, smooth out wrinkles and whiten. It is a component of many creams and cosmetic masks for all skin types. Using sour cream while taking a bath will leave the body velvety and tender.

Sour cream does not close the pores, so the skin can breathe. The acids contained in it destroy the protein bond between dead cells, which are exfoliated and allow young cells to free themselves.

Diet properties

Sour cream is a dietary product that improves digestion. Nutritionists note its beneficial effect on gastric secretory activity. This fermented milk product can be used for stomach ulcers and colitis.

Bowel cleansing

Many famous nutritionists in the world recommend a sour cream diet for weight loss. In addition to weight loss, it helps to normalize metabolism, removes excess fluid from the body, and improves the activity of the digestive system. They adhere to such a diet for 2-3 days, during which during the day you need to consume 400 grams. sour cream 20-30% fat. You need to take food after 3 hours in 5 meals. It is better to eat with a small coffee spoon - the feeling of fullness will come faster this way. In between meals, you need to drink rosehip infusion, no more than 2 glasses per day. With this diet, you can lose about 3 kilograms. After such a diet, you need to take a month off. Of course, not completely abandon sour cream, but return to the usual diet.

Do not forget that there are contraindications to such a diet - it is undesirable for people with serious health problems and professional athletes. It will benefit sick people, because it helps to improve hormonal levels and helps to quickly rehabilitate after an illness.

How to make sour cream at home?

If you do not have confidence in the quality of store sour cream, you can prepare it yourself at home. To do this, you need to take natural cow's milk. Wait for it to sour or immediately use the sourdough, which can be already prepared sour cream (preferably thick) or yogurt in a small amount. All contents must be put in a pot and kept until the cream formed on the surface becomes homemade sour cream. This way you cannot get a product in large quantities, but this will be enough for small household needs.

To get good sour cream, you need to consider the following recommendations:

  • You can cook sour cream faster if you heat the cream, but it will be more sour;
  • to speed up the process, do not stir the cream, so the quality of the sour cream will not be better than the store one.


Sour cream is a rather fatty product. It contains cholesterol, so this product should not be abused by patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus and those wishing to lose weight.

With excessive and systematic use of this fermented milk product, fat metabolism can be disrupted, as a result of which the load on the gallbladder and liver increases. The risk increases if you regularly eat sour cream with bread, potatoes and cereals.

Sour cream is a healthy, tasty and versatile product that allows you to diversify the taste of borscht, soups and hot dishes; it is used to prepare various desserts. Sour cream is an excellent substitute for mayonnaise; if consumed in moderation, it will not spoil the figure. Eat this ancient Slavic food and be always healthy!

Sour cream is a highly nutritious fermented milk product obtained by fermenting cream with lactic acid bacteria.

Sour cream preparation methods

According to the method of preparation, sour cream is divided into smooth and separator. Smooth sour cream - the top layer removed from fatty sour milk. Separator sour cream is made from cream separated from fat milk using a separator. The resulting cream is cooled and pasteurized. After that, they are mixed with sourdough - creamy and lactic acid streptococci, aroma-forming bacteria. After a few days from the resulting mixture, due to the solidification and crystallization of animal fats and the swelling of proteins, sour cream with a typical consistency and taste is formed. The fat content of sour cream can vary from 10 to 58%.

A known method of preparing sour cream without ripening. For this, chilled cream must be mixed with citric acid and gelatin solution. The resulting mass is left in a cool place until thickened.

At dairy factories, sour cream is made from a special sourdough and pasteurized milk or cream. According to the established quality standards, this dairy product must contain only sourdough and cream or milk. However, some manufacturers additionally use emulsifiers, vegetable fats, preservatives and other compensating components for the preparation of sour cream.

Useful properties of sour cream

Although sour cream is a fatty product, it contains much less cholesterol than butter. In terms of its beneficial properties, sour cream is in no way inferior to cream and milk. Moreover, this product is absorbed much better than milk and cream, without burdening the stomach, perfectly saturating and stimulating digestion. The benefit of sour cream lies in the presence in its composition of a complete milk protein containing easily digestible fats, milk sugars and essential amino acids.

Sour cream contains essential vitamins E, A, B12, B2, C, PP, as well as macro- and microelements, organic acids. Due to its high calcium content, sour cream is useful for strengthening and growing bones.

In addition, the benefit of sour cream is that it contains lecithin, which helps dissolve cholesterol. That is why it is considered an excellent prophylactic agent against atherosclerosis.

The beneficial properties of sour cream are to some extent due to its probiotic effect. Beneficial microorganisms in the composition of the product prevent the reproduction of putrefactive intestinal flora, thereby facilitating the reproduction and growth of bacteria beneficial to the body.

Sour cream stimulates physical and mental activity. Due to its high fat content, it is often used for anemia and depletion of the body. Regular consumption of this product with honey or sugar can improve mood. During the rehabilitation period after surgery or illness, it is recommended to use sour cream with added sugar or salt.

This fermented milk product is very often used as a healing agent for sunburn. To soften the skin and relieve pain, it is necessary to lubricate the affected skin with a thin layer of sour cream.

Sour cream is widely used in cooking for the preparation of various dishes, as well as an effective cosmetic product. Using this product, you can prepare baths, compresses, various masks. They will help relieve tension and restore elasticity to the skin.

Nutritional value and calorie content of sour cream

The calorie content of sour cream directly depends on its fat content. The calorie content of sour cream 10% fat is 119 kcal, 30% fat is 293 kcal.

Sour cream 10% fat contains 2.7 g of proteins, 10 g of fat and 3.9 g of carbohydrates. The product of 30% fat contains 2.3 g of proteins, 30 g of fat and 3.1 g of carbohydrates.

Dangerous properties of sour cream

Sour cream will bring benefits only with moderate use. Excessive consumption of this fermented milk product can lead to metabolic disorders of the body.

It is undesirable to use sour cream at the same time as potatoes, bread and cereals.

Storage conditions for sour cream

Since sour cream is a perishable product, it should be stored in a cold place, at a temperature of -2 to +8 ° C. In the freezer, this product loses its useful properties.

Store sour cream only in glass containers. The shelf life is no more than five days.

Sour cream is a primordially Russian product that can be found in almost any refrigerator. It is obtained from cream and sourdough. Due to the wide assortment in terms of the percentage of fat, even being on a diet, it can be eaten. In many other countries, this product is found under different names, but it is also quite popular.

There are several main types of sour cream:

  • low-fat - 10% fat;
  • medium fat content - 20%;
  • oily - 30%.

But there is sour cream with an intermediate fat content, and with a higher one. All this is considered the norm. The fattest sour cream is amateur, 40%. But there are also, in addition to those listed, 36, 25, 18, 15, 12%.

Sour cream consists of cream (at least 32%). A sourdough with live bacteria is added to them and after a few days sour cream is obtained. Previously, it was made easier - they put the cream to sour and then removed (swept away) the top layer. Hence the name.

For all its fat content, this product is dietary and essential in nutrition. Even nutritionists advise replacing milk with it for people with weak stomachs. In addition, women who adhere to proper nutrition also need to include sour cream in their diet.

Fat percentage of sour cream Calorie content, kcal / 100g Proteins, g Fat, g Carbohydrates, g
10% 115 3,0 10,0 2,9
12% 133 2,7 12,0 3,9
15% 158 2,6 15,0 3,0
18% 184 2,5 18,0 3,6
20% 206 2,8 20,0 3,2
25% 248 2,6 25,0 2,5
30% 294 2,4 30,0 3,1
36% 348 2,5 36,0 3,0
40% 381 2,4 40,0 2,6

Sour cream contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins A, groups B, E, C, D, PP, H (biotin). They are all necessary not only for maintaining health, but also for external beauty. Thanks to them, vision, metabolism, wound healing, rickets prevention, immunity, hair growth, and skin condition improve.

In addition, it contains substances such as calcium, potassium, iodine, zinc, iron, chlorine, phosphorus, fluorine, copper, selenium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum. They are also essential for the body to function properly. They help in the structure and restoration of internal organs (especially during the growth period) - muscles, bones, and more.

It contains animal protein, carbohydrates, organic and fatty acids, and sugars. They are essential for proper nutrition, as they reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve metabolism, give more elasticity to the skin, regulate gene transcription, and much more.

Many are afraid of cholesterol in sour cream. But it is much less than in butter. And the benefit from it is also great - with its lack, insufficient production of sex hormones and bile acid begins. If red blood cells are damaged, cholesterol also helps them to recover. Moreover, with its deficiency, the vessels become fragile and brittle. Therefore, you should not be afraid of him, you just need to know the norm.

The main contraindication is being overweight, since sour cream is a rather fatty product. It, of course, can be consumed, but only low-calorie and in small quantities. In addition, its use increases the load on the liver and gallbladder, which is not desirable in case of diseases of these organs. The condition is worsened by the joint use of various cereals, potatoes and bakery products with it. In case of violation of fat metabolism, it is also prohibited for use.

In Russian and Soviet cuisine, sour cream is used in almost all areas.

Of course, the most common is to season salads. It can be vegetable (from tomatoes and cucumbers, beets, carrots, etc.), and with meat - Olivier (or the so-called Russian salad). Most salads where mayonnaise is used as a dressing can be replaced with sour cream.

It is also often used in baked goods. The dough based on it turns out to be soft and tender, has its own unique taste. For pizza lovers, we can advise you to try to make a base for it on this fermented milk product.

In creams, the most fatty sour cream is used, due to which it turns out to be more persistent and fluffy. The most familiar recipe is sour cream cake. Also, for the now fashionable cheesecakes, you can also use thick sour cream.

They also add it to gravy. Everyone knows that liver with sour cream, perch (pike, burbot, karm) in sour cream sauce is tastier. When cooking in pots, add 1 to 2 tablespoons each. sour cream and the taste will not be repeated. Young boiled potatoes, sprinkled with sour cream and sprinkled with herbs, are considered practically the most favorite summer dish.

Whoever remembers the Soviet era will remember such a simple but delicious dessert like sour cream with sugar. He was loved by both adults and children. Even now, many people enjoy eating such food.

And of course, how can you forget about sour cream when pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes or curd casserole are on the table. It is an invariable addition to this kind of baked goods.

Many people like to add sour cream to cottage cheese. Many different sauces are also made from it. It fits into almost every dish, you just need to choose the right one, just take it with a creamy taste or a little sourness.

The main rule when choosing any product is to check its expiration date. In addition, you need to see that the integrity of the package is preserved.

You need to choose the percentage of fat according to your taste and purpose. If you cook according to a specific recipe, then most often the required percentage of fat or consistency is indicated there. The fatter the sour cream, the thicker it is. But thick sour cream is easier to make thinner by diluting it with warm water.

If you buy homemade sour cream, then you need to choose more carefully, as unscrupulous sellers often come across. First you need to pay attention to the consistency of sour cream. It shouldn't be too liquid. It should drain off the spoon very slowly. Otherwise, it is either just skimmed cream, or it did not reach the allotted time (or the process may have been disrupted), or it has already been diluted with water.

In all these cases, "sour cream" will be useless (or even harmful) and can quickly deteriorate. Such sour cream should have a characteristic pronounced creamy taste. In addition, it is better to buy either from trusted farmers, or in specialized stores, where they can provide the required documents (certificates, certificates, etc.).

In order not to worry about the quality of sour cream, you can cook it yourself. This requires cream (30-32%) and a special starter culture, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Cream should be chilled; warm cream should not be used for souring. Yes, sour cream will turn out faster, but the taste will be more sour. And in general, this process should not be rushed: the quality of the finished product will only deteriorate and it will not bring any benefit.

If you have fresh milk, you can make it from it. To do this, the milk is defended until cream forms on its surface. They are removed and placed in pots, which are initially in the kitchen, and then carried out into the cold. You do not need to touch it until it sour, just cover it with some kind of cloth from dust. After a couple of days, taste and consistency.

At home, you can't get a lot of sour cream, if only a little for yourself. To receive it in large volumes, you need to have several cows and a separator, then the process will be faster.

This fermented milk product is distributed all over the world. So in France, Spain, Denmark, England, Denmark it is called "cream-fresh", in Germany - "schmand", Slovenia - "sour sour cream", Bulgaria - "leavened sour cream", Romania - "smantana". But the origin is Slavic. They began to make and produce it in Russia, they only made it from milk, setting it to sour, and then removing (sweeping away) the settled top layer. Hence the name.

Sour cream helps in the production of sex hormones. In women, it increases libido, and in men, it improves potency. But do not get carried away with it, as this can lead to obesity, which, on the contrary, will worsen intimate life.

Sour cream helps fight cholesterol. To do this, you need to replace butter with it, spreading it on bread in the morning.

To beat sour cream (especially for creams), you need to add chicken proteins to it. Then the process will be easier, and the mass will turn out to be more magnificent and voluminous.

If you are afraid that adding sour cream to a hot dish will curdle it, just mix it with milk or cream. They won't let this happen.

Sour cream is a very tasty and essential food product. It is used in both food and skin care. And there is more benefit than harm from it if consumed in small quantities without overusing it. In addition, it is more useful than mayonnaise, and no less suitable in taste. Therefore, it is better to make a choice in her direction.

Alas, this does not apply to many modern sour cream products. Often on the shelves you can find a jar, the contents of which consist of vegetable fats, milk powder, thickeners and stabilizers.

Sour cream is one of the few products to which the definition of "Russian" is added in the West and is treated with great reverence. It is called both "Russian cream" and "the main lubricant in Russian cuisine" (from the book by Peter Weil and Alexander Genis). However, this is not surprising: in Europe and America they do not know how to make the right sour cream. The worst thing is that in our country, too, they are gradually beginning to forget the classic recipe. After all, natural sour cream is not just a fermented milk product obtained by fermenting cream with sourdough from special microorganisms. After this stage of production, it must mature for at least a day under special conditions, acquiring its famous consistency and unique taste. True, a natural product is very capricious, moreover, it is "alive" and quickly deteriorates. That is why manufacturers in every possible way want to simplify and speed up the technological process, reduce the cost of ingredients and ensure that sour cream is “fresh” on store shelves for months. What are they doing for this? Instead of cream and sourdough, milk powder, palm oil or soy protein are added. Starch, carrageenan and other thickeners are used to compact the fermented product, preservatives are used for preservation. As a result, among the jars of natural sour cream in stores, there are also its counterparts.

100% natural

Before purchasing a product, train yourself to read the information that is written on its packaging. This is the only way you can distinguish a natural product from its surrogate. So, high-quality creamy sour cream is called “sour cream”. This applies to both imported and domestic products. It's good if the latter also has GOST. True, the ideal sour cream is one that contains only cream and sourdough. The addition of any other components, even just milk, and even more dry milk, makes it of lower quality (although this is permissible according to GOST). By the way, statements like “100% natural” or “Thick - the spoon is worth it” should be treated with healthy skepticism. Manufacturers like to use such phrases regardless of the essence of the product, because they are not regulated by law.

Also, always pay attention to the expiration date of the sour cream. It is good if it can be stored for no more than 14 days, because such a product is the most "lively" and classic.

Sour cream is not sour cream

If the label says not “sour cream”, but “sour cream product”, it means that there is an unnatural product in the bank - however, this phrase is usually written in small words and in the most inconspicuous place, so you will have to look for it. Larger on the packaging indicate something diminutive like "sour cream" or "sour cream". Despite the fact that such names are generally prohibited, some manufacturers still continue to use them.

According to the production technology, the sour cream product is similar to the natural one - it also goes through the fermentation process, but its composition is completely different. There may be little or no cream in it. But everything else - cheap vegetable fats, various components from milk, thickeners and stabilizers - in bulk, so it is stored for several months. As you can imagine, the usefulness of different "sour cream" due to the large number of chemical additives is in question.

Is the spoon worth it? It is not important!

Many housewives believe that good sour cream is the one in which there is a spoon, and they are mistaken, because today this quality indicator is very outdated. Thickeners and stabilizers, which modern manufacturers actively add to the product, bind water, so the spoon does not sink in it. Now it is better to use another popular quality test. If sour cream is poured from one jar to another, it should form a “hill” from which “waves” slowly depart, and they gradually level out to a horizontal surface. But the product with thickeners, when transferred to another container, will lie in lumps without spreading, or will immediately begin to spread out - it depends on its fat content. But chemical sour cream will never make “slides” with “waves”.

White, glossy, tasty

Its appearance can also tell about the quality of sour cream. Her color should be white with a slight creamy shade and uniform throughout the mass. No lumps or irregularities are allowed. The surface of a good product should be absolutely smooth, glossy and shiny. If you opened the jar and saw that the sour cream is faded matte, then most likely it is full of thickeners.

The taste of this natural product is pure fermented milk. A sharp sourness indicates that the sour cream begins to deteriorate, and if it is made from recombined cream or with the addition of powdered milk, the taste of ghee may appear. However, the more important characteristic of a natural product is not even taste, but the sensation on the tongue - sour cream should envelop it, as it were. If it lies lumpy or spreads, this is not the best product.

Almost healthy fat

Sour cream is of different fat content - from 10 to 58%. Therefore, it is divided into the following types: low-fat (10, 12 and 14%), low-fat (15, 17, 19%), classic (20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34%), fat (35, 37 , 40, 42, 45, 48%) and high fat (50, 52, 55, 58%). If you want to buy a hearty sour cream for salad or cream in a cake - choose a high-calorie copy, don't want to get fat or are afraid of cholesterol - buy a product with a low percentage. However, in recent years, the attitude of scientists to milk fats has changed. They are not yet called completely "healthy", but useful substances have already been found in them - conjugated linoleic acids, or CLA. Doctors have scientific evidence to suggest they can inhibit obesity, promote weight loss while dieting, reduce the risk of vascular disease, and enhance immunity.

Expert opinion

Konstantin Spakhov, gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences

Sour cream is not the most dietary product, because it contains saturated fats that help the development of atherosclerosis. But it is not worth demonizing her because of this. Sour cream is one of those products that we consume in small quantities - one or two tablespoons in a salad and the same amount in a soup. If you take 20%, then eat a little over 3 g of fat with it. This is less than 5% of a woman's daily fat intake.

Perfect sour cream

1. It is called "sour cream".

2. Has GOST, made only from cream and sourdough.

3. On the package it is written: "The number of lactic acid microorganisms at the end of the shelf life of the product is not less than 1x107 CFU / g."

4. Shelf life - no more than 2 weeks.

5. Color - white with a light cream shade, uniform throughout the mass, without lumps.

6. The surface is shiny.

7. Taste - pure fermented milk.

8. When pouring, it forms a "slide", from which "waves" slowly move away.

Ecology of consumption: The worst thing is that in our country, too, they are gradually beginning to forget the classic recipe. After all, natural sour cream is not just a fermented milk product obtained by fermenting cream with sourdough from special microorganisms.

Sour cream gives our body protein, normalizes the intestinal microflora and restores strength. True, only if she ...

Alas, this does not apply to many modern sour cream products. Often on the shelves you can find a jar, the contents of which consist of vegetable fats, milk powder, thickeners and stabilizers.

Sour cream is one of the few products to which the definition of "Russian" is added in the West and is treated with great reverence. It is called both "Russian cream" and "the main lubricant in Russian cuisine" (from the book by Peter Weil and Alexander Genis). However, this is not surprising: in Europe and America, they do not know how to make the right sour cream.

The worst thing is that in our country, too, they are gradually beginning to forget the classic recipe. After all, natural sour cream is not just a fermented milk product obtained by fermenting cream with sourdough from special microorganisms. After this stage of production, it must mature for at least a day under special conditions, acquiring its famous consistency and unique taste. True, a natural product is very capricious, moreover, it is "alive" and quickly deteriorates. That is why manufacturers in every possible way want to simplify and speed up the technological process, reduce the cost of ingredients and ensure that sour cream is “fresh” on store shelves for months. What are they doing for this? Instead of cream and sourdough, milk powder, palm oil or soy protein are added. Starch, carrageenan and other thickeners are used to compact the fermented product, preservatives are used for preservation. As a result, among the jars of natural sour cream in stores, there are also its counterparts.

100% natural

Before purchasing a product, train yourself to read the information that is written on its packaging. This is the only way you can distinguish a natural product from its surrogate. So, high-quality creamy sour cream is called “sour cream”. This applies to both imported and domestic products. It's good if the latter also has GOST. True, the ideal sour cream is one that contains only cream and sourdough. The addition of any other components, even just milk, and even more dry milk, makes it of lower quality (although this is permissible according to GOST). By the way, statements like “100% natural” or “Thick - the spoon is worth it” should be treated with healthy skepticism. Manufacturers like to use such phrases regardless of the essence of the product, because they are not regulated by law.

Also, always pay attention to the expiration date of the sour cream. It is good if it can be stored for no more than 14 days, because such a product is the most "lively" and classic.

Sour cream is not sour cream

If the label says not “sour cream”, but “sour cream product”, it means that there is an unnatural product in the bank - however, this phrase is usually written in small words and in the most inconspicuous place, so you will have to look for it. Larger on the packaging indicate something diminutive like "sour cream" or "sour cream". Despite the fact that such names are generally prohibited, some manufacturers still continue to use them.

According to the production technology, the sour cream product is similar to the natural one - it also goes through the fermentation process, but its composition is completely different. There may be little or no cream in it. But everything else - cheap vegetable fats, various components from milk, thickeners and stabilizers - in bulk, so it is stored for several months. As you can imagine, the usefulness of different "sour cream" due to the large number of chemical additives is in question.

Is the spoon worth it? It is not important!

Many housewives believe that good sour cream is the one in which there is a spoon, and they are mistaken, because today this quality indicator is very outdated. Thickeners and stabilizers, which modern manufacturers actively add to the product, bind water, so the spoon does not sink in it. Now it is better to use another popular quality test. If sour cream is poured from one jar to another, it should form a “hill” from which “waves” slowly depart, and they gradually level out to a horizontal surface. But the product with thickeners, when transferred to another container, will lie in lumps without spreading, or will immediately begin to spread out - it depends on its fat content. But chemical sour cream will never make “slides” with “waves”.

White, glossy, delicious

Its appearance can also tell about the quality of sour cream. Her color should be white with a slight creamy shade and uniform throughout the mass. No lumps or irregularities are allowed. The surface of a good product should be absolutely smooth, glossy and shiny. If you opened the jar and saw that the sour cream is faded matte, then most likely it is full of thickeners.

The taste of this natural product is pure fermented milk. A sharp sourness indicates that the sour cream begins to deteriorate, and if it is made from recombined cream or with the addition of powdered milk, the taste of ghee may appear. However, the more important characteristic of a natural product is not even taste, but the sensation on the tongue - sour cream should envelop it, as it were. If it lies lumpy or spreads, this is not the best product.

Almost healthy fat

Sour cream is of different fat content - from 10 to 58%. Therefore, it is divided into the following types: low-fat (10, 12 and 14%), low-fat (15, 17, 19%), classic (20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34%), fat (35, 37 , 40, 42, 45, 48%) and high fat (50, 52, 55, 58%). If you want to buy a hearty sour cream for a salad or cream in a cake - choose a high-calorie copy, do not want to get fat or are afraid of cholesterol - buy a product with a low percentage. However, in recent years, the attitude of scientists to milk fats has changed. They are not yet called completely "healthy", but useful substances have already been found in them - conjugated linoleic acids, or CLA. Doctors have scientific evidence to suggest they can inhibit obesity, promote weight loss while dieting, reduce the risk of vascular disease, and enhance immunity.

Expert opinion

Konstantin Spakhov, gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences:

Sour cream not the most dietary product, because it contains saturated fats that help the development of atherosclerosis. But it is not worth demonizing her because of this. Sour cream is one of those products that we consume in small quantities - one or two tablespoons in a salad and the same amount in a soup. If you take 20%, then eat a little over 3 g of fat with it. This is less than 5% of a woman's daily fat intake.

Perfect sour cream

1. It is called "sour cream".

2. Has GOST, made only from cream and sourdough.

3. On the package it is written: "The number of lactic acid microorganisms at the end of the shelf life of the product is not less than 1x107 CFU / g."

4. Shelf life - no more than 2 weeks.

5. Color - white with a light cream shade, uniform throughout the mass, without lumps.

6. The surface is shiny.

7. Taste - pure fermented milk.

8. When pouring, it forms a "slide", from which "waves" slowly move away. published