How long caffeine is excreted from breast milk. Effects of caffeine on your baby

08.08.2019 Meat Dishes

All nursing mothers are advised to follow a special diet so as not to harm the baby. Especially carefully you need to make up your diet in the first few months after childbirth. An approximate list of foods that can be consumed during lactation is widely known. Quite a controversial issue - what drinks are allowed to drink at this time. For a newly-made mom, tired of worries and sleepless nights, coffee while breastfeeding is the only salvation. Previously, all doctors unanimously prohibited a nursing mother from drinking coffee while breastfeeding. Today, pediatricians believe that a mother can drink a small portion of a fragrant drink without harm to the child.

Misconceptions about the effects of coffee

There are several common misconceptions about the dangers of breastfeeding coffee for a baby.

How coffee affects a nursing mother and baby

It is only natural for a nursing mother to want a little refreshing drink after a sleepless night. Sometimes this is the only way to get a boost of energy for caring for your baby and household chores. However, it must be remembered that coffee can affect a child in completely unpredictable ways.

Watch your child carefully, if he is naughty, the process of falling asleep increases or rashes and itching appear on the skin, give up this drink for a while. However, it does not always have a negative effect on the baby, it depends on individual characteristics.

Coffee does not harm lactation - it absolutely does not change the amount of milk, and with a reasonable use of a high-quality drink, it does not affect its quality either.

What kind of coffee can you drink during lactation?

For coffee lovers during breastfeeding, it is advisable to opt for natural coarse coffee with a low caffeine content.
You can buy coffee beans and grind it just before brewing. It has been proven that a drink prepared in this way contains significantly less caffeine than one brewed from industrially milled beans.

All varieties of instant coffee, even very expensive ones, contain several times more caffeine than coffee beans. Most often, the cheapest type of grain, Robusta, is used to make the powder. For example, Arabica, the more expensive variety, contains 3 times less caffeine. Chemical processing of grains increases the likelihood of allergic reactions in children whose mothers prefer to drink an instant drink.

To reduce the potential harm, breastfeeding women should follow these guidelines:

It is not forbidden for a nursing mother to drink coffee while breastfeeding, but this should be done carefully, observing the baby's reaction. A cup of freshly ground drink after morning feeding will not harm the baby, but the soluble one should be discarded during lactation.

Can a nursing mother drink instant or natural coffee? With the birth of the long-awaited baby, not only joyful moments and happy days await you, but also sleepless nights and fatigue, without "recharging" in any way. But won't caffeine harm your baby?

First, it is worth considering the individual characteristics of your child's body. Caffeine, like citrus fruits, is a food that can cause allergies. Therefore, if you cannot resist a cup of coffee in the morning, carefully observe your baby. Does he have skin rashes?

Secondly, apart from allergies, coffee can bring sleep problems. If you drank coffee, and then breastfed your baby, then you should also pay attention to his mood. Unreasonable anxiety, poor sleep, and agitation are all signs that should alert you. These problems may not arise immediately, since caffeine is slowly excreted from the blood, and it can also remain in the child's body for a long time. Among other things, caffeine is not excreted from the child's body until about 4 months of age. Therefore, you need to be especially careful with high doses of caffeine, while the baby is very small.

In addition, those who are wondering whether it is possible for nursing mothers to drink coffee should take into account the fact that this substance is also found in many medicines and products. Of the drugs, the banal Citramon can be cited as an example, some drugs with a prophylactic effect for colds, pain relievers. And from the products - mainly drinks. For example, Coca-Cola and regular tea (black and green). And, by the way, if you eat chocolate with coffee, then remember that this tasty product contains a substance theobromine, which has a similar effect on the body of mother and child as caffeine. A nursing mother can drink coffee in a volume of no more than 750 ml (five or less cups of coffee) per day. If you drink too much coffee, your child is more likely to change their behavior for the worse. May confuse day with night, sleep will become poor, periods of wakefulness are too long, etc.

What to do if your baby does not react well to the presence of caffeine in breast milk? If your child becomes restless and does not sleep well, then it is not necessary to completely eliminate caffeine from their diet. Just cut down on your daily coffee and caffeinated beverages by about one-third.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to drink coffee with milk or cream? If you drink the drink undiluted, then it's time to change your habit. And if you are allergic? There's nothing you can do about it, you have to remove all drinks containing caffeine from your diet.

A cup of hot black coffee in the morning can easily replace chicory. Not only does chicory do not contain caffeine, it will also be beneficial for a nursing mother.

After the birth of a child, any mother thinks about proper nutrition while breastfeeding. It is very important to deal with permitted and prohibited foods during this period, since everything that a nursing mother eats passes into breast milk. If it is more or less clear with healthy and unhealthy food, then a drink like coffee raises many questions. There have been disputes about it for a long time, but no one can prove its obvious harm or benefit, so a huge number of connoisseurs continue to enjoy this aromatic drink. Can a nursing mother have coffee? How will it affect her health, lactation and the behavior of her little baby?

The harm and benefits of caffeine

Coffee is a delicious and complex drink that can bring both benefits and harm to the human body. The main substance in it is caffeine, which has an invigorating and stimulating effect. It increases mental and physical performance.

Coffee is good for hypotonic patients as it helps to normalize their blood pressure. Thanks to him, they can feel cheerful and cheerful. The use of coffee drink is contraindicated for hypertensive patients. This drink is also not recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, as it can provoke tachycardia.

Natural coffee contains more than 30 macro- and microelements. In addition, it is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and potassium. It would seem that all these substances are very useful for the mother, but you should not get carried away with coffee with HB, as it can negatively affect the behavior and well-being of the child.

Coffee during lactation

So can a nursing mother have coffee? She herself must decide this by analyzing the information about this drink and weighing all the pros and cons. While the baby is small, she needs to adhere to a special diet. Why can't a nursing mom get coffee? The baby's body poorly assimilates and removes caffeine from the body. If the mother consumes large amounts of it on a regular basis, the child will become restless and have trouble sleeping.

Also, this drink can cause serious allergies in both the mother, whose body is weakened after pregnancy and childbirth, and the baby. In addition, caffeine has the ability to remove iron from the body, which can lead to iron deficiency anemia in both mothers and babies. Of course, if you do not want to completely abandon this drink, then you can limit its consumption to a minimum.

How much coffee can a nursing mother drink?

In order to minimize the harmful effects of caffeine, you must choose natural coffee beans. In no case should you drink an instant coffee drink, which contains many harmful substances. It is made from low quality grains and is chemically processed. As for natural coffee with HS, harm from it is less likely than from instant coffee. Before having a cup of a fragrant drink, mom needs to remember that a few simple rules should be followed:

  1. You can drink no more than one cup a day.
  2. It is best to pamper yourself with coffee in the morning or right after feeding your baby.
  3. It is better not to brew coffee, but pour boiling water in a cup and let it brew.
  4. Since caffeine removes fluid and iron from the body, you need to increase your intake of pure water and iron-rich foods.

You can also drink coffee with milk for a nursing mother instead of strong black. If necessary, you can add cream or lemon to the drink. The most important thing about caffeine consumption is to keep it in moderation.

Green coffee

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have green coffee instead of black? What is this drink and how is it different from black?

Green coffee differs in that its beans have not been heat treated or roasted. Usually these are "Robusta" or "Arabica" grains. It got its name from the green color of the grains. Since they were not processed, they retained their natural dull olive color.

Experts believe that when breastfeeding, green coffee is less harmful than black coffee, because it is grown in ecologically clean places and does not use synthetic substances for fertilization.

Due to the absence of heat treatment, it retains the maximum amount of vitamins and antioxidants. In addition, green coffee drink is marketed as a means for losing weight, and, as you know, many women after childbirth tend to get in shape. However, it contains as much caffeine as black, so it is not recommended for a nursing mother to get carried away.

Decaffeinated coffee

Some doctors recommend that nursing mothers drink decaf. It is believed that it does not cause any harm and can be drunk in unlimited quantities, enjoying the taste and aroma. Many people with health problems, such as hypertensive patients, use it because natural black coffee is contraindicated for them. However, a decaffeinated drink, like instant coffee, undergoes chemical processing, so its benefits are questionable. In addition, true connoisseurs do not consider it a worthy substitute for natural, because it has a completely different taste and aroma.

Changing coffee

If a woman asks the question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have coffee and whether it is possible to replace it with something, then in this case it is recommended to try other drinks that vaguely resemble coffee taste. For example, it could be chicory.

It does not contain caffeine and has a positive effect on the nervous and digestive system. You can also drink cocoa while breastfeeding. It contains a small amount of caffeine, which does not negatively affect the nervous system. Cocoa has a rich taste and pleasant aroma, which favorably affects the mood.

Coffee is a wonderful drink that has a huge following around the world. If a woman cannot deny herself the pleasure of enjoying it, then you should not torture yourself with abstinence. Without overusing caffeine during breastfeeding, she will not do much harm to herself and the baby.

Fresh aromatic coffee is the weakness of many women. It is not easy to refuse this drink, because it is with it that it is so pleasant to start a new day. But what about coffee if a girl has given birth to a baby and practices breastfeeding? To, but also during breastfeeding. Today we will tell you whether it is possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding, and in what form it is safest for a mother and her baby.

Drinking coffee while breastfeeding: is it possible?

It would seem that coffee for a nursing mother is simply necessary - a glass of the drink will relieve fatigue, drowsiness, and give vigor, which will not be superfluous in the first months of a baby's life. But in reality, not everything is so simple. While caffeine is beneficial for an adult and improves well-being, even a small fraction of the substance is harmful to a child.

According to medical standards, it is permissible for a healthy person to drink 4 cups of coffee a day. This amount corresponds to 400 mg of caffeine (an average cup of a medium-strength drink contains 100 mg of caffeine). Can a nursing mother drink coffee in such quantities? The unequivocal answer is no. During lactation, the maximum allowable daily intake of caffeine should not exceed 100 mg, which corresponds to 1 cup of coffee.

On a note! Coffee can appear in the mother's diet no earlier than the child is 4-5 weeks old. When breastfeeding, the drink should be introduced into the menu gradually, with tracking the reaction of the crumbs' body to this product.

Benefits of coffee for nursing mothers

In reasonable amounts, natural coffee can even be good for moms. Roasted coffee beans contain over 300 different essential compounds, which makes this drink rich, aromatic, and at the same time low in calories.

  • Coffee beans are rich in carbohydrates. These substances are energetically valuable for the body. As part of the drink, they are represented by simple sugars (fructose, sucrose) and complex polysaccharides (fiber, cellulose, pectin substances). Carbohydrates are an indispensable basis for the nutrition of the nerve cells of the brain.
  • The composition of coffee contains several important for the body of each person, and nursing mothers in particular, minerals: phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium and potassium. These inorganic elements ensure the stable functioning of the muscular system, are part of the bones, actively regulate the functioning of the brain, blood vessels and heart muscle.

Note! The caffeine in the drink contains about 1-1.5% of the total weight of the coffee component. But even this small amount is enough for the manifestation of its tonic effect on the human body.

Influence of caffeine on a baby - why is coffee on GW scary?

All the many debates about the dangers of coffee for nursing mothers are based on several statements:

  • Caffeine causes increased excitability and is harmful to the nervous system of an infant;
  • Caffeine is not removed from the child's body during the first years of life, which leads to its accumulation, and this is very dangerous for the baby;
  • Instant coffee contains dyes and preservatives that can cause an allergic reaction in the baby;
  • Coffee does not allow calcium to be absorbed in the body, promotes its early elimination, which is unacceptable for a nursing mother.

Important! Despite all the prohibitions, WHO does not prohibit pregnant and lactating mothers from drinking coffee, only limits the amount to 3 cups a day. At the same time, the healthcare organization does not clarify the strength of the drink, its naturalness and the addition of ingredients like milk.

5 rules for drinking coffee during lactation

Saying no to your favorite drink indefinitely is not easy. Many moms decide not to give up coffee and indulge themselves little by little with a couple of cups a day. Here are some tips for minimizing the effects of coffee during lactation.

Avoid Instant Coffee

Drink only the coffee that you have made with your own roasted beans. This is the only way you can be sure of the quality of the drink you are going to consume.

Reduce the amount of caffeine

To reduce the amount of caffeine in 200 ml of the drink, you need to avoid boiling. You just need to pour boiling water over the ground coffee and let it brew.

Drink coffee in the morning

It is safest for a nursing mother to consume a coffee drink in the morning, preferably immediately after feeding the baby. By the next breastfeeding, the concentration of caffeine in breast milk will decrease significantly.

1 glass of coffee + 1 glass of water

Coffee is a diuretic drink, it removes fluids and the body and can cause dehydration quite quickly. It is very important to maintain fluid balance for a nursing mother, therefore, after drinking a cup of coffee, it is imperative to drink a glass of clean water.

Increase your calcium intake

All the calcium that you "washed down" your morning coffee will not be absorbed by the body. Coffee lovers need to additionally include cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt and cheese in their diet. Breastfeeding mothers often suffer from a lack of calcium after childbirth, and if they love coffee, it needs to be replenished doubly.

Breastfeeding coffee: what to replace?

Every sane mom might wonder if there is a safer drink for breast milk if it is diluted with other ingredients? Or should you prefer decaf coffee at all - it's definitely harmless? Is this really so? Let's try to figure it out.

Coffee with milk (cream)

Despite its obvious benefits, cappuccino can do more harm than a cup of plain coffee. The fact is that dairy cow protein often causes allergies in babies. The enzyme system of infants in the first months of life is not able to digest it, the body does not absorb this protein, and diathesis appears. It is possible to dilute coffee with milk for a nursing mother only if the child does not have allergies, he is healthy and is developing well.

Decaffeinated coffee

The tart drink with the encouraging name "decaf" still contains caffeine, otherwise it would not be coffee at all. It turns out to be a kind of marketing deception. The technology for removing caffeine from coffee is very complex, the raw materials go through many stages of processing (including chemical ones), and as a result, not the most useful product is obtained. And although caffeine in this case will be the minimum amount, the drink can hardly be called useful, therefore such coffee cannot be recommended for nursing mothers.


A root drink called chicory has long been used as a coffee substitute. The roots are dried, roasted, and the result is a drink similar in taste and color. The main benefit of chicory for nursing moms is that it is quick to prepare (instant), caffeine free, non-addictive, and rich in antioxidants. But chicory does not give “that very” cheerfulness either.

Morning coffee for many people is a life-giving elixir for the whole day. The caffeine contained in the drink invigorates, improves tone and improves mood. It has a completely different effect on the child's body. Together with milk, it negatively affects the nervous system and provokes sleep disturbances. Is it okay for a nursing mom to have coffee or should I temporarily stop drinking?

Many people cannot imagine a morning without coffee. Breastfeeding mom is no exception.

Side Effects of Excessive Coffee Drinking

Mom can solve a dilemma for herself by observing the condition of the baby. Give up your habit if you notice the signs of the crumbs:

  1. Dehydration. The strong diuretic effect of the drink leads to the withdrawal of a large amount of fluid from the body, along with which substances necessary for the full and correct development of the child are released.
  2. Allergies. After drinking coffee, watch the crumbs in the first hours after drinking the drink. Check the nasal mucosa for inflammation, see if there is a rash on the skin.
  3. Constipation. By removing excess liquid, coffee strengthens the stool, leading to constipation.
  4. Overexcitation of the nervous system. Excessive caffeine causes a state of nervousness in children, they sleep poorly, and are a lot of capricious.
  5. Incompatibility with other medicinal products... In the treatment of respiratory organs and coughs, drugs are used that already contain caffeine. Drinking coffee, you can get an overdose of the substance.

Consider the fact that medical studies have shown a decrease in the amount of iron in breast milk in mothers who often drink an invigorating drink - a fairly convincing answer to the question of whether a woman who has recently given birth can drink coffee (see also:). It is unlikely that you wish your little one bad, and without iron, the immunity of the little man suffers, the functions of the brain deteriorate, the cardiovascular system suffers.

Do not forget that caffeine is a powerful tonic that can cause changes in the functioning of the nervous system. For the normal development of the baby, on the contrary, he needs more rest, while excess nervousness and activity is undesirable

Myths about harmless types of coffee

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Thinking about the varieties of coffee for breastfeeding that can be consumed without harming the child, the woman is "led" to advertising. A few years ago, there was no question of allowing a nursing mom any caffeinated products. The doctors' answer has always been negative. The emergence of new types of drink and their active advertising, claiming that this type of coffee when breastfeeding will not bring negative reactions, is misleading moms. Here are a number of erroneous statements:

  1. Instant drink does not contain much caffeine... Few people know that this type is made from cheap robusta - a coffee variety with a high content of this particular element. In addition, produced in granules or freeze-dried, it is replete with various impurities. You cannot drink such coffee for a nursing mother.
  2. Decaffeinated coffee... One of the most popular myths. Indeed, there is very little caffeine in it, but during its production such chemical reactions take place that carry much more harmful substances into the woman's body. The drink can cause allergies or stomach upset in the newborn.
  3. Green coffee. A species that is on a wave of popularity. Manufacturers claim that it promotes fat burning and helps you lose weight. In essence, this product is a semi-finished product. Green beans need to be roasted for an extraordinary aroma of the drink. There are also a number of prohibitions regarding losing weight while feeding a baby. Refusing a full-fledged diet, replacing it with green coffee, you risk aggravating hormonal changes, causing health problems for yourself and your baby.
  4. Replacing coffee with green tea will not bring the desired effect... When you get rid of caffeine, you get theine, an element that is no less active in its action, which can excite the nervous system even more strongly than caffeine.

What is really possible?

If parting with your favorite drink is difficult, give preference to its popular version of cappuccino. Cook it yourself. Take arabica beans, chop, pour boiling water and wait a few minutes, letting it brew. Add 1: 2 cream to it. This way you will get a wonderful coffee-flavored drink, still invigorating, but with a softened effect on the body, which you can drink during lactation.

Is it legal to drink cocoa?

If we are already talking about caffeinated drinks, we will find out at the same time whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have cocoa, and in what quantities. Caffeine, the main element that affects the condition of the newborn, in cocoa is only 0.1-0.2%, however, the drink contains theobromine, which acts in the same manner on the nervous and cardiovascular system of the infant, but it is lighter than caffeine in terms of its strength of 10 once. Cocoa also has a latent threat: the drink is considered a highly allergenic product, and this is dangerous for the baby. Mom, in order not to harm your treasure, indulge yourself with a drink no more than 2 times a week. Drink in the morning or before lunch when you finish breastfeeding. Dilute with low fat milk and do not add sugar.

There is no direct prohibition on the use of cocoa during breastfeeding, but it still has some effect on the baby. Mom is better off drinking cocoa no more than twice a week, and the drink itself is not too strong.

Rules for drinking coffee and cocoa while breastfeeding

If the refusal of the drinks in question is beyond your strength, allow them for yourself, but adhere to certain rules:

  1. The first and most important month after giving birth is not a single cup of coffee. Adaptation of the newborn's body lasts 3 months. A caffeinated product will become an unnecessary irritant.
  2. The maximum amount of the stimulating element (caffeine) in breast milk accumulates by the 2nd hour after feeding. So that your habit does not harm your child, drink coffee when you have just breastfed him.
  3. It is advisable to drink no more than one cup per day, but it is better if you limit yourself to a cup of 3-4 days. Remember the crumbs.
  4. Find the tiniest coffee cups. So you will pamper yourself, and the child will not be harmed.
  5. Drink plenty of coffee with water (a large mug of water after each cup) to prevent dehydration of the newborn.
  6. To reduce calcium excretion, include dairy and fermented milk products in your diet. Kefir, cream, milk, cottage cheese will help to make up for the loss of the most important element for the child (see also:).
  7. Avoid combining products containing caffeine. Chocolate with coffee is not allowed (see also:). Coffee and cocoa on the same day - you can't.

After drinking a cup of your favorite drink, watch your baby's reaction. Have noticed that the child has an allergic rash after feeding, he is capricious for no reason, does not want to sleep, goes to the toilet with "liquid" stool - forget about coffee for a while. You can try again after 1-2 weeks - perhaps the baby is already adapting to new conditions and easier to tolerate the caffeine content in milk.

What does Dr. Komarovsky think about coffee and breastfeeding?

Raising the topic of drinking coffee while breastfeeding, Dr. Komarovsky advises to refrain from tonic drinks. A respected pediatrician states three reasons that limit the intake of coffee for breastfeeding mothers. He refers to them:

  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • violation of the stool;
  • restless sleep and nervous excitement;
  • a possible overdose of caffeine in the treatment of lung disease in a newborn.

Most mothers trust the opinion of such a reputable and experienced doctor. Believe it and you. If the baby has at least one of the listed problems, you should not tempt yourself, it is better to deny yourself morning coffee until the baby gets stronger. The child calmly tolerates your addiction and does not react negatively to a cup of drink - you can continue to drink, but not in immeasurable quantities. Other experts also talk about the inadmissibility of regular consumption of coffee.