Basmati rice - description with a photo of an Indian product; its properties and calorie content; benefit and harm; recipes how to cook. Basmati rice: distinctive features, calorie content and cooking methods

13.08.2019 Salads

If you try basmati rice at least once, you will forever remember its taste, which cannot be confused with any other. It would seem that there is something special about the taste of rice, but there is! Basmati rice is said to contain special substances similar to those found in the leaves of the Pandana tree, which serve as a fragrant seasoning. No wonder the name "Basmati" comes from the words "aroma" and "inherent from birth."

For basmati rice I specially go to the exhibition of Indian goods, which for some time now has been held here twice a year. There you can buy Indian rice. Unlike other manufacturers, Indian basmati rice has almost no starchy flour, so it is easy to rinse it, the water immediately flows clear. During boiling, the grain increases in length at least twice, the rice always turns out to be crumbly and at the same time not dry and really aromatic, with a taste of milk and nuts.

Often during cooking, as is customary in Indian cuisine, I add turmeric or saffron, which gives the rice a beautiful sunny color. How to cook basmati rice, I will tell you in detail.

Rice is one of the healthiest cereals, and is always a part of the diet of vegetarians and everyone who follows a healthy diet. There are many gourmets among these people who are attentive and even anxious about the contents of their plate. They are not only well versed in the chemical composition and assimilation of various products, but also to the smallest detail studied their taste and nuances of combinations in dishes. At the same time, out of all the variety of types of rice, wild and cultivated, they prefer the variety under the exotic name of Basmati to all others. Can you trust their taste! Undoubtedly! After all, when the choice of products is strictly limited, willy-nilly you begin to choose from the available only the best.

For many years, our compatriots, in contrast to the inhabitants of Asian countries, considered rice a nutritious, but not too sophisticated in taste, component of such classic recipes as pilaf, soup and sweet rice porridge. All of these cooking methods assume that the rice itself is just the base, which gets flavor during cooking by adding strong spices, flavors, sweeteners and sauces to it. But in fact, a portion of crumbly aromatic rice with a minimum of spices distracting from its delicate taste is a delicacy in itself. But in order to understand this, rice must be properly cooked. And basmati rice is best suited for mastering this approach.

Basmati rice and its featuresMost varieties of rice growing on our planet can be roughly divided into two groups according to the shape of the grain: long-grain and round-grain rice. And, if the varieties of the second group are characterized by relative softness, easy to boil and are mainly used for cooking "sticky" dishes (porridge, risotto, sushi), then long-grain varieties allow more culinary experiments. Basmati rice, originating from the foot of the Himalayas, belongs to such varieties with elongated grains. Polished and unpolished from surface shells, it is used all over the world for side dishes, desserts, pilaf and other dishes with a national flavor.

Due to its exotic origin, delicate taste and rich chemical composition, basmati has become one of the most expensive rice varieties. And in his homeland, in India, Basmati is called the "King of Rice" and pay tribute to him of love and respect. During the cooking process, each rice almost doubles in size and begins to exude a delicate and piquant aroma. Even in appearance, basmati is very attractive: snow-white, crumbly, without glued particles and lumps. Every self-respecting housewife should be able to cook it just like that. Moreover, it would be simply annoying to spoil such an expensive and in all other respects valuable product.

How to cook crumbly basmatiFor the first acquaintance with basmati rice, the classic way of cooking it is ideal, which does not imply the use of complex devices and exotic additives. But, to avoid disappointment, make sure to pick the right rice and cook basmati. To do this, carefully read the composition of the product on the package so that it does not contain impurities of other, cheaper varieties. Real basmati is uniform in color and consists of whole, not crumbled, elongated grains. Sometimes manufacturers mix it in a package with black or wild rice, but for mastering the peculiarities of cooking it is better to take pure basmati.

Rice should be sorted out and washed immediately before cooking. It is most convenient to use a fairly extensive horizontal surface for this: a table or a tray. Put a small amount of rice on it and remove any foreign particles from it, which may include clumps of clay, stalks and husks from grains. All these impurities testify to the natural origin of rice. Pour the peeled rice into a large bowl and cover with clean cold water. Use your hands to stir the rice grains under water to get rid of dust and excess starch faster. Repeat the rinsing procedure several times - as many times as necessary so that the water remains clear after combining with the rice.

Basmati (like other aromatic rice varieties) is recommended to be soaked briefly in water before boiling. There is nothing difficult in this, but there is a subtle nuance. First, it is better to soak basmati in warm water (slightly above room temperature). This allows the beans to "relax" and reveal their taste and aroma more fully. Secondly, do not pour out the water in which the rice was soaked, but carefully drain it into a saucepan. Boiled in the same water that it was soaked in, basmati retains more nutrients and flavor. Just 10-15 minutes is enough for the rice to be soaked in warm water and transfer its valuable properties to it. After that, you can proceed directly to cooking:

  1. First of all, ignore the instructions for cooking rice on the rice packaging. In most cases, there is a recommendation to cook basmati according to the same principle as pasta made from durum wheat. There is no mistake as such, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to get non-sticky and aromatic rice in this way.
  2. To make the basmati really crumbly, you need to take a little less water for cooking it than usual: for 1 part of rice, 1.25 parts of water (and not 1: 2, as indicated on the packages). Additionally, to your taste, you can dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in water, but this is not a required component.
  3. After soaking, transfer the washed rice to a saucepan and cover with water (do not forget that it is possible, and even better, to use the same water).
  4. Turn the hotplate to full power and quickly bring the water in the pot to a boil.
  5. Immediately after boiling the water, cover the pot with a lid and turn the heat to low.
  6. After 20 minutes, turn off the heat completely, but do not do anything else: do not lift the lid, do not stir the contents of the saucepan, and do not remove it from its place on the stove. The rice inside the promise will take about 15 minutes more, during which it will absorb all the water and saturate it with moisture.
  7. Open the lid after 15 minutes. Arm yourself with a long-toothed fork and lightly scrub the surface of the rice with it. This will help release hot steam from the depths and separate any grains that have stuck together during the steaming process.
  8. Done! Basmati rice is cooked correctly, looks crumbly, exudes a delicate aroma and is perfect for serving as a side dish with any meat, fish and / or vegetables.

The subtleties of cooking basmati riceIn addition to the basic recipe that allows you to cook basmati rice according to the classical method, there are many alternative and interesting recipes in their own way. For example, in Eastern countries, basmati is often boiled in milk, yogurt, fruit juice or coconut milk. For us, it is more customary to use unsweetened or salted liquids like vegetable broth for cooking. But it is not recommended to cook basmati in meat broth: because of the fat and gelatin it contains, the rice will not be crumbly. But these delights are interesting to experienced chefs, but first, remember the following features of cooking basmati:

  1. By general ruleBasmati is cooked in less water than other types of rice - we have already noted this. But at the same time, even this small volume of liquid can be varied at your discretion. If you use a 1: 1 ratio of rice to water, you will get harder rice.
  2. If you cook rice in advance, it is best not to reheat it, but use a different method. Increase the amount of cooking liquid by about 30%, and then leave the cooked rice to sit for longer under the lid.
  3. Choose heavy pots with thick walls for cooking rice. The heat in them is distributed more slowly and more evenly - just what is needed for the friability of the basmati.
  4. Rice can stick to the bottom of the pot if cooked over too high a heat - be careful to keep the level to a minimum.
  5. Never stir basmati while cooking. Contrary to expectations, this will result in uneven steaming and sticking.
  6. Lemon juice or ghee is added to the basmati after removing the lid from the pot. Hot rice is quickly saturated with them and gains extra puffiness.

As you can see, at first glance, cooking rice is not such a monosyllabic process as it might seem at first glance. Especially when it comes to one of the rarest, most valuable and capricious varieties - Basmati. But all these troubles are repaid a hundredfold by its taste and health benefits. Properly cooked basmati is best eaten immediately after cooking. But even if you cooked more rice than you could eat with your household, do not be discouraged, but put it in the refrigerator in a dish covered with a lid. Even the day after boiling, basmati is still good: it can be fried or used in other complex dishes. But you shouldn't reheat the basmati. Better to re-cook this crumbly and flavorful side dish.

Rice is practically the second bread, first of all for gourmets, and then for those who are losing weight. This product contains many vitamins and minerals, which is very important for people who limit their diet.

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How to cook basmati rice properly

There are several types of rice - long-grain and round-grain. The second type is fast cooking and soft. That is why it is most often used for cooking dishes that require increased gluten. The first type, on the contrary, does not boil over and allows you to cook a wide variety of dishes. One cultivar of such rice, which grows in the Himalayas, was named basmati.

Like any other rice, basmati needs to be washed first. Optionally, you can fill it with water, leaving it for half an hour. Then you can start cooking by placing a bowl of grains on the stove. When the water boils, the fire must be reduced. In total, cooking will take at least twenty minutes: the rice grain is hard, so cooking takes longer.

Basmati rice in a slow cooker


  • two hundred grams of rice;
  • 600 ml of water;
  • a spoonful of olive oil;
  • seasonings - salt and turmeric to taste.

Steps of preparation.

  1. After rinsing the rice thoroughly, place it in the multicooker.
  2. Season with salt, seasoning and turmeric. Don't forget to drop the oil.
  3. Mix everything well.
  4. Activate the "Buckwheat" mode, or similar, depending on the model of the multicooker. The program is often referred to as "Krupa".
  5. After waiting until the end of cooking, you can feast on delicious Basmati rice.

Basmati rice with vegetables

List of products:

  • two hundred and fifty grams of rice;
  • eighty grams of peas;
  • one hundred fifty grams of broccoli;
  • one carrot;
  • two hundred and fifty grams of canned corn;
  • thirty grams of vegetable oil;
  • seasonings, including salt;
  • ten small onions.

The preparation is as follows.

  1. After washing the rice, fill it with water. Put on fire, cook for twenty minutes.
  2. Place a drop of oil in a skillet and then toss the crushed garlic. Fry for a few minutes.
  3. After that, the garlic can be thrown out - it is no longer needed. Place whole onions, peeled in advance, and diced carrots in the pan. Cook for about ten minutes.
  4. While cooking, add the peas first, after a few minutes the corn, then the broccoli. Cover the skillet with a lid while continuing to cook the vegetables. Kale should be crispy, so toss it at the very end of cooking.
  5. Next, pour the cooked rice into the pan. Then simmer the dish for another ten minutes. Stir well and serve.

Basmati Rice Salad

Products for cooking:

  • one and a half cups of rice;
  • a few tablespoons of sesame oil;
  • a couple of tomatoes;
  • two cucumbers;
  • a few bell peppers;
  • one lemon;
  • two garlic cloves.

Cooking instructions.

  1. Rinse the rice under running water and then pour boiling water over it. Leave it like this for two hours.
  2. Then drain the water, and instead add three cups of salted water to the rice. Put the cereal on the fire. When the water boils, turn the heat to low. Cook the beans for another forty minutes.
  3. Chop vegetables and pour into a saucepan with pilaf.
  4. Squeeze the garlic and lemon juice into a deep bowl. Mix the two ingredients together. Also add sesame oil.
  5. When the rice is cooked, pour the garlic mixture over it.

Basmati rice pilaf

Introducing the recipe for dietary basmati rice pilaf.


  • one and a half cups of rice;
  • five tablespoons rast. oils;
  • bulb;
  • one tsp thyme;
  • bay leaf;
  • a few sticks of cinnamon;
  • cardamom - six boxes;
  • 2 pcs. carnations;
  • lemon skin;
  • half a liter of water;
  • one tsp sea \u200b\u200bsalt;
  • pepper.

Cooking instructions.

  1. Wash the rice grains.
  2. From parchment paper, cut out a circle with a diameter that is larger than your cast iron baking pan. Punch some holes in the paper to let the steam out.
  3. Drop half of the oil into a saucepan, fry the onion in it. Then pour pilaf onto a bowl, as well as herbs, spices and lemon peel. Mix the ingredients well. Cook for about five minutes.
  4. Then add water, salt and pepper the dish. Cover everything with the prepared paper, after wetting it, and then wringing it out.
  5. Next, send the pilaf to the oven at 180 ° for twenty-five minutes.

Indian basmati rice

Products for Indian Basmati Rice:

  • a glass of rice;
  • half a teaspoon of butter;
  • salt, pepper, turmeric;
  • several glasses of water.

The preparation is as follows.

  1. Rinse the rice under running water until the water is completely transparent, and then dry it a little.
  2. Place a saucepan on a fire with water to bring it to a boil.
  3. Melt butter in a separate container. Add rice and spices. Cook for a few minutes, stirring well.
  4. When the rice turns yellow, pour boiled water into a bowl. Reduce fire to a minimum. Cover the pot and let it cook for fifteen minutes. No need to stir.
  5. Thanks to the oil in which the cereals were fried, the rice will not stick together. To keep it as loose as after boiling, it is recommended to sprinkle it with a wooden spoon.

Boiled rice grits traditionally remain one of the most popular side dishes, and it is also used as an additional component in many dishes. Today, more and more housewives are thinking about how to cook basmati rice according to all the rules, because this particular type of product is one of the most popular in cooking. Of course, you can simply follow the recommendations on the product packaging, but it is better to familiarize yourself with some of the intricacies of the process. The process of boiling the product itself takes no more than 20 minutes, but to get it right, you have to spend a little more time processing the component.

Product features affecting processing

First of all, you need to take into account that basmati is not suitable for cooking dishes that require the presence of soft and glutinous rice. It will not make delicious porridge, rolls or risotto. Long-grain product is slow to boil and is more suitable for pilaf, side dish or original desserts. This is a rather expensive product, so you should not buy cereals at a low price, it will not justify the hopes placed on it. But high-quality rice in the process of processing will almost double, does not form glued lumps, will not crunch on the teeth in areas that have not been cooked well.

Tip: It happens that carelessness leads to the fact that the rice is still boiled. In this case, there is only one salvation for him - we spread the product in a preheated pan with a minimum amount of vegetable oil and lightly fry, stirring constantly.

Before cooking basmati rice, you need to make sure that the selected product meets all quality requirements. To do this, you must at least read the composition of the component on the label. It should not contain anything superfluous, any additive or impurity is a tangible blow to the quality of the product. This product is represented by grains of uniform color, uniform elongated shape. They cannot be broken or crushed.

How to cook crumbly rice?

Before boiling the cereal, it must be properly prepared. First, the product is hand-picked on a firm flat surface, after which it is washed in several changes of water. So the grains get rid of dust and excess starch. If time permits, the product should be soaked. A quarter of an hour is enough, and water should be used not cold, but at room temperature. You don't need to drain it! It is best to boil the component in it.

  • In order for the product to be friable, it is better to refuse to follow the instructions on the package. For 1 part of rice we take not 2 parts of water, as is usually indicated in the recommendation, but 1.25. You can dissolve a little salt in it.
  • Pour the washed rice with the required amount of water, put it on medium heat and bring to a boil. Then we reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the container with a lid and boil the contents for 20 minutes.
  • After the specified time, turn off the stove and leave the pan on it for another quarter of an hour. At this time, you do not need to mix the composition and even remove the lid. Only after such an exposure, we remove the lid and use a fork several times over the surface of the mass without going deep. This will help release steam trapped between the grains.

Now the resulting product can be spread on a plate, seasoned with sauces, mixed with vegetables, or simply seasoned with spices and butter.

A few more subtleties of product preparation

When working with such a delicate and aromatic product, you should remember a few rules that will help to fully reveal the potential of the product:

  • Groats can be cooked not only in water, but also in milk, fruit juice, natural yogurt, vegetable broth. But it is better to refuse the use of meat broth, because of it the grains will stick together.
  • If you want to get even denser rice, then the proportions of water and dry product can be reduced to 1 to 1.
  • Basmati's gastronomic characteristics are noticeably degraded if reheated. In cases when it is necessary to postpone the moment of using the composition, it is better to add more water to it, boil it for 5 minutes less, and insist a little longer.
  • Pots for boiling such rice should be taken with thick walls. They distribute heat more slowly and retain it better. This allows the product to cook more evenly.
  • The fire level should be minimal, otherwise the grains will stick to the bottom of the container or even burn.
  • It is strictly forbidden to mix the composition during the cooking process. This will only provoke uneven heating and boiling of the grains.
  • After removing the pan from the stove, it is recommended to add a little lemon juice, butter or vegetable oil to the rice.

If there is still some rice left after a meal, it should be put into a suitable container, covered with a lid and refrigerated. The composition should be heated by frying, other options will spoil its texture.

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Rice is the main component of the diet of half of humanity. In Asia, it has been cultivated since 4000. Basmati rice is considered a noble product. It is translated from Hindi as "full of flavor". Some people compare the smell of rice to a nut, others to corn. Not everyone knows how to cook basmati rice, but in fact it is not as difficult as many imagine.

It grows in the foothills of the Himalayas. It is grown by Pakistanis and Indians. Its distinctive aroma is due to the specific climate - a combination of frost and sun. These unique climatic conditions give rice not only excellent aroma, but also taste. India is a global exporter of basmati rice. Today everyone has the opportunity to purchase this product online. The price of basmati rice is not available to everyone, because due to its rich composition, exoticism and popularity, the product has become, probably, the most expensive of all rice varieties.


Basmati is a type of long grain rice (but also round grain rice) that is famous for its aroma. The grains of this cereal are larger and harder than ordinary rice. In the countries where it is grown, it is customary to call him the king.

Why you should eat basmati rice:

  • goes well with poultry and seafood;
  • contains a lot of protein and very little fat;
  • it is a rich source of phosphorus, potassium and B vitamins;
  • has a specific taste and smell;
  • is a good source of carbohydrates, among which starch predominates;
  • contains fiber;
  • after cooking, the grains are separated from each other;
  • is a natural product, does not contain preservatives and flavorings;
  • does not contain cholesterol;
  • has a low calorie content and glycemic index.

Useful properties and contraindications

Basmati rice has a unique composition, which includes numerous useful components, vitamins and trace elements.

Let's take a closer look:

  • vitamins E, PP and group B;
  • proteins and fats;
  • amino acids;
  • cellulose;
  • magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals;
  • microelements such as chlorine, boron, iodine.

Thanks to this composition, the product has a multi-faceted positive effect on the human body. Correct consumption of rice will help promote health. How to cook basmati rice correctly, in order to preserve all the healthy components, we will look at a little later.

Benefits of Basmati Rice:

  • low glycemic index allows you to lose weight;
  • useful for diabetics, as it affects the reduction of blood sugar;
  • protects the stomach from irritations, ulcers and heartburn;
  • improves digestion processes, reduces toxins;
  • lowers blood pressure and clears blood vessels of cholesterol.

The described positive qualities can be enhanced by using Indian basmati rice with healthy foods, for example, with vegetables, seafood.

Do not forget that any food product may have its own contraindications and basmati rice is no exception. The possible harm that this rice variety can cause is minor, but the following points are still worth paying attention to.

Health Harm of Basmati Rice:

  • daily consumption of rice can lead to constipation;
  • with hypotension, it is better not to eat rice, as it lowers blood pressure;
  • basmati is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

In general, if you remember these points, rice affects our body only from the positive side. The calorie content of the product is 360 kcal per 100 grams. During cooking, when each grain is saturated with water, the calorie content is reduced by almost three times.

How to cook basmati rice

Many hostesses think about the question of how to cook crumbly basmati rice? Basmati has a lot of starch, so before cooking it should be thoroughly rinsed and soaked in cool water for 1 hour. This trick will give the grains crispness and integrity. In addition, to provide the dish with airiness, you need to rinse the rice several times before soaking, moreover, the water temperature should be different (from cold to warm temperature).

Rinsing the rice also serves to remove any small debris and stones that could ruin the dish. The best way to wash basmati rice is to place it in a fine sieve and rinse it under running water for 30 seconds.

Let's figure out how to cook basmati rice. It should be cooked using a regular saucepan, but it is important that it has a thick and deep bottom.


  • 1 cup basmati
  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
  • a little oil (vegetable, olive oil or a little butter);
  • 1/8 teaspoon turmeric (optional)

Cooking instructions:

  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly under running water in order to remove excess starch.
  2. Soak the grains in plenty of water (for 30 minutes). This can be done in a separate bowl or directly in the saucepan in which you are going to cook.
  3. After a while, drain the water.
  4. Pour the soaked rice into a saucepan. Add 2 cups of water, salt to taste and a little oil. The oil will help prevent the water from evaporating quickly, which causes starch in the rice.
  5. Bring to a boil over medium heat, uncovered.
  6. When the rice comes to a boil, cover and reduce heat to low. Cook for 15 minutes.
  7. After 15 minutes, turn off the stove and let it brew and soak up the rest of the water. Do not remove or remove the cover from the stove. We are waiting for about 15 minutes more.
  8. Pour the cooked rice into a nice deep plate and serve with meat, fish or seafood.

You can add some golden color by mixing turmeric with a tablespoon of water. Remember to use a deep-bottomed skillet or pan. This is a guarantee of uniform cooking of the rice.

It is worth noting that basmati rice is suitable for pilaf like no other kind. It is crumbly, fragrant and airy. Therefore, such a dish as pilaf will turn out to be perfect. You need to cook the dish in the way that is familiar to you, but do not forget about the basic recommendations regarding the preliminary preparation of basmati. Be sure to rinse and soak it. And then continue cooking according to your recipe.

Glycemic index (GI) – 45.

Calorie content - 347 kcal, boiled - 116 kcal.

Rice has occupied a leading position among cereals for a long time. Basmati differs from all varieties of rice in the thinnest and longest grain, pleasant taste and friability. The homeland is considered the foot of the Himalayan mountains. Today it is widely popular in Europe, America, Russia and many countries. The main supplies to the world market belong to India.

Benefits of Basmati Rice

Basmati contains a lot of useful substances: dietary fiber, starch, amino acids, mineral compounds. The energy value is represented by proteins - 7.2 g, carbohydrates - 75 g, fats - 0.9 g. Surpasses other varieties of rice in terms of the spectrum of useful amino acids, the number of which has eighteen names: methionine, lysine, trionine, etc. Folic acid is 5 times than regular white rice. The advantage is the absence of cholesterol and gluten.

How basmati rice affects the body

Due to its beneficial composition, basmati rice has a beneficial effect on the vital activity of the body. With its help, digestion processes are accelerated, the work of the pancreas is stimulated, the intestines, blood vessels, and blood are cleansed. The property is slow to digest, regulates the absorption of carbohydrates, which contributes to the normalization of sugar levels.

The inclusion of basmati rice in the diet has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the liver, kidneys, and stomach. The heart is strengthened, the nervous system is toned. This product reduces acidity, eliminates excess salts, and is useful for stomach and intestinal ulcers. Increases vitality, provides energy. It has properties to lower blood pressure, improve the functioning of the immune system, have an antimicrobial effect, cleanse and strengthen blood vessels.

Basmati grains are easily digestible, protect the stomach, do not overload the secretory function. Systematic consumption has an anti-cancer effect, since rice has the ability to inhibit malignant manifestations. Basmati is an indispensable food for obesity. It is a part of diets for weight loss, as it quickly saturates, tones up intestinal motility, removes toxins, and eliminates constipation.

How to choose the right one

When buying basmati rice, it is better to choose a package in which the contents are visible. A quality product does not have foreign impurities, chips and cracks in the body of the grain; all seeds must be of the same size. White bloom or powdery dust indicates poor rice quality. It is important to pay attention to the expiration date.

Storage methods

Basmati can be stored for 12 months from the date of production, so it should be consumed before the date indicated on the package. It is better to keep in an airtight container and protected from light.

What is combined in cooking

The unique aroma and delicate nutty flavor have made this rice world-wide popular. It is used mainly as an exquisite side dish with the addition of a moderate amount of spices: cumin, cilantro, turmeric, pepper. Lemon juice, sesame, coconut and butter are used to enhance the taste. In complex side dishes, it is used with legumes (chickpeas,).

Basmati is also used to prepare combined meat and poultry dishes. This rice goes well in sweet dishes with the addition of any fruits and dried fruits (dried apricots, figs, raisins, dogwood, barberry, prunes, etc.).

It is important to know how to properly prepare the product. Cooking involves steaming, that is, boil over moderate heat for no more than 5 minutes, and then let it brew. The packaging usually indicates the method of preparation and proportions (1 glass of cereal and 2 glasses of water).

A healthy combination of products

The best way to eat is to mix black, brown and white rice. This combination is actively used by nutritionists in the preparation of weight loss programs. Experts recommend combining with lentils, mash and beans, as well as nuts and seeds of sunflower, pumpkin, sesame and flaxseed. Rice is in harmony with stewed vegetables and root vegetables. Diets often include dishes such as vegetable pilaf and risotto.


Basmati rice in large quantities can cause constipation. With caution with low blood pressure, diabetes mellitus III degree. Children under three years of age should be given no more than once a week.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

For Indian yogis, basmati is the most preferred dish. This product is believed to heal almost all ailments and is called "high energy food".

In folk medicine, basmati rice is used to strengthen muscle tissue, improve digestion. To restore intestinal motility, cleanse the blood and eliminate toxins. It is recommended to include it in the diet for hypertension, anemia, heart problems, to improve the vascular system. The infusion is effective for intestinal poisoning. It is believed that eating rice prevents early gray hair and baldness.

Basmatus rice is a long, thin grain popular in Indian cuisine. They can be served as a side dish for chicken curry, and pilaf with them will turn out to be fragrant and crumbly, and not porridge with meat. Rice can be cooked quickly and easily: pour it into water in a 1: 2 ratio and cover with a lid for a quarter of an hour.

Basmati rice - what is it

This variety of cereals grown in Punjab differs from ordinary long-grain rice not only in a slightly yellowish color, a slightly perceptible smell reminiscent of a nut or popcorn, but also in size: when boiling, the cereal becomes at least 1.5 times longer. If you decide to cook Indian basmati rice in your kitchen, then be sure to look at the attached photo and remember what real rice should be.

Basmati rice - benefits and harms

This type of cereal has a lot of advantages and useful properties, and it practically has no contraindications to use. So, the benefits and harms of basmati rice:

  1. Rice is rich in fiber, folic acid, amino acids, but at the same time it contains a minimum of sodium and no cholesterol at all.
  2. Unpolished basmati is recommended for people who are overweight.
  3. Basmati is the best cereal because it has a low glycemic index. This suggests that energy in the human body will be released more slowly, so the level will become more balanced over time.
  4. As for the harmful properties, this type of rice does not have them. The only thing is not to give basmati to children under 3 years old and you need to reduce the amount in the diet to people suffering from constipation, colic or obesity to a minimum.

Basmati rice - calories

Rice is rich in carbohydrates. The calorie content of basmati rice is 322 calories per 100 grams of cooked cereals, so people who are prone to overweight should use it with caution.

How to cook basmati rice

Due to the fact that Indian groats are quickly cooked and, if all cooking conditions are met, it turns out to be crumbly, experienced chefs have come up with many different options for dishes, where it is the main ingredient. Learn how to cook basmati rice for pilaf, how to cook it in a slow cooker with vegetables or chicken.

How to cook crumbly basmati rice

  • Servings Per Container: 2 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 303 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Indian.

This type of rice is the most healthy product that turns out to be tasty and crumbly if cooked correctly. By following the step-by-step recommendations, you will definitely achieve the expected result. If you want to get crumbly basmati rice, then you should leave the instructions on the package - you will no longer need it.


  • basmati - 200 g;
  • salt to taste;
  • water - 250 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the rice, rinse several times.
  2. Soak the basmati for 15 minutes, slightly heating the water - this will help the beans to reveal all their taste and aroma. At this stage, you need to salt the water, but this is optional.
  3. Pour the present cereal together with water into a saucepan, turn on the maximum heat so that the liquid boils faster.
  4. As soon as the water boils, cover the dishes with a lid, reducing the heat.
  5. After boiling the cereal for 20 minutes, turn off the heat, leave the dish to stand for another 15 minutes. You should not open the lid or stir the contents of the dish.
  6. Remove the lid, slightly mix the grains with a fork.
  7. Serve a crumbly flavored side dish with meat or vegetable salad.

Pilaf with basmati rice

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 328 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Pakistani.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

This type of crumbly pilaf is known as Pakistani pulao: here you need to use 2 types of rice cereals and 7 spices. Traditionally, lamb is added to pilaf with basmati rice, but if desired, it can be replaced with any meat or even fish - in any case, it will be delicious.


  • Basmati Gold (Mistral) - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • brown rice (Indica Brown) - 100 g;
  • oil (vegetable) - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • meat - 400 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • stalked celery - 1 pc .;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • parsley - 0.5 bunch;
  • raisins - 30 g;
  • nutmeg - 0.15 tsp;
  • coriander - 0.25 tsp;
  • paprika - 0.5 tsp;
  • black pepper - 0.25 tsp;
  • cardamom - 0.5 tsp;
  • cumin - 0.25 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 0.25 tsp;
  • almonds - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the vegetable oil by pouring it into a frying pan with high sides, fry small onion cubes.
  2. Add the carrots grated in large divisions, then send the crushed garlic.
  3. Add small pieces of meat to soft vegetables, fry everything together until golden brown.
  4. Pour brown rice into a bowl, add water to the ingredients, bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce the heat and leave the dish to cook for 25 minutes.
  5. Add white basmati and all the necessary spices. Stir the ingredients and simmer for another 25 minutes.
  6. Remove the container from the stove, add raisins and peeled almonds. Let it brew a little more.

Basmati rice in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 50 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 143 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Uzbek.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

Basmati rice in a slow cooker with chicken fillet and garlic resembles the classic Indian dish biryani. It is similar to pilaf, but lighter, very bright and beautiful in the photo.


  • garlic - 1 head;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • seasoning for pilaf - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • cereals - 1 multi-glass;
  • oil (vegetable) - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • chicken fillet - 300 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Measure out the required amount of basmati, rinse, add water and leave.
  2. Remove the skin from the chicken fillet, cut the halves into portions, put in a multicooker bowl, where the oil has already been poured. Fry the meat on the "Frying" mode, without closing the lid of the equipment and stirring the product all the time.
  3. Add chopped onions, grated carrots to the meat, fry everything together a little more.
  4. Lay out the rice, leveling the surface. Pour the food with water, in which the cereal was soaked, so that it rises 1 cm from the rest of the components.
  5. Add salt, seasoning for pilaf (thanks to the mixture, the dish can not be peppery).
  6. Peel the head of garlic from the top layer of the skin, put in the bulk.
  7. Close the appliance, cook in the "Rice" mode.

Basmati rice with vegetables

  • Cooking time: 55 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 128 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Indian.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

Basmati rice with vegetables is an unusual, but very tasty side dish that vegetarians can eat, using it as a completely independent dish, or omnivorous people, putting it on a plate with a chop.


  • spices to taste;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • green peas - 100 g;
  • basmati - 200 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • corn - 1 can;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • broccoli - 100 g;
  • oil (olive) - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the rice for 20 minutes, pouring twice as much water.
  2. Heat oil in a frying pan, fry the garlic cloves crushed with a knife. Throw them away so that the garlic flavor is only slightly perceptible.
  3. Chop the onion and carrots, transfer to a frying pan. Sprinkle the toasted vegetables with spices.
  4. Pour the peas and beans to the vegetables, fry them together for 5 minutes. Add corn and cook for another 3 minutes.
  5. Add broccoli, and after 5 minutes. fill the components with water. Simmer for 15 minutes, covering the container with a lid.
  6. Pour ready-made basmati for vegetables, mix, leave the ingredients on fire for another 15 minutes.

Video: how to cook crumbly basmati rice

How to cook basmati rice crumbly and long, I was told by the owner of an Indian restaurant, into which we wandered completely by accident, but I had been hunting for this recipe for a very long time!

While on vacation in Asia, a couple of times I came across some absolutely amazing rice - long, almost like small noodles! Due to the fact that my knowledge of the language was not enough every time to ask the natives in more detail, I thought it was some kind of unknown to me variety. I searched hard for it, tried several variants of long grain rice - and every time I got it wrong and wrong! And suddenly I saw him, that same rice !!! It was a restaurant that was highly praised for its authentic cuisine. It was brought to us as a side dish. Well, you know, this is the custom in many Asian restaurants: main dishes are prepared to order, and a bowl of empty rice is brought in a common one, by default. Well, we ordered a tandoori, and we brought this luxurious long-grain rice, and the tandoori are no longer relevant to me! I asked the waiter to find out in the kitchen what sort they use and where it can be purchased. The waiter returned accompanied by a (Hindu) hostess who assured me that this is the most common basmati you can buy at any store.

Well, I didn't cook basmati, or what ?! Yes, when he was born, he did not turn out like that, even nothing like that! After asking me exactly how I cook rice, this lovely woman didn't even laugh out loud - she just told me how to cook basmati rice properly. Because what we write on the packaging is not that complete garbage, but this is by no means a way that allows you to cook crumbly basmati with the maximum possible grain length and demonstrate this rice in all its glory.

As I understood from the explanations of our kind hostess, there are two recipes for basmati with a similar result: either boiling in a very small amount of water, or steaming. She said that she cooks in water at home, but in the restaurant they cook with steam.

I don't have a professional steamer, but I have a bamboo nozzle for a saucepan, brought just from a vacation in Asia. Since you, most likely, on the contrary, do not have a bamboo sieve, I can advise you to use a regular steamer or mantover. If they do not have a nozzle with a small hole diameter, then take a foil or thick confectionery paper, stick a lot of small holes in it and put it on top of a tray with large holes.

The first stage is the most important, without it nothing will work. And you can't cut it. Basmati rice is soaked in a large amount of WARM water for 1 hour. Necessarily warm, the hostess emphasized this.

At the end of soaking the rice, bring a large amount of water to the boil in a saucepan.

The bamboo steamer should be about the same diameter as the saucepan, but never smaller so as not to fall through.

After soaking, the water is completely drained from the rice.

Rice is placed in a double boiler, leveled and boiled under a closed lid for steam (over high heat) for 25-35 minutes. In a professional steamer it will turn out faster, its lid is denser and there is less steam loss.

And when the rice gets up like a hedgehog and becomes soft on the bite - then, in principle, it is ready.

Now let's see what exactly we got. On the left - dry rice, on the right - they are steamed. You see, they are only slightly thicker than when dry, but very long (the length increases by 2-3 times). With normal cooking in water, as we are accustomed to, the proportions of this rice are different - it is shorter, but thicker.

Well, congratulations, now you know how to cook basmati rice crumbly and long. Try it!

By the way, steamed basmati rice, based on my experience, does not need to be eaten right away: it does not stick together after many hours, remains the same crumbly, and the softness of the rice even increases.