Statistics on the use of fermented milk products. About the benefits of fermented milk products

19.04.2019 Vegetable dishes

There are many rumors about dairy products. Someone assures that it is harmful for adults to drink milk, someone believes that it causes swelling, and someone recommends this product to those who seriously think about longevity. the site asked Svetlana Vitkovskaya, an expert of the agricultural holding “Cheburashkin Brothers. Family Farm ”, tell her what she thinks about milk and how to use dairy products correctly.

“We are all used to the fact that milk is a drink. However, it is not entirely correct to call it that way. Nature conceived it as good nutrition... Babies are able to metabolize milk thanks to lactase and renin, the enzymes necessary for its digestion. In an adult, they are produced less, as a result of which milk casein can form dense clots in the stomach.

Why is it just a glass of milk by itself is much healthier than the same milk, but in the form of fruit and milkshakes? In one hour, milk is digested in the body by 32%. And any additives, be it berries, fruits or vegetables, only complicate an already complex biochemical process... Even milk porridge will be less digestible than porridge cooked in water. If you want something more tender milky taste, you can cook it in butter or ghee.

To get the most out of milk, it is better to use it as independent dish separate from other products. Of healthy diet it is desirable to completely eliminate the combination of milk and meat, milk and fish, milk and bread. Such gastronomic couples can do yourself much more harm than good. Milk is equally good in any season, both cold and warm. Milk is present in many warming drinks. There are several dozen recipes for coffee with milk or milk punches, and the most common ingredients winter drinks - honey and cinnamon. For a calming effect at night, honey and spices (saffron, fennel, chamomile) can be added to warmed milk. Even rosehip infusion can be mixed with milk.

The process of assimilation of kefir differs from the process of assimilation of milk due to the content of live cultures in it lactic acid bacteria. Fermented milk products in general are digested much easier and faster.providing beneficial influence on the stomach and intestines. In the same hour, when milk in the stomach is digested only by a third, kefir is absorbed almost completely - up to 90%. All available useful material - calcium, vitamins and microelements - dissolve in the stomach in a short time and are rapidly absorbed by the intestinal mucosa. Berry and fruit supplements will be a healthier addition here than milk.

Kefir is drunk chilled... In the warmer months, it is great for a snack, but in winter it is better to drink fermented baked milk, which is also a fermented milk product and is made from baked milk.

Everything that has been said about kefir in terms of use can also be applied to yoghurt... It is a self-sufficient dessert. The same additives are suitable for yoghurt - berry, fruit, cereal.

What cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium - we have known from childhood. But few people know that cottage cheese is capable of being digested in the stomach for two hours. True, in combination with fats and carbohydrates, this rate decreases, and with proteins and vitamin D, it increases by 10%. All kinds of herbal supplements (fruits and berries, vegetables and herbs, nuts and dried fruits) also help in fast absorption. Chilled cottage cheese is considered summer productand in winter time hot cheese cakes, dumplings, casseroles are made from it. It is also often used for dietary meals. "

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Dairy products

The fact that fermented milk products carry huge benefit for the body, everyone knows. Fermented milk products are the oldest human food. As soon as people began to domesticate livestock, the history of preparation and consumption began. sour milk and dishes from it. Today sour milk enters daily diet nutrition for most people on Earth, and it is impossible to imagine how we would manage without it.

Excellent taste properties fermented milk products make it very popular, and unique properties and the composition make it an integral part of the diet. In addition, many types of fermented milk products can be used as therapeutic and prophylactic agents. Considering that the modern dairy industry offers a wide range of products, everyone will be able to choose the product that suits his taste and properties as much as possible.

Each country has its own types of fermented milk products and national secrets of their preparation. But we will consider the most popular and demanded fermented milk products that are found almost all over the world.
Cottage cheese Is a fermented milk product with a high protein content, which is made by fermenting milk and removing whey from it. It is classified by fat content, which can range from 18% to 0%.
The production of sour cream has long been based on the samokvass method with the subsequent removal of sour cream from the surface of sour milk. But today this method has been replaced by a more cost-effective one. industrial production sour cream from cream and sourdough. Sour cream also differs in fat content - from 10% to 58%.

Curdled milk prepared from whole milk by fermentation with pure cultures, for example, lactic acid streptococci or acidophilus bacillus. Depending on which culture was used, stand out different types curdled milk. Curdled milk also differs in the degree of fat content, from 6% to 0.05%.

Acidophilus Is a product that is obtained by fermenting milk with acidophilus bacillus, kefir fungus and lactic acid streptococcus. Fermentation of the product is carried out at a temperature of at least 32 ° C for 10-12 hours.

Another very popular product is yogurt... It is produced using a protosymbiotic mixture of lactic acid bacteria. After fermentation, fruit or vanilla fillers, sugar and some additives are added to the product to improve the consistency. In addition, cream can be used as raw material for yoghurt.

Kefir - a product that is obtained by simultaneous lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation. This is achieved through the use of "kefir fungus" - several strains of microorganisms acting in symbiosis. In total, more than 20 types of pure cultures take part in the production of kefir, among them you can see not only lactic acid bacteria, but also yeast and acetic acid bacteria. The composition of kefir is very different depending on its age, the older the kefir, the more alcohol it contains.

The benefits of fermented milk products

Everyone knows that fermented milk products are very useful, but what are their benefits? The first thing to remember is their easy assimilation. Milk proteins in fermented milk products are already in a partially split state, which leads to the fact that, for example, kefir is digested in the human gastrointestinal tract by 91%, while milk is only 32%. For those who do not have enough lactase in the body for full digestion of milk, fermented milk products will become a real salvation.

The second undoubted benefit - protection of the body from infections due to the fact that lactic acid from dairy products prevents the growth of putrefactive microflora. Besides, fermented milk products contain natural antibiotics that can fight off infections.
Fermented milk products perfectly improve intestinal motility, thereby helping to normalize digestion and reduce gas formation.

Besides, they have a lot of trace elements that are easily absorbed by the body. Separately, it is worth remembering calcium, which is contained in fermented milk products in a special form that is easy to digest. That is why kefir is so useful for young children and is often recommended as a first feeding. It is also useful for adults for the prevention of osteoporosis.

What products are better not to combine with fermented milk

To get the most out of any product, you must consume it in the right combination... This rule also applies to fermented milk products, which can lose many of their beneficial properties if they are eaten with the wrong one. For example, few people know that they do not best combination - kefir with baking. Also, if you want to get the most out of it, do not combine fermented milk products with any baked goods, chocolate and cookies.

It may also seem strange, but you should not combine fermented milk products with fresh fruit, because acid from fruits can destroy lactic acid bacteria... Therefore, canned or frozen fruits and berries are usually used for production. They do not oxidize the product or diminish its usefulness.

You cannot combine fermented milk products with hot tea. The beneficial catechins and flavonoids from tea are degraded by milk protein. Therefore, the benefits of tea with milk are very doubtful. And also do not eat sour milk on the go, as it can overload the stomach.

Can fermented milk products harm? (Video)

Despite the fact that fermented milk products are extremely useful for our body, sometimes they can cause not the most pleasant reactions. In what cases can fermented milk products harm, and when should you refrain from using them?
During pregnancy, you should refrain from eating too fatty fermented milk products. In addition, do not overuse various yoghurts and other products with big amount aromatic and flavoring additives, as they can provoke the development of allergic reactions.

It is worth limiting the consumption of too fatty fermented milk products for those who suffer from liver and biliary tract diseases. Those who suffer from ulcers and gastritis need to give up fermented milk products, especially kefir due to the rather high acid content in it.

Also, remember that moderation is important in everything... If you consume too many fermented milk products, then all their usefulness will be nullified. You should not drink more than 300-400 grams of kefir per day, and other products should be consumed in moderation.

It is important to remember that the most healthy foods - natural... They must contain a minimum various additives... But at the same time it is important not to go too far, dubious products sold in the markets by unfamiliar women, despite their "naturalness", can carry a lot of risks due to unclear production technology and storage conditions.

Fermented milk products are easily absorbed by the human body and are part of numerous diets. Regular use kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, and other products in this category is perfect way get the necessary vitamins and microelements, which are so important for our health, without prejudice to the figure. We invite you to find out about the properties of the main fermented milk products, how and in what quantity they should be consumed, and in what situations this should not be done.

Calorie table

For those who keep a diet and count the number of calories in foods, we have simplified this task with the help of the table of calories for milk and fermented milk products. Now let's look at each of them separately.


Kefir activates work internal organs and is quickly digested by the stomach, therefore it occupies one of the first places on the list dietary products nutrition. It is worth considering the fact that kefir is a "live" fermented milk product, therefore it changes its properties during the permissible storage period. This means that fresh kefir has a slightly laxative effect, and on the third day after production it is still suitable for consumption, but changes its properties to the opposite, that is, it acquires a "fixing effect" for the digestive tract. If you drink kefir in pure formthen purchase as much as possible fresh product... Three-day kefir is more suitable for baking.

Beneficial features:

  • Restorative effect. With normal tolerance of the product, kefir will strengthen your immune system and contribute to the early recovery of strength after an illness or nervous stress;
  • Normalization of the digestive tract. Kefir improves digestion and helps normalize metabolism;
  • Cleansing. Regular use of kefir promotes the removal of toxins and toxins from the body, improves the condition of the skin, prolonging its youth and cleansing it of acne and acne;
  • Weight loss. Kefir is included in the menu of the most effective diets and ways to lose weight using, because it speeds up the process of breaking down fats and metabolism.


  • Individual intolerance;
  • Increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • Bowel disorder.

Sour cream

Unlike kefir, sour cream is more nutritious, but at the same time more nutritious fermented milk product. Sour cream contains vitamins A, B2, B12, E, PP, C, H, as well as trace elements necessary for human health, such as potassium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, iodine, zinc, fluorine, and many others. It is important to consider that all this composition and useful properties of the product are related only to natural sour cream... Among the store-bought dairy products you can find sour cream product, which has an unnaturally long shelf life for sour cream, and of course does not contain in its composition even half of those substances that are present in real sour cream.

Beneficial features:

  • Removal of cholesterol from the body. Regular use of this fermented milk product is the best prevention atherosclerosis;
  • Acceleration of the digestion process. Not a large number of sour cream, added to the first or ready-made side dish, promotes the speedy assimilation of food;
  • Improved mood. Sour cream is powerful natural antidepressant, and besides, it contributes to the rapid recovery of strength after hard physical labor or transferred nervous stress;
  • Restoring hormonal balance. Of all the fermented milk products, it is sour cream that is considered the most effective remedy... Regular consumption of sour cream has a beneficial effect on reproductive functions organism, prolongs youth for women, protecting them from early menopause, and improves potency in men.


  • Gastritis and stomach ulcers during an exacerbation;
  • Obesity;
  • Individual intolerance.


Trusting convincing advertising, many girls and women include store-bought yoghurts not only in their daily diet, but also in diets that include this fermented milk product on the menu. Few people think that the beneficial properties attributed to yogurt are related only to natural product without various flavors, flavors, stabilizers, preservatives, etc.

When choosing store-bought yogurt, pay attention to its shelf life. Natural yoghurt you will not find on the supermarket shelves in any case, but at least you can buy a fermented milk product that is as close as possible in properties to it.

Beneficial features:

  • Easy digestibility;
  • Normalization of the digestive tract.


Advice : If you like taste qualities yogurt, and you regularly eat it, switch to a less harmful combination of fruits, berries and syrups with sour cream or fermented baked milk. Alternatively, you can diversify your diet with milkshakes. homemade. The best recipes drinks see.


Ryazhenka is a natural fermented milk product made from baked milk or sourdough cream, in the manufacture of which no artificial ingredients are used. Fermented baked milk contains vitamins of group B, PP and C, potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium, and organic acids necessary for normal work organism.

Beneficial features:

  • Improved appetite. It is good to drink fermented baked milk for people, and especially for small children, with decreased appetite;
  • Weight loss. Ryazhenka promotes the speedy digestion of heavy and fatty foods, as it activates the digestive tract;
  • Replenishment of calcium deficiency. Calcium deficiency can be expressed not only in the fragility of bones, which you are unlikely to know about if your life is not connected with sports. This problem modern society most often expressed in brittle nails, skin and hair problems, and of course, in frequent visits to the dentist. Drink fermented baked milk regularly and enrich your body with calcium - it's not only not difficult, but also pleasant!


Fermented baked milk itself cannot be dangerous to health, unless you have an individual intolerance to this fermented milk product. When choosing a store ryazhenka, always pay attention to the shelf life - the shorter it is, the more natural composition at the product. Store fermented baked milk in the refrigerator no more than a day after opening the package. Do not combine fermented baked milk with protein-rich foods such as meat, eggs, fish, etc.

Cottage cheese

The percentage of fat content of the cottage cheese is not an indicator of quality, however, the cottage cheese with reduced fat content is still absorbed faster and easier. Observe daily rate consumption of cottage cheese - it should not exceed 100-150 grams per day.

Beneficial features:

  • High calcium content. Cottage cheese is recommended for all people with normal tolerance of this fermented milk product, and it is especially necessary for pregnant women. During the period of active formation of the bones of the unborn child, the woman's body gives off most of the calcium to the fetus, as a result of which many of them suffer from brittle nails, hair loss and dermatological problems;
  • Prevention of various diseases. Cottage cheese is especially useful for people during the recovery period after illnesses, and helps to increase immunity. Regular use of this fermented milk product is the best prevention of cardiovascular and lung diseases, disorders nervous system and gastrointestinal diseases.


  • Regular consumption of fatty cottage cheese in large quantities leads to an increase in cholesterol levels;
  • People with kidney problems should eat cottage cheese in moderation and not too often, due to the high protein content of the product;
  • Low fat and granular curd not recommended for people with gastrointestinal disorders;
  • When urolithiasis and various diseases the gallbladder from the use of cottage cheese is better to refuse.

One of essential conditions conducting healthy way life is proper nutrition... A healthy diet includes a wide variety of foods. All of them contain certain vitamins and minerals that our body needs. These are meat, poultry, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Both the benefits and harms of all of the above are now and then questioned by nutritionists. This is especially true for dairy products. It would seem that this is a product that we use from birth. However, with age, it becomes not so useful for our body. Let's understand its properties and find out who should give up dairy and sour milk products.

Composition and properties

First of all, it is worth analyzing the properties that dairy products have.

  • They are high in protein and fat. Proteins contain amino acids, without which life is impossible human body... At the same time, the proteins contained in milk are absorbed better than those found in meat.
  • Milk fat is essential for the formation of our immune system... He is also responsible for the synthesis of hormones. Saturated fat contains cholesterol, which is needed for the intestines and liver to function.
  • Also dairy products contain salts of iodine, iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. The latter are especially important - they are necessary for the growth and strengthening of bones.

Separately, it should be said about the benefits and harms of fermented milk products. They differ from regular milk, have a different composition and properties.

  • These products are distinguished by the fact that they are very quickly absorbed. So, kefir is digested about three times faster than regular milk.
  • Lactic acid in their composition inhibits the spread of pathogenic bacteria. Usually pathogenic flora lives in large numbers in the intestines, but when an acidic environment is created, many of its representatives die.
  • They contain a greater amount of trace elements. And the concentration of various acids necessary for our body in fermented milk products is eleven times higher than in milk.


The positive effect of consuming dairy products is obvious.

  • The calcium they contain strengthens bones, hair and nails. This is important for both children and the elderly, whose bones are becoming increasingly fragile.
  • it a good product for those who want to lose weight. Milk is quite nutritious and does not make you feel hungry.
  • It is a prophylactic agent, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The use of fermented milk products is to normalize digestion - everyone knows how kefir is useful for constipation and poisoning. For the same reason, fermented milk products are suitable for losing weight.


But not everything is so simple with milk products. They can also be harmful.

  • Not all calcium contained in milk remains in the human body. Due to the substances contained in the composition of the products, which are oxidizing agents, part of the calcium goes to neutralize them. In rare cases, calcium can also be used, which was already in our body.
  • Once in our body, lactose is split into glucose and galactose. And if the first is absorbed and becomes a source of energy, then the second is not excreted, but accumulates in the joints. This can lead to arthritis and cellulite.
  • Milk can be dangerous if sourced from infected cows. If you have a negative attitude towards products from the supermarket with long term storage and acquire natural milk, then try to find out all the details about the conditions of keeping cows.


Who needs to drink milk and consume dairy products?

  • For children - to form the skeleton and prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • To old people. They need milk to prevent bone diseases, to preserve their teeth.
  • Athletes. Protein in foods is essential for building and strengthening muscles.

Fermented milk products will be useful for people suffering from constipation and flatulence (it is caused by the spread of harmful bacteria in the body, and kefir and yoghurts help stop this), as well as those who are losing weight: these products are very nutritious and satisfying.


Milk should not be consumed in the following cases.

  • If you have an intolerance to this product. It is caused by the inability of the body to produce enzymes that are necessary for the digestion of milk and milk products.
  • With exacerbation chronic diseases intestines.
  • Before the operation.
  • In some cases, with liver problems, which will be discussed in more detail below.
  • For kidney problems. Stones are a serious contraindication.

It is better to refuse kefir and yoghurts for the following categories of persons.

  • Small children - they are not yet able to digest these foods.
  • To people suffering from gastritis with high acidity: kefir will only aggravate the situation.
  • Suffering from hepatitis.

For women

According to recent studies, milk is beneficial for women as it reduces the risk of uterine fibroids and ovarian cancer. For prevention, you must drink at least two glasses of the product a day.

The micronutrients in milk affect the body's ability to produce collagen. This element is essential for maintaining youthful skin and helps fight the appearance of wrinkles.

The benefits of fermented milk products are also:

  • the calcium contained in them is absorbed better than that included in the composition of milk, therefore, thanks to kefir, nails and hair are strengthened;
  • they remove toxins from the body.

For men

Milk is especially beneficial for men who play sports. Thanks to this product, the building process muscle mass will go much faster. Dairy products can be called natural analogues of protein shakes.

Some experts believe that dairy products have a positive effect on potency.

However, with excessive consumption of milk, there is a risk of developing oncological diseases... This is caused by a large amount of estrogen - with its help, they achieve year-round milk from cows.

It is healthier for men to consume baked milk.

For children

It is important to know that milk can only be given to children after the age of five. It is worth starting with small portions to make sure that the child's body is exactly ready for this.

Attempts to teach children to cow's milk in more early age can cause allergies, dehydration and diabetes.

Milk will be useful for a child who has reached the required age, as it:

  • necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • has a positive effect on the formation of the nervous system;
  • is a reliable remedy for insomnia;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps to cure a sore throat - children often catch colds, and many cough medicines are still contraindicated for them. In this case, it helps warm milk, which must be mixed with a tablespoon of honey. This drink has pleasant tastewhich is also important for children.

With pancreatitis

There are many dietary restrictions for patients with pancreatitis. However, they do not apply to kefir. On the contrary, this fermented milk product is useful and recommended for consumption, but taking into account some important points.

  • It can be consumed ten days after an exacerbation. Kefir will be a great dinner that will not overload digestive system... At the same time, it is quite satisfying.
  • When the disease recedes, the product can be drunk at any time of the day. It is also used as a dressing for fruit salad... But you can't exceed established norm - one glass of drink per day.

With diabetes

The benefits and harms of dairy products are generally a controversial topic. But this is especially true of the use of milk by diabetics. Previously, everyone agreed that this drink is good for diabetics. You just need to know about some restrictions.

  • No drink new milk... Because of it, the level of glucose in the blood rises.
  • You can only drink low-fat or skim milk.
  • There is also a quantitative limitation - no more than two glasses a day.
  • Special care must be taken when consuming yoghurts. Check their composition carefully. They usually contain a lot of added sugar.

Polzateevo magazine advises diabetics to give preference to goat milk, since it lacks glucose and galactose.

For the liver

Milk is very good for the liver. It contains phospholipids that strengthen the cell walls of the organ. But with liver diseases, the use of milk is an individual question. For some people, it helps relieve the condition. Some people are allergic.

But kefir and yogurt prevent fatty liver. It is this that causes cirrhosis and even cancer.

During exacerbations of liver diseases, you can (with the permission of the doctor) try the kefir diet - consume five glasses of the product a day. This helps to restore the functioning of the organ.

How to use

A healthy adult should consume no more than two glasses of milk a day. The same applies to kefir. In exceptional cases, the amount can be increased - if kefir is used for medicinal purposes.

Children should not drink more than one glass of milk a day. Fermented milk products are contraindicated for them.


Dairy products have always been considered a must-have in the diet. healthy person... However, studies conducted in recent years have questioned their usefulness.

Milk, kefir and yogurt have many useful properties... But in some cases, they also bring harm. Listen to your body and consume these foods within acceptable limits. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

Do you like fermented milk products? If your answer is no, then in this case you need to finally think about why you are so often sick and have a number of disorders gastrointestinal tract?

Only the person who tries to follow the basic principles and rules of healthy eating will feel good. Under healthy eating understand not only the exception harmful products from the diet, but also the addition of useful ones - dairy, meat, fish products, as well as vegetables and fruits. Gastroenterologists and nutritionists say that fermented milk products are an integral and very important component of a healthy human diet.

Fermented milk products are ...

Those that are produced by adding to the whole cow's milk enzymes (starter cultures from beneficial bacteria). Fermented milk products are made not only from cow milk, but also from sheep, goats, mares, etc. Absolutely all fermented milk products contain a large amount of lactic acid, which penetrates into the human stomach, destroys the "bad" bacteria that provoke decay processes.

The technology for the production of fermented milk products is identical: ferment or yeast containing a large amount of beneficial lactic acid bacteria is introduced into milk. Under production conditions, before adding the starter culture, milk must be pasteurized (subjected to heat treatment). This is necessary so that harmful microorganisms do not begin to develop in the fermented milk product.

The benefits of dairy products

Fermented milk products are easily perceived and absorbed by the human body. This is due to the increased content of useful lacto and bifidobacteria in them. If you drink a glass of kefir, then in an hour it will be completely absorbed and digested in the body. Dairy products are recommended for those who are absent in the body or minimal amount enzyme lactase. Thus, kefir, fermented baked milk, yoghurt can stimulate the digestion of food without the additional use of medications.

It is enough to consume dairy products only a few times a week so that putrefactive flora does not multiply in the stomach. , as you know, protects our stomach from the penetration of infections, viruses and bacteria. In addition, fermented milk products stimulate the production of B vitamins in the body, an antioxidant - vitamins E, D, A, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium.


Absolutely all fermented milk products are classified into:

  • Those that are obtained as a result of milk fermentation (, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt). These products differ in consistency increased density, homogeneity (without the presence of lumps), the taste is pleasant, tender, milky with a slight sourness.
  • ... obtained in the process of mixed fermentation (kefir, koumiss). These products are made on the basis of milk fermentation with the addition of beneficial lactic acid bacteria, which later undergo intensive alcoholic fermentation. Kefir is very easy to distinguish from other fermented milk products - it tastes sour, sharp, slightly stinging tongue, liquid.

Cottage cheese

- This is the only fermented milk product in which there is an increased protein content. In the store, cottage cheese can only be distinguished by its fat content - from 0% (low fat) to 18% (the fattest). Curd 9% is considered bold, and 3% is low-fat. Moreover, nutritionists do not recommend buying low-fat fermented milk products, since there is no actual benefit in them.

By the way, grained cottage cheese has recently become very popular. It is made from natural fresh milk cream and a small amount of salt.

Delicious sour cream and yogurt

Sour cream is another fairly popular fermented milk product that is obtained by fermenting cream. In the store, you can buy sour cream with a fat content of 10% to 58%. For the production of sour cream, natural milk cream of 32% fat content and a ferment made from beneficial lactic acid bacteria are used.

The method of producing curdled milk is fermentation of milk and bacteria - lactic acid streptococci, Bulgarian bacillus, etc. The fat content of sour milk varies from 3.2% to 6%. This product is recommended as a medicinal product - for diseases of the liver, kidneys, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, atherosclerosis, pain in the heart, as well as overweight. Sour milk is the first assistant for vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, sleep problems, fatigue, loss of vitality, exacerbation of stomach ulcers. By the way, if you got an extensive sunburn, then the first thing that can be done to save the skin is to apply a thick layer of yogurt on it.

Product quality

To get all the benefits of a fermented milk product, you must first of all pay attention to its quality. The product must be:

  • With a pleasant milky taste;
  • Not rancid;
  • Should not contain impurities;
  • Color - milky, cream, white;
  • The consistency is homogeneous, moderately thick, dense, without abundant clots and impurities.

If you feel an unpleasant greasy taste when using a sour-milk product, then this, first of all, indicates improper storage or transportation. Bitter taste occurs only in expired products, but yeast, sharp - in products that have been kept warm for a long time, without observing the thermal regime. Rotten taste - products were stored in dirty warehouses with non-compliance with sanitary standards.

So, fermented milk products are certainly good for the human body. They contain a large number of beneficial bacteria, vitamins, minerals, which are vital for good nutrition.