Halal meaning. Halal - what is this and the meaning of the word, features of the industrial production of meat and food

14.08.2019 Soups

Definitions of words in the Arabic-Russian dictionary

Halal validation

Halal certification is the main guarantee of compliance of products and services with Halal requirements in a market economy. The confirmation procedure is aimed at achieving the following objectives:

  • assistance to Muslim consumers in a competent choice of products and services "Halal";
  • protection of Muslim consumers from an unscrupulous manufacturer (seller, executor);
  • confirmation of information on the conformity of products and services to Halal standards;
  • creation of conditions for the activities of organizations and entrepreneurs in the market of Russia, CIS countries, as well as for participation in international economic, scientific and technical cooperation and international trade.

"Halal" conformity confirmation is a voluntary procedure.

Halal events in Russia

Exhibitions are held in Russia where companies specializing in the production / distribution of goods and services permitted by Islam are presented. For example, the international exhibition Moscow Halal Expo. The aim of the exhibition is to develop halal principles in Russia in production, consumption, trade, business and financial relations. The first exhibition took place in June 2010 at the International Exhibition Center. Since then, the event has been held annually.

Notes (edit)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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The word "halal" comes from the Arabic "al-halal", which means "permitted." Basically, this concept among Muslims refers to meat. For example, Islam prohibits eating pork, meat with blood, meat from animals that have died by natural death or strangled, and those who were slaughtered without saying the name of Allah. You can also not eat the meat of land predators - for example, a tiger or a wolf. The use of certain parts of animal bodies, such as the genitals, endocrine glands, and gallbladder, is also prohibited.

In Judaism, kosher (kosher) food is food that corresponds to kashrut - a system of ritual rules that in turn correspond to the commandments of the Torah. So, it is allowed to eat the meat of herbivores, which are both ruminants and artiodactyls. These are, for example, cows, sheep, goats. But meat of a pig, hare or camel is prohibited. As for the bird, according to tradition, the Jews eat only domestic birds - chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and pigeons. The slaughter of livestock and poultry must also be carried out in compliance with many rules. It is forbidden to eat blood, so the meat must be bloodless. A fish is considered kosher if it has scales and fins. Therefore, some types of fish (catfish, sturgeon, eel, shark) are not kosher, and so are their caviar. Whales and dolphins are also not kosher, since they do not have scales, any molluscs and crustaceans, since they have neither scales nor fins. It is strictly forbidden to eat insects, amphibians and reptiles (the Torah calls them sherets - evil spirits).

Today in Russia it is not uncommon to find products labeled "kosher" or "halal" on sale. Moreover, they are sold not only in specialized retail outlets. Many Orthodox Christians are interested in whether it is possible to buy and eat such products.

Nations differ not only in climatic conditions of residence, but also in religious beliefs. Muslim cuisine is a prime example of this. In it there are food products "haram", which means "not allowed." Accordingly, there are permitted ones. Halal meat is one of these foods. Not many people know what it is. Within the framework of this article, we will try to answer this question in as much detail as possible.

What is Halal Meat?

For many, this term means only a dish prepared according to the recipe of the Muslim people. In fact, this is not the case. Halal meat is a way of preparing an ingredient for cooking.

"Halal" in Arabic means "compliance with the laws of Sharia". For Muslims, this term refers not only to food, but to the whole way of life.

Halal food can be purchased not only in Arab countries, but also in Russia, the USA, and Great Britain. Muslims are the main consumers of halal, but there are many adherents of such food among people of other faiths. This is due to the desire of people to lead a healthy lifestyle, to exclude unnecessary, harmful food from consumption.

Which meat is halal?

The first step is to consider the list of permitted types of meat, and then talk about the differences.

Kosher (permitted) meat for Muslims includes:

  • camel meat, beef;
  • lamb, horse meat, goat meat;
  • rabbit meat;
  • buffalo;
  • venison;
  • antelope.

Halal poultry includes:

  • turkey, chicken;
  • heron, quail;
  • ostrich meat, partridge;
  • duck, geese.

Dumplings, sausages and stew should be made only from such meat - pork is strictly prohibited.

Despite the fact that pork is the most popular meat among Russians, and many cannot imagine food without such meat, you can completely refuse it. The food of Muslims is varied and useful, it is not for nothing that they live to a ripe old age in health, many diseases simply do not concern them.

Differences between regular meat and halal

Choosing meat from the above list, it is not always possible to buy a real halal. Like this? After all, we just figured out what halal meat is. But on the list of products permitted for food, the matter does not end, halal must be properly prepared. What is being done for this?

  1. All animals that meet the list are kept in ideal sanitary and hygienic conditions at all stages of rearing. Cages and aviaries are carefully cleaned, no mess, rotting of food debris is allowed in them.
  2. Animals are especially treated at all stages: before, during and after slaughter. Roughness towards an animal is not allowed, it is impossible for it to be afraid. It has been proven that if an animal experiences fear, then a hormone is formed in its blood, which has a detrimental effect on human health. The animal must be calm and well fed all its life, it is led to slaughter so that it does not feel fear.
  3. Feeding of animals intended for both slaughter and reproduction is carried out only with natural feed. GMOs, growth stimulants and other additives are not allowed.
  4. Throughout the life of an animal, its health is carefully monitored. Veterinary control gives only real information about the condition of the animal, it should not hurt anything. An animal with a disease is no longer Halal.
  5. Before slaughtering the animal, a special prayer is said. During slaughter, the animal is treated with special affection.
  6. Animals are killed only by cutting the carotid artery. Other methods are excluded for reasons of humanity.
  7. After slaughter, the blood from the carcass is almost completely released naturally. This gives a special pleasant and delicate taste, eliminates the possibility of propagation of pathogenic bacteria on the meat.

What is Halal Meat? This is not only a component of religion, but also a safe food that meets all the requirements of the human body.

Are you sure this is halal?

As it became clear, getting halal meat involves a whole list of conformities and rules that must be strictly followed. We propose to consider what exactly does not apply to halal.

You cannot buy meat in unfamiliar places, because there under the name "Halal" can be anything you like:

  • animals slaughtered not according to the rules: strangulation, the animal died from injury, prohibited foods were allowed during feeding;
  • the owner of the livestock was rude during raising, intimidated animals, did not read a prayer before slaughter;
  • blood is not drained - the Koran prohibits the use of the blood of any animal;
  • the animal was sick, was kept in conditions far from proper sanitary, hygiene left much to be desired.

Among other things, predators are not allowed for food, and this is understandable. No one can guarantee that the predator did not eat carrion, starve, or eat a sick animal. This applies to mammals, birds and fish.

The Qur'an forbids the eating of pork. Why? This is a separate conversation.

Pork and Koran

Why don't Muslims eat pork? The history of the Muslim people is formed according to the laws of the Koran, which are observed and honored.

The Qur'an says four times that pig meat cannot be eaten. In various verses it is mentioned that He forbade eating carrion, pig meat, blood, and so on. We have already dealt with blood and carrion, it remains only to understand what the pigs are to blame.

The Holy Quran says that monkeys and pigs are people cursed by Allah. Those who did not honor His laws worshiped the Tyrant. That is why true Muslims avoid eating pork, while others who do not believe in such miracles simply strictly follow the Koran.

But in the Holy Scriptures, the interpretation of which has not been fully understood to this day, it is said: "If there is some need - to save your life from starvation, then pork meat, carrion and blood can be eaten." And this is the only reason a Muslim can eat non-halal meat.

Muslims have, in addition to the scriptures in the Koran, a legend, after hearing which, no one wants to taste pork ribs or chop. The legend says that a beautiful, but unbelieving girl was turned by God into a pig in order to prove to her and everyone the miracles of reincarnation.

Why don't Muslims eat pork? Stories from antiquity, of course, are interesting, but there are also logical explanations for this.

Reasons to give up pork

There are several proven factors that indicate that eating pork is harmful:

  1. A pig is a filthy animal. And this does not apply to her wallowing in the mud. The fact is that pigs eat waste, excrement and often their offspring. Pigs do not sweat, which adversely affects the composition of the meat - harmful substances do not come out with sweat.
  2. Pigs suffer from the same diseases as humans. Many viruses and bacteria do not die even after cooking meat.
  3. Pigs often get sick, many animals are slaughtered in order to avoid their death - the meat will disappear, and this is unprofitable. Therefore, there is a high probability of buying meat from a sick animal.
  4. Pork leads to heart disease and obesity, which is again due to the toxicity of the product (pigs do not sweat).

Where to buy real halal?

There are many producers in Russia whose meat is sold with the Halal mark. We present a list of some of these manufacturers:

  • "Yaktash";
  • "Anfal";
  • "Ramensky Meat Processing Plant";
  • Tyumen Broiler;
  • OJSC Tsaritsyno;
  • "Maykop poultry farm";
  • Broiler shuttle;
  • ZAO Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant.

This is not the entire list of manufacturers. You can buy the products in the hypermarkets "Auchan", "Lenta", "Globus Gourmet", "Podmoskovnoye Shchelkovo" and many other stores.


If you want to be completely sure that you are buying real halal meat, then ask the sellers for a "Voluntary Certification" certificate. It is a must for everyone who sells halal products.

Meat subject to such certification is thoroughly tested for all halal compliance.

Nowadays, more and more preferences are given to healthy eating, playing sports and giving up all kinds of fast food. When the counters in all supermarkets are literally overwhelmed with not always useful goodies, you will not find this in Halal stores, whose products meet special requirements. This name, which has become practically a quality mark in many countries, is increasingly found in Russia and other "non-Muslim" countries.

Approved products

Halal - what is it and what is it eaten with? It is known worldwide that Muslims pay special attention to their food. This is dictated not so much by a love of healthy eating to maintain a figure or normalize life in general, as by religious trends. Customers in Halal stores are sure that they buy only high-quality products, made using special technologies and not containing harmful substances, as well as components prohibited by the Koran. For example, when harvesting, special methods of slaughtering livestock are used, almost complete removal of blood and compliance with hygienic rules and regulations.

Is it only meat?

Not many people know what kind of products are sold under the Halal label (that it is not only meat). There are pastries, sausages, poultry and much more. If we move away from the gastronomic industry, then such goods can also include clothing, cosmetics, perfumery. And that's not all. When making purchases under this sign, or using any service, the buyer can be sure that he is acting in accordance with the laws of Islam. Because "Halal" is not just a literal commercial title. And in order to get it, you need to go through the procedure of some of the requirements set by the standard of the Council. The certification takes place at the International Halal Certification Center.


One of the most important events in this area - the exhibition "Halal-2013" in Moscow - was organized for the fourth time. The event was held from June 13 to June 16 at the All-Russian Exhibition Center and brought together more than 140 companies producing and supplying Halal products. You can find out what kind of event it was on the official website. The fifth Moscow exhibition will take place in June 2014. This event is perhaps the best way to establish yourself as a halal supplier.

In addition, the First Russian Halal Summit began its work. Within its framework, in June of this year, a conference was held on international achievements in this industry. The event was held in St. Petersburg and was marked by the arrival of many Russian and foreign leaders.

Halal Invasion

What is this going on? In all countries, the "halal movement" is gaining momentum. More and more stores with these products can be seen - from small kiosks to huge supermarkets. And the excitement is happening not only in Muslim countries, but also in Russia, France, Great Britain and many others. The trend towards the organization of healthy eating in the world of Islam has long been caused by religious considerations, while in Europe it is the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

What does halal mean? Its main meaning is the products allowed for consumption by religious people. Probably everyone has heard that Muslims do not eat pork. But few people are familiar with other restrictions.

There is a Regulation on the production of Halal products. According to him, only meat that is prepared in a certain way can be considered halal. The main thing is that the animal should not be contaminated with anything, otherwise the disturbed structure of the meat can harm the human body. It is only necessary to cut an animal with a very sharply sharpened knife in order to cause a minimum of pain. It is allowed to cut the carcass only after almost all the blood has flowed out.

Halal food is gaining in popularity today. It is associated not only with religion, but also with environmental friendliness and the absence of harmful ingredients. Most of the products that are littered with the counters of large supermarkets, medium-sized stores and small outlets contain many chemical additives: dyes, preservatives, thickeners, etc. All these substances have an extremely adverse effect on the human body, lead to various diseases and worsen general well-being.

Halal food is being researched by scientists around the world to find out how it differs from the usual. In their opinion, its advantages over conventional products are obvious. For example, experiments have been conducted that have shown that the blood of an animal slaughtered in the usual way contains those who eat non-halal food, receive an increased concentration of adrenaline in the blood.

In the case of slaughter according to halal rules, the process proceeds much faster, the animal feels a minimum of pain, and the recited prayer soothes it. Thus, the release of harmful hormones becomes practically zero. In addition, almost all the blood is removed from the animal's carcass, which makes it even cleaner and healthier. People who eat food claim that it tastes better than usual. Today, many people prefer "clean" products not even because of religion, but out of a desire to take care of their health.

Halal food can only be prepared by well-prepared people who know all the intricacies of this process. They carefully monitor the cleanliness of the workplace and premises, often say prayers. After all, any violation of the rules is considered a very great sin, for which you will have to answer before the Almighty. A specially created committee monitors the quality of products.

What is halal is not only the absence of pork, alcohol, tobacco products. First of all, this is a guarantee of cleanliness and benefits for human health, the absence of harmful substances, a guarantee of compliance with the shelf life and rules for preparing food. It should be noted that many of the requirements for halal food fully comply with the sanitary and hygienic standards established for the production of meat and dairy products.