Beer got drunk. How the internal organs and their functions change if you drink beer daily

05.08.2019 Grill menu

A favorite drink of millions of people for centuries, and even millennia. When exactly they learned to cook it - no one knows. Today, advertising of this drink falls on a person from all sides, especially in the hot summer season: on TV, and at all sports competitions, and on numerous banners. Its per capita consumption is growing every year, but people are increasingly wondering about the possible harm if drinking beer every day. Is this drink popular among the general population safe?

Is it okay to drink beer every day

Like any food product, beer has two sides - light and dark. And it's not about its color:

  1. Beer is unusually rich in trace elements and beneficial organic compounds.
  2. A liter of the drink contains the daily norm of vitamins B1, B2 and C. And even more than the norm of nicotinic and folic acids.
  3. Beer acids prevent the formation of kidney stones by increasing urine output.
  4. Aromatic phenolic compounds stimulate lipid metabolism, protect against heart attacks and strokes by reducing thrombosis.

Daily drinking of an intoxicating drink is fraught with imperceptible immediately, but disastrous consequences in the future. Even a small amount of alcohol, multiplied by a decent amount of alcohol consumed, does its job:

  1. Beer is several times more addictive than vodka.
  2. As a natural result of fermentation, it contains fusel oils, in this it can be compared with moonshine.
  3. One of the ingredients of modern canned and bottled beer is preservatives that adversely affect health.

In beer, the amount of dangerous by-products is many times greater than in vodka. Be careful!

Consequences of daily use

Regular consumption of beer by both men and women is fraught with a lot of problems. The consequences of alcoholism can affect many organ systems of the human body.

Nervous system: emerging alcohol dependence leads to a variety of mental disorders caused by damage to brain cells. Prolonged depression, sleep disturbances and attention - that's what awaits lovers of drunkenness.

Cardiovascular system: arrhythmias and cardiac insufficiency. Significantly increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Carbon dioxide in beer leads to vasodilation and further to varicose veins.

Gastrointestinal tract: beer has an irritating effect on the lining of the stomach and intestines and increases acidity. Both the effect of exacerbation of existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the emergence of new ones are possible: gastritis, various ulcerations.

Liver and kidneys: Both the alcohol contained in beer and other substances have a negative effect on these organs. The combined side effects lead to liver problems and kidney failure.

Diabetes Mellitus: Alcohol, even in small doses, causes significant fluctuations in blood sugar levels. This can lead to diabetes.

Overweight: It's not so much the beer itself that's dangerous, but the fact that it greatly increases appetite. Excessive eating accompanies the use of a foamy drink and leads to obesity.

If you drink alcohol regularly, then problems with the body can begin even in absolutely healthy people. Prolonged hard drinking is similar in danger to vodka.

For woman

Nowadays, women, along with men, are addicted to foamy drink, forgetting that their body is much more susceptible to the risks associated with alcohol consumption. There are special risks associated with motherhood.

Menstrual cycle: cycle disorders caused by hormonal disruptions due to excess estrogen. May cause infertility.

Excess weight: “beer belly” is not the best decoration for a woman. It occurs due to the phytoestrogens present in hops.

Skin problems: beer has a detrimental effect on the epidermis, leading to the formation of wrinkles and excessive dryness of the skin. This happens due to the loss of elasticity of collagen fibers. The skin begins to age much earlier.

Hair: damage to the bulbs can significantly thin out the scalp, making it brittle and brittle. Instead, hair may begin to grow on the legs and above the upper lip. This is due to hormonal issues.

Conception and motherhood: eggs are laid in the body of a future mother during fetal development, before her birth. As a result, any abuse of alcohol, drugs, tobacco affect the unborn child. Even when the girl still does not think about sexual life and about conception. Consequences can range from mental retardation to congenital abnormalities and fetal death. Any amount of alcohol is harmful.

For a man

Men are also not immune from the harmful effects of beer. Moreover, if women from beer begin to show external signs characteristic of men, then men become like women.

Hormonal disorders: substances contained in beer inhibit the synthesis of the male sex hormone testosterone. This leads to a decrease in sexual desire, spermatozoa are damaged:

  • breast enlarges;
  • voice changes;
  • hips become wider;
  • body hair becomes less;
  • belly grows.

The entry of analogues of female sex hormones into the male body does not bring anything good for a man. It is feminized.

Safe Beer Norms

A healthy human body, according to medical sources, is able to process up to 170 ml of pure alcohol per day relatively harmlessly. The recommended norms are lower - up to half a liter of beer per day for men and up to 0.33 liters for women. Accordingly, men can drink 3 liters of foam per week, and women a little less. The maximum dose of beer should not exceed one liter per day. It is best to try not to use it every evening, but to make intervals of 1-2 days.

Do not forget that the maximum dosages are calculated for absolutely healthy people who do not suffer from chronic diseases. Moderation in the use of any products is the key to health. Stick to the recommended doses, and a cool, tasty drink will do you no harm, and may even be beneficial.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medication with alcohol

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One of the most popular low-alcohol drinks today is beer. It perfectly quenches thirst in the heat, and after a hard day you really want to relax by drinking a bottle or two of a cold, fragrant beer. Well, how can you deny yourself the pleasure of buying such a refreshing drink for a barbecue, a salted fish, or just meeting with friends? And how can you watch a football match without it?

Undoubtedly, for fans of beer, beer is a light, harmless drink, after drinking which, there is no hangover and heaviness (for example, compared to vodka). Therefore, many people drink it every day. But how harmless are “only natural hops and malt”, so zealously promoted and advertised everywhere?

Is beer good or bad?

Brewing has its roots in ancient times. The product itself contains live yeast, useful for the body, B vitamins, silicon, as well as a large amount of antioxidants. In addition, several diets have even been developed on the basis of beer, and its normalized consumption has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. Where, then, did the term “beer alcoholism” come from and why do doctors unanimously declare that beer is harmful to health?

The main enemy of everyone who uses this intoxicating drink is the complete absence of any norm. As a rule, beer is drunk a lot, with or without it. The state of intoxication is achieved as a result of uncontrolled doses, which by "degrees" can be compared with the use of vodka. The alcohol component contained in beer affects the functioning of the brain and the central nervous system as a whole.

Like, how much alcohol is in a bottle of beer? Half a liter of the drink, depending on its type and strength, contains from 20 to 40 g of ethanol. And, as you know, ethanol is a neurotoxic substance that adversely affects the central nervous system and brain function at the cellular level. Even seemingly harmless three or four cups a day are addictive.

What is fraught with drinking beer with "addiction"

Sad as it may seem, but the external negative signs of excessive passion for beer sooner or later make themselves felt. A rounded face and an impressive beer belly always betray lovers of an intoxicating drink. The reason is that the kidneys can not cope with a large amount of fluid entering the body, resulting in edema. Polyuria, or excessive urination, is quite common among beer drinkers.

The liver is particularly affected when trying to cleanse the body of incoming alcohol. In the future, this can lead to chronic violations of its functioning and, as a result, to cirrhosis of the liver.

The medical term "bovine heart" or, more simply, an enlarged heart, is a typical syndrome for people addicted to alcohol. It is caused by the damaging effects of alcoholic beverages. Arrhythmia, developing heart failure, high blood pressure are serious consequences that arise from excessive drinking of beer, even if it is considered low-alcohol.

It's no secret that the favorite drink of many contains estrogens of plant origin, similar to female hormones. For men, this is fraught with an increase in weight, size of the mammary glands, as well as a decrease in the quantity and quality of spermatozoa.

To drink or not to drink - that is the question

Of course, you can drink beer, and in reasonable quantities you even need to. But not every day. A couple of half-liter bottles a week will be enough. And then one of the most ancient drinks will reveal all its best qualities, among which should be noted a decrease in pressure, an increase in appetite, saturation of the body with useful trace elements and vitamins, diuretic properties, and improved kidney function.

Conclusion: You can drink beer every day! And even you need, but in small quantities! Beer - improves short-term memory. But drink no more than 0.5 liters of beer per day. Doctors recommend limiting the daily dose of a foamy drink - 0.33 liters per day. At the same time, you must definitely take a break for several days and drink only natural high-quality beer!

Much has been written and said. This foamy drink negatively affects the functioning of your brain and negatively affects the figure. And most importantly - amber liquid gradually leads to alcoholism. In this article, we will find out what happens if you drink beer every day. So let's get started.

A bit of history

In the deep Middle Ages, the British did not think about what would happen if you drink beer every day. They consumed ale in huge quantities. One day, one king was concerned about the health of the nation and decided to introduce prohibition. But that had little effect. Ale continued to be drunk furtively in huts, castles and abbeys on the outskirts of the city. Banning the drink only made it more desirable.

In the seventh century, the English added mead to ale. That's why it turned out sweet. Only at the end of the Middle Ages, the inhabitants of Foggy Albion became addicted to a bitter drink. By that time, the bans had been lifted. It didn’t even occur to the wife of Henry VIII to ask those close to the court what would happen if a man drinks beer every day? And it would be worth asking, because her husband used at least four liters of amber drink. This eventually led to the development of obesity and other health problems.

Beer in Germany

German beer culture is known to all beer lovers. There are very few areas in Germany that are suitable for growing grapes. Therefore, from time immemorial, beer has been the only consolation for the Germans. In Germany, there are a lot of varieties of this drink. Until the twentieth century, "Pilsner" and other varieties were an essential daily attribute of the German table.

Beer in Russia

In our country, the foamy drink was known even in the pre-Petrine era. But it was with the advent of the Great Reformer that he gained wide popularity. Peter did not think about what would happen if you drink beer every day. The emperor simply believed in the benefits of the amber liquid, and therefore ordered every soldier in his army to consume it on a daily basis. Catherine II also loved beer. Therefore, I did not deny myself a couple of glasses of porter every day.

Beer is considered a man's drink. But often women and girls prefer it to expensive and refined wines of France and Italy. Is it bad to drink beer every day? Before answering this question, it is necessary to find out the composition of this product.


Beer contains a large number of different compounds. They are formed during the fermentation process of the drink. The main components of beer include:

  • Water - 91-93%.
  • Ethyl alcohol - 3-7%.
  • Nitrogen-containing substances - 0.2-0.65%.
  • Carbohydrates - 1.5-4.5%.

Also in beer:

  • Vitamins. Especially group B. Beer has one feature: all the vitamins in its composition are very easily absorbed by the human body. A liter of the drink covers the daily requirement for thiamine (B1) and riboflavin (B2).
  • Vitamin C. It is added in production to stop oxidative processes. A liter of amber liquid contains a daily dose of vitamin C. And if you drink only half a glass of intoxicating drink, the body will be saturated with healthy nicotinic and folic acids.
  • Beer acids. In large quantities, the amber liquid contains acetic, citric, gluconic, pyruvic and oxalic acids. It is worth noting that organic substances stimulate urination, thereby preventing the formation of kidney stones.
  • Phenolic compounds. Perhaps the most valuable components. Aromatic compounds (hydroxyl groups) prevent thrombosis and restore lipid metabolism. They are natural protectors of a person from heart attacks and strokes.

But due to the content of ethyl alcohol, beer does more harm than good to the body. In addition, against the background of regular use of a foamy drink, alcohol dependence can develop, which is incredibly difficult to get rid of. We will talk about how to stop drinking beer every day below. In the meantime, let's look at other consequences of drinking this amber liquid.

Excess weight

Refusing beer is worth at least in order to throw off a few extra pounds. This is the opinion of the opponents of alcohol. Of course, drinking beer in unlimited quantities is very harmful. But the fact that a foamy drink causes weight gain is rather a myth.

In a number of national cultures, beer is called "liquid bread". The high calorie content of the drink is due to the presence of barley in its composition. In fact, it does less harm than other types of alcohol. And it has much fewer calories than the same vodka. So the reason for the weight gain is not the beer itself, but rather the snacks traditionally served with it.

According to culinary laws, it is customary to serve such dishes with an intoxicating drink as:

  • Dried fish.
  • Crisps.
  • Crackers.
  • Nuts.

These foods are very high in calories. Therefore, the answer to the question “what will happen if you drink beer every day and eat it with salted nuts or chips?” Is quite obvious. You will definitely put on weight. Therefore, the use of a drink is not as harmful as the snacks served with it.

There is another indirect cause of excess weight. A person drinks 2-3 liters of beer at a time. Will there be consequences from such excessive use? Of course, because the carbon dioxide contained in the drink will expand the walls of the stomach and cause irritation of the receptors. The person will have a wild appetite. Next, the body will require food. And mostly spicy or salty.

Satisfying their needs, a person eats a large number of products. And if such a meal occurs every day, then in a couple of months extra pounds are guaranteed to appear. Most often, the alcohol lover blames beer for their appearance, and related products are not taken into account by them.

Should I stop my husband from drinking beer?

Is the intoxicating liquid really that harmless? The Germans say that the measure should be observed in everything. Even in the use of their folk drink.

As a result of numerous studies, scientists have received disappointing data. According to statistics, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink beer every day is quite unambiguous. Men who regularly consume amber drink develop diseases of the digestive system and heart. They get pretty irritable. They are also more likely to become addicted to alcohol. There are also less dangerous consequences, but very unpleasant from the point of view of aesthetics. Namely, the production of testosterone drops significantly.

Excess estrogen

So what happens if you drink beer at a bar every day? Can a man, like the famous French commander, transform into a woman? Naturally, no. There is no direct link between the development of any disease and the consumption of beer. Many factors influence the occurrence of the disease. But still it is worth trying to wean your spouse from drinking beer in the evenings. If only because this activity negatively affects male potency.

In justification of the intoxicating drink, it is worth noting that Napoleon was not interested in beer at all. The emperor had a hormonal disease. He disliked amber liquid, as well as anything related to Germany.

If a woman drinks beer every day...

The effect of a foamy drink on young girls is especially detrimental. The fact is that during its use, a large amount of phytoestrogens is released into the developing organism. As a result, your own level of these hormones falls. This immediately affects the emerging hormonal system, which ceases to produce phytoestrogens to maintain homeostasis, which leads to serious health problems in the future. And if a young girl drinks beer every day, the consequences for the body can be irreversible.

Adult women have no less problems associated with the use of amber liquid. All of them are also hormonal in nature - dysfunctions, endometriosis, polycystic, cysts, and so on. In addition to undermining women's health, a foamy drink negatively affects the main function - reproductive. In severe cases, beer addiction can lead to infertility.

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy threatens the health of not only the woman herself, but also her child. Such mothers quite often have miscarriages, frozen or ectopic pregnancies, and children are born prematurely and with serious developmental pathologies. The use of a foamy drink during breastfeeding also provokes the occurrence of complications in children.

Less serious, but rather obvious signs of a girl's abuse of amber liquid are cellulite, a swollen face, a beer belly, overweight, poor hair and skin condition. And the main danger is the occurrence of oncological diseases against the background of taking an alcoholic drink.

In general, if you are a young girl or an adult woman and ask yourself the question “I drink beer every day, what should I do?”, Then after the consequences described above, the answer is unequivocal: quit!


There is a special group of addicted people, which is separately singled out by narcologists. They prefer beer to all kinds of alcohol. Although in medicine there are no separate terms for different types of alcohol addiction.

Symptoms and signs of this disease do not depend on the alcohol preferences of a person. It does not matter what he drinks: pure alcohol, vodka, champagne or intoxicating drink. Beer alcoholism is called if it appeared as a result of the use of this foamy liquid. Unfortunately, this disease has reached alarming proportions today.

Of course, you can drink beer every day, because the law does not prohibit this. But it is worth thinking about the harm they bring. The danger is that the use of an intoxicating drink imperceptibly leads a person to alcohol addiction. Intoxication comes slowly. One glass of amber liquid relieves stress and calms. For many people, a bottle of Heineken or Miller is the logical end to a busy day. And, as the conventional wisdom says: drinking beer does not harm either mental or physical health.

How to stop drinking beer?

It is worth noting that the percentage of patients cured of alcoholism is negligible. It is almost impossible for women to get rid of this disease in general. How to stop drinking intoxicating drink?

First of all, you need to realize that this negatively affects the appearance, and is also harmful to health. Start gradually reducing the amount of beer consumed per day. And then completely replace it with some other drink. For example, kvass.


Now you know what will happen if you drink beer every day. Of course, the use of amber liquid is not always harmful. Beer also contains beneficial substances. Therefore, a couple of glasses a month will not have a negative effect on the body. And in unlimited quantities it is harmful to consume not only beer, but also any other products.

In the old days, English pubs served mugs with built-in whistles above the handles. Didn't have to yell at the whole bar to ask for more. Just a whistle in the hand is enough.

In Babylon, about 4 thousand years ago, there was a tradition: the first thirty days after the wedding were considered a “beer month”. During this time, the groom drank an amber drink at the expense of his father-in-law.

Every year, beer festivals are held all over the world, where companies organize an entertainment part, hold contests and present their products. Now the most popular event is the German Oktoberfest. Every year it is visited in Munich by six million people.

Beer is perhaps the most ancient drink. According to some reports, it was first brewed 9,500 years ago, that is, in the Neolithic era. A number of scholars have come to the conclusion that bad brewers in ancient Babylon were drowned in a drink of inadequate quality.

Useful properties and popularity of the drink did not go unnoticed. Today, beer is studied in a serious and adult way. There is even the science of zitology, which evaluates the composition of a foamy drink and learns all the subtleties of brewing.

Beer is a popular alcoholic drink among all segments of the population. In small quantities and with rare use, it does not pose a particular danger to the human body. If people begin to drink beer often and in large doses, irreparable damage is caused to their health and there is a threat of addiction to this drink -.

Currently, the production of beer has reached the mass level, which immediately affected the quality of this product. If earlier the state strictly monitored the composition of drinks appearing on the shelves, now it is rather problematic to exercise strict and full control over all manufacturers without exception. The situation is aggravated by the emergence of a large number of private brewing companies and beer shops that sell liquids for bottling.

The composition of modern beer includes many different chemicals, stabilizers, colors and preservatives. The frequent use of such substances immediately affects the state of the body of a beer lover. The negative effect of the liquid on the body is manifested primarily in the disruption of the following organs:

  • hearts. Beer is always drunk in much larger quantities than other spirits. If the volume of drunk vodka or wine is measured in glasses and glasses, then in the issue of beer we are always talking about liters. In such a situation, the load on the heart becomes especially noticeable, as it has to increase pressure in order to cope with the pumping of such large volumes of fluid. Also, beer contains carbon dioxide, which significantly increases the absorption of alcohol into the blood. A typical sign of a beer lover is a "bull" heart. It greatly exceeds the standard allowable dimensions. As a result, a person begins to experience angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, a tendency to heart attacks.
  • stomach. The carbon dioxide contained in beer and fermentation products irritate the walls of the stomach, as a result of which acid begins to be produced in increased quantities. Increased acidity immediately results in peptic ulcer, gastritis and, in the worst case, cancer. It is no coincidence that one of the most common forms of cancer in men is stomach cancer. A huge role in this problem is played by the frequent use of beer.
  • Kidney and genitourinary system. The kidneys in the body perform a filtering function - the removal of unnecessary substances. Thus, all harmful substances that enter the body pass through them. Often drinking beer leads to endless contact of the kidneys with the toxins contained in this product. The diuretics of beer lead to the need for the kidneys to work in an enhanced mode and constantly remove harmful substances from the body along with urine. The result is dehydration. The result of frequent drinking of beer is general intoxication, inflammation of the bladder, deterioration of the functions of the kidneys and urinary system, loss of a kidney, etc.
  • Liver. The liver also acts as a filter and cleanses the body of toxins that are contained in beer in excess. The main liver problems that beer drinkers may experience are: liver failure, cirrhosis, hepatic coma.

Effect on the female body

The destructive effect of beer on the female body is especially evident in relation to young girls. While drinking beer, a large amount of phytoestrogen hormones contained in beer enters the body of girls, as a result, their own body stops producing these hormones in order to maintain the necessary natural balance. All this immediately affects the state of the emerging hormonal system and will manifest itself in the future with serious health problems.

Health problems due to the frequent consumption of beer also occur in adult women. All of them are also hormonal in nature - cysts, polycystosis, endometriosis, dysfunctions, etc. All this not only undermines the state of women's health, but also adversely affects the main function - reproductive. In especially severe cases, it is beer addiction that can cause infertility.

It is especially dangerous if a woman drank beer not only in the periods preceding pregnancy planning, but also directly during planning and after conception.

The systematic use of alcohol is a direct threat to the health and life of the child, and to the health of the woman herself. Such mothers often experience miscarriages, ectopic or missed pregnancies, children are born with serious developmental pathologies and prematurely. Drinking beer during breastfeeding also guarantees the appearance of complications in children.

Less serious, but tangible signs of a woman's beer abuse: overweight, beer belly, swollen face, cellulite, poor skin and hair condition.

The most important danger is the occurrence of oncological diseases against the background of alcohol consumption.

For men's health

External signs of beer drinking in men are about the same as in women: overweight, beer belly, swollen face with a hangover in the morning, a general negative change in appearance. In men, due to the use of phytoestrogen hormones, some feminine features begin to appear: the mammary glands increase, roundness of the hips appears, the amount of hair on the face and body is significantly reduced.

Read how to wean your husband every day to drink beer.

The hormonal system of a man begins to malfunction. As a result, testosterone production is significantly reduced, which leads to the following consequences:

  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • premature ejaculation.
  • Deterioration of sperm quality.
  • Infertility.

Men's natural propensity for heart problems is exacerbated by drinking beer. The result - early cardiovascular diseases (heart attacks, ischemic disease, etc.).

As with women, the biggest concern is the risk of cancer.

Impact on teenagers

Adolescents are a much more suggestible category of the population than adults. Endless beer advertising campaigns, combined with the general availability and cheapness of beer, lead to an early start to the use of this drink. By law, it is forbidden to sell drinks to minors without presenting a passport, but in practice this rule is not always observed in retail outlets.

The influence of beer on a fragile young organism is especially detrimental, since dependence in children develops much faster than in adults. As a result, adolescents destroy their own health even before they enter adulthood.

In girls, failures of the menstrual cycle begin and various hormonal disorders appear. In boys, female secondary sexual characteristics appear (roundness of forms, the severity of the mammary glands, the absence of hairline according to the male type, etc.). In the future, young men often observed early impotence.

Consequences of drinking beer every day

And some secrets

Have you ever struggled with alcoholism in your family? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you have a lot of experience. And of course, you know firsthand what it is:

  • husband is constantly drunk;
  • scandals in the family;
  • all money is spent on alcohol;
  • comes to beatings;

Now answer the question: Are you satisfied with this? How long can this be tolerated? And how much money have you already "leaked" for ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end them! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive story of Elena Malysheva, in which she revealed the secret of getting rid of alcoholism.

It is not known for certain who invented beer, but it has been proven that its history spans more than one century. Today it is difficult to meet an adult who would not know this foamy drink and would not love it for its taste. According to statistics, about 27 liters of beer per capita are consumed annually in Russia, and 127.4 in Germany. In the first place in this indicator - the Czech Republic. It accounts for 161.4 liters per person. Due to the fact that there are more and more lovers of drinking, in our country this drink is one of the most profitable products in grocery stores and departments.

What is the product

Beer is a low-alcohol frothy drink saturated with carbon dioxide. Production takes place through the fermentation of hopped malt wort with brewer's yeast. There are three types of drink according to the type of fermentation:

  • grassroots;
  • riding;
  • spontaneous.

The last two varieties are preferred by gourmets. But the majority are still lovers of one and a half or two-liter ones of the first category. Forums are full of reviews of fun gatherings every day in a warm company.

Positive points

The product is considered refreshing, has a special aroma of hops and a pleasant bitter taste. The drink is used to quench thirst, increase body tone and normalize metabolism. After all, beer contains a high content of vitamins B, H and PP. The drink is 90% water, 5% sugars and only 4.5% alcohol. It also contains a small amount of carbon dioxide, proteins and mineral salts.

Admirers of beer can justify their addiction to it precisely by the beneficial properties of the product. It is worth mentioning: all the positive qualities work only in natural, unfiltered beer, which contains useful microelements in full. After all, they help:

  • activate metabolism;
  • stabilize the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • improve digestion due to increased secretion of gastric juice;
  • saturate the body with useful substances;
  • prevent the development of atherosclerosis, tuberculosis, oncological diseases and the occurrence of a heart attack;
  • eliminate weight loss for too "thin" people.

To use beer was useful, you need to know about the maximum allowable standards. It is recommended to take no more than a liter of drink per day, containing three to five percent ethanol. This dosage is the upper limit, which will not cause harm and a way to get fat. However, you should not reach the upper limit. The use of the maximum volume daily leads to the development of beer alcoholism. It is precisely why it is harmful to drink the foamy elixir too much and often, and the question is.

What is dangerous beer addiction

According to narcologists, the harmfulness of the drink lies in the low percentage of alcohol contained. From this, the harmful effects of beer on the body does not decrease. It is recommended to change your mind and treat the foamy drink like vodka or other intoxicating products. In addition, a person gets used to beer 3-4 times faster than to stronger liquids.

The effect of tonic foamy drinks on the body is akin to the effect of moonshine. Beer contains substances similar in composition to vodka. Therefore, daily libations usually turn into extremely unpleasant consequences. These include:

  • destruction of brain cells - a chemical compound present in beer leads to the development of dementia;
  • disruption of the heart - carbon dioxide and cobalt destroy the muscle layer of the organ, which leads to an increase and weakening of the myocardium;
  • indigestion and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - daily consumption of beer flushes out the necessary vitamins and minerals from the body, leads to overload of the kidneys.

It turns out that the frequent use of beer is alcoholism with consequences similar to vodka addiction.

How to recognize addiction

Most fans consider drinking beer a way of pleasant relaxation and warm communication. But it has been proven that a beer drink is a full-fledged alcoholic drink, since it contains ethanol. It causes harm no less than vodka or cognac.

Beer alcoholism is defined by the following features:

In addition, beer addiction often leads to sexual dysfunction and the appearance of an excess eyelid, destruction of liver cells. Such alcoholics do not sleep well and cause only, as the Italians would say, pieta (pity). We must not forget that such an addiction is poorly treated, but it is possible to wean a person from drinking beer every day.

Consequences for women

An extremely detrimental foamy drink affects the body of the fair sex. When drinking beer in young and adult women, the hormonal system is disrupted. The "Invigorating Elixir" contains a large amount of phytoestrogens, so the body gradually ceases to produce its own substances. This leads to serious health problems, and, first of all, reproductive ones. In girls and adult women, the occurrence of:

  • cysts of various origins;
  • endometriosis;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • uterine myoma.

This is only a small part of the problems that alcohol abuse leads to. All of them lead to infertility. Regular drinking while carrying a baby threatens his health and life. Such women have miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, dead and premature babies are born. Nursing mothers should not drink beer, as ethanol leads to the development of all kinds of pathologies in the baby.

Beer alcoholics have a high risk of cancer. The "non-fatal" but aesthetically unpleasant consequences are:

  • obesity;
  • "beer" belly;
  • swollen face;
  • cellulite;
  • dull hair and gray skin.

To prevent such results, you need to unlearn everyday libations and know how much you can drink.

Consequences for men

Outwardly, beer alcoholism in the powerful of this world manifests itself in the same way as in women: overweight, bloated belly, and more. In addition, phytoestrogens lead to changes in appearance. A man becomes like a woman:

  • breast enlarges;
  • hips are rounded;
  • disappear hair on the body and face.

As a result, erectile function is impaired in men, early ejaculation occurs and the quality of sperm deteriorates. Naturally, all this leads to the inability to have children, premature death from heart attack, ischemia, stroke and cancer. Any representative of the stronger sex, whether it be a husband or son, should stop drinking often, even if it is weak, but still an alcoholic drink.

Consequences for teenagers

With regret, we have to state that minors also get used to beer. Even worse are the consequences for fragile organisms. Children prematurely destroy health. The result is barren girls and feminine boys.

Addiction treatment

In the presence of this disease, enzymatic failure occurs. As a result, alcohol decay products and toxins are poorly removed from organs and tissues. To restore the system you need:

  • carry out detoxification with a complete cessation of beer consumption (one and a half - two months);
  • consolidate the result with the help of a psychologist.

The advanced form of the disease requires medical treatment. In order for a person to stop drinking beer, the same medicines are used as for getting rid of ordinary alcohol addiction, as well as coding, psychology and folk remedies. The use of herbs allows you to remove the craving for and cause the patient a complete aversion to alcohol.

No less important is the help, support and advice of relatives. It helps to eliminate psychological dependence.

The patient's family members should:

  • to motivate an alcoholic to go in for sports;
  • refuse beer and any alcohol with a loved one;
  • organize proper nutrition.

In addition, a beer addict during treatment is not recommended to eat sweets, watch provocative films and programs, avoid beer advertising, and not visit places where you might want to drink foam. And then it will be easier for him to stop drinking this drink.

"Golden mean"

Situations where a husband drinks beer every day, and his wife makes comments to him about non-compliance with the norm, are not uncommon in our society. How to determine what is the "golden mean"? For each person, this indicator differs depending on the state of health and characteristics of the body, as well as on the strength of the drink consumed.

Scientists have found that a human body weighing 70 kg per day is able to process only 170 grams of pure ethyl alcohol. Translating to a safe beer norm, we can say:

  • women should not consume more than 330 ml every day;
  • men - 500 ml.

It is these volumes of beer that will not harm health and will not lead to addiction. If you form in your head an attitude towards a drink as a medicine, and drink it as a healing substance, then you won’t have to worry about the negative consequences.

Summarize. Is it safe to drink beer every day? Yes, but only for an adult and one bottle of acceptable volume. At the same time, if you suffer from any chronic diseases, it is better every day and refuse to use alcohol-containing products in general. The safe dosage established by scientists is applicable only to healthy people. If there are contraindications, life should be alcohol-free.