What low-calorie weight loss foods you can eat. Shrimp kebab

17.08.2019 Seafood dishes

As you know, they have the ability to give useful vitamins and minerals to the body, stimulate metabolism and enhance metabolism. These products are not unique - they are included in our diet and in the dishes of various diets. Taking care of your health, trying not to gain extra pounds, you need to introduce into your diet as many products as possible from the list that we have provided below.

Fruits and berries with a minus calorie content - a tasty remedy for recovery

Berries - raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, currants.

These berries contain useful complexes of trace elements and vitamins, as well as useful fiber , pectins ... Berries strengthen the immune system, remove toxins from the body, have a diuretic and laxative effect ... Lingonberries and cranberries are very useful for any inflammatory, colds - they strengthen the immune system, have anti-inflammatory and even antimicrobial effects. These berries are very good for treating genitourinary infections in women and men. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries have a beneficial effect on vision, these berries can improve vision, they must be eaten by people suffering from myopia, eye diseases. Berries from these groups have quite low calorie content - no more than 50 kcal in a glass of berries .

Citrus fruits - grapefruit, lemon, orange, tangerine, lime

These fruits are recognized masters of burning the hated extra pounds. It is known that eating grapefruit daily for two weeks will reduce weight by about two kilograms. In citrus fruits a lot of fiber, vitamins - especially vitamin C ... Citrus fruits are mild diuretic and laxative. In terms of its calorie content, each citrus fruit does not exceed the indicator in 40 kcal .

The huge benefits of a huge berry - watermelon

The vast majority of people love watermelon. And, of course, many have heard about his ability,. Watermelon quenches thirst well in the heat, it also gives a feeling of quick satiety, which, with its low calorie content, only 20 kcal per slice , very useful for weight loss diets. Watermelon has many vitamins and minerals, as well as complex sugars and fiber .

Weight Loss Champion - Pineapple

Scientists have discovered a special substance in this amazing and tasty fruit that helps burn fat in the body - bromelain ... It has been proven that regular consumption of pineapple in food normalizes metabolism, it serves as a good source of vitamins, helps to normalize your weight even faster. Not only does pineapple significantly dull the feeling of hunger - this fruit, eaten at lunch or dinner, helps break down complex lipids found in meat, fish, legumes, dairy products ... It must be remembered that pineapple greatly increases the acidity of gastric juice, and it should not be consumed on an empty stomach ... He also contraindicated for gastric ulcer .
Zero calorie fruits also include apricot, mango, apple, plum.

Zero Calorie Vegetables - Burning Calories at Lunch

Cruciferous vegetables are faithful fat burners

This group of vegetables useful in the weight loss program includes white cabbage, savoy cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, black radish, radish, green peas ... These vegetables are capable of giving a feeling of quick satiety, control blood sugar ... In addition, these vegetables serve as a kind of "broom" for the intestines, helping to remove toxins, toxins, old mucus, pathogenic microflora from it. Thanks to these vegetables, in the body metabolic processes are accelerated , fat is burned much faster.

The record holder for burning fat is celery.

One celery stalk contains only five kcal , in one root - from 5 to 20 kcal ... At the same time, the body spends much more energy on the digestion of celery than it brings in itself. Widely known fat-burning celery soup , when consumed, extra pounds go away quickly and without a trace. Celery is very useful to eat raw, in the program for losing weight, salads with a root or stem, celery greens, which, moreover, are real a storehouse of vitamins and minerals .

Weight loss vegetables

Everyone knows these minus-calorie vegetables - zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, asparagus, peppers, beets, spinach, carrots, turnips, eggplant, pumpkin ... Separately, I would like to name onion and garlic - these products help accelerate metabolic processes, and also cleanse the kidneys, human intestines, serve as natural antibacterial agents.

Fragrant greens - enjoy and lose weight

This group of products gives us truly pleasure when we cut them into salads, dress them in soups, main courses, pasta. Greens that help burn extra pounds are parsley, basil, cilantro, dill, mint, lemon balm, rosemary, thyme, as well as leafy lettuce, watercress .

Spices - the sophisticated fat burning connoisseurs

Spicy cinnamon

Cinnamon has long been known for its ability break down fats ... This spice aids in digestion, normalizes blood sugar levels, lowers cholesterol levels ... Nutritionists recommend eating cinnamon with every meal, adding only half a teaspoon (teaspoon) to meals or drinks.

Fat-burning spices also include ginger, cumin, coriander, curry, pepper- they must be included in the diet daily.

Minus calorie drinks - to drink and lose weight

Green tea

According to nutritionists, green tea is the healthiest drink that can help burn fat. This drink must be drunk without sugar and milk, it can be hot or cold, it depends on the season. It is known that every teacup of real green tea drunk in one day help burn up to 60 kcal, and you can drink them up to five a day. In addition, green tea has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, organs of the digestive tract, tones up and is a "beauty drink".

Water also "knows" how to burn fat

It is proved that a glass of clean drinking water without gas with ice can burn 70 kcal ! Drinking ice water must be careful not to get sore throat. Drink during the day two liters of water - so that the excretory systems of the body work in full force, flushing out all toxins and toxins, as well as the decay products of fats. Drinking that much water every day is a prerequisite for any diet and must be kept in mind.

You can also drink as fat-burning drinks cool mineral water without gas, natural fresh juices from those fruits and vegetables that are on the list of foods with a minus calorie content.

Protein foods with minus calories - eat and lose weight

This group of products includes all types of lean meat, poultry without skin and fat (preferably breast), lean fish... It is recommended to cook meat and fish steamed, or in boiled form (no broths), and take salads from fresh vegetables and herbs, which we wrote about above, as a side dish. The presence of fresh vegetables and herbs in the menu with protein products is required, otherwise there will be no effect of weight loss. Nutritionists recommend giving preference to fish because it has unique fatty acids that are beneficial for muscles, skin and blood vessels. In addition, during the digestion of fish, gases and toxins are not formed in the body, which has a beneficial effect on the general well-being and appearance of a person - the skin acquires a healthy shade, becomes more elastic, gets rid of mimic wrinkles.

"Minus" calories of dairy products - the right way to beauty and slimness

Dairy products are vital in the human diet. In a diet for weight loss, fermented milk products with a reduced fat content (but not fat-free!) Are needed. Fat in dairy products helps the body absorb calcium, and its small presence in products is simply a must. In order to satisfy hunger for the benefit of the body, you need to eat every day low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, whey, kefir (but not milk)- all this without sugar and other additives. Dairy products help the body produce its own hormone calcitriol required for maintaining tissue elasticity and bone strength .

People seeking to achieve noticeable results in fat burning are advised to familiarize themselves with the rules of a healthy diet. Be sure to include low-calorie foods in your diet. According to many scientific studies, it has been proven that relatively few calories are found in vegetables and fruits. If you want to lose weight without unpleasant consequences, eat foods with complex carbohydrates, fiber, and a minimum amount of fat.

What are low calorie foods

Caloric content is the energy value of food. In other words, it is the amount of energy that the body receives from food. Thanks to this energy, the vital activity of the body is maintained: cells grow, divide and regenerate, blood circulation occurs, the heart contracts, food is digested, and a constant body temperature is maintained. A person spends energy from food when performing physical activity and even while sleeping.

The main components of food are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In addition to these substances, some food contains carboxylic acids - for example, citric acid, polyhydric alcohols - glycerin, sweeteners, alcohol. Most of the energy is spent on assimilating proteins: mainly cheeses, cottage cheese, poultry, animals, fish, peas, beans, nuts. Fats (butter, margarine, chocolate, etc.) and carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, dates, raisins) follow in terms of the complexity of digestion.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are capable of releasing different amounts of energy. When this energy is summed up, the calorie content of the products is calculated. To simplify the calculations, average values ​​are taken: fats give 9.3 kcal / g, proteins - 4 kcal / g, carbohydrates - 4 kcal / g. For example, if, after assimilating 1 g of protein, the body receives 4 kcal, then when eating 70 g of protein, a person will receive 280 kcal (70 g x 4 kcal).

Remember that digesting animal proteins requires more energy than digesting plant-based substances. When calculating calories and wanting to lose those extra pounds, it is not uncommon for people to choose foods with no fat, because they think that this approach will help solve the problem. Fats, like other basic substances, are necessary for our body for full development. Be sure to include vegetable fats in the diet within the established norm, then a set of extra pounds will not threaten you.

When choosing low-calorie food, keep in mind that it includes foods that, according to the calorie table, contain less than 100 kcal per 100 g of weight. It is worth listing the main types of low-calorie foods:

  • veal;
  • crucian carp;
  • carp;
  • flounder;
  • smelt;
  • natural yogurt;
  • radish;
  • spinach;
  • green beans;
  • seaweed;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini;
  • White cabbage;
  • bow (feather);
  • carrot.

What determines the calorie content

By determining the calorie content, you can tell if the food is good for your health. Consider the following when calculating:

  • The more fat a food contains, the more calorie it is. Keep in mind that the split fats go into the reserve and are burned when the body has nowhere to take energy. To get rid of excess fat, protein diets are used: reserve reserves are spent on the digestion of proteins and a person gradually loses weight.
  • Low-calorie food contains a lot of fiber, which takes time and effort to digest.
  • When losing weight, it is forbidden to use "fast" carbohydrates, because they are digested almost instantly and contribute to gaining pounds.
  • Vegetables are considered the lowest calorie foods for weight loss. This is followed by fish, fruits, dairy products, and poultry.
  • In order for the diet to be complete, you should not give up oil and cereals - although they are considered high-calorie, they are necessary for the development of the body.

Low Calorie Food Table

Do not completely give up high-calorie foods: for example, cereals and cereals. Raw they contain a lot of calories, after cooking, the initial figure decreases significantly. Doctors recommend using legumes - an irreplaceable source of protein. As a rule, the calorie content is indicated per 100 g of the product. Based on this, food is divided into:

  1. Very low-calorie - 100 g contains up to 30 kcal: such food includes zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnips, lettuce, cucumbers, bell peppers, mushrooms.
  2. Low-calorie - 100 g from 30 kcal: cod, pike, pike perch, carp, rutabaga, green peas, carrots, potatoes, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt.
  3. Medium-calorie - in 100 g 100-200 kcal: include lamb, turkey, rabbit meat, chickens, eggs.
  4. High-calorie - in 100 g from 200 to 450 kcal: fatty meat, bakery products, sweets, snacks, chips, etc.
  5. Very high-calorie - in 100 g from 450 kcal: various oils, bacon, fatty pork, smoked sausage, chocolate, peanuts, Brazilian, walnuts, pine nuts.

The number of calories consumed should be equal to the amount of energy expended. If a large number of calories are ingested, they will be deposited as excess fat. With little energy gain, exhaustion sets in. When it comes to losing weight, then a person should get a little less calories than they spend. The data below will help you choose the right food for your dietary menu.

Vegetables and fruits

These foods are included in many diets. It is recommended to eat vegetables raw in order to fill the body with useful substances as much as possible. Be sure to include low-GI greens on your menu (the glycemic index indicates how quickly insulin rises after eating a particular meal). If you decide to use heat treatment, then choose a short cooking (use a multicooker) or the baking method using foil.

Baking is better than boiling, because when boiling, nutrients go into the water. It is not advisable to fry vegetables for a long time, because the used oil will add calories to the dish. In addition, fried food contains many toxic substances and carcinogens. Fast frying is an excellent alternative: in order to preserve the substances necessary for the body, use a frying pan of the VOK type, processing should be multiple with constant stirring (as is the preparation of Asian dishes).

Use cabbage, carrots, beets, herbs, garlic, and onions as often as possible. Below are vegetables with an indication of the composition, the number of calories (column 2), GI (glycemic index). Use this data when organizing healthy meals:

Product name (100g)

Carbohydrates (g)


Fresh tomatoes

Fresh cabbage

Green pepper

Salted mushrooms

Zucchini caviar (data depends on the composition)


It is recommended to eat fruits raw separately from the main meal: make fruit salads for a variety of the menu. If you have digestive problems, then mix fruits with fermented milk drinks (yogurt or kefir). Try not to drink freshly squeezed juice often because it raises your GI so much. Fruits are dangerous because they contain sucrose and fructose, so they are recommended to be eaten in the morning. When choosing them, look at the number of calories, the amount of carbohydrates and the glycemic index:

Product name (100g)

Carbohydrates (g)



Red currant

Black currant

Avocado is the most high-calorie fruit (160 kcal per 100 g), but it is recommended for people who are losing weight (especially on low-carb diets). Avocado contains a huge amount of beneficial elements and vitamins. Dried fruits are high in calories, but have a relatively low glycemic index, so eat prunes, dried apricots, figs and so on when you need a snack or want something sweet.


Keep in mind that when following a protein diet, it is often forbidden to consume cereals and legumes. Such food is rich in carbohydrates, vegetable protein. Raw cereals are high in calories. When they are boiled in water or milk (it all depends on your preferences and diet), the calorie content per 100 grams of the finished product is reduced. An excellent option for losing weight is water-boiled quinoa: it contains healthy amino acids and is low in calories. When choosing food, be guided by the glycemic index, the energy value of boiled cereals and legumes:

Name of the dish (100 g)

Carbohydrates (g)

Hercules porridge on the water

Rice porridge on the water

Barley on water

Barley porridge with milk

Hercules porridge with milk

Wholemeal pasta

Water-boiled quinoa

Semolina porridge with milk

Brown rice, boiled in water

Boiled beans

Boiled lentils

Millet boiled in water

Buckwheat on the water

Dairy products

Yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese are rich in protein, calcium. Buy food without additives: it is desirable that the composition is free of sugar, fruit pieces, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers. Buy low-fat yogurt and kefir made at home from a sourdough culture that contains live bacteria. If the drink is fat-free, then this will complicate the absorption of nutrients (for example, calcium, which contributes to weight loss): a suitable fat content of the drink is 1-2.5%. The compositions are recommended for a protein diet, for people with hyperinsulinism.

Product name (100g)

Carbohydrates (g)

Curd serum

Low fat kefir

Milk (0.5%)

Ryazhenka (1%)

Milk (1%)

Natural yogurt (1.5%)

Low-fat cottage cheese

Curd (2%)

Fruit yogurt

Low-fat sour cream (10%)

A fish

Before you buy fish, pay attention to its size: often, the larger it is, the more mercury it contains. Fatty fish are useful in small quantities: red fish, pink salmon, contain Omega-3 acids, which are necessary for beauty. Sometimes doctors advise replacing shrimp with chum salmon or sterlet. It is best to use steamed fish for weight loss. Common options for dishes, fish are presented below:

Product name (100g)

Carbohydrates (g)


Boiled mussels

Boiled cod

Boiled pike

Boiled pollock

Boiled crabs

Boiled hake

Boiled trout

Boiled oysters

Boiled crayfish

Boiled sea bass

Boiled mullet

Boiled carp

Boiled chum salmon


When organizing proper nutrition, it is important to include in the diet meals with a large amount of proteins, which are a source of amino acids necessary for cell renewal. Keep in mind that the norm for an adult is 3 grams of protein for each kilogram of weight. 100 g of meat can contain different amounts of protein:

Product name (100g)

Carbohydrates (g)

Boiled veal

Boiled chicken breast

Lean boiled beef

Boiled turkey

Boiled beef tongue

Low-calorie foods for weight loss

ALE - basic metabolism, the amount of energy required for the vital activity of the body. Based on this value, you can easily compose a menu without significant reductions. Remember that cutting off more than 400 kcal from OOB leads to some resistance of the body: it begins to "think" that it is time to starve, so the metabolism slows down. ALE is calculated taking into account the weight, height and age of a person:

  • If you are a man, then apply the formula: 66 + (14 x weight) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age).
  • Women make the calculation as follows: 655 + (9.56 x weight) + (1.85 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age).

The basal metabolic rate helps to avoid compiling a menu with too low energy value. Initially, the figure may exceed 1200 kcal, in the process of losing weight, the indicator decreases, as a result of which the calorie content of food decreases. For example, if the OOB is 1450 kcal, then you should eat so as not to "deviate" from this indicator. Gradually losing kilograms, gradually reduce the OOB using the above formula. With weight loss, the OOB can be equal to 1380 kcal, then 1300 kcal. The body will not experience stress and will receive a minimum of food for normal functioning.

  • Fresh cucumbers (13 kcal per 100 g) are rich in potassium, carotene, vitamins C, PP, group B and complex organic substances. Vegetables improve intestinal motility, remove cholesterol from the body.
  • Asparagus (21 kcal per 100 g) is a source of dietary fiber, rich in minerals, vitamins A, C, E, K, group B, folic acid, potassium. Regulates blood clotting, prevents blood clots, cancer development, strengthens blood vessels, increases the tone of the body.
  • Spinach (22 kcal per 100 g) is rich in vitamins A, PP, B, C, E, D, H, K, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine and other microelements. With regular use, the immune system is restored, the tone rises, the blood vessels are strengthened, and prevents the development of hypertension. The vegetable is a mild laxative and is not recommended for pregnant women or people with kidney problems.
  • Broccoli (34 kcal per 100 g) is rich in calcium, proteins and other substances. With regular use, cancer is prevented, it is recommended to eat in case of problems with the pancreas, increased acidity of the stomach. Broccoli is used raw or boiled. When preparing dishes, remember that cabbage cannot be overcooked, then it will retain a maximum of nutrients.
  • Carrots (35 kcal per 100 g) are a source of carotenoids, an excellent antioxidant, have a beneficial effect on vision, increase tone, restore the immune system, and enhance intestinal motility. The vegetable is recommended to be eaten raw: you can make different salads.
  • Chili pepper (20 kcal per 100 g) stimulates the body's production of a natural analgesic. When pepper is consumed, flour is produced in the stomach - a substance that prevents the occurrence of ulcers. The vegetable prevents the appearance of heart problems, prevents the development of oncology, protects a person from aging.

Considering the above features of "light" vegetables, feel free to use them when drawing up the menu. The lowest calorie food will help you create interesting dishes:

  1. Make a salad with fresh cucumbers: take 2 cucumbers, 1 bunch each of wild garlic, dill, parsley, green onions, low fat sour cream, or light natural yogurt. Cut the vegetables into slices, chop the herbs, season everything with sour cream or yogurt, add salt to taste if desired.
  2. Boiled asparagus is prepared as follows: peel the stems, rinse with cold water, dip them in boiling salted water for 3-5 minutes, remove and discard in a colander, put them in a bowl of cold water. For dressing, combine olive oil, lemon juice, salt. Place the asparagus on a plate and top with the sauce.
  3. Spinach salad: Take 230 g spinach, 2 tomatoes, 1 avocado, 200 g feta cheese. Cut vegetables, avocado, feta cheese into slices, slices, add olive oil, a little vinegar, 1 tsp. sugar, a pinch of salt, stir.
  4. Prepare broccoli puree: divide vegetables (about 300 g) into inflorescences, steam, lightly fry the onion (1 head) in olive oil, mix everything with a blender, pepper, salt to taste.
  5. Carrot salad is prepared as follows: 2 carrots are cut into strips, walnuts are chopped, everything is mixed, seasoned with natural yogurt, 1 tsp is added. honey, a pinch of grated fresh ginger.
  6. An excellent soup is prepared with chili peppers: take 5 tomatoes, pour over with boiling water, remove the skin. Tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 1-2 peppers are mixed in a blender, the mixture is cooked in a saucepan for about 10 minutes. At the end, chopped greens are added, salt to taste.

Weight will drop rapidly if you consider a few guidelines. Make your diet based on the following:

  • Eat about 1.5 kg of vegetables per day (about 1300 kcal): bake, boil, stew, eat fresh, but do not use fried zucchini and other vegetables in this form.
  • Season salads with low-fat yogurt.
  • Eat strictly according to the schedule: 4-6 times a day, for breakfast, lunch or dinner, the portion should be small.
  • Drink water, green tea, vegetable juices.
  • Include dairy, protein, low-calorie foods, fruits, and cereals.

Hearty, Low-Calorie Foods

It is important not only to effectively lose weight, but also to fill the body with nutrients. Hearty foods include:

  • lean veal;
  • chicken;
  • a rabbit;
  • lean beef;
  • turkey;
  • kidneys and heart;
  • seafood in the form of squid, shrimp, crabs, flounder, carp, tofu, river bass, blue whiting, pike perch, pike;
  • low-fat milk, cottage cheese, kefir.

During the diet, it is worth using special recipes. It is worth mentioning the most popular ones:

  1. Chicken salad is prepared as follows: take a boiled fillet (300 g), chop it, cut 2 fresh cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 bell pepper, 100 g pitted olives, 100 g feta cheese squares, mix, season with olive oil, add salt, oregano taste.
  2. Squids can be mixed with bell peppers, onions, parsley, olive oil for an excellent light salad.
  3. A savory salad is made from squid, prawns with bell peppers, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, celery, paprika and olive oil.

To avoid gaining extra pounds while dieting, it is important to consider a number of important tips. Know that hearty meals:

  • it is better to cook meat and seafood, as a last resort, an oven is suitable for cooking;
  • eat hearty meat dishes for lunch;
  • eat boiled fish for dinner.

Delicious low-calorie foods

Among people who are losing weight, there are also those who like to eat something tasty. Such food should include sweets, interesting dishes, foods with a low calorie content:

  • marmalade;
  • marshmallow;
  • paste;
  • popcorn without salt and butter;
  • cottage cheese;
  • natural yogurt;
  • bell pepper;
  • melon watermelon;
  • berries - raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries;
  • fruits - pineapples, mangoes, bananas, grapes, persimmons, papaya, guava, apples, grapefruit, tangerines.

This list of low-calorie foods can be used to create a daily menu. Baking should be present in the diet only in the form of bran bread without yeast, crispbread, biscuits. Remember that a healthy dessert (sweet, cottage cheese, yoghurts and fruits, berries) is best consumed separately instead of a light snack or for breakfast. Spice up your morning with a delicious cottage cheese, yoghurt and berry dish. This will help tone and improve digestion. During the day, between breakfast and lunch or for an afternoon snack, treat yourself to an apple, pineapple slices, grapefruit, and healthy sweets.


In order to get rid of extra pounds, it is not necessary to sit on strict diets or even starve. It is enough to eat food for weight loss, which can speed up the metabolism, reduce appetite and promote weight loss, prepare low-calorie meals, and also correctly combine proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In the article, we present various grocery lists for those who want to lose weight, a calorie table and much more.

Weight Loss Nutrition Basics

A balanced diet starts the processes of metabolism, fat burning and detoxification. Eating during weight loss should consist mostly of fresh products, since they contain the maximum amount of valuable minerals - fuel for the body. Metabolic functions are in direct proportion to the food that is consumed during the day.

Incorrect combination of ingredients in meals and uncontrolled consumption of them leads to the accumulation of fat.

By following simple rules of food intake, you can not only lose weight, but also improve the quality of life:

  1. Introduce 4-5 meals a day(preferably at the same time).
  2. Cut number of servings.
  3. Reduce volume daily calorie intake.
  4. Exclude unhealthy foods from the diet.
  5. Limit consumption of salt and other flavor enhancers.
  6. Sweet dishes transfer to use in the morning.
  7. Regularly replenish water balance.
  8. Use more often for cooking raw vegetables. Heat treatment should be minimal.
  9. Take your food slowly chewing each bite thoroughly.
  10. Remember that fried and smoked foods are prohibited for losing weight and do not represent any benefit to the body, so they will have to be abandoned.

List of foods to help speed up metabolism and burn fat

According to nutritionists, in order to lose weight quickly, first of all, it is necessary to make a diet of foods that accelerate the breakdown of fat cells. Because each person's metabolism is different.

If calories are consumed more slowly, there is a process of accumulation of body fat. Eating a balanced food will not only speed up the process of its breakdown and weight loss, but also free the body from harmful toxins.

Fat burning foods are rich in active substances that normalize metabolic processes. Low-calorie meals allow you to saturate the body with useful minerals, give energy, and have a positive effect on the digestive system.

Among the most effective weight loss products:

  • fiber-rich vegetables (celery, broccoli, artichoke, cauliflower, etc.);
  • citrus fruits, especially grapefruit with its choleretic effect;
  • green tea;
  • raisins combined with prunes and dried apricots;
  • olive oil and olive fruits;
  • fresh raspberries;

Foods to reduce appetite

This will help a diet containing foods for muscle growth:

  • oysters;
  • almond;
  • quinoa;
  • beef;
  • eggs;
  • soybeans, etc .;

List of foods with a low glycemic index

The consumption of such food is allowed in large quantities, but not everyone can withstand a strict diet, especially for sports and fitness lovers. Lack of energy resources can lead to weakness, dizziness and loss of consciousness. Therefore, it is necessary to draw up a menu for losing weight taking into account the rhythm of life, physical activity and health.

The following dietary products for weight loss contain a low glycemic index:

  • black currant;
  • tomatoes;
  • sauerkraut;
  • avocado;
  • pearl barley, lentils;
  • radish;
  • green tea, etc.;

Slimming Product Combinations

Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate Compatibility

All slimming products are divided into groups that contain:

  • protein;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;

The list of rules, following which you can learn how to properly combine compatible products for weight loss:

  1. Sour vegetables / fruits it is not recommended to use it simultaneously with carbohydrates: potatoes, legumes, bread, dates, bananas, etc.
  2. Can't Concentrated Carbohydrates mix with proteins: meat dish with pasta, potatoes or cheese sandwich, etc.
  3. Give preference fermented milk products. Dairy foods should not be combined with other foods.
  4. Unsuccessful is a combination of proteins and sour fruits / vegetables: meat with tomato, nuts with orange.
  5. Starch with sugar causes fermentation, therefore, joint reception should be excluded.
  6. Negative impact the exchange process is carried out by the simultaneous use of 2 proteins: meat - egg, cheese - meat, etc.
  7. Foods high in fat should not be combined with proteins: butter - cheese, cream - nuts.

Examples of combinable products that you can mix

The following options for selecting products for weight loss are considered successful:

  • meat - vegetables (preference is given to steaming meat dishes or stewing);
  • fish (trout, salmon, tuna) - pasta (only hard varieties);
  • potatoes (baked in the oven, boiled) - cottage cheese;
  • cabbage (sauerkraut) - cumin;
  • rice - vegetables;
  • yogurt - nuts;
  • chicken breast (boiled) - avocado;
  • mushrooms - vegetables;
  • nuts - dried fruits;

After eating, you can have a snack with fruit only after 2 hours. Ignoring the recommendations and changing incompatible food will lead to a slowdown in the breakdown process and the formation of fermentation, putrefaction in the stomach and intestines. The only exception is banana, which does not cause negative reactions when combined with other food and is acceptable for use with other foods.

The main course and dessert can be consumed every 20 minutes. And during the day it is necessary to replenish the body with water. Either pure water or herbal teas are used as liquid. In the absence of contraindications, you can drink decoctions of wild rose and others, rich in valuable trace elements. This will help the body to cope with excess weight faster.

Calorie table of products for weight loss

Sample menu for a diet of weight loss products

For quick but lasting results, try an effective weekly diet menu.

1 day


  • oatmeal (100 g);
  • vegetable salad (150 g);
  • herbal tea;


  • vegetable soup (150 g);
  • chicken breast (150 g) with vegetables (150 g);
  • whole grain dried bread;
  • dried fruits compote;

Evening (no later than 19-00):

  • steamed fish cakes (150 g);
  • vegetable salad (150 g);
  • jelly;

2 snacks between main meals: apple, cottage cheese (100 g).

2nd day


  • omelet (1 egg);
  • cutting vegetables (150 g);
  • toast;
  • cocoa;
  • biscuit biscuits;


  • ear (150 g);
  • turkey breast (100 g);
  • vegetable stew (150 g);
  • crackers;
  • herbal tea;


  • fish baked with vegetables (200 g);
  • green tea;

2 hearty snacks in between the main meal, for which the following products are suitable: dried fruits, nuts (100 g), cereals, kefir.

Day 3


  • rice with vegetables (200 g);
  • green tea;
  • toast;
  • biscuit biscuits;


  • soup with meatballs (150 g);
  • tuna with pasta (150 g);
  • dried fruits compote;


  • steamed fish cakes;
  • sauerkraut;
  • herbal tea;

2 snacks between main meals: orange, cottage cheese (100 g).

4th day


  • coffee;


  • vegetable stew (150 g);
  • steamed beef meatballs (150 g);
  • crackers;


  • lentils (100 g);
  • vegetable cutlets (150 g);
  • jelly;

2 times in between meals you can eat: apple, kefir.

Day 5


  • egg;
  • hard cheese (40 g);
  • vegetable salad (150 g);
  • herbal tea;


  • soup with chicken wings (150 g);
  • pasta with seafood (200 g);
  • dried fruits compote;


  • vegetable stew (150 g);
  • mushrooms baked in the oven with hard cheese (150 g);
  • herbal tea;

2 times a day in between the main meal you can eat: nuts, dried fruits, cheesecakes.

6th day


  • chicken breast with avocado (200 g);
  • green tea;
  • biscuit biscuits;


  • lean borscht;
  • rice with vegetables;
  • dried bread;


  • steamed beef cutlets (150 g);
  • vegetable slices (150 g);
  • dried fruits compote;

2 snacks in between the main meal you can allow yourself:, curd casserole.

Day 7


  • oatmeal (150 g);
  • cottage cheese (100 g);
  • cocoa;


  • puree soup (150 g);
  • turkey breast with vegetables (250 g);
  • herbal tea;


  • fish (150 g);
  • pasta (100 g);
  • green tea;

2 snacks in between meals, you can use the following products: apple, kefir, biscuit biscuits.

The desire to look good, be mobile, have a slim figure - such desires are not alien to most people, regardless of age and gender. There is ma]]>

Calorie concept

Before defining what the lowest-calorie foods are, you need to remember the concept of "calories". Calories are the energy that goes into the body when food is broken down. Some foods are high in energy, others low. The calorie content of a product is determined by its composition and the content of carbohydrates and fats in it.

Healthy lifestyles scrutinize grocery labels in store before buying, and they're right. As a rule, each food package contains a table of energy values ​​per 100 g.

Calories from food must be expended by the body. If a person gets more calories than they burn, then he is gaining weight. If calories are received less than spent, a person loses weight. If these two quantities are the same, then the weight is stable.

How many calories a person spends per day depends on the type of activity. For example, for 8 hours of a working day, a programmer spends an average of 550 kcal, a teacher - 1050 kcal, a bus driver - 1500 kcal, and people with serious physical activity (loaders, excavators, athletes, etc.) - 2050 kcal. Energy is spent constantly - when walking, doing household chores, reading and even while sleeping (in a dream, a person spends up to 70 kcal per hour).

There is a table according to which a person can calculate how much energy he burns on average per day.

Energy is needed for more than just physical activity and work. Even on the breakdown of the same food that enters the body, a certain amount of calories is also spent.

To lose weight, you need to design your diet so that the total amount of energy you get from food is less calories. Calculating your calorie intake like this can seem boring. However, practice shows that it is this approach to nutrition that allows you to lose weight and control your weight. This is the most reliable and proven method.

Low-calorie foods

It is known that various products differ significantly in energy value. For example, 100 g of pork (shoulder) contains 365.5 kcal, 100 g of chicken breast contains 113 kcal, and 100 g of radish contains 20 kcal. So choose what to eat so as not to gain weight.

There is a table that contains data on the energy value of a particular product, i.e. the number of kilocalories per 100 g. Here are the lowest calorie dairy products.

The calorie content of dairy products depends not only on the amount of fat. As you can see, even low-fat foods contain at least 31 kcal per 100 g. This is due to the presence of carbohydrates in them.

What are the lowest calorie meats?

The calorie content of meat to a large extent depends on the part of the carcass, the degree of fatness of the animal, etc. So, the least calories in a chicken breast without skin - no more than 115, and in a chicken leg - already 161 kcal. Also, the method of cooking affects the calorie content of meat. If you fry it in a pan with the addition of oil or fat, then the calories will only increase. Grilled meat gives up its fat (and calories). Boiled meat from the point of view of losing weight is the most low-calorie and healthy.

Eggs deserve special mention. Chicken eggs contain 157 kcal per 100 g, i.e. 1 egg contains about 60-80 kcal. In quail eggs 168 kcal / 100 g, and in one egg, respectively, 14-15 kcal.

Among fish and seafood, there are also those that are useful for weight loss, i.e. the lowest in calories.

The way fish and seafood are cooked affects the energy value. The most popular cooking methods to help reduce calories are boiling and grilling.

Cereals and cereals, depending on the method of preparation, differ significantly in calorie content. The smallest number of calories is found in porridge cooked in water.

Mushrooms have always been considered a dietary product. The table confirms this.

We are talking about fresh mushrooms. If they are boiled, stewed, marinated, then the given data on the energy value will be fair. This does not apply to fried mushrooms.

Vegetables are the leaders among low-calorie foods. Table.

Fruits and berries also do not carry a high energy value. Here are the lowest calorie foods.

The list of vegetables, berries and fruits can be continued for a long time, they do not contain fat, calories are provided by carbohydrates, represented mostly by fructose. In addition, berries, fruits and vegetables contain a huge amount of vitamins and mineral complexes necessary for the body. Another advantage of fruits and berries for weight loss is that they do not need to be cooked.
Let's move on to drinks. Which ones are suitable for losing weight?

Having familiarized yourself with the lowest-calorie foods, we can conclude that it will not be difficult to compose a varied and comfortable menu for weight loss from them. It is important that the amount of energy received is less than that expended. If you make the calculations and adhere to this rule, then everyone is able to have the desired weight.


In addition to the number of calories, when choosing foods for weight loss, it is necessary to take into account their vitamin and mineral composition, as well as their compatibility with each other. In addition to energy, the body requires various essential substances that must be supplied with food. This also needs to be taken into account when drawing up a diet for weight loss.

There are also small secrets. Some low-calorie foods help burn fat.

The term "negative calorie" has recently appeared, and still causes a lot of controversy. The fact is that for the breakdown and assimilation of some foods by the body, more energy is required than they contain. These foods are high in fiber. Accordingly, for their "processing" the body spends the stored energy, i.e. extra calories. For example, to assimilate 100 g of celery, you need to spend 14 kcal, but it itself contains only 12. Such products include many vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, herbs, spices and algae. Using this property of products, you can enhance the slimming effect or create your own nutritional system.

The amount of water content in the product also plays an important role. So, in cucumbers it is not less than 95%, in watermelon - not less than 92%, and in carrots - more than 90%. Such low-calorie foods will provide saturation, cleanse the body of harmful substances, but will not contribute to excess weight.

The most beneficial for weight loss will be the inclusion in the diet of foods that are not only low in calories, but also have fat burning properties:

  • Cabbage, cucumbers, beets, sweet peppers, celery, squash, zucchini;
  • Ginger, cinnamon;
  • Green tea;
  • Citrus fruits, especially grapefruit (it must be remembered that the septum is especially useful for the process of burning fat, therefore citrus fruits, after peeling, must be eaten whole)
  • A pineapple;
  • Raspberries;
  • Mushrooms.

These foods will diversify your diet and help you do more by burning calories.

In order for a low-calorie diet to really bring benefits and the desired effect, I would like to give several recommendations:

  1. When designing menus and counting calories, do not forget about the way of cooking. The body gets the most benefits from fresh foods. Therefore, eat whatever you can raw.
  2. Meat and seafood are best boiled or grilled.
  3. Vegetables can be stewed, baked, boiled, or eaten fresh.
  4. Mushrooms are best boiled or stewed.
  5. A large number of desserts and salads can be prepared from vegetables and fruits. Use low fat yogurt as a dressing.
  6. Don't forget about dairy products.
  7. Try to avoid anything that will increase the calorie content of foods.
  8. If you have a sweet tooth, honey tea and fruit may well satisfy your sweet tooth.
  9. Remember the benefits of physical activity, they strengthen the body, make it work harder and renew itself.

Watch your diet, do not neglect moderation in food, and a blooming appearance and a slender, beautiful figure will always be with you.

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Sitting on diets is fashionable these days. Freshly baked weight loss techniques replace each other almost as often as clothes on high catwalks. In fruitless attempts to find an ideal figure, many adhere to one or the other of such a diet.

But there is nothing easier than losing those extra pounds forever. All you need is to develop your diet in such a way that low-calorie foods make up the lion's share of it.


You should not indulge yourself with illusions: your favorite cheese with an indication of high fat content on the wrapper, fried potatoes with all kinds of sauces, spicy sausage with pieces of bacon or donuts soaked in sugar syrup for weight loss are not at all suitable and will not fall into this category by definition.

The lowest-calorie foods are fresh, not thermally processed vegetables and fruits, berries, low-fat dairy products, light meats and fish. They can be eaten in any combination and in almost any quantity: even if you chew 3 kilograms of cucumbers or apples per day, it is unlikely that this will have a detrimental effect on your figure, but it will be very useful for losing weight.

What foods are the lowest in calories and can be used for weight loss? The list below of the approximate calorie content per 100 g of product will help you navigate the menu, and the table below includes the exact calorie content of each product individually.

0–20 kcal: any greens, bamboo shoots, cucumbers, watercress, lettuce, white radish, tomatoes.

The more water in a vegetable or fruit, the less calories it contains, because water does not contain any substances. That is why the presented vegetables weigh practically nothing in terms of energy: they have the highest water content.

For weight loss, pay special attention to greens: being deprived, in fact, of calories, it contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

20-30 kcal: lemon, bell pepper, celery, pumpkin, broccoli, coriander, spinach, mushrooms, almost all cabbage varieties, eggplant, lingonberry.

This list, again, includes only the healthiest and most important foods for weight loss.

For example, lemon helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, bell peppers contain a record amount of vitamin C, which supports our immunity, and pumpkin is an excellent prophylactic agent against ailments of the cardiovascular system.

30-40 kcal: zucchini, strawberries, grapefruit, melon, radish, limes, watermelon, green beans, pomelo, onions, peaches, radish, low-fat yogurt.

Fruits are slightly more nutritious than vegetables that contain a lot of water. That is why they have entered our list just now. This is due to the fact that fruits contain natural sugars, which are the reason why fruits taste sweet.

Nevertheless, many effective diets for weight loss have been compiled on the basis of fruits, and the daily inclusion of fruits in the diet will help the body to be nourished with vitamins and energy.

In addition, not all fruits are created equal in calories. For example, in 100 g of watermelon there are only 30 kcal, unlike, for example, grapes, in 100 g of which there are already 67 kcal. In addition, some fruits actively burn excess fat! For example, grapefruit is an excellent tool for losing weight - a quarter of this citrus fruit destroys as much as 800 kcal in the body!

40-50 kcal: apples, carrots, oranges, plums, nectarines, celery root and stalks, apricots, beets, blackberries, gooseberries, feijoa, cranberries, low-fat kefir, skim milk.

Natural milk in the energy sense will weigh more. For example, the calorie content of 2.5% kefir will be 50 kcal, and the usual homemade one will already be 63.3 kcal.

50-60 kcal: cherries, red currants, pears, raspberries, blueberries, potatoes.

Despite the calorie content, the foods included in this list must be on the menu of all family members.

Cherries - for their unique ability to cleanse the blood of toxins and harmful compounds, blueberries - for their ability to maintain eye health, red currants - for the ability to remove salts of heavy metals from the body.

60–70 kcal: cherry, kiwi, pomegranate, grapes, black currant, mango.

It is better not to overeat some of the products on this list. For example, grapes, a kilogram of which can be easily knocked out and not even noticed. Cherries also disappear from the bowl phenomenally quickly. But pomegranate, for all its calorie content, is extremely useful for the body, having a beneficial effect on the composition and quality of blood.

Low-calorie meats - chicken, veal, turkey, lean beef. Flounder, carp, pike, perch, as well as shrimp, squid, crab meat - all these lean seafood can also be included in the menu.


Low-calorie recipes are usually made up of the same low-calorie ingredients. These can be recipes for fresh vegetable or fruit salads, vegetable snacks. Low-calorie and recipes with a minimum amount of vegetable and butter, sugar, fatty meats and fish, eggs, or those in which these products are absent at all.

Cereals with vegetables, first courses in vegetable broth, cuts of meat or low-fat fish baked in foil with spices, steamed vegetables - all these recipes contain a minimum of calories with maximum benefit.

It is noteworthy that quite ordinary recipes for very energy-dense dishes can be altered in such a way that there are few calories in them and they are quite suitable for losing weight.

For example, when preparing ordinary kefir pancakes, for example, using kefir with the indication of "0% fat" on the package instead of the usual one, natural low-calorie sweeteners such as stevia instead of sugar and frying not in oil, but without it at all - in a non-stick frying pan. Or take, for example, recipes for meat cooked in the oven.

Most of them use mayonnaise, which cannot be called a dietary or low-calorie sauce. Meanwhile, the problem is easily solvable. It is very easy to replace it with low-fat sour cream, flavored with spices and herbs. This sauce will be much healthier and, by the way, tastier.

And if you can't imagine your life without sweets, choose dessert recipes, again, with low-calorie ingredients. You can replace sugar with the same stevia, it is better to take milk with low fat or with a minimum fat content. Unable to give up chocolate?

Then it is better to take one with a cocoa content of at least 72%: yes, it is dark chocolate, but it does not contain excess sugar and milk. The best sweets for tea for you can be marshmallow, marshmallow and marmalade.

If store-bought sweets don't inspire confidence, you can easily make them yourself: simple and easy-to-prepare recipes for them are well known and are featured on many culinary Internet sites.


Liquid ideal in terms of calorie content - water, green and black tea, herbal teas, black coffee. They weigh ... 0 calories. Of course, provided that two or three teaspoons of sugar or honey are not added to them and 100-200 ml of cream or fat milk is not poured in.

Complex drinks, such as cocktails, recipes for which include milk, sweeteners, cream, are often not worth consuming. Well, it is also not forbidden to conjure over them, slightly modifying the classic recipes.

The table below will help you figure out the calorie content of foods and create the optimal menu for the day. Hanging out in a conspicuous place in the kitchen, such a table with an indication of the energy value of each product will help prepare tasty and healthy meals for the whole family.

The product's name Calorie content per 100 g of product, kcal
Greens 13
Cucumbers 15
Tomatoes 19
Radish 19
Asparagus 20
Spinach 22
Zucchini 23
Green beans 24
Eggplant 24
Cabbage 27
Pumpkin 28
Mushrooms 30
Onion 41
Peas 55
Potato 83
Fruits and berries
Lemon 31
Mandarin 38
Orange 38
Pear 42
Raspberries 42
Plum 43
Peaches 44
Apples 45
Apricots 46
Cherry 52
Garnet 52
Milk and fermented milk products
Low fat kefir 30
Skim milk 31
Fat-free cottage cheese 88
Sour cream 10% 115
Cream 10% 116
Meat and offal
Beef liver 125
Low-fat chicken 135
Veal 131
Chicken liver 140
Beef tongue 146
Rabbit meat 183
Beef 187
Fish and seafood
Seaweed 50
Mussels 50
Pollock 70
Squid 75
Cod 78
Blue whiting 81
Burbot 92
Zander 97

Such a table will serve as a strong help to housewives who care about the health of all members of their family. However, your own table based on the proposed one may include many more products: it all depends on the individual preferences of each of the household members.