How many calories are in dates. Is the Mono Date Diet the perfect way to lose weight for those with a sweet tooth? Dried dates to cleanse the intestinal tract

04.05.2019 Egg dishes

Dates are considered an exotic representative of dried fruits. Date palm fruit has a very sweet taste. Many people use them in their diet as a daily product, and some use them in order to lose weight.

Calculating Calories and Carbs

In order to use them in diets, you first need to figure out how many calories are in dates. On the one hand, the calorie content of dates is quite high. For instance, 100 g of dried fruit contains about 340 kcal of energy... But on the other hand, how many kcal in dates would not be, eating a lot of them is quite difficult.

But still I wonder how many calories are in a date? Everything is very simple. Average, one date contains 23 calories. Therefore, they are often used for weight loss. A simple substitution of dates for sweets will already allow the body to easily get rid of several kilograms of unnecessary weight. AND a ten-day diet on dates will help you get rid of 6 kg of excess weight.

How many carbohydrates are in dates? Dates contain 45-87% carbohydrates. And they, in turn, are 29 g of natural sugar.The carbohydrates in dates aid in the absorption of the oil. The fruits also contain 23 amino acids (many of them are not found in apples, bananas and oranges), 15 minerals and salts, 6.4-11.5% dietary fiber (reduce the likelihood of cancer), 0.5-3% pectin, 0.2-0.5% fat, various vitamins,pantothenic acid (helps to better absorb carbohydrates), riboflavin, niacin.

Beneficial features

The fruits of dates are used for violations of potency, for diseases of the cardiovascular system. They help relieve chronic fatigue, improve kidney and liver function, and normalize the nervous system. When dates are consumed, beneficial intestinal microflora develops, immunity increases and strengthens, acid balance normalizes, teeth strengthen, and, importantly, cancer prevention occurs.

Diet with dates

If you follow the date diet, it is necessary to consume only dates and drink a large amount of liquid (unsweetened tea or water) for several days. Initially, the date diet seems light and simple. But in reality, like other mono diets, it is complex. The fact is that sweet dates become boring much faster than bland food. The date diet usually lasts only a few days. But if there is a desire to extend it, then you will need to add vegetables and fruits that do not contain a lot of starch to the diet.

Date diet menu

  • In the first days of the diet, you can eat no more than 200-300 grams of dates.
  • Drink from 2 liters of liquid per day.
  • From the fourth day of the diet, you need to introduce apples (preferably green) and citrus fruits. And then dates can be eaten no more than 200 grams per day.
  • It is advisable to eat grapefruit or apple at one meal.
  • This power system is designed for a maximum of 10 days.

Pros and cons of diet

Before starting the date diet, it is necessary to determine all the pros and cons of dates.

Pros of the date diet :

  • Dates normalize brain function and strengthen the heart.
  • A limited number of dates promotes calorie burning and weight loss.
  • Diet on dates promotes good mood and helps relieve stress.
  • The immune system is strengthened.
  • Within 10 days it is possible to lose weight from 3 to 5 kg.
  • Frequent headaches are excluded, as is the case with other diets.

Cons of the date diet:

  • If you consume dates for a long time, it can lead to digestive problems or vitamin deficiency.
  • Inadequate balanced nutrition. In this regard, the diet on dates cannot last long.
  • For migraines, diabetes, and kidney stones, the diet should not be used.

It is important to remember that it is not recommended to use the date diet often. !

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Few people know, but dates can be not only beneficial, but also some harm to the human body, if you do not know some of the nuances of the composition of dried fruit.

The amazing fruits of the date palm are an exotic delicacy, familiar to everyone from childhood. In countries where dates grow, it is always warm, and the sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the ripening of fruits, contributing to a high concentration of trace elements. In numerous photos you can see a variety of varieties, and appreciate the magnificence of date bunches. Exotic fruits are on sale in dried or dried form, they are distinguished by a sweet taste and high nutritional value.

Today in our article you will learn about the beneficial properties of dates, how much they should be consumed, and to whom they are contraindicated.

Useful properties of dates

The benefits and harms of dates for the body of women are determined by the chemical composition of the dried fruit and it is obvious that the beneficial properties prevail. Photos of date palms with heavy bunches of fruits are admired for their beauty, symbolizing fertility and prosperity. In Arab countries, the product is a component of the diet of local residents, and oriental sages argue that by including the fruits of the date palm in the daily menu, you can strengthen the immune system and significantly increase life expectancy.

What are the benefits of dates, and how many pieces can you eat each day? Dried fruit has a surprisingly balanced composition, which is why it is called "desert bread". The fruit is leading in the content of silicon, pantothenic acid, chromium and potassium, and also contains:

  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • valuable amino acids;
  • vitamins of group B, A, C, D and K.

Dietary fiber and pectin significantly reduce the risk of developing oncological diseases of the digestive tract and intestines, serve as a breeding ground for the development of beneficial bacteria and maintain the acid-base balance of the body. Selenium protects the cardiovascular system, and the high fluoride content supports oral health, leveling the development of caries! A huge amount of glucose has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and increases its performance by 20-30%.

Dried fruits contain a high percentage of glucose and sucrose, the moderate consumption of which does not harm the body. Only 10 - 12 fruits of the date palm fully meet the body's needs for vital vitamins and minerals.

The high calorie content of dates is not an obstacle for women striving for a healthy lifestyle and ideal weight. How many fruits can you eat every day without harm to your health? Just a few pieces 15 to 20 minutes before meals will help reduce appetite, which will significantly reduce the size of your main meals.

Using dates - benefits and variety

The date palm fruit is widespread in Arabian cooking and is used in the preparation of everyday food and a variety of delicacies. Photos of oriental dishes are tempting with their magnificence, and dates are an ideal addition - they are added to salads, pastries and desserts. Date honey is very popular, it is not inferior in its healing characteristics to bee honey, and in many respects it surpasses it at times. Dried fruits can be eaten every day, they are served with tea or washed down with milk, which significantly increases the absorption of beneficial trace elements.

From the fruits of the date palm, a long-term pasta is prepared, which is a natural substitute for sugar and is used to make excellent low-alcohol drinks, jelly and confectionery. The product can be served every day with any type of meat, which will give a piquancy to the dish and an unforgettable taste!

Valuable flour is obtained from substandard fruits and residual date mass after pressing. Experts in wise Eastern medicine recommend the daily consumption of date flour mixed with milk. The drink lowers blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels and minimizes the development of strokes and heart attacks. The systematic use of dried dates or pasta improves digestion, helps cleanse the intestines from deposits of toxins and toxic compounds.

1 kg of dried fruit contains about 3 thousand calories. Based on these data, it is easy to determine how many calories the body will receive after eating dates.

In Israel, date coffee, made from ground seeds of dried fruits, is widespread. In terms of taste, the drink is not inferior to the best varieties of coffee, but it has benefits for the body - it strengthens blood vessels, does not remove excessive amounts of fluid and saturates the body with useful microelements.

Forewarned is forearmed

The benefits of dates are obvious, but, like any product, they have contraindications for use.

People prone to allergic reactions should be wary of consuming dried dates and pasta.

Date palm fruits have a high glycemic index, which can cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels. Therefore, the product is not recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus - it should be excluded from the diet.

Dried exotic fruit is used with caution for colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. It is recommended to eat no more than 4 - 5 dates per day.

The product is under an absolute ban for people suffering from monosaccharide (fructose) intolerance. Otherwise, there is discomfort in the intestines, manifested by increased gas production and bloating.

Date palm fruits have high energy value, which is the main contraindication for those who are inclined to be overweight.

It should not be forgotten that excessive amounts of eaten fruits cause indigestion, constipation and inflammation of the pancreas. This is especially true for women who are prone to gaining excess weight!

Exotic fruits during pregnancy

A large number of women do not suspect that the benefits of dates for the body are invaluable! How many dried fruits can you eat every day? Expectant nursing mothers should know that during the crucial period of carrying a baby, childbirth and breastfeeding, a sweet fruit (10 - 12 pcs. Per day) may well replace synthetic vitamin and mineral preparations. So, the use of exotic fruits every day enables a young mother to prepare the body for labor, minimizes postpartum bleeding and the timing of uterine contraction. It will be useful for a nursing mother to learn about the advantages of dates:

  • the high content of calcium and phosphorus in the fruits of the date palm increases the strength of bone tissue, which is useful for women of any age and has a beneficial effect on the formation of the musculoskeletal system of the fetus;
  • fructose has a calming effect on the nervous system of a nursing mother, increases brain activity and endurance;
  • a high content of folic acid is incredibly important during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus. It is enough to eat several pieces of dried fruits every day in order to minimize the risks of pathologies associated with a lack of an important trace element;
  • potassium allows the expectant mother to cope with the symptoms of toxicosis, and the nursing one - to establish the work of the digestive tract and increase the production of breast milk;
  • the huge iron content maintains hemoglobin at a level that promotes hematopoiesis and oxygen supply to all systems and organs, which is important for women of all ages.

Scientists have found that the exotic product contains oxytocin - a special substance that strengthens the walls of the uterus, and this, in turn, makes it possible to bear the fetus and give birth to a healthy baby in due time.

The benefits of dates during lactation

For the full development and protection of the child's immunity, he needs breastfeeding. What are the benefits of dates for women during lactation, and how many pieces can be considered the norm of consumption? A nursing mother just needs to consume exotic fruits every day, and the calorie content of dates allows you to increase the amount and nutritional value of breast milk produced.

An important factor in favor of including dates in the daily diet is the high content of tryptophanic acid in them, which helps to get rid of the depressive conditions that accompany the postpartum period. In addition, serotonin, or otherwise "the hormone of happiness" helps a nursing mother to adapt to increased physical and emotional stress, and this has the best effect on the development of the baby!

Another important aspect not only for women in labor, but for all women! Tryptophanic acid and melatonin, contained in the pulp of dates, calm the nervous system, have a relaxing effect, which allows you to optimize sleep phases, make it easier for the baby and nursing mother to fall asleep.

Dates during pregnancy and breastfeeding are very useful, and contraindications to their use are standard and apply to women of any age!

How to choose dried fruit

Without a doubt, the best fruits are found where they grow. Fruits that are naturally ripened and dried on a palm tree are most beneficial. Dates are distinguished by a variety of varieties that can only be seen in the photo. On the shelves of our stores there are fruits grown and prepared industrially. To speed up the process, the fruit is heat treated in special drying chambers or soaked in sugar syrup. Look carefully at the photo - "correct" fruits have a rounded shape, uniform brown or bluish color, dry skin without wrinkles and cracks.

In order not to harm the body and get benefits when choosing, be guided by the following criteria:

  • mature dates have a deep uniform color (as in the photo), light fruits indicate insufficient maturity;
  • the dried fruit must be whole and not tough;
  • cracked skin indicates a violation of the thermal regime during cooking;
  • it is not recommended to purchase shriveled dates with a fermentation smell, as well as stuck together fruits with traces of white bloom;
  • to maintain a liquid look, date palm fruits can be treated with vegetable fat instead of sulfur dioxide. In this case, the feature is the shiny surface of the fruit;
  • if you are going to introduce dates into your daily diet, then the choice should fall on fruits with seeds, which contain the greatest amount of nutrients.

The sugar surface of the fruit is a breeding ground for the development of microorganisms - bacteria and mold. It should also be borne in mind that the gifts of nature, before getting to our table, go a long way: they were collected by hand, stored in various containers under the open sky, transported and processed. Therefore, before eating, the product is always soaked for 20 - 30 minutes, after which it is washed under a gentle stream of warm water.

Dates are the fruits of the palm of the same name that can be eaten. Moreover, in our country, they are most often eaten dried or slightly anchored. It is believed that eating only this fruit and water, a person can live for several years, the content of useful elements is so great in them.

Date palms first appeared in Egypt, in the Euphrates and Nile valleys. Today this fruit is brought to our country from Spain, Africa and Italy. It should be noted that dates in African countries are not just a sweet fruit, but a complete food product, which sometimes replaces bread.

Are dates good for you?

Dates have health benefits that are difficult to dispute. It has been known for a long time that this fruit is able to give masculine strength, endurance and significantly increase the duration and quality of life.

Dates have the ability to strengthen the liver, kidneys, heart

They inhabit the intestines with beneficial bacteria, without which it cannot function properly.

Dates have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora

Moreover, it is the dates that feed the blood and play an important role in strengthening the body's strength.

It is worth noting that the beneficial properties of dates bring such benefits to the body:

  • saturation with useful substances;
  • general health improvement;
  • help in the healing of certain diseases;
  • satisfying the need for vitamins and minerals.

For a long time, dates have been used by the inhabitants of Arab countries as a constituent element for the preparation of jelly, compotes, flour, and also some other drinks.

Dates, their chemical composition: table

Dates contain the following substances:

  • Tryptophan: Essential for harmonious brain function, it also helps prevent aging of cells in the body.
  • Glutamic acid: has the ability to normalize the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Selenium: participates in suppressing the activity of cancer cells, and also strengthens the immune system and heart muscle.

Vitamin composition

Dates contain vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body:

  • vitamin A (89 mcg), has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision;
  • vitamin B1 (0.09 mg), helps the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats in the human body, releases the energy necessary for physical activity;
  • vitamin B2 (0.1 mg), helps in transporting oxygen to the cells of the body, participates in wound healing;
  • vitamin B5 (0.78 mg), helps the assimilation of sugars that date contains in its composition, due to which a person receives energy, endurance and physical strength;

B vitamins are found in dates
  • niacin (2.2 mg), helps to restore calmness of the excited nervous system;
  • vitamin B6 (0.19mg), helps muscles to work properly, as well as their effective relaxation;
  • vitamin B9 (13 μg), promotes the renewal of blood cells and a qualitative improvement in its composition;
  • vitamin E (0.1 mg), protects the cells of the body from aging;
  • vitamin K (2.7 μg), strengthens bone tissue, as well as heart and lung tissue.

The composition of trace elements

Dates differ not only in the variety of vitamins.

The trace elements contained in them are also very valuable for the human body:

  • potassium (652mg): has a supportive effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  • calcium (64mg): needed to strengthen bones;
  • magnesium (35mg): normalizes blood pressure;
  • sodium (3mg): maintains the water-salt balance in the body;
  • phosphorus (40mg): strengthens dental tissue, helps in recuperation.

Note! Dates are rich in vitamins and minerals that are difficult to find in the same amount in other fruits. Moreover, the content of carbohydrates, which benefit the body, in dates is twice as high as in other fruits.

The nutritional value

Dates are the perfect nutritious food

Besides, this fruit is recognized as almost ideal food, which has the ability to replenish the lack of vitaminsnecessary for the body, but also bring undoubted health benefits. Ripe dates contain 80% sugar and 20% vegetable fibers, proteins and trace elements.

Calorie content in 1 piece

Dates, despite the variety of varieties, have an equal calorie content. The average number of calories per date palm fruit is 23 kcal... However, the Algerian variety Deglet Nur contains twice as many calories, approximately 45. And the variety Medjul also exceeds this figure, having 66 kcal in its composition.

Calorie content per 100g

The calorie content of 100 g of dates is 275 kcal, if the fruits have seeds, then the calorie content will increase by about 8-10 units.

Date with stone - more high-calorie

If the dates are dried, then the calorie content of 100 g will be 292 kcal. Naturally, fresh fruit will have a lower calorie content, it will be equal to about 240 kcal.

Calorie content of dates with dried seeds

The calorie content of pitted dates is not too different from pitted dates, it increases slightly and is approximately 283 kcal.

Dates, useful properties and contraindications

Royal is the variety of dates best known to consumers.... It is these fruits that have the highest taste characteristics, very delicate pulp, as well as an unsurpassed aroma. This variety has a high price, but if you just try it once, you will not want to try other varieties.

It should be noted that the calorie content of dates of the royal variety practically does not differ from those of other varieties. It is equal to 274 kcal per 100 g, therefore, one fruit has a caloric content of 23 units.

What are dates useful for the human body?

You can highlight the properties that these fruits have:

  • dates have the ability to meet the daily fiber requirement of the intestines, thereby ensuring its proper functioning. Regular consumption of this valuable fruit can significantly reduce the risk of colitis, hemorrhoids and bowel cancer;
  • the rich magnesium content makes dates a natural antibiotic that fights all sorts of inflammatory diseases;
  • selenium, phosphorus and calcium contained in dates have a productive effect on bone tissue and tooth enamel, strengthening and healing them;

Dates are good for tooth enamel
  • eating dates regularly helps stabilize and lower blood pressure;
  • b vitamins, which are part of dates, help maintain youth and beauty of the skin;
  • minerals contained in dates help prevent anemia, and regular consumption of this fruit during the last trimester of pregnancy helps prepare the body for labor;
  • dates contain sulfur, which reduces the manifestation of allergic reactions of various origins, including seasonal.

Interesting fact! Despite such a rich list of benefits that the use of dates gives, people still consider them a luxurious dessert, and nothing more. Although scientists unanimously say that to maintain the health of the body as a whole, it is necessary to consume dates on an ongoing basis. However, not everything is so rosy.

Dates are not recommended for overweight people due to illness

There is a clear list of indications, the presence of which in a person makes the use of dates undesirable:

  • existing allergy to substances that are in dates;
  • diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcers, diseases of the pancreas and liver;
  • being overweight or obese due to metabolic disorders.

As you can see, dates have undoubted benefits for the body, in what exactly is it manifested?

First of all, dates, due to the presence of a large amount of minerals and vitamins, are ideal food for children... Moreover, these fruits simply cannot contain various bacteria and microbes, which makes them completely safe.

Dates are the right food for children

Secondly, regular intake of dates, helps to increase brain activity by 30%, which allows not only to quickly restore lost strength, but also to increase the overall performance of the body during a period of serious stress.

Third, dates have the ability to reduce the negative effects of antibiotics on some organs and systems of the human body. That is why doctors often recommend using these fruits during treatment.

Fourthly, dates have an important feature, they are able to remove harmful substances from the bodythat are present in water and air, in unfavorable territories. In addition, the beneficial elements that dates have in their composition are able to reduce the concentration of carcinogens in the human body.

The benefits of dates for a woman's body

A woman's body is a very thin structure, which necessarily needs to maintain the necessary balance of vitamins and minerals. That is why it is so important to eat dates.

They are able to bring a lot of benefits to a woman, namely:

  • improve the condition of the skin by increasing its elasticity;
  • fill the body with strength for tiring sports training;
  • satisfy hunger without overloading the body;
  • during lactation, dates improve lactation and increase the beneficial qualities of milk;
  • dates raise the general vitality and mood.

Why are dates useful for women after 50?

Dates are a product that can heal any organism.

For women who have crossed the 50th milestone, they are a lot of benefits:

  • slow down the aging process;
  • maintain hormonal balance at the proper level;
  • protect against the onset of cancer;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive tract, reducing the likelihood of constipation;
  • reduce the risk of anemia;
  • improve brain function.

Why dates are useful for men

Dates can bring a lot of useful things to the male body, including:

  1. Increasing the body's resistance, thanks to which men can engage in serious physical labor without much effort and withstand heavy loads.
  2. Increased libido and male strength. Such an effect on potency has been proven by clinical studies, moreover, it is dates that can significantly increase the quality of sperm and the ability to conceive.

For men, dates are no less useful.

Note! Dates infused with goat milk have a downright miraculous effect on the male body, relieving various diseases of the genitourinary system and increasing the overall tone of the body.

Dates reduce the negative effects of alcoholic beverages, which is why they are recommended to be consumed before large feasts.

Why are dates useful for pregnant women?

The benefits of this dried fruit also extend to women who are in a delicate situation. It is the composition of the minerals contained in dates that allows you to balance the hormonal background of a pregnant woman.

Also, in addition, they can bring the following benefits:

  • increase the synthesis of hemoglobin, which is needed not only for the intrauterine development of the baby, but also for his mother during the feeding period;
  • improve milk production during lactation;
  • relieve intestinal problems, including constipation, as well as prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids, which are common in pregnant women;

You can eat dates every day during pregnancy.
  • restore strength after childbirth;
  • dates help to strengthen the fetus in the uterus, due to which they are a kind of prevention of abortion;
  • dull birth pain.

What are the most useful dates?

The most useful fruits of the date palm are those that have a smooth surface, matte shade, without excess gloss. You should not buy dates covered with sugar crystals, as well as those specimens that have cracks in the skin.

Pay attention to the presence of a tail on dates.

If it is present, this is a good sign, indicating that the fruit was plucked by hands, which means that it did not fall to the ground, did not get dirty or injured.

It is worth taking a closer look at the dates, which are sold hanging from the branch on which they grew. This suggests that this variety is of high quality and excellent indicators of taste and health.

Dates of the "Unabi" variety, originally from China, are worthy of special attention; they are famous not only for their delicate taste, but also for the real power of healing. Moreover, it is believed that not only the date fruit itself, but also its stems, has the ability to cure various diseases. This variety is distinguished by its increased ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Date seeds, do they have useful properties?

Do not throw away the bones that remain from the dates you have eaten. They can be used both for the treatment of specific diseases and for the general improvement of the body.

To do this, you can do the following:

  • a decoction of seeds has excellent abilities to heal diseases of the urinary system;
  • date seed powder can help with indigestion;
  • by brewing the seeds of dates and drinking the resulting liquid instead of tea, you can not only remove edema, but also support visual function;
  • treatment of wounds or eyes with a decoction of dates, allows you to remove inflammatory processes and prevent infection of open abscesses.

Dates, what are the benefits and harms for the body

Dates are a fruit that has a unique value for the body, largely due to the fact that it contains almost the entire range of useful minerals and vitamins.

Dates may not be good for everyone

Such a composition allows you to establish the smooth operation of almost all systems and organs of the human body.

Dates, benefits and harms for women

Dates, regularly consumed by women, both dried and fresh, can significantly improve health.


  • to suspend the development of aging processes;
  • reduce psychological and physical stress;
  • level the course of menopause;
  • relieve pain during menstruation;

Dates can relieve discomfort on critical days

However, the date-based diet has some disadvantages:

  • dried fruits have the ability to retain moisture in tissues;
  • muscle tissue builds slowly when dates are consumed;
  • it is very difficult to consume rather sweet dates for several days in a row.

Dates, health benefits and harms

In general, we can single out such undoubted benefits of dates for the human body:

  • Strengthening tooth enamel and bone tissue
  • General strengthening of the body, including the heart and its vessels, immunity, joints, liver and kidneys, improving the quality of the blood and maintaining a healthy intestinal microflora.

The body will be fine with the use of dates
  • An incredible increase in human performance, in particular, brain activity.
  • The presence of melatonin in dates helps to improve sleep and rest, relieving insomnia.
  • General improvement in mood and vitality of the body.

Do not consume more than ten dates a day.

Otherwise, the development of such negative consequences may occur:

  • the occurrence of allergies;
  • the use of dates before bedtime can provoke the onset of congestion in the intestines;
  • high calorie dates can increase body weight;
  • people with diabetes should use these fruits with great care;
  • suppression of nervous processes, the occurrence of drowsiness and lethargy;
  • overeating dates can worsen tooth enamel.

Better to combine dates with citrus fruits

Note! Dates are best absorbed and consumed along with citrus fruits, or any other acidic fruit.

Dates and diabetes - benefit or harm

There is a lot of controversy about whether it is beneficial or harmful to eat dates in people who suffer from diabetes. For example, it is noted that Majkhol dates, which grow in Israel, are not at all contraindicated for people with high blood sugar levels. Of course, provided that no more than 100 g of this product is eaten per day.

However, the high sugar content of dates (over 70%) makes them completely unsuitable for people with complex diabetes. But the mild course of the disease makes it possible to consume one or two sweet fruits per day.

Dried dates, what are the benefits and harms

Dried dates are common in our country along with dried dates, they bring undoubted benefits to the human body:

  • fight germs and bacteria;
  • increase the body's resistance to infections;
  • are used to treat the heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs;
  • help to establish the correct functioning of the digestive tract;
  • solve problems of male and female health;
  • help to increase the quality and production of milk during lactation;
  • reduce the risk of blood clots;
  • prevent the development of arthritis.

People with diabetes should not eat dates.

However, do not forget that dried dates can harm the body, namely:

  • increase blood sugar;
  • can cause headaches;
  • can cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, especially when taken before bedtime.

What other diseases and conditions are "treated" with dates?

A useful product like dates can solve many health problems.

It is worth noting that dates can help a person even in such cases:

  • restore strength after a previous illness;
  • solve the problems of impotence;
  • improve labor activity;
  • help with motion sickness in transport;
  • relieve eye fatigue;
  • heal bleeding gums;

Dates will help strengthen your gums
  • relieve dizziness arising from the existence of diseases of the middle ear;
  • remove heavy metal ions from the human body;
  • like aspirin, reduce pain;
  • as a poultice relieve muscle pain.

The benefits and harms of dates - what is the daily rate

Having studied the benefits and harms of eating dates, it is worth noting that it is enough to eat from 3 to 5 fruits per day. This amount is recognized as optimal and sufficient to replenish the body's daily need for vitamins and microelements.

Do not forget that you do not need to eat more than 300 g of dates per day., otherwise you can get stomach problems, due to the fact that this product takes a long time to digest and is able to suspend the work of the intestines.

Add dates to different dishes - have fun and benefit

The competent use of dates will bring nothing but benefit to the human body. On the contrary, it will compensate for the lack of vitamins, strengthen all human systems and organs, and, moreover, with a high degree of probability, will raise mood and vitality.

Learn how to choose the right dates from a useful video review:

Dates: a medicine or a delicacy? Details in the following video:

Dates: benefits and harms to the body. What do you need to know? Watch an interesting video:

Dates are a kind of unique product, their history goes back more than one millennium, they are called “bread of the desert” and food for long-livers. These dried fruits are among the most affordable. They are used in dietary nutrition and replenish strength and energy. The benefits of dates are undeniable, but in some cases there is also harm.

They are used to prepare a wide variety of dishes and amazing drinks.

History of dates

Dates are native to Eastern and African countries. Many scientists are sure that this product was first mentioned in ancient India and Mesopotamia.

Date palms were grown in Babylonia and Ancient Egypt, where they were used to prepare food and wine. Dates were popular not only among the common and poor people, but were also of particular importance for completing the tombs of the pharaohs. There they were not only depicted on the walls, but jugs with dates were placed for the afterlife of the deceased.

There are references to these fruits in religious books, where it is briefly said that it was convenient to take them on long hikes among the deserts.

Among the ancient Arabs, the date tree served as a source of life, which saturates with energy, protects the soul from bad thoughts and cures diseases of the body.

In Macedonia, dates were used for wars, for which these fruits replaced part of the meal before a military campaign.

In China and Japan, dates are part of the diet of centenarians, where it is believed that a person can only eat dates and water.

Date palms are now grown in North Africa, parts of the Libyan and Nubian deserts, the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and southern Iran.

Types of dates

The very name of the fruit "date" means "palm". Date palms grow exclusively in tropical and subtropical regions where there is a lot of sun.

They are also grown on special plantations, where there are several hundred varieties of this fruit.

They are distinguished not only by the variety, but also by the degree of maturity:

  • milky degree of maturity (character) - fruits are dry and hard;
  • medium ripeness (rotab) - fruits are sweet, soft and juicy;
  • the last degree of maturity (tamar) - a thick, fleshy consistency of fruit with a taste of honey

The most popular varieties for growing:

  • Rabi;
  • Kabkab;
  • Sayer;
  • Gantar and others.

They can also be grown at home using varieties:

  • Canary;
  • Robelini.

All these species can be characterized by an oblong-ovoid shape of the fruit and a length of 2 to 6 cm, depending on the variety.

Fresh fruits are dark red in color, and dried ones take on a color from brown to chocolate.

Depending on the type, the fruits can be from 6 to 45 g.

These fruits are incredibly beneficial for the human body. It is worth eating only a few fruits of this dried fruit available to us and the risk of heart attack and stroke will drop significantly. Most of the dates are carbohydrates and fiber, as well as a complete composition of vitamins and minerals. Also, fruits contain up to 60% sugars, a lot of protein, tannins and pectin substances.

Mineral composition of date fruits:

We can say that by the full composition of this dried fruit, you can study the well-known table of chemical elements.

The presence of vitamins PP, C, H, A, E, group B in dates helps to strengthen the immune system and activates the activity of brain receptors.

It is also worth noting that these dried fruits contain a number of important amino acids that ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system. Including tryptophan - an amino acid that is a prophylactic agent against all sorts of tumors.

Calorie content of dates

Eating dates helps to improve the absorption of other foods and significantly speeds up the metabolism. Moreover, these fruits saturate the body well for a long time due to their chemical composition.

There is a special date diet, which involves eating only dates for several days. You can drink unsweetened drinks such as tea or water. If, after three days, there is a desire to extend the diet, it is better to introduce freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices into the diet.

Power example:

  • in the first three days - 250 g of dates a day, while drinking boiled or filtered water (about 2 liters) in small sips throughout the day;
  • on the fourth day, add apple, orange and grapefruit juice to the food (half a glass each).

It is better not to follow such a diet for more than five days.

You can also use these fruits to simply unload the body. Then replace your usual dinner with 200 g of dates.

Or they can replace the consumption of sweet foods (chocolate, candy, baked goods) as follows:

  • wash and chop the dates;
  • peel the peeled walnuts from the bitter skins and also grind them into crumbs with a knife or coffee grinder;
  • mix dates and nuts, add liquid honey;
  • mix the sweet gruel thoroughly and consume it once a day 1 dessert spoon with tea.

Product benefits

The benefits of this dried fruit are undeniable for the human body, regardless of gender and age:

  • for men - increased potency;
  • for women - strengthening the muscles of the reproductive organs;
  • for children - an increase in brain activity during intensive growth and high loads of the school curriculum.

These fruits are also able to remove cholesterol from the blood and strengthen its blood vessels.


Due to their high fructose content, dates can increase blood sugar significantly. Therefore, people prone to high sugar levels (diabetes mellitus) should consume dates with restraint.

And also people with stomach and intestinal ulcers, as well as chronic constipation during periods of exacerbation of the disease should not eat these fruits at all.

How to choose and store

Dates can be bought packaged at regular stores or specialty stores by weight. The main thing to pay attention to is the integrity of the packaging and the appearance of the fruits themselves. They must be dry, not crumpled or damaged by pests.

If the surface of the fruit is slightly sticky, it is covered in sugar syrup. Thus, the shelf life is artificially increased. It is imperative to see if there is a stem on the date. Its presence speaks not only of quality, but also that there are no worms in dried fruits.

Quality dates taste sweet or slightly sugary.

It is better to store them at home in paper packaging and in a plastic bag in a cool place for several months.

Cooking use

Dates are widely used in food preparation, drinks and baked goods.

The famous sour tamarind paste is prepared from them, which is added to soups and main courses. By the way, tamarind is another name for dates.

Fresh, fried or dried fruits are added to biscuit dough, porridge, salads, or simply served on a tea socket.

Very interesting in taste are jelly, compotes, jams or date (tamarind) honey.

It is a kind of fruit syrup that can be added to sweet dishes when cooking, or used as jam or preserves. Date honey can be used for filling pies. Nutritional and energy value of a dish per 100 g: proteins - 2.4 g; fats - 0.4 g; carbohydrates - 65 g; 266 kcal


  • pitted tamarind - 1 kg;
  • boiled chilled water - 2 liters.


  1. We wash the dried fruits and cut them arbitrarily, fill them with water in a saucepan.
  2. Cook over moderate heat for about two hours with the lid half closed.
  3. Stir so that the fruits cook evenly.
  4. After the specified time, turn off the heating and let it cool at room temperature. In this case, the lid must be tightly closed.
  5. We put the colander on a saucepan or a cup. Put cheesecloth in a colander and pour the contents of the pan into it and wring it out.
  6. Now we put the syrup on the fire to boil. Cook over medium heat for about 15-20 minutes.
  7. Leave the finished honey to cool with the lid open. If honey is decomposed and capped hot, it will mold during storage.
  8. We put them in sterilized jars and close them with lids.
  9. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 6 months.
  10. By the way, date cake can be used as a filling for pies.

Sweet pilaf with dates

One of the favorite dishes of vegetarians and people who, for some reason, should not eat meat. The dish is very hearty and sweet. Perfect for feeding children. Nutritional and energy value of a dish per 100 g: proteins - 4.5 g; fats - 6.7 g; carbohydrates - 67.5 g; 289.9 kcal.


  • pitted dates - 50 g;
  • pitted prunes - 50 g;
  • dried apricots without seeds - 50 g;
  • steamed rice groats - 150 g;
  • flower honey - to taste;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch.


  1. Put dried fruits in one bowl and fill with warm water and set aside for 10 minutes.
  2. Then rinse and cut into strips.
  3. Pour dried fruits into a saucepan, fill with warm water and boil over moderate heat for several minutes.
  4. Add cinnamon and honey. By the way, it can be replaced with sugar or fructose.
  5. Without rinsing the rice grits, add it to the pan. At this point, there should be enough water so that the rice is slightly covered.
  6. Close the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to a minimum.
  7. Simmer the dish until the rice is cooked with the lid closed. We do not stir during the extinguishing process, but we check if the water has not boiled away.

An easy-to-prepare dish, it will be an excellent afternoon snack or addition to breakfast. Nutritional and energy value of the dish per 100 g: proteins - 10.1 g; fats - 9.4 g; carbohydrates - 21.1 g; 212 kcal.



  1. Combine cottage cheese with sour cream and knead with a fork until smooth. By the way, if you take soft homemade cottage cheese, you can do without sour cream.
  2. We wash the dates and soak them in warm water.
  3. Separately in a bowl, pour candied fruits with warm water.
  4. Beat the egg a little and add to the curd. We mix everything.
  5. Chop candied fruits and dates finely, add to cottage cheese. We mix.
  6. Pour semolina and flour there. Knead the casserole dough. Leave for 15 minutes so that the grains swell well.
  7. Line the baking dish with cooking paper and grease with oil.
  8. We spread the dough and grease with a beaten egg.
  9. We send to bake in a hot oven at a temperature of 180 ° C for 30-40 minutes.

Homemade date sweets with coffee

Handmade homemade sweets will always be a pleasant surprise for guests. And with their modeling, you can perfectly entertain children who will happily eat the healthy sweetness of their preparation. Nutritional and energy value of the dish per 100 g: proteins - 5.4 g; fats - 6.4 g; carbohydrates - 61.6 g; 323.9 kcal.


  • dates - 600 g;
  • flower honey - 150 ml;
  • coffee beans - 20 g;
  • peanuts - 120 g;
  • dried mint - a pinch.


  1. We wash the dates, take out the seeds from them. Put the pulp in an iron sieve.
  2. Place the sieve on a pot of boiling water and steam until soft.
  3. Transfer the pulp into a cup and knead into a gruel. You can wait until it cools and grind in a blender.
  4. Fry coffee beans in a dry frying pan and grind in a coffee grinder to a powdery state. By the way, if you plan to give the dish to children, it is better to replace coffee with cocoa.
  5. Lightly fry the peanuts so that the skins of the nuts come off. Throw out the peel, and grind the nuts into crumbs all in the same coffee grinder.
  6. Put the date gruel, coffee, honey and dried mint in one bowl (if you wish, you can add your favorite spices and seasonings, for example, cinnamon or cardamom). Mix thoroughly.
  7. Form small identical balls from the gruel and roll them in chopped peanuts.
  8. It turns out sweets. They need to be laid on a plate and placed in the refrigerator for a while to solidify.

An excellent recipe for a milkshake, even without sugar, the drink is gentle and sweet in taste.

Nutritional and energy value of the dish per 100 g: proteins - 3 g; fats - 2.9 g; carbohydrates - 18.4 g; 108.7 kcal.


  • milk 3.2% fat - 1 liter;
  • dates - 30 pieces;
  • vanillin - 1 g;
  • salt - 1 g


  1. We wash the dates in warm water, free them from the seeds and put them in a saucepan.
  2. Add vanillin, salt and fill with milk.
  3. We put the pan on the stove and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Then we turn everything into a liquid of a uniform consistency using an immersion blender and let it boil.
  5. We remove the heat and infuse the drink for several hours at room temperature.
  6. Chill in the refrigerator.
  7. Pour into glasses.

More information about the benefits and dangers of dates can be found in the following video:

The fruit of the date palm is a very tasty product that can replace sugar, for example, in the diet of children. It is a dried fruit with high nutritional value and energy value. And its affordability allows it to be included in the daily diet. Just a few pieces a day are enough and dates will soon reveal their useful and unique secrets to you.

In contact with

Dates are one of many people's favorite treats. Many connoisseurs of this fruit are accustomed to using it in dried or dried form, purchasing it on store shelves, but not knowing most of the features of this plant. Let's figure out what kind of fruit it is, and what benefits it brings to our body.

What is this fruit?

Dates are the fruits of the palm tree of the same name, which have been considered a valuable product for a very long time. This is a common food for the inhabitants of Africa and the countries of South-West Asia, and for the rest of the people, the fruits of the date palm are an exotic fruit. There are about 18 different types of dates around the world, each of which is unique in its own way.

Fresh dates look a little different than everyone is used to seeing. The fruits are usually oval in shape. Before the fruits are ripe, they become light in color, and then they become dark red, brownish in color. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, but with a dense consistency, in the center is an oblong, very hard bone. The fruit tastes pleasant and very sweet, on top they are covered with a dense skin, which contains a large amount of trace elements and vitamins.

The most popular way to store dates for a long time is to dry and dry them. This is how they are able not only to preserve all their useful components, but also to increase their concentration several times due to moisture evaporation.

Dates are the most ancient "home" fruit, as they were used not hundreds, but thousands of years ago. In China, the consumption of dates was believed to increase life expectancy and cure many diseases. In ancient Babylon, they were the main food of warriors, as they quickly replenished the lost strength and replenished the body with important components.

Beneficial features

Dates are valued not only for their taste, but also for a large number of useful components, long-term storage, especially in the case of dried or dried with a bone, as well as for a wide range of their use for various ailments.


  • micro- macroelements: selenium, calcium, zinc, copper, chlorine, sulfur, manganese, iron, fluorine, tin, bromine, phosphorus, aluminum, sodium, nickel, silicon;
  • vitamins: ascorbic acid, keratin, prokeratin, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic and nicotinic acid, vitamin D and K;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • sahara.

Benefits for women

Dates should be added to the diet of every young girl and woman of older years, since they:

  • improve all metabolic processes;
  • reduce weight, cleanse the body;
  • have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improve the appearance of the skin and help smooth out wrinkles due to the content of vitamin A in fruits;
  • improve the structure of hair and nails;
  • have a positive effect on the reproductive system of a woman;
  • purify the blood;

  • have a healthy effect on the liver;
  • increase the body's immune capacity;
  • improve visual function;
  • are a measure of prevention of neoplasms;
  • strengthen the vascular walls;
  • reduce the duration of menstruation;
  • have antispasmodic and analgesic effects;
  • stimulate the work of the heart system;
  • have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and muscles, promoting relaxation;
  • positively affect the course of pregnancy and lactation.

Can children eat?

Many mothers often think about whether it is possible to give this very sweet fruit to a child.

Do not limit your child's consumption of dates, especially if your child is over 3 years old.

The unique composition of these fruits will have a great effect on the child's body, enriching it with a vitamin composition, which will increase immunity, as well as a large amount of minerals - this will favorably affect the growth of a small organism. In addition, the sugars contained in the fruits do not contribute to the formation of caries, but on the contrary - the consumption of dates strengthens the tooth enamel due to the variety of microelements and high calcium content.

Children under three years old should be given dates in dosage, since the time for full adaptation has not yet come for them. Introduce these beneficial fruits to the baby's diet by the age of two, adding small pieces to cereals - this way you will make sure that the child tolerates such a product well.


Despite many positive properties, dates also have minimal contraindications:

  • due to the high content of sugars in the fruits of the date palm, they should not be taken by people suffering from diabetes;
  • grade 3-4 abdominal obesity is also a contraindication;
  • fatty degeneration of internal organs such as liver, pancreas, heart;
  • individual intolerance to the components that are part of the dates;
  • excessive overeating of this product can harm your body, so it is worth remembering the dosage of dates.

Nutritional and energy value

For 100 grams of dates, there are:

  • calorie content - 270 kcal;
  • carbohydrates - 69 g;
  • proteins - 2.4 g;
  • fat - 0.5 g.

From the calculation of the BZHU, it can be concluded that the main nutritional value of dates is provided by a large amount of carbohydrates, which is precisely why they are a high-calorie product.

Diet: how and how much to consume?

Despite the high carbohydrate content, dates are able to fight excess body fat. Experienced ladies use them throughout the day to fight hunger, which dates perfectly satisfy. But taking these unique fruits instead of other foods can help the body fill up more quickly and refuse large portions.

In 1 pc. with an average weight of 7 grams contains:

  • calorie content - 18 kcal;
  • carbohydrates - 4.8 g;
  • proteins - 0.15 g;
  • fat - 0.03 g.

It must be remembered that the diet cannot consist of dates alone, as they can negatively affect your body. That is why, during the process of losing weight, it is advised to contact a nutritionist who will assess the individual characteristics of your body and draw up the necessary program.

You can learn even more about the benefits of dates in the following video.