Low-fat dairy products. Are low-fat dairy products harmful to health?

18.04.2019 Snacks

Why do nutritionists advise switching to low fat foods? First of all, this is due to a decrease in the calorie content of consumed foods due to the rejection of fatty foods. Therefore, women actively consume low-fat yoghurts and cottage cheese, milk with the lowest percentage of fat, and refuse everything fried.

There is a certain logic in this: 1 gram contains 9 kilocalories, but 1 gram of carbohydrates or proteins contains only 4 kilocalories. In terms of weight loss, switching to fat-free foods is understandable and really works, but is everything so perfect? The main problem with low-fat foods is that they don't saturate the body. And since low-fat foods do not harm the figure, women begin to eat them without restrictions.

But here's the thing - low-fat foods cannot be called truly low-calorie, since manufacturers compensate for the lack of fat by adding starch and sugar. These are, as you know, carbohydrates. What do we know about carbohydrates? That's right, they like to lay in places that are not suitable for a woman's silhouette: on the stomach, hips and buttocks.

Therefore, a low-fat diet not only does not bring the desired result in the form of weight loss, but also increases the kilocalories you consume. And this is precisely due to the fact that low-fat foods are unable to bring a feeling of fullness. Also, extra pounds when consuming low-fat foods can appear due to an increase in insulin levels in the blood, which is inevitable when giving up fat. All are violated metabolic processes in the body, and weight is added.

From a lack of fats in the body, the condition of the skin and hair begins to deteriorate, vitamins A, D, E and K, entering the body with food, can be dissolved only if there are fats in the diet.

How do you control body fat?

If the harm of an unambiguous transition to low-fat foods is no longer questioned, then it is worth telling how to still control the level of fat in the body so that the wolves are well fed and the sheep are safe, so that the weight does not increase and the internal metabolic processes are not disturbed.

So, there are two types of fats: saturated and unsaturated. The latter must be eaten. In this case, unsaturated fats are also subdivided into polyunsaturated ( oily fish) and monounsaturated ( olive oil, nuts). Both of these types of unsaturated fats control the level of cholesterol in the body, thereby normalizing cardiovascular system.

Saturated fats are found in foods such as cheese, butter, fatty meat, bacon and chocolate. You can eat such foods, but little by little, as saturated fat can, on the contrary, increase cholesterol levels. At the same time, saturated fat, in small quantities, is necessary for normal work thyroid gland.

But there is no need to say that low-fat foods should be excluded from the diet. Low-fat foods are suitable for fasting days, for snacks between meals and as a late dinner. If you choose low-fat foods, read the label carefully, evaluate total calorie content and choose yoghurts without starch and sweeteners, and kefir and cottage cheese without additives.

Low-fat foods are not harmful if consumed with necessary for the body fat, no matter how funny it sounds. Remember, fat-free foods may not be 100% natural in the first place. After all, there are no cows that give milk with 6% and 0.5% fat content. Is not it?

You carefully monitor your diet so as not to gain extra pounds. Buy yoghurts, kefir, ice cream, cottage cheese, cookies and other products with a low percentage of fat or no fat at all.

But in reality, little or no amount of it in any way indicates a low calorie level. Such food does not help to control weight at all, it is as high in calories as usual. And the fact that the packaging says "no fat" is perceived by many as a "green light" and often overeating torments them. Therefore, in order to be in shape and not to type excess weight, we need to choose the right low-fat foods.

Why low-fat foods are harmful

These elements of your diet taste good and provide a great boost of energy. But low-fat foods lack fiber, proteins, minerals and vitamins. Other than that, to keep taste qualities when removing fats, sucrose and starch are added to them. Thus, the food loses fat and gains more carbohydrates.

What is the right thing to do in this situation? When overweight or the amount of fat in your menu should be limited. You can eat foods that are low in fat or no fat at all harmful substance:

  • low-fat cheese
  • skim milk,
  • light mayonnaise,
  • salad dressing.

But, don't get too carried away with such substitutes. Initially, you should exclude really fatty foods from your diet:

Next, you need to start changing the cooking method itself. Replace frying in oil with grilling, boiling in water or steam. It is also extremely important to consume natural food... The less it is processed, the healthier, more nutritious and lower in sugar and fat.

Learn to read labels correctly! Most often, manufacturers use this trick, in which the packaging indicates the amount of fat in one unit of the product (for example, in one cookie). People who want to lose weight or keep themselves in shape, having seen the magic numbers, as if under hypnosis, do not see the true indicators and proper nutrition becomes their way of life.

Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation, you should know:

  • In a fat-free product, fat is no more than half a gram per unit, and a product with a low percentage of its content or none at all is 3 g or less. In "light" foods - 25% less fat than regular ones;
  • indicative is the total content of carbohydrates (sucrose, starch);
  • be able to distinguish between the weight of the package and the weight in relation to which the amount of fat is indicated.

Low-fat fermented milk product on the table.

Any person for a normal existence needs to include fats in their diet. Getting fat in the right amount, it is possible to protect the body, atherosclerosis and, surprisingly, from the development of obesity. Fats are not poison at all, the more a person moves, the more nutrients it needs to be absorbed with food.

Doctors say that a deficiency of animal fats negatively affects the human psyche, aggravating irritability, provoking the development of depressive conditions.

What are skimmed dairy products

Low-fat dairy products are easy in any supermarket today. But the label on the packaging misleads consumers. Because dairy products with little or no fat are high in calories. This is due to the desire of manufacturers to make their products tasty. By removing fat from the same kefir, you can destroy its palatability. To avoid this, manufacturers add sugar and starch to low-fat dairy products, which add kilograms no worse than bad cholesterol.

"Lightweight" dairy products reduce the risk of getting, and other diseases due to the low content of cholesterol. However, they need to be consumed in a reasonable amount, building a diet not only on cottage cheese and milk with minimum amount fat. Only in this case, low-fat foods will bring undoubted benefit.

If you do not want to give up low-fat dairy products, use vitamin complexes, eat as often as possible fresh vegetables, fruit. This will get slim figure without harm to health.

Low fat foods and weight loss

Animal fat helps to strengthen immunity, proper assimilation nutrients from food, maintaining lipid metabolism. Today, many diets are based on eating low-fat "". Eating exclusively low-fat foods is impossible if you strive. This is because you will feel hungry, fat-free does not make you feel full for long. As a result, a losing weight person eats more and more light yoghurts, drinks kefir, filling the body with carbohydrates. This imbalance will lead to increased fatigue and metabolic problems. Carbohydrate overload also makes the skin dry, sluggish, leading to cellulite formation. Therefore, if there are low-fat dairy products, you should not rely only on their magical effect. Be sure to focus on exercise as well.

Who from losing weight at least once in their life did not switch to 1% fat milk, low-fat cottage cheese and lean bioyogurts? Everyone knows the desire to somehow reduce the fat content of their diet. And for some reason, dairy products are the first to be blacklisted. Our nutritionist will tell us about the benefits and dangers of low-fat dairy products.

What is skim milk?

If you have ever seen how milk is driven through a separator, you could see firsthand what remains after the cream is separated from the milk. It is not a completely edible whey-like substance. This is milk with 0-0.5% fat content. Milk with a fat content of 1% is not too different. What do we buy in the store? Quite decent white milk with pleasant taste... To achieve this, dry milk powder... But we want to buy a completely useful natural product! And that's what it says on the box!

Skim cheese

And if everything is clear with milk, then low-fat cottage cheese is an even bigger question mark. Low-fat cottage cheese, if it is natural, is so sour that it is simply impossible to eat it without sugar, and if not poisonous in taste, then rich various additives: starch, thickener, sweetener, etc. But we buy low-fat cottage cheese in order to reduce the total fat content of our diet and, more often than not, lose weight. Starch, sugar and other inedible additives are not included in our plans.

Yoghurts ... poison

Yoghurts are a separate topic. They are stuffed with a whole bunch of "E" with normal fat content, and fat-free ones are simply contraindicated for use. Do you like yoghurt? Either buy it without additives or learn to make your own from fat milk.

Low fat dairy products for weight loss

And now about losing weight. Dairy products of normal and high fat content will not settle on your sides if you do not eat them with bread, jam and sugar. Remember this as an axiom. And low-fat dairy products are so loaded with additives that they are simply teeming with easily digestible carbohydrates. Eating low-fat yogurt or kefir at night, you think that you are losing weight, but in fact you are making yourself worse.

Calcium and other vitamins in dairy products

Often, low-fat dairy products are artificially fortified with calcium in order to attract customers. However, one should not be greatly mistaken on this score. As scary as it sounds, calcium is poorly absorbed from dairy products. For this he needs a special acidic environment. Therefore, if you have a calcium deficiency, then you cannot do without medication and advice from a competent specialist.

But you should know that dairy products are rich in fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, which cannot be absorbed without fat! It turns out that dairy and dairy products are most useful in their original form: enriched with fats.

If you love dairy products, do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating delicious cottage cheese not less than 5% fat, drink kefir 2.5-3.2% fat, fill vegetable salad spoon fat sour creameven feast on cream. Just do not season the cottage cheese with sugar, fruit and jam. Do not eat all this with bread, cookies and donuts. This is not dietary at all. Be healthy and treat your body wisely!

Fat is the enemy of all women and girls, which we just do not do to get rid of it forever. There will be no fat - then our body will become perfect, there will be no "sides", no "ears" or other "bulges".

Eliminating fat from your menu is the primary task of a person who seeks to lose weight.

But you need to get rid of fat in your diet wisely, otherwise the results will not please you.

A low fat diet involves eating only low-fat productslean meat, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, egg whites etc. The taboo is imposed on all dishes prepared with the use of fats, no more than 1 tsp per day. vegetable oil or seeds. All this, according to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe inventors of the diet, should lead to a healthier body and weight loss.

If you decide to follow a low-fat diet, be prepared for the fact that your food will not be too tasty and varied. By her own low fat food not too appetizing, even useful chicken breasts it is hard to eat boiled.

Low-fat cottage cheese is also not a delicacy, although it can be flavored with berries and yogurt. During the period of weight loss, professional athletes eat like this for some time, but they also admit that after such a diet at the end of the competition, they are attacked by "zhor", do you need it?

One Day Low Fat Diet Menu

A low-fat diet is a difficult test for the body, in order to somehow alleviate its fate, include it in your diet enough protein and fiber, they will help dull the feeling of hunger, at least for the first time.

Option 1 - an omelet of 1 egg and 1 protein, steamed or in the oven, a tomato, a slice of bread (grain or, in extreme cases, black).
Option 2 - 100 g low fat cottage cheese, some low-fat yogurt, 1 fruit (apple, orange, kiwi, etc.)

Option 1 - a glass of kefir and fruit,
Option 2 - a slice of bread with low-fat cheese.

Option 1 - vegetable soup, 150 g of baked or boiled lean meat, 150 g of boiled buckwheat for a side dish,
Option 2 - vegetable salad with 1 tsp. vegetable oil, chicken fillet steamed or baked without oil, a slice of grain bread.

Option 1 - cottage cheese casserole 200 g from fat-free cottage cheese with berries or fruits,
Option 2 - baked fish 150 g and vegetable stew without oil.
Before going to bed - a glass of fat-free kefir.
Drink water, unsweetened tea, or herbal teas throughout the day.

Why a low fat diet isn't effective

It would seem that there is no fat in the diet, and weight loss will go like clockwork, the body will start spending its own reserves. You should not think so. Our body is very smart, and it will not easily and easily spend one of the most "high-calorie" tissues - fat.

The body fat performs very important functions - provides us with energy when needed, warms, protects internal organs from blows, regulates the production of hormones (especially female). When there is very little fat in the diet, you first lose a few pounds, but then this process will stop, because the body is afraid that it may be left completely without fat.

This will cause a slowdown in metabolism, or more precisely, a slower fat burning. The body will decide that hungry times have come and it is necessary to switch to an "economical" mode, for this it is necessary to slow down the metabolism, and the missing calories can be obtained from muscle mass (this helped humanity to survive the hungry times).

As a result, fat burning slows down or stops altogether, but the muscles that you “worked out” with such difficulty in fitness begin to break down. The picture turns out to be sad - flabby muscles and ... nasty folds.

I think you've heard more than once that the body needs certain amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates? Not a single component can be completely excluded or extremely "cut" in the diet. Lack of fat in your diet or a clear lack of it can increase your appetite and instead of fatty you will start eating sweet and starchy foods. Simple carbohydrates are converted to fats very easily and quickly. You can do fasting days or use briefly low fat diet as a "push" to lose weight, but you can't always sit on it.

Not all fats are bad.

Fats in foods are different. For example, the fats found in nuts, seeds, avocados, oily fish are beneficial and necessary for the health and beauty of the skin.

We also need milk and animal fat in moderation. If you do not overeat them, then the figure will not suffer.

There are also "bad" fats and even dangerous ones that cause an increase in blood cholesterol levels. This category includes trans fats, they are found in margarine, many products from McDonald's, chips, waffles ... It's either vegetable fat, which, through technological processing, has become solid (as in margarine), or palm oilwhich is often added to confectionery, or ordinary vegetable or butter, on which something has been repeatedly fried.

If you want to lose weight, don't cut fat from your diet altogether. One has only to make it healthier by reducing the amount of "harmful" fats and replacing them with "healthy" ones. Remember, there is no fat from which we get fat, we get fat from the excess amount of fat in the diet.

You should consume 30-40 g of fat per day. Learn to choose healthy fats and count their number. Instead of mayonnaise, season the salad with a teaspoon of olive oil. Pour oil first into a spoon, and then from a spoon into a salad bowl, so you will control the volume.

Buy fermented milk and dairy products with a fat content of 2.5%, cottage cheese - 5%, eat cheese moderately with about 25-30 g of fat per 100 g.

Bake meat, chicken, fish and vegetables, grill in a pan with a minimum amount of fat. Sausage, sausages, mayonnaise and fatty confectionery - only on holidays, they have a lot of fat, but no benefit. Never eat meat that has been fried in bread crumbs... If you are for festive tablethen eat more vegetables - they help the body digest fatty foods.

Healthy fats should not be discarded at all. Avocados, red fatty fish, nuts, olive oil - in moderation, this food will only benefit.