Protein and egg white muffins. Get the Recipe: Protein Cupcake - With Raisins and Nuts

02.07.2020 Buffet table

How to make a protein muffin. Recipe for making egg whites cake with a detailed description and photo.

Cooking time- 10-15 minutes.

Calories per 100 g- 310 kcal.

Baking recipes based on proteins alone are in constant demand. After all, any housewife who loves to cook very often has unused proteins after cooking various dishes. They need to be attached somewhere, not to waste the good. And the easiest way is to “bake them”. All kinds of muffins and pies on the same proteins are not inferior in taste to those made from whole eggs, while the dough always turns out to be much airier and whiter. The most popular egg white cake can be called the "Estonian" cake, or as it is sometimes called "Angelic". It is difficult to say where such names come from, we can take a risk and assume that the whole thing is in the snow-white color of the baking, although, perhaps, this is not so. Be that as it may, but the cupcake turns out to be very tasty and mouth-watering, and cooking is madly simple. As with any other baked goods, you can and should experiment with it, adding all kinds of additives to the dough - cocoa, nuts, raisins, candied fruits. But this is better left for later. To get started, try making a classic version of a muffin made from egg whites. When you taste this dish, be sure to diversify it with additives of your choice.

Protein muffin: recipe


  • 6 pieces of egg whites.
  • 100 g butter.
  • 250 g sugar.
  • 160 g wheat flour.
  • 1 tablespoon of starch
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.
  • Vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Beat the whites with a mixer, gradually add sugar and continue beating until a persistent foam appears. The more you try at this stage, the more fluffy the cupcake will be.

Melt the butter in the microwave or steam.

Pour it gently into the whites and sugar. Put in the starch.

Start gradually adding the sifted flour. Stir very slowly and gently with a spoon so that the foam does not fall off. Add baking powder and vanillin. You can add other ingredients at this stage, such as chopped nuts. Before doing this, simply pour them onto a cutting board and walk over them with a rolling pin. You can also add candied fruits, raisins and other dried fruits, previously soaked in water for 15 minutes and chopped (if necessary, when it comes to dried apricots, dates, prunes). There is also a recipe for a cake made from egg whites with cocoa, but in this case it will not turn out to be snow-white and will lose its main "zest". Although, of course, this is a matter of taste.

Pour into a baking dish and bake for about 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Remove, sprinkle with powdered sugar, refrigerate and remove from the mold. Then cut into slices and you can feast on.

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Greetings to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sports!

Fans of fitness and athletic sports to maintain their figure avoid the use of pure sugar and flour products, as this creates certain problems for the figure. Protein muffins recipe.

Protein muffins recipe

Therefore, they brainstorm and come up with recipes for dishes, desserts that may well replace sweet donuts and flour buns. At the same time, they replace ingredients with less high-calorie ones. For this purpose, I propose a recipe for one such dessert. protein muffins and recipe. You can see the moment of preparation in the video, who fumbles in English will understand everything, and who does not, I will give the content of the preparation and the calorie content of this product below.

Ingredients - Consider the 8 servings option.

  • oatmeal - 8 cups (can be replaced with oatmeal chopped in a blender)
  • egg whites-4 pieces
  • protein (e.g. vanilla) - 2 scoops
  • sweetener-60gr
  • baking soda - 1/2 teaspoon
  • salt -1 / 4 teaspoon
  • berry puree (not store-bought, in extreme cases, baby puree) -220 gr.
  • cocoa-3 tablespoons
  • water-1/2 glass

Cooking time is 40-45 minutes.

Cooking process
  • Preheat oven to 175 degrees
  • Combine ingredients (oat flour + protein + baking soda + salt + cocoa) in a large bowl
  • Combine egg whites + puree + water + sweetener in a medium bowl
  • Then combine the masses mixed in different bowls and mix thoroughly until a dough is obtained.
  • Lubricate the mold with cooking spray
  • Pour the dough into a mold
  • Put in the oven for 20-30 minutes
  • At your discretion, cut the resulting cupcake into pieces, on video into 16 pieces. 1 serving is 2 pieces

Or, for example, a cream is left with unused egg whites. I usually pour them into a clean jar, close the lid, and store them in the refrigerator.
Then I cook a lot of tasty and interesting things from them. These muffins are a great way to build on those egg whites. This type of biscuit, on some whites, is called "angel food." The cupcakes are incredibly tender and airy, and most importantly - completely non-greasy. Delicious and very simple at the same time!

Total cooking time - 30 minutes
Active cooking time - 15 minutes
Cost - $ 1.5
Calorie content per 100 g - 217 kcal
Servings - 10

How to make protein cranberry muffins


Egg white - 7 pcs.
Sugar - 200 g.
Flour - 100 g.
Cranberries - 100 g.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Vanilla - 2 drops.(extract)


Beat the whites with a mixer on high speed, adding vanilla extract and lemon juice. You should get an airy foam mass.

Continuing to beat the whites, add sugar one tablespoon at a time. Whisk until soft peaks.

Pour flour into the protein mass in three steps, gently stirring it in with a silicone or wooden spatula, being careful not to crush the proteins.

Stir in cranberries, fresh or thawed, with protein.

Put the protein dough in dry molds. It is not necessary to grease the molds with oil, otherwise the cupcakes will not rise!

Bake for about 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. It is very convenient to check the readiness with a wooden stick, for example, a skewer or a toothpick. It should come out of the cake dry, without adhering crumbs. After baking, you need to let the muffins cool completely and carefully remove them from the molds.

Protein baked goods simply need aroma, such as lemon zest, vanilla or almond flavor. It also goes well with berry sauces or fresh berries, in this case cranberries.
Bon Appetit! Give it a try and I'm sure you will love them!

Yesterday I baked buns, and I always remove the presence of chicken protein from yeast dough. I rarely, when pouring out the protein, collect it, sometimes even freeze it, and when I have the time and desire I bake space cookies from the protein dough, but today I wanted to slightly modify the protein dessert. I combined the protein with flour and I ended up with a protein cake.
It is important to know that chicken protein itself tends to hold together, therefore, in order for the finished cake crumb to turn out soft and fluffy, the main thing is not to overdo it with flour. The rest is pretty simple.

The number of necessary products is quite easy to remember: for three chicken proteins there are 100 grams of bulk - flour, sugar and any dried fruits. In my case, these are raisins, peanuts and pumpkin seeds. Fragrance additives can be changed at your own discretion.

Since the whole process is quite fast and the preparation of the dough does not take much time, the oven was turned on by 170 degrees in advance to warm up.
I added a pinch of salt to the cooled proteins and beat until persistent peaks. The protein mixture was first whipped at low speed of the blender, then, when the foam appeared, I increased the speed to the maximum mark, gradually adding the amount of sugar according to the recipe (sugar can be easily replaced with powdered sugar), the mass was whipped until ready. At the end of the whisk, you can add a little citric acid or lemon juice.

Sifted flour was also gradually poured into the whipped protein cream and stirred with a spatula with bottom-up movements.

The result is such a smooth, elastic and, what is especially important, not a thick protein dough.

I didn’t soak the raisins, I didn’t chop the nuts. I used dried fruits as they were.

Dried fruits were added to the protein dough and again gently stirred with a spatula.

I wet the baking paper and wrung out the water lightly. Spread the damp paper over a cake pan so that the ends of the paper hang down. For the loose ends, it is easier to get the finished cake out of the mold. The size of my mold is 10 by 22 cm. The dough filled the mold up to half.

The cake was baked for about 30 minutes until a golden brown crust and a delicious smell of finished baked goods appeared. To be convincing, I checked the cake crumb with a skewer. The cupcake is easily released from the mold.

In order not to break the integrity of the crumb, it is advisable to cut the cake with a sharp knife, and after it has cooled down a little.

You can make a full-fledged cookie from a cupcake. To do this, the cake is cut into portioned thin pieces, and then sent to the oven for a few minutes until the crumb is lightly browned. Very tasty with any drink, especially milk.

This beauty is obtained from chicken protein, which is often poured out as unnecessary. Both economical and tasty. The crumb is soft, the crust is crispy, and the cut is generally feast for the eyes. Bon Appetit everyone!

Cooking time: PT00H40M 40 min.

In the brief description, she indicated that muffins consist of only two ingredients - protein and eggs, but if you wish, you can add some fruits, as well as nuts. Protein is a shake powder commonly used in sports nutrition. They come in a variety of flavors: chocolate, nut, vanilla, caramel, berry, fruit, which is very conducive to experiments in baking ...

It is not always convenient to take a shaker with a cocktail with you, so protein muffins can help out and, with health benefits (and protein norms per day), can be supported during meal times outside the home (and at home too, that's it).

I learned the recipe at a seminar held by personal trainers from the Kirov fitness club "Rodina".

I will experiment more, for example, I plan to add a little baking powder, because the structure of the muffins seemed to me a bit dense, but I would like to be looser ...

For protein muffins, prepare the eggs and the provided protein carton.

I cooked two options at once: with a nutty flavor (whey protein) and chocolate (a mixture of different proteins). For some reason, the structure and shape of the cupcakes turned out better from chocolate.

Stir the eggs just enough to combine the white with the yolk.

Add protein powder to each bowl.

Mix again, but into a homogeneous mass. If the mass is too thick, then it is recommended to add a little water to it.

Divide the resulting dough into molds, about 3/4 or 2/3 of their height. A total of eight molds were filled.

Place the pieces in the oven and bake at 170-180 degrees until tender. The time depends on the size of the molds and the properties of the oven. My small ones were baked for 15 minutes.

The chocolate protein muffins turned out better, but it's not about the flavor, but the composition of the mixture, apparently.

Enjoy your experiments and success)