How to make melon jam. Melon jam with lemon and ginger - a step-by-step photo recipe for cooking for the winter

We rarely make jam from melon, but, nevertheless, it turns out to be unusual, fragrant and rich in taste. Although many do not recognize it, because it is not accepted. It is good that among the hostesses there are curious people who are always interested in trying something new.

Here for them the following recipes are offered on how to make melon jam for the winter.

Melon has a characteristic taste and strong aroma. As a rule, it is very juicy, and many varieties are distinguished by increased sweetness. The fact that the melon contains many trace elements and vitamins, and it’s not worth talking about, this is already known.

So, let's look at a few step-by-step and simple recipes in which one of the main, or the only ingredient, is a melon.

We will agree in advance that we prepare the container for jam, glass jars in advance - wash, sterilize and dry. The same goes for lids.

Melon jam without sterilization

This recipe for delicious jam is designed for 3 days. It is not particularly time consuming, but long. But the jam is excellent.


1 pinch of citric acid

400 ml water

800 g sugar

Vanilla - optional

1. Extract the pulp from the melon, cut into pieces. The water indicated in the recipe is used to blanch the melon pieces.

2. After standing in boiling water for 5 minutes, take out the pieces and strain, and carefully collect the water and use it for further cooking.

3. Prepare syrup on it by adding the due amount of sugar. Dip the strained pieces of melon into the syrup.

4. In this composition, boil the jam repeatedly for 3 days. One cycle - 10 minutes of slow boiling, then 10-12 hours of settling. When cooking, remove the foam, stir the brew.

5. The density of the jam depends on the number of cycles. When you think it's time to finish, add citric acid at the last boil. It will work as a natural preservative, so sterilization is not required. You can add spices, such as vanilla.

Jam from melon and watermelon peels

This jam is very unusual. Firstly, it is beautiful, made of transparent pieces. And its taste is unexpected: whoever does not know what it is cooked from will never guess.


1 kg prepared crusts

For syrup:

600 g sugar

400 ml water

1. First, prepare the peels from watermelons and melons, and then weigh them. It is necessary to separate the pulp, it does not go into jam, and cut off the upper hard crusts. There will be a white pad from a watermelon, yellowish or greenish from a melon, and we weigh it.

2. Cut the peels into identical rectangles (1 x 2 cm) and rinse. If we do not want them to lose their shape during cooking, then soak them in salt water (3% solution) for? hours. Then we heat the water almost to a boil (95 ° C) and keep the pieces taken out for 10 minutes. Let's break it down and continue.

3. Cook syrup. After it cools down, load the pieces of crusts into it.

4. Boil the jam in several steps for 15 minutes, then arrange a complete cooling for 2-3 hours. We do 3-4 such cycles, during which time the syrup will penetrate into each crust and make it completely transparent.

Melon jam classic

For such a jam, you need to choose a ripe melon, from hard varieties. If overripe or with soft pulp are caught, set them aside for jam.


1 kg melon pulp

600 g sugar or so

2 bananas

lemon zest

1. Cut the melon pulp into cubes and cover with sugar. If the melon is juicy, then the juice will stand out immediately, the harder one must be kept in sugar for a longer time, about half an hour.

2. It is not necessary to add bananas, they are introduced to increase the density of the jam. And the zest is for flavor.

3. Put the pot with melon and bananas and lemon on the fire, heat slowly and bring to a boil. Then cover and wait for the mass to cool.

4. We repeat such sessions of short cooking (5 minutes each) several times. In order to make the jam thicker, crush the melon pieces during the cooking process.

5. Roll up the jam in a boiling state. If we don’t plan to roll it up, then first we cool it, then put it in a jar and close it with a nylon lid.

Melon jam with cinnamon

This is an amazing jam. It is particularly well used as an ice cream syrup. Therefore, it can be prepared exclusively for this - without pieces of melon, or in the traditional way.


2 kg melon pulp (not soft)

cinnamon sticks

For syrup:

2 kg sugar

2 tbsp water

1 tbsp vodka

1. Cut the melon pulp into pieces, scald with boiling water and strain.

2. Cook the syrup by boiling it for 3 minutes. We load melon slices into boiling syrup and cook.

3. If we cook traditionally, then we cook the jam in several steps for 10 minutes, stretching the pleasure for several days. As a result, the pieces will become transparent, and the jam will become thick.

4. If we cook for syrup, then after some time the pieces of melon are removed, and the syrup is boiled down for at least 15 minutes of boiling.

5. No matter how the jam is cooked, the final should be the same: a cinnamon stick is placed in a jar and jam is poured. Rolling up.

If we don’t roll up, then we keep the jam for 10-12 hours before packaging for infusion and cooling.

Melon jam with lemon

It is, to some extent, also a classic.


1 kg melon pulp

700 g sugar

3 g vanillin

1. Cut the melon pulp into cubes and cover with sugar. Cover the lid and hold it with your hands, shake the pan so that the melon cubes mix well with the sugar. Leave it overnight or at least 5 hours.

2. After washing the lemon, we grind it in a meat grinder (we discard the bones beforehand). You can just squeeze the juice out of it if you do not want the presence of lemon peels. Add juice or ground lemon mass to the melon.

3. Put the pan to heat, wait for the mass to boil. Cook slowly, stirring, only 5 minutes, and set aside in a quiet place for 10 hours.

4. Next time, cook for 10 minutes + 8 hours of infusion. You can do this further, achieving the desired density. For the last time, cook for 15 minutes, adding vanilla and zest, and roll up.

Also pay attention to the cool video recipe with step-by-step pictures of making jam and melon syrup

Melon jam with orange in a slow cooker

It is good for those who have a multicooker. Harvesting jam for the winter in such conditions is a pleasure. Judge for yourself.


700 g melon pulp

400 g sugar

30 g sesame seeds

1 large orange

1 sachet of vanilla sugar

1. First, we take on an orange: remove the skin and whitish films from it, discard the seeds, and cut the pulp into cubes. Then we cut the melon pulp with the same cubes.

2. Put the melon pieces on the bottom of the bowl, then lay out the orange cubes. Sprinkle everything with sugar, put sesame seeds and vanilla.

3. Select "Extinguishing", set 1 hour. Stir the mixture periodically. When the end signal sounds, it will simultaneously record the readiness of the jam.

4. It remains to pack in jars, roll them up and turn them upside down. Wrap them on top and leave to cool.

I did not succeed. Due to the loose texture of the fruit itself, it is impossible to boil it in whole pieces, but the jam comes out excellent! It goes well in the filling for yeast pies and for shortbread open pie.

The taste of jam from melon only vaguely resembles the fresh fruit itself. So, if you plan to open a jar in the cold winter season with the hope of eating your favorite melon, you will be disappointed. Nevertheless, the jam is very tasty, although it is quite difficult to guess the melon in it.

For cooking melon jam in a slow cooker, it is absolutely not necessary to spend money on buying good fruits. I recommend everyone to go to the market for melons after 14.00 on Sunday. Markets are usually closed on Mondays, and melon sellers are well aware that already slightly spoiled goods (for example, slightly crushed fruits) will lie on the counter until Tuesday and deteriorate even more. Therefore, on Sunday you can get an excellent discount, and, believe me, jam is absolutely all right - you cook a whole melon, or cut pieces.

To prepare a liter jar of jam, you need 3 hours of time and a slow cooker (if a pressure cooker, the time will be reduced to 1 hour).

- melon - 2 kg
- granulated sugar - 700 g
- citric acid - 1/2 tsp.

Rinse the melon, dry it with a kitchen towel, remove the skin with a sharp knife. In the bowl of the multicooker (I have REDMOND RMC-M4524), place the melon cut into small pieces.

Sprinkle the melon with sugar. Set the program - steaming, cooking time - 10 minutes.

Then let the future jam cool for an hour.
Set the same mode again - steaming. Boiling time - 10 minutes.

You again need to give a little time to cool the jam. For the very last (third) time, already cook the jam on the “Pilaf / Desserts” mode. Cooking time - 40 minutes. At the end of cooking, add citric acid.

Be sure to sterilize jars for seaming melon jam, as well as lids. Divide the hot jam over the jars. Remove the lids from the boiling water with a knife or fork - try not to touch them with your hands, otherwise your sterilization will be useless.

Roll up jars with jam lids, turn them over, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave to cool completely.
Ready jam should be stored in a cellar or basement. Shelf life - up to 12 months.
Author - Kapriz/Olga

Recall that last time we

Step 1: Wash and clean the melon.

Rinse the ripe melon thoroughly under running water. Cut into halves. Then we carefully clean all the seeds, this can be done with the most ordinary spoon. Using a thin-bladed knife, carefully cut off the skin. If there is rot or black spots on the melon, we get rid of them. As a result, we get the pulp of melon, peeled from seeds and peel.

Step 2: prepare the melon puree.

Carefully peeled melon pulp, we need to turn into a puree. This can be done in two ways. First: cut the melon into cubes with a side of about a centimeter, put in a saucepan or bowl with a non-stick coating, add water and simmer over low heat until softened. Cool the resulting mixture slightly. Then we grind through a sieve. Second: raw melon pulp is cut into medium-sized pieces and passed through a conventional meat grinder. If necessary, repeat the procedure until a homogeneous mass is obtained. In the second case, it is advisable to increase the jam cooking time minutes for 15.

Step 3: Cook melon jam.

Pour the melon puree into a large saucepan or bowl with a wide bottom. Add sugar and cook, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon or spatula. If foam forms on the surface during cooking, then carefully remove it. Jam foam can be used as a fragrant addition to cooking or tea drinking. While the jam is cooking, prepare the lemon. Wash the lemon thoroughly and peel it with a thin knife. Pass the lemon zest through a meat grinder or rub it on a grater. The crushed zest and the juice drained from the lemon can be added to jam at any time during cooking. We check the readiness of the jam in the traditional way - we draw along the bottom of the container in which the jam is cooked with a wooden spatula. If the trail is tightened slowly and gradually, then our jam is ready.

Step 4: Pour the melon jam into jars.

For the storage of jam, it is very important to follow the rules of corking. The jars in which the jam will be stored, as well as the lids with which they will be closed, must be thoroughly washed and dried. They should not have cracks or chips. The lids should fit snugly and prevent air from entering the jars. Pour the finished jam hot into jars and tighten the lids tightly. Store jars of jam at room temperature until completely cooled, then move to a cool dark place. Everything, our jam is ready. Now we can open the jar at any time and serve fragrant and healthy melon jam to the table.

Step 5: serve melon jam.

You can serve this great marmalade immediately after cooking. Let it cool first. After that, you can pour the jam into a beautiful serving bowl. As a side dish, you can use cottage cheese, cheese mass, bakery products or just eat it with tea. Bon appetit!

For the preparation of jam, well-ripened melons, less sweet varieties, are better suited.

For cooking jam, you should choose a wide container. This provides a large surface for evaporation and allows you to maintain the elastic structure of the marmalade.

The boiling point was over 100 degrees Celsius. This should be especially remembered when pouring even hot jam into jars.


Jam from melon with lemon will not leave indifferent even the most demanding sweet tooth. The fact is that this delicacy has a very delicate and thin structure, you just can’t achieve such a result with other berries or fruits. The taste of melon jam resembles some kind of overseas exquisite sweetness, with which no fruit and berry dessert can be compared. It is impossible to remain silent about its fresh aroma, with the presence of just such a fragrant preparation, a piece of summer will always be there even in the winter season.
A feature of this simple step-by-step recipe with a photo is that melon jam, in accordance with it, is made with ginger. This additional ingredient is a burning additive that makes the preservation more unusual and characteristic. How much does it cost to use ginger root to make melon jam at home - it's up to you! However, remember, if you overdo it with it, a delicious sweet delicacy will turn into a spicy seasoning that does not belong to a number of fruit desserts at all. Also, if you want to experiment with this recipe, you can add some apples and mint leaves to the preservation, this will improve its aroma and taste.
To prepare this dessert for the winter, you do not need to use special kitchen appliances. All you need is a regular grater for chopping food, a stove and a deep container. Although some hostesses prefer a slow cooker in creating such blanks, it is still recommended to cook canned desserts for the winter on the stove. At least the last option has been tested by no generation, because our grandmothers, and even in their youth, did not even know about such a universal device as a slow cooker.


Melon jam - recipe

First of all, bring the melon to the required state. Rinse it under water, peel it and cut into small cubes. Also, before grinding, do not forget to separate the fruit from the pulp with seeds. In addition to jam, this recipe can also be used to make jam. To do this, at this stage, you just need to chop the melon more coarsely so that its pieces cannot boil completely during cooking. Note! The sweeter the melon is chosen, the less sugar will have to be used to make treats from it.

Now process the jars with lids. To do this, boil a large amount of water in a separate saucepan, and then place the canning equipment in it for literally the next two minutes. Then remove the container with lids from boiling water and place it on a kitchen towel to dry..

Next, grate the ginger root into a container with melon slices, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and mint leaves to them. Pour as much granulated sugar into dessert as you see fit. Move the sweet billet to the fire and wait until it boils. Then boil the delicacy until all parts of the melon are dissolved. Do not forget to stir this original jam periodically.

Remove the boiled homogeneous mass from the stove, cool and transfer to the refrigerator for the whole night. This must be done in order for the jam to thicken and acquire a viscous consistency, because it was prepared without the addition of special thickeners.

The next morning, remove all the mint leaves from the dessert, then arrange it in previously prepared jars and roll it up. Exquisite melon jam for the winter is ready! It should be stored strictly in a cool place.