Vegetable oil. Vegetable oil consumption rate

17.08.2019 Soups

Vegetable oil is called because it is obtained from fruits, seeds, roots and other parts of plants. They consist of complex glycerinov, wax, phosphatides, free fatty acids, vitamins and other substances that give oil color, taste and smell

Vegetable oil Contains such substances that are not synthesized in the human body. This is a linoleic acid, linolenic acid - unsaturated fatty acids, with which the cell membranes are constructed, as well as phospholipids, which are the main component of these membranes. Therefore, you can imagine how useful this product is for the body. No wonder since the ancient times, vegetable oils were a medicine, and a product, and a means to maintain beauty. Research recipes, rejuvenation with various species have been preserved until our time. vegetable oils.

They say that porridge does not spoil oil, but even vegetable oil should be used in moderate quantities. The fact is that different vegetable oils Consist from different types of fats: mononaturated, saturated and polyunsaturated. Each of the types of fats has specific properties. If we talk about quantity vegetable oil per day for one person, it should be 10% of the resulting fats per day.

Refined fats are harmful to the body, so they should not be carried away. As always, it is uttering everything natural. Useful vegetable fats include butter oil, seeds, avocado and other fruits. The refined and most polyunsaturated fats can be attributed to the harmful. To navigate in the diversity of vegetable oils and understand which one suits us the most, consider the brief characteristics of different species vegetable oils.

Sunflower oil is the most popular. It includes vitamins A, D, E and F, as well as useful minerals. It is well absorbed, helping the body to overcome diseases such as atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system and brain circulation problems.

In folk medicine, sunflower oil is used in the treatment of thrombophlebitis of dental pain, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the entire excretory system. In cosmetology it is used to prepare masks for the face and body, as well as compresses.

Usefulness unrefined sunflower oil, because It retains all useful substances. However, fry, if there is such a need, better on refined.

Corn oil is valued for useful unsaturated fatty acidswhich are actively involved in metabolic processes, as well as for phosphatides, which are part of cell membranes and contribute to the accumulation of protein in the body. Corn oil does not allow to be delayed on the walls of the vessels of harmful cholesterol.

When it is used, nervous tension and fatigue decreases, fermentation slows down in the intestine, the metabolism and performance are improved, and the tone of the body as a whole increases. It is very useful for the gallbladder, because it enhances the reduction of its walls.

Corn oil is used as an auxiliary dietary agent for the prevention of the following diseases: general and regional atherosclerosis, obesity that bore the diseases of the arteries in diabetes mellitus, etc. It is possible to fry on it, but on a slow fire - it better saves vitamins.

Olive oil - famous health and rejuvenating agent. It consists of unsaturated fat (fatty acids), so it actively reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, as well as diabetes and obesity. It is a choleretic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Olive oil does not highlight carcinogens when heated, so perfect for frying.

It can be successfully used to prevent the aging of the body. In addition, it can warn oncological diseases, because It has a strong antioxidant effect. Olive oil is also used with the gastrointestinal disease and is a choleretic agent.

Sea buckthorn oil - one of the most useful products. This is the richest source of natural vitamins. For example, Vitamin E is larger than in all fruits and berries known in Russia. It also has carotene (provitamin a) and carotenoids, vitamins (E, C, B1, B2, B6, F, P), folic acid, organic acids, flavonoids (rutin), tanning substances, many macro and trace elements.

One of the features of this oil is the removal of heavy metal salts from the body. It heals the wounds perfectly and treats burns, as well as mucous membranes. Another of the advantages of sea buckthorn oil is the ability to activate the extension of the pancreas, inhibit the secretion of the gastric juice, protect the cell membranes from the harmful effects of chemical agents.

In addition, the sea buckthorn oil has an antisclerotic action, it helps to improve the work of the cardiovascular system, the normalization of fat, protein and cholesterol and thyroid gland, normalizes the operation of the liver.

Rosehip oil consists of a complex ester of Laurinov, Miristinova, palmitic and stearic acids. It has antiseptic, wound-healing, binders, tonic and cleansing properties. It is used in the treatment of dry skin, eczema and burns. Rosehip oil can rejuvenate, regenerate, smooth, increase the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Oil eliminates skin irritation, inflammation and peeling, as well as prominent vascular pattern.

Rosehip oil is a soft but powerful antidepressant, which eliminates indecision and attaches confidence in its abilities.

This is a well-known polyvitamin, a constructive and increases the body's resistance to the tool, which is used in hypo-and avitaminosis, atherosclerosis, various infectious diseases, burns of varying degrees, frostbite, shallow injuries, hemophilia and bleeding.

In its biological value, linseed oil is in the first place among all food oils. It contains 46% vitamin F (it is not synthesized in the body), as well as valuable unsaturated acids and a large number of such necessary vitamins A and E. Linen oil is a "live product" to be protected from exposure to high temperatures.

Linseed oil is called a "chipper" of the body, because it warns the diseases of the vessels and the formation of thrombus. Therefore, constant use of linseed oil helps to prevent heart and vascular diseases (the occurrence of a stroke decreases by 30%). With it, it is carried out by the prevention of breast cancer and achieve facilitating the flow of premenstrual syndrome and premenophasis. It is very useful for skin and hair, actively contributes to the healing of damaged tissues. In folk medicine, flax oil is used from worms, heartburns, various ulcers.

Military oil is a valuable food product and an effective means for the prevention of many diseases. It includes the richest complex of biologically active substances: flavonoids, indispensable higher fatty acids, carotenoids, vitamins A, B, E, K, antioxidants. It has a special component - silibinin, which helps strengthen and regenerate liver cells.

With it, they treat liver and biliary paths, remove toxic substances from the body, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

It is capable of providing a normalizing effect on the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, remove constipation and help in the treatment of hemorrhoids. In addition, the oil oil increases the strength and elasticity of capillaries, significantly improves their permeability, and therefore reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Soybean oil: composition, benefits and properties. The use of soybean oil
Rice oil: composition, properties, benefits and application

Pumpkin Oil: Composition, Properties and Application Oil: Composition, Properties, Harm and Application

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Recipes of most national cuisines include plenty of vegetable oils. For the Mediterranean, the use of cold spin olive oil is characterized, for Russian the usual sunflower oil. The caloric content of these products is slightly different from each other, the oil of his beloved sunflower she was 15 kcal above, but Vitamin E is an order of magnitude more than the Mediterranean fellow. With moderate consumption, sunflower oil has a beneficial effect on the human body. The repository of useful fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins - oil from sunflower seeds - it is necessary to preserve youth and attractiveness. Not in vain ancient called his product of health and longevity.

The advantages that are endowed with sunflower oil, which is distinguished by its animal fat, are: stimulation of metabolic processes in the body, normalization of the work of endocrine and sexual systems, prevention of disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal organs, as well as the liver and respiratory system; improvement of memory, prevent the appearance and development of an atherosclerotic process, reduce cholesterol content in the blood; Strengthening immunity and improving the protective functions of the body. The canons of classical dietology say that the most successful combination of animals and vegetable fats, which is beneficial to human health, is considered to be such a proportion: 20 percent of the animal product and 80 percent of oils derived from plants. The sunflower oil has become the most affordable source of unsaturated fats and vitamins. The calorie content of this utility product is quite high due to the large content of vegetable fat in it (99.9 percent). It is 899 kcal. People counting the energy value daily used products should not be afraid of such a high digit. Since the daily amount of popular oil, which nutritionists recommend covering the deficiency of fatty acids and vitamins, is small.

Responding to a question about how much vegetable oil can be equipped a day in order not to recover, specialists of sports nutrition and dietary doctors say that no more than two (maximum - three) tablespoons per day. The same amount includes sunflower oil. His calorie content in this case will not exceed 300-450 kcal per day. This figure is fully fitted in the norms of consuming healthy fats designed for losing weight people. In the diet to reduce weight 30%, fats and 60% are carbohydrates. Moreover, the main share (60-70% of the total number of vegetable oil) is unrefined sunflower oil - the most useful product with all the preserved in it after processing with vitamins and microelements. It differs from other presence of a dark shade, permissible precipitate and a pronounced aroma of fried seeds. They can refuel vegetable salads, but this product is unsuitable for heat treatment of food. Fry fish, meat or vegetables on such oil will not risk a single experimental mistress, since it sprinkles on a hot frying pan, it is foaming, it burns, and also gives bitterness. For frying, the refined sunflower oil is better suitable, the calorie content of which is not different from the nutritional value of the other types of this product (899 kcal). This oil is pale yellow, it is transparent, does not have a specific smell and taste of sunflower.

On the labels of bottles with sunflower oil often indicates the calorie content of the product at the rate of 100 g. It is 899 kcal. Most of the used oils derived from plants - linen, corn, sesame, coconut and sunflower oil - caloric content of 100 grams have about the same - 898-899 kcal. And only cold spin olive oil gives the body of 884 kcal. Marketing tricks about the absence of cholesterol in vegetable fats are a smile in nutritionists - cholesterol is contained only in animal products. In pursuit of profit with such inscriptions, even sunflower oil often label.

In the forums in the network, people often discuss the caloric content of sunflower oil in the tablespoon. It can be determined, based on two parameters: the volume of the spoon or its weight. The volume of the working part of the spoon (draped) can vary in the range of 18-20 ml, and the capacity of the instrument with dimensions 7x4 cm in grams is 17 g. In one gram of sunflower oil contains 8.99 kcal. The weight of the spoon can be taken conventional, and it can be measured with the help of kitchen scales individually. The difference between the dry spoon and full sunflower oil can be from 12 to 17. The result can be multiplied by 8.99 kcal and get the final digit of the product energy value in your kitchen (from 108-153 kcal). For another embodiment, they take a standard spoon of Russian production - 18 ml. If 100 ml contains 92 g of sunflower oil, then its energy value is 827 kcal. How to determine how nutritional sunflower oil? Calorie in the tablespoon of this useful product is equal to 18x8.27 kcal \u003d 148.9 kcal. Everyone who strictly monitors the nutritional value of their diet, nutritionists recommend not to exceed the daily rate of the consumption of vegetable fats, including oil from sunflower. A pair of tablespoons per day can fully cover the daily rate of fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E, not synthesized by our organism vitamin F and other important elements. What else can you measure the energy value, which is sunflower oil?

In most recipes, hard diets authors require a categorical refusal of any kind of fats. They motivate it by the fact that the caloric content of sunflower oil is extended to recycle 1g product will have to spend 9 kcal in the gym. But the deficit of fat-soluble vitamins can cause significant damage in such a nutrition. No vitamin D deteriorates the state of the joints, nails, teeth and hair. "Vitamin Beauty" E is responsible for moisturizing, youth and healthy skin type, vitamin A - for its regeneration. These vitamins dissolve exclusively in fat. Knowing how many calories in sunflower oil, you can adjust your diet without refusing from such a useful product.

Vegetable oils are a favorite refueling of fresh salads, the most convenient product for frying, an excellent component of most dishes. However, is it possible to use them during diets? And how many calories in sunflower oil?

Sunflower oil, indeed, is indispensable, and even despite the fact that today many, giving a tribute to fashion, prefer olive oil, it is in the kitchen for each mistress. Without looking at how sunflower oil is made, and this may be pressing and extraction, it contains a large amount of useful substances. Among them, vitamin F deserves special attention to the normal operation of the human cardiovascular system, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and improves tissue nutrition. Vitamins of the group A, D and E, also included in sunflower oil, have a beneficial effect on the skin and human hair.
Speaking about the benefits of sunflower oil, it can be said that it is the main supplier of vegetable fats that are beneficial to animal fats. Vegetable fats stimulate metabolic processes in the body, normalize the operation of the endocrine and sexual system. Vegetable oil is used to treat certain diseases, including diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you care about your health and do not want to have extra kilograms, experts are recommended to include in everyday diet up to 80% of plant fats. It cannot be said that sunflower oil is a low-calorie product, but it can be added even to the dietary nutrition, given the minor amount of consumption.

Selecting vegetable oil:

It is necessary to see if there is a sediment in the bottle - its presence testifies to oxidation. Such a product gives bitterness and is foaming when heated; The shelf life of unrefined oil is two months, refined - four months; It should not be paid to the inscription on the label - "without cholesterol", it is not at all in any vegetable oil; No need to store oil into the light, warm: it will quickly deteriorate. Place for it - in the refrigerator.

Calculating the caloric content of any product, and today many Russians are engaged today, we want to know how much calories are contained in 100 grams of the product, as for vegetable oil, it is more important to know how many calories in a spoon of sunflower oil, since it is so much that it is often spent for Cooking salads and for frying. In 100 grams of sunflower oil contains 899 kcal, while the content of vegetable fat reaches 99.9%. At first glance, it is a lot, however, learning how many calories are contained in a teaspoon of sunflower oil, you can use it without fear for your health. The teaspoon contains approximately 4 grams of the product, which means that the amount of calories in such an amount of sunflower oil is 36 calories.

If you decide to sit on a diet, then you should consult with a specialist who may advise, abandon its consumption, because products can be prepared for a couple or in the oven. Knowing how much calories in a tablespoon of sunflower oil, and this is 14-17 grams, contains from 120 to 150 calories, you ourselves must decide whether to add it to the salad, or refrain. If you decide not to abandon sunflower oil, in principle, we recommend using refined oil for frying, and an unrefined product is better consuming in raw form, since it is hot carcinogens. According to experts, it is in unrefined oil that contains the largest amount of useful substances.

In the forums in the network, people often discuss the caloric content of sunflower oil in the tablespoon. It can be determined, based on two parameters: the volume of the spoon or its weight. The volume of the working part of the spoon (draped) can vary in the range of 18-20 ml, and the capacity of the instrument with dimensions 7x4 cm in grams is 17 g. In one gram of sunflower oil contains 8.99 kcal. The weight of the spoon can be taken conventional, and it can be measured with the help of kitchen scales individually. The difference between the dry spoon and full sunflower oil can be from 12 to 17. The result can be multiplied by 8.99 kcal and get the final digit of the product energy value in your kitchen (from 108-153 kcal).

For another embodiment, they take a standard spoon of Russian production - 18 ml. If 100 ml contains 92 g of sunflower oil, then its energy value is 827 kcal. How to determine how nutritional sunflower oil? Calorie in the tablespoon of this useful product is equal to 18x8.27 kcal \u003d 148.9 kcal. Everyone who strictly monitors the nutritional value of their diet, nutritionists recommend not to exceed the daily rate of the consumption of vegetable fats, including oil from sunflower. A pair of tablespoons per day can fully cover the daily rate of fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E, not synthesized by our organism vitamin F and other important elements. What else can you measure the energy value, which is sunflower oil?

Quite often thin people while refueling vegetable salads, the question is, what is the caloric content of sunflower oil from a teaspoon. This popular appliance weighs about 5 g. By non-good counts, you can also calculate how many calories can be obtained from a teaspoon with sunflower oil: 8.99 kcal x 5 g \u003d 45 kcal.

Get the oil in two ways:

pressing - Mechanical spin of oil from crushed raw materials. It can be cold and hot, that is, with pre-heating seeds. Cold spin oil is the most useful, it has a pronounced smell, but can not be kept for a long time. extraction - Extraction of oil from raw materials with the help of organic solvents, it is more economical, as it makes it possible to maximize the oil.

The oil obtained in one way or another must be filtered - the raw oil is obtained. Next, it is hydrated (processing hot water) and neutralized (caloricator). After such operations, unrefined oil is obtained. The unrefined oil has a little less biological value than raw, but is stored longer.

Refined oil is treated according to the full refining scheme, which ensures the maximum possible shelf life, transparency and lack of taste. In biological respect, refined oil is less valuable.

The composition of sunflower oil includes linolium and linolen unsaturated fatty acids that are not synthesized in the body. These acids are called vitamin F or essential acids. The need for them is even higher than in other vitamins.

Unsaturated fatty acids participate as a mandatory component in the formation of cell membranes and shells of nerve fibers (Calorizator). They have a property to remove cholesterol, forming a non-oxidized ester with cholesterol, have a normalizing effect on the walls of blood vessels and can be considered among the prevention of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Sunflower oil also contains vitamins: A, D and E.

Unrefined sunflower oil is most useful, as all natural components are preserved in it: vitamins A, E and other biologically active substances, so it can be used in the "cheese".

Oils of plant origin are manufactured by pressing a seed pressure, which, as a rule, contain biologically active and nutrients in high concentrations. That is why most vegetable oils are extremely actively affected by various systems of the human body and individual organs. Products of this kind have long been used in food, as well as widely used in therapeutic and cosmetics purposes.

Today we want to tell readers about the most useful vegetable oils.


Coconut oil

Coconut oil produces a method of cold or hot spis from the crushed pulp of ripe fruits of coconut palm trees. It has about 10 fatty acids, its calorie content is 899 kcal per 100 g.

Coconut oil - valuable food product. Fatty acids contained in it have bactericidal, antifungal and antiviral influence. Regular use of oil in food reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular pathologies, optimizes the operation of the digestive organs, increases immunity, contributes to the normalization of weight. There is information that substances that are rich in coconut oil prevent the emergence of malignant neoplasms.

When used for cosmetics purposes, the product saves from such trouble as hair loss, nail fragility, dryness and peeling of the skin.

Coconut oil has a unique property, due to which it is indispensable in cooking: during heat treatment, it is, unlike other food oils, does not emit substances harmful to health.

Cacao butter

The product produced from cocoa bean contains a large number of polyunsaturated and mono-allaturated fatty acids. In the composition of the oil, there are many vitamins, iron salts, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, potassium, manganese and calcium, as well as tanning substances and caffeine.

Cocoa oil has an anti-inflammatory, wounded effect, promotes skin regeneration. It serves as an excellent basis for therapeutic agents made in the form of candles and ointments. In addition, it has polyphenols that prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions, which allows it to be used as a basic component of drugs. In the treatment of colds, cocoa oil is an indispensable means to facilitate the obsessive dry cough. It helps to establish the work of the immune system, improves the condition of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, enriches the body with vitamins and antioxidants.

The product is extremely widely used in cosmetology. The substances included in its composition support the skin tone, make it moisturized and elastic. Cocoa oil is considered one of the best means to increase the production of natural collagen and reduce wrinkles.

As a food product, cocoa oil is used in the production of chocolate and other confectionery products. It is it that determines the delicate taste and a wonderful aroma of this kind of products. The quality of this delicacy depends on the concentration of natural oil cocoa in chocolate.

Sesame oil

The seed seed oil includes an indispensable amino acids, most of the minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the human body, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, D, and E. especially a lot of calcium in it: only one teaspoon of oil contains a daily rate consumption.

When regularly eating sesame oil normalizes the state of the endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems, improves sleep, relieves fatigue, helps to activate the brain activity and strengthening memory. The product is extraordinarily useful for men: the antioxidant of the squalene in its composition supports the function of the prostate gland and enhances the production of genital hormones. With gastritis and ulcerative diseases of the stomach, sesame oil heals the damaged areas of mucous membranes, relieves pain and prevents the further development of pathological processes.

Sesame oil is considered one of the most powerful rejuvenating agents: with its internal and external use (as the base for masks), the skin supply of oxygen is enhanced, epidermis cells are updated, inflammation decreases. Sesame oil eliminates the peeling of the skin and treats the acne rash, creates a film on the skin, protecting from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

Olive oil

High-quality oil obtained by cold presses of olive fruits contains a large amount of oleic acid, polyphenols and phytosterols. This product is widely used for eating, as well as in the production of perfumery and cosmetics products (including elite soap varieties). It has been established that the daily intake of olive oil in food has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, the liver and the pancreas, improves the state of the vessels and the composition of the blood.

When used as an outer agent, the oil effectively heals the small damage to the skin, moisturizes and smoothes its surface. Tools containing olive oil are suitable for skin care of the most tender, as well as problem areas of the face (for example, eye zones). To improve the appearance of hair and accelerate their growth, masks based on olive oil with the addition of egg yolks are successfully used.

Pumpkin oil

The oil, pressed from pumpkin seeds, includes substances capable of facilitating the condition of patients with gastritis, colitis, ulcerative stomach disease, hepatitis. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and is an effective means for preventing strokes, myocardial infarction and other heavy lesions of the cardiovascular system.

The product is extremely useful for people suffering from the reproductive system. He normalizes the hormonal background, men helps to cure from prostatitis, and women will get rid of damage to the mucous membrane of the sex tract. There is evidence that, instilled in the nose oil of pumpkin seeds, you can quickly remove the manifestations of allergic rhinitis.

In addition, the product has a beneficial effect on the drax, wrinkled skin, returning elasticity and elasticity.

Rapeseed oil

According to the wealth of vitamin and mineral composition, rapeseed oil is almost not inferior to olive. It reduces the risk of thrombus, saturates the body with useful fatty acids of Omega-3 and Omega-6.

The oil contains substances similar to the action of estradiol. With regular admission, it neutralizes hormonal failures in women and even prevents the development of malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands. Rapeseed oil is perfectly absorbed by the body and is suitable for dietary food.

When used in raw form (as refueling for salads, components of sauces, etc.), the product is an excellent budget replacement for more expensive types of vegetable oils. But it should not be frying on rapeseed oil: when heated it highlights substances harmful to health.

Corn oil

Corn oil can be used in raw form and subject to any culinary processing. When heated, it almost does not lose useful properties.

Due to the high content of vitamin E (it is almost twice as much as in olive oil), the product is indispensable in the nutrition of people who have failed in the work of the endocrine system. Corn oil has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, normalizes the processes of production of genital hormones. With regular use, it relieves fatigue, strengthens the immunity, soothes the nervous system.

Corn oil is considered a product, extremely rarely causing allergic reactions. Therefore, it is actively used in the production of perfume and cosmetics and especially children's cosmetics. The product itself is useful to rub the scalp to strengthen the hair and improve their appearance. Corn oil is an effective wound healing and disinfectant: it lubricates small cuts, cracks on the skin, badly healing burns.

The main contraindication to the use of all vegetable oils is individual intolerance. In addition, Cocoa oil is not recommended to include in the menu of people suffering from insomnia and increased nervous excitability. Do not forget that the vegetable oils are high calorie. Despite the benefit that they can bring the body, their excessive use is fraught with excess weight. People suffering from obesity or diabetes should coordinate the norms for the inclusion of vegetable oils into the diet with nutritionists.

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In general, this question arises due to the confusion associated with active advertising and propaganda of the consumption of olive oil. Therefore, in all sorts of "overseas" diet, the Kushany is persistently recommended, and in no one else. I think that correctly understood the meaning of the question. And now a little constructively stroll and make conclusions ...

Any vegetable oil is fat, almost in its pure form and from the point of view of energy consideration, there is no olive difference, sunflower or any third. Another thing is the composition of this fat, from which components it consists of a certain benefit of each designated part of it. And one more important point: which usefulness is demonstrated by manufacturers of certain oils.

The most important component of vegetable oil, precisely because of which it is not necessary to refuse with any diet, are unsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F) and their in sunflower oil.

Refinement is required: any of these two oils is very rich in unsaturated fatty acids (NLC), but if mononic acids are dominated by olive (OMEGA-9), then in sunflower polyunsaturated (mainly Omega-6 and some Omega-3). The beneficial properties of Omega-3 and Omega-6 are well studied well and reliably know that they are indispensable for the human body (our body cannot independently synthesize them and therefore always needs their source, as an example - sunflower oil), but Omega-9 properties , still an open question ... They did not really studied and so far the most distinctive feature is resistant to high temperatures (the more in Omega-9 oil, the longer it can be frying without harm to health).

Refusing to the consumption of sunflower oil, you deprive your body, perhaps the best, Omega-6 source. Without which your body is not able to fully exist and develop.

Another thing is that as a rule, oils are eating a lot more than they need their organism. For this reason, the nutritionists are limited to their consumption.

How many oil can be a day?

I did not find clear numbers. There is an opinion that a total of no more than 30% should be in the usual daily diet. But this statement is irrelevant for low-calorie diets, with such a fat content in the diet can be corrected, instead of weight loss.

And this is true. After all, just in one teaspoon of sunflower oil of whole 45 kilocalories! The same energy is contained in half a banana, one large paprika, one kiwi or three middle cucumbers.

As a result: sunflower oil in a low-calorie diet not only "can", and and "need". True in very small quantity.

A typical manner consumes about 3 or more tablespoons of vegetable oil daily. Vegetable oils, like oils from soybeans, corn and canolas, are an essential source of calories and rich in linoleic acid (LC), which is an important nutrient. Since 1970, researchers have known that LC contributes to a decrease in blood cholesterol, and for decades, scientists have found that the LC consumption can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

During the study, which is entlated as "the influence of food linoleic acid on inflammation markers in healthy people: a systematic review of randomized controlled tests", researchers from the University of Missouri and the University of Illinois found that:

There is no connection between consumption of vegetable oil and circulating inflammation indicators that are often associated with such diseases as heart disease, cancer, asthma and arthritis.

While earlier animal studies have shown that the diet, a rich LC, can contribute to the development of inflammation, researcher Kevin Friece, the factory mind says that people react differently to the LC.

Selection of you:

"As for nutrition and health, animals are not people," said Friece, professor of natural sciences and feeding animals, faculty of zoological sciences, mind. "We do not say that you should simply forget and how much can consume vegetable oil. However, our data truly suggest that you can adhere to healthy diet for the heart, consuming soybean oil, canola oil, corn and sunflower oil, instead of animal fats when cooking. "

Linoleic acid - This is omega-6 fatty acids, which is the main component of most vegetable oils. This fatty acid is an important nutrient and includes 50 and more percent of most well-known vegetable oils.

Frice, along with Guy Johnson, an adjunct-professor of the diet and nutrition of a person at the University of Illinois, held one of the most extensive research regarding doubt about the LC, whether this fatty acid contributes to the development of inflammation in the human body. When these numerous clinical trials were collected and studied, Frice said that it was obvious that:

Consumption of vegetable oils do not contribute to the development of inflammation in healthy people.

"Some previous studies have shown that inflammation, which is an immune response of the body, may appear when consumed certain fats," says Friece. "We realized that this is inflammation that may appear in any part of the body can cause or contribute to the development of chronic diseases. We know that animal fats can contribute to the development of inflammation, but in this study, we were able to eliminate vegetable oil as the reason for the presence of inflammation in the body. "

Friece and Johnson viewed 15 clinical trials that surveyed nearly 500 adults, as they consume various forms of fats, including vegetable oils. Researchers could not find evidence that the diet with a high content of linoleic acid would have any connection with the development of inflammation in the body. In connection with this discovery, researchers say it is important to continue to follow the current recommendations from the Institute of Medicine using vegetable oil When cooking and consume two or four tablespoons of vegetable oil per day to achieve the required amount of linoleic acid necessary for healthy heart functioning.

"Consumers regularly bought out the prevention of products that they should not use," Friece said. "Although the restriction of common fats is also part of the current nutritional recommendation, we hope people will feel comfortable, preparing dishes using vegetable oils."

Recipes of most national cuisines include plenty of vegetable oils. For the Mediterranean, the use of cold spin olive oil is characterized, for Russian the usual sunflower oil. The caloric content of these products is slightly different from each other, the oil of his beloved sunflower she was 15 kcal above, but Vitamin E is an order of magnitude more than the Mediterranean fellow. With moderate consumption, sunflower oil has a beneficial effect on the human body. The repository of useful fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins - oil from sunflower seeds - it is necessary to preserve youth and attractiveness. Not in vain ancient called his product of health and longevity.

The advantages that are endowed with sunflower oil, which is distinguished by its animal fat, are: stimulation of metabolic processes in the body, normalization of the work of endocrine and sexual systems, prevention of disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal organs, as well as the liver and respiratory system; improvement of memory, prevent the appearance and development of an atherosclerotic process, reduce cholesterol content in the blood; Strengthening immunity and improving the protective functions of the body. The canons of classical dietology say that the most successful combination of animals and vegetable fats, which is beneficial to human health, is considered to be such a proportion: 20 percent of the animal product and 80 percent of oils derived from plants. The sunflower oil has become the most affordable source of unsaturated fats and vitamins. The calorie content of this utility product is quite high due to the large content of vegetable fat in it (99.9 percent). It is 899 kcal. People counting the energy value daily used products should not be afraid of such a high digit. Since the daily amount of popular oil, which nutritionists recommend covering the deficiency of fatty acids and vitamins, is small.

Responding to a question about how much vegetable oil can be equipped a day in order not to recover, specialists of sports nutrition and dietary doctors say that no more than two (maximum - three) tablespoons per day. The same amount includes sunflower oil. His calorie content in this case will not exceed 300-450 kcal per day. This figure is fully fitted in the norms of consuming healthy fats designed for losing weight people. In the diet to reduce weight 30%, fats and 60% are carbohydrates. Moreover, the main share (60-70% of the total number of vegetable oil) is unrefined sunflower oil - the most useful product with all the preserved in it after processing with vitamins and microelements. It differs from other presence of a dark shade, permissible precipitate and a pronounced aroma of fried seeds. They can refuel vegetable salads, but this product is unsuitable for heat treatment of food. Fry fish, meat or vegetables on such oil will not risk a single experimental mistress, since it sprinkles on a hot frying pan, it is foaming, it burns, and also gives bitterness. For frying, the refined sunflower oil is better suitable, the calorie content of which is not different from the nutritional value of the other types of this product (899 kcal). This oil is pale yellow, it is transparent, does not have a specific smell and taste of sunflower.

On the labels of bottles with sunflower oil often indicates the calorie content of the product at the rate of 100 g. It is 899 kcal. Most of the used oils derived from plants - linen, corn, sesame, coconut and sunflower oil - caloric content of 100 grams have about the same - 898-899 kcal. And only cold spin olive oil gives the body of 884 kcal. Marketing tricks about the absence of cholesterol in vegetable fats are a smile in nutritionists - cholesterol is contained only in animal products. In pursuit of profit with such inscriptions, even sunflower oil often label.

In the forums in the network, people often discuss the caloric content of sunflower oil in the tablespoon. It can be determined, based on two parameters: the volume of the spoon or its weight. The volume of the working part of the spoon (draped) can vary in the range of 18-20 ml, and the capacity of the instrument with dimensions 7x4 cm in grams is 17 g. In one gram of sunflower oil contains 8.99 kcal. The weight of the spoon can be taken conventional, and it can be measured with the help of kitchen scales individually. The difference between the dry spoon and full sunflower oil can be from 12 to 17. The result can be multiplied by 8.99 kcal and get the final digit of the product energy value in your kitchen (from 108-153 kcal). For another embodiment, they take a standard spoon of Russian production - 18 ml. If 100 ml contains 92 g of sunflower oil, then its energy value is 827 kcal. How to determine how nutritional sunflower oil? Calorie in the tablespoon of this useful product is equal to 18x8.27 kcal \u003d 148.9 kcal. Everyone who strictly monitors the nutritional value of their diet, nutritionists recommend not to exceed the daily rate of the consumption of vegetable fats, including oil from sunflower. A pair of tablespoons per day can fully cover the daily rate of fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E, not synthesized by our organism vitamin F and other important elements. What else can you measure the energy value, which is sunflower oil?

Quite often thin people while refueling vegetable salads, the question is, what is the caloric content of sunflower oil from a teaspoon. This popular appliance weighs about 5 g. By non-good counts, you can also calculate how many calories can be obtained from a teaspoon with sunflower oil: 8.99 kcal x 5 g \u003d 45 kcal.

In most recipes, hard diets authors require a categorical refusal of any kind of fats. They motivate it by the fact that the caloric content of sunflower oil is extended to recycle 1g product will have to spend 9 kcal in the gym. But the deficit of fat-soluble vitamins can cause significant damage in such a nutrition. No vitamin D deteriorates the state of the joints, nails, teeth and hair. "Vitamin Beauty" E is responsible for moisturizing, youth and healthy skin type, vitamin A - for its regeneration. These vitamins dissolve exclusively in fat. Knowing how many calories in sunflower oil, you can adjust your diet without refusing from such a useful product.

Beauty and Health Health Food

Vegetable oil is called because it is obtained from fruits, seeds, roots and other parts of plants. They consist of complex glycerinov, wax, phosphatides, free fatty acids, vitamins and other substances that give oil color, taste and smell

Vegetable oil Contains such substances that are not synthesized in the human body. This is a linoleic acid, linolenic acid - unsaturated fatty acids, with which the cell membranes are constructed, as well as phospholipids, which are the main component of these membranes. Therefore, you can imagine how useful this product is for the body. No wonder since the ancient times, vegetable oils were a medicine, and a product, and a means to maintain beauty. Research recipes, rejuvenation with various species have been preserved until our time. vegetable oils.

They say that porridge does not spoil oil, but even vegetable oil should be used in moderate quantities. The fact is that different vegetable oils Consist from different types of fats: mononaturated, saturated and polyunsaturated. Each of the types of fats has specific properties. If we talk about quantity vegetable oil per day for one person, it should be 10% of the resulting fats per day.

Refined fats are harmful to the body, so they should not be carried away. As always, it is uttering everything natural. Useful vegetable fats include butter oil, seeds, avocado and other fruits. The refined and most polyunsaturated fats can be attributed to the harmful. To navigate in the diversity of vegetable oils and understand which one suits us the most, consider the brief characteristics of different species vegetable oils.

Sunflower oil is the most popular. It includes vitamins A, D, E and F, as well as useful minerals. It is well absorbed, helping the body to overcome diseases such as atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system and brain circulation problems.

In folk medicine, sunflower oil is used in the treatment of thrombophlebitis of dental pain, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the entire excretory system. In cosmetology it is used to prepare masks for the face and body, as well as compresses.

Usefulness unrefined sunflower oil, because It retains all useful substances. However, fry, if there is such a need, better on refined.

Corn oil is valued for useful unsaturated fatty acidswhich are actively involved in metabolic processes, as well as for phosphatides, which are part of cell membranes and contribute to the accumulation of protein in the body. Corn oil does not allow to be delayed on the walls of the vessels of harmful cholesterol.

When it is used, nervous tension and fatigue decreases, fermentation slows down in the intestine, the metabolism and performance are improved, and the tone of the body as a whole increases. It is very useful for the gallbladder, because it enhances the reduction of its walls.

Corn oil is used as an auxiliary dietary agent for the prevention of the following diseases: general and regional atherosclerosis, obesity that bore the diseases of the arteries in diabetes mellitus, etc. It is possible to fry on it, but on a slow fire - it better saves vitamins.

Olive oil - famous health and rejuvenating agent. It consists of unsaturated fat (fatty acids), so it actively reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, as well as diabetes and obesity. It is a choleretic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Olive oil does not highlight carcinogens when heated, so perfect for frying.

It can be successfully used to prevent the aging of the body. In addition, it can warn oncological diseases, because It has a strong antioxidant effect. Olive oil is also used with the gastrointestinal disease and is a choleretic agent.

Sea buckthorn oil - one of the most useful products. This is the richest source of natural vitamins. For example, Vitamin E is larger than in all fruits and berries known in Russia. It also has carotene (provitamin a) and carotenoids, vitamins (E, C, B1, B2, B6, F, P), folic acid, organic acids, flavonoids (rutin), tanning substances, many macro and trace elements.

One of the features of this oil is the removal of heavy metal salts from the body. It heals the wounds perfectly and treats burns, as well as mucous membranes. Another of the advantages of sea buckthorn oil is the ability to activate the extension of the pancreas, inhibit the secretion of the gastric juice, protect the cell membranes from the harmful effects of chemical agents.

In addition, the sea buckthorn oil has an antisclerotic action, it helps to improve the work of the cardiovascular system, the normalization of fat, protein and cholesterol and thyroid gland, normalizes the operation of the liver.

Rosehip oil consists of a complex ester of Laurinov, Miristinova, palmitic and stearic acids. It has antiseptic, wound-healing, binders, tonic and cleansing properties. It is used in the treatment of dry skin, eczema and burns. Rosehip oil can rejuvenate, regenerate, smooth, increase the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Oil eliminates skin irritation, inflammation and peeling, as well as prominent vascular pattern.

Rosehip oil is a soft but powerful antidepressant, which eliminates indecision and attaches confidence in its abilities.

This is a well-known polyvitamin, a constructive and increases the body's resistance to the tool, which is used in hypo-and avitaminosis, atherosclerosis, various infectious diseases, burns of varying degrees, frostbite, shallow injuries, hemophilia and bleeding.

In its biological value, linseed oil is in the first place among all food oils. It contains 46% vitamin F (it is not synthesized in the body), as well as valuable unsaturated acids and a large number of such necessary vitamins A and E. Linen oil is a "live product" to be protected from exposure to high temperatures.

Linseed oil is called a "chipper" of the body, because it warns the diseases of the vessels and the formation of thrombus. Therefore, constant use of linseed oil helps to prevent heart and vascular diseases (the occurrence of a stroke decreases by 30%). With it, it is carried out by the prevention of breast cancer and achieve facilitating the flow of premenstrual syndrome and premenophasis. It is very useful for skin and hair, actively contributes to the healing of damaged tissues. In folk medicine, flax oil is used from worms, heartburns, various ulcers.

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