Fasting days for losing weight on milk. A milk tea fasting day is a good way to get back in shape after the holidays

Today on the weight loss portal "Lose Weight Without Problems" I want to talk about how a fasting day on milk helps me to always stay in shape, while I do not feel hunger and excessive appetite, as with other unloading.

Before settling on just such a unloading day, I probably tried all the unloading: on kefir, on apples, on water, on watermelons, tea unloading - they all gave certain results, but by the end of the day I felt tired and slightly unwell , therefore, in parallel, I continued to look for "my unloading", reading various reviews about this or that method. I love tea and milk, so I was interested in unloading on milk tea. Here are some of the reviews that caught my attention.

Milk tea: reviews

  • This is great relief. I will never forget my first day of unloading on milk tea. Still, when I woke up in the morning, I saw a plumb line of more than a kilogram on the scales! I always have such plumb lines that I am always happy. Alina L.
  • Excellent unloading. Not as heavy as juices. And the calories are much less. Natalie.
  • When I go on business trips for one day, I always take milk tea with me. I drink it during the day, I don't feel like eating at all, and I don't have to buy anything. Vesna.
  • And I brew it in a thermos. It's hard for me to endure a fasting day on one milk tea, so I allow myself to eat another apple. Nastya.
  • We must not forget that it is also a diuretic. After a day of unloading on milk tea, it always takes me more than a kilogram. True, the next day the water comes back, and the weight jumps up a little, but it's still my favorite unloading. Olga K.
  • Do not forget, girls, that milk tea removes fluid from the body. Those who have kidney problems need to be careful and attentive to their well-being. After giving birth, I drank tea with milk for 8 cups a day. No result, but the kidneys are very sore. This unloading is not for everyone. Irina.
  • I do this. I make myself milk with green tea with flavors. I drink it as soon as I feel that I want to eat. Thus, I drink up to 2 liters a day. Although I drink more after lunch. Nora.
  • I am almost 10 kilograms. I keep my shape thanks to physical exercises and a fasting day on my favorite milk tea. I try to unload on Wednesdays. After losing weight, I have been keeping my weight for more than a year. Marina Sh.

What you need to know before unloading in milk tea

Well, that's actually what caught my attention. The first thing I decided to find out how this drink works and who should not use it.

Milk and tea, getting into the body, begin to interact. The caffeine in tea is softened by milk, and the tea creates protective shell on the gastric mucosa, thereby softening the fermentation of milk. That is, milk and tea help each other assimilate in the body.

But milk tea should not be abused.... Tea does not allow the absorption of calcium, which is in milk. It settles on the walls of blood vessels and makes them less elastic. Besides, a prerequisite fasting day on one milk tea is the use of liquid - water. It needs to be drunk up to 2 liters to avoid dehydration.

Milk tea can also be used not only as a mono-discharge, but also as a diet option. Its essence lies in the fact that after lunch, watch from 14.00. and for the rest of the day you drink it instead of food. That is, before lunch you eat as usual, and after lunch you unload .. After all, you must not forget that milk tea puts a load on the kidneys, and this is not good for the body. Therefore, it is better to unload with the help of milkweed.

Milk tea fasting day - highlights

  • This is a proven remedy for a fasting day, it is better to use it 4 times a month.
  • In most cases, you can see good plumb lines from 0.7 to 2 kg on the scales, but a few grams are sure to return.
  • You can spend the whole day unloading on milk tea or replace one of the meals with it - better, dinner.
  • This drink can be consumed instead of drinking throughout the day. They are good at replacing snacks.
  • For cooking, it is better not to take homemade milk, but fat-free. If you have whole milk, it can be diluted with water.
  • It is better to give preference to green tea over black. In addition, flavored tea will only improve the taste of milk tea. I like green tea milk tea with sausep better.
  • Milk tea can be consumed both cold and warm. Honey can be added to improve the taste. I do not do this. Already used to it.
  • They say that it is better to unload on women's days- Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. I do it on Monday, it turns out well.

Milk tea recipes for unloading

So, to prepare a milk tea drink you need purchase milk and brewed broadleaf tea, not in bags.

Put milk on fire and bring to a boil. If the milk is pasteurized, it does not need to be boiled. If you bought homemade, it is better to dilute with water and boil. Then add 3 tablespoons of tea per liter, you can mix green and black. We insist for 20 minutes, filter and enjoy pleasant aroma and taste every 2 hours.

I drink not diluted milk tea, and some dilute it with water and add honey to it.

Many people prepare milk tea easier. To do this, they simply add milk to strongly brewed tea and drink it like true Englishmen. I prefer the first "real" version of tea brewed with milk.

The milk tea fasting day is my favorite one-day diet. I drink it whenever I want. But I try to cope before 18.00. In the morning the next day I always see a good plumb line. Good luck to you!

The modern approach to weight loss places great emphasis on proper nutrition. Exhausting long diets are becoming a thing of the past. It has been proven that a change in the stereotype of eating behavior, in which a person does not experience negative emotions, leads to weight loss much faster and has a persistent character. Such "gentle" methods include a fasting day on milk tea.

What is useful

People have been drinking tea with milk for a long time. Especially the English "succeeded" in this, for whom the drink became a symbol of their character and traditions. What is so special about it? What is its use?

  1. The combination of milk and tea ideally complements each other in composition: the tannin contained in the tea leaves neutralizes milk fermentation products. The latter, in turn, mitigates the negative effects of caffeine.
  2. The drink perfectly reduces appetite.
  3. Has diuretic and choleretic effects. This is especially important for people who are losing weight. After all, part extra pounds accounted for by excess water in the body. Normal bile circulation improves digestion.
  4. The combination of milk and tea has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, so it becomes easier for a person to endure the stress caused by the rejection of "favorite carbohydrates".
  5. Easily absorbed by the body. This is facilitated by a mixture of animal and plant proteins and carbohydrates.

The best effect for weight loss has a drink based, although black is allowed.

How to cook properly

Milk tea is brewed in different ways. Let's describe 2 popular recipes:

  • Traditional

Boil one liter low-fat milk, add 2 large spoons of green tea (you can mix green and black 1: 1). Insist for about 20 minutes.

  • English

Brew separately green tea, then milk is added to a mug heated in a water bath in a ratio of 2: 1. The drink is ready.

For lovers to do everything on hastily we emphasize that in this case it is necessary to strictly adhere to the indicated proportions. If you just mix milk and tea leaves, then the effect may not be obtained at all.

The drink is perishable product... You can prepare milk tea for a fasting day the night before and leave in the refrigerator.

Important! The thermos is absolutely not suitable for storage. Prolonged heated state violates the biochemical composition.

Combination with other products

Those people who are just starting to lose their weight often complain that they can withstand a fasting day by taking only delicious drink hard. Even psychologically, a person wants to eat more solid food. The feeling of satiety and inner comfort depends on this. In such cases, nutritionists advise you to stick to a more benign option by adding certain foods to your diet.

With any fruit

Unloading on milk and fruit is one of the most common and popular ways to "trick" the body by taking not only liquid, but also solid food. The diet is supplemented with any fruit in the amount of 1 kg per day. Only bananas and grapes rich in carbohydrates are not suitable.

With apples

If there are no other foods in the diet besides the drink, then it is better to limit yourself to light exercise or warm-up. The trip to the fitness room will have to be postponed, otherwise the body simply will not withstand the load.

It is better to plan such a wellness day on a weekend when you are relieved of stress at work and excessive physical exertion.


it key principle any way to lose weight. If the fasting day is carried out once a year, then the effect can not be expected.

You need to use milk tea for weight loss constantly, but not often (optimally, once every 7-10 days). This is due to some features of the product, which when overuse can harm the body:

  • having a diuretic effect, it leads to the leaching of salts, therefore, frequent use will disrupt the mineral balance of the body;
  • milk, even of low fat content, gives a certain load on the liver cells, so if you drink it often and a lot, the effect will not be unloading, but the opposite.

Important! It is necessary to replenish the loss of fluid, therefore, during the fasting day, you need to drink 2 liters of plain water with milk.


In order for the results to be only positive and not turn into health problems, it is important to remember some limitations:

  1. There are people who cannot tolerate milk since childhood. This is often not due to their whims, but due to congenital enzyme deficiency.
  2. At allergic reactions an urgent need to stop taking it.
  3. People with low blood pressure, kidney disease may not be suitable for severe diuretic effect tea with milk.
  4. With diseases gastrointestinal tract(gastritis) and gallbladder do not recommend the use of drugs with a choleretic effect without additional consultation a doctor;
  5. Diabetes mellitus is a strict contraindication for any fasting days;
  6. If a person is sick with an acute infectious disease, then it is better to postpone unloading until complete recovery;
  7. During pregnancy and lactation, it is generally not recommended to practice fasting days, since the developing body needs enough nutrients and calories every day.

Before embarking on a fasting day with milk tea, you need to consult with your doctor, especially if you suffer from chronic diseases.

And to this day, I consider it the best invention of mankind in the field of weight loss, practically free, easy to prepare, and most importantly harmless! Later, after giving birth, I managed to bring myself back to normal in almost a month, the weight returned in a week, and within a month my stomach became ideal as before. I attribute this to a systematic daily use liquids, in particular milk tea, because it stimulates the work of the whole organism and speeds up metabolism. Moderate training (which at that time she could do) and of course proper nutrition... I read reviews on milk tea specifically for the purpose of losing weight, and was surprised that he helped many to lose weight after giving birth. Most likely because moms initially used this drink for the same purpose as me, but they also noticed a slimming effect. Later I began to drink less of it, but I am sure that the fasting day on milk tea brings huge benefit my figure!

Milk tea recipe

I saw a lot of milk tea recipes on the Internet, but mostly I use the simplest ones that are suitable both for unloading milk tea and instead of dinner (well, I do this):

Option 1 (instead of dinner, a mug or two)

Pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. per liter of green leaf tea water (preferably stronger, 10 minutes)

Allow to cool slightly

Add 1 tbsp. milk from 1% to 2.5%.

Option 2 (more suitable as an independent fasting day on milk tea)

Brew a liter of milk in a saucepan, mixed with the same amount of water, and two tablespoons of green tea (do not bring to a boil).

Let it brew for about half an hour. Drink milk tea after it has cooled down as soon as you want (or when you feel hungry).

All This option, and in my opinion, very much interrupts the appetite, so it is easier to endure it as a fasting day than it seems. In addition, milk contains nutritional properties and calories, so this is not hunger, but the result is simply amazing!

Warning(!) diuretic effect, so it is better to "unload on a weekend" or if the schedule allows, when you are at home

Milkweed slimming my results:

Milk tea gives impressive results, so in a month consisting of four to five fasting days (under normal nutrition conditions on other days) I lose weight by 4-5 kg. That is, about a kilogram every day. But in no case overeat the next day, otherwise there will be no result! Well, the standard workout for home treadmill I always have 1-3 times a week. Are you interested? I assure you, a plumb line from 0.5 to 1.5 kg will be required per day, for example, I have already prepared a liter of milk for tomorrow, who is with me?))

7 days milk tea: my opinion

Unfortunately, or fortunately, the results of the milkweed diet are unknown to me, since I consider it too harsh and have never tried it. Diets like "7 days milk tea" for me is a mockery of the body. If you really want to lose weight quickly, then at least alternate the day of normal food and unloading, as I did. It's just that most likely, if you have already decided to go on a diet exclusively on it, then most likely nothing will bring you down with the current (we are like that, girls). But it is much better to slowly but successfully observe the effect than to go hungry for two days, break off on the third day and choose a diet again. Set a goal. And you must

P.S. For the first time, I was allowed to make a photo of milk tea, which would be not just "here it is" but beautiful. I often see girls taking pictures of lipsticks and "flowers" products or treating them, I also decided to use this technique for the first time in order to make the review attractive

Fasting days on milk tea are relevant among people who want to lose weight or who want to keep their weight under control. Also, this drink tastes good and perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger.

What product is called milk tea?

Milk tea is healing drink cooked based on milk and tea.

The efficiency of the milk tea fasting day is quite high. If organized correctly given view unloading, it is possible to reduce the body weight by a maximum of 1.5 kg.

except getting rid of excess weight , milk tea also performs the function health improvement all systems organism... It stimulates the metabolism, organs of the human digestive and excretory systems, as well as skin.

It should be noted right away that milk tea fasting days are recommended for almost everyone, except for people with milk intolerance. Milk tea affects the body only positively.

This is explained by tea, which is part of this life-giving drink, facilitates the processassimilation of milk fats... In this regard, milk tea is allowed even for people suffering from serious diseases of the digestive tract. Tea contains tannin, which the protects the mucous membrane shell stomach from end products fermentation... The cultivar also lowers blood sugar. In turn milk softens harmful action alkaloids and caffeine on our body. And the calcium found in dairy products activates the fat burning process... Milk tea contains a large number of important and irreplaceable vitamins and minerals for the body.

After the end of the fasting day in milk tea, excess fluid is also released from the body. Due to the choleretic and diuretic properties of milkweed.

Use milkweed nutritionists recommended not only as a means slimming, but also recovery activities nervous system, kidney and heart... This drink has tonic properties and has a wide range of effects on our body.

The effectiveness of a milk tea fasting day depends on the correct preparation of this drink.

There are several known methods for preparing milk tea.

First you need choose tea, on the basis of which a life-giving drink will be prepared. Recommended black, green tea or blend several varieties of tea. Prepare also leanmilk (1.5% -2.5% fat)... The resulting milk tea is best stored in a thermos or refrigerator.

Consider the methods of preparing milk tea for a fasting day:

The first way

In a container, bring one and a half liters of milk to a boil and add tea (3 tablespoons) to it. Let the milk tea sit for 20 minutes. Strain the resulting drink. You can add natural honey to it if you wish.

For the above proportions - up to 2 tbsp. l. honey.

Second way

By traditional recipe brew tea - for a glass hot water two teaspoons of any tea. After five minutes, combine the brewed tea with boiled tea in a 1: 1 ratio.

Can boldly use for brewing milkweed flavored teas, various healing herbs , and mint and lemon balm... The most effective tea to prepare this drink are large-leaved green tea varieties.

How to properly organize milk tea unloading?

Remember that the milk tea fasting day should be carried out only once a week. The maximum effect is achieved on the first day of consuming milk. Then the body gets used to this drink and no longer reacts so strongly to its cleansing and preventive actions.

Very important organize a discreet entry and exit from the fasting day. The day before unloading dinner it should be very light,like breakfast after fasting day. It is also recommended to enhance the cleansing effect. drink after unloading a cup of fresh on an empty stomach juice from apples and carrots.

It is allowed to drink diluted milk tea. To do this, one part of the hot is poured to one part of the drink. Per day except milkweed to restore water balance in the body, drink more up to two liters the usual water.

Try to drink a cup of milk tea regularly every two hours. You will not feel hungry because of the calorie content of the dairy product.

Unloading milk tea day nutritionists recommend spend with a drink like in hot, So and cold.

Fasting day on milk tea will charge you energy and health and will also help stabilize weight without the excruciating feeling of hunger.

Not everyone likes milk tea. But it's incredibly useful! This drink can be used as and arranged. The tea diet helps to lose from 0.5 to 2 kilograms of excess weight, normalize metabolic processes and work internal organs, improve the condition of hair, skin, nails and simply cheer up.

However, there are two limitations to such a diet:

How to cook milk tea for a fasting day

There are several ways to prepare a diet drink.

1. Boil milk and cool to 70C. Pour 3-4 teaspoons of tea into the cooled milk, insist for about twenty minutes, filter and drink during the day.

2. Brew tea separately: pour three to four tablespoons of tea with boiling water (1.5 liters), cool for twenty minutes and mix with a liter of milk. We insist for ten minutes, filter.

3. For the lazy, there are two options for preparing milk tea: mix a liter of milk and a liter of brewed tea, and the second option is to brew a teaspoon of tea with 100 grams of boiling water, add 150 ml of milk in ten minutes.

4. You can also follow the example and pour 1/3 of the milk into a heated cup, and after five minutes add 2/3 of the strong tea leaves.

When making tea, remember

Tea should be brewed with white key water. That is, not yet boiling water, but hot enough to brew the tea. When brewed with boiling water, tea loses its beneficial properties.

Should choose correct tea... It can be an elite bound tea from China (for example, "Lemon", "Lily-jasmine", "Strawberry"). You can buy a good green loose. Cheap tea in paper disposable bags is not suitable for fasting days.

How is milk tea useful for weight loss?

Milk tea has a strong diuretic and choleretic effect. Also this drink and harmful substances from the body. When unloading, along with milk tea, you need to drink at least two liters of still mineral water.

Milk tea should be drunk every two hours. Then drink some water.
By the way, milk should not be too fat, maximum - 2.5%.

What is the secret of the popularity of milk tea for fasting days?

On a milk-tea fasting day, you will not starve. This is one of the advantages of this one. Another positive point - great results... Weight is reduced significantly. well-being improves, appearance also pleasing to the eye. This effect is caused by the successful combination of products - healthy tea and milk.

Polyphenols in tea fight excess fat. Green tea, in turn, has such useful properties like lowering blood sugar, improving general condition... Also, green tea activates metabolism, which helps to lose weight and improve well-being.