Particularly perishable foods include a test. Make a monthly diet

Storage conditions are of paramount importance for maintaining the quality and safety of food products, especially perishable ones.

Products requiring special temperature conditions to ensure safety, without which they can lead to harm to human health, are considered perishable and especially perishable, they are subject to storage in cold conditions and are intended for short-term sale.

Taking into account the sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food", developed in accordance with the Federal Laws "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" dated 03.30.1999, No. 52- ФЗт and "On the quality and safety of food products" dated 02.01.2000, №29-ФЗ, "Marikholodmash" has designed and produced a range of TCO, which is most suitable for the storage and sale of highly perishable and perishable products.

Particularly perishable foods include: milk, pasteurized cream; chilled semi-finished products from meat, poultry, fish, seafood, raw and boiled vegetables, all products and dishes catering; freshly squeezed juices; creamy confectionery products made using manual operations; perishable products in packages opened during the sale.

Perishable products include: processed milk products, fish and non-fish products of the trade, eggs, meat, poultry, incl. boiled sausages; flour creamy confectionery with mass fraction moisture more than 13%; creams and finishing semi-finished products, incl. on vegetable oils; the drinks; vegetable processing products; fatty and fat-containing foods, incl. mayonnaise, margarine; quick-frozen ready meals and semi-finished products; all types of preserves; thermized dairy products and sterilized dairy products.

This SanPiN establishes the following storage temperature for particularly perishable and perishable products, it is (4 ± 2) ° С, except for chilled fish and fish fillet (0 - minus 2) ° С, fish food mince, fish of special cutting and multicomponent culinary caviar dishes without heat treatment after mixing (from minus 2 to 2) ° С.

To commercial refrigeration equipment, which was developed by "Marikholodmash" specifically for particularly perishable and perishable products and which provides the above temperature conditions, includes all universal cabinets, medium-temperature universal showcases of the Tair 1221, Ilet and Nova series. The temperature in the refrigerated volumes of these products is regulated in the following ranges: for universal cabinets and showcases of the Tair1221 series - (from minus 6 to 6) ° С, for showcases of the universal series Ilet and Nova - (from minus 5 to 5) ° С. Medium-temperature refrigerated display cases, which have an adjustable temperature in refrigerated volumes in the range (from 0 to 7) ° C, also provide storage modes for fast and highly perishable products.

perishable food

Perishable animal products and vegetable origin contain a lot of moisture, which creates favorable conditions for the life of microorganisms and the activation of enzymes, leading to rapid deterioration of products. Perishable products include meat and meat products, fish and fish products, poultry, caviar, cheeses, eggs, edible fats, fruits, berries, herbs, etc. Kvass and beer can be classified as perishable products.

The shelf life of perishable products is determined by the temperature storage conditions. In large warehouses, bases, refrigerators in controlled conditions low temperatures and humidity, storage of perishable products can be quite long: meat in such conditions can be stored for up to 1.5 years, fish and butter up to 1 year. IN trade enterprises and public catering establishments the shelf life of perishable products is much shorter (Tables 1 and 2).

Chilled fish in stores is stored for no more than 2 days at t ° not lower than -2 ° in the same container in which it came from the supplier. The shelf life of frozen fish in glaciers, ice baths is up to 2 days, in refrigerators at t ° -5-6 ° - up to 15 days. Dairy products should be stored at t ° from 0 to 8 °. TO especially perishable products include meat and fish semi-finished products and finished products, milk, lactic acid products, culinary products... For particularly perishable products, even stricter storage conditions are established with sharply shortened sales periods (Table 3).

Storage finished products allowed provided they are cooled to a temperature not higher than 8 °; storage of meat and fish semi-finished products, milk, lactic acid products, products from by-products and blood is allowed provided that they are immediately cooled upon manufacture to a temperature not exceeding 6 ° and kept at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° during the established time of their presence at the place of storage, transportation and sale.

The established terms for the sale of perishable products intended for direct sale are calculated from the end technological process making finished products at the enterprise and include the time of stay of products on the road, storage in warehouses and bases of the retail network, as well as the time spent by perishable products in stores or catering establishments before being released to consumers. For each batch of especially perishable products, the enterprise must issue an invoice indicating the hour of production and the timing of its sale in accordance with the current sanitary rules.

Table 1. Shelf life of perishable products of the trading network Product name Shelf life at t ° below 0 ° at t ° from 0 to 6 ° with natural cooling, and in warm weather with ice cooling (t ° no higher than 8 °)
Ice cream meat in carcasses

Packaged meat

Chilled meat in carcasses

Packaged meat

Poultry and game frozen

Chilled bird

Frozen by-products

Chilled by-products

Cooked sausages of the third grade and with the addition of offal

Sausages of the third grade, liverwurst, blood, brawn

Sausages, meat sausages

Cooked meat and fish sausages of 1st and 2nd grades

5 days

Not stored

Not stored

Not stored

Not stored

Not stored

Not stored

Not stored

72 hours 48 hours

Not subject to implementation

Table 2. Shelf life of perishable foodstuffs in catering establishments Product name t ° Storage conditions and periods
Chilled meat, chilled, frozen

Chilled poultry, frozen


Chilled fish

Frozen fish

Cooked sausages 3rd grade

Liver sausages, 3rd grade, blood, brawn, 3rd grade

Cooked meat and fish sausages 1st and 2nd grade

Sausages and meat sausages

Flask milk, bottled milk

Not higher than 6 °

Not higher than 6 °

Not higher than 6 °

Not higher than 6 °

Up to 5 days in cells

Up to 2 days in glaciers

Up to 2 days in cells

Up to 2 days in cells, up to a day on ice

Up to 3 days in cells, up to 2 days on ice

No more than 48 hours.

No more than 12 hours.

No more than 72 hours. in the presence of cold, no more than 6 hours. in the absence of cold

No more than 72 hours *

No more than 20 hours. in the container in which it was received *

* In the absence of cold, they are subject to immediate implementation upon manufacture or receipt. Table 3. Maximum shelf life of highly perishable foods Product name Shelf life in hours in the trading network in blank shop in catering establishments in the absence of cold at t ° not higher than 8 ° in the absence of cold at t ° not higher than 8 °
Minced meat (unfilled) Manufactured at the request of buyers 3 Not subject to storage 6
Meat and fish cakes (semi-finished products) Not subject to implementation 12* Not subject to storage 12*
Small pieces of meat (stew, goulash, etc.) Not subject to implementation 18* Not subject to storage 18*
Meat portioned lumpy semi-finished products Not subject to implementation 36* Not subject to storage 36*
Breaded semi-finished meat products Not subject to implementation 24 Not subject to storage 24
Meat and fish aspic, jelly Not subject to implementation 12* Manufacturing and sales are not subject to 12*
Meat and fish ready-made cutlets Not subject to implementation 24 To be realized when prepared on site 24
Liver pate Not subject to implementation 24 6 24
Hot smoked fish 6 72 6 72
Pies with meat, fish and offal 12 24 12 24
Cakes with butter cream 12 36* 12 36*
Cakes with custard Not subject to implementation 6* Not subject to implementation 6*
Curd cheeses 12 36* Not subject to implementation 24
Cottage cheese 12 36 Not subject to implementation 36
Sour cream 24 72 Not subject to implementation 72
Diet products - curdled milk, kefir, acidophilus Not subject to implementation 24 Not subject to implementation 24
Curd Not subject to implementation 36* Not subject to implementation 36*
Jelly milk, butter, baby, fruit and whey Not subject to implementation 12 Not subject to implementation 12
Chopped herring Not subject to implementation 24 6 24*
Vegetable cutlets (semi-finished products) Not subject to implementation 8 Implemented as they become available 8*
Vinaigrette, salads (vegetable, with meat, fish) Not subject to implementation 12 hours if stored unloaded 6 hours subject to local preparation 12 hours if stored unloaded *
Baked fish Not subject to implementation 48 Not subject to implementation 48
Fried fish Not subject to implementation 48 12 36
Fish portioned in bread crumbs (semi-finished product) Not subject to implementation 24 Not subject to implementation 24
* At a temperature not higher than 6 °.

Most families spend up to 50% of their income on food, if a rough estimate is made. In addition, you need to pay utility bills, transport, and all other mandatory items. And in the end - again there is no money. And the circle is closed, because every time the situation repeats itself. But there is a solution: the most significant item of expenses can be revised and you can understand that the list of products for the month and other really necessary goods can significantly save a considerable part of the budget.

How is the "dispersal of funds"

We often go to the grocery store. This is inevitable, because nutrition is the primary human need. But how do we do it? We allocate a day or part of it, take money in a bundle or a card on which all savings are located, go to the supermarket and humbly follow the route that marketers have laid out for us. Of course, we collect everything that is needed and not needed along the way. Pleasant music and aromas from the shelves beckon to put more and more in the basket, this and that. At the exit, when parsing the basket, sometimes we begin to doubt: why did I take this? But no one wants to go and remove "this" back. As a result, we receive up to 70% of the "extra products" from the total mass, and the overpayment for them reaches 100% of extra rubles. So a significant part of our family budget floats away from us.

Sometimes, of course, you want to buy food "for your soul", and this should be done, but it is important to know when to stop and understand when to stop. For this there are several simple wayshow to cut monthly expenseswithout losing the quality of food.

Tricky tricks

As you know, demand creates supply, but sometimes it happens that the latter is not so in demand. For food Industry this is especially typical: enterprises produce all new types of products, both useful and harmful to health, but it is not always possible to sell the goods produced on time. This results in losses either for the plant or for the seller. To stimulate sales and prevent spoilage of all sorts of things, stores and businesses create different offers that are difficult to refuse.

  1. Promotions. When they are held, they often either reduce food prices or offer to buy 2 and receive 1 product as a gift. Many are using this trick: while it's cheap, you have to take it. But is it always necessary what you buy? You can, of course, take something "on the hunt", but you shouldn't buy everything in a row, to which the proposals apply. The promotion can also be useful: if you need a specific product, for example, a pack of butter or a bag of sugar, why not take them at a reduced price?
  2. Sales. Usually in this way they get rid of products whose shelf life is at the limit or ends in the next month or two. There is the same recommendation here: if the product does not raise doubts that you will use it in the near future, and it does not have time to deteriorate, take it, but consider the quantity. Also, sales are arranged when a store buys a large batch of something.
  3. Sophisticated supermarket hall structure... It's an art to get the customer to fill the cart. different productsbefore he gets to the important shelf of bread, milk or meat.
  4. Selling at a speculative price periodically held in our time, and such events are incredibly successful. You can remember how recently buckwheat grain cost about 100 rubles / kg. It would seem who will take? But the people of the generation that faced war and famine literally swept it off the shelves. Many were driven by the fear that it would be even more expensive.

Taken together, these activities immensely enrich the seller and suck your budget, especially if you have an inherent psychology of an active consumer.

There is an exit

To stop constantly buying unnecessary items and start saving, make it a rule to make a list of groceries for a month or a week. Practice shows: people who know what they came to the store for rarely get too much. To do this, it is enough to make a list of food items to be purchased. It would seem a simple piece of paper, but it works flawlessly and, if it does not exclude unnecessary products in the basket, then it minimizes their quantity.

In addition, go to the supermarket after meals - this way you will not think about hunger, and fill the baskets with only the necessary goods.

How to compose

Of course, the list of foods consumed is different for each family. An ordinary sheet of paper attached to the refrigerator with a magnet can become a universal way of listing for everyone. For the first time, go around all your supplies, make a list of everything that is missing: groceries, household items. With such a list, go to the store or the market and fill your bins with everything you need.

Then just get into the habit of immediately writing down your needs: half a bottle of oil is left - wrote down, run out pasta - to the list. Etc. Thus, you can not just buy products from the list, but buy what you really need.

If there is a need to save money, sign approximate prices on products, study the cost of goods in different outlets. Advertising signs, TV announcements, distribution of leaflets - you can find out about the availability of shares everywhere.

On the eve of holidays and large feasts, think over the menu in advance, bring necessary items to the list.

There is a modern alternative to a paper checklist - smartphone apps also allow you to create lists. You will definitely not forget this at home, but how convenient is it to fill it in? Perhaps it just takes a habit.

Look in the refrigerator

It often happens: a tail of sausage remained after breakfast, packed it and put it in the refrigerator. Then we went to the store and bought a fresh one. Of course, the rest was safely forgotten. And this happens everywhere - in almost every refrigerator you can find products that have already been forgotten, and they have become unsuitable for food: scraps or whole pieces of cheese, fruits / vegetables, cans with blanks, bottles of sauces. In other words, everything that is perishable and cannot be stored for a long time.

A common mistake of consumers: I will get more and eat deliciously. But either they do not have time to eat, or the product gets bored. And purchases of such items do not stop.

Carry out a periodic audit of the refrigerator: this is where perishable items of the diet are stored. Determine what is no longer in demand and stop buying that product.

Make a monthly diet

You can significantly reduce your monthly costs by knowing which products you need to buy and which products should be discarded, not only to save money, but also to stay healthy. There is a basic list of products for the month that must be present in the hostess's kitchen. They can be divided into groups:

This is a basic list of foods that can help you prepare a variety of healthy meals. Of course, not every family is in demand for buckwheat, and somewhere they don't eat onions or potatoes. Therefore, there is no single list for all.

And it's okay if you didn't take into account something when compiling the list - you can always buy what you need, because you won't go to buy bread only once a month.

Make blanks

Many products for subsequent preparation can be made independently, they will be much more useful and safer than factory ones: manufacturers use almost everywhere flavoring additives and strive to reduce the cost of semi-finished products, including additional, cheaper components, such as meat and meat products. Cutlets, meatballs, minced meat, meatballs - all this is sold at a price higher than a kilogram of fresh raw materials, lower only in cases where the composition is highly diluted. because meat products you can prepare yourself from whole piecebought in point of sale: by purchasing a product once and spending time on processing, you have freezer the whole arsenal of your favorite semi-finished products, while knowing what it all consists of.

Many people manage to prepare vegetable and meat broths, having previously welded and cooled. The idea is great: in situations where you need to cook something quickly, these products are just a lifesaver!

perishable food products - food products requiring special conditions transportation, storage and sale within strictly regulated terms;

Source: Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09.03.2010 No. 132 "On mandatory requirements for certain types products and related to the requirements for it design processes (including surveys), production, construction, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal contained in the technical regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is a member state of the customs union "

Perishable products include processed products of meat, poultry, eggs, milk, fish and non-fish objects fishing; flour creamy confectionery products with a mass fraction of moisture more than 13%; creams and finishing semi-finished products, incl. on vegetable oils; the drinks; vegetable processing products; fatty and fat-containing foods, incl. mayonnaise, margarine; quick-frozen ready meals and semi-finished products; all types of preserves; thermized fermented milk products and sterilized milk products

Source: Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia dated May 22, 2003 No. 98 "On the introduction of Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms SanPiN" (together with SanPiN 2.3.2. Food raw materials and food products. Hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food products. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards ", approved by the Chief State Physician of Russia on 21.05.2003) (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 06.06.2003 No. 4654)

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Perishable food of animal and plant origin contain a lot of moisture, which creates favorable conditions for the life of microorganisms and the activation of enzymes, leading to rapid deterioration of products. Perishable products include meat and meat products, fish and fish products, poultry, caviar, cheeses, eggs, edible fats, fruits, berries, herbs, etc. Kvass and beer can be classified as perishable products.
The shelf life of perishable products is determined by the temperature storage conditions. In large warehouses, bases, refrigerators in conditions of controlled low temperatures and humidity storage perishable food can be quite long: meat in such conditions can be stored up to 1.5 years, fish and butter up to 1 year. In trade enterprises and public catering establishments the shelf life of perishable products is much shorter (Tables 1 and 2).
Chilled fish in stores is stored for no more than 2 days at t ° not lower than -2 ° in the same container in which it came from the supplier. Storage period frozen fish in glaciers, ice baths - up to 2 days, in refrigerators at t ° -5-6 ° - up to 15 days. Dairy products should be stored at t ° from 0 to 8 °. TO especially perishable products include meat and fish semi-finished products and finished products, milk, lactic acid products, culinary products. For particularly perishable products, even stricter storage conditions are established with sharply shortened sales periods (Table 3).
Storage of finished products is allowed provided they are cooled to a temperature not exceeding 8 °; storage meat and fish semi-finished products, milk, lactic acid products, products from by-products and blood are allowed provided that they are immediately cooled during manufacture to a temperature of no higher than 6 ° and kept at a temperature of no higher than 8 ° during the established time of their stay at the place of storage, transportation and sale ...
The established terms for the sale of perishable products intended for direct sale are considered from the moment of the end of the technological process of manufacturing finished products at the enterprise and include the time of stay of products in transit, storage in warehouses and retail network bases, as well as the time spent by perishable products in stores or businesses. catering to consumers. For each batch of especially perishable products, the enterprise must issue an invoice indicating the hour of production and the timing of its sale in accordance with the current sanitary rules.
Table 1. Shelf life of perishable products of the trading network
Product name
Storage periods
at t ° below 0 °
at t ° from 0 to 6 °
with natural cooling, and in warm weather with ice cooling (t ° no higher than 8 °)
Ice cream meat in carcasses
Packaged meat
Chilled meat in carcasses
Packaged meat
Poultry and game frozen
Chilled bird
Frozen by-products
Chilled by-products
Cooked sausages of the third grade and with the addition of offal
Sausages of the third grade, liverwurst, blood, brawn
Sausages, meat sausages
Cooked meat and fish sausages of 1st and 2nd grades
5 days
2 days
Not stored
Not stored
5 days
Not stored
3 days
3 days

Not stored

Not stored
Not stored

Not stored
72 hours
24 hours
72 hours
36 hours
72 hours
72 hours
48 hours
36 hours

12 hours
48 hours

48 hours
48 hours
12 hours
48 hours
24 hours
48 hours
24 hours
24 hours
12 hours

Not subject to implementation
48 hours

48 hours
Table 2. Shelf life of perishable foodstuffs in catering establishments
Product name
t °
Storage conditions and periods
Chilled meat, chilled, frozen
Chilled poultry, frozen
Chilled fish
Frozen fish
Cooked sausages 3rd grade
Liver sausages, 3rd grade, blood, brawn, 3rd grade
Cooked meat and fish sausages 1st and 2nd grade
Sausages and meat sausages
Flask milk, bottled milk

-2 °
-2 °
Not higher than 6 °

Not higher than 6 °

Not higher than 6 °
Not higher than 6 °
0-8 °

Up to 5 days in cells
Up to 2 days in glaciers
Up to 2 days in cells
Up to 2 days in cells, up to a day on ice
Up to 3 days in cells, up to 2 days on ice
No more than 48 hours.

No more than 12 hours.
No more than 72 hours. in the presence of cold, no more than 6 hours. in the absence of cold
No more than 72 hours *
No more than 20 hours. in the container in which it was received *
* In the absence of cold, they are subject to immediate implementation as they are manufactured or received.
Table 3. Maximum shelf life of highly perishable foods
Product name
Shelf life in hours
in the trading network
in the procurement shop at catering establishments
in the absence of cold
at t ° no higher than 8 °
in the absence of cold
at t ° no higher than 8 °
Minced meat (unfilled)
Manufactured at the request of buyers
Not subject to storage
Meat and fish cutlets (semi-finished products)
Not subject to implementation
Not subject to storage
Small pieces of meat (stew, goulash, etc.)
Not subject to implementation
Not subject to storage
Meat portioned lumpy semi-finished products
Not subject to implementation
Not subject to storage
Breaded semi-finished meat products
Not subject to implementation
Not subject to storage
Meat and fish aspic, jelly
Not subject to implementation
Manufacturing and sales are not subject to
Meat and fish cutlets
Not subject to implementation
To be realized when prepared on site
Liver pate
Not subject to implementation
Hot smoked fish
Pies with meat, fish and offal
Cream cakes
Custard cakes
Not subject to implementation
Not subject to implementation
Curd cheeses
Not subject to implementation
Cottage cheese
Not subject to implementation
Sour cream
Not subject to implementation
Diet products - yogurt, kefir, acidophilus
Not subject to implementation
Not subject to implementation
Not subject to implementation
Not subject to implementation
Milk, creamy, baby, fruit and whey jelly
Not subject to implementation
Not subject to implementation
Chopped herring
Not subject to implementation
Vegetable cutlets (semi-finished products)
Not subject to implementation
Implemented as they become available
Vinaigrette, salads (vegetable, with meat, fish)
Not subject to implementation
12 hours if stored unloaded
6 hours subject to local preparation
12 hours if stored unloaded *
Baked fish
Not subject to implementation
Not subject to implementation
Fried fish
Not subject to implementation
Fish portioned in bread crumbs (semi-finished product)
Not subject to implementation
Not subject to implementation
* At a temperature not higher than 6 °.