How many calories are in boiled vegetables table. Energy value of fruits

Are you a fan of healthy eating habits? Or maybe you strive for a slender body, but the thought of the strictest diets drives you into melancholy? If so, this article is for you. You can deliciously and satisfyingly diversify your diet with all kinds of vegetable fruits without harming your own figure, and at the same time remain vigorous, mobile and full of energy.

General points

Vegetables and fruits should be in the daily menu and in considerable quantities. It is an important source of many vitamins, trace elements and fiber, which plays an important role in cleansing the body of excess water and toxins. Also, thanks to these products, the uninterrupted work of the intestines is normalized and maintained, the work of blood vessels and heart muscle improves. However, remember that vegetable fruits, for all their benefits, are very high in calories! This moment is especially important for those who want to lose weight quickly and without harm. The absolute low-calorie champions are all kinds of green fruits and vegetables.

Important! Fruits contain much more carbohydrates than vegetables, therefore it is recommended to consume them exclusively at the beginning of the day when you are using the maximum amount of energy.

Calorie calculations in the tables are for fresh fruit. The calorie content of fresh vegetables is lower than that of processed ones. Take this into account when planning your meals for the day and try to give preference to fresh crops - useful trace elements and vitamins are not destroyed by heat treatment.

Let's talk about greenery

Common greens - parsley, basil, green onions, lettuce, cilantro, and dill contain the least amount of calories. The same applies to herbs-spices - lemon balm and mint. All these products will make your dish tastier and more flavorful, but they will not harm your figure. Against! They contribute to the active work of the immune system, have a positive effect on the nervous system and, importantly, reduce the feeling of hunger.

Energy value of vegetables

In the top of non-nutritive vegetables: broccoli, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, zucchini. But the undisputed leaders are Chinese cabbage and cucumbers. Peking cabbage, in addition to its low-calorie content (13 kcal per 100 g of fruit), is also a real treasure in terms of vitamins and an essential amino acid - lysine. It helps cleanse the blood and reduces the risk of progressive atherosclerosis. Cucumbers, in turn, contain 14 kcal per 100 g of product and are rich in potassium, iodine, vitamins and folic acid. This whole complex has an extremely positive effect on the enzymatic function of the thyroid gland, the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system.

Canned and pickled vegetables

All canned foods are extremely high in calories. The maximum nutritional value for olives is 175 kcal / 100 g. Further - caviar from zucchini or eggplant, 121 and 149 kcal, olives - 117 kcal and tomato paste - 102.

Much less kilocalories are contained in green peas - 41 kcal, spinach and green beans - 18 kcal.

Among the pickled vegetables "high-calorie" priority deserves beets - 35 kcal, after which carrots - 24 and white cabbage - 23. High-calorie pickled fruits are crowned with sweet red peppers - 23 kcal, and the last place - tomatoes and cucumbers - from 13 to 18 calories.

Important! Pickled and pickled vegetables are healthier than canned ones, but at the same time they are more nutritious.

Product Kilocalories (kcal)
Radish 18
Tomatoes 22
Zucchini 26
Broccoli 32
Carrot 34
Swede 38
Eggplant 23
Green pea 70
White cabbage 29
Red cabbage 32
Cauliflower 29
Potato 84
Green onions 22
Onion 44
Ground cucumbers 15
Greenhouse cucumbers 10
Green pepper 21
Red pepper 28
Radish 35
Turnip 27
Salad 13
Green bean 32
Horseradish 72
Ramson 34
Garlic 107
Spinach 21
Sorrel 29
Jerusalem artichoke 61
Artichoke 29
Gherkin 30
Pumpkin 22,5
Squash 20
Chinese cabbage 13
Beans 58
White beans 102
Red beans 92
Lentils (sprouts) 118
Corn on the cob 115
Soybeans (sprouts) 145

Energy value of fruits and berries

In the top of the most energetically valuable overseas fruits: avocado, dates, dried apricots, prunes. Avocado, by the way, is also healthy because it contains many fatty acids. Dried apricots and prunes can easily replace sweets for those with a sweet tooth.

Among the more familiar to us products, grapes, blueberries, cherries hold the lead, although their calorie content is several times lower than that of exotic fruits.
The most nutritious fruit and, accordingly, a popular healthy snack is a banana. And for good reason, it has a fairly high glycemic index and an average of 90 kcal per 100 g of product. Despite their high energy value, bananas are a must-have product even during a diet. Nutritional value multiplied by the full complement of beneficial micronutrients. Although you should not get carried away with them.

Tasty, healthy, low-calorie

Let's talk about what fruits can be used to muffle hunger, so much so that with the benefit of the figure.

  • The undisputed champion on this list is grapefruit. Only two small fruits a day and unnecessary kg will disappear many times faster. There are only 35 kcal per 100 g in this fruit. In addition, grapefruit has diuretic properties and will rid the body of toxins and water stagnant in the cells.
  • The honorable second place belongs to the melon - 39 kcal per 100 g. It will be especially useful for women, because folic acid, of which there is a lot of melon, has a beneficial effect on the color and elasticity of the skin and gives shine to dull hair. Melon is also rich in fiber, so this fruit is ideal for gastrointestinal problems.
  • And finally, bronze. She is taken away by an apple and a pineapple. Apple - 46 kcal, and also your assistant in the fight for a slim figure. An excellent choice of snacks during fasting days and a worthy replacement for custard eclair. Pineapple - 48 kcal, excellent at breaking down fats and dulling hunger.

For those who like to feast on sweet things - sea buckthorn, cloudberry, cranberry, viburnum. Their nutritional value ranges between 20 and 30 kcal.

Product Kilocalories (kcal)
Watermelon 26
Lemon 32
Cranberry 29
Grapefruit 35
Melon 39
Strawberry 39
Oranges 40
Tangerines 40
Strawberry 41
Raspberries 42
Cowberry 42
Black currant 43
Pear 44
Red currants 45
Apples 46
Peaches 47
Plum 47
Gooseberry 48
Blackberry 49
Apricots 50
Cherries 53
Cherry 53
A pineapple 58
Blueberry 61
Mango 63
Kiwi 67
Grape 70
Bananas 93
Avocado 205
Prunes 227
Dried apricots 301
Dried apples 274
Raisin 289
Lime 53
Canned cherries, 750 ml 603
Canned pears, 800 ml 647
Canned apricots, 800 ml 784
Canned pineapples, 850 ml 809
Persimmon 53


Please note that store-bought dressings for dishes, mayonnaise, ketchup and butter sauces are very harmful first of all for the body, and then for the figure. They do not add juiciness and flavor to the dish, this is a real self-deception. It is much more useful (and it will turn out tastier, believe me!) To make the sauce yourself. For this, use the pulp of fruits or berries, chopped by hand or in a blender / mixer, add a little lemon juice, red or white wine, and a quality dressing for a salad, meat, fish or vegetarian dish is ready! Also, vegetables can be replaced by everyone's favorite fast food - pizza. Instead of high-calorie dough - rice leaves, and for the filling use whatever you want: peppers, mushrooms, beans, zucchini, tomatoes, olives. For satiety, you can add low-fat cheese. For dessert - delicious cocktails made from skim milk and absolutely any fruits and berries. Well, fresh fruits, of course.

Make a menu with the understanding that at least a third are fruits and vegetables. The simplest scrambled eggs will turn into a healthy and satisfying dish if you add slices of tomato, slices of carrots, eggplant or strips of zucchini to the eggs. You can also diversify your morning oatmeal with fresh berries or fruits - it will come out very tasty. Experiment - the main thing is that without harm to the body!

Calorie content of vegetables: 40 kcal. *
* average value per 100 grams, depending on the preparation method and type

Vegetables should make up up to 60% of the diet. With a low calorie content, they are rich in fiber, healthy carbohydrates and have the property of improving metabolism. How does the energy value of fresh and cooked vegetables differ? How to quickly calculate the calories of your favorite salad?

An important component of dietary nutrition

Why are vegetables on a diet valuable? First, the body spends less energy on their splitting and assimilation than on milk or meat. Secondly, they create volume in the stomach and a person eats up faster. And finally, the regulation of peristalsis takes place, which is extremely important for fast weight loss. Asparagus and beans contain vegetable protein, which dietitians advise slimming people to replace with animal, so that the cleansing process takes place faster.

Vegetables contain trace elements, vitamins, pectin, organic acids and minerals that are irreplaceable for humans.

But not all of them are equally useful: green peas, like the potatoes loved by Russians, are quite high in calories. And, if you follow the figure, it is important to know clearly: how much, beets or zucchini. Any diet is not complete without.

Calorie content of fresh vegetables

The most dietary vegetables that doctors allow to eat with almost no restrictions include carrots, zucchini, as well as all types - from white cabbage to exotic kohlrabi. The minimum amount of calories is in "Peking", only 16 kcal per 100 g of product. The nutritional value of popular cucumbers and tomatoes is low - 15 kcal and 20 kcal, respectively.

Radishes, rhubarb, asparagus and celery are leaders in the minimum calorie category.

And, what pleases gourmets, they are available at any time of the year, if not fresh, then frozen. The record holder in calorie content is garlic, 100 g of the product contains 143 kcal. True, it is impossible to recover from it - even a great lover of this spice is not able to eat such an amount in one "sitting".

How many calories are in boiled, baked, frozen vegetables

The nutritional value of the product may vary depending on the preparation and storage method. When frying or stewing, the calorie content increases due to the fats, on which the dish is often cooked. If raw cabbage contains 27 kcal per 100 g, then stewed with butter "costs" almost 4 times more.

Baking does not increase the calorie content, but keeps it normal. Baked potatoes (without peel) "weigh" 76 kcal.

Boiled or steamed products lose a number of useful microelements and vitamins, but their calorie content also decreases, taste and digestibility improve. The loss of calories occurs due to the fact that during the cooking process, some of them "go" into the water. For example, in raw carrots - 32 kcal per 100 g, and in boiled carrots - 25 kcal. Frozen vegetables can be an excellent alternative to fresh vegetables in winter; all their parameters do not change after deep freezing.

Calorie content of salad

How to calculate the calorie content of a salad from several components? It is necessary to weigh all the products, calculate the "energy" of each of them (using the table), then add these numbers and divide by the total weight. The data obtained is multiplied by 100, and you get the final energy value.

Simplest example:

(150 g tomatoes * 20 kcal + 200 g cucumbers * 15 kcal) / 350 g * 100 g = 17, 1 kcal per 100 g

Using this formula, it is easy to find out the nutritional value of all dishes: from simple cuts to complex Olivier or mimosa.

Calorie table of vegetables per 100 g

In order to clearly understand how many calories were on the plate, you need to have a table at hand. Based on the hard facts, it is always easy to adjust the diet and make it dietary.

The benefits of vegetables in the diet cannot be overestimated. But it is better to eat both cooked and raw foods in equal measure. Choose a gentle way of cooking, season dishes with healthy spices and herbs, and stay slim.

If you count calories, then you can effectively lose weight without much effort.

When a person is faced with the goal of gaining mass, then he may not calculate the calories of foods, but simply eat at an intuitive level. But, if you need to lose weight, then you should calculate the calorie content of ready-made meals.

A person begins to lose weight when the daily calorie content is no more than 1500-1800 kcal, depending on the type of activity and physical activity.

Calorie content of products: table per 100 grams

Nature has created a person in such a way that he does not gain extra pounds if he sometimes overeats. But the constant consumption of food in excessive quantities leads to obesity.

Metabolism is disturbed, excess water and sugar in the body turns into fat, feeling unwell and drowsiness. You need to control your appetite to prevent obesity.

Tip: Calculation of energy value - calorie content of foods will help to do this. A 100 gram table should always be at hand.

Calorie content of meat, chicken, fish

Calorie content of dairy and fermented milk products

Calorie content of kernels of nuts, seeds

Calorie content of juices and other concentrates

Remember: Each food contains a certain amount of water. For example, juices can contain up to 80% water.

Important: The calorie content in the table is calculated taking into account the water in each food product.

Now you can create a menu and eat right, taking into account the nutritional value of food for food.

Tip: Make a menu right away for a week, so that every day you do not think about what to cook and do not do the daily calorie count.

If you need to see the amount of water in a particular food product, use it on this website.

Calorie content of mushrooms, table

Mushrooms are a low-calorie food product

Important: Nutritionists always include mushrooms in protein diets. But, if a person monitors his weight and wants to consolidate the result obtained while losing weight, he needs to know the calorie content of this food product.

The most popular types of mushrooms that the inhabitants of our country like to eat are porcini mushrooms, boletus and aspen mushrooms. Many lovers of quiet hunting also collect russula.

Mushroom calorie table

If you like to pick and eat other mushrooms, then use this table of calories per 100 grams:

Product Water Protein Fats Carbohydrates Kcal
Fresh oyster mushrooms 75 2,5 0,3 6,5 38
Chanterelles fresh 72 1,6 1,1 2,3 19
Dried chanterelles 15 22,3 7,5 23,5 259
Fresh butter 82 2,3 0,4 1,5 8
Honey mushrooms fresh 78 2,1 1,1 2,9 15
Portobello raw 74 2,3 0,1 3,5 23
Fresh morels 65 1,5 0,3 4,1 25
Fresh truffles 67 5,8 0,4 5,2 50
Chernushki 86 1,4 0,3 0,1 8
Fresh champignons 81 4,1 0,9 0,8 26
Shiitake fresh 79 4,2 0,9 0,9 25
Shiitake dried 22 19,2 0 62,5 330

Important: Now you can cook even the most delicious dishes that contain mushrooms in your recipe.

Please note: Any dried mushrooms are very high in calories, so use them in your diet as little as possible. At the same time, fresh mushrooms should not be eaten in large quantities, despite the low calorie content, since they are high in carbohydrates.

Calorie table of seafood

Seafood - low calorie food

The calorie content of the most common types of fish and seafood is in the table above. If you like to pamper yourself with gourmet dishes, then this seafood calorie table will help:

Product Protein Fats Carbohydrates Kcal
Seaweed 1,4 0 4 25
Seaweed 0,8 0,2 0 5,0
Pink salmon caviar 30,0 11,2 0,9 220
Pollock roe 26,2 1,6 1,1 130
Fish preserves 17,2 1,8 0 87
Whale meat 22,0 3,3 0 115
Mussels 11,3 1,8 3,2 76
Hot smoked fish (herring) 20,0 8,2 0 125
Cold smoked fish (herring) 18,0 5,2 0 150
Cupid chilled 16,7 1,8 0 87
Carp 16,7 1,4 0 85
Carp 15 4,2 0 110
Chum 18 5,4 0 125
Navaga 19,3 1,4 0 90
Herring 20,1 11,0 0 179,2
Tuna 23,4 4,5 0 129
Chekhon 17,0 1,8 0 87
Pike 17,9 1,1 0 83
Language of the sea 10,2 4,8 0 87
Ide 18 4,3 0 115
Salted pink salmon 22,0 8 0 165
Herring, hamsa 17,5 1,8 0 110
Sprat 15,5 1,4 0 88

Important: Many types of fish and seafood are low in carbohydrates and low in calories. These are valuable food products for those people who want to quickly lose those extra pounds.

Caloric content of protein products

Protein foods are part of many diets

There are several types of diets based only on protein foods. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that a person consumes proteins and fats, and the body will take carbohydrates from its reserves.

Important: Thanks to such a diet, it is possible to lose weight by 5-10 kilograms in a week. But it can be dangerous if a person has cardiovascular diseases, vascular, kidney and digestive system diseases.

But, if everything is in order with your health, then you can lose weight with the help of such a diet. The calorie content of protein products should be viewed in the tables above - these are meat, chicken, fish, seafood, cheeses, milk and lactic acid foods.

Calorie content of fruits and vegetables, table

Fruits and vegetables - low calorie food

There should be a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet of a losing weight person. After all, it is a source of fiber, which helps to remove waste and excess water from the body.

But do not forget about calculating the calorie content of fruits and vegetables. The tables below will help you get the right amount of these foods on your menu.

Important: Do not forget that fruits are very high in calories compared to vegetables, so they should be consumed in the morning.

Fruit calorie table

Calorie table of vegetables

Product Kcal Protein Fats Carbohydrates
Carrot 35 1,2 0,1 7,1
Lek-turnip 40 1,2 0 8,9
Eggplant 23 1,1 0,1 5,0
Green peas 74 4,9 0,1 11,9
Zucchini 22 0,5 0,2 4,8
White cabbage 25 1,7 0,1 4,3
Cabbage 15 1,1 0 2,1
Cauliflower 28 2,4 0,3 4,4
Bow feather 18 1,2 0 3,3
Cucumbers 12 0,7 0,1 2,5
Bulgarian red pepper 28 1,2 0 5,2
Potato 79 1,8 0,3 15,4
Radish 20 1,1 0,1 3,5
Radish 33 1,8 0,2 6,3
Green salad 15 0,5 0,2 2,2
Beet 41 1,4 0,1 8,9
Tomatoes 22 1,0 0,2 3,5
Garlic 44 6,4 0 5,1
Sorrel 18 1,4 0 2,8
Avocado 159 1,8 15,2 4,1
Pumpkin 24 1,0 0,1 4,1
Red cabbage 26 1,8 0,2 6,5
Corn on the cob 115 3,2 1,3 22,5
Parsley 37 2,5 0,5 10,4
Zucchini 14 1,1 0,1 3,2
Spinach 15 2,4 0,4 2,8

Important: The calorie content of frozen vegetables is slightly higher than that of fresh crops. Therefore, try to eat fresh vegetables, as they are healthy and less nutritious.

Calorie content of oils, fats, table

Fats and oils - high in calories

Butter, fats and mayonnaise are the most nutritious foods. They have a high calorie content, they are well absorbed.

Important: It is necessary to consume such foods in minimal quantities if you want to lose weight and no longer return to the past.

Caloric content of oils, table

Calorie table of cereals in dry and ready form

Buckwheat porridge is a healthy food product

Cereals and cereals are the most valuable products and meals for our body. They should make up the bulk of the food on the daily menu.

The table of calorie content of cereals in dry and ready form will help you choose dishes for yourself in order to effectively lose weight. The calorie content of cereals is in the table above.

Nutritional value of cereals with milk:

Nutritional value of cereals on water:

Negative Calorie Food Table

Cucumbers are a food with a negative calorie content.

Nowadays, on TV or among people, you can hear about negative calorie foods for weight loss. What are these foods and what does negative calorie mean?

These are food products for the processing of which our body spends more energy resources than it receives. All this happens because our digestive tract needs to work hard to digest the dietary fiber and fiber of these products.

Negative Calorie Food Table:

Important: Make a weight loss menu and include these products in it. They will help you lose weight without any effort.

Calorie content of alcohol, table

Alcoholic drinks - high-calorie foods

Alcohol is a high-calorie drink. Therefore, nutritionists are advised not to consume alcoholic beverages in the process of losing weight.

Important: Of course, you won't be able to completely limit your alcohol intake. A person can afford to drink a glass of wine for a holiday or 50 grams of strong drink.

To find out which alcoholic beverages it is better to give preference to for a celebration, the table of alcohol calories will help:

Drink Kcal Protein Fats Carbohydrates
Beer 1.8% alcohol 28 0,2 0 4,2
Beer 4.5% alcohol 44 0,5 0 3,8
White wine 10% 65 0 0 4,3
Red wine 12% 75 0 0 2,2
Absinthe 82,1 0 0 7,9
Champagne 12% 87 0,2 0 4,9
White sweet wine 13.5 97 0 0 5,8
Sherry 20% 125 0 0 2,9
Sake 20% 133 0,5 0 4,9
Madera 18% 138 0 0 9,5
Sherry 20% 151 0 0 9,6
Vermouth 13% 157 0 0 15,6
Port wine 20% 166 0 0 12,8
Schnapps 40% 198 0 0 3,8
Whiskey 40% 221 0 0 0
Gin 40% 221 0 0 0
Rum 40% 221 0 0 0
Brandy 40% 224 0 0 0,5
Tequila 40% 230 1,3 0,2 25
Vodka 40% 234 0 0 0,1
Cognac 40% 239 0 0 1,4
Sambuca 40% 239 0 0 39

Calorie content of harmful foods

Mayonnaise is a harmful food product

Unhealthy foods for your figure are foods that are high in fat and simple carbohydrates. They have a high calorie content and a high glycemic index.

The use of such products for a person is fraught with the deposition of fat on the sides, high cholesterol in the blood and with a high probability that he will develop diabetes mellitus.

Therefore, you need to know the calorie content of harmful foods and try not to eat them:

Each person must determine for himself what is more important to him: to eat deliciously or to maintain health and shape.

Tip: Prepare meals at home using low-calorie foods. Don't grab a bite to eat at fast food cafes. After all, they sell fried high-calorie dishes that are forbidden to eat by a losing weight person.

Be aware of the consequences the moment you feel like eating something harmful. Consider that figure and health are more important than a hamburger or some sweet treat. Lose weight correctly, consulting with nutritionists and relying on the data of the food calorie tables!

Video: 5 kilograms in 10 days. Malysheva's diet

4 out of 5

Wanting to lose weight, we, one way or another, come to the question of a balanced diet. How to supply the body with the necessary substances and satisfy the feeling of hunger without harming the figure? The best way out in this situation will be to enrich your diet with vegetables, the calorie content of which is so low that many do not even spend time calculating it.

In addition, British scientists were able to establish that the more vegetables a person eats, the more life satisfaction he is inherent in. Do you want to be slim and happy? Then regularly use a variety of vegetables in your menu, and the result will not be long in coming. Very soon you will feel that your well-being has improved, and your body has begun to lose weight.

Why are vegetables good for weight loss?

The presence of vegetables on the table of a losing weight is mandatory, although they do not burn fat by themselves, but:

  • supply the human body with vitamins, useful microelements, fiber;
  • allow you to achieve a feeling of satiety;
  • have such a low calorie content that they can be consumed without fear of harming the figure.

Very often, torturing themselves with all kinds of diets, people cause irreparable harm to their health, depriving the body of substances necessary for normal functioning. If you eat right, eating a large amount of vegetables, which contain few calories, and a huge amount of useful elements, the need for a diet will disappear by itself.

How many calories are in vegetables?

The wonderful summer time is coming, which will give us a great opportunity to enrich our diet with healthy vegetables. You can buy them in the store, enjoying the affordable price and excellent quality, or you can grow them in your own garden, enjoying the results of your own labor. The most important thing is that there is such a variety of all kinds of vegetable crops that you can cook a new dish every day without repeating once.

Of course, the calorie content of vegetables will differ.... The number of calories in vegetables containing starch (potatoes and legumes) will be higher than in "watery" vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.). Therefore, their use should be limited, for example, you can replace dishes with a high calorie content (pasta, pastries, fatty meat) with such products.

There are so many vegetable crops that it is not possible to consider the calorie content of each of them; for this there are special tables that will help those for whom scrupulous calorie counting is necessary. We will consider the calorie content of vegetables, the most accessible and often used in the menu of a modern person.

  • Potatoes are considered the most high-calorie plant, the calorie content of a vegetable is about 70 kcal, due to the starch it contains. Therefore, if you are aiming at losing weight, it is better to reduce the consumption of potatoes;
  • Carrots are a culture rich in fiber, vitamins A and B, iron, they are very nutritious and healthy, and most importantly, the calorie content of the vegetable is only 32 kcal;
  • Broccoli is a real storehouse of useful vitamins and microelements, it helps to accelerate metabolic processes and normalize digestive activity. How many calories are in a vegetable? Only 28 kcal per 100 g!
  • Spinach, which contains calcium, iron and copper, as well as a large amount of vitamins, is able to satisfy your hunger without the slightest harm to your figure, because the calorie content of the vegetable is only 22 kcal.
  • The appetizing aroma of pumpkin and its fresh taste make this product very popular among those who want to lose weight, the calorie content of the vegetable is 21 kcal per 100 g;
  • Few people will eat onions as an independent dish, but adding it as a seasoning can add a spicy taste to even the most bland food. The calorie content of the vegetable is 38 kcal per 100 g.
  • Juicy and tasty tomatoes can delight you in almost unlimited quantities, because the number of calories in a vegetable is only 14-19 kcal per 100 g;
  • Cucumbers, which have a diuretic effect, are able to rid the body of excess moisture and saturate it with vitamins and useful microelements, while the calorie content of a vegetable is only 10-15 kcal;
  • White cabbage is an integral product of a healthy diet, which contributes to the normalization of intestinal activity and the digestive system as a whole. The vegetable contains 28 kcal per 100 g.

The negative calorie content of vegetables is a concept that is of great importance for those who want to lose weight.... This means that there is a group of vegetables, for the processing of which the body spends more calories than the culture itself contains. You don't even need to count how many calories are in vegetables, since almost all of them have negative calories.

Calorie content of vegetable salads for weight loss

Of course, most vegetables are tasty on their own, but you always want to diversify the menu with unusual dishes that are healthy for your figure. The easiest way to prepare vegetables is to make a salad that combines the health benefits of its ingredients.

The calorie content of a vegetable salad for weight loss is calculated by summing the number of calories of each product included in the composition. As an example, let me suggest a recipe for a delicious and healthy salad.

Breath of Summer Vegetable Salad

  • Tomato - 100 g (16 kcal);
  • Cucumber - 100 g (15 kcal);
  • Parsley - 10 g (4.7 kcal);
  • Bulgarian pepper - 50 g (13.5 kcal);
  • Olive oil - 5 g (44.9 kcal);
  • Salt - 2 g (0 kcal).

The total weight of the salad is 267 g, the total number of calories is 94.1 kcal, that is, the calorie content of such a salad per 100 g will be 35.3 kcal. Thus, the low calorie content of vegetable salad allows you to use such a dish with benefits for the body and without harm to the figure.

Calorie content of stewed vegetables and steamed vegetables

Vegetables are most useful in their raw form, because, having undergone heat treatment, they lose a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. However, steamed and steamed vegetables are very popular with those looking to shed those extra pounds. And although the calorie content of such dishes is slightly higher, they are still rightfully considered dietary.

In order to reduce the calorie content of stewed vegetables, you should not add oil to the dish, which increases its calorie content by about 130 kcal. Beef or mushrooms can sometimes be added to the plants prepared in this way to improve flavor and increase nutritional value, but do not do this often. The calorie content of stewed vegetables with the addition of meat will increase by 138 kcal, and mushrooms by 40-50.

Steamed vegetables are an excellent low-calorie meal. Thanks to steaming, you can save most of the vitamins and nutrients contained in vegetables, and the low calorie content of such a dish will help satisfy hunger without adding a single gram to your weight.

In accordance with the principles of a healthy diet, vegetables should make up a third of a person's daily diet, and for vegetarians and adherents of plant foods, this figure can significantly increase. With an assortment of vegetables that grow in orchards and vegetable gardens, and also appear on the shelves of grocery stores, the question of a variety of menu disappears immediately: the combination and creation of various dishes is limited only by your own imagination. But the main thing is that vegetables are famous not only for their nutritional value: they have long been noted as natural healers in all countries. Moreover, unlike chemical medicines, they do not require additional immunity support or the removal of excess elements that settle in the liver or strike the cardiovascular system. Therefore, they can be considered practically harmless, although, of course, they have some points that should be taken into account in order not to harm themselves.

Due to such a wide distribution and active use in food, everyone who monitors their diet should know how many calories are in vegetables, how they are distributed in terms of energy value, how they affect the body, how to properly cook vegetables in order to preserve all their useful properties and neutralize negative ones. And in addition, find out if it is possible to lose weight on vegetables, and whether it is wise to eat them constantly.

How many calories are in vegetables

There is no average figure for the calorie content of vegetables, since with all their diversity it is difficult to give out any one value. And for the same reason, it is not possible to disassemble absolutely each in detail. But it is permissible, by dividing into groups, to compile a calorie table for vegetables, having considered, if not all those available on the globe, then at least the most often ingested. Of course, there are a great many classifications for this category of products: you can divide by anything, up to color. In the descriptions of diets, for example, it is very common to find an indication about non-starchy vegetables, or about especially rich in protein. But to consider them for calorie content, it is better to use the one that divides them according to the most obvious signs. You should first bring the entire list, and then study each category, so that in the end you can clearly understand which specific vegetables from the calorie table are best suited for lunch, and which ones you can safely have a snack before bedtime.

By and large, only two groups of vegetables are distinguished: vegetative and fruit, but for consideration for calorie content, a more detailed breakdown is required, and therefore the distribution in the table of the calorie content of vegetables will be immediately according to the subcategories included in the main groups.

1) Tuber crops. Not the most numerous category, which includes Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potatoes and potatoes. The last representative of this subgroup is most actively used for food, by and large replacing bread in the cuisine of the Slavic peoples. From the point of view of the calorie content of a vegetable, perhaps it will be lighter than bread, and from the point of view of its chemical composition, even healthier. True, given the complexity of its digestion and a certain severity present after consumption, it is recommended to leave it for lunch time, not including it in recipes for dinner. As for the calorie content of vegetables included in the subgroup of tubers, the lightest is considered to be a sweet potato, called sweet potatoes, but in fact, it resembles the latter only in the form of tubers. The calorie content of sweet potatoes is 60 kcal per hundred grams. It is followed by the "earthen pear" - Jerusalem artichoke - with a calorie content of 62 kcal per hundred grams. And the third is potatoes, whose calorie content is the highest - 77 kcal per hundred grams.

2) Root crops. This is, perhaps, almost the most "densely populated" subgroup, which includes a dozen different vegetables. Carrots, turnips, radishes, beets, radishes, rutabagas, parsley, celery and parsnip roots. All of them grow in orchards and vegetable gardens, and therefore there are no problems with the availability and understanding of these representatives of root crops. Their calorie content mainly floats in the range from 20 kcal to 51 kcal per hundred grams, and therefore will have to be indicated separately for each vegetable.

The calorie content of radish is perhaps the most insignificant and amounts to 20 kcal per hundred grams; in addition, it has a good effect on the metabolism and the digestive system, and therefore it is very often recommended for use in diets. For daikon - an Asian radish - the indicator will be 21 kcal, but for classic black and green it will increase to 36 kcal and 32 kcal, respectively. Turnips with a calorie content of 32 kcal, carrots with a calorie content of 35 kcal, and rutabagas with a calorie content of 37 kcal can be called quite light. Not much ahead of them in terms of "weight" beets - 42 kcal, as well as the roots of parsley, celery and parsnips - 51, 34 and 47 kcal for each.

3) Onions. There are not many "faces" here, but they are all indispensable in the process of losing weight, as well as for the immune system. Onions "weigh" only 41 kcal, leeks - 36 kcal, shallots - 72 kcal, but garlic - 149 kcal. But in the case of the latter, it makes no sense to be interested in how many calories are in a vegetable, and then worry: not much of it is used in food, and properties in the field of nutritional science override any values.

4) Fruit. Along with root crops, this is the largest group, in which there are many representatives and subgroups. The most famous are tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini, pumpkin, squash, peppers, artichokes. It is they who most often end up on the table, both as a side dish and as an independent dish: for example, a vegetable stew. They are served fried, baked, steamed, stewed. The calorie content of vegetables in the last two options is the lowest, if fats in the form of oil or mayonnaise are not added to them. Then it is even capable of lowering in comparison with the value for fresh products. For example, for tomatoes, eggplants and zucchini, the raw indicator is 19 kcal for the first and 24 kcal for the rest. While for the same vegetables, the calorie content in stew will already be 16 kcal for tomatoes, 23 kcal for zucchini and 26 kcal for eggplant. If oil is added, the calorie value for stews naturally increases.

The rest of the fruit group also differ quite strongly in fresh calorie content. Cucumber - 14 kcal, pepper - 26 kcal, squash - 19 kcal, pumpkin - 22 kcal, artichoke - 28 kcal.

Cabbage also belongs to the fruit group, and the calorie content for the most familiar of all, white cabbage, is 35 kcal, broccoli - 34 kcal, and cauliflower - 30 kcal. Beans, belonging to the subgroup of legumes, have a calorie content of 298 kcal, but given their high satiety and protein content, which they can match even with meat, every calorie from a vegetable is justified.

The harm and benefits of vegetables

Unlike other food groups, vegetables are quite loyal to any state of the body. They tend to heal rather than injure, but at the same time they still have some reservations in their use. In particular, eggplants and beans are never eaten raw, potatoes should be limited in daily quantity due to the load on the pancreas, and beets have a laxative effect. And, as with any product, there is also an individual intolerance to vegetables.

But you can write a whole treatise about the benefits of vegetables, since it is difficult to fit not only into one sentence, but also into one page. Each of them has pronounced qualities in a certain area, but in general, the group of vegetables affects absolutely all systems of the body, from cardiovascular to reproductive. And a high proportion of fiber is very much appreciated during the process of losing weight and trying to improve digestion, as a result of which the calorie content of vegetables usually turns a blind eye, because there are much more positive moments than the possible harm from such insignificant numbers.

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