Description of the use of chicken broth with photos, its calorieness, as well as the recipe for home broth. Meat broth is harmful? The benefits and harm of soups

09.10.2019 Buffet table

Many chicken broth consider a dietary dish, which is recommended for patients in the process of rehabilitation from severe diseases and children, in the process of growth and development. For some people, the chicken broth is simply a favorite culinary product, and for someone the only faithful means from the hangover. However, replicas about the dangers of chicken broth are increasingly sound. Many nutritionists and specialists in proper nutrition argue that the decoction of chicken meat and bones is harmful because all harmful substances, as well as the non-durable components (excess fat, cholesterol, etc.), are moving during cooking into water.

What is the benefit of chicken broth?

Chicken broth - the product is saturated with useful substances: amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, peptides. If vegetables and spices are added to the broth during cooking, it significantly enhances the benefits of the broth, such as the beneficial properties of garlic and onions make chicken broth with an excellent prophylactic medium of colds and viral diseases. Also, roots are added to the broth: carrots, Pasternak and celery root. Thanks to all components, the product is saturated with vitamins, microelements that affect all vital processes.

Using chicken broth hot, you can establish the work of the digestive tract, stimulate the operation of the stomach and duodenum. The chicken broth is shown and those who have gastritis, pulling extra "acid" from the gastric juice, this product facilitates the state. The content of cysteine \u200b\u200b(amino acids) allows you to dissolve the sputum and facilitate the condition of the (bronchitis, tracheitis).

Chicken broth is also useful for those who have problems with the captivity of fractures, many substances are digested from bones and cartilage and when a person gets into the body, they have a positive effect on the state of bone, cartilage and connective tissue.

Hot chicken broth is a concentrate of nutrients and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, regulate cardiac activity, so this dish is necessarily included in the diet of weak, ill and past operations of people.

As for diet and weight loss, chicken broth can only be used in small quantities, it should be a decoction exclusively fillet and stones, absolutely without fat.

What broth is more useful?

Chicken broth - the result of cooking chicken bones and meat. Nutritionists recommend to cut off the bird from carcasses all extra fat and throw it out, together with the skin, so that the saucepan is solely meat and bones. Since modern poultry farming uses all sorts of chemical and hormonal additives, as well as antibiotics and other farm. Preparations, many nutritionists do not recommend cooking broths from chickens purchased in the store. You can only consider the broth from the home chicken, which grew up in the village, in the fresh air and was fed only with natural grass and grain.

As for the chicken broth obtained from concentrates, the so-called "broth cubes", then it is not worth talking about its utility. The cubes broth are a mixture of flavors, an amplifier of taste, solid fats and a meat-bearing powder, such a product is not enough that is not useful, but even contraindicated to people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. Regularly using the "Cube" broth, the risk of gastritis and ulcers increases significantly.

How to cook chicken broth? The meat and bones are poured with cold water, bring to a boil and drain the water, then poured with cold water again, and root and spices are added and boiled 30-40 minutes.

Chicken meat: composition and beneficial properties of chicken meat, testimony and contraindications. Treatment with chicken broth. Surely you have already heard about the beneficial properties of chicken broth, because even doctors themselves are recommended to restore forces after diseases and operations.

Chicken broth is extremely useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Chicken broth is the main product during the period of therapeutic nutrition. Broth is a decoction that is prepared from chicken meat.

Chicken Broth: Useful and Medical Properties

Chicken meat is considered a dietary product. They can with the success of replacing such types of meat as lamb, pork and sometimes beef. In chicken meat, a lot of useful amino acids and proteins, calories at the same time contain a small amount. In addition, white meat contains little fat, the dark it contains a lot of iron. The chicken breast is more useful from the dietary point of view. The chicken leg is more harmful, from which it is not even advised to prepare broth, as there is more harmful substances in the cooking process in the cooking process. Nutritionists also do not advise eating chicken skin, in which too many fats.

From a long time, it is known about the utility of chicken meat. In different countries, many centuries use chicken meat as a product that restores the power of patients, as well as physically exhausted due to work or large loads. Also, chicken meat is able to strengthen immunity.

If we talk about the utility of chicken meat, then only boiled meat is in mind, and not fried or grilled chicken.

Useful properties of chicken broth

Chicken broth is distinguished by the useful properties.


In chicken meat contains vitamins of groups B, which have a positive effect on the exchange process throughout the body, even on fat, protein and carbohydrate. In addition, the chicken broth has a positive effect on the work of the central nervous system. Useful Vitamins B6 and B2 are able to maintain a healthy state of nails and skin. Vitamin B 9 affects the blood formation process, and rare vitamin B12 helps to cope with insomnia and depression.


This element is contained in chicken meat in large quantities, which has a beneficial effect on the building material for the muscles. The protein is absorbed quickly and has a considerable effect on the brain development. In addition, protein participates in the process of building bones and cell division.


Chicken meat is easily absorbed by the reduced content of collagen - connective tissue. For this reason, chicken meat is the best power, if we are talking about any violations in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Indispensable product and in the case of obesity or diabetes.

Treatment of chicken broth

The chicken broth improves the work of the heart muscle, as it affects the size of the muscles and the thickness of the walls of the vessels. It turns out the neutral effect on blood pressure indicators.

For prevention to normalize heart rate, you need to use no more than one hundred milliliters of concentrated chicken broth per day.

Broth chicken has a beneficial effect on the immune system, helping it to fight with colds in the emerging stage. With a cold, it is also useful to breathe above the broth.

If earlier the chicken broth drank weakened people, rather along the tradition, now there are many experiments. In particular, American scientists conducted a study. In the process of which it turned out to prove that fresh chicken broth, which is made at home, helps and quite effectively, in the fight against viral diseases. In this study, fifteen volunteers from the American state of Nebraska, who had the initial stand of the cold was observed. It was found that the use of chicken broth at times increased the process of the surge of the mucus from the respiratory tract. In addition, due to the useful substances contained in chicken broth, a protective mechanism in the nose was activated and a kind of shield against the penetration of infection was formed. Thanks to the carnizone contained in the broth, cold is prevented.

The treatment of chicken broth is successful even thanks to Selena, calcium and magnesium, which is beneficial affecting the metabolic processes of the body. This dish is even more useful if you cook it by adding various vegetables: turnip, potatoes, carrots, parsley and celery stalks. It is also recommended to add spices, for example, burning pepper and raw garlic and onions.

Chicken broth reduces the acidity of the stomach. Amino acids help to soften the sputum, due to which the breath of the patient is improved during a cold.

During the cooking of the broth, different trace elements are boiled, improving the structure of human bone tissue. Therefore, the dish is useful to people who have pain in the joints.

Broth chicken against hangover

Many surely it is known that the above-described dish helps to fight the hangover, which is especially relevant after holidays, as a new year or birthday. For example, in the Caucasus there are institutions that are open already at four in the morning, there every wishes can try the fat hash - broth on meat. At home, the hash can be safely replaced by chicken broth prepared from oily trees.

How to cook chicken broth

To make a truly useful dish, you need a home chicken, not broiler chickens that are stimulated with growth stimulants. If there is no confidence as an acquired chicken or chicken, it is better not to use primary broth, but to drain it. The carcass must be pouring water and peck for fifteen minutes. After that, everything is filtering.

To preserve the beneficial properties of the broth, a well-washed homemade bird, put it in cold water. By the way, according to the recipes of old healers, it should be certainly an old rooster, not a chicken. After booking, the birds in cold water immediately need to put the bulb, a large carrot, cut into several pieces, herbs. Put a saucepan on a small fire. After everything boils, you need to remove the foam, slow down the fire as much as possible and tightly cover the lid. It is about twenty to twenty, get out and throw away all vegetables and roots. After that, boil on low heat until full readiness. At least three hours. For half an hour before the readiness of the chicken, salt and put the black peas, as well as a leaf of lavrushki. By readiness, the chicken is pulled out with a laurel sheet and pepper. At the end, the broth is filled with a fine sieve. Served in a broth bowl. In a cold, it is recommended to break one egg into an empty plate, after which it is poured with boiling broth.

Now almost every store has chicken broths, created on the basis of concentrates. Such a broth is not useful. The basis of cubes with broth - fats, flavoring amplifiers and ground bones. Such cubes are not recommended to use people suffering from disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. If you eat such a product in food constantly, the risk of obtaining duodenum or stomach ulcers is likely.

Feed at the table

Surely everyone will agree that each dish, even the usual broth, is more pleasant to eat in the food in a beautiful form. Broth will look great if you make it golden color. How to achieve this? Quite simple. Before cooking chicken meat, you need to smear it with olive oil, pre-mixed with tomatoes scrolled through meat grinder or adding tomato paste. After that, put meat into the oven for 1 minute.

There is another way how to give a golden broth. For this, the bow for broth is boiled directly in the husk.

Many people like the opposite when the broth is transparent. To achieve the transparency of the broth, you need to strain it through one or two layers of gauze. You can also add a whipped with water egg protein. As the protein thickens absorbs everything that attaches an unpleasant look.


As for the broth, there is even a Hasida parable about him. Once Baal Shev Tov, the Jewish thinker, traveling visited one city in which there was a sick man. The patient's doctor asked the thinker to visit the patient. Baal Looking carefully at the sufferer, said his wife to make a chicken patient. A little bit off, the patient immediately gained strength and began to talk lively with the thinker. The doctor, surprised by such magic, said that this man was dying, and I could not help him with anything, as some ordinary chicken broth could heal it.

What the thinker replied that it was necessary to treat, first of all, not the body, and the Spirit. Therefore, he turned to the soul, which agreed with him, and the body gained health.

But where does the broth here? - Called the doctor. The thinker smiled only mysteriously and, shrugged, gone.

Take care of your health, it is possible to do it yourself. Be healthy!

Chicken broth is an important component of the dietary power menu and promotes the improvement of the body. The presence of healing properties in it provides this dish popularity among people of different ages.


The properties of chicken broth are different and depend on which part of the chicken is cooked first dish. For example, breast and wings are the most dietary product. A chicken feet contains more fat, so such a broth is satisfying, but not dietary.

This dish contributes to rapid recovery after the disease, improves well-being for fractures and bruises. In this case, the perfect version will be the low-fat chicken broth.

So that the chicken broth was as much as possible for health, it is necessary to follow the rules of its preparation. Meat should be placed only in cold water. In the process of heating, the liquid will take harmful substances from meat and provide broth with high taste characteristics.

The chicken broth includes a large number of peptides, unsaturated fatty acids. Adding to the broth seasonings (for example, onions and garlic) will make this dish with an effective means of preventing and treating colds. In this case, the chicken broth becomes an effective method of getting rid of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, stimulates an expectoration when coughing, increases immunity and protects the body from new colds.

Also, this product helps to improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, leads to normal the functioning of the stomach. Chicken broth is very useful to people with gastritis: but for this you need to prepare a low-calorie dish on the second or third broth.

If the broth is needed fat, it is better to take a broiler fence and do not remove the skin. In this case, the chicken broth will be very satisfying and nutritious. To get a transparent and light bulbon, which has dietary and therapeutic properties, it is better to take the wings of ordinary chicken hens.

To get the most dietary product with low fat content, it is better to add vegetables in the broth, and not fried on vegetable oil. In this case, the chicken broth will be very easy and helpful: such a first dish can be given to a person after surgery, severe illness. Also, this dish is ideal for babies and people who want to get rid of extra kilograms.

Chicken broth is an easy-to-see product. Thanks to the substances that are contained in this dish, you can improve the state of the muscles, get rid of inflammation, ensure the body by invalid properties.

Other useful properties of chicken broth are:

  • improving the state of the bones;
  • strengthening cartilage tissue;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • heart regulation;
  • improving metabolism.


Nutritionists often advise the first broth. The reason for such an opinion is the harmful conditions in which the birds are sometimes grown and the presence of hormones in chicken meat, antibiotics. If the first broth is merged, you can free the dish from harmful substances and get only useful properties. In addition, nutritionists also recommend merge and second broth, and prepare the main dish only on the third: as soon as the liquid boiled, you can merge the broth and wait for the new. In this case, it is possible to obtain not only clean, but also a very dietary, low-calorie dish.

The chicken broth contains a minimum of carbohydrates and almost no saturated fats. In addition, the fatty dishes can be easily adjusted independently.


In 100 grams of chicken broth contained 51 kcal (2.55% daily rate in 2000 kcal).


Pregnant women are not contraindicated with pregnant women, but only useful. Breasts can also be used chicken broth (but only dietary). You should not use this product in poisoning and with severe gastrointestinal diseases.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and Minerals

Name Vitamin Amount per 100 grams % daily norm
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 0.3 mg 0,3
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.01 mg. 0,7
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.03 mg 1,7
Vitamin B4 (Holine) 15.5 mg 3,1
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 0.1 mg 0,67
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxin) 0.09 mg 4,5
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 1.1 mg 0,3
Vitamin B12 (cobalamines) 0.1 μg 3,3
Vitamin H (Biotin) 1.9 μg 3,8
Vitamin E (tocopherol) 0.07 mg 0,5
Vitamin A (Retinol Equivalent) 100 μg 11,1
Vitamin PP (niacin equivalent) 1,514 mg 7,6
Vitamin D (calciferol) 0.03 μg 0,3

In addition to a large number of vitamins, the chicken includes valuable minerals.

Name Mineral Amount per 100 grams % daily norm
Iron 0.6 mg 3,3
Calcium 4.9 mg 0,5
Potassium 34.9 mg 1,4
Sodium 18.4 mg 1,4
Magnesium 5.9 mg 1,5
Chlorine 16.2 mg 0,7
Sulfur 35.1 mg 7,02
Iodine 1.4 μg 0,9
Chromium 1.7 μg 3,4
Molybdenum 0.3 μg 0,4
Phosphorus 43.6 mg 5,5
Zinc 0.38 mg 3,2
Manganese 0.0077 mg 0,4
Copper 15.8 μg 1,6
Cobalt 2.3 μg 23

The use of chicken broth will support a weakened organism, will help to recover faster. But, to get maximum benefit from this product, it is important to remember: before cooking the broth you need to decide with the degree of fatty of the finished dish. In this case, the chicken broth will provide the body with exceptional benefits.

Broth for most people are not only the basis for the future soup, but also a potential medicine. There are countless broth cooking recipes and such national sizes like a kelid. And all of them are considered useful. We found out what is behind the faith in the healing force of the broth: traditions or proven facts?

Broth and disease

Broth, as a strengthening and healing agent, is known to humanity for a long time. Avicenna mentioned him in his writings. And in the XII century, Moses Misonide, Jewish Rabbi and the doctor prescribed chicken broth to patients with wit and asthma, for which later chicken broth was called "Jewish Penicillin".

It was previously believed that chicken broth would not only strengthen the body, but even heals from leprosy. However, other versions of broths also possessed healing properties. For example, broth made of dairy piglets was useful for migraine. Broth from partridge welded without skin led to the constation, and in the skin - on the contrary, he cured from him. The decoction of the meat of chickens and roosters possessed no less efficiency in softening the stool. Finally, the broth on meat and the fat grease was considered an excellent tool from hemorrhoids.

Very appreciate bonds on the bones Adherents Paleodius, who try to eat like the ancient people of Paleolithic. In their opinion, the bones on the bone were the mandatory element of the hunters and collectors menu.

Fans of broth are ready to attribute the most fantastic properties with their favorite food. In fact, studies have shown that some expectations of fans are not justified by broths.

Myth about collagen

It is believed that if for a long time, for 24 hours or more, cook bones of cows, chickens, etc., the resulting broth saturated with gelatin will become an excellent means to strengthen the bone tissue of a person, his ligaments and even for the treatment of hernia Belaya Belly lines. It is assumed that collagen from the bone tissue of an animal in the process of cooking enters the broth. The use of such a broth allows you to saturate by the body by collagen, which rushes to the place affected by diseases.

However, in the process of digestion, any proteins disintegrate into separate amino acids or, at a minimum, for short oligopeptides consisting of several amino acids. Therefore, collagen, as such, will not get to damaged ligaments, nor to thinned bones. Moreover, the body itself decides where to direct the obtained amino acids: to repair bone tissue or another area of \u200b\u200bthe body. That is, it is impossible to expect that the chopped broth will have a therapeutic effect on the specified area.

We add that disputes on the efficiency of gelatin (and this is a hydrolyzed collagen) and various collagen additives to food are conducted for a long time. However, studies of recent years have not proved the declared efficacy of gelatin and collagen for the health of connective tissues. And by themselves, these substances contain only a few amino acids, which the body can synthesize independently, and have nothing like that could not be obtained by another way.

Myth about Lizozyme and Vitamins

Another myth says that when cooking broth from meat, the enzyme Lizozyme enters it, which has a wonderful impact on human health. In reality, everything is not so rosy. First, this is an antibacterial substance man and he knows how to produce. Secondly, lysozyme is of course a pretty resistant compound, but with a long cooking, it still collapses.

A similar situation is observed in relation to vitamins. The overwhelming majority of them are destroyed when heated, so it is not worth counting on a vitaminized broth.

As science develops, scientists began to explore various broths in order to check their healing properties. In 2000, American pulmonologists demonstrated that chicken broth really helps patients suffering from colds. According to scientists, when it is used, the spread of neutrophils - white blood cells, which protect a person from infection and activate inflammatory processes in different parts of the body are limited. Broth allows you to reduce the symptoms of infection of the upper respiratory tract. But the active substance of the broth, which possesses this effect, could not be identified.

In another study, it was proved that the drinking chicken broth improves the movement of the mucus in the nose with the help of a wildlife epithelium and makes breathing. It was even demonstrated that he did it better than cold or hot water. On one of the versions, this effect, as well as the unique taste of chicken broth, is ensured by sulfur or hydrogen sulfide. One way or another, but the mechanism of action and in this case was not disclosed.

Finally, the broth can be useful to athletes, because it quickly restores the electrolyte balance with heavy workouts, and the amino acids are used to restore and build muscle.

By itself, the idea of \u200b\u200bbroth is certainly good, and the resulting product must bring the body benefit. Among the extremely rare negative side effects of the use of broth, only hyper-natraemia and anaphylaxis were identified (due to the bones in the patient's cup). Scientists are also not recommended to feed patients who have undergone kidney transplantation, as the concentration of creatinine is elevated in this product.

But, speaking of the potential harm of the broth, some environmental factors should also be taken into account.

Leard from bones

So, scientists became interested in lead, who used to accumulate in bone tissues of farm animals and birds. For a person is neurotoxin, dangerous to health. Leads can be contained in the feed, in the air, lead Belils are often used for painting rooms for livestock content, etc. The researchers compared 3 variants of chicken broths: cooked with leather and bones, from chicken fillet, as well as made-edged chicken bones. It turned out that the maximum amount of lead is contained in broths on chicken bones. Moreover, the lead concentrations in them were quite high: 9.5 and 7.01 μg / l (for comparison: in water from under the tap, the same indicator does not exceed 0.89 μg / l). In the broth welded on fillet, the lead content was significantly lower: 2.3 μg / l. On the one hand, the number is small, on the other, we are talking about lead, and it can gradually accumulate in the body for years. Sooner or later, its number can be critical for health.

Antibiotics of muscles

Antibiotics are another group of substances that can be found in a freshly brewed broth. True, in this place the opinions of specialists are diverged. Experts on agriculture argue that antibiotics are rapidly derived from the body. And according to the rules, a week before the staff, the staff, the poultry farm ceases to give the drugs, that is, the chicken enters on the shelves pure. However, experienced compatriots believe that there is no guarantee of observance by poultry farm similar norms, and therefore there is no guarantee that the bird does not contain a large number of antibiotics. It should be added that the farm origin of the chickens - also does not guarantee the purity of meat from various drugs. If the bird is sick, then a private farmer will treat her the same medicines as a large enterprise. And with the same success, he may not withstand the laid "clean drugs" for a week before Zam.

Therefore, the default is better to get rid of antibiotics. Studies have shown that only 20% of these substances are destroyed when boiling. In Kuryatin, it remains from 5.9% (griezin) to 11.7% (Levomycetin). And 70% of drugs passes into the broth. Therefore, it is recommended to drain the first broth 30 minutes after the start of cooking, topping the water and put it again. And for drinking and soups use the second broth, obtained no more than 40 minutes after re-boiling.


Is it possible to conduct such studies that once and forever proved or disproved the effectiveness of broth for the treatment of various ailments? According to scientists, it is impossible for the following reasons:

  • Too many recipe options for the preparation of broth, it is almost impossible to standardize this process.
  • To disprove the therapeutic properties of the broth, they first need to prove. And at the moment, there is no intelligible explanation of how the broth acts on a person.
  • Finally, as scientists notice, the control group in such studies will have to be left without a broth, and it would be so unethical.

Is it worth drinking broth? Yes of course. There are several reasons for that:

  • This is a nutritional product that restores the aqueous and electrolyte balance.
  • This is a delicious product, especially if adding a bit of vegetables there.
  • This is a product that is preparing at home kitchen, from scratch, and therefore eliminates the presence of any unwanted and unknown additives.
  • Finally, as the American doctor of medicine, Stephen Rennard, was expressed, the chicken broth plays the role of the TLC factor. This term combines three important meanings: tender (tender), love (love), care (Care). That is, a cup of broth prepared for a sick person is a manifestation of concerns and love, which they themselves have a healing effect.

Chicken broth is a broth from different parts of chicken, as well as from her bones and cartilage. Fat appearing on the surface of the broth during cooking is usually cleaned. When cooking chicken broth should not be used by a bird skin. Most useful is broth from bones and cartilage, as it will contain more useful substances than in other parts of the chicken. What useful properties has chicken broth?

The benefits and harm of chicken broth:

As part of the chicken broth contains vitamins of group B, trace elements: iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, calcium, zinc and sodium. Radiy chicken broth is an excellent diet product. Chicken broth is very useful when weakening the body and painful condition, as it contains protein, which also indicates that large energy costs are not required to digest this dish. The chicken broth contains polyunsaturated acids, thanks to which the health of blood vessels is supported, the heart work improves, warns the heart attack and stroke. People after the operation are recommended to take this product in food, as it normalizes blood circulation in damaged areas. Broth, welded from bones and cartilage, will help with fractures, and will stimulate the fire of bones. Another beneficial property of chicken broth is that it leads to the norm central nervous system. When receiving chicken broth, the metabolism is improved, as well as the blood formation process. Also with iron, which is contained in chicken broth, erythrocytes are formed. It is useful at low hemoglobin and assists in the fight against anemia. Doctors recommend to eat chicken broth to people suffering from bronchitis and respiratory diseases, as it contributes to the discharge and wet wet. The broth is very useful to take in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as it has a healing effect on its mucous membrane. It contributes to the improvement of such a process as digestion. Chicken broth is a good warning agent for colds.

Do not get involved in chicken broth and replace them with other products. When eating a chicken broth, an allergic reaction is possible, in people with the intolerance to the chicken and with impairment of the assimilation or the exchange of animal proteins. It is not recommended to use chicken broth and nursing mothers, as this may lead to the appearance of an allergic reaction in a child. It is also not desirable to give children chicken broth, since it is pretty heavy food.