Hake fish: harm or benefit to human health? Seafood guide: White fish. Handbook What a hake fish looks like with a head

07.05.2021 Grill menu

During the Soviet era, silver hake became famous for being the most frequent guest on catering tables on Thursday fish days. In this he was only rivaled by blue whiting fish. Hake was cheap, because then, in the era of scarcity, it seemed like a kind of lame product, which was served on the table in canteens and cafes only due to the lack of more decent varieties of fish. Today, when we have a choice, we understand that hake is a fish worthy in almost every way. Spoiled Europe even considers it to be the best of 31 cod fish species. Why? This will be discussed below.

Description of the ocean guest

Hake is also called hake, and this predatory fish lives in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Its population is impressive, experts believe that the world reserves of all types of hake reaches 10 million tons, although due to unrestrained fishing this number has recently been decreasing. The size of an adult hake ranges from 30 centimeters to one and a half meters.

Did you know?This bottom fish is able to withstand the enormous pressure of water on its body, sinking to a depth of a kilometer.

Chemical composition

By its composition, hake is very similar to navaga, and by the presence of fat, which is contained in it in an amount of about four percent, it is the champion among cod fish.


These elements, valuable for health, are presented in it impressively:


The palette of macro- and microelements is even more extensive:

  • copper;
  • chlorine;
  • sulfur;

Nutritional value and calorie content of hake

It has already been said about the record fat content for cod fish, but it is also rich in protein, of which its fillet contains up to 17 percent, amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids of the type.

With all this, hake is not very high in calories. Its calorie content reaches only 86 kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

About the benefits

Merlouse is useful for humans, but its various valuable qualities are in demand by different categories of people in their own way.

For adults

The presence of hake in meat is especially important for people at the age when problems with the cardiovascular system arise. These antioxidants help to normalize blood cholesterol levels and thus help cleanse the walls of blood vessels.
It is also useful for those suffering from endocrine system disorders. The iodine present in the hake has a very favorable effect on the thyroid gland, but its caviar is very indicated for keeping the nervous system in good condition.

The rich spectrum of vitamins really helps to keep the human central nervous system in good shape.

Diabetes inhibits its destructive effect on the body when eating hake dishes, since fillets from it, as well as caviar, can lower blood sugar.

For kids

It is the hake that doctors recommend as a fish that a baby tries for the first time in his life. But this should be done in the form of fish puree only after a child of 8-9 months has already switched to meat food.

Important!At an early age, babies should never be given fried fish - only boiled or baked.

Due to the excellent digestibility of hake, its richness with vitamins and minerals, dishes made from it are highly recommended for older children.

Moreover, hake is indicated even for children who have disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The only contraindication is individual allergic reactions to it.

Separately about dietary nutrition

The almost ideal digestibility of culinary hake dishes, their low calorie content, its richness in protein and a low fat content - all this makes it possible to automatically transfer the hake into the category of dietary products.

For those who want to maintain a slim figure and at the same time not suffer from a lack of protein food, causing a constant feeling of hunger, hake dishes are an extremely good choice.

Is it possible to hake

People whose dietary requirements are especially high have their own nuances regarding this fish.


High nutritional value, good digestibility and saturation with useful substances, it would seem, should bring hake to one of the first places in the menu of pregnant women. And so it was a few decades ago.

However, the rapidly progressing pollution of the world's oceans leads to the fact that many marine fish, especially predators, which include hake, accumulate toxic salts of heavy metals in their bodies.
Therefore, doctors today recommend that pregnant women be wary of marine predatory fish as food.

Of course, this does not mean a complete rejection of such a useful marine product. Just before purchasing it, it is advisable to inquire about its origin.

Fish caught near the coast of Japan, for example, are especially dangerous due to possible radioactive contamination after accidents there at nuclear power plants.

Important!During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is strictly forbidden to eat raw fish and products containing it, such as sushi.


The same is true for breastfeeding mothers. The abundance of vitamins and minerals in fish helps them to increase the number of blood cells, which decreased during childbirth. They also contribute to the maintenance of teeth, hair, nails and skin in good shape, help to fight increased fatigue and stress.

The basics of making the right choice: how not to buy pollock

Merluza and its relative from the order of cod pollock are quite similar in appearance, but differ somewhat in taste, composition and dietary properties, in which hake is undoubtedly the leader.

This is reflected in the price of the product, therefore, when buying, it is advisable that unscrupulous traders do not sell the cheaper pollock to the buyer at the price of more expensive hake.

Meanwhile, it is not very difficult to distinguish these fish from each other:

  • hake is evenly elongated along the entire length of the body, and pollock is wider near the head and narrower in the tail area;
  • in hake, the bottom of the sides and belly are silvery with a much darker back, while the pollock is covered with dark spots all over the body.

Did you know?In the USSR, active fishing for hake began only in the 60s of the last century, after the cod population began to decline. Then the hake was considered a second-class fish.

How to make a delicious hake

Of course, this fish, recognized by Europeans as the best among their cod brethren, is in great demand among consumers. Hence the mass of recipes for preparing delicious dishes from it.

Meat characteristics and taste

The hake meat, which is famous for its excellent digestibility, is also very tasty. Its white meat is easily separated from the ridge, does not creep when frying, and is suitable for all types of heat treatment without any visible harm to its original configuration.

This meat is distinguished by its juiciness, which compares favorably with the meat of the same pollock or cod.

Popular cooking recipes

Fish allows you to fantasize and cook both everyday dishes and festive ones. Here are some recipes for preparing the product that are simple and will not take time.

Fried hake with onions


  • medium-sized hake carcass - 1 pc .;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - as needed;
  • salt to taste.


  • cut the hake carcass into pieces;
  • cut the onion into rings;
  • mix pieces of hake with onions;
  • add salt;
  • leave to marinate for half an hour;
  • breaded hake pieces in flour;
  • fry in a pan with sunflower oil;
  • saute the onion;
  • add it to toasted hake.

Stewed hake with vegetables


  • small hake carcasses - enough to fill the pan in rows;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomato sauce - 100 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc .;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - as needed.


  • Grease the pan with sunflower oil;
  • fill it with hake carcasses, tightly packed in rows;
  • salt;
  • cut the onion into rings;
  • cover the hake with them;
  • cut into small pieces;
  • sprinkle it in a layer over the onion layer;
  • add tomato sauce;
  • Spice up;
  • pour water to the edges of the pan;
  • add ;
  • cover the pan with a lid and simmer over the fire for 10-15 minutes.

Hake baked in the oven


  • medium-sized hake carcasses (by the number of eaters);
  • salt to taste;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • The fact that hake is widely sold without a head is not at all due to the fact that it looks intimidating, especially with an open mouth, in which the sharpest teeth stick out.

    Not at all because of the unaesthetic appearance, but purely for practical reasons, when consumers wounded their hands on those sharp teeth while cooking fish, the heads from the hake carcass are completely removed.

    Are there any contraindications

    It has already been said about the possibility of accumulation of poisonous salts of heavy metals by fish, which makes it especially dangerous for pregnant and lactating mothers.

    Like many other marine life, hake is also capable of causing allergic reactions in humans, which should be considered by potential consumers of this product.

    It is recommended not to get carried away with hake for people with problems associated with bowel movement (constipation).

    How to replace hake

    Although he is the best of his cod relatives, he is not completely irreplaceable. There are many other types of fish that rival hake in health and taste.


    Extremely similar to its marine cousin. Their composition is almost the same, except that hake surpasses navaga in fat content and, therefore, juiciness of meat.


    This eternal rival of the hake in the fish department sometimes becomes a substitute for him for financial reasons, but he is unable to completely replace him, because he loses in all respects. The exception is caviar, which is considered more valuable in pollock.


    The white meat of both of these fish, somewhat similar in taste, suggests their culinary interchangeability. In principle, this is the case when it comes to fish cakes and other similar dishes.

    However, when comparing their pure grilled meats, you don't have to be an advanced foodie to notice the flavor difference between the two in favor of hake. Its meat is more tender, juicier and therefore tastier.

    This fish is good in all respects: tasty, healthy, healthy, nutritious. It is perfect for gourmet and dietary meals.
    If today's predatory fishing for hake is stopped, its huge population will be able to feed more than one generation of earthlings.

The hake fish, or hake, belongs to the marine predators of the Merluz family of the Cod family. It is quite useful, as it contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, and valuable substances. Noteworthy are the taste characteristics of hake, its ease of preparation, thanks to which it is actively used in cooking.

Where is the hake fish found? We will tell you about its benefits and possible harm to health in our article.

How to choose a hake

The hake fish, or hake, is found exclusively in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans at the bottom of the continental shelves. The main criterion for choosing a product is the ratio of carcass weight and its size.

Good fish should be in moderation heavy.

If the hake is small enough, not more than two hundred grams in appearance, and the scales show twice as much, this may indicate that an unscrupulous manufacturer from the bottom of his heart "saturated" the product with water.

You will pay more than you owe, and in the end buy not fish, but a bunch of fibers with ice. However, a small layer of ice glaze should still be present - it helps to preserve the taste and smell of the hake.

Fish can be frozen only once.... It is important that it is stored correctly. Otherwise, after defrosting, it will lose all its characteristics.

Therefore, it is important to distinguish fresh-frozen quality fish from a sluggish, tasteless product consisting only of water and ice.

Composition and calorie content

Most often fish is sold frozen- this is how all its useful properties are preserved.

The composition contains many minerals: fluorine, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, manganese, cobalt, nickel.

It also contains vitamins: A, C, E, PP, group B, Omega-3 and other unsaturated fatty acids, easily digestible proteins.

The calorie content of the fish is low - 86 kcal per 100 g.

It depends on the cooking method:

  • boiled hake - 95 kcal per 100 g;
  • stewed - 103 kcal;
  • baked - 116 kcal;
  • fried - 127 kcal.

In any form, fish contains quite a few calories, so it is considered a dietary product.

On the pages of our site, you will also learn how to cook! We have prepared several recipes.

Beneficial features

The rich composition of the fish provides its beneficial properties:

  • Thanks to iodine, hake is healthy for the thyroid gland.

    Using it regularly you can replenish stocks of this component in the body, to normalize hormones and the work of the glands.

    Fish is especially useful for those who live or work in unfavorable conditions from the point of view of ecology.

  • Trace elements potassium, sodium and magnesium have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, strengthen blood vessels, help normalize blood pressure.
  • Phosphorus helps improve brain function, memory, and concentration.
  • Hake meat helps to restore physical strength therefore it is especially useful for those who play sports or are constantly exposed to physical activity. The presence of magnesium in the composition provides the prevention of seizures.
  • The beneficial effects of fish on vision are known.- it improves it, reduces the risks of ophthalmic diseases.
  • Essential acids in the composition help to improve the condition of hair, nails, teeth... The composition of the fish has a beneficial effect on the hands, preventing diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • The product has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, improving its tone, preventing early aging.
  • Fish meat and caviar help to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and sleep.
  • Hake is very useful as it normalizes.
  • The low calorie content of the product allows it to be included in the diet, especially when combined with vegetables, which enhances its beneficial properties.

What is useful for the body of different groups of people

Consider how drinking hake can affect certain categories of people:

  • In the absence of contraindications fish will be useful for adult men and women.

    It will saturate the body with valuable components, strengthen it will help prevent a number of diseases.

  • Pregnant and lactating women should not abuse hake... But in moderation, it will be beneficial, ensure the correct formation of the fetus or infant, strengthen the skeletal system, and support the mother's body.
  • The use of hake is good for children. Substances in the composition of fish contribute to proper growth and development, ensure the strength of bones and teeth, and improve mental activity.
  • The fish is also useful for the elderly. It prevents problems with the heart, blood vessels, bones, joints, slows down the aging process.
  • Athletes need to eat hake fillets: Proteins in the composition will provide muscle support.

Potential health hazard

Hake is a healthy fish with a unique composition. But it has contraindications and reasons for restrictions, which can neutralize the benefits and turn it into harm.


  • Allergic reaction... Like other seafood, hake can provoke an allergic reaction in case of individual intolerance. In case of allergies, you should refrain from using it.
  • Constipation... If you are prone to them, you should eat fish in moderation, since it contains a lot of iron, which has a binding effect.
  • Increased acidity... Hake is contraindicated, as it can further increase the acidity level and provoke an exacerbation.

Do not feed hake to very young children.... Although it is easy to remove bones from fillets, small bones may remain, so there is a risk that the baby will choke or the bone will get stuck in his throat. This can pose a danger to the respiratory system, provoke shock or fright in the child.

There are several other points to consider. Sea water may contain heavy metals(mercury), various fatty pollutants absorbed by algae and eaten by fish, and then enter the human body along with it.

Codfish belong to the category of these marine life. Due to such risks fish in limited quantities should be eaten by children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating mothers.

When freezing and packaging hake, manufacturers can use food additives, stabilizers, (polyphosphates), which serve to preserve the moisture and shape of the carcasses.

While many of the supplements are legal, they can have negative effects on the body. To avoid this, buy fish in proven places.

There are no restrictions on fish consumption... Optimally, it is eaten several times a week in the amount of 150-200 grams. You can boil, stew, bake, fry, cook different dishes. Fish is good for minced meat, since bones are practically absent in it.

It is useful to use fillets along with vegetables and vegetable salads, which enhance the beneficial properties of the product.

Cooking applications

Many dishes can be prepared with hake using different processing methods. The fish meat is dryish, therefore, when baking it, try to periodically pour broth or fatty sauce.

For the same reason, cover the fillets with dough or a generous layer of bread crumbs when frying. There are no special recommendations for cooking. The finished dish can be served with creamy or sour cream sauce. Consider how you can cook this fish.


Cut the carcass into portions, sprinkle with seasoning and leave for 15 minutes. At this time, make the sauce by mixing a glass of sour cream and milk with two each. Add salt and pepper.

Take a frying pan with high sides or a saucepan, pour vegetable oil into it. Now hake should be rolled in flour and fried for ten minutes. Turn over, add finely chopped onion and fry for another 7 minutes.

Pour in the sauce, reduce heat to low, and cover the skillet or saucepan with a lid. An hour later, the delicious stew can be served. Mashed potatoes are suitable as a side dish..


Fried hake will be delicious... Please note that due to the presence of a large amount of moisture in it, it can sizzle and shoot in the pan.

Therefore, prepare the batter. Combine a glass of milk, a raw egg, a tablespoon of flour and starch, salt and herbs. You can pour in a spoonful of vodka to make the batter become airy.... Put the pan on fire, add enough vegetable oil. Dip the fish, divided into portions, in flour.

Then prick the pieces on a fork, dip them in batter and deep-fry them. Let the finished dish lie on paper towels. to drain off excess fat.

You will learn an interesting recipe for making hake fish from the chef from the following video:

Slimming use

Hake fillet is recommended for those who want to lose weight... It is low in calories and many nutrients that our body needs. The components of the fish composition will help to maintain the beauty of hair, nails and skin, which often suffer from weight loss.

Fish should be included in the dietary menu. in a boiled, baked form, steam it, make dietary vegetable soups.

A number of useful substances of the composition promote weight loss, accelerate metabolism. Fish will saturate with protein, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals.

Hake fish is a worthy addition to your diet. High-quality fish, in the absence of contraindications, will only benefit the body, and this applies to both health and beauty.

In contact with

Under the USSR, hake appeared more often than other fish on the menu of catering establishments when a “fish day” was announced. Only blue whiting could compete with him. Hake was cheap, readily available, and was considered by some to be an unworthy fish that only cheap eateries could serve. Today, in times of abundance of food, people have appreciated hake. Even Europe considers the fish to be the best of the 31 varieties of cod.

What a hake fish looks like: photo and description

Also known as hake. This is a predatory fish, the population of which is impressive, although experts believe that it has decreased due to active fishing. The size of an adult hake (hake) from 30 cm - 1.5 m.

It belongs to the genus monotypic, the family is hake, which include 16 species. The hake spends most of its time at depth, rising higher when it hunts.

Appearance: the body is runny, the head is large, it is 1 / 3-1 / 4 of the body length. It has an elongated, compressed snout 1.3-3.2 times the diameter of the eye, with a wide rounded tip. The eyes are large, located on the sides of the head. Between them there is a vast interorbital space, it is slightly elevated, 1.0–2.4 times the diameter of the eye, wide. The mouth is narrow. The lower jaw is longer than the upper jaw, there is no mustache on the chin. The jaws are equipped with vomer teeth. The first ray of the dorsal fin is long and flexible, while the pelvic fin contains 7-9 rays. It differs from other members of the hake family in the tail fin - it is located separately from the anal or dorsal fin. Also, it has a second dorsal fins with anal fins of almost the same height.

The color of the body is silver with a steel back. The sides are lighter and the abdomen is silvery. There are black varieties. The iris of the eye is golden and the pupil is black.


All varieties of hake are actively used in cooking. They are harvested with special bottom trawls. Hake is sold fresh and frozen; fishmeal is made from a separate part of the catch.

Where is found

Me type sleeves



North America, in the area from Bell Isle further to the outskirts of the Bahamas. Fish are found at a depth of 50-900 m. Most fish are found in the southern side of Newfoundland, also in South Carolina.


The northeastern side of the Pacific Ocean, sometimes found in the southeastern side of the Bering Sea. Catching is carried out annually.


Near the Atlantic coast of the outskirts of South America, also off the coast of South Brazil, further to the outskirts of the Falkland Islands. Argentina and Uruguay catch it more than other countries.


Pacific shores off Peru, Chile.

New Zealand

Usually found off the coast of the outskirts of New Zealand, including around Patagonia. Serves as an object of constant fishing.


The coast of Angola to the territory of South Africa.

Heck loves bottom areas, his body is able to withstand a lot of pressure. Therefore, the fish calmly sinks to a kilometer depth. They are caught from there with deep trawls. Fish move in schools, which rise higher during the hunting period.

Hake is also found in Russia, only in artificially populated reservoirs.

Hake fish: benefits and harms

Most often, hake is found frozen on store shelves. So the fish is transported from the place of catch, keeping the maximum of its useful properties.

What macro and microelements does hake contain:

M etals

















    B1, B2;



    AT 12;



Other unsaturated natural fatty acids.

With such an impressive range of nutrients, fish can be used as a natural medicine against certain diseases. For example:

  1. Diseases of the endocrine system - seafood is always rich in iodine, but the thyroid gland lacks it.
  2. Nervous Disorders - It is known that destroyed nerve cells will no longer be restored. Regular consumption of fish has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.
  3. Diabetes - patients with this diagnosis need to follow a special diet, monitor their sugar levels and regularly take a number of medications. Hake is excellent for making dietary meals, in addition, it is healthy and caviar can lower dangerous sugar levels.

In addition to the positive qualities, fish have contraindications:

  1. Allergies - Most seafood can cause severe reactions. Heck too. Therefore, before use, you should check the presence of individual intolerance.
  2. Constipation - there is enough iron in the fillet, and its binding effect is contraindicated in case of constipation.
  3. Increased acidity in the body. Those suffering from such a disease should not eat hake.
    Babies should also not be given hake, at least it is easy to remove bones from meat. There is a risk that the child will choke.

Sea hake or river fish?

Belongs to marine fish and a large family of cod fish. In Europe, she has long been recognized as the best representative of her family. Therefore, hake is actively caught and sold everywhere.

Earlier in Russia, hake was considered a cheap and low-quality product. He reminded people of the times of scarcity, when only hake was on the counter of fish products. Now people's opinion has changed.

Hake fish: calorie content

Saturated acids - 0.6, carbohydrates - 0.

Due to its low calorie content, it is easy to prepare diet meals from hake.

How much is a hake fish

Under the USSR, it pleased with an affordable price, so people often took it on holidays or ordinary days.

Hake fish price per 1 kg in various establishments

Product, shop



A carcass without a head ("Metro online store" from Moscow)

229 rubles

1 kg

Carcass ("Verny", Kaluga)

299.9 rubles

1 kg

Carcass ("Faithful" from the Leningrad Region)

299.9 rubles

1 kg

Carcass ("Faithful", Vladimir)

299.9 rubles

1 kg

Frozen carcass ("Utkonos online store", from Moscow ")

289 rubles

1 kg

The cost of a kilogram of hake ranges from 230-300 rubles.

Hake fish: how to cook deliciously in the oven

Among the known cooking options for fish, it is best to bake it. So the dish will come out less high-calorie, in addition, the novice hostess will cope with this task. Roasting is better than traditional roasting because the kitchen stays clean after culinary experiments and there is no fishy smell. Foil helps. It perfectly withstands high temperatures, at the same time maintaining the quality of the product being prepared.

The recipe is simple, requires a minimum of ingredients. Can be supplemented with potatoes, cut into medium slices. Then the garnish question will disappear automatically. Or add canned beans. Simple, tasty, healthy and satisfying!


  • hake fish - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc .;
  • black pepper;
  • salt;
  • dry garlic - a pinch;
  • olive oil - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • leek / regular.


  1. Preparation of carcasses. It is necessary to clean the fish, cut off the fins and rinse it thoroughly. Cooking scissors will help here. It is better to remove the insides from a frozen carcass. This makes the procedure easier.
  2. Place a sheet of foil on the bottom of the baking dish. Above - both carcasses of peeled hake. Salt them on all (top, bottom, inner) sides. Bay leaves can be put inside or left side by side. Arrange the lemon slices in an arbitrary way instead of with the onion slices. Add a couple pinches of pepper.
  3. Add some oil last. Instead, you can pour water or do without it. After finishing cooking, cover the fish with foil on top and send to bake in the oven, setting 120 degrees. Hake is baked for 30 minutes. It is better to wrap the foil loosely, leaving a little space.

For a side dish, you can use mashed potatoes, buckwheat or rice. The result is a soft, juicy and tasty dish. Instead of a side dish, if there is no time (laziness), it is worth slicing a simple salad using fresh vegetables (cabbage, cucumber tomatoes) or opening a jar of pickled cucumbers.

How much to cook fish hake for soup - 30 minutes is enough if the water has already boiled. You need to set a low heat and close the pan when cooking.

There are about 10 types of hake, or hake. Their taste depends largely on the species and habitat.

The length of the hake is from 30 cm to one and a half meters, the average weight is grams, in rare cases it can reach kilograms. The color is usually silver-gray, the back is high and dark, the body is elongated.

Hake composition

In terms of chemical composition, hake is close to navaga, with a fat content of about 4%, which is higher than that of other representatives of cod. In addition, meat contains% proteins, rich in valuable amino acids, water, ash, vitamins and minerals. Hake contains vitamins: A, E, C, PP, groups B - B2, B6 and B12, as well as minerals: iodine, copper, calcium, manganese, potassium, sulfur, fluorine, iron and zinc.

All this helps to strengthen the bones and tissues of the body, maintain the vitamin and mineral balance and metabolism in the body at the desired level.

Beneficial features

Hake fat is composed of saturated fatty acids that are important for the maintenance of the body's cardiovascular system. Caviar contains the most important element for health - omega-3 acids. Possesses antioxidant properties, is a raw material for many medicines and cosmetics.

Despite the presence of fats, hake meat has a low calorie content - 86 kcal per 100 grams, it can be recommended for dietary and baby food. Regular consumption of food lowers blood sugar levels, is the prevention of obesity and the development of cardiovascular diseases. Hake has excellent taste, tender meat and few small bones.

It is believed that the most delicious hake is fried. However, when fresh, it loses its taste rather quickly, so it is usually available for sale in fresh frozen form. To prepare a delicious fish dish, it is enough to defrost it, sprinkle it with lemon juice or vinegar and fry it on both sides in a hot frying pan. Hake can also be boiled, baked, stewed; and it is often made with cutlets, fish meatballs, minced meat.

Energy value




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Description of hake fish with photo, composition and calorie content, as well as nutritional value; how to cook, benefits and harms

Hake fish: properties

Caloric content: 86 kcal.


The hake fish belongs to the cod family. This type of fish is very popular among all peoples of the world, and is also famous for its delicious dietary meat. Habitat - Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The hake fish, or, as it is also called, hake, lives at the bottom, rising to the surface exclusively for prey.

Depending on the habitat, hake fish can range in size from thirty centimeters to 1.5 meters. Young hake feeds mainly on plankton, and when it grows up, it becomes a predator and devours small schooling fish.

At the moment, there are many companies that breed hake fish both in artificial conditions and in the wild. Fish are caught with special devices called bottom trawls.

Hake fish is sold both frozen and fresh. It is preferable to buy fresh fish, since frozen fish can go through several stages of freezing and defrosting, as a result of which it will lose most of its taste.

This type of fish can be divided into two more large subspecies: silver and Pacific hake.

  • The maximum length of the silver hake reaches 73 centimeters, and the weight is two and a half kilograms. This fish presumably lives off the coast of North America, as well as South Carolina. It is mined at a depth of fifty to nine hundred meters. The silver hake migrates depending on the season and starts spawning in May.
  • Pacific hake can reach ninety centimeters in length, but most often fishermen catch fish up to forty centimeters long. It lives off the coast of California and Vancouver. Spawning begins in January at a depth of about two hundred meters.

When buying frozen hake fish in a store, be sure to pay attention to the ice crust: it should not be too thick and broken. If you notice cracks in the ice crust, then the fish has been defrosted and re-frozen. It is better to go to another store if you want to buy tasty and high quality fish.

How to cook hake fish?

You can cook hake fish in many different ways, from baking to stewing in a slow cooker. There are a large number of recipes for preparing delicious hake fish dishes, which any hostess can make at home. We will tell you about the simplest and most popular ways to cook hake fish.

  • One of the most popular and quickest options for making hake is baking it in the oven. In this case, you can grate the fish with any spices, pour over the sauce, bake in foil or in a sleeve with or without vegetables. Other types of fish such as pollock or mackerel can be baked with hake.
  • Fish can be fried in a pan along with potatoes, carrots or onions. At the same time, fried hake will go well with sour cream or tomato sauce. In addition, it will turn out very tasty if you fry the hake in batter, in which you must definitely add a little lemon juice.
  • You can stew hake fish both in a deep frying pan and using a multicooker. If you have this kitchen gadget, it will make your cooking process much easier. The stew is suitable for both adults and children.
  • This product can be cooked in a regular saucepan. You can also easily make fish soup or fish soup from boiled hake. Among other things, you can try to steam the fish. In this case, it will turn out to be more juicy and oily, and also will not lose its positive qualities.
  • Hake dishes include fish cakes, which are made from fillets. They come out tender and you and your family will love their taste. You can even add some rice and make delicious fish balls in tomato sauce.
  • Fish pies are also very tasty dishes. They may not be to everyone's liking, but if you love this kind of food, be sure to indulge yourself in this yummy.

Since this type of fish is not bony, hake can be used to prepare a huge variety of dishes. You can even pickle it or pickle it yourself. Homemade salted hake with oil and spices will appeal to everyone who tries it.

Korean hake fish will easily become one of the most delicious dishes on the festive table! You can add any of your favorite condiments to your food, but don't overdo it! Otherwise, the dish will taste like some spices.

The calorie content of hake fish is low, but in combination with other products, as well as depending on the method of preparation, it can vary. One way or another, many nutritionists note that hake is suitable for dietary nutrition, if you do not fry it in oil, but stew or steam it.

Benefit and harm

Any product can be beneficial and harmful if the rules of its use are neglected. Fish hake, although it is a product with a high content of omega-3 acids, its liver and fillets can provoke an allergic reaction in people with individual intolerance to the product. Also, the product contains a fairly large amount of iron, and with its excess in the body, constipation can occur. Therefore, you should consume hake in reasonable amounts.

With gastritis or ulcers, eating fish dishes is completely contraindicated. Hake can increase the acidity of the stomach, which will only exacerbate the disease.

Now you can get down to the good news. Although hake fish can be harmful if misused, it also has positive properties. It is enough just to observe the contraindications. Well, the benefits of hake are as follows:

  • malfunctions in the endocrine system and hormonal disruptions are indications for eating fish, as well as for including it in the daily diet;
  • if you eat hake fish regularly, you can quickly replenish the iodine deficiency in the body;
  • vitamins and trace elements contained in fish help prevent nervous system disorders and get rid of insomnia;
  • hake fillets and caviar help to lower blood sugar, so it is useful for people with diabetes to eat them;

Having properly prepared delicious hake fish, you can easily treat it to children, pregnant women, as well as your friends and family. Your family will love this treat, so check out a few recipes to make delicious fish dishes.

What does a hake fish look like?

Hake, a genus of marine fish of the cod family. In Europe, hake has long been recognized as the best representative of cod breeds. Hake meat is widely used in dietary nutrition and is very well absorbed by the body.

The average length of the fish is 20–70 cm and weighs up to 2.5–3 kg. It has an elongated body, one short and one long dorsal fin. The back of the hake is grayish black, while the sides and abdomen are silvery gray. Hake meat is low-fat, tender, white, low-bone, loin plates after boiling are easily separated from the bones.

Most often on sale there is frozen fillet (dry-frozen and glazed), as well as gutted frozen carcasses with and without head. Fresh hake tends to lose its taste and aroma rather quickly. Rapid freezing helps slow / delay this process.

In the first years of life, hake feeds on small shrimps, temisto, calanus, etc. After the onset of puberty, with a length of more than 31 cm, it becomes a predator and consumes schooling pelagic fish (herring, mackerel, menhaden), large invertebrates (shrimp and squid) ... The silver hake spends winter at depths of more than 20 m.

When buying frozen fish, it is very important to be sure that it has not been re-frozen. As a rule, after freezing, the fish is covered with a thin layer of ice, which protects it from drying out. Be careful here: some manufacturers glaze the fish so that the layer of ice becomes thicker than the seafood itself. Not only will you have to overpay for the weight of the ice, but also the fish after such manipulations will become tasteless.

If, on the contrary, the fish is too light, this means that it was frozen a very long time ago, and during this time it managed to dry out, even despite the ice cover. If the shape of the fish seems to you unnatural, broken, most likely, it was thawed several times and then frozen again. The flavoring properties of the hake are lost in such cases.

Useful properties of hake

Hake is a rich source of proteins, it contains such macro and microelements as: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, iron, iodine, zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, fluorine, cobalt, molybene and nickel. Hake contains vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, A, PP, and hake also contains saturated fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Contains very little fat. Hake can be used to make many delicious dishes. Hake meat tastes better than cod meat, it is softer and fatter.

Hake is beneficial for the thyroid gland, skin and mucous membranes, nervous and digestive systems, it perfectly regulates blood sugar and is an antioxidant.

Scientists advise at least a minimal amount to regularly eat hake, salmon or pineagoria - even small portions of this fish completely satisfy our body with the omega-3 fatty acid necessary for health.

Omega-3 deficiency leads to cardiovascular disorders, hypertension, depression, diabetes, reduces reproductive function and weakens the nervous system.

Dangerous properties of hake

At the same time, it is very important that the fish is frozen only once and properly stored according to the technology. Otherwise, the hake from a block of ice after thawing will turn into a structureless, tasteless mass.

So, you need to learn to distinguish between fresh-frozen hake and sluggish bad taste. Since several times frozen fish loses its taste and useful properties, when purchasing it, you need to make sure that it has not been frozen again. To do this, pay attention to the weight of the fish. As a rule, after freezing, the hake is covered with a not very thick layer of ice, which protects it from drying out. The weight of the fish should be appropriate for its size. If it is too heavy for its own dimensions, it means that the manufacturers used a lot of ice to glaze it, this will make it tasteless. And if the hake is quite light, therefore, it was frozen a long time ago, and most likely, during this time it dried up.

One of the episodes of the program "Everything will be delicious" tells how to cook three delicious dishes from hake!

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All About Fish Heck

Hake is the most useful, tasty and convenient representative of cod breeds. Its meat contains tons of vital vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats. On its basis, you can compose a whole cookbook, and the hake bones seem to be just looking for an excuse to jump out of the fillet as soon as possible. Fantastic? What's that. Let's get to know him better ...

Quick reference

Hake belongs to the Merluses family, lives in the salty waters of the oceans, and is caught in shallow waters. The length of the hake can be up to one and a half meters, but much more often it is only centimeters.

Hake is very attractive from a culinary point of view, because it has very few bones, which are also very easy to remove. In addition, hake meat is considered lean and can be used as a dietary component in the human diet.

When fresh, the carcasses of this fish do not retain their smell and taste well, so they are quickly frozen. Moreover, both whole carcasses and fillets prepared for use.

Phosphorus (240 mg), Cholesterol (70 mg).

Useful properties of hake

Hake meat is filled to the brim with useful substances, including such important minerals as calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine; vitamins PP, B, A, E and C, as well as easily digestible proteins.

Despite the fact that hake is considered a lean fish, it contains a lot of the beneficial omega-3 acid. This is especially true of caviar. Therefore, if you have hints of diabetes, cardiovascular disease or hypertension, try very hard to buy hake with caviar.

By the way, the researchers noticed that hake caviar also has a very beneficial effect on the central nervous system, thyroid gland and even the human reproductive system.

In addition to the listed advantages, lovers of the meat of this fish with each new portion get rid of toxins and free radicals, and also maintain the desired blood sugar level.


At the same time, it is important that the hake is frozen only once and stored according to technology. Otherwise, after defrosting, it will turn from a block of ice into a structureless tasteless nonsense, suitable only for "feeding" a trash can.

So, you need to learn to distinguish between fresh-frozen fish and sluggish bad taste.

The main criterion for the quality of the hake is the ratio of the size and weight of the carcass. A good fish should be moderately heavy.

If by sight the hake weighs no more than 200 grams, and the scales show all 400, then you should know that the manufacturer has tried his best and sincerely “saturated” his product with water. Consequently, you will overpay for the goods in half, and you will not receive fish, but a bunch of fibers torn by ice.

At the same time, there should be a thin layer of ice glaze on the fish, otherwise during storage it will dry out and lose its taste and smell.

As we said above, you can cook hundreds of dishes with hake. This fish is especially good for minced meat, because there are practically no bones in it. But the whole hake is excellent. However, it should be remembered that its meat is rather dry. Therefore, when baking hake, it is necessary to regularly "moisten" it with a fat sauce or broth.

For the same reason, when frying, it is better to cover it with dough or a thick layer of bread crumbs. Well, boiling hake in water and steaming is nothing special. Unless then the dish can be served with a creamy or sour cream sauce.

Why is hake fish useful and how to cook it deliciously

During the Soviet era, silver hake became famous for being the most frequent guest on catering tables on Thursday fish days. In this he was only rivaled by blue whiting fish. Hake was cheap, because then, in the era of scarcity, it seemed like a kind of lame product, which was served on the table in canteens and cafes only due to the lack of more decent varieties of fish. Today, when we have a choice, we understand that hake is a fish worthy in almost every way. Spoiled Europe even considers it to be the best of 31 cod fish species. Why? This will be discussed below.

Description of the ocean guest

Hake is also called hake, and this predatory fish lives in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Its population is impressive, experts believe that the world reserves of all types of hake reaches 10 million tons, although due to unrestrained fishing this number has recently been decreasing. The size of an adult hake ranges from 30 centimeters to one and a half meters.

Chemical composition

By its composition, hake is very similar to navaga, and by the presence of fat, which is contained in it in an amount of about four percent, it is the champion among cod fish.


These elements, valuable for health, are presented in it impressively:


The palette of macro- and microelements is even more extensive:

Nutritional value and calorie content of hake

It has already been said about the record fat content for cod fish, but it is also rich in protein, of which its fillet contains up to 17 percent, amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3.

About the benefits

Merlouse is useful for humans, but its various valuable qualities are in demand by different categories of people in their own way.

For adults

The presence of unsaturated fatty acids in hake meat is especially important for people at the age when problems with the cardiovascular system arise. These antioxidants help to normalize blood cholesterol levels and thus help cleanse the walls of blood vessels. It is also useful for those suffering from endocrine system disorders. The iodine present in the hake has a very favorable effect on the thyroid gland, but its caviar is very indicated for keeping the nervous system in good condition.

Diabetes inhibits its destructive effect on the body when eating hake dishes, since fillets from it, as well as caviar, can lower blood sugar.

For kids

Due to the excellent digestibility of hake, its richness with vitamins and minerals, dishes made from it are highly recommended for older children.

Moreover, hake is indicated even for children who have disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The only contraindication is individual allergic reactions to it.

Separately about dietary nutrition

The almost ideal digestibility of culinary hake dishes, their low calorie content, its richness in protein and a low fat content - all this makes it possible to automatically transfer the hake into the category of dietary products.

Is it possible to hake

People whose dietary requirements are especially high have their own nuances regarding this fish.


High nutritional value, good digestibility and saturation with useful substances, it would seem, should bring hake to one of the first places in the menu of pregnant women. And so it was a few decades ago.

Of course, this does not mean a complete rejection of such a useful marine product. Just before purchasing it, it is advisable to inquire about its origin.

Fish caught near the coast of Japan, for example, are especially dangerous due to possible radioactive contamination after accidents there at nuclear power plants.


The same is true for breastfeeding mothers. The abundance of vitamins and minerals in fish helps them to increase the number of blood cells, which decreased during childbirth. They also contribute to the maintenance of teeth, hair, nails and skin in good shape, help to fight increased fatigue and stress.

The basics of making the right choice: how not to buy pollock

Merluza and its relative from the order of cod pollock are quite similar in appearance, but differ somewhat in taste, composition and dietary properties, in which hake is undoubtedly the leader.

This is reflected in the price of the product, therefore, when buying, it is advisable that unscrupulous traders do not sell the cheaper pollock to the buyer at the price of more expensive hake.

Meanwhile, it is not very difficult to distinguish these fish from each other:

  • hake is evenly elongated along the entire length of the body, and pollock is wider near the head and narrower in the tail area;
  • in hake, the bottom of the sides and belly are silvery with a much darker back, while the pollock is covered with dark spots all over the body.

How to make a delicious hake

Of course, this fish, recognized by Europeans as the best among their cod brethren, is in great demand among consumers. Hence the mass of recipes for preparing delicious dishes from it.

Meat characteristics and taste

The hake meat, which is famous for its excellent digestibility, is also very tasty. Its white meat is easily separated from the ridge, does not creep when frying, and is suitable for all types of heat treatment without any visible harm to its original configuration.

This meat is distinguished by its juiciness, which compares favorably with the meat of the same pollock or cod.

Popular cooking recipes

Fish allows you to fantasize and cook both everyday dishes and festive ones. Here are some recipes for preparing the product that are simple and will not take time.

Fried hake with onions

  • medium-sized hake carcass - 1 pc .;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - as needed;
  • salt to taste.
  • cut the hake carcass into pieces;
  • cut the onion into rings;
  • mix pieces of hake with onions;
  • add salt;
  • leave to marinate for half an hour;
  • breaded hake pieces in flour;
  • fry in a pan with sunflower oil;
  • saute the onion;
  • add it to toasted hake.

Stewed hake with vegetables

  • small hake carcasses - enough to fill the pan in rows;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomato sauce - 100 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc .;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - as needed.
  • Grease the pan with sunflower oil;
  • fill it with hake carcasses, tightly packed in rows;
  • salt;
  • cut the onion into rings;
  • cover the hake with them;
  • cut the bell pepper into small pieces;
  • sprinkle it in a layer over the onion layer;
  • add tomato sauce;
  • Spice up;
  • pour water to the edges of the pan;
  • add bay leaves;
  • cover the pan with a lid and simmer over a fire-minute.

Hake baked in the oven

  • salt and pepper the carcasses, wrap each one in foil;
  • send to the oven;
  • bake at 180 degrees for half an hour;
  • sprinkle the prepared dish with herbs.

What to serve fish with

The best side dish for hake is considered to be potatoes. It is in perfect harmony with fried vegetables, in particular, onions. Sauces made from sour cream, cream and butter are good for this fish. Cooked hake with lemon and herbs goes well.

The fact that hake is widely sold without a head is not at all due to the fact that it looks intimidating, especially with an open mouth, in which the sharpest teeth stick out.

Not at all because of the unaesthetic appearance, but purely for practical reasons, when consumers wounded their hands on those sharp teeth while cooking fish, the heads from the hake carcass are completely removed.

Are there any contraindications

It has already been said about the possibility of accumulation of poisonous salts of heavy metals by fish, which makes it especially dangerous for pregnant and lactating mothers.

Like many other marine life, hake is also capable of causing allergic reactions in humans, which should be considered by potential consumers of this product.

How to replace hake

Although he is the best of his cod relatives, he is not completely irreplaceable. There are many other types of fish that rival hake in health and taste.


Navaga is extremely similar to its marine cousin. Their composition is almost the same, except that hake surpasses navaga in fat content and, therefore, juiciness of meat.


This eternal rival of the hake in the fish department sometimes becomes a substitute for him for financial reasons, but he is unable to completely replace him, because he loses in all respects. The exception is caviar, which is considered more valuable in pollock.


The white meat of both of these fish, somewhat similar in taste, suggests their culinary interchangeability. In principle, this is the case when it comes to fish cakes and other similar dishes.

However, when comparing their pure grilled meats, you don't have to be an advanced foodie to notice the flavor difference between the two in favor of hake. Its meat is more tender, juicier and therefore tastier.

This fish is good in all respects: tasty, healthy, healthy, nutritious. It is perfect for gourmet and dietary meals. If today's predatory fishing for hake is stopped, its huge population will be able to feed more than one generation of earthlings.

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There are two main reasons why hake is sold without a head.

Hake is considered an extremely tasty fish from the cod family. In Europe, it is very popular, because its meat is easily absorbed by the body. In addition, this fish is suitable as a dietary product.

The weight of a live fish reaches 2.5–3 kilograms, and the carcass length varies from 20 to 70 centimeters. The meat is lean, without an abundance of bones. In addition, it is easy to prepare and delicate in taste.

Young hake feeds on small shrimps and calanus. And only later, reaching about 30 centimeters, it becomes a predator, hunting herring, mackerel and other fish.

Hake is delicious, no matter how it is prepared. But in order to preserve the taste and aroma of fish as much as possible, it is better to bake it on the grill or in the oven, steam it, stew it in a sauce or fry it without using a lot of fat.

You always see this fish on the shelves without a head. Don't you think this is strange? Why do sellers so carefully cut off a hake's head before selling it?

On the shelves you can only find headless carcasses and hake fillets. But we will specially show you this fish with its head. Look - it's a hack.

You still do not understand why this fish cannot be put on the counter with its head, do you? Then watch the hake open his mouth.

Looks awful? Feel your appetite gone? And even if you have strong nerves and the eerie appearance of this mouth did not impress you, all the same, most of the visitors to the fish department would scatter in horror when they saw this monstrous mouth.

But if you reveal the whole truth, then it must be said that sellers cut off the hake's head not only to save the nerves of buyers, but also to keep the fish longer.

Fresh hake is not easy to store as it spoils rather quickly, losing its flavor. If you freeze fish quickly, it will keep longer.

Buyers should pay attention to how the hake is frozen. It is important that the fish is not re-frozen.

If the fish has been frozen for a very long time, it will have time to dry, despite the freezing. Such hake looks crumpled and broken, and its taste is irretrievably lost.

Some unscrupulous producers freeze the fish so that the layer of ice is sometimes heavier than the carcass itself. And here you will have to overpay not only for the fish, but also for the ice on it.

Now you know a little more about hake. We sincerely hope that this knowledge will not negatively affect your appetite, and on occasion you will taste the cooked fish again.

Did you know this "scary" hake secret? Share in the comments if the horrible fish head scared you.

The benefits and harms of which will be discussed in this article apply to marine predators of the hake family of the cod order. And to a person far from the classification of biological species, this inhabitant of the oceans is known for its accessibility. Thanks to the huge hake population, this industrial fish is sold everywhere and at fairly low prices. Therefore, hake is a frequent guest on the tables of all people, no matter how far from the sea coast they live. True, this fish gets into the interior of the mainland already frozen. But by the way, fresh hake quickly deteriorates and loses its smell. Therefore, the carcasses are exposed after catching So the fish does not lose its beneficial properties. And there are a lot of them. To familiarize yourself with them, as well as to find out what health hazards are fraught with hake, read this article.

Pollock's main rival

Most frozen fish buyers hardly know the difference between the two. And it is obvious. Alaska pollock is ahead of hake in only one thing: its price is even more affordable for a budget buyer. However, gourmets consider the hero of this article more tasty and juicy. In culinary terms, hake is also preferable to pollock. This fish is easily cut and cleaned, and the bones seem to want to jump out of the carcass themselves. Hake does not crumble in a frying pan, like pollock, does not dry out in the oven, it can be stewed, boiled ... But what is there: you can devote at least a whole cookbook to this fish. In defense of pollock, we can only say that its liver is an exquisite delicacy, rich in vitamin A. But hake fish is still richer in nutritious proteins and microelements. The benefits and harms of this food will be disclosed below. For now, let's say that hake lives in salty oceans. Sometimes there are individuals one and a half meters long, but for industrial catch fish thirty to forty centimeters long are more preferable. Both carcasses and cut fillets are on sale.

Hake fish: benefits and harms

The main distinguishing feature of this marine life is its easy assimilation by the body. Therefore, even small children can eat hake. This fish contains only eighty-six calories. An ideal dietary food product! The meat of this fish is overflowing with useful microelements. These are phosphorus, iodine, zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, fluorine and others. Of the vitamins, hake contains A, the entire range of B, C, E and PP. You will be surprised, but this budget product contains a sufficient amount of unsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3s.

For whom is hake fish suitable for nutrition? The benefits and harms of a product are due to its composition. First of all, steamed hake should be a common dish for those with endocrine disruptions. A large amount of iodine is good for the thyroid gland. Diabetics should also eat hake more often, because its fillets and caviar reduce sugar levels. Fish will become a cure for nervous system disorders. But who should refrain from the frequent use of hake is for people with high acidity of the stomach, as well as for those who suffer from constipation. And do not forget: everyone can cause an allergic reaction.

How to choose a carcass, how to cook?

Hake is sold frozen. But unscrupulous distributors are doing such a trick with this fish. They bring it to room temperature repeatedly and then freeze it again. As a result, moisture is absorbed into the fibers, and the hake becomes almost twice as heavy. When choosing a carcass, you should focus on a reasonable ratio of its size and weight. Because with repeated freezing, the meat becomes like a structureless and sluggish tastelessness. But the fish must still be covered with ice glaze, otherwise after heat treatment it will come out dryish, without taste and smell. What dishes and how to cook? Due to the ease of filing, hake is ideal for fish cakes. Minced meat turns out to be tender. When boiled (steamed or in water), hake is served with some kind of fatty sauce.

Stew the fish

Cut the cooked hake carcass into portioned pieces. Sprinkle with seasoning and leave for a quarter of an hour. In another bowl, make the sauce. Pour in a glass of sour cream and milk, add two eggs. Salt, season with pepper. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan with high sides or into a saucepan. Dip the hake in flour and fry for ten minutes. Then turn the fish over and add finely chopped onion to it (to taste). We fry for another seven minutes. Then pour in the sauce, reduce the heat, cover the saucepan / pan. You will have delicious hake in an hour. Serve with mashed potatoes.

Fry the fish

Due to the excess moisture in the thawed hake, it can behave like a firecracker in the pan: it will begin to hiss, shoot hot fat. To prevent this from happening, you need to take care to roll the fish into the "shell" - batter. To do this, mix the egg with a glass of milk. Add a tablespoon of flour and starch, aromatic herbs, salt. Let's stir. Pour in a spoonful of vodka - so the batter will become more airy. We put a frying pan on the fire, pour in a fairly large amount of vegetable oil. Dip the cut fish in flour. Then, pinning a piece on a fork, dip it in batter and put it in deep fat. The fish should lie on paper towels for a while to drain off excess fat.