Pancakes on the heated kefir the recipe thick lush. Pancakes on kefir thick lush: recipe with photos of flour pancakes on kefir thick

07.05.2021 Meat dishes

Thick pancakes on kefir can be considered a real classic. These soft curls will be left indifferent. Lush pancakes are unpretentious in preparation and do not require special culinary skills. Many hostesses love this recipe for this. Having spent only half an hour, you can deliciously feed the whole family!

Pancakes on kefir thick and lush

Before cooking eggs and kefir (sort) should be removed from the refrigerator and give them to warm to room temperature. If not for this time, then kefir can be warm in the microwave.

thick pancakes on kefir step by step with photos


  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • flour - 300 g;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 0.5 h.;
  • food soda - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

To prepare a pancake dough on kefir, a sufficiently deep container should be prepared. To break her chicken eggs, add some salt and sugar sand to them.

Slightly beat the ingredients before a homogeneous state.
Pour food soda.

Immediately add a warm kefir. In order for the dough to be without problems, the dairy product can be slightly able to warm.

Add flour to the container. Make it follows the portion, each time mixing the mass.

When all the diedy amount of flour turns out to be in the tank, the mass should be mixed so so that there are no lumps.
Pour the tablespoon of vegetable oil and stir again. Now it is necessary to give the test to stand for about 20 minutes. The food soda will enter the reaction with kefir, which will further help bake lush pancakes.

The pan is finely lubricated with vegetable oil, warm on medium heat. Pour the dough under the hot surface to the hot surface.

Pancakes are real delicacy for many. Indeed, this taste of pancakes in combination with oil or fillings can become one of the most beloved. Pancakes are prepared on milk or kefir. The second variant of the hostess is in more and more often, since the taste of pancakes in this case is obtained more saturated. How to cook delicious pancakes in kefir?

Thick pancakes in kefir: classic recipe

What is needed for cooking

  1. Chicken Egg (Category C1 or C0)
  2. Salt minor 1 tsp.
  3. Wheat flour 180 g
  4. Sugar 1.5 tbsp.
  5. Soda ½ tsp
  6. Kefir fatness from 1.5% 1 cup
  7. Vegetable oil


  1. Take a deep bowl and scatter chicken egg in it. Add salt, sugar and food soda to a bowl. All mix very well with a fork or a whisk. Add one and a half tablespoons of vegetable oil to the mixture, mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Sketch the flour and gradually add it to the mixture, starting from one tablespoon.
  3. Take the kefir and, if necessary, warm it up to 34-36 degrees. Gradually, pouring kefir in the mixture, constantly mix all. The result is the dough, which is very similar to consistency with a thick sour cream. The dough must necessarily get thick, as it affects the thickness of pancakes.
  4. Take a dry frying pan and warm it up on a strong fire. Lubricate it with vegetable oil and bake pancakes on both sides. In this case, the fire must be reduced so that they do not burn.

Thick pancakes on kefir with semi

What is needed for cooking

  1. Kefir bold 2 glasses
  2. Chicken Egg (Category C0, or C1) 2 pcs.
  3. Manna Cropa 150
  4. Soda ½ tsp
  5. Sugar 50-70
  6. Salt 1 tsp
  7. Wheat flour ⅔ Standard cup
  8. Vegetable oil


  1. Wear eggs in a bowl and add to them soda, mix well. Then a little warm kefir (if it was in the refrigerator) and add it to the eggs with soda. Add sugar and mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Sketch the flour and add it to the cooked mixture. Adding flour must be gradually so that lumps are not formed in the test. Add salt and semolina to the mixture, mix well.
  3. Give the prepared dough broke up for 25-30 minutes. During this time, the manka will begin to thick and the dough too.
  4. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil into the dough and mix everything again.
  5. Heat the frying pan and smear it with vegetable oil. Bake pancakes from two sides on medium or weak fire.

Thick pancakes on kefir with yeast

What is needed for cooking

  1. Wheat flour 250 g
  2. Egg chicken (Category C1 or C0) 2 pcs.
  3. Dry yeast 1 bag
  4. Sugar 2 tbsp.
  5. Kefir warm 1 cup
  6. Vegetable oil


  1. Mix the warm kefir with yeast and leave the mixture for 15 minutes so that the yeast began to act.
  2. Take the egg, add sugar to it and mix everything again. Add kefir with yeast to a mixture.
  3. Satch the flour and add it to the cooked mixture, all mix well. Add vegetable oil to the dough.
  4. Heat the pan on a strong fire and lubricate it with oil.
  5. Low fire and start bake pancakes from two sides.

Prepared Pancakes will be successfully combined with butter, jam and condensed milk. If you want to make a dish more original, you can add pieces of chocolate or berries into the finished dough. Pancakes prepared from such a dough will decorate the table and diversify the diet.

The passenger week continues. Today I baked thick pancakes on kefir on traditional mother's recipe. Traditional, because, how much I remember, my mom bakes only these pancakes. If I bake a stack of thin pancakes in about an hour, on the same stack, but out of 5-6 pancakes, my mother spends less than half an hour! Here is the charm ;-). Such pancakes can be bakeed on sour milk, prostrochy, ion, or kefir.

Thick pancakes in kefir - recipe with photos with holes without yeast

For a pancake dough on kefir you will need

  • 0.5 l kefir,
  • 3 eggs,
  • ½ teaspoon salt,
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar,
  • ½ teaspoons of soda,
  • 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil,
  • 2.5 cups of sifted flour (without a slide).

With the help of a mixer or a whisk, all components except flour are mixed. Gradually, flour is added across the floor of the glass. There should be a dough of medium density, a little albeit than on pancakes.

Lubricate a well-hot frying pan what you used to lubricate. Someone lubricates sunflower oil, I lubricate the pan for baking pancakes with a piece of sala. For this Recipe for thick pancakes Society of medium diameter frying pan. So the pancakes will be convenient to shoot. I have a frying pan with a diameter of 22 cm. So, begin to bake our pancakes. The dough is poured onto the center of the frying pan and is evenly distributed over the surface. Test thickness is approximately 5 mm. The first side of the pancake is baked under the lid.

When the topped crust is formed on the top surface of the pancake (i.e. the dough ceases to be liquid) - time to turn the damn one.

This can be done with a blade or quickly turn the damn hand.

The second side is baked without a lid to ruddy crust.

The finished pancake is laid out on the plate and watering melted cream oil.

Of this number of test, 6 thick pancakes are obtained. From above, each pancake sprinkled with sugar. Here in the photo my stack of thick pancakes, which is in almost half an hour.

My baking without experiment did not cost! I baked several pancakes in a slow cooker! I'll tell you about this in the next recipe: " "

Again baked my mother's fatty pancakes, only the sweet snowball went to the recipe for this again,

but, as I said, it is possible to prepare pancakes to use a row, sour milk or rippy.

Yeast pancakes on fresh milk or kefir cook much longer due to the fact that the dough should go there. This is all the advantage of fast acidic pancakes by mother's recipe.

Delicious pancakes wishes a notebook recipe!

Thick pancakes on kefir can be considered a real classic. These soft curls will be left indifferent. Lush pancakes are unpretentious in preparation and do not require special culinary skills. Many hostesses love this recipe for this. Having spent only half an hour, you can deliciously feed the whole family!

Pancakes on kefir thick and lush

Before cooking eggs and kefir (sort) should be removed from the refrigerator and give them to warm to room temperature. If not for this time, then kefir can be warm in the microwave.

thick pancakes on kefir step by step with photos


  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • flour - 300 g;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 0.5 h.;
  • food soda - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

To prepare a pancake dough on kefir, a sufficiently deep container should be prepared. To break her chicken eggs, add some salt and sugar sand to them.

Slightly beat the ingredients before a homogeneous state.
Pour food soda.

Immediately add a warm kefir. In order for the dough to be without problems, the dairy product can be slightly able to warm.

Add flour to the container. Make it follows the portion, each time mixing the mass.

When all the diedy amount of flour turns out to be in the tank, the mass should be mixed so so that there are no lumps.
Pour the tablespoon of vegetable oil and stir again. Now it is necessary to give the test to stand for about 20 minutes. The food soda will enter the reaction with kefir, which will further help bake lush pancakes.

The pan is finely lubricated with vegetable oil, warm on medium heat. Pour the dough under the hot surface to the hot surface.

When the surface is covered by a variety of air bubbles, damn it must be flipped over. Bake without covers.

Serve openwork pancakes on kefir can with sour cream or jam.

For a step-by-step photo, a recipe for delicious kefir blinkers Thank Marina.

Magnificent thick pancakes from air dough, hot and fragrant on your desk will necessarily collect together the whole family, and at the same time and guests. What can be tastier for breakfast than freshly baked pancakes? What can be more beautiful than the oil melting on their hot sides, sweet jam with berries or amber honey, air white sour cream, and there may be even condensed milk or chocolate in the company of lush bilnage. Yes, people who comply with the post or diet will be forgiven, but it is better for breakfast to nothing, despite the high calorie content.

We can cook or, but from thick lush pancakes, I do not advise you to refuse.

When, as not a week, the carnival is worth trying them. In my family, for example, there is a tradition to arrange a pancake marathon for the entire carnival week with a large beaker at the end. For the figure, this is not very useful, but this is a real family holiday. We are always going together and eat fresh pancakes, it can be breakfast or even dinner, but always all together. Tradition.

But on any other day, thick pancakes are a real belly holiday!

Lush pancakes on dry yeast and milk

Thick pancakes have their indisputable advantages, you can enjoy 1-2 pieces. They are very satisfying and tasty, they are not so much as thin pancakes, which means that the time for their cooking will be spent less. But with this family fed and satisfied. If you wish in thick pancakes, you can finish, but it is still more convenient to fine. With lush pancakes, it is better to use those fillings that are put on top or add to the dough immediately. I will tell you how to cook thick pancakes, but at the same time lush and even with holes.

It will take:

  • milk - 1 liter,
  • flour - from 2 glasses,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • dry yeast - 1 bag,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt - 0.3 teaspoons,
  • vegetable oil for frying.


1. In order to prepare yeast pancakes, of course, first of all, it is necessary to deal with the dissolution of yeast. In our case, yeast dry packaged, it means that it will take some time to dissolve and start playing. It is better to wait, but to get air pancakes as a result. Pour into a bowl or a mug of about half a cup of milk and a slightly warm it, pour dry yeast there and stir. Now secure in a warm place so that the yeast is dissolved. At least five minutes.

2. Heat the rest of the milk in the saucepan. You can put it on the slab until it becomes 36-38 degrees. Hot and so harder it is not necessary to boil milk. In the heated thus, milk pour the harvested milk with yeast. Pour the same sugar and salt there.

3. Now in the same saucepan, seek flour. It is best to add it gradually, because it is difficult to say the exact amount of flour in advance. From the quality of flour and wheat varieties, it depends on what thickness of the dough from it is obtained. Sit about one glass, mix with a spoon or a mixer at the lowest speed and see the liquid dough or thick. As a result, the dough should be obtained by a consistency resembling a slightly liquid sour cream, which is not the spoon, and the one that flows.

4. Spread one egg in the stirred dough and mix a little more so that it completely disappeared in it. Now the dough must be put in a warm place so that it rises.

5. In order for the dough to rose heat. In the cold season, I put a saucepan with a dough covering the lid, next to the battery or even on it. And when heat and heating does not work, I briefly turn on the oven to the smallest temperature, just a few minutes so that it just starts to warm. Inside the oven must be comfortable warm, if you shove your hand in it, no heat, we are not going to bake our dough into the cake. Literally after 15-30 minutes, depending on the temperature and quality of yeast, our dough will rise, possibly increased twice.

6. Now is the time the oven thick pancakes. It is not necessary to stir the dough, otherwise it will fall and the entire air effect will be lost. It is in this form that it needs to pour into a frying pan and fry. Take a big half for this, because pancakes will be big.

Do not forget to add vegetable oil to the frying pan, because in the dough we did not add it and the pancakes can merge. It is very convenient if you have a conversion frying pan, the main thing that the temperature of the burners was the same. Bake pancakes on medium heat.

7. As soon as the first side of the pancake becomes a bit matte and clearly thick, that is, not raw and not liquid, but a blush appears on the edges, then it's time to turn our magnificent fatty pancake. Take a big comfortable shovel and gently turn it out. If damn rifles, it means it is possible not yet passed. The drone pancake will not break, because it is quite dense and elastic.

In the first pancakes, it is possible to judge the correct temperature from the burner, if too hot, then the pancakes will be black outside, but do not have time to succumb. Dog fire if you see. If the pancake is golden and dense, it means everything is fine.

Finished pancakes fold a pile. On each pancake, you can put a piece of cream oil and it will melt on it and soak up. The taste of this pancakes will be simply amazing!

According to this recipe, pancakes are obtained thick, lush, tasty, like a grandmother in the village. Real Russian pancakes.

Eat on health and pleasure!

Recipe for the preparation of thick porous pancakes on kefir

Kefir is great for bakeing lush thick pancakes. Earlier, I already talked about how with the help of a kefir, let's notify very chubby air pans. Now I will tell you how to make pancakes, big, thick and holes from kefir. Yes, with holes can be not only thin pancakes, but also solid and fat.

By the way, I recommend bakeing thick pancakes smaller in diameter, it is more convenient, because one such damn is very satisfying, and if it is still huge, you don't eat a lot of these. Yes, and the thick pancakes of the medium size are better than large.

For such pancakes, it is good to use a small frying pan or pour to a greater less dough so that the damn lay in the middle and did not get to the edges. A good dense dough will not give it to spread, the main thing to regulate its volume, for example, a suitable chamber.

It will take:

  • kefir - 500 ml,
  • flour - 2 glasses (approximately depends on the dough thickness),
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt - 1/4 teaspoon,
  • boiling water - 250-300 ml,
  • soda - 2/3 teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon.


1. Traditionally, we start with an egg that is mixed with sugar and salt to light foam. You do not need to beat hard, do not biscuit biscuits.

2. Add kefir to the egg, all stirred well, and then put this mixture to warm. For this, do not forget to pour into the appropriate dishes, bucket or saucepan, if initially kneaded in a plate. It is necessary to heat quite a bit, degrees up to 50 no more, it should not roll. Must become slightly hot.

3. Now stir the heated kefir mixture with two cups of flour. The dough should be very thick, thicker than for pancakes. I will explain why, this is not the final option, but only the workpiece. We will still add boiling water, which is significantly dough dilute. Therefore, boldly interfere with thick dough and do not be afraid.

4. Board the kettle of water. In the circle, pour the food soda, and then pour boiling water there, the soda is rolled and worsted. Stir it with a spoon so that it dissolves completely.

5. Boldly pour boiling water in our dough and immediately stirred it. Do not worry, the dough is not welded, it will be wound and becomes even better than before. And the soda in the water and kefir in the test will begin their chemical game and will allocate bubbles.

6. So that our pancakes are really thick, the dough should get thick, roughly as condensed milk. If not confident as a result, then pour water gradually, stirre and add even if necessary. A little bit of liquid add in the face of vegetable oil, just one tablespoon. It is necessary for the pancakes better behind with frying. Pretty stir the oil.

7. Preheat a frying pan, the best cast iron, because it has a thick bottom and evenly distributed heat. When she fascinates, reduce fire to medium. You can start the bake pancakes. Large half, jump out the dough and pour it into the middle of the pan. Help a little bit to the desired size and bake. You will immediately see how holes manifest.

8. As you grab, turn over the other side and beat a little more. The second side must also be twisted. After that, you can shoot a finished fat pancake.

9. Each finished pancake put on its hot fellow and smear the creamy oil on top. It turns out just a sodium. As soon as the dough end, you can call everyone to the table.

These tight golden sun will delight you and your loved ones, believe me. Enjoy your tea drinking!

Tsarist Pancakes - Magnificent and Tolstaya by ancient recipe

On this, perhaps, I'll finish with pancakes. Wait for new recipes and stay connected. We still will definitely prepare something delicious.