Storage conditions and shelf life of semi-finished products and culinary products at a catering enterprise. Conditions and terms of storage of semi-finished meat products and culinary products

28.08.2019 Dishes for children

The surface of the pieces of semi-finished products should be windless, the color and smell characteristic of good-quality meat. There should be no rough tendons, cartilage, pieces of pulp with bruises, bones.

Portioned semi-finished products should be cut across the muscle fibers. Semi-finished products from the chopped mass must have the correct shape (depending on the type of semi-finished product). The surface is evenly coated with breading; torn and broken edges are not allowed. The mass on the cut is homogeneous, with a smell characteristic of good-quality meat with spices. Chopped semi-finished products are produced in accordance with OST 49 121-78. The presence of any signs of spoilage, sunburn is not allowed.

Prepared semi-finished products are stored at a temperature not exceeding 6 ° C. Large-sized semi-finished products are placed in one row on baking sheets and stored for no more than 48 hours. Portion semi-finished products are placed on baking trays in one row on the edge at an angle of 30 °, natural semi-finished products are stored for no more than 36 hours, breaded ones - no more than 24 hours. Small-sized semi-finished products are placed on baking sheets with a layer of 5 cm and stored for no more than 24 hours, minced meat (unfilled) - no more than 6 hours. Products from the cutlet mass are placed in one row on a baking sheet sprinkled with breading and stored at a temperature of 6–8 ° С for no more than 12 hours. Uncut bones should be stored for no more than 3–5 hours.

Chapter IV



Agricultural poultry includes carcasses of chickens, geese, turkeys, ducks, guinea fowls, chickens and ducklings. Poultry meat contains proteins, minerals, fats, extractives, vitamins PP, A, D, group B.

The muscle tissue of poultry has a fine-fiber structure, contains half the amount of collagen and elastin than beef. Fat has a low melting point. A large amount of extractive substances determines the special taste of poultry. In the meat of young poultry, there are fewer extractives than in an adult, therefore, it is better to use an adult, but not an old bird for making broth. Broths are obtained from old poultry cloudy and non-aromatic. It is mainly used for boiling and stewing, while the young one is used for frying.

Poultry arrives beaten, without a feather, half-gutted, gutted and gutted with a set of giblets and a neck. The poultry arrives cooled, chilled and frozen, according to fatness and quality it is divided into I and II categories.

Feathered game is supplied to catering enterprises: steppe, upland, marsh and waterfowl. The steppe includes quails, gray and white partridges; to upland game - hazel grouses, black grouses, pheasants; to marsh game - snipe, waders; to waterfowl - ducks and geese.

Game meat, unlike poultry meat, contains more protein and extractives, but less fat. It has a specific taste and aroma. Light bitterness and resinous odor are considered especially valuable. Game meat is darker in color and denser than poultry. Game is mainly used for frying, since its spine contains bitterness and therefore is not suitable for cooking.

The game comes un-plucked, in a frozen state, according to its quality it is divided into 1st and 2nd grade.

Mechanical culinary processing of poultry

And game birds

Mechanical culinary processing of poultry consists of the following operations: thawing; singing; removal of the head, neck, legs; evisceration; washing and preparation of semi-finished products.

Thawing. Frozen poultry carcasses are straightened, if possible, placed on tables or racks in one row so that the carcasses do not come into contact with each other. Geese and turkeys are thawed at a temperature of 8-15 ° C for 8 hours, for chickens and ducks - 5-6 hours.

Singing. There are hairs, feathers and down on the surface of the poultry carcass that must be removed. First, the carcasses are dried with a towel or cloth, can be dried with a stream of warm air, then rubbed with bran or flour (in the direction from the legs to the head) so that the hairs take a vertical position and it is easier to singe them. Singe over a non-smoking flame, carefully so as not to damage the skin or melt the subcutaneous fat. If the bird has underdeveloped feathers ("hemp"), then they are removed with tweezers or a small knife.

Removal of the head, neck and legs. Before gutting in a semi-gutted bird, the head is cut off between the second and third cervical vertebrae. Then a longitudinal skin incision is made on the neck from the back side, the neck is freed from the skin and the neck is cut off along the last cervical vertebra so that the skin remains with the carcass. In chickens and chickens, the skin is cut from half of the neck, in turkeys, ducks and geese - from two-thirds, in order to close the place where the neck is cut and the thymus.

The legs are cut off at the tarsal joint. The wings of a bird (except for chickens) are cut off at the elbow joint.

Gutting. For evisceration, a longitudinal incision is made in the abdominal cavity from the end of the sternum (keel) to the anus. Through the resulting hole, the stomach, liver, omentum, lungs, kidneys are removed, and the goiter and esophagus are removed through the throat opening. In a bird that comes in gutted, the omentum, lungs, and kidneys are removed. After evisceration, the anus and areas of pulp soaked in bile are cut out.

Washing.Gutted poultry are washed with running cold water at a temperature not exceeding 15 ° C. When washing, dirt, blood clots, and remnants of the viscera are removed. Rinsing for a long time is not recommended, as this will cause large losses of nutrients. The washed poultry for drying is placed on baking sheets with a cut down to glass the water.

Game processing. It consists of the following operations: plucking; singing; removal of wings, neck and legs; gutting and washing.

Thaw game as well as bird.

Plucking start from the neck. At the same time, they capture several feathers and quickly pull them out in the direction opposite to natural growth. So that the skin does not break when plucking, it is pulled with the fingers of the left hand in the places where the feathers are pulled out. The skin protects the game from excessive drying out during frying.

Singe only big game (wood grouse, black grouse, wild ducks and geese). They are pre-dried with a towel, rubbed with flour and singed.

The game completely remove the wings, neck, cut off the legs at the legs. In swamp game (snipe, great snipe, etc.), the skin is removed from the head and neck, the head is left along with the beak, but the eyes are removed.

Gutting game is produced in the same way as birds. In small game, an incision is made in the neck from the back side, the goiter and throat are removed, and then the rest of the viscera. Gutted game carcasses are washed well in cold water.

Refueling poultry and game

Processed carcasses of poultry and game are used for heat treatment as a whole or prepare portioned semi-finished products, as well as chopped mass. Poultry intended for heat treatment as a whole is pre-shaped (seasoned) in order to give it a compact shape, to speed up the heat treatment process and to make it easier to cut into portions.

Before refueling, poultry and game carcasses are sorted: carcasses with damaged fillets are not refueled, but used to prepare cutlet mass or for cooking.

Poultry refueling.Poultry carcasses are tucked into a pocket, in one thread, in two threads.

Refueling "in the pocket" is the simplest and most common way. To do this, make skin incisions ("pockets") on the abdomen on both sides and insert the ends of the legs into these slots. The neck opening is closed with skin from the neck, the wings are tucked towards the back so that they hold the neck skin.

Another method of filling "in the pocket" is also used. In this case, when processing the bird, the legs are cut off 1–1.5 cm below the heel joint at an angle of 30 ° in order to obtain a pointed bone. The skin from the neck and wings are tucked in the same way as in the first method. Then the prepared carcass is placed downside down, the legs are tightly pressed against the carcass, their ends are placed on top of each other (crosswise) and set inside the abdominal incision in the direction of the tail wen so that the ends of the pointed bones catch on the pulp. Chickens, chickens, turkeys for cooking, geese and ducks for frying are put into the pocket.

Single thread dressing - the poultry carcass is laid with its back down, the legs are pressed against the carcass with the left hand, and with the right hand they pierce with a needle and thread in the center of the leg under the loin so that the needle comes out from the opposite side in the flank under the leg. The needle and thread are pulled through, the end of the thread is left at the initial puncture. Then they put the thread on the leg, pierce the end of the sirloin with a needle and thread so that the needle comes out from the opposite side, throw the thread over the other leg, pierce the flank under the leg, pulling the needle obliquely so that it comes out from the other leg from the opposite side. The carcass is turned on its side, one wing is pierced, the neck skin is attached to the back muscles with a thread, the other wing is pierced, the threads are pulled together and a knot is tied. The poultry is tucked into one thread for frying.

Refueling in two strands - put the carcass on the table with its back down, press the legs to the carcass, pierce the legs with a needle and thread at the bend of the leg, pass it under the sirloin and pierce the second leg, pull the thread, leaving the end at the initial puncture. Then the carcass is turned on its side, the skin from the neck is thrown over the back, closing the neck opening. A needle with a thread is passed through one winglet, the neck skin is fixed with a thread on the back muscles and passed through the other winglet. After that, the end of the thread at the winglet and the end of the thread left at the leg are pulled together and tied into a knot. Thus, the wings were tucked in with one thread.

The legs are attached to the carcass with the second thread. To do this, the carcass is placed on the back, the legs are pressed against the carcass, pierced with a needle under the legs, the thread is put on the leg and pierced under the legs in the opposite direction, the ends of the threads are pulled together and tied into a knot. Chickens, chickens, turkeys for frying, as well as large fowl - wood grouse, black grouse are tucked into two strings.

Threading with a needle degrades the appearance of the bird, while deep punctures have to be made in the pulp, the needle becomes greasy and slips in the hands. Therefore, needleless threading methods can be used, which are simpler and speed up the process of threading the bird (fig. 11).

a - the first way; b - the second way

First way. The skin of the neck and wings are tucked in the same way as when filling in the pocket. They take threads 0.5–0.6 m long. The carcass is placed on the back, a loop is tied on the sternum, for this, the middle of the thread is hooked to the tip of the sternum (you can make a shallow incision), then the ends of the loop are passed in the middle of the wing bone, the threads are brought under the back, encircling the carcass crosswise. After that, threads are applied to the ends of each leg, pulled together, pressing tightly to the carcass, tied in a knot. This method is used for refueling chickens and chickens.

Second way. The processed carcass is placed back down. They take threads 0.7-0.8 m long. Tie a loop on the tail wen, then throw a loop on the severed ends of the legs, pass the ends of the threads along the back and encircle the carcass crosswise. The ends of the threads are brought out in the middle of the wing bones, the threads are pulled together and tied in a knot on the sirloin of the breast. It is better to fill the carcasses of large poultry in this way.

Refueling of game.The carcasses of game birds are tucked in one thread (cross), leg to leg, beak.

One strand (cross) dress grouse, partridge, black grouse, pheasant. To do this, press the legs to the carcass, pierce the center of the legs under the sirloin, drag the needle and thread to the other side, leaving the end of the thread at the initial puncture. After that, the needle and thread are transferred under the carcass, thrown over the leg, pierced at the end of the protrusion of the sirloin, throw the thread over the second leg, the ends of the threads are pulled together and tied.

Leg to leg fill small game. In game, an incision is made in the bone on one leg closer to the heel joint and the other leg is inserted into this incision.

Beak fill up swamp game. To do this, the bones of the legs in the shins are crushed with the blunt side of a knife or a hoe, after which they are intertwined and pressed against the chest part, the head with the neck is applied to the carcass on the right side, a puncture is made in the leg with a needle, the beak is passed into a puncture, fastening the intertwined legs.

If the game has arrived skinny, then to add juiciness and tenderness to the meat after dressing, the loin of large game (black grouse, wood grouse, pheasants, ptarmigan) is stuffed with chilled bacon cut into small cubes. To facilitate the filling process and improve the appearance, carcasses are immersed in hot broth or water (60–70 ° C) for 3-5 minutes. In small game, the sirloin is wrapped in thin strips of bacon and tied with twine.

Similar information.

The surface of the pieces of semi-finished products should be windless, the color and smell should be typical for good-quality meat. There should be no rough tendons, cartilage, pieces of pulp with bruises, bones.

Portioned semi-finished products should be cut across the muscle fibers. Semi-finished products from the chopped mass must have the correct shape (depending on the type of semi-finished product). The surface is evenly coated with breading; torn and broken edges are not allowed. The mass on the cut is homogeneous, with a smell characteristic of good-quality meat with spices. Chopped semi-finished products are produced in accordance with OST 49121-78. The presence of any signs of spoilage, sunburn is not allowed.

Prepared semi-finished products are stored at a temperature not exceeding 6 ° C. Lumpy semi-finished products are placed in one row on trays and stored for no more than 48 hours. Portion semi-finished products are placed on baking sheets in one row on the edge at an angle of 30 °, natural semi-finished products are stored for no more than 36 hours, breaded ones - no more than 24 hours. Small-sized semi-finished products are placed on baking sheets a layer of 5 cm and store no more than 24 hours, minced meat (unfilled) - no more than 6 hours. Products from the cutlet mass are placed in one row on a baking sheet sprinkled with breading and stored at a temperature of 6-8 ° C for no more than 12 hours. 5, uncut, store no more than 3-5 hours.

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Mechanical culinary processing of raw materials. Thermal cooking cooking and serving food

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Requirements for the quality of poultry and game dishes. Storage periods
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31. Semi-finished meat products, nutritional value, assortment, quality assessment, conditions and terms of storage of semi-finished meat products. Canned meat, (make a table of assortment, composition). Signs of division into varieties. defects in canned meat (with which defects canned meat are unacceptable for sale). Types of bombing of canned meat. Types of canned food used in the manufacture of canned meat. Packaging, labeling, shelf life. Draw up a scheme for decoding canned meat (in the form of a table). See attachments.

Semi-finished products are products from various types of meat that are sold prepared for culinary processing.

Semi-finished meat products are in high demand among the population.

By the type of meat, there are semi-finished products of beef, lamb, pork and poultry meat; according to the processing method - natural, breaded, chopped, dumplings, minced meat and others, and according to the thermal state - chilled and frozen.

Natural semi-finished products

For the preparation of these semi-finished products, cooled, chilled and defrosted beef and lamb of categories I and II, pork of II and III categories, veal, as well as poultry carcasses of I and II categories are used.

By size, natural semi-finished products are divided into portioned, small-lump and large-lump.

Portion semi-finished products are produced from the most delicate muscle tissue, cut across the muscle fibers in the form of one or two pieces of meat with a total weight of 125 g (tenderloins - 250 g).

Portioned semi-finished beef products are produced in the following types.

Tenderloin - internal lumbar muscles; comes in one piece.

Steak prepared from a tenderloin in the form of one piece of pulp without fat, oval or irregularly rounded, 2-3 cm thick.

Fillet differs from the steak with a thickness of 4–5 cm.

Langet , unlike a steak, these are 2 pieces of pulp, almost the same in size and weight, 1–1.2 cm thick.

Lined steak - one piece 2–3 cm thick, oval or irregularly rounded, from the pulp of the posterior part. To give it a loose consistency, muscle tissue is beaten off, and cuts in the form of checkers are made on the surface of the piece, which speeds up the heat treatment.

Entrecote - a piece of oval-shaped meat, 1.5–2 cm thick with a layer of fat up to 1 cm, prepared from the flesh of the dorsal and lumbar parts.

Brass beef - this is one or less often 2 pieces of pulp from the lateral and outer layers of the posterior part, irregular in shape, 2 - 2.5 cm thick.

A portion of small-sized semi-finished beef products, unlike portioned ones, consists of finely chopped pieces of meat with a total weight of 125 to 1000 g. Azu, beef stroganoff and goulash can be sold as a weight product.

Assortment of small-sized semi-finished beef products : azu, beef stroganoff, shish kebab, meat for shish kebab, goulash, fry, stew, soup set.

Azu has the form of cubes or cubes of meat 3-4 cm in size 10-15 g, cut from the pulp of the lumbar, dorsal and posterior parts of the carcass. Serving weight - 125 g.

Beef stroganoff, in Unlike the basics, they are cut into pieces in the form of oblong sticks weighing 5-7 g.

Barbecue prepared from tenderloin. Pieces of 30–40 g each are strung on a stick, alternating with slices of bacon and onion. The portion includes 110 g of meat, 8 g of pork fat and 7 g of onions.

Barbecue meat - slices of tenderloin, 30-40 g each, packaged in portions of 250 and 500 g.

Goulash - pieces of pulp, cut from the edge, as well as from the scapular and subscapular parts, 30–40 g each, with a fat content not exceeding 10%. Goulash is packaged in portions of 125 g.

Roast special - pieces of pulp weighing up to 50 g each, cut across the muscle fibers from the hip and shoulder parts, as well as from the chest part (from the 1st to the 5th rib). This semi-finished product is packed in portions weighing 250, 500 and 1000 g, as well as in portions of an indeterminate weight - from 250 to 1000 g.

Roasting - pieces of pulp from the shoulder and trimmed meat, of an indefinite shape, weighing 10-15 g, containing up to 20% fat and connecting films. It is packed in portions of 250 and 500 g.

Stew - meat and bone pieces from 40 to 60 g each, meat with fat and bones should be 50% each. For stew, use the cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral and thoracic-rib parts.

Soup set differs from stew in that meat and bone pieces are larger and weigh 100–120 g each. The soup set is packaged mainly in 1000 g each.

Braising beef - meat and bone pieces from the rib portion of the I category beef, weighing no more than 200 g, with a bone content of up to 25% of the weight of the semi-finished product.

Large-sized semi-finished beef products are produced of two types.

Boneless semi-finished product of the highest grade prepared from chilled category I meat from young animals. This is the flesh of the dorsal, lumbar, hip and shoulder parts, freed from tendons and rough surface films. A boneless semi-finished product is produced in portions of an undetermined mass - from 250 to 1000 g, as well as packaged in 250, 500 and 1000 g.

Cutlet meat - pulp in the form of scraps obtained when cleaning large-sized semi-finished products and bones, or pieces from the cervical and intercostal parts and from the flank. Cutlet meat is used, as a rule, for industrial processing (preparation of minced semi-finished products).

Semi-finished products from pork, lamb and veal are also portioned, small-lump and large-lump.

Portion semi-finished products from pork and lamb - natural cutlet with bone, escalope, schnitzel and tenderloin; from dairy veal - only natural cutlet and escalope. The mass of most semi-finished products is 125 g, and the tenderloins are 250 g.

Natural cutlet prepared from the dorsal and lumbar parts of the carcass in the form of one piece of meat with a rib bone. In pork and veal cutlets, the length of the bone is no more than 8 cm, in lamb - 7 cm. The cutlet has an oval-flat shape, and from the side of the rib bone it is concave.

Escalope cut from the pulp of the dorsal and lumbar parts in the form of two slices of approximately the same size and weight, 1–1.5 cm thick.

Schnitzel - a piece of meat of an oval-oblong shape, 2–3 cm thick, prepared from the pulp of the posterior part.

Pork tenderloin is produced in packaged portions of 250 g, and lamb - 125 g each.

Small-sized semi-finished pork products (barbecue, meat for barbecue, goulash, frying, stew) and lamb (barbecue, meat for barbecue, stew, soup set) differ from semi-finished beef products of the same name mainly in the type of meat. In addition, fat is not added to a portion of pork and lamb shashlik, therefore, it contains slightly more meat (115 g) and onions (10 g); a portion of pork goulash contains 2 times (i.e. up to 20%) more fat; in lamb stew, the mass of pieces is less (20-30 g), as well as less fat (up to 15%) and bones (up to 20%).

Small-sized semi-finished products are produced in portions of various weights (g): goulash and roast - 125, 250 and 500 each; meat for barbecue - 250 and 500 each; stew and soup set - 500 and 1000 each.

Lumpy semi-finished products from pork, lamb and veal.

Boneless semi-finished pork are produced in two types: for natural chops (from the pulp of the loin with a thickness of subcutaneous fat no more than 1 cm) and pork for stewing (pieces of pulp from the neck).

Boneless semi-finished mutton prepared from the pulp of the hip, dorsal-scapular (except for the neck and brisket) and lumbar (except for the flank) cuts with a layer of subcutaneous fat no more than 1 cm.

Dairy veal is made from loin (the flesh of the dorsal and lumbar parts with rib bones) and brisket (costal part without sternum and without coarse flank).

Boneless semi-finished products from pork and lamb are produced in packaged mass of 250 and 500 g and of an indefinite mass - from 250 to 500 g. Veal semi-finished products are only of an undefined mass.

Pork and lamb cutlet meat made from the same parts as beef cutlet meat.

Semi-finished products from poultry meat. At the enterprises of the meat industry, these semi-finished products are made mainly from meat and by-products of chicken and chicken in the following assortment.

Chicks amateur-carcasses or half-carcasses of chickens are placed in rows with their backs up in stainless steel baskets, sprinkling each row with a mixture of salt, black pepper and chopped garlic. Then the baskets are placed in vats with brine (water, salt, mustard powder, acetic acid) and left for a day at a temperature 2– 4 ° C. Chickens are sold without brine.

Tobacco chickens - the carcasses are plastered, beaten to loosen the tissues and rubbed with a mixture of salt with black pepper, chopped garlic and mustard.

Chicken fillet - pectoral muscles are white, oval in shape, with a superficial film, without skin.

Chicken leg - part of a carcass including the femur and tibia with associated muscle and skin.

In the set for broth includes the dorsal-scapular and lumbosacral parts without lungs and kidneys, wings, skin and bones from the chest, trimming from fillet processing.

Soup set - treated heads with the addition of legs up to 40%.

Stew set - stomachs and hearts, wings and necks in equal numbers.

Jelly set - heads (up to 40%), necks, wings, hearts, stomachs and legs in approximately equal amounts.

Amateur chickens, tobacco chickens are marketed as bulk goods, chicken fillet and chicken legs, as a rule, are packaged in portions of various weights, from 250 to 1000 g; sets - in portions of a certain mass - 500 or 1000 g.

Chopped semi-finished products

The raw materials for the preparation of minced semi-finished products are minced meat from cutlet or trimmed meat, fat, wheat bread from premium and 1st grade flour, salt, pepper, onions; eggs are added to some types of products. For breading products, rusks are used.

Chopped semi-finished products include cutlets, schnitzels, steaks and meatballs.

Moscow cutlets prepared from ground beef (50%) with the addition of fat, wheat bread, salt, pepper, onion. They are round, weighing 50 and 100 g. Amateur cutlets, in unlike Moscow ones, they contain more ground beef (60%), and, in addition, eggs are added to them. They are oval in shape, with one pointed end, weighing 75 g.

Kiev cutlets contain minced pork 50%, are round and weigh 50 g.

Homemade cutlets made from pork and ground beef in equal amounts (30.6% each), round, weighing 50 and 100 g.

School cutlets prepared from ground beef and pork with the addition of skimmed milk powder. They have a high nutritional value, as they contain an increased amount of protein.

Meat and vegetable cutlets from beef cutlet meat are of two types. The recipe for one type of cutlets, in addition to meat, includes boiled rice or pearl barley, soy protein, eggs, onions, and ground black pepper.

Instead of boiled cereals, mashed potatoes are added to cutlets of a different type. The shape of cutlets is rounded-flattened, weight - 50 or 100 g. They are released chilled or frozen, weighing 500 g (10 and 5 pieces each).

Schnitzel Moskovsky made from cutlet beef meat (71%), trimmed fatty pork (16%) with the addition of bread crumbs, ground black pepper and salt. For beef and pork schnitzel, meat of the corresponding types is used. More eggs are added to schnitzel than to cutlets. The shape of the schnitzel is oval, weight - 50 and 100 g.

Beefsteaks in Unlike cutlets and schnitzels, they are cooked without bread and eggs. Beefsteak is made from cutlet beef with the addition of finely chopped bacon, salt and ground black or white pepper. Instead of bacon, bold pork is added to the Gorodskoy steak. The shape of the steaks is round, weight - 75 and 100 g, or in the form of rectangular briquettes, weight - 250 g.

Schnitzels and steaks are produced chilled and frozen.

The meat industry produces meatballs Ostankino, Kiev, as well as for children and Leningrad (for children of preschool and school age). Meatballs are most often spherical, less often elongated spherical or cylindrical. Average weight of 1 piece. - 7-9 g. Frozen.

Ostankino meatballs is prepared from 1st grade beef with the addition of beef fat (5%), lard trimmings (3%), onions, salt and ground black pepper. They have a dark minced meat and a pronounced onion flavor.

Kiev meatballs - from 1st grade beef (38%), semi-fat pork (15%) and pork cheek or trimmings (27%) with the addition of the same spices as in Ostankinskiye meatballs, but with less onion.

Children's meatballs - from beef cutlet (54%) and pork (30%) meat, semolina (10%) with the addition of whole milk powder (4%), onion (2%), allspice and salt.

Leningrad meatballs in Unlike Children's, they contain 2 times less beef cutlet meat and milk powder, but slightly more pork meat (40%). They add eggs or melange (3%), onions (8%), ground allspice, and instead of semolina, boiled rice (20%).

Frozen meatballs are packed in cardboard boxes weighing 300, 350 and 500 g.

Other types of semi-finished meat products

These include zrazy, dumplings, minced meat and dumplings.

Zrazy - minced beef products filled with minced eggs, fried onions and rusks. Zrazam is given an oval, slightly flattened shape. Weight 1 pc. –100 g.

Knely depending on the type of meat, there are beef, veal and chicken. In addition to finely minced meat, they include mashed boiled rice, milk, eggs and salt. The dumplings have a spreadable consistency. They are produced in packaged form, weighing 150 g. Kneels are recommended for dietary and baby food.

Chopped meat produced at the meat industry enterprises of the following types.

Beef - from 2nd grade beef with up to 20% connective tissue.

Pork - from semi-fat pork, which contains 30 to 50% adipose tissue.

Homemade - from 2nd grade beef and semi-fat pork in equal amounts.

Special - from semi-fat pork (50%), cutlet beef or beef of the 2nd grade (20%) and hydrated soy protein (30%).

Minced meat for steaks Special - from cutlet beef or trimmed beef 2nd grade (65%), bacon (15%), hydrated soy protein (20%).

Minced meat is produced chilled, less often ice cream, in the form of rectangular bars weighing 250 and 500 g, packed in parchment, under parchment, laminated foil, plastic wrap.

Dumplings - products from unleavened dough stuffed with minced meat, in the shape of a semicircle. Weight 1 pc. - 12g.

The production of dumplings consists of the following processes: kneading the dough; minced meat preparation; molding dumplings on automatic machines, freezing dumplings at temperatures from –18 to –23 ° С; packaging them in cardboard boxes weighing 350, 500 and 1000 g, followed by packing in thick paper or cardboard boxes.

Kufta in Moscow has the shape of a low cylinder. To prepare it, they use minced trimmed beef of the highest grade (55%) and fatty pork (34%), as well as rice, eggs or melange, onions, salt, and ground black pepper. Weight 1 pc. - 30–36 g. Kufta is packed in cardboard boxes of 500 g each.

Requirements for the quality of semi-finished products

The quality of semi-finished products is determined by their shape, appearance, consistency and smell in accordance with the requirements of the standard.

The shape of all semi-finished products is correct and characteristic of their type. The surface of natural semi-finished products is windless, slightly damp, but not sticky, the edges are even, without deep cuts in muscle tissue, without tendons and rough surface films. In semi-finished products from pork and lamb, the layer of subcutaneous fat is not more than 1 cm. The color of muscle tissue and fat is characteristic of benign meat of a certain type. The surface of breaded and chopped semi-finished products is from light yellow to light brown, evenly covered with rusk flour.

The consistency of natural and breaded semi-finished products is elastic, dense; chopped - homogeneous, without tendons, cartilage, crushed bones, pieces of fat and bread.

The smell of semi-finished products - inherent in fresh meat, without signs of spoilage; chopped semi-finished products - with the aroma of onions and spices.

In cutlet meat from beef, the content of adipose tissue is not more than 10%, connective tissue - not more than 10%, and from pork, lamb and dairy veal - respectively, not more than 15 and 5%.

The amount of moisture in chopped semi-finished products is from 62 to 72%, bread - from 18 to 21% and salt - from 0.9 to 1.5%.

The deviation of the mass of individual portions of natural and breaded semi-finished products should not exceed ± 3%, chopped ± 5%; deviation of the mass of 10 portions from the established one is not allowed.

Semi-finished products that are deformed, contaminated, with a highly moistened surface, lagging breading, odors of spoilage - putrid, sour, moldy, as well as with the presence of connecting films above the permissible norms, tendons, cartilage and crushed bones are not allowed for sale.

Frozen semi-finished products (dumplings, meatballs, Moscow style kyufta) should also be of the correct shape, characteristic of their type, with a dry surface, not sticking together in lumps. In dumplings, the edges of the dough are well sealed, the mince does not protrude, the thickness of the dough is no more than 2 mm, and at the junction of the edges - 2.5 mm. The content of minced meat in dumplings is at least 53%, in meatballs - 80, in a Moscow style kyuft - 89%; salts - respectively, no more than 1.7; 1.5 and 2%.

The temperature in the bulk of chilled semi-finished products, released for sale, should be not lower than 0 and not higher than 8 ° С, and frozen ones - not higher than - 10 ° С.

After cooking, the minced meat is juicy, its taste is pleasant, the smell is with the aroma of spices. For ready-made dumplings, the dough shell does not break.

Products with foreign tastes and odors, thawed, as well as deformed and sticky in lumps are not allowed on sale.

Packaging, labeling and storage of semi-finished products

Natural, breaded and chopped semi-finished products are packed in wooden boxes. Each box should contain no more than 4 liners. Box gross weight - up to 20 kg.

Chilled natural, breaded and chopped semi-finished products are placed on inserts in 1 row, not wrapped; natural and breaded - with a slight slope, so that one semi-finished product is under the other, and chopped - flat, without superimposing one product on another. Small-sized semi-finished products are pre-wrapped in cellophane or plastic wrap.

A label is placed in each box indicating the name of the manufacturer and semi-finished product, net weight of the product, number of pieces, price, date and hour of manufacture, shelf life, surname or number of the packer, standard number.

Large-piece boneless semi-finished products are packed in plastic film bags, which are fastened with metal staples or heat-sealed. In addition, trays made of polymeric materials wrapped in shrinkable plastic wrap are used for packaging. For longer storage, boneless semi-finished products are vacuum packed in polymeric bags made of Poviden film with the imposition of aluminum staples.

Each packaging unit must be marked with an indelible paint or a label with the marking must be placed under the package.

When packing a semi-finished product of undetermined weight, the receipt must indicate: the name of the semi-finished product; retail price 1 kg; actual weight; portion price.

In addition, each package is labeled or labeled with the usual markings.

Frozen schnitzels are packaged in portions weighing 300 g (3 or 6 pcs.), And steaks - 500 g (5 pcs.) In the same packaging materials as lumpy semi-finished products.

Store chilled semi-finished meat products in a store in clean, well-ventilated and refrigerated chambers at a temperature not lower than 0 and not higher than 8 ° C. The shelf life of semi-finished products from the moment of manufacture to sale (in hours): natural large pieces of beef and lamb - 48, natural portioned and large pieces of pork - 36, natural small pieces - 18, breaded - 24, chopped - 14, minced meat - 12.

Natural semi-finished products, packed in polymer films under vacuum, at temperatures from 0 to 4 ° C are stored for a longer time: from pork - up to 7 days, from beef and lamb - up to 5 days.

Frozen semi-finished products at temperatures below -5 ° C can be stored for up to 48 hours, and at 0–4 ° C they can be stored for only 24 hours.

Meat food concentrates

Meat food concentrates - meat products, pre-processed and intended for the quick preparation of various dishes. These include freeze-dried meat and meat bouillon cubes.

Freeze-dried meat produced from various types of chilled meat - premium trimmed beef, lamb and lean pork.

The essence of this drying method is as follows. Raw or boiled meat, crushed into small pieces, also in the form of minced meat, is frozen in freezers and immediately placed in a vacuum chamber, where it is dehydrated. The moisture content in meat should be no more than 5%.

Freeze-dried meat is used for preparing first and second courses. Previously, 1 part (by weight) of dry meat is poured with 4 parts of water or 1% sodium chloride solution and kept for 15–

20 minutes. Properties - color, taste, aroma, vitamin content of reconstituted meat - are well preserved.

This meat is packaged under vacuum in plastic film bags weighing 150 g, which corresponds to 600 g of raw meat. Freeze-dried meat is stored in dry rooms with a relative humidity of not more than 70% at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C for up to 12 months.

Meat bouillon cubes made from concentrated meat broth, meat hydrolyzate, fat, vegetable extract, salt and nutmeg.

Concentrated meat broth is obtained by evaporation of pre-cooked salted meat broth.

Meat hydrolyzate is prepared from minced meat treated with hydrochloric acid. The resulting mass is filtered, neutralized with bicarbonate of soda and evaporated.

A mixture is prepared from the concentrated broth, meat hydrolyzate, salt and vegetable extract and dried. Then melted fat and nutmeg are added to the mixture, a mass is formed in the form of 4 g cubes, packed in parchment or foil, on which a label is glued. To prepare a glass of broth (250 ml), 1 cube of broth is required.

Store bouillon cubes in dry rooms with a relative humidity of no more than 75% at a temperature of 12–20 ° C for up to 4 months.

Canned meat.

Out of more than 100 types of canned food, meat-processing enterprises mainly produce the least labor-intensive products, for example, canned meat "Stewed Meat".

The assortment of the main types of canned food includes natural lumpy, minced, ham, offal, meat and vegetable, poultry, canned food for children and diet, as well as new types of canned meat.

Canned meat is classified according to the type of raw material, the nature of processing, composition, temperature of heat treatment, purpose, method of consumption.

Depending on the type of raw material used for the production of canned food, they are subdivided into meat - beef, lamb, pork, veal, meat of pigs and other animals, poultry, offal; and meat and vegetable - from raw meat with pasta, legumes, vegetables.

By the nature of the processing of raw materials, canned food can be without preliminary salting of raw materials, with aging of salted raw materials, from non-crushed raw materials, from chopped (without inclusions of pieces of meat and fat, with the inclusion of pieces of bacon), homogeneous finely chopped raw materials, with preliminary heat treatment (blanching, cooking, frying) and without it.

According to the composition, canned food is distinguished in natural juice, with the addition of only salt and spices, with sauces - tomato, white pepper and others, in jelly or gelling sauce.

According to the mode of heat treatment, canned food is divided into sterilized at temperatures above 100 ° С (without limitation or with limited storage conditions) and heat-treated at temperatures up to 100 ° С (with limited storage conditions).

Depending on the purpose, there are canned food snacks, lunch foods (the first and second courses together with a side dish) and semi-finished products for combined use (dietary and for feeding children).

Canned food can be consumed without preliminary heat treatment and in a heated state.

Natural lump canned food. These include canned food "Beef goulash (mutton)", "Stewed beef (lamb, pork)", "Fried meat", "Meat in white sauce", "Boiled beef in its own juice".

Canned beef (lamb) goulash is produced from pieces weighing 25 ... 30 g of fried beef (lamb) meat, placed in jars and filled with tomato sauce.

For the production of canned food "Beef (lamb, pork) stew" is used beef of I and II categories (stewed beef of the highest and first grades), lamb of I and II categories (stewed mutton of the highest and first grades), pork of II and IV categories and meat of gilts ( stewed pork); raw fat or rendered fat (beef, pork, lamb), as well as onions, salt, pepper, bay leaf. The raw material is cut into pieces weighing 50 ... 120 g, when using cans No. 14 - weighing up to 200 g. Meat raw materials are not heat treated before portioning.

Canned meat "Fried meat" is made from pieces weighing 50 ... 60 g of fried beef, laid in jars with the addition of fried onions and poured over with the sauce extracted during the frying of the meat. Canned meat in white sauce is made from blanched beef and white sauce.

Canned food "Boiled beef in its own juice" is produced from pieces weighing 50 ... 70 g of trimmed meat, boiled in boilers in its own juice with the addition of fat, salt, spices, concentrated broth.

Minced canned food. These include canned food "Chopped beef", as well as canned sausage meat - "Minced pork sausage", "Minced ham-minced sausage", "Amateur sausage mince", "Separate sausage mince".

Canned beef is produced from chopped beef with the addition of collagen-containing raw materials, onions, salt and spices.

Canned minced meat also includes canned foods "Sausages with cabbage", "Sausages in tomato sauce", "Sausages in pork fat", "Sausages in broth".

Minced sausage consists of 40% beef, 60% pork with 11% ice added to the mass of minced meat, sodium nitrite, salt, sugar, spices.

Minced meat for canned meat is prepared in basically the same way as minced meat for corresponding cooked sausages. For the manufacture of minced meat, meat from young animals (front part) with an increased content of connective tissue is used, when heated, collagen forms glutin, which retains moisture. Fat in raw materials should be no more than 30%. When portioning, parchment circles are placed on the bottom and under the lid of cans to reduce the contact of the product with the tin.

Canned ham. These include canned food “Delicatessen ham”, “Sterilized ham”, “Breakfast tourist”, “Smoked bacon pasteurized in slices”, “Chopped ham”, “Chopped bacon” and “Pasteurized ham”.

Raw meat is subjected to nitrite salting and aging in salting. In the production of canned food "Delicatessen ham" and "Pasteurized ham" parts of the carcasses, after aging in the salting, are smoked, the bones are separated, the meat is boiled in molds, cooled and portioned into jars. For other canned food, boneless meat is cooked in molds, cooled and portioned into jars after aging in salting.

Raw meat for canned food "Breakfast of a tourist" is grinded on a top to pieces weighing 30 ... 70 g, mixed with salt in a mixer, and a 2.5% solution of nitrite nitrite is added. After salting, the meat is kept for ripening for 2 ... 4 days at a temperature of 2 ... 4 ° C, then mixed with spices (red and black ground pepper, sugar) and glue raw materials in a mixer. The finished minced meat mass is portioned.

Canned food is pasteurized ("Delicacy ham", "Pasteurized ham", "Chopped ham", "Pasteurized smoked bacon in slices") or sterilized ("Tourist's breakfast", "Chopped bacon", "Sterilized ham").

Canned ham is mainly made from pork. Canned food "Breakfast tourist" is made from pork, beef or lamb. When producing pasteurized ham canned food, stricter requirements are imposed on raw meat in terms of sanitary and hygienic and technological indicators.

Canned food "Porridge with meat" is made from rice, millet, buckwheat, pearl barley or barley groats with beef, lamb or pork (up to 37% of the mass).

Canned poultry meat ... These include canned food in its own juice, jelly, sour cream sauce.

Canned poultry meat in its own juice is produced from the carcasses of chickens, broilers, ducks, ducklings, turkeys, gutted, chilled or frozen geese of category II with a shelf life of no more than 3 months, as well as those that do not correspond to category II in terms of processing quality. Poultry carcasses that have been frozen twice and with discoloration of muscle tissue or fat are not used. The carcasses are washed, cut into 4 (chickens) or 8 (turkey) parts, which are placed in jars with the addition of carrots or white root, salt and spices.

Depending on the raw materials used, they produce canned food "Chicken (chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese) in their own juice".

Canned poultry meat in its own juice is characterized by high nutritional value. Mass fraction of protein 12 ... 17%, fat - 16 ... 24%.

Canned poultry meat in jelly is produced from poultry carcasses blanched in boiling water. Depending on the raw materials used, they produce canned food "Meat of broilers (hens) in jelly", "Chicken stew in jelly".

For canned food "Meat of broilers (chickens) in jelly", the pectoral and leg muscles without bones and skin are used (91.37%); "Chicken stew in jelly" - wings, chopped dorsal part of the skeleton, neck, small pieces of meat and skin. The broth for pouring (6.59%) is boiled from the remaining bones, legs with the addition of gelatin (1.14%).

Canned food "Chicken meat in sour cream sauce" is made from fried chicken meat with the addition of sour cream sauce.

Canned meat for baby and diet food. They are produced from environmentally friendly raw meat obtained from young farm animals and poultry grown in specialized farms without the use of growth stimulants, hormonal drugs, pesticides, feed antibiotics, and other additives. The quality of raw materials must comply with the special requirements of regulatory documents.

Canned food for baby food - products with good organoleptic properties and high digestibility - are produced using new technologies without preservatives and dyes. Canned food for baby and dietetic food is produced in accordance with special requirements for regulatory documents.

A balanced ratio of food components should provide the child's body with the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and other indispensable micro-nutrients, based on age-related needs, dietary or therapeutic-and-prophylactic nutrition goals.

Canned meat for baby food, depending on the purpose, is divided into two groups:

For the nutrition of healthy children;

For diet food.

Depending on the degree of grinding of raw materials for feeding children, three types of canned food are produced:

Homogenized - for children over 5 months of age;

Puree - for children over 7 months of age;

Coarsely ground - for children over 9 months of age.

Canned meat for baby food is also divided into groups A and B.

Canned food of group A - mass fraction (%): meat trimmed raw materials - not less than 55, including trimmed by-products of category I - not more than 30, oil or fat of animal and vegetable origin - not more than 8, starch or flour - not more than 3, cereals - no more than 5.

Canned food of group B - mass fraction (%): meat trimmed raw materials - at least 35, oil or fat of animal and vegetable origin - no more than 8, vegetable or milk proteins - no more than 5, cereals - no more than 10, vegetable components - no more thirty.

The degree of grinding of raw materials depends on the purpose of canned food. Particle sizes should be (mm, no more) for children aged 6 ... 7 months and sick children - 0.8 ("Kid", "Baby", "Cheburashka", "Krepysh", etc.); 8 ... 9 months - 0.8 ... 1.5 ("Tongue", "Meat puree", "Winnie the Pooh", etc.); 10 ... 18 months - 2 ... 3 ("Chicken puree soup", "Little Humpbacked Horse", etc.). In canned food (except for coarsely crushed and puree) for children under the age of 3 years, extractive substances are removed.

By-product canned food. These include canned food pate, from tongues, heart, liver, kidneys.

Pastes "Liver", "Moskovsky", "Arktika", "Diet" and other canned food contain a paste, which contains 40 ... 50% blanched or fried liver, 15 ... 30% fat (rendered pork fat, bacon or butter), fried onions, salt, spices. The raw materials of some canned pates may include blanched brains, milk powder, egg yolk, fried pork, testes and ovaries.

When making pâtés, pulp by-products are blanched, meat and bone by-products are boiled, separated from bones and cartilage, then chopped on a cutter, adding broth isolated during blanching, fried onions, salt, spices and other ingredients. Based on the formulation of the product, the paste mass is passed through a colloid mill or other fine grinding machines and immediately portioned, rolled up and sterilized.

The industry produces canned food from the tongues of beef, lamb, pork "Tongues in jelly", "Tongues in their own juice", "Boiled tongues in jelly". In the production of canned food "Tongues in Jelly" and "Tongues in Their Own Juice", the tongues are preliminarily subjected to a nitrite salting; they are portioned into jars in slices, pieces and whole.

Canned beef heart (pork, lamb) is made from a raw heart breaded with flour, with the addition of salt, fat, carrots, onions and peppers.

Canned food "Liver (beef, lamb, pork)" in its own juice "is produced from raw liver, breaded flour, with the addition of salt, fat, pepper, fried carrots and onions.

Canned “Kidneys in Tomato Sauce” is produced from kidneys of beef, lamb or pork, fried in bone fat, laid in slices in jars and drenched in tomato sauce.

Canned meat and by-products have a high nutritional and energy value and are a source of animal protein and fat

Canned meat and vegetables. These include canned food "Beans (peas, lentils) with beef (lamb, pork)", "Solyanka with meat", "Porridge with meat", etc.

The raw materials for canned meat and vegetables are beef, lamb, pork or minced meat, as well as beans, peas, lentils, rice, pasta, noodles, cabbage and other products. Vegetable products can make up 80% of the mass of canned food.

After cleaning and washing, the cereals are blanched for 8 ... 10 minutes, the legumes are soaked and then blanched. The meat is crushed on meat cutting machines or tops, then mixed with vegetable raw materials, spices and salt.

Canned foods "Beans (peas, lentils) with beef (lamb, pork)" are made from the corresponding type of meat and legumes. Salt, onions and raw fat are placed in a jar, then legumes and raw meat, which are poured with broth from bones and meat scraps.

Canned food "Solyanka with Meat" is made from fried pork trimmings, stewed cabbage and sauce obtained from roasting pork trimmings.

Canned poultry meat : Chicken and goose fillet and stew in jelly, Duck in its own juice, Chicken in jelly, Goose with cabbage, buckwheat porridge, rice, Goose offal in tomato sauce, Boiled chicken, Chicken with noodles, noodles, pasta.

Canned food for baby and dietetic food are intended for children between the ages of three and eight months. They should contain a large amount of complete proteins, a sufficient amount and in an optimal ratio of essential amino acids, minerals with an optimal ratio of calcium and phosphorus, a small amount of table salt, an optimal amount of fats in relation to proteins, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, a sufficient set of vitamins.

The balance of canned food in amino acid, fatty acid, vitamin and mineral compositions is achieved by adding to the young beef, veal, chicken meat, beef liver and tongues of refined butter and vegetable oils, as well as dry and whole milk. To improve the taste, add fried onions and spice extracts (parsley, celery, onions). Starch is used to prevent delamination of canned food during storage.

Meat raw materials are blanched, crushed on a wire, mixed in a vacuum mixer, processed in a colloid mill or homogenizer, heated to 75-80 ° C, packed into jars, sealed, sterilized and cooled.

For children 5-7 months old, homogenized canned food is produced (Kid, Hercules, Baby, Winnie the Pooh, Toothless, Fairy Tale, Sissy, Children's, Health) with a particle size of 0.15 to 0.2 millimeters. For children 9-12 months old, canned food is prepared with coarsely ground particles (1.5-3 millimeters) (Yazychok, Butuz).

Salad canned food produced from peas, beans, lentils with the addition of bacon or ghee. The mass is poured with broth or tomato sauce.

Table 1 - The chemical composition and energy value of the most common canned foods are shown in the following table

Canned food

Mass fraction,%

Energetic. value 100 grams,

water proteins fats carbohydrates ash
Beef stew 63,7 16,8 18,3 - 1,9 971
Lamb stew 61,2 17,3 19,8 - 1,7 1033
Pork stew 51,1 14,9 32,2 - 1,8 1460
Beef goulash 64,6 17,1 12,0 4,0 2,3 799
Liver pate 52,5 11,1 31,5 2,7 2,2 1414
Boiled beef 56,6 24,5 16,6 - 2,3 1033
Beef tongue. in jelly 64,3 17,8 15,1 0,6 2,2 874
Meat pate 58,1 16,4 23,3 0,4 1,8 1159
Greek porridge. with beef. 60,8 9,2 15,4 12,0 2,3 963
"Chit" 79,6 14,2 5,6 1,3 1,2 469
"Kid" 74,1 13,0 9,0 2,6 1,3 598
"Tongue" 78,2 9,0 9,0 2,6 1,2 531

For the human body, canned meat is an important source of fat and protein. They have good digestibility, as they contain essential amino acids, their proteins are prepared for the action of the enzyme systems of the human body. The greatest energy value is possessed by canned food with a high dry matter content - Braised pork, Braised lamb, Beef goulash, Liver pate, Boiled beef, Buckwheat porridge with beef (liver), Languages \u200b\u200bin jelly.

Defects in canned meat.

External defects of a metal can include: rust; deformation, smudges; crackers and bombing.

Rust - reddish-brown spots on the surface of the can. Appears when cans are poorly dried or when stored in a damp room. Rust does not affect the quality of the contents, but further storage may break the tightness of the can and deteriorate the product. To prevent rusting, cans are coated with technical vaseline or varnish.

Deformation - a dent in the bank due to rough handling. Cans with minor dents are considered standard. Banks with bruises on the longitudinal or sunset seam should not be stored, as the tightness may be compromised.

Smudges - there are active (the broth flows out of the can), passive (the cans are soiled). If the leaks are active, then the product is considered non-standard and is not allowed for sale. Banks with passive leaks should be washed; the product in such a jar is benign.

Clapping - swelling of a lid or can. If you press the cover, the bottom swells (and vice versa) and a popping sound is heard (hence the name of the defect). This defect appears when there is an excess of air in the bank, but there may also be an initial stage of bombing. The question of the possibility of selling canned food is decided by the sanitary inspection after microbiological research.

Bombage - swelling of the lids and bottoms of cans as a result of the formation or expansion of gases in the can. With a certain pressure inside, the can can burst (burst).

Physical bombing appears during storage at high temperatures, due to overfilling the jar with contents or freezing it during storage. The covers can be released after which they do not swell. The product can be used. And this bombing is sometimes called false.

Chemical bombardment is formed when the acids in the product react with the metal of the can, and as a result, hydrogen is released, causing the can to swell. Tin is transferred into the product. The question of the possibility of selling canned food is decided by the sanitary inspection after chemical analysis.

Bacterial bombing is the result of the activity of gassing microorganisms that were not destroyed during the sterilization process. Canned food should be disposed of in bacterial bombardment.

It is not allowed to sell canned food in cans punched with "birds", strongly deformed, with bruises at the seams and rust penetrated into the can.

59. Seasonings, assortment, value in the production of goods (salt, food acids, mustard, flavorings). Assessment of quality, consumption standards for the safety of human life.

Seasonings improve the taste and nutritional properties of food. These include salt, vinegar, citric acid, mustard, horseradish, olives, olives, capers, etc.

Salt. Sodium chloride. They are used for direct consumption and as a preservative.

According to the method of extraction, salt is divided into the following types:

Self-deposited (from the bottom of salt lakes)

Sadochnaya (from sea water)

Stone (from a deposit in the bowels of the earth)

Evaporated (from underground brines)

Salt is divided into 4 numbers depending on the size:

№0 - the size of the crystals is 0.8 mm;

No. 1 - 1.2 mm;

No. 2 - 2-2.5 mm;

No. 3 - 4.5 mm.

By purity, they are divided into varieties:

Extra, superior, first, second grade.

Special types of salt: iodized, fortified (vitamin C).

Vinegar - is obtained by diluting acetic acid to 3-10% concentration or by fermenting wine (wine fruit and berry), by fermenting beer (beer), honey, a weak alcohol solution (table), vinegar essence - 70-80% acetic acid solution ...

Table vinegar should be transparent, colorless, without turbidity and sediment. Its taste is sour, the smell is characteristic, without foreign tastes and smells. The acid content is from 3 to 9%.

Acetic essence contains 70 - 80% acetic acid.

Acids. Lemon, apple, milk.

Citric acid is a colorless crystal, easily soluble in water, has a pleasant sour taste, odorless.

Seasonings include table mustard, table horseradish, adjika (a mixture of ground red pepper, hot paprika, black pepper, bay leaf, etc.), mayonnaise.

Table mustard. Prepared by stirring mustard powder in warm water. For taste, add salt, sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil. Depending on the fat content (from 4 to 10%) and sugar (from 7 to 16%), different types of mustard are produced: Dining room, Russian, Moscow, Leningradskaya.

Mustard should be yellow (brown tint is allowed), homogeneous, smear consistency. The taste is pungent, characteristic of this type of mustard, without foreign tastes and odors.

Table horseradish is prepared from the crushed roots of a perennial plant, vinegar, salt and sugar are added. The following types of horseradish are on sale: table horseradish, horseradish with beets (red), horseradish with mayonnaise.

Olives are the ripe fruits of the olive tree.

Olives are the unripe fruits of the olive tree.

Capers are unopened flower buds of a thorny bush.

Quality control.

Salt Store salt in a clean, dry room with a relative humidity of no more than 75%, as it absorbs moisture very easily. When stored for a long time, salt cakes and lumps form. Iodized salt should also be protected from light.

The quality of the salt is determined by organoleptic and physicochemical indicators. The salt should be white. In all varieties (except for Extra), a grayish or yellowish tint is allowed. The taste, which is determined in a 5% solution, must be salty, without foreign tastes. There is no smell.

Vinegar. Vinegar is packed in glass bottles with a capacity of 0.25-0.5 liters, and vinegar essence is packed in triangular glass bottles of 100 g each. Labels are attached to bottles, some of which indicate the name of the product, the content of acetic acid, the name of the manufacturer, the price, etc. Store in a dark room. Use vinegar for pickling and as a seasoning.

Mustard Mustard should be yellow (brown tint is allowed), homogeneous, smear consistency. The taste is pungent, characteristic of this type of mustard, without foreign tastes and odors.

Mustard is packaged in glass jars with a capacity of 100 and 125 g. Store in dark, dry, cool rooms (at a temperature not higher than 10 C) for 3 months, in uncooled - up to 1.5 months.

Horseradish. Horseradish is packaged in glass jars with a capacity of 100 and 500 g. Store in a dark, dry, cool place. In refrigerated rooms - 1.5 months, in uncooled rooms - a month.

Olives Salted and pickled olives are on sale. The color is from black to brown, with a purple tint, the surface is shiny, the taste is salty, with pleasant bitterness, the texture is tender, fleshy, salt is 6-7%.

Olives They have a green color, dense texture, sharp bitter taste, salts contain 3-4%. They are sold canned.

Capers The buds are wilted and pickled. Capers have a sour-pungent flavor and dark olive color.

The task of option number 13.

According to the documents, the shelf life and storage conditions of the batch of "Alenka" chocolate were not violated; upon opening the container, its "graying" was found. Your conclusions, make a table of characteristics of chocolate (6-7 types).

Table 2 - characteristics of chocolate

Name of chocolate Label and its quality Type of chocolate Types of permissible defects Mass-sa in g. Conclusion on quality
Dessert With or without addition With or without filling
Alenka in sticks with milk filling + Scratched tiles 100

The surface is smooth, matte, without kinks or cracks.

Allowed for sale.

Alenka with hazelnuts and raisins

The integrity of the label is not broken

The packaging meets the requirements.

+ Chocolate chips 100

The surface is smooth, matte, significant breaks and cracks.

Allowed for sale.

Alenka with milk-cereal filling

The integrity of the label is not broken

The packaging meets the requirements.

+ Chocolate moth damage 60 Unpleasant and uncommon taste and smell of chocolate. Not allowed for sale
Alenka in sticks The integrity of the label is not broken + Fat bloom 100 There is a plaque on the tiles. Not allowed for sale
Alenka porous

The integrity of the label is not broken

The packaging meets the requirements.

+ Bubbles 100 The shape is correct without defects in the form of tiles. The surface is smooth, the structure is porous, the fracture is cellular. Allowed for sale.
Alenka a lot of milk

The integrity of the label is not broken

The packaging meets the requirements.

+ Sugar bloom 100 There are sugar crystals in the form of small white spots on the surface of the chocolate. Not allowed for sale


1. Alekhina L.T., Bolshakov A.S., Boreskov V.G. and other technology of meat and meat products. - M .: Agropromizdat, 1988.

2. Varibrus V.I. and other commodity research of food products. - M .: Economics, 1978.

3. Gorbatov VM, Shumkova II, Tatulov Yu.V. New research on meat quality: OI / AgroNIITEIMMP. Ser. Meat industry, 1991.

4. Lobzov K.I., Mitrofanov NS, Khlebnikov V.I. Processing of meat, poultry, eggs. - M .: Agropromizdat, 1987.

5. ML Gabrielyants "Merchandising of meat and meat products" Moscow, Economics, 1974.

6. GOST 10008-62 Canned meat. Boiled pork in its own juice. Technical conditions.

7. GOST 10149-62 Canned meat. The pork is fat. Technical conditions.

8. GOST 15170-91 Canned meat "Chopped beef". Technical conditions.

9. GOST 5284-84 Canned meat "Stewed beef". Technical conditions.

10. GOST 697-84 Canned meat "Stewed pork". Technical conditions.

11.GOST 8286-90 Canned meat and vegetable

12. Zhuravskaya IK et al. Research and quality control of meat and meat products. - M .: Agropromizdat, 1985.

13. Kosnyreva LM, Krishtafovich VI, Poznyakovsky VM Commodity research and examination of meat and meat products: Textbook for universities. - M .: Academy, 2005.

14. Krishtafovich V. I., Kolobov S. V. Methods and technical means of quality control of food products: Textbook. allowance. - M .: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2006.

15. Poznyakovsky V.M. Hygienic fundamentals of nutrition and examination of food products: Textbook. - Novosibirsk, 2006.

16. Rodina T.G., Vuks G.A. Tasting analysis of products. - M .: Economics, 1994.

17. Guidelines for veterinary and sanitary examination and hygiene of production of meat and meat products / Ed. M.P.Butko, Yu.G. Kostenko. - M .: Antikva, 1994.

18. Guide to methods of analysis of food quality and safety / Ed. I.M.Skurikhin and V.A.Tutelyana. - M: Medicine, 1998.

19. Directory of a commodity expert of food products: In 2 volumes: T.2 / E.N. Barabanova, L.A. Borovikov, V.S. Brilev et al. 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: Economics, 1987.

20. Tatulov Yu.V. and other Ways to improve the assessment of the quality of meat: OI / AgroNIITEIMMP. Ser. Meat industry, 1991. Khlebnikov V.I. Technology of goods (food): Textbook. - M .: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and K", 2006.

21. Khlebnikov V. I., Zhebeleva I. A., Krishtafovich V. I. Examination of meat and meat products: Textbook. allowance. - M .: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K" 2006.


1. Designed by: GU Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (V.A.Tutelyan, A.K. Baturin, S.A. Sheveleva, N.R. Efimochkina, I.B. Kuvaeva, S.A. Khotimchenko, I.Ya. Kon, M. M. Levachev, V. B. Spirichev, S. N. Kulakova, L. N. Shatnyuk), Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (A. I. Petukhov, I. V. Svyakhovskaya, V. N. Bratina. ), The Federal Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (A.A. Ivanov, N. S. Krivopalova). Prepared taking into account the comments and suggestions of specialists from the centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in the city. Moscow, and St. Petersburg, Moscow, Leningrad and Rostov regions. 2. Recommended Commission on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization under the Ministry of Health of Russia. 3. Approved Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation May 21, 2003 4. Introduced since June 25, 2003 by the resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of May 22, 2003 No. 98. 5. Registered at the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 6, 2003. Registration number 4654.6. Introduced to replace SanPiN 42-123-4117-86 "Conditions, storage periods for highly perishable products", approved on 20.06.86. Federal Law
"On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999 "State sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter - sanitary rules) - regulatory legal acts that establish sanitary and epidemiological requirements (including safety criteria and (or) harmlessness of environmental factors for humans, hygienic and other standards), non-observance of which creates a threat to human life or health, as well as the threat of the emergence and spread of diseases ”(Article 1). "Compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities" (Article 39). “Disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability is established for violation of sanitary legislation” (Article 55). Federal Law
"On the quality and safety of food products" No. 29-ФЗ dated 02.01.00 "Requirements for the nutritional value of food products, the safety of food products, materials and products, the safety of the conditions for their development, putting into production, manufacturing and circulation, the safety of services provided in the sphere of retail trade in food products, materials and products in the sphere of public catering are established by the relevant sanitary rules and regulations ”(Article 9).


On the introduction of sanitary
-epidemiological rules and
standards SanPiN On the basis of the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ and the Regulation on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554 I DECIDE : Introduce sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products. SanPiN ", approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 21, 2003, since June 25, 2003.

G. G. Onishchenko

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation



On the abolition of SanPiN 42-123-4117-86 On the basis of the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ and the Regulation on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 city \u200b\u200bNo. 554 I DECIDE: Since the introduction of the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food products. SanPiN ", from 25.06.03 shall be considered invalid" Conditions, storage periods for particularly perishable products. SanPiN 42-123-4117-86 ", approved on 20.06.86.

G. G. Onishchenko


Hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food

Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations


1. General provisions and scope

These sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as the sanitary rules) are developed in accordance with the Federal Laws "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 14 Art. 1650); "On the quality and safety of food products" dated 02.01.00 No. 29-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 2, Art. 150); "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens" dated July 22, 1993 (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 33, Art. 1318), Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 554 dated July 24, 2000 sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation and regulations on state sanitary and epidemiological regulation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 31, Art. 3295). Sanitary rules establish hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food products in order to ensure the safety and nutritional value of food products during production, storage, transportation and circulation, as well as during their development and putting into production. Sanitary rules do not apply to bottled and mineral waters, bacterial starter cultures, starter cultures, biologically active food additives. Sanitary rules are intended for individual entrepreneurs, legal entities whose activities are carried out in the field of production, storage, transportation and sale of food products, as well as for bodies and institutions exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for food products, the quality of which, after a certain period of time from the moment of their manufacture, deteriorates and they acquire properties that are dangerous to human health, and therefore lose their suitability for their intended use, expiration dates are established. Products that, subject to the established storage rules, do not require special temperature storage conditions, should be considered non-perishable. Products that require special temperature and / or other regimes and rules to ensure safety, without which they can lead to harm to human health, should be considered perishable and especially perishable products that are subject to storage in cold conditions and are intended for short-term sale. 1.6. Food products during their manufacture and circulation (production, storage, transportation and circulation) must be stored under conditions that ensure the preservation of their quality and safety during the entire shelf life. 1.7. Drafts of regulatory and technical documents and prototypes of new food products, in terms of shelf life and conditions of manufacture and circulation, are subject to a sanitary and epidemiological examination and are approved in accordance with the established procedure, if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the documentation. The requirements of the approved documents are mandatory for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities engaged in the production and circulation of specific types of food products. 1.8. The established shelf life and storage conditions for especially perishable and perishable food products produced according to regulatory and / or technical documentation are indicated in Appendix. 1 to these sanitary rules, unless other expiration dates are specified in other documents. For similar types of new food products, including those developed according to new technological processes of their manufacture, the same shelf life and storage conditions can be established, which are indicated in the appendix. one . 1.9. Shelf life and storage conditions for products exceeding the terms and / or storage temperatures for similar types of products presented in the appendix. 1 (prolonged), as well as expiration dates and storage conditions for new types of products that have no analogues in the specified app. 1 must be substantiated in the prescribed manner. 1.10. When justifying the shelf life, the manufacturer or the developer of the documentation submits information to the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation on measures to improve the safety of food products (improvement of technology; introduction of new types of packaging, improved quality indicators of raw materials, enhanced sanitary regime in production and etc.), and the results of product tests, indicating their safety and suitability for intended use during the entire shelf life. 1.11. Justification of the shelf life and storage conditions of food products specified in clause 1.10, as well as specialized products for baby and dietary nutrition should be based on the results of a sanitary and epidemiological examination of specific types of products and comprehensive sanitary and epidemiological studies in the prescribed manner. 1.12. Sanitary and epidemiological studies of specialized products for children and dietary (therapeutic and prophylactic) food, as well as products produced using new technologies and (or) using non-traditional types of raw materials and food products, similar to app. 1 of these sanitary rules are carried out by the federal executive body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare, as well as in institutions authorized by it. 1.13. The shelf life of food products produced according to regulatory documents must be justified on the basis of the results of extensive production tests by industry research organizations accredited in the prescribed manner, with the participation of institutions authorized by the federal executive body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare. 1.14. When importing food products into the territory of the Russian Federation and their registration in accordance with the established procedure, the authorized person submits information on the regulation of the shelf life and storage conditions of products, and, if necessary, the results of product tests at the end of the specified storage periods and conditions. 1.15. When establishing the shelf life of canned products, sterilization (pasteurization) regimes should be developed, and the shelf life should be justified by testing. 1.16. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on the possibility of establishing the shelf life of perishable food products, products made using new technologies and / or from new types of raw materials, children's products, medical and preventive nutrition, incl. canned; products obtained from genetically modified sources are issued by the federal executive body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological well-being after an examination in the institutions authorized by it at the location of the manufacturing organizations. For other types of products (non-perishable), sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on the possibility of establishing expiration dates are issued by the bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation after the sanitary and epidemiological examination and testing by the institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service.

2. Requirements for justifying the shelf life of food

2.1. To conduct a sanitary and epidemiological examination of the shelf life of food products, the manufacturer or developer submits documents in accordance with the established procedure, indicating the safety of such products for humans. 2.2. When products are put into production, the sanitary and epidemiological examination of the shelf life of food products can be confirmed by studies according to a simplified scheme, in accordance with the established procedure. 2.3. Sanitary and epidemiological studies of the quality and safety of food products to substantiate the shelf life and storage conditions are carried out in the prescribed manner. 2.4. For certain types of food products, when establishing shelf life by the manufacturer, it is allowed to use express tests approved in the prescribed manner, followed by confirmation of the results of these studies in accredited organizations and obtaining a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion in the prescribed manner. 2.5. Expert assessment and studies to justify the expiration date are carried out in the prescribed manner.

3. Hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food

3.1. Requirements for the regulation of shelf life

3.1.1. The shelf life of a food product is determined by the period of time, calculated from the date of its manufacture, during which the food product is suitable for use, or the date before which the food product is suitable for use. The period of time (date) during which (before the onset of which) the food product is suitable for use should be determined from the moment of the end of the technological process of its manufacture, and includes storage in the warehouse of the manufacturer, transportation, storage in food trade organizations and at the consumer after purchase. 3.1.2. The information applied to the label on the shelf life of food products must include an indication of: hour, day, month, year of production for particularly perishable foods, products for baby and dietary food; day, month and year - for perishable food; months and years - for non-perishable products, as well as the rules and conditions for their storage and use. 3.1.3. The shelf life of perishable food products applies to products in those types of consumer and shipping containers and packaging, which are indicated in the regulatory and technical documentation for these types of products, and do not apply to products in containers and packaging opened during their sale or in violation of its integrity. 3.1.4. Repackaging or repacking of perishable food products after opening and violation of the integrity of the primary packaging or containers of the manufacturer in organizations selling food products, in order to establish by these organizations new expiration dates for the product and work to justify their duration in new packaging or containers, is not allowed. 3.1.5. Perishable foodstuffs after opening the package during the sale should be sold within no more than 12 hours from the moment of opening, subject to storage conditions (temperature, humidity). For products in special packages that prevent their direct contact with the environment and the hands of workers, it is allowed to set storage periods after opening these packages in accordance with the established procedure. 3.1.6. Re-evacuation of perishable foodstuffs packed by manufacturing organizations in films under vacuum, vapor-gas-tight casings and in a modified atmosphere by organizations selling foodstuffs is not allowed. 3.1.7. Defrosting (defrosting) of frozen food products by organizations selling food products is not allowed. 3.1.8. The shelf life of non-perishable food products subject to packaging in consumer containers during the sale must not exceed the shelf life of the product in the primary packaging and must be counted from the date of manufacture of the product by the manufacturer. 3.1.9. When justifying the shelf life of multicomponent food products, the shelf life and storage conditions of the components used must be taken into account. The shelf life reserve of the raw materials and semi-finished products used at the time of production of the multicomponent product must correspond to the shelf life of the final product.

3.2. Requirements for organizations producing food products with prolonged shelf life

3.2.1. The production of products with prolonged shelf life is allowed if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the specified products. 3.2.2. The production of products should be carried out in organizations (in workshops): - that meet the sanitary rules for organizations of the relevant industry sector and have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the type of activity for the production of these food products, issued in accordance with the established procedure; - having the necessary technological equipment that meets the requirements of regulatory documents; - having a stable supply of raw materials and materials that meet hygienic safety and nutritional requirements and regulatory documentation; - where production control is organized in accordance with the established procedure.

3.3. Food storage requirements

3.3.1. For perishable and especially perishable foodstuffs, storage conditions should be established that ensure their nutritional value and safety for human health. 3.3.2. Storage of food products should be carried out in the prescribed manner with appropriate parameters of temperature, humidity and light conditions for each type of product. 3.3.3. The amount of products stored in the warehouse of the manufacturer or trade organization should be determined by the volume of working refrigeration equipment (for products requiring refrigeration) or the size of the storage room sufficient to ensure appropriate storage conditions throughout the shelf life of this product. 3.3.4. Joint storage of raw foods and semi-finished products together with ready-to-eat foods is not allowed.

3.4. Requirements for the transportation of food

3.4.1. The conditions of transportation must comply with the established requirements for each type of food, as well as the rules for the carriage of perishable goods in force for the corresponding mode of transport. 3.4.2. Transportation of food products is carried out by specially equipped vehicles, for which a sanitary passport is issued in accordance with the established procedure. 3.4.3. Perishable products are transported by refrigerated or isothermal transport, providing the necessary temperature conditions for transportation. 3.4.4. It is not allowed to transport finished food products together with raw materials and semi-finished products. When transporting food products, the rules of commodity neighborhood must be observed. 3.4.5. It is not allowed to transport food products by random vehicles, as well as together with non-food products. 3.4.6. Food products entering warehouses or trade and public catering enterprises must be accompanied by documents certifying their quality and safety (quality certificate, sanitary-epidemiological conclusion, veterinary certificate, if necessary). 3.4.7. Requirements for medical examination and personal hygiene of personnel serving the transportation of food products and the maintenance of vehicles must comply with the sanitary rules for trade and public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food raw materials and food products in them.

Attachment 1

Storage conditions, shelf life of particularly perishable and perishable foods at a temperature (4 ± 2) ° С *

Product name

Shelf life

Hours / days

Meat and meat products. Poultry, eggs and their products

Boneless semi-finished meat products
1. Semi-finished lumpy foods:
packaged meat, semi-finished portions (tenderloin; natural steak; langette; entrecote; rump steak; beef, lamb, brass pork; escalope, schnitzel, etc.) without breading
portioned semi-finished products (rump steak, natural lamb and pork cutlet, schnitzel), breaded
2. Semi-finished products, small pieces:
beef stroganoff, azu, frying, goulash, beef for stewing, meat for barbecue, special roast, cold cuts (without sauces and spices)
marinated with sauces
3. Semi-finished minced meat products:
molded, incl. breaded, stuffed (cabbage rolls, zucchini)
combined (meat and potato cutlets, meat and vegetable, meat and cabbage, with the addition of soy protein)
4. Minced meat (beef, pork, meat from other slaughter animals, combined):
produced by meat processing enterprises
generated by trade and public catering enterprises
5. Semi-finished meat and bone products (lumpy, portioned, small lumpy)
6. Offal of slaughter animals (liver, kidneys, tongue, heart, brains)
Semi-finished products from poultry meat
7. Semi-finished products from natural poultry meat:
meat and bone, boneless without breading (carcass prepared for culinary processing, legs, fillets, quarters, tobacco chicken, thighs, drumsticks, wings, breasts)
meat and bone, boneless, breaded, with spices, with sauce, pickled
8. Semi-finished products from poultry meat, minced, in breading and without it
9. Minced chicken
10. By-products, semi-finished products from poultry by-products
11. Sets for jelly, stew, soup
Culinary products - prepared meals from meat and meat products
12. Boiled meat (for cold dishes; large pieces, cut into portions for the first and second courses)
13. Fried meat stew (fried beef and pork for cold dishes; fried beef and pork in large pieces, cut into portions for second courses, stuffed meat)
14. Fried minced meat products (cutlets, steaks, meatballs, schnitzels, etc.)
15. Meat dishes
16. Pilafs, dumplings, manti, belyashi, pancakes, pies
17. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, ready-made sandwiches, ready-made pizza
18. Jellied meat products: jellied, brawn, jelly, jellied meat
19. Boiled meat by-products (tongue, udder, heart, kidneys, brains), fried
20. Liver and / or meat pates
* Except for items 39 - 42, 56.

Continuation of app. one

Poultry culinary products
21. Carcasses and parts of poultry carcasses smoked, smoked-baked and smoked-boiled
22. Ready-made poultry dishes fried, boiled, stewed
23. Dishes of minced poultry meat, with sauces and / or with a side dish
24. Dumplings, poultry pies
25. Jellied poultry products: brawn, jellies, jellied meat, including assorted meat from slaughter animals
26. Poultry and offal pates
27. Boiled eggs
Sausages from meat of all types of slaughter animals, poultry
28. Cooked sausages produced in accordance with GOST:
the highest and first grade
second grade
29. Cooked sausages in accordance with GOST in vapor-gas-tight casings:
premium, delicious, with added preservatives
first grade
second grade
30. Sausages, boiled sausages, meat breads produced in accordance with GOST
31. Sausages, boiled sausages in vapor-gas-tight casings
32. Sausages, frankfurters, wieners cooked, cut and packed under vacuum, in a modified atmosphere
33. Cooked meat products (ham, rolls, pressed pork and beef, ham, bacon, pressed pork head meat, lamb in the form)
34. Meat products boiled, sliced \u200b\u200band packed under vacuum, in a modified atmosphere
35. Liver sausages, blood
36. Sausages, sausages, sausages boiled with the addition of offal
37. Cooked sausages from poultry meat (sausages, meat loaves, rolls, sausages, sausages, ham, etc.):
top grade
first grade
38. Sausages cooked from poultry meat, packed under vacuum, in a modified atmosphere
Fish, non-fish species and products derived from them
Semi-finished fish products
39. Fish of all kinds, chilled

hours at temperature
0 - (- 2) ° С

40. Fish fillet

0 - (- 2) ° С

41. Fish, specially cut

from -2 to + 2 ° С

42. Minced fish food, molded mince products, including with a flour component

from -2 to + 2 ° С

43. Crustaceans, live bivalve molluscs, chilled

Continuation of app. one

Cooked fish products with heat treatment
44. Fish, boiled, stewed, fried, stewed, baked, stuffed
45. Dishes from fish cutlet mass (cutlets, zrazy, schnitzels, meatballs, dumplings), baked goods, pies
46. \u200b\u200bFish of all names and hot smoked rolls
47. Multi-component products - hodgepodge, pilaf, snacks
48. Jellied products (jellies, brawn, jellied fish)
Culinary fish products without heat treatment
49. Products chopped from salted fish (pates, pasta)
50. Salads from fish and seafood without dressing
51. Herring, caviar, krill oil, etc.
52. Caviar oil, krill oil, etc.
53. Boiled crayfish and shrimps
54. Structured products ("crab sticks", etc.)
Culinary caviar products
55. Culinary products with heat treatment
56. Multi-component dishes without heat treatment after mixing

hours at a temperature from -2 to + 2 ° С

57. Fish pastes in polymer consumer containers
Milk and dairy products *, cheeses
58. Milk, cream, whey, pasteurized buttermilk:
in consumer packaging
in flasks and tanks
59. Baked milk
60. Liquid fermented milk products *
61. Liquid fermented milk products enriched with bifidobacteria
62. Natural kumis (from mare's milk), kumis from cow's milk
63. Ryazhenka
64. Sour cream and products based on it
65. Curd and curd products
66. Thermally processed cottage cheese and cottage cheese products
67. Pastey milk protein products
68. Cottage cheese dishes - lazy dumplings, cottage cheese pancakes, cottage cheese fillings, pies
69. Casseroles, cottage cheese puddings
70. Homemade cheese
71. Cream cheese
72. Cheese, soft and pickled without ripening
73. Cheese butter
Products for children's dairy kitchens
74. Fermented milk products:
74.1. Kefir:
in bottles
in polymer containers
other fermented milk products
75. Cottage cheese for children
76. Curd products
* The shelf life and storage conditions of sterilized, ultra-high-temperature processed (UHT) and thermized after packaging products of these groups are indicated in the documents for specific types of products. ** The shelf life of specific types of products is determined in accordance with the established procedure.

Continuation of app. one

77. Sterilized products (adapted milk mixtures, sterilized milk):
in bottles
in a sealed container
78. Products for medical and preventive nutrition on fermented soy or non-dairy basis
Vegetable products
Semi-finished products from vegetables and herbs
79. Raw peeled sulphited potatoes
80. Fresh peeled cabbage
81. Carrots, beets, peeled raw onions
82. Radish, processed radish, chopped
83. Parsley, processed celery
84. Processed green onions
85. Dill processed
Culinary products
86. Salads from raw vegetables and fruits:
without refueling
87. Salads from raw vegetables with the addition of canned vegetables, eggs, etc .:
without refueling
with dressings (mayonnaise, sauces)
88. Salads from pickled, pickled, pickled vegetables
89. Salads and vinaigrette from boiled vegetables:
without dressing and adding salted vegetables
with dressings (mayonnaise, sauces)
90. Dishes from boiled, stewed, fried vegetables
91. Salads with the addition of meat, poultry, fish, smoked meats:
without refueling
with dressings (mayonnaise, sauces)
92. Side dishes:
boiled rice, boiled pasta, mashed potatoes
stewed vegetables
boiled potatoes, fried
93. Sauces and dressings for main courses
Confectionery and bakery
Test semi-finished products
94. Yeast dough for baked and fried pies, for pies, pies and other flour products
95. Unleavened puff pastry for cakes, pastries and other flour products
96. Shortbread dough for cakes and pastries
Culinary products
97. Cheesecakes, juices, half-open pies from yeast dough:
with cottage cheese
with jam and fruit fillings
98. Chebureks, whites, table pies, fried, baked, kulebyaki, pies (with meat, eggs, cottage cheese, cabbage, liver and other fillings)
99. Semolina, millet meatballs (cutlets)
Floury confectionery, sweet food, drinks
100. Cakes and pastries:
without cream finishing, with whipped protein finishes, such as soufflé, creamy, fruit and berry, fondant
cake "Potato"
with custard, with whipped cream, with cream cheese filling
101. Biscuit rolls:
with creamy, fruit, candied fruit, poppy seeds
with cottage cheese
102. Jelly, mousses
103. Creams
104. Whipped Cream
105. Kvass produced by industry:
unpasteurized bread kvass
kvass "Moskovsky"
106. Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices

Appendix 2

Terms and Definitions

The shelf life of food products is a limited period of time during which food products must fully meet the requirements usually imposed on them in terms of organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators, including in terms of nutritional value, and the requirements for the permissible content of chemical , biological substances and their compounds, microorganisms and other biological organisms that pose a danger to human health, as well as meet the criteria for functional purpose. Shelf life of food - the period of time during which the products retain the properties established in the regulatory and / or technical documentation, subject to the storage conditions specified in the documentation (may not be final). Food storage conditions - optimal environmental parameters (temperature, ambient humidity, light conditions, etc.) and handling rules (measures to protect against damage by pests, insects, rodents; measures to preserve the integrity of the packaging, etc.) necessary to ensure the safety of the inherent food products of organoleptic, physical and chemical properties and safety indicators. Perishable are food products that require special temperature and / or other regimes and rules to maintain quality and safety, without which they undergo irreversible changes leading to harm to the health of consumers or deterioration. Perishable products include processed products of meat, poultry, eggs, milk, fish and non-fish fishing objects; flour creamy confectionery products with a mass fraction of moisture more than 13%; creams and semi-finished products, incl. on vegetable oils; the drinks; vegetable processing products; fatty and fat-containing products, including mayonnaise, margarine; quick-frozen ready meals and semi-finished products; all types of preserves; thermized dairy products and sterilized dairy products. Particularly perishable products - products that cannot be stored without cold and are intended for short-term sale: milk, pasteurized cream; chilled semi-finished products from meat, poultry, fish, seafood, raw and boiled vegetables, all products and meals of public catering; freshly squeezed juices; cream confectionery products made using manual operations; perishable food in packages opened during the sale. Non-perishable * includes food products that do not need special temperature storage conditions, subject to other conditions. established storage rules (alcoholic beverages, vinegar); dry products with a moisture content of less than 13%; bakery products without finishing, sugar confectionery products, food concentrates. Extended shelf life - shelf life for perishable food products produced in accordance with new technologies of production, packaging, storage or when improving existing technologies, the duration of which exceeds previously established for similar types of products using traditional technologies (or: especially perishable products). Food trade enterprises - food stores, warehouses, warehouses, grocery stores, small retail enterprises, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, as well as refrigerators. * Except for specialized products for baby and diet food.

Bibliographic data

1. Federal Law "On the quality and safety of food products" dated January 2, 2000 No. 29-FZ. 2. Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" dated March 30, 1999, No. 52-FZ. 3. Federal Law "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation" On Protection of Consumer Rights "and" Code of the RSFSR on Administrative Offenses ". 2001. 4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1998 No. 680. "On the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation." 5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 21, 2000 No. 987 "On state supervision and control in the field of ensuring the quality and safety of food products." 6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2000 No. 988 "On state registration of new food products, materials and products." 7. GOST R 51074-97 “Food products. Information for consumers ". 8. SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the turnover of food raw materials and food products in them." 9. SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products." 10. MUK 4.2.727-99 "Hygienic assessment of the shelf life of food products." 11. Methodical instructions "On the accelerated determination of the shelf life of edible vegetable oils", approved by the Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 1100 / 2261-98-115 of 23.09.98.
1. General provisions and scope 2. Requirements for substantiating the shelf life of food products 3. Hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food products 3.1. Requirements for the regulation of shelf life 3.2. Requirements for organizations producing food products with prolonged shelf life 3.3. Food storage requirements 3.4. Requirements for the transportation of food Appendix 1 Storage conditions, shelf life of especially perishable and perishable foods at a temperature of (4 ± 2) ° С * Appendix 2 (reference) Terms and definitions Bibliographic data
  • SanPiN Hygienic requirements for hand tools and work organization
  • SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the protection of atmospheric air in populated areas
  • SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the design, operation and quality of water in swimming pools. Sanitary rules and regulations
  • SanPiN Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal computers and work organization
  • SanPiN Hygienic requirements for coal industry enterprises and work organization
  • SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises. Sanitary rules and regulations

31. Semi-finished meat products, nutritional value, assortment, quality assessment, conditions and terms of storage of semi-finished meat products. Canned meat, (make a table of assortment, composition). Signs of division into varieties. defects in canned meat (with which defects canned meat are unacceptable for sale). Types of bombing of canned meat. Types of canned food used in the manufacture of canned meat. Packaging, labeling, shelf life. Draw up a scheme for decoding canned meat (in the form of a table). See attachments.

Semi-finished products are products from various types of meat that are sold prepared for culinary processing.

Semi-finished meat products are in high demand among the population.

By the type of meat, there are semi-finished products of beef, lamb, pork and poultry meat; according to the processing method - natural, breaded, chopped, dumplings, minced meat and others, and according to the thermal state - chilled and frozen.

Natural semi-finished products

For the preparation of these semi-finished products, cooled, chilled and defrosted beef and lamb of categories I and II, pork of II and III categories, veal, as well as poultry carcasses of I and II categories are used.

By size, natural semi-finished products are divided into portioned, small-lump and large-lump.

Portion semi-finished products are produced from the most delicate muscle tissue, cut across the muscle fibers in the form of one or two pieces of meat with a total weight of 125 g (tenderloins - 250 g).

Portioned semi-finished beef products are produced in the following types.

Tenderloin - internal lumbar muscles; comes in one piece.

Steak prepared from a tenderloin in the form of one piece of pulp without fat, oval or irregularly rounded, 2-3 cm thick.

Fillet differs from the steak with a thickness of 4–5 cm.

Langet , unlike a steak, these are 2 pieces of pulp, almost the same in size and weight, 1–1.2 cm thick.

Lined steak - one piece 2–3 cm thick, oval or irregularly rounded, from the pulp of the posterior part. To give it a loose consistency, muscle tissue is beaten off, and cuts in the form of checkers are made on the surface of the piece, which speeds up the heat treatment.

Entrecote - a piece of oval-shaped meat, 1.5–2 cm thick with a layer of fat up to 1 cm, prepared from the flesh of the dorsal and lumbar parts.

Brass beef - this is one or less often 2 pieces of pulp from the lateral and outer layers of the posterior part, irregular in shape, 2 - 2.5 cm thick.

A portion of small-sized semi-finished beef products, unlike portioned ones, consists of finely chopped pieces of meat with a total weight of 125 to 1000 g. Azu, beef stroganoff and goulash can be sold as a weight product.

Assortment of small-sized semi-finished beef products : azu, beef stroganoff, shish kebab, meat for shish kebab, goulash, fry, stew, soup set.

Azu has the form of cubes or cubes of meat 3-4 cm in size 10-15 g, cut from the pulp of the lumbar, dorsal and posterior parts of the carcass. Serving weight - 125 g.

Beef stroganoff, in Unlike the basics, they are cut into pieces in the form of oblong sticks weighing 5-7 g.

Barbecue prepared from tenderloin. Pieces of 30–40 g each are strung on a stick, alternating with slices of bacon and onion. The portion includes 110 g of meat, 8 g of pork fat and 7 g of onions.

Barbecue meat - slices of tenderloin, 30-40 g each, packaged in portions of 250 and 500 g.

Goulash - pieces of pulp, cut from the edge, as well as from the scapular and subscapular parts, 30–40 g each, with a fat content not exceeding 10%. Goulash is packaged in portions of 125 g.

Roast special - pieces of pulp weighing up to 50 g each, cut across the muscle fibers from the hip and shoulder parts, as well as from the chest part (from the 1st to the 5th rib). This semi-finished product is packed in portions weighing 250, 500 and 1000 g, as well as in portions of an indeterminate weight - from 250 to 1000 g.

Roasting - pieces of pulp from the shoulder and trimmed meat, of an indefinite shape, weighing 10-15 g, containing up to 20% fat and connecting films. It is packed in portions of 250 and 500 g.

Stew - meat and bone pieces from 40 to 60 g each, meat with fat and bones should be 50% each. For stew, use the cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral and thoracic-rib parts.

Soup set differs from stew in that meat and bone pieces are larger and weigh 100–120 g each. The soup set is packaged mainly in 1000 g each.

Braising beef - meat and bone pieces from the rib portion of the I category beef, weighing no more than 200 g, with a bone content of up to 25% of the weight of the semi-finished product.

Large-sized semi-finished beef products are produced of two types.

Boneless semi-finished product of the highest grade prepared from chilled category I meat from young animals. This is the flesh of the dorsal, lumbar, hip and shoulder parts, freed from tendons and rough surface films. A boneless semi-finished product is produced in portions of an undetermined mass - from 250 to 1000 g, as well as packaged in 250, 500 and 1000 g.

Cutlet meat - pulp in the form of scraps obtained when cleaning large-sized semi-finished products and bones, or pieces from the cervical and intercostal parts and from the flank. Cutlet meat is used, as a rule, for industrial processing (preparation of minced semi-finished products).

Semi-finished products from pork, lamb and veal are also portioned, small-lump and large-lump.

Portion semi-finished products from pork and lamb - natural cutlet with bone, escalope, schnitzel and tenderloin; from dairy veal - only natural cutlet and escalope. The mass of most semi-finished products is 125 g, and the tenderloins are 250 g.

Natural cutlet prepared from the dorsal and lumbar parts of the carcass in the form of one piece of meat with a rib bone. In pork and veal cutlets, the length of the bone is no more than 8 cm, in lamb - 7 cm. The cutlet has an oval-flat shape, and from the side of the rib bone it is concave.

Escalope cut from the pulp of the dorsal and lumbar parts in the form of two slices of approximately the same size and weight, 1–1.5 cm thick.

Schnitzel - a piece of meat of an oval-oblong shape, 2–3 cm thick, prepared from the pulp of the posterior part.

Pork tenderloin is produced in packaged portions of 250 g, and lamb - 125 g each.

Small-sized semi-finished pork products (barbecue, meat for barbecue, goulash, frying, stew) and lamb (barbecue, meat for barbecue, stew, soup set) differ from semi-finished beef products of the same name mainly in the type of meat. In addition, fat is not added to a portion of pork and lamb shashlik, therefore, it contains slightly more meat (115 g) and onions (10 g); a portion of pork goulash contains 2 times (i.e. up to 20%) more fat; in lamb stew, the mass of pieces is less (20-30 g), as well as less fat (up to 15%) and bones (up to 20%).

Small-sized semi-finished products are produced in portions of various weights (g): goulash and roast - 125, 250 and 500 each; meat for barbecue - 250 and 500 each; stew and soup set - 500 and 1000 each.

Lumpy semi-finished products from pork, lamb and veal.

Boneless semi-finished pork are produced in two types: for natural chops (from the pulp of the loin with a thickness of subcutaneous fat no more than 1 cm) and pork for stewing (pieces of pulp from the neck).

Boneless semi-finished mutton prepared from the pulp of the hip, dorsal-scapular (except for the neck and brisket) and lumbar (except for the flank) cuts with a layer of subcutaneous fat no more than 1 cm.

Dairy veal is made from loin (the flesh of the dorsal and lumbar parts with rib bones) and brisket (costal part without sternum and without coarse flank).

Boneless semi-finished products from pork and lamb are produced in packaged mass of 250 and 500 g and of an indefinite mass - from 250 to 500 g. Veal semi-finished products are only of an undefined mass.

Pork and lamb cutlet meat made from the same parts as beef cutlet meat.

Semi-finished products from poultry meat. At the enterprises of the meat industry, these semi-finished products are made mainly from meat and by-products of chicken and chicken in the following assortment.

Chicks amateur-carcasses or half-carcasses of chickens are placed in rows with their backs up in stainless steel baskets, sprinkling each row with a mixture of salt, black pepper and chopped garlic. Then the baskets are placed in vats with brine (water, salt, mustard powder, acetic acid) and left for a day at a temperature 2– 4 ° C. Chickens are sold without brine.

Tobacco chickens - the carcasses are plastered, beaten to loosen the tissues and rubbed with a mixture of salt with black pepper, chopped garlic and mustard.

Chicken fillet - pectoral muscles are white, oval in shape, with a superficial film, without skin.

Chicken leg - part of a carcass including the femur and tibia with associated muscle and skin.

In the set for broth includes the dorsal-scapular and lumbosacral parts without lungs and kidneys, wings, skin and bones from the chest, trimming from fillet processing.

Soup set - treated heads with the addition of legs up to 40%.

Stew set - stomachs and hearts, wings and necks in equal numbers.

Jelly set - heads (up to 40%), necks, wings, hearts, stomachs and legs in approximately equal amounts.

Amateur chickens, tobacco chickens are marketed as bulk goods, chicken fillet and chicken legs, as a rule, are packaged in portions of various weights, from 250 to 1000 g; sets - in portions of a certain mass - 500 or 1000 g.

Chopped semi-finished products