Culinary tricks recipes. Pasta and rice

13.05.2019 Desserts and cakes

✦ If broth is cooked from meat that has not been frozen, it is opaque. To achieve transparency, you need to put carefully washed eggshells into the broth when cooking (in a medium-sized saucepan, there are enough shells from 2 eggs). The shells must be removed from the finished broth with a slotted spoon.

✦ It is better to soak dried mushrooms not in water, but in milk, then they will become just like fresh.

✦ To prevent the mustard from drying out longer, you need to add a little milk to it.

✦ If you like fluffy, spongy pancakes, do not put the whole eggs in the dough, but beat the whites and yolks separately. First add the whipped yolks, stir well, and then add the whipped whites into a thick foam.

✦ To keep the pancakes warm while you bake them all, place a large plate in a pot of boiling water and place the finished pancakes on top of it.

✦ To "save" dried cheese and restore its freshness and softness, you need to put it in a container with sour milk and hold it for 1 hour.

✦ If you are making a dessert with whipped cream, add some low-fat sour cream. Then they will beat faster and thicker.

✦ The stew will be more juicy if fried on all sides first. The resulting crust will prevent the juice from flowing out during the stewing process.

✦ When you beat meat on a wooden board, it absorbs a lot of meat juice. To prevent this from happening, moisten the board abundantly with water before hitting. Sap will not be absorbed into a wet tree.

✦ To prevent the potatoes in their skins from cracking during cooking, pre-prick the peel in several places with a fork, and salt the water well.

✦ If you add cold milk to mashed potatoes, it will take on an unappetizing grayish color. This will not happen if the milk is preheated without boiling.

✦ To prevent the boiled potatoes intended for salad from darkening when cutting, add a small amount of vinegar to the water (1-2 tsp. Per medium saucepan) during cooking.

✦ To prevent apples sliced \u200b\u200bin salad from darkening, place the slices in salted water during slicing.

✦ If you only need half of an onion, and you have to put off the other until next time, brush the cut with margarine or put the cut on a saucer with salt. Then, during storage, the onion will not lose its taste and aroma properties.

✦ For a tasty, soft and airy mashed potato, add beaten egg white to it.

✦ In order for the chops to fry faster and form a golden brown crust, the chunks of beaten meat must be thoroughly rinsed in cold water.

✦ To make the pancakes crispy and acquire an appetizing golden color, add granulated sugar to the dough at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of dough. ✦ To prevent fresh herbs from drying out longer, they must be washed and wrapped in foil. This will keep it fresh in the refrigerator for 1-2 months.

✦ Salt the food at the end of cooking. The only exceptions are two cases: when you cook fish soup, salt must be added before putting fish and vegetables; when you cook dumplings or pasta, the water is salted before it boils.

✦ If you have oversalted the meat, you can save the situation by adding flour or butter sauce to it, which will quickly take some of the salt from the meat.

✦ If you salted the fish, stew it with unsalted mashed potatoes or sour cream. If you've oversalted the soup, add some of the ingredients boiled in unsalted water.

✦ The refrigerator is often loaded to capacity, so there is nowhere to put new food. What can and even need to be removed from it in order to free up space and not harm the products:

a) melons and pumpkins that are not damaged on the skin can be perfectly stored at room temperature in a dark place;

b) tropical fruits (kiwi, mango, pineapple, papaya, bananas, etc.) are generally not recommended to be stored in the refrigerator, as this deteriorates their quality;

c) in no case should you store chocolate and chocolates in the refrigerator, since they do not tolerate low temperatures, and their taste is significantly deteriorated from the cold;

d) onions, garlic, potatoes and root vegetables do not need a refrigerator, they must be stored in a shaded cool place;

e) you do not need to keep any types of canned food in the refrigerator until you have opened them.


If the hostess asks her household members what the ideal dish should be, most likely she will receive the answer: “tasty and aromatic”, “cooked with a soul”, “unusual”. And the hostess will add from herself that such a dish should be prepared quickly so that there is time left for other things.

Achieving the ideal is easy: use culinary tips and tricks to improve flavor, intensify aroma, save time, and experiment successfully.

Improving taste

Oh, what a scent!

Not a minute in vain

After a working day, there is so little time left before bed, but you want to properly enjoy your vacation, have time to devote time to your family, take up a hobby or just watch a movie. At the same time, I do not want to give even an hour for constant cooking. Save valuable time with helpful cooking tips.

Let's do an experiment?

At your leisure, browse culinary blogs, explore the cuisines of the peoples of the world, mark what you would like to cook. Look for new flavor combinations. For example, who would have thought that meat and coffee would make a great roast?

In secret

The hostess in the kitchen will be helped not only by culinary advice, but also by small technical tricks that make the work more comfortable.

Skills and skills in cooking come with experience. Discovering new recipes for yourself, you try and make mistakes, consult with your friends, mothers. By memorizing simple cooking tips and tricks, you can quickly improve your skill level in preparing the perfect dishes.

Be sure to rinse the leek leaves, as dirt is often clogged between them, if you cut it, it will be difficult to wash it all out.

In the lid from the pot or from the kettle i.e. not into the lid itself, but into the hole where the handle of the lid must be shoved a cork from the wine and then you can take it even if it is boiling in the pan, you can open it and check, because the cork does not heat up !!!

The smell of fish (smoked, fried, etc. - I love it) is removed with a light solution of vinegar. Wash your hands with soap and rinse with vinegar water, there will be no vinegar smell.

Vegetables for salads (olivier, vinaigrette, etc.) are best steamed, so all vitamins are preserved.

With the help of the pharmacy "Narine" or Bifidolactobacterin, you can easily prepare homemade super-useful kefir! One ampoule (bag) per liter of milk is enough.

When added to fried dishes, cut the garlic into large pieces, lightly fry in oil, remove, continue cooking. This is for those who don't like the strong smell of garlic.

If you crush the garlic slightly by placing the plane of a knife on the clove and pressing on it with your palm, then the garlic:

  • easy to clean
  • very easy to cut
  • will give more flavor to food

If the onion is cooled, then you can safely peel and cut it and it will not be so angry :) Just do not overcool it, otherwise it will freeze

Lemon also needs to be squeezed a little before squeezing juice out of it. For example, you can twist it in your palms with pressing. It will give more juice.

In no case should you boil them when heating borsch and other vegetable soups, you need to heat them over low heat or even just add hot water.

Do you buy ice cream buckets? In these buckets, it is very convenient to beat several eggs with a mixer (from 4 to 10) - and nothing is sprinkled and beats well!

Freeze the cutlets in an egg dish, stick the cloves into the onion so that it is easy to get it out after boiling the broth, the bay leaf can be inserted into the carrot by making an incision with a knife:


To open the lid on a jar from the refrigerator (with cucumbers or tomato paste), you need to lightly pour boiling water over it, it will expand and easily unscrew!

So that the hot oil does not splash, add a pinch of salt to it.

When I cook pies, especially on shortbread dough, before covering the form with parchment, foil, or not covering it with anything at all, I grate dry gingerbread. I hardly trust the oven, so if the dough starts to burn from below and from above, raw gingerbread will solve this problem. The bottom does not burn, and everything is baked perfectly.

So that the protein is whipped well, I first put it in the refrigerator. When working with shortbread dough, I am guided by the same principle: first, for at least half an hour (and at least an hour), put it in the refrigerator, and then you can do whatever your heart desires with it.

In order for the protein to whisk well, you need to separate it from the yolk in dry, clean dishes (oily dishes are especially critical in this regard). The walls of the dishes can be wiped with a slice of lemon. When whipping the protein, you can throw in a small pinch of salt. And yes, cool (but not very cold) whites whisk better.

Old-old advice: if you need to mix whipped protein into some mass, then mix from bottom to top.

When frying fish, I throw salt into the oil (the main thing is not to oversalt), and not salt each piece separately.

Whoever uses a manual meat grinder and makes minced meat at home - keep in mind that it turns out that the meat must be twisted a little unfrozen to the end, then all the streaks of the film, if any, are twisted with a bang!

The meat must not be salted during cooking, because from salt, the protein swells or hardens there, in short, the meat becomes tough, and then no matter what you do, it does not soften. I always cook without salt, I salt only at the very end, before turning off the heat, when everything is ready, the meat always (fried, boiled, stewed, baked) turns out to be soft and tender!

In green onions, it is not advisable to eat green tops (3-4 centimeters). I always cut them off before washing and feed them to chickens and ducks. It turns out that all the poisons from the earth and air - all kinds of salts of heavy metals and carcinogens - are concentrated on the tops of the arrows of green onions.

It is convenient to keep the ready-made minced meat in the fridge - send it with buckwheat, tomorrow for flotsi, the day after tomorrow for pizza. It turns out more delicious if you first fry the meat, then with onions, add spices, close the lid and simmer over low heat for about 40 minutes. After that, I put it hot in plastic molds with lids, put it or just in the refrigerator - it keeps the condition for up to a week (so as packed hot), or in the freezer.

Freeze fruit in the freezer. It is very convenient if there is a separate large freezer.
From fruits, I would advise freezing cherries, cherries, persimmons, berries: raspberries. blackberries, etc.
You can defrost it either by simply pulling it out and leaving it on the table overnight, or putting it into the mikruhu in the defrosting mode. Apricots, peaches and apricots turned out to be delicious, but not very beautiful after defrosting. They go well with dried fruits. The strawberries fell apart, or maybe I don't know any tricks for defrosting them.
Previously, the Bulgarian pepper was still frozen, but it is easier to pickle it with cucumbers and roll it up in fries.

Advice on packaging: do not throw away ice cream, viola cheesecakes, etc. It is very convenient to freeze berries in them, the volume is just for one defrosting and stored compactly.

The thinnest dough (manti, somsa, etc.) can be easily and quickly rolled out with a long (I have it about 110 cm) rolling pin, look at the bazaars or do it yourself).

Probably everyone knows that tomatoes must be peeled by pouring boiling water over them. And recently I found out that Bulgarian pepper, which is cooked on fire or on coals (you can put it on the fire right above the comfy and turn it until black), you need to wrap it in cling film after that, hold it for 5-10 minutes until it cools, and then the film will go off by itself, and if this pepper is then marinated in lemon juice with vegetable oil, garlic and black pepper, you will get a funky Bulgarian snack.

Pour the pancake dough into an eggplant (it is possible in the evening to come up in the morning, and pour it into the pan. You can't go wrong with a portion.

I put pumpkin (if season) or a teaspoon of sugar in borscht and in almost all soups. The borscht becomes sweet, and all the flavoring qualities are stronger.

Tips from the topic Culinary Tips Forum Women's Council.
Add your tricks to the comments please !!!

To cook deliciously, you need to approach business with soul and a certain amount of inspiration. And also know useful culinary tips that smart housewives and professional chefs of fashionable restaurants willingly share.

In today's article, new ones await you. culinary secrets and tricks to help you level up your culinary skills.

How simple clear vegetables from seeds? To do this, use a completely unexpected device - a special ice cream spoon. Its slightly pointed edges will help you get rid of seeds with ease.
This technique is relevant for cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin and many other vegetables.

how rid the dish of excess fat... Have you prepared a dish, but it turned out to be too fatty and rich? Do not rush to get upset and give up at dinner.
Take an ice cube and wrap it in a paper towel. Run the ice over the surface of the dish. Ice attracts excess fat like a magnet. And he, in turn, remains on the napkin.

how reheat the baked goods correctly.If you are going to reheat baked goods (for example, pizza) in the microwave, then there is a risk of drying them too much. To avoid these negative effects, place a glass of water next to it. The evaporated moisture will help keep your food dry.

How to post butter dough on a baking sheet... The baking sheet on which the pastry is baked does not need to be oiled, it is better to slightly moisten it with water.

how soften the yeast dough... Add 2-3 pcs to the yeast dough. finely grated boiled potatoes. This will give it softness and airiness.

Walnuts acquire a pleasant hazelnut flavorif they are lightly calcined in the oven before use.

How right store peeled nuts. Nuts are a valuable source of important vitamins and minerals. They contain antioxidants that increase the overall tone of the body and strengthen the immune system.
It is important to know how to properly store this product. Keeping peeled nuts at room temperature will develop a rancid taste over time.
Place the nuts in an airtight container and freeze. This will help preserve all their beneficial properties and good taste.

how eliminate unpleasant odor... In the cooking process, we come across a wide variety of foods. Some of them, for example fish, are very odorous and leave a not very pleasant smell on the hands, which is not so easy to get rid of. Rubbing baking soda or lemon juice on your hands and rinsing under warm water should help.

How to cook crispy cucumbers... To crunch pickled cucumbers, add amaranth leaves to the jars.

If a planting greens, put it in a glass of water, after adding vinegar to it.

how store greens. Greens decorate any dish and give it a unique taste and aroma. Unfortunately, the shelf life of parsley, leeks, dill and other greens is not so long. How to prolong the life of herbs? Freeze herbs in ice cube trays with water or olive oil.
And then just add a couple of these cubes to the dish.

how clean cast iron dishes. Cast iron cookware is practical and convenient. To keep it in good condition, it is important to clean it properly. Do not use household chemicals - this can lead to rust. Wash cast iron dishes with salt.
By the way, salt will also help eliminate the obsessive smell of spices.

New frying pan must be calcined with fat and then rubbed with salt.

You can easily and easily replace mayonnaise with sour creamby adding pounded yolk of a hard-boiled egg and a teaspoon of mustard to it.

how keep recipes clean... Cookbooks are not uncommon in the kitchen. Many of the hostess's recipes are drawn from them. Such books often look very beautiful, and you don't want to get them dirty at all. However, the creative process of cooking is characterized by a number of costs in the form of food waste, drops of water and other liquids, and dirt.
How do you keep your cookbook looking perfect? Use a trouser hanger, open the book to the page you want, and secure the clamps.
Hang the hanger over a cabinet handle or other suitable structure.

how return the shine to the dishes. Shiny crockery is the face of the kitchen. To restore the original shine of chrome dishes, wash them with a solution of vinegar and water.
If this is an ordinary dish, not an electric kettle. you can even soak it in this solution overnight.

How to cook properly minced meat for cutlets... Do not add fresh bread to the minced meat - this will add stickiness to the cutlets. Soak stale white bread in cold water or milk, and combine with minced meat without wringing.

The cutlets will be soft and juicy, if, after frying, they are put in the oven for a few minutes.

how oven muffins without molds... Fancy some delicious baked goods, but no muffin or muffin molds? Do not despair. Their absence should not prevent you from enjoying delicate and airy pastries.
Build custom baking paper tins.
By the way, parchment can be a cool decoration for your table at the same time if you serve cupcakes right there. Use your imagination and skillful hands.

To the cookies are not burnt in the oven, you need to pour a little salt under the forms.

how return wooden dishes to working condition... Wooden dishes are stylish and beautiful. To keep it that way at all times, it is important to clean it properly.
Wooden spoons and shovels lose their appearance over time and acquire a not very pleasant smell. If you feel sorry for throwing them away, then try boiling them and drying them in the sun. Such a simple technique will give them a second life.

How to cook crispy meat.If you want a baked bird or rabbit to have a crispy crust, brush it with sour cream or mayonnaise before putting it in the oven.

how cook pasta.There is nothing difficult in preparing this dish. However, while waiting, it is so easy to miss the moment when the water starts to overflow.
Place a wooden spatula or spoon on top of the pot. The tree will not allow water and rising foam to overflow.

As with makecrisp potatoes. To get a crispy dry crust on deep-fried potatoes, dry them with a napkin or towel before frying.

To the salt was dry and crumbly, put 2-3 rice grains in the salt shaker, which absorb moisture.

how peel the onion correctly.Onions are a killer vegetable that makes everyone cry. If you have a particularly sensitive mucous membrane of the eyes, then this process is quite difficult to survive.
If you are going to cook onions, then place the vegetable in the freezer for 30 minutes before chopping it and forget about tears.

how easy to grate cheese. Grated cheese is used to prepare many dishes. What if the cheese was at room temperature, became soft and does not lend itself to grating at all?
Place it in the freezer for 30 minutes. The cheese will harden, which means that it will not stick to the grater and will become more crumbly.

How right cook meat. Boiled meat will be juicy if you put a large chunk of it in boiling water and then cook it over very low heat. To make tough meat softer, soak it for 2-3 hours in water with vinegar or lemon juice.

Older beef will become softerand will cook faster if you grate it with mustard a few hours before cooking, and rinse with cold water immediately before cooking.

When stew meat, add only hot water or broth. Cold water will make the meat tough.

When fry schnitzels or chops, remove all veins first. When frying, the veins curl up and make the meat shapeless.

how save a burnt dish... If the dish is burnt, put the pan in cold water, the burnt sticks to the bottom. After that, you can pour the food into another bowl.

In the kitchen it is recommended to have a minimum of 3 desktop boards: for processing raw foods, for prepared foods and for cutting dough.

how squeeze the most juice out of citrus fruits... Do you like fresh juices in the morning? Then it will be useful for you to know how to squeeze the most juice from oranges and other citrus fruits. First chill the fruit well and then microwave it for 15-20 seconds. Enjoy a cool drink!

To don't spoil the whole lemon, and take a little juice from it, pierce it with a knitting needle or a thick needle, and squeeze out the required amount of juice.

How fast beat sour cream... For sour cream whipping better, add raw egg white to it.

Egg yolks are ground with sugar in china in a warm place. On the contrary, proteins, like cream, whip well in a cold place.

If you add a little milk to the sour cream, it will not curdle in gravy.

how easy to peel eggs.It is not difficult to peel the eggs from the shell if you add a small amount of soda or vinegar to the water during cooking.
These substances penetrate into the shell, which then simplifies the process of separating it from the egg white.

If boiled eggs should be cut into thin neat slicesso that the yolk does not crumble, you should moisten the knife in cold water.

how skillfully handle cling film... The cling film is an indispensable attribute in any kitchen. Do not know how to handle her dexterously?
Take advice from renowned chefs: keep cling film in the refrigerator. When cold, it is much more obedient and less sticky to hands.

how boil rice crumbly... Pour a tablespoon of vinegar into the water in which the rice is cooked - and rice will become snow-white, crumbly.

Rice will not boil down or stick together, if the water in which it is boiled, add a couple of tablespoons of cold milk.

During boiling rice should not add sugar - this hardens the rice.

To the rice turned out to be white and crumbly, pour it into boiling salted water, adding a few drops of lemon juice or citric acid dissolved in water. Do not cover the dishes in which the rice is cooking.

There are several opinions on how cook rice correctly... Many chefs pour rice into a saucepan, pour it with cold water so that if you lower your middle finger and touch the surface of the rice, the water should reach the middle.
Put a saucepan filled with water over the fire. Close tightly with a lid that must not be opened until the end of cooking.
For more details see How to cook rice properly

To rice soup was not muddy, boil the rice for a couple of minutes in boiling water, put it on a sieve and only then add to the broth. The same goes for homemade noodle soup.

After chopping the cabbage for the filling, first pour over boiling water, and then pour cold water for a minute. Squeeze well and fry in a pan. Then cabbage will not fadedoes not turn brown.

In order for n make the salted soup edible,dip raw potatoes in it and boil for a few minutes. It will absorb excess salt.

Mustard diluted with milk instead of water, it is much better preserved, does not dry.

The bread does not stale for a long time, if you put a piece of raw potato in a bread bin next to it.

Fresh bread is easy to cut into thin slices, if the knife is dipped in boiling water for one or two minutes.

A pinch of salt added to coffee before the end of brewing, gives the drink special taste and aroma.

2 sugar cubes, previously dissolved in a little vinegar, can replace white wine in the sauce.

For protecting open tomato paste from mold you need to put a little dry mustard on the lid.

Chum salmon caviar, pressed, granular will not dry for a long time, if a thin layer of vegetable oil is poured into a jar of caviar on top and tightly corked.

For preservation of taste, aroma and color of fresh berries when boiling jelly do not boil juice squeezed from berries. Boil only squeezed berries filled with water and add sugar and starch to the resulting syrup. Pour the juice into the finished jelly when it is removed from the heat.

Beets take a very long time to cook - 3-3.5 hours. And you can cook it for only an hour, then remove it from the heat and put it under running cold water for 10 minutes. The beets are ready.

Beans and peas don't need to be soakedb, if during cooking every 5-7 minutes add a tablespoon of cold water to the pan. In addition, in unsalted water, they boil better and faster.

If needed boil potatoes faster- add a little butter to boiling water.

The vinaigrette will acquire a delicate and pleasant taste., if you pour 1 tbsp into it. spoon of milk and add 1 teaspoon of sugar.

Acid slows down the cooking of vegetables, so add vinegar, citric acid, tomato puree, tomato paste and fresh tomatoes at the end of the boil, when the vegetables are almost ready.

If you need to add raw onions in a salad, you need to finely chop it, put it in a colander and pour over with boiling water. The onion will taste better as the bitterness will go away from it. To prevent the onion from burning and have a golden color, before frying it must be rolled in flour or sprinkled with sugar.

If you moisten semolina with cold water, and then pour boiling water, it does not form lumps.

A few drops of vegetable oil added to the water where it is boiled dry beans will make them softer and tastier.

To worms and weevils did not start in flour and rice, you need to put a few cloves of garlic in each bag of flour or rice. The upper covers of the slices cannot be damaged - the garlic rots from this.

Soft sticky dough rolls out easilyif you cover it with parchment paper.

The dough, when it is not very coolly mixed, always sticks to your hands.... But it rolls out well with a bottle filled with cold water.

Bread yeast will last much longerif buried in flour or fine salt.

The dough will rise evenlyif you stick a few sticks of pasta into it.

It is not recommended to roll the dough over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet.i. It will bake better if there is free space on the sheet on all sides.

If you bake fruit pie, then the dough must first be sprinkled with white breadcrumbs, and then put the fruit - the breadcrumbs will absorb moisture.

To destroy in the kitchen the smell of cooking, sprinkle some salt on the hot plate.

Young housewives who are just learning how to cook with these helpful cooking tips will come in handy. Although it is possible that experienced housewives will take some notes of them.
Based on materials

Helpful tips will help you in the kitchen.

Trick number 1 - It is best to mix different minced meat: pork, beef, lamb.

Trick number 2 - I do not advise adding milk to minced meat. You need to dilute the minced meat with warm boiled water - until the consistency of thick sour cream.

Trick # 3 - Put only egg yolks in the minced meat.

Trick # 4 - The more onions you put in the minced meat, the tastier the cutlets will be.

Trick # 5 - You don't need to add bread to the minced meat. Try adding any vegetables: cabbage, potatoes, carrots.

Fry the cutlets in well-heated oil in a hot skillet; if you like, you can use ground breadcrumbs or flour as a breading. You can form cutlets with wet hands and immediately put them in hot oil. And if you dip them in whipped protein, they will be especially tasty and juicy.

1. If you did not remove the foam from the broth in time and it sank to the bottom, pour a glass of water into the pan. The foam will rise and can be removed.

2. Do not put any seasonings in chicken broth, only onions and carrots. Otherwise, it will lose its taste.

3. Never leave bay leaves in the soup. It is good when boiled, and then only spoils the taste.

4. Chops will be softer if you grease them with a mixture of vinegar and vegetable oil 1-2 hours before frying. Do the same for the grilled meats.

5. For delicious juicy patties, add equal amounts of finely chopped raw and lightly fried onions and some raw potatoes to the minced meat.

6. The first minute of frying the cutlets, the fire should be strong so that the crust seizes and does not allow the juice to flow out. But then you need to bring the heat to medium and, turning the cutlets, increase it again for half a minute.

7. The fish will not fall into pieces and will acquire a golden crust if wiped with a towel 10-15 minutes before frying and salted immediately.

8. A few fresh chanterelles added to any soup will make it taste better. Mushrooms in dishes are tastier the finer they are cut.

9. Stir the grated raw potatoes immediately with a little milk, otherwise they will turn blue.

10. Old potatoes will become tastier if you add a spoonful of vinegar, 2-3 cloves of garlic and bay leaf during cooking, or boil them in broth. The older the potatoes, the more water is required.

11. It is better to beat mashed potatoes by hand. Whipped in a mixer becomes fluffy, but quickly loses its flavor.

12. Yeast dough will be soft and airy if you add cooled boiled potatoes, grated on a fine grater, to it.

13. Butter does not darken during frying, if you grease a hot frying pan with vegetable oil.

14. The dough will come up faster if you stick a few sticks of tubular pasta into it.

15. To get a light and fluffy cream, when whipping with a whisk, you need to describe the eights and from time to time circles along the walls of the dish.

16. Products made from unleavened dough will be crumbly, airy, if you add a spoonful of cognac to the dough.

17. If you want the beans not to darken during cooking, cook them in an open saucepan.

18. To avoid splashing oil, lightly sprinkle the bottom of the pan with salt before frying.

19. In sauerkraut salad instead of apples, you can put slices of oranges or tangerines.

20. Vegetable oil should be added to the salad only after the salad has been salted, vinegar and pepper have been added (salt does not dissolve in oil).

21. Salad with mayonnaise and vinaigrette will acquire a particularly pleasant taste if you put a lemon crust in them for a short time before serving.

22. If you want the vinaigrette to acquire a delicate and pleasant taste, pour a tablespoon of milk into it and add a teaspoon of granulated sugar.

23. To obtain a clear meat broth during cooking, you need to put washed eggshells in it. Strain the finished broth.

24. Broth broth can be tinted with onion peel decoction. This increases their nutritional value, enriches them with vitamins and improves their appearance.

25. Old chicken will cook faster if after it has been cooked for 20-30 minutes, immerse it in cold water for 5-6 minutes.

26. To prevent the meat from burning and becoming dry, a vessel with water is placed in the oven.

27. To eliminate the strong smell of fish frying, put 1 raw potato in vegetable oil, peeled and cut into slices.

28. To quickly cool a hot compote, you need to put a saucepan with it in another, large dish, fill it with cold water and add a little coarse salt to the water.

29. When preparing jelly, diluted starch should be poured not into the middle of the pan, but closer to its walls.