The name of the catering establishment. Catering

Industry composition

The catering industry includes:

This also includes specialized catering establishments of various types, which develop and sell culinary products homogeneous in terms of assortment, taking into account the specifics of service and organization of consumer leisure. Among them are restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, canteens, pubs, dumplings, snack bars, pies, pies, etc.

Private cafe.
Arranged in a room that was not originally adapted for eating; fenced off with gratings typical of the post-Soviet period

Catering enterprises

Public catering enterprise- the general name of an organization that provides catering services through: the production of culinary products, their sale and catering for various groups of the population.

Complex catering establishments simultaneously carry out the functions of several specialized catering establishments, for example: a restaurant, a cafe, a snack bar and a cookery store.

Catering establishments can be located both in public places accessible to all citizens (the so-called public network), and on the territory of institutions and enterprises, serving only persons working there (the so-called closed network). In the public network, in addition to individual enterprises of different owners, unified groups of technologically interconnected catering enterprises and related enterprises are distinguished. These subnets - if there is a single owner - are also called "power networks" from an organizational point of view. The largest of them have branded ("Russian Bistro", "McDonald's") or functional ("Network of school canteens") names.

In economic analysis and in design, catering enterprises are characterized by such indicators as capacity (the number of seats in the dining room), productivity (the number of dishes produced per shift)

Catering in the USSR

In 1923, in Moscow, on the basis of the Central Commission for Combating the Effects of Famine under the All-Russian Central Executive Committee ("Posledgol") and with the support of the Tsentrosoyuz, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the People's Commissariat for Food, the People's Commissariat for Health and a number of other people's commissariats, a share partnership "Narpit" was organized. in "Vsenarpit" - the All-Union Society of Public Nutrition. The state catering organization bore this name until 1930. Narpit branches existed throughout Russia.

In the USSR, the systematic organization of public catering began in the years of the first five-year plan, in the era of industrialization. For this purpose, gigantic kitchen factories were designed and built in the largest cities (in Minsk, for example, 400 people worked), and in smaller ones - catering workshops, a classic type of procurement organization for catering. Their main products — ready meals for delivery to factory canteens and convenience foods for delivery to grocery stores — have contributed to significant time savings in the household. Speaking in terms of that era, the development of factories, workshops and catering establishments “contributed to the restructuring of the life of workers on a socialist basis and the liberation of the population, especially women, from home cooking. It gave a woman an opportunity to actively participate in the social and cultural life of society ”. Catering at enterprises and especially in schools (the pre-revolutionary school did not know hot meals) made it possible to provide adequate nutrition during the working day and study, to create a normal regime for health.

see also

Notes (edit)


  • Interstate standard of public catering in Russia. GOST 30389-95 / GOST R 50762-95 changed to GOST R 50762-2007


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See what "Public catering" is in other dictionaries:

    catering- A set of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and citizens of entrepreneurs engaged in the production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products. [GOST 30602 97] Topics of services to the population ... Technical translator's guide

    CATERING- in accordance with Art. 10 of the Law of July 28, 2003 On trade, public catering (trade and production activity) is a type of trade, including the production, processing, sale, organization of the consumption of products ... ... Legal Dictionary of Modern Civil Law

    Catering- 1. public catering (food industry): An independent sector of the economy, consisting of enterprises of various forms of ownership and organizational management structure, organizing food for the population, as well as production and sale ... ... Official terminology

    I Public catering is a branch of the national economy that produces, sells prepared food and serves consumers. In the USSR, the chain of production facilities includes: kitchen factories, procurement, canteens, home kitchens, restaurants, teahouses, cafes, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Catering- PUBLIC CATERING. During the war years, the open air industry played an important role. At the shops of the O. p. The population regularly received food at low prices. In the O. p. A more economical use of the allocated products was guaranteed, food was prepared from supplements. products, ... ... Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: an encyclopedia

    In the first years. the existence of Ekat. taverns appeared. They were owned by ekat. philistine Andrey Grek. In 1802 1803 there were 13 taverns and five taverns in the city. Foodstuffs in the 19th century are represented very differently: tavern establishments (restaurants, ... ... Yekaterinburg (encyclopedia)

    GOST 30524-97: Public catering. Requirements for service personnel- Terminology GOST 30524 97: Public catering. Requirements for service personnel original document: 3.3 method of customer service: Method of selling public catering products to consumers (GOST 30602 / GOST R 50647). Definitions ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    NUTRITION- NUTRITION. Contents: I. Nutrition as a social. hygienic problem. About Yama P. in the light of historical developments and tins of human society ........ ... 38 Problem of P. in capitalist society 42 Production of P. products in tsarist Russia and the USSR ... Great medical encyclopedia

    FOOD, nutrition, many others. no, cf. (book). 1. Action according to Ch. feed in 1 and 4 values. Artificial nutrition of the patient. Boiler water supply. || Assimilation by the body of substances necessary for its maintenance (fiziol., Honey.). The patient has poor nutrition. 2. ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Catering. Accounting and costing. Study guide, A.M. Petrov. The book allows you to study the rules for organizing and maintaining accounting of property, sources of its financing, income, expenses and financial results in public catering in order to ...

Now word public catering rarely used in Russian.

Student canteens formed a special layer of Soviet student humor:

There are two soups in the dining room menu: with bone (3 kopecks) and without bone (1 kopeck). A student asks for a soup with a bone, lukewarm water is poured into a bowl.
- And where is the bone ?!
- Now it will be free.

Excerpt from MGSN 4.14-98 - PUBLIC CATERING PLANTS
1. Catering company- an organization that provides catering services through the production of culinary products, their sale and catering for various groups of the population.
A restaurant- a catering company with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded ones, and an increased level of service in combination with the organization of visitors' recreation. According to the range of products sold, restaurants are divided into: fish, beer, with national cuisine, etc.
Bar- a catering enterprise with a limited range of products selling alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and bakery products; the way of implementation is through the bar. According to the range of products sold, the bars are subdivided into: dairy, beer, wine, coffee, cocktail bar, grill bar, etc .; according to the specifics of the service: - video bar, variety show bar, etc .; by the time of functioning - day and night.
A cafe- an enterprise for catering and recreation of visitors with a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. According to the range of products sold, they are subdivided into: ice cream parlors, confectionery cafes, dairy cafes; by contingent - youth, children, etc.
Canteen- a public catering enterprise or catering for a certain contingent that manufactures and sells culinary products. According to the assortment of sold dishes, canteens are divided into general type and dietary. The dietetic canteen specializes in the preparation and sale of dietary meals.
Dining room- a catering enterprise that sells imported finished culinary products.
Diner- a catering enterprise with a limited assortment of dishes of simple preparation, designed for quick service of visitors. According to the range of products sold, snack bars are divided into general and specialized enterprises: dumplings, sausages, pancakes, pies, donuts, cheburek, barbecue, tea, etc .; by type of implementation - diner, bistro, cafeteria, etc.
2. Complex catering enterprise:
combining different types of food outlets in a single complex, for example: a restaurant, cafe, snack bar and a culinary store.
catering establishments intended to serve the working of certain establishments and enterprises (so-called "Closed network").
3. Public catering establishments- mass catering establishments available to all groups of the population, in contrast to catering establishments designed to serve the working of certain establishments and enterprises (so-called "closed network").
4. User- a specific visitor or representative of the personnel of the enterprise.
5. Estimated indicator of the catering establishment(power):
Capacity - the number of seats in the dining room.
Productivity is the number of dishes produced per shift.
6. Reconstruction- change in the original appearance, dimensions and technical indicators, or the purpose of the building; re-profiling, extension or superstructure, as well as change and removal of structures and engineering systems.
7. Catering network- a unified group of organizationally and technologically interconnected catering enterprises with the necessary accompanying enterprises (for example, "Russian bistro", "McDonald's", "Network of school canteens", etc.).
8. Catering system- a set of catering establishments in the city or in the considered administrative district, district. nine. Catering (www.obshepit-oexpo)


9. Catering (www.obshepit-oexpo) is the first and only full-featured online business-to-business exhibition in the segment of Russian public catering, developed by the professionals of this market, taking into account their current needs and requirements. The target audience of the exhibition is highly specialized and represents: owners, entrepreneurs, managers, administrators, chefs, sommeliers, restaurants, hotels, bars, cafes, canteens, coffee shops, eateries, groceries, bakeries, food factories, culinary factories, catering companies and companies serving these catering establishments. The exhibiting companies are: manufacturers and suppliers of services, food, beverages, equipment, franchises, automation systems, professional media in the Russian catering industry.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what "Public catering" is in other dictionaries:

    Catering ... Spelling dictionary-reference

    Food shop Dictionary of Russian synonyms. catering n., number of synonyms: 3 dining room (29) ... Synonym dictionary

    FOOD, eh, husband. (official). Abbreviation: public catering is a branch of the national economy engaged in the production and sale of prepared food and convenience foods. Catering establishments. | adj. public catering, oh, oh (colloquial). Catering point ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    public catering- catering ... Dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

    M. raz. The system of catering establishments. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    public catering- public catering, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

    A; m. Offic. Public catering system, including canteens, cafes, restaurants, etc. ◁ Obshchepitovsky; (colloquial) public catering, oh, oh. The thrown system. Oh, dining room ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    public catering-, a, m. Public catering. AGS, 276. Among the state trade enterprises, the overwhelming majority are wholesale bases, trades and trusts of catering enterprises. 1000 facts, 125. There is no such concept as “family ... ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Soviets

    public catering- a; m .; official see also. public catering, public catering System of public catering, including canteens, cafes, restaurants, etc ... Dictionary of many expressions

    public catering- catering ... Dictionary of abbreviations of the Russian language

Currently, the importance of public catering enterprises is increasing. This is due to changes in the methods of processing raw materials, the development of communications, the intensification of many production processes, and the improvement of delivery methods. Let's consider further what public catering is today.

general characteristics

The main issues that relate to the area under consideration are explained in various normative acts of the international and domestic type. The standards and requirements for this sector are set by GOST. Catering can be characterized in many ways. So, it is understood as methods of cooking in large quantities, which are implemented without a preliminary agreement with consumers. Also, any type of food organized outside the home is called public.

General classification

Catering establishments can be in the private or public sector. The latter includes institutions for schoolchildren and preschoolers, convicted persons, military personnel, as well as people employed in the civil service and undergoing treatment in hospitals. The private sector can include many of the food service establishments listed above. It also includes restaurants and other types of outlets that generate income. The private sector includes organizations that produce prepared foods sold through any of the channels listed above.

The meaning of the sphere

The development of society contributed to the formation of a socially organized nature of food. The economic significance of this area lies in creating conditions for increasing productivity and improving the quality of labor activity. This is achieved by providing adequate nutrition at the place of study and work of citizens. The most important tasks of the sphere under consideration also include the provision of savings in labor and funds, the creation of prerequisites for an increase in the free time of people, especially women. Public catering is a type of activity related to the production, processing, marketing and consumption of relevant products, as well as the provision of services to citizens.


The sphere of public catering includes all organizational forms in which mass consumption is expressed (in children's institutions, hospitals, etc.), the tasks of which include the restoration and maintenance of the population's health at the required level. Services within the industry in question are provided in exchange for citizens' money. One of the main features of the sector is the commonality of trade and technological, material and technical, and administrative and economic structures.

Industry functions

Within the framework of the sector under consideration, the production and sale of products, as well as the organization of public catering, are carried out. The first function is considered basic and original. In the production of food products, labor costs account for about 70-90% of all industry costs. This process involves the creation of a new product. Own catering products are sold with additional value and new consumer qualities. In terms of the range of their functions, the organizations of the industry under consideration differ from companies involved in other industries. For example, enterprises working in the food industry produce products that can usually be consumed after additional processing. As for the goods produced in this sector, they are not subject to long-term storage and transportation. This, in turn, requires the organization of product consumption on the spot. However, it should be noted that in recent years the situation has changed somewhat. In particular, enterprises engaged in public catering are organizing the production of confectionery and culinary products, semi-finished products and other goods, as well as their sale to the retail network through wholesale distribution.


Catering services today provide:

Snack bars;



Their activities can be carried out through the use of unprocessed raw materials or semi-finished products. They can be part of the structured education system or be independent. Organization of a public catering enterprise is a process that has rather stringent requirements. In particular, they relate to the external and internal design of establishments, indoor microclimate, cutlery and tableware, furniture, assortment and menus, music service, etc. The catering rules stipulated in regulatory enactments must be strictly observed by all entities involved in the industry.

Classification of companies

By the nature of production, catering enterprises are divided into:

  1. Pre-finishing.
  2. Handouts.
  3. Blanks.

The latter can be either separate workshops or their complexes. Each such unit may have separate production tasks and functions. The workshops are intended for the mechanized centralized production of culinary, bakery and confectionery products, as well as for the supply of prepackaging companies, shops, retail outlets. Such enterprises specialize in the processing of raw materials and the production of semi-finished products of various degrees of readiness, as well as culinary products from poultry and other animals, fish, vegetables. Preparation companies carry out direct preparation of dishes with the subsequent implementation and formation of a consumption system. Such establishments use various recipes in their work. For catering establishments of the dispensing type, the presence of any special production is not typical. Such establishments sell finished products, which, in turn, receive from procurement and other companies. The organization of public catering by such establishments is carried out in special rooms. For mixed-type companies, the production and trade process is carried out in a full cycle.


Depending on it, there are universal and specialized catering establishments. The first ones carry out the preparation of dishes from different, and the second ones - from a specific type of raw material. Today, the service market is filled horizontally. This means that a lot of Chinese and Japanese restaurants are opening, while traditionally few European ones.

Service nature

Catering services can be provided at different levels:

  • First.
  • Higher.
  • Suite.

The class of an institution is a complex of distinctive features of a particular type of enterprise, which characterizes the conditions, level and quality of service. The above categories are assigned to bars and restaurants. Cafes, canteens and snack bars do not have classes. Depending on the contingent, there are public institutions and those located on the territories of educational and medical institutions, industrial structures.

Time and place of functioning

Catering establishments can be permanent or seasonal. Various summer cafes are open during spring and summer. They offer a relatively small assortment of home-made dishes and purchased items. Such establishments are located in semi-closed, closed or open-type buildings. Catering equipment in these temporary cafes is simple. They do not have exquisite furniture; counters, as a rule, are made in the same way as those found in pavilions and kiosks. Permanent establishments are fundamentally different from summer cafes. First of all, they are located in closed structures, equipped with equipment for carrying out various operations. Depending on the location, the establishments can be stationary or mobile.

Functional affiliation

A separate group includes the organization of catering on airplanes, road, sea and rail transport. Hotel service covers different market segments. Also specific is the provision of off-site food products and the production of culinary products. The fast food system includes mobile kiosks and stationary establishments.

Other catering establishments

Such establishments as buffets are considered separately. They are structural units that are dedicated to the sale of culinary products in a limited range. Buffets can work independently or operate at other facilities where public catering is carried out (restaurants, canteens). In the latter case, the institution must have the same category as the structure to which it belongs.


They represent production and economic complexes. They include preparatory and procurement establishments that use the same technology for preparing products, culinary stores and auxiliary services. Usually they act as the head objects of a unitary enterprise in the system of consumer cooperation. The culinary plant is a procurement enterprise. The workshops are designed for the centralized production of bakery, culinary and confectionery products. They also supply preparatory enterprises, retail outlets, stores. The culinary factories have their own outlets and cafeterias.

Fast food establishments

Public catering can be carried out in the "fast food" system in stationary or portable facilities. Fast food establishments are intended for the production and sale, as well as ensuring the consumption on the spot of a constant assortment of simple cooking. In their activities, such enterprises use semi-finished products of industrial or own production.

Stationary objects

The tent is a catering facility where a small assortment of home-made and purchased goods is sold. The tent belongs to the stationary network, it is located in a light, closed building. It provides for two or more workplaces, a utility room. There is no trading floor. The pavilion is a public catering facility in which the sale of its own products in a narrow range and purchased goods is carried out. It is located in a temporary or permanent building. The pavilion may include a trading floor.

General requirements

The nomenclature of standards is established by GOST R 52113. The general requirements for activities are as follows:

  1. Social targeting.
  2. Functional suitability.
  3. Security.
  4. Ergonomic
  5. Aesthetics.
  6. Informativeness.
  7. Flexibility.

Social targeting

This requirement for catering provides for:

  1. Security and availability for consumers of different categories.
  2. Compliance of the services provided to the expectations of buyers, including regarding the range, form and method of service, professionalism of staff.
  3. The presence of certain conditions and benefits for unprotected categories of citizens (children, disabled people, and so on).

Functional suitability

This requirement assumes:

  1. Timeliness and accuracy of work, including compliance with the regime established at the enterprise, the assortment list of dishes, drinks and products, compliance with the waiting time and order execution, and so on.
  2. Ensuring the choice of services by the consumer.
  3. Correspondence of the personnel involved in the service, professional purpose, qualifications, competence, and so on.

Other requirements

The ergonomics of services reflects the compliance of the conditions of their provision and the devices and furniture used in the service process with the physiological, anthropometric and hygienic capabilities of clients. Aesthetics characterizes the harmony of design and style unity of the premises. This requirement also applies to the appearance of employees, table setting, menu design, and more. Informativeness presupposes the timely, reliable and complete receipt by consumers of information in the service room and outside it concerning services, products and the company itself. The requirement for flexibility characterizes the ability to change. Adjustment of the list of services provided is carried out in accordance with the needs of the population and living conditions.

Catering technology

Without knowledge of this area, it is impossible to build production. The technology of public catering products includes various methods of cooking, processing raw materials, and standards for components. Specialists involved in this area must know the procedure for dispensing products, the limits of manufacturing costs. One of the most important points is the technical equipment of the entire process. Specialists must know the features and be able to rationally use various devices used in the production and sale of products. Foodservice technology also includes a culture of service. The training of specialists is carried out in the relevant specialized institutions. The employee's responsibilities include:

  1. Development and implementation of optimal production modes.
  2. Using modern cooking methods.
  3. Development of norms for material and labor costs, work order.
  4. Streamline processes and reduce costs.
  5. Control over the observance of discipline and the correct operation of the equipment.
  6. Supervision over the implementation of sanitary and hygienic standards in the production process.

The technology of public catering also involves the study and use of the experience of world-class establishments that have proven themselves in the area under consideration.

Public catering (catering) Is a branch of the national economy engaged in the production and sale of prepared food and semi-finished products. These enterprises include: a restaurant, cafe, bar, canteen, pizzeria, coffee shop, culinary and confectionery shops, dumplings, pancakes, as well as various types of "fast food". All catering enterprises are divided into: state and private. The above mentioned establishments are more typical for private sector establishments. The public sector includes catering establishments for children, schoolchildren, military personnel, the elderly, people undergoing treatment in a hospital and other similar establishments.

Term "public catering"Was used more in Soviet times, and today in most countries of the world the concepts of" restaurants "," restaurant business "," restaurant business "are used to denote this industry. But in any case, these are enterprises that provide catering services to the population through the production of culinary products, their sale and catering for various groups of the population.

All establishments of the restaurant industry, depending on the trade and production activities, the range of products, the forms of consumer service used, are divided into the following main types: billet, finishing, and having a complete production cycle.

To blank establishments include enterprises in which raw materials are processed and various semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products are produced from them to supply them to preparatory establishments. These enterprises have at their disposal large warehouses, refrigerators and freezers, specialized vehicles, both refrigerated and uncooled, high-performance technological equipment. Such production equipment is necessary for the uninterrupted production, storage, transportation and sale of semi-finished products and finished products, which ensures high productivity and quality of products. Such enterprises include various culinary, confectionery, flour shops, as well as specialized shops.

TO preproduction establishments include enterprises in which most of the dishes and culinary products are produced from semi-finished products obtained from procurement enterprises, and organize consumer services. These include snack bars, cafes, bars, and individual restaurants.

To establishments with complete production cycle, include enterprises in which there are conditions for the processing of raw materials, the production of semi-finished products, dining, culinary and confectionery products and their sale to the population. These include enterprises that have both production facilities and serving sales areas (dining and banquet halls). These are large restaurants, cafes, pizzerias, etc.

A distinctive feature of restaurant business establishments is that they produce and sell products, as well as organize their consumption in dining rooms, combining them with cultural recreation and entertainment of consumers. This significantly complicates the work of restaurant business establishments and increases the responsibility for the service, both of the management and the entire service staff.

Catering type- the type of enterprise with the characteristic features of service, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided to consumers. In accordance with the classification of restaurant enterprises, depending on the forms of service, the interior of the dining and banquet halls, location, comfort, type and range of products, all restaurant business establishments are divided into the following types: restaurants, bars, cafes, snack bars, canteens.

Also, when determining the type of restaurant establishment, such indicators are taken into account: - the range of finished products sold, its variety and complexity of preparation, - production and technical equipment, architecture, interior design and planning, material base, - the quality of service and service, - the level of qualification of the service personnel , - the methods and forms of service, - the provision of related consumer services, - the contingent of the serving population, - the location of the institution.

A restaurant- a catering company with a wide range of complex dishes, including customized and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with an increased level of service combined with a stylish and original design and interior of the premises, as well as the organization of cultural recreation and entertainment for restaurant visitors. The following restaurants are distinguished: - by the range of products sold: with national cuisine, with the cuisine of the countries of the world (Italian, French, Japanese), as well as a beer restaurant, fish restaurant, etc. - by location: a restaurant at a hotel, at a recreation area , at a train station, a dining car, at a sea vessel, etc.

The restaurant is the most comfortable catering enterprise with a wide range of complex dishes, including customized and branded ones. A custom-made dish is a dish that requires individual preparation and execution after receiving an order from a consumer.

Specialties include dishes that are prepared on the basis of a new recipe and technology or a new type of raw material. These dishes reflect the specifics of this food facility. They should be distinguished by their original design, successfully combine products in terms of taste. Restaurant service is provided by highly qualified waiters and chefs. The owner of a restaurant business is called a restaurateur; both words are derived from the French verb restaurer(restore, strengthen, feed).

Restaurateur Is a person on whom the success and future of the restaurant depends, this is a manager who controls any event that takes place in the restaurant, and also is in charge of all the affairs of the restaurant such as:

Organization, planning and coordination of restaurant activities.

Provides a high level of production efficiency, the introduction of new equipment and technology, progressive forms of service and labor organization.

Monitors the rational use of material, financial and labor resources, evaluates the results of production activities and the quality of customer service.

Studies consumer demand for restaurant products.

Makes decisions on personnel issues of the positions held by the restaurant employees;

Applies measures to encourage distinguished workers, controls production and labor discipline, and much more.

Bar Is a drinking establishment with a bar counter and a limited range of products, selling mixed, strong alcoholic, low alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, immediate consumption, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and purchased goods. According to the range of products sold, the bars are subdivided into: dairy, beer, wine, coffee, cocktail bar, grill bar, fresh bar, etc .; by the specifics of the service: - video bar, variety show bar, karaoke bar, etc .; by the time of functioning - day and night. Some bars may be part of a restaurant or hotel.

Term "bar" comes from the name of a specialized stand behind which alcohol is poured. Most often, behind the bar, out of the reach of the client, there are decorative shelves lined with glasses and bottles of alcohol. Sitting right behind the bar, you can order various dishes from the menu, even if the bar is part of the restaurant and the main order is made in another area of ​​the establishment.

In Switzerland, for example, there may be bars such as:

The sports bar is visited by sports fans who come to watch sports games and meet other fans.

A cop-bar frequented by police officers on duty.

Vega bar for yogis, no alcohol.

Biker bar, haunted by bikers,

A cafe- an enterprise for catering and recreation of visitors with a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. It sells branded, customized dishes, products and drinks. Depending on the range of products sold, cafes are divided into general and specialized enterprises.

General cafe Is a public catering facility with a wide range of hot and cold drinks, bakery and confectionery products, dishes and culinary products of simple preparation, dairy products.

Specialized cafes are created depending on: the assortment of the products sold: ice cream parlor, pastry cafe, dairy cafe, coffee shop (hot drinks, mainly coffee), fast food bistro; by contingent on - youth, children's, Internet cafes, etc.
Also, cafes are distinguished by the method of service: self-service, individual service by waiters.

Canteen - a public catering company or catering to a certain contingent that produces and sells dishes in accordance with a menu that is varied on days of the week. According to the assortment of sold dishes, canteens are divided into general type and dietary. By serving the contingent of consumers - school, student, work, etc. By location - public, at the place of study, work.

Diner- a catering enterprise with a limited assortment of dishes of simple preparation, from a certain type of raw material and intended for quick service of visitors. According to the range of products sold, snack bars are divided into general and specialized enterprises: dumplings, sausages, pancakes, pies, donuts, cheburek, barbecue, tea, etc .; by type of implementation - diner, bistro, cafeteria, etc.

There are also the following types of catering establishments:

Complex catering enterprise: - unification of various types of catering establishments in a single complex, for example: a restaurant, a cafe, a snack bar and a culinary store; - catering establishments designed to serve the working of certain institutions and enterprises (so-called "Closed network).

Public catering establishments mass catering establishments available to all groups of the population, as opposed to catering establishments designed to serve the working of certain establishments and enterprises (the so-called "closed network") ..

Catering network- a unified group of organizationally and technologically interconnected catering enterprises with the necessary accompanying enterprises (McDonald's).

Today in the public catering system there are extra-charge categories "luxury", "higher", "first", "second" and "third". Public catering facilities fall into the first three categories. Catering facilities of the third category include canteens of educational institutions and industrial organizations.

The first and second surcharge categories are assigned by the commission of the head office of the consumer market.

At present, the priority development is given to enterprises of the second premium category - these are public catering facilities, which have a mark-up for their own production does not exceed 70%.

Catering class- a set of distinctive features of an enterprise of a certain type, characterizing the quality of the services provided, the level and conditions of service. According to the level and methods of service, the range of services provided, technical equipment, the range of products sold and the qualifications of personnel, restaurants and bars are divided into three classes: suite, supreme, first.

Suite- sophistication of the interior, a high level of comfort, a wide range of services, an assortment of original exquisite custom-made and branded dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom-made and branded drinks, cocktails for bars.

Higher- the originality of the interior, comfort, choice of services, a varied assortment of original exquisite custom-made and branded dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom-made and branded drinks, cocktails for bars.

First- harmony, comfort and choice of services, a varied assortment of specialties, products and drinks of complex preparation for restaurants, a set of drinks, cocktails of simple preparation, including custom and branded drinks - for bars. Cafes, canteens and eateries are not subdivided into classes.

We have already been chosen by:

All clients

Legal regulation of the activities of the cafe

The activities of the cafe can be carried out by any legal entity or individual registered as an individual entrepreneur. The activity of the cafe refers to catering services, to which certain requirements are imposed. The legislator classified restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens, and snack bars as facilities for catering with a visitor service hall (Article 346.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Normative base:

  • Rules for the provision of catering services approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.08.1997 N 1036, with changes and additions.
  • SP Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the manufacture and circulation of food products and food raw materials in them, with changes and additions.
  • SanPiN Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations. Hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food products.
  • SanPiN Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations. Hygienic requirements for food safety and nutritional value. Collections of recipes for dishes, culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products for public catering enterprises, officially published in the territory of the Russian Federation, including national cuisines.
  • SNiP 2.08.02-89 Building regulations. Public buildings and structures.
  • SNiP 31-05-2003 Building regulations. Public buildings for administrative purposes.
  • SNiP 31-01-2003 Building regulations. Residential multi-apartment buildings.
  • SNiP 21-07-97 Fire safety of buildings and structures.
  • SNiP 35-01-2001 Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility.

Requirements for the activities of the cafe:

According to "GOST R 50762-2007 (hereinafter -" GOST "). National standard of the Russian Federation. Catering services. Classification of catering establishments "catering establishments of all types and classes must be equipped with engineering systems and equipment that provide the necessary level of comfort in accordance with GOST 30494, including artificial and natural lighting, hot and cold water supply, sewer, heating, ventilation systems, telephone According to GOST, a cafe is a public catering enterprise for catering and (or without) recreation for consumers with the provision of a limited range of public catering products compared to a restaurant, selling branded, customized dishes, products and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

GOST establishes the following general requirements for catering establishments:

Based on the regulatory framework, GOST formulates some requirements for cafes, bars, restaurants in the table below.

Name of requirements Enterprise type and class
Class restaurant Class bar A cafe

Requirements for architectural and planning solutions and design of enterprises

1. Appearance of the enterprise
1.1 Sign:
light with design elements + + + + + + -
general illuminated - - - - - - +
2. Composition of premises for consumers
2.1. Lobby + + + + + - -
2.2. Wardrobe + + - + + - -
2.2.1. The presence of hangers in the hall - - + - - + +
2.3. Hall + + + + + + +
2.4. Banquet hall or separate cabins (offices) + + - - - - -
2.5. Toilet room with hand washing room + + + + + + +
3. Decoration of halls and premises for consumers
3.1. Use of exquisite decorative elements + - - + - - -
3.2. Use of original decorative elements - + + - + + -
3.3. The use of decorative elements that create a unity of style - - - - - - +
3.4. The presence of a stage and (or) a dance floor + - - + - - -
3.5. The presence of artistic compositions, flower beds of fresh decorative flowers and (or) fountains and (or) aquariums + - - + - - -
4. Microclimate
4.1. Air conditioning system with automatic maintenance of optimal temperature and humidity parameters + + + + + - -
4.2. Ventilation system, ensuring the permissible parameters of temperature and humidity - - - - - + +
Requirements for furniture, tableware, appliances, linen
superior comfort, corresponding to the interior of the premises + + - + + - -
standard, corresponding to the interior of the premises - - + - - + +
1.1. Tables:
soft cover + + - + + - -
polyester coating - - + - - + +
wooden surfaces (for stylized enterprises) + + + + + + +
1.2. Armchairs
soft with armrests + + - + + - -
semi-soft - - + - - - -
1.3. The presence of a bar counter:
modernly decorated with stools + + - + + + -
for serving food and drinks (service) + + - - - - -
2.Tableware and cutlery
2.1. Metal crockery and cutlery:
from nickel silver or nickel silver, or stainless steel, or from other modern alloys + + - + + - -
stainless steel - - + - - + +
2.2. Porcelain tableware, artistically decorated + + - + + - -
2.3. Semi-porcelain, earthenware dishes - - + - - + +
High-quality glassware:
crystal, artistic blown glassware + + - + + - -
high-quality glassware with and without a pattern - - + - - + +
2.5. Tableware made of ceramics and wood for thematic enterprises and enterprises of national cuisine + + + + + + +
3. Table linen
3.1. Tablecloths:
white or colored + + + + + - -
branded + - - + - - -
3.2. Individual use napkins:
linen + + + + + - -
paper - - - - - + +
3.3. Change of table linen after each customer service + + + + + - -
Requirements for the design of menus and price lists, product range and price list of wines (wine list) with the emblem (brand name) of the enterprise
in Russian and national languages + + + + + + +
in Russian and English or the language corresponding to the specialization of the enterprise + + - + + - -
typographic or computerized + + - + + - -
by computer - - + - - + +
cover made of modern materials, original and artistic design (with a trademark) + + - + + - -
cover made of modern materials - - + - - + +

Assortment of catering products and purchased goods

2.1. The assortment, consisting mainly of original, sophisticated, custom-made and branded, incl. national dishes, products and drinks of the main groups of culinary products, taking into account the concept and specialization of the enterprise + + - + - - -
2.2. A varied assortment of dishes, products and drinks of complex preparation, incl. branded - - + - + + -
2.3. A varied assortment of dishes, products and drinks, taking into account the specialization of the enterprise - - - - - - +
2.4. Assortment of cocktails and other mixed drinks, juices, snacks, sweet dishes, pastries, customized and specialty hot dishes in accordance with the specialization of the enterprise - - - + + - -
2.5. Cocktails, drinks, desserts, snacks of simple preparation, customized and specialty drinks, cocktails, hot dishes in a limited range - - - - - + -
2.6. A wide range of industrial confectionery, fruits, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, soft drinks + + + + + + -

2.7. Fulfillment of special wishes of the consumer for the preparation of dishes (cocktails) in full view of consumers and their serving

+ + - + - - -

Requirements for methods of customer service, uniforms, shoes

1. Methods of customer service
1.1. Servicing by highly qualified waiters, bartenders, head waiter + + - + + - -
1.1. Service by waiters, bartenders, head waiter - - + - - + +
1.3. Bartender service behind the bar - - - - - + -
1.4. Availability of a wine specialist (sommelier) + - - - - - -
1.5. Self service - - - - - - +
2. Table setting
2.1. Pre-cover + + + - - - -
2.2. Table decoration:
compositions of fresh flowers + + - + - - -
figuratively folded napkins + + - - - - -
candles + - - - - - -
artificial or natural flowers - - + - + - +
3. Guarded parking lot with unlimited parking time + - - - - - -

In addition, a number of requirements are established by the Rules for the provision of public catering services, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 1997 No. 1036, as amended and supplemented (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”).

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Information about the Contractor:

The cafe (Contractor) is obliged to bring to the attention of consumers the firm name (name) of its organization, its location (address), type, class and mode of operation, placing the specified information on the sign. An individual entrepreneur must provide consumers with information on state registration and the name of the body that registered it. If the activity of the contractor is subject to licensing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, then he is obliged to provide information about the number, the duration of the license, as well as the authority that issued it.

The contractor is obliged to inform consumers in a visual and accessible form the necessary and reliable information about the services provided, which ensures the possibility of their correct choice. The consumer should be given the opportunity to familiarize himself with the menu, price lists and terms of service both in the hall and outside the hall. Information about the contractor and the services rendered by him is brought to the attention of consumers at the place of provision of services in Russian, and additionally, at the discretion of the contractor, in the state languages ​​of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the native languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

The consumer has the right to receive additional information about the main consumer properties and quality of the offered public catering products, as well as about the conditions for cooking, if this information is not a commercial secret.

In addition to the sign, the following information is required:

  • list of services and conditions for their provision;
  • prices in rubles and terms of payment for services;
  • the brand name (name) of the offered public catering products, indicating the methods of cooking and the main ingredients included in them;
  • information on the weight (volume) of portions of ready meals of public catering products, the capacity of consumer containers of the offered alcoholic beverages and the volume of its portion;
  • information on the nutritional value of public catering products (calorie content, content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins, macro- and microelements when they are added in the process of preparing public catering products) and composition (including the name of food additives used in the manufacturing process, biologically active additives, information on the presence in food of components obtained with the use of genetically engineered organisms);
  • designations of regulatory documents, the mandatory requirements of which must comply with catering products and the service provided;
  • Information about products and services is brought to the attention of consumers through menus, price lists or other methods adopted in the provision of such services.

The procedure for the provision of catering services established by the Rules

  • The conditions for the provision of the service, including its price, are set the same for all consumers, except for cases when federal law and other legal acts of the Russian Federation allow the provision of benefits for certain categories of consumers.
  • A preliminary order for the provision of a service can be issued by drawing up a document (order, receipt and other types) containing the necessary information (name of the contractor, surname, name and patronymic of the consumer, type of service, its price and payment terms, date of acceptance and execution of the order, conditions the performance of the service, the responsibility of the parties, the position of the person responsible for receiving and placing the order, the signature of the person who accepted the order, and other information), as well as by placing the order via telephone, electronic or other communication.
  • One copy of the document confirming the conclusion of the contract for the provision of services is issued to the consumer.
  • The contractor is obliged to provide the consumer with services within the time frame agreed with the consumer.
  • The contractor has the right to offer the consumer a prepayment for services, payment after the selection of dishes or after a meal, or other forms of payment, as well as cash or non-cash payment procedure for the services provided, depending on the method of service, type, specialization of the contractor and other conditions.
  • Along with the provision of catering services, the contractor has the right to offer the consumer other paid services.
  • Also, when starting a business, a cafe is required to send a notification to Rospotrebnadzor about the start of business ( Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 No. 584 "On the notification procedure for the commencement of certain types of entrepreneurial activity").

Requirements for employees of public catering establishments

Requirements for employees are established by the Rules: the provision of services directly related to the production of public catering products and consumer services, employees who have undergone special training, certification and medical examinations are allowed in accordance with the mandatory requirements of regulatory documents.

These employees, in particular, include cooks, waiters, storekeepers, table cleaners, etc.

Requirements for a medical examination are contained in Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, v clause 1 of Art. 23 of Federal Law No. 29-FZ, Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 12.04.2011 No. 302n, p. 13.1 SP "Sanitary rules for catering establishments"... Professional hygiene training and certification are carried out in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 29, 2000 No. 229.

According to Letter of Roskomtorg dated July 11, 1995 No. 1-952 / 32-9 "On certification of trade and public catering enterprises" For each employee manufacturing food products, as well as providing consumer services, it is necessary to have:

  • Labor contract;
  • Job description;
  • Medical book (examination is carried out at least once a year and upon employment). Data on the passage of medical examinations are subject to entry into personal medical books and registration by medical and preventive organizations of the state and municipal health systems, as well as by bodies exercising federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.
  • Personal medical record.
  • Documents confirming the performance of special training and certification.

Persons applying for work in public catering organizations undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations, professional hygienic training and certification in accordance with the established procedure.

Graduates of higher, secondary and special educational institutions during the first year after graduation are allowed to work without going through hygienic training and certification in the prescribed manner.

For each employee, a personal medical record of the established sample is entered, in which the results of medical examinations and laboratory tests, information about the transferred infectious diseases, a mark on the passage of hygienic training and certification are entered.

Employees of the organization are required to comply with the following personal hygiene rules:

  • For additional treatment of hands, it is possible to use skin antiseptics. Every day, before the start of the shift in the cold, hot and confectionery shops, as well as in organizations that produce soft ice cream, a paramedic or other responsible persons inspect the open surfaces of the body of workers for the presence of pustular diseases, as well as for workers engaged in the preparation, portioning and serving of dishes, by distributing them. Persons with pustular skin diseases, festering cuts, burns, abrasions, as well as catarrh of the upper respiratory tract are not allowed to work in these workshops.
  • Each organization should have a first aid kit with a set of medicines for first aid.
  • Pupils of secondary schools, vocational schools, students of special educational institutions and technical schools, before undergoing industrial practice in an organization and its network, undergo a mandatory medical examination and hygienic training in accordance with the established procedure.
  • Locksmiths, electricians and other workers engaged in repair work in production and storage facilities work in workshops in clean sanitary (or special) clothing, carry tools in special closed boxes. When carrying out work, the exclusion of contamination of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products must be ensured.

Employees of a catering establishment are prohibited from:

  • leave outerwear, shoes, hats, personal items in the dressing room;
  • before starting work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, put on clean sanitary clothes, pick up your hair under a cap or kerchief, or put on a special hairnet;
  • work in clean sanitary clothes, change them as they become dirty;
  • when visiting the toilet, remove sanitary clothes in a specially designated place, after visiting the toilet, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water;
  • if signs of a cold or intestinal dysfunction appear, as well as suppuration, cuts, burns, inform the administration and contact a medical institution for treatment;
  • report all cases of intestinal infections in the employee's family;
  • when making dishes, culinary products and confectionery, remove jewelry, watches and other fragile items, cut nails short and do not varnish them, do not fasten overalls with pins;
  • do not smoke or eat at the workplace (eating and smoking are allowed in a specially designated room or place).

Requirements for catering premises:

  • The legislation does not contain any requirements for the area of ​​premises for the implementation of activities in the field of public catering.
  • The activity can be carried out in the premises owned by the right of ownership or by the right of lease. If it is planned to sell alcoholic beverages, then the lease agreement must be concluded for a period of at least one year (such an agreement is subject to state registration).
  • The placement of organizations, the provision of land plots, the approval of project documentation for construction and reconstruction, commissioning is allowed if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on their compliance with sanitary rules and norms.
  • Organizations can be located both in a detached building and in an attached, built-in-attached to residential and public buildings, in non-residential floors of residential buildings, in public buildings, as well as on the territory of industrial and other facilities to serve the working personnel. At the same time, the living conditions, recreation, treatment, and labor conditions of people should not deteriorate.
  • Organizations located in residential buildings should have entrances isolated from the residential part of the building. Acceptance of food raw materials and food products from the side of the courtyard of a residential building, where windows and entrances to apartments are located, is not allowed. Loading should be carried out from the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows, from underground tunnels from the side of highways in the presence of special loading rooms.
  • To collect garbage and food waste on the territory, separate containers with lids should be provided, installed on hard-surfaced sites, the dimensions of which exceed the base area of ​​the containers by 1 m in all directions.
  • It is allowed to use other special closed structures for collecting garbage and food waste.
  • Garbage bins are cleaned when no more than 2/3 of their volume is filled, after which they are cleaned and disinfected using means permitted by the bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service in the prescribed manner.
  • The waste collection site is located at a distance of at least 25 m from residential buildings, playgrounds and recreation areas.
  • Organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, capacity, location, are equipped with internal water supply and sewerage systems.
  • Water supply to organizations is carried out by connecting to a centralized water supply system; in its absence, an internal water supply system is equipped with a water intake from an artesian well, wells, and drainage.
  • Sources of water supply for newly built, reconstructed and operating enterprises, stand-by stand-alone hot water supply devices with wiring through the system must meet the requirements of the relevant sanitary rules.
  • All production halls are equipped with sinks with hot and cold water supply. At the same time, it is necessary to provide for such designs of mixers that exclude re-contamination of hands after washing.
  • Hot and cold water is supplied to all washing tubs and sinks with the installation of mixers, as well as, if necessary, to technological equipment.
  • The hot water temperature at the draw-off point must be at least 65 ° C.
  • safety of life and health of consumers, safety of property must be ensured;
  • have convenient access roads and pedestrian accesses to the entrance, necessary reference and information signs;
  • the territory adjacent to the enterprise should be landscaped and illuminated at night;
  • At public catering establishments, emergency exits, ladders, instructions on actions in an emergency, as well as clearly visible information signs should be provided to ensure free orientation of consumers in both normal and emergency situations;
  • When placing catering establishments in residential buildings, their premises must comply with the requirements of building rules for the level of noise, vibration and sound insulation requirements for GOST 30494 and . Catering establishments occupying a part of a RESIDENTIAL building must be equipped with a separate entrance (exit);
  • Catering establishments of all types are obliged to inform consumers in a visual and accessible form the necessary and reliable information about the services provided, ensuring the possibility of their correct choice, including: the firm name (name) of their organization, its location (address), type, class and mode of operation, placing the specified information on the sign and in other places convenient for consumers to familiarize themselves;
  • At the public catering establishments under construction and reconstructed to serve the disabled, inclined ramps at the entrance doors for the passage of wheelchairs, elevators, platforms for wheelchair turning in the halls, specially equipped toilet rooms should be provided in accordance with the current building codes and regulations;
  • At catering establishments, the stylistic unity of the interior of the hall, furniture and table setting should be ensured, or the specialization of the catering company should be reflected (thematic or national orientation.
  • For hot water networks, materials are used that can withstand temperatures above 65 ° C.
  • It is forbidden to use hot water from the water heating system for technological, household and household purposes, as well as for processing technological equipment, containers, inventory and premises.
  • It is prohibited to use imported water in organizations.
  • In the absence of hot or cold water, the organization suspends its work.
  • The organization of the sewerage system of organizations must comply with the requirements of the current building codes for sewerage, external networks and structures, internal water supply and sewerage of buildings, as well as the requirements of these Rules.
  • The disposal of industrial and domestic wastewater is carried out into the system of centralized sewage treatment facilities, in their absence, into the system of local sewage treatment facilities must meet the requirements of the relevant sanitary rules. (as amended by Amendment No. 2, approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 03.05.2007 No. 25)
  • The internal sewerage system of industrial and domestic wastewater should be separate, with independent outlets into the on-site sewerage network.
  • The production level of industrial effluents is equipped above the production level of domestic and faecal effluents.
  • Premises with the presence of drain ladders, washing baths, sinks, toilet bowls are not located below the level of the intra-site sewage system adjacent to the food facility.
  • Horizontal sewerage outlets from all industrial premises, regardless of the number of sanitary devices, have pipe cleaning devices.
  • At the end sections of the horizontal sewerage branches, "breathing" risers are arranged to exclude the suction effect during salvo discharge of wastewater from the equipment.
  • Production equipment and washing tanks are connected to the sewerage network with an air gap of at least 20 mm from the top of the receiving funnel. All receivers of domestic sewerage drains have hydraulic gates (siphons).
  • Discharge of untreated wastewater into open water bodies and into the adjacent territory, as well as the installation of absorption wells, is not allowed.
  • The laying of internal sewerage networks with domestic and industrial wastewater is not carried out under the ceiling of dining rooms, production and storage facilities of organizations. Sewer risers with industrial drains are allowed to be laid in production and warehouse premises in plastered boxes without revisions.
  • Domestic sewerage risers from the upper floors of residential buildings and buildings for other purposes are allowed to be laid only in technological channels (horizontal, vertical).
  • Sewer risers are not laid in dining rooms, production and storage facilities.