Nomenclature of food products by groups. Food products of plant origin Food products by purpose

08.03.2020 Restaurant notes

Food products on the market are finished, processed products that have undergone cleaning and processing procedures in enterprises, food products, as well as unaltered agricultural food products that can be consumed by people in food. These include meat and dairy products, vegetables, fruits, bottled water, and more.

Every person is worried about what he eats. You can get confused in different varieties of healthy and unhealthy foods. Therefore, you need to know the clear boundaries that determine the useful properties of certain products, the technology of their production and, of course, the manufacturers themselves. Knowing what, how and by whom is produced, you can make your diet as safe as possible.

Classification of food products

Depending on the origin and destination, the goods of this group are usually divided into the following classes:
  1. Vegetable products. Such products are made exclusively from crops. They can be both processed and sold in their original form. This group includes such food products as vegetables, fruits, vegetable oil, etc. This group of products has a high energy value, mainly due to the high content of glucose and starch in their composition.
  2. Goods of animal origin. Such food products are rarely sold in their original form, since it is not possible to eat them in this form. So, meat is obtained only after the slaughter of cattle, and butter after milk processing. The only exceptions are eggs and a few other foods. These food products have a high biological value for consumption.
  3. Support group goods. This group is not intended to be used in isolation. These are food additives, salt and spices, etc.
  4. Combined products. This group of food products, modified and containing components of various food products. As a rule, such products have a high nutritional value and are presented in the form of powdery and creamy substances. These are mainly food concentrates and baby food.

Also, food products can be distinguished among themselves according to the degree of readiness for use:
  • gastronomic (this group is represented by ready-to-eat products - various sausages, cheeses, canned food, drinks, etc.);
  • grocery, which includes food that needs to be cooked, such as raw vegetables, meat.
Also, in accordance with the level of demand for certain food products, it is customary to divide them into:
  • everyday goods, which include bread, eggs, vegetables and fruits;
  • special consumer goods such as alcoholic beverages, delicacies, confectionery, etc.

However, this does not mean that the demand for one or another product is greater than for another. It's just that for everyday goods, the daily level of demand is guaranteed regardless of the economic situation. And products of the second type inevitably lose demand when the economic situation in the country worsens.

Quality characteristics of food products

Due to the huge selection, the competition among food products is very high. Therefore, the determining factor for the consumer is the quality, nutritional value, freshness and similar properties of the product. When it comes to food quality, it is very difficult to define the exact criteria. So, for example, one of the main criteria is the presence of harmful substances.

Unfortunately, there is no product on the market that has one hundred percent beneficial properties. To one degree or another, every food product harms the body. For example, meat is rich in proteins and carbohydrates, which are fuel for humans, but at the same time is one of the foods that accelerates the aging of the body.

For this reason, medical and biological research is carried out to establish the level of harm for a particular product. Understanding this food quality will help the molecular composition, usually indicated on the product label.
But for most agricultural products, these parameters have been established, and it is almost impossible to determine the quality for the goods of an individual manufacturer. For example, it is very difficult to determine the quality of potatoes or carrots by eye, right on the market.

Other properties in this group are taste, aroma and freshness. If the freshness of a product can be determined based on the date of manufacture, then the aromas and taste can only be recognized during the trial.

The nutritional value

What is the nutritional value of the food that all nutritionists are talking about? This is the main quality property of any food product. The nutritional value is measured in kilocalories. Usually this figure is indicated on the label of secondary goods. But the nutritional and energy value of primary goods has to be determined using generally known information. Therefore, it is impossible to establish this indicator for an individual manufacturer.

For secondary products, all nutritional properties, molecular and elemental composition are indicated on the label. However, unscrupulous manufacturers can include inaccurate information to exaggerate the quality of their product and secure high profits. For this reason, truly high-quality goods are isolated only after a certain period of approbation by consumers.

Advertising can also have some influence on this factor. A competently and beautifully conducted advertising campaign can give the impression of a high quality product, although in fact it does not have an advantage over its peers or even much worse than its competitors.

The most accurate answer to the question of the quality of a product can be given by a specialist, and then with the help of a number of equipment for chemical analysis.

Nutritional value includes the following characteristics:
  1. Energy value. The same value that determines the amount of product consumed for each type. So, on average, a person needs to consume from 500 to 1000 kilocalories per day. Therefore, it is very important to know what the energy value of an individual product or its portion is, which will help to avoid obesity or excessive weight loss.
  2. The biological value lies in the content of the product, which may contain amino acids, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and much more useful for the body in one or another quantity.
  3. Physiological value lies in the characteristics of the product, which have a positive effect on the functioning of individual organs: heart, nervous system, etc. Some types of products can have a beneficial effect on the state of immunity in general. Most medicines are made from food ingredients. For this reason, traditional medicine is thriving, based on the use of certain products.
  4. Organoleptic characteristics are determined by properties such as smell, taste, aroma, etc.

Sanitary and hygienic characteristics

In most cases, this group of characteristics for food products is controlled by the state and is established in various bylaws. Usually, these properties are represented by the microbiological characteristics of the product, such as the ability to cause allergies, affect the functioning of certain organs, the content of artificial chemical elements, etc.

The legal requirements for primary raw materials are rather mild. It is enough to moderately use chemical fertilizers and hormonal additives during the production process so that the product can gain access to the market. But the law sets rather strict requirements for processed products.
So, the legislation establishes a list of chemical additives that should not be contained in any food product at all, or their content is limited.

In addition, requirements are imposed on the production process itself. For example, you cannot use equipment containing harmful substances, and during production it is necessary to comply with all sanitary and hygienic standards. Such norms can be established both for a separate product and for a group of goods as a whole.

Food market

Since humans are a species that needs constant nourishment, the food market is thriving. Perhaps this trade sector is the leader in terms of turnover. Therefore, the business associated with the production and sale of food products is considered the most profitable in all possible directions.

In general, enterprises engaged in the production and sale of food products are subdivided as follows:
  • producing raw materials;
  • enterprises engaged in the production of gastronomic food products;
  • organizations that produce ready-to-eat food, for example, canned goods and semi-finished products, as well as catering establishments.

The market is of great importance for both producers and consumers of food products.

This system performs the following functions:
  • informational, related to the dissemination of information about the product, its quality and price, as well as the quantity of supply and demand for a particular food product;
  • intermediary, since the market provides a platform for the exchange and direct purchase of food by consumers.
  • the pricing function includes such processes as the ratio of supply and demand, competition in price and quality, as a result of which prices for certain goods rise and for others fall;
  • the health-improving function is to cleanse the market of low-quality products and non-viable enterprises.

Thus, it is the market that determines what and at what price to sell and buy.

The process of selling food products

Food products can be sold both in all familiar markets and in stores and large supermarkets. Selling food has become a real gold mine for intermediaries. Today it is already rare where you can even buy potatoes directly from the manufacturer. This is especially noticeable in cities.

Since the usual bazaars have replaced huge shops, the conditions to which you need to pay attention to when buying a product have changed. Largely due to dirt and improper storage in the markets, most of them have been closed by the authorities. But shops do not always shine with cleanliness and hygiene. This is mainly reflected in improving the quality of storage of goods.

Storage conditions for goods can be divided into three component groups:
  1. Correct product placement. For example, you cannot put bread and meat on the same shelf.
  2. Compliance with the temperature regime of food storage. So, dairy products must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 15 degrees Celsius.
  3. Sanitary and hygienic component. This includes the cleanliness of the premises and the preservation of the quality of the products themselves.

All requirements for the storage of food products are prescribed in the relevant sanitary and hygienic standards and must be complied with by every company that sells them.

Unfortunately, today it is very common for sellers to treat these requirements in bad faith, but due to some circumstances, consumers are forced to purchase goods from them. So, for example, in rural areas or in remote areas there is no proper competition, as a result of which conditions of monopoly of one enterprise are created. And there most often you can observe violations of the requirements of the legislation on the storage of food products.

Consumer rights Protection

The law provides for the following opportunities to protect the rights of food consumers:

  • return of goods, implying a refund of the money paid for it;
  • a decrease in the price of goods commensurate with the deterioration in quality;
  • compensation for harm caused to life and health by low-quality products;
  • compensation for moral and material damage.

The basic principles and provisions for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of consumers are enshrined in legislation. In particular, in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

Thus, when selling low-quality food products and negligence in ensuring their proper storage, the seller risks losing not only the client, but also quite large funds.

Unfortunately, many consumers do not pay attention to the quality of food, as their consumption occurs daily and periodic poisoning is considered in the order of things.

Anything that somehow comes from plants is a product of plant origin - this is not new. And what is new is that in recent years people have started to cling to these products, believing that they contain the lightness of being. Of course, Tibetan monks have been practicing for a long time, but it's not about who is right now. We must come to terms with the idea that animal products are the ideal source of protein, and plant foods provide us with carbohydrates, fats, and water and fat-soluble vitamins.

There are many divisions of plant products. Someone prefers a simple classification - useful and not very useful, someone divides it into tasty and disgusting, and a dieter prefers a more detailed classification of products of plant origin. By the way, these do not include algae and mushrooms.

Standard Classification of Herbal Products

So, food products of plant origin are divided into:

  • fruits - they are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber and plenty of water;
  • vegetables - in addition to water and vitamins dissolved in it, vegetables also contain proteins and fats;
  • cereals - this category is famous for its high protein content and, accordingly, is very nutritious;
  • berries - similar in composition to, but contain more organic acids;
  • nuts - contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the most nutritious category of plant foods;
  • herbs - contain a lot of vitamins, insoluble fiber and essential oils;
  • juices are a gentle variation of fruits and vegetables, because vitamins and sugars remain dissolved, and the load on the digestive tract is minimal.
Proteins, fats and carbohydrates in plant foods

Basically, plant-based products, due to the sugar content, enrich our diet with carbohydrates. Starchy foods (cereals, potatoes, beans) provide us with complex carbohydrates, and vegetables, fruits and berries - simple ones.

After passing through the stomach, all sugars are broken down into simple sugars and either used or deposited as glycogen in the liver.

As for protein, plant foods contain most of the amino acids that we need for life. True, the value of vegetable protein is underestimated due to the lack of some essential amino acids, which is why the best source of protein is animal products. The most "protein" among plant foods are:

Classification groups that combine products of the same name and with similar characteristics are types of products. Their standard characteristics, depending on the purpose of use, the method of manufacture and production, form different species concepts. But this is not the whole classification. In addition to the types of products, its main types are also distinguished.

Grouping by type

The grouping of goods according to the similarity of purpose, principle of operation, design and technical parameters reflected in the brand of products is called the type of product. Things, means and products intended for sale are called marketable products. A specific type includes products with the specified technological characteristics and design solutions, operating principles, and specific functions. The new products of the enterprise combine specific products with the highest requirements, reliability, the required quality level and economically justified changes.

Renaming is applied to products whose technical and consumer characteristics no longer satisfy modern users. In industrial production with established technology, a mastered type of product is produced. If its production is transferred to another manufacturer, then it takes a period of time to master. The completed cycle of product readiness, the formed cost of the product, compliance with all standard requirements, documentation of the batch, transfer the products to the category of the finished product.

Classification of goods

It is used to process data about products in various production areas, quality indicators, study the needs of customers and related industries, planning production and accounting for distribution. Classification into certain types of products helps to certify goods, conduct economic and marketing research of the market.

Product classification requirements

Classification in the modern market meets certain requirements:

  • Objectively expresses reliable information on the study of commercial properties.
  • Exactly adheres to the accepted commodity codes.
  • Includes newly created consumer goods using flexible classification into a familiar list. At the same time, it does not change the principles of the adopted standardization.

Trade and commodity qualification system

Products used for production are defined as technical goods. The division is based on the branch principle, the sign of the source material, and use. The types of products intended for use by the population are consumer goods. Products for the country's defense needs constitute a type of military purpose. The products of the industrial group combine products that are used in further production as raw materials and technological equipment.

Division of industrial goods

Depending on the type of production and its characteristic features, industrial goods are divided into basic equipment and auxiliary equipment. The first variety is intended directly for production. The auxiliary group is used in service departments, tool shops, boiler houses, power plants, automatic production control systems.

Consumer Products Division

This group of goods is divided into three classes:

  • food, food products;
  • non-food group;
  • medical products.

Within these classes, there is a division into homogeneous groups. They differ in similar production technologies based on similar components. These products are not completely identical, but they perform the same functions. And can be replaced in service.

Example of food product classification

A food group is a food industry product that includes food products in ready-made or natural form for consumption. In addition, such products include bottled drinking water, alcohol, chewing gum, non-alcoholic products, additives, spices. The class of food products is divided into subclasses:

  1. Ancillary goods. These are spices, food additives, spices and seasonings, thickeners and others.
  2. Vegetable products: pasta, fruits and vegetables, alcohol, tea, coffee, sugar, starch, flour and confectionery products, vegetable oil, margarine.
  3. Goods of animal origin. These are dairy products and fermented milk food, meat and semi-finished products from it, sausages, fish, seafood, eggs.
  4. Combined goods. These are baby food and food concentrates.

In addition to the classification, food products are divided into gastronomy and grocery. The first group includes products sold ready-made for human consumption. For example, sausages, smoked meats, deli meats, cheeses, canned food, milk, alcohol, agricultural products. A grocery group contains items for further preparation. These are flour, cereals, pasta, sugar, tea, spices, etc.

Example of dividing non-food products into subclasses

This class includes products obtained in production to meet the economic needs of the population, organizations, production associations. For human or animal food consumption, this release is not used:

  1. Clothing, footwear and textiles. These are all types of outfits, hats, underwear, stockings and socks. These include fur products, shoes, fabric and nonwovens, threads, sewing and handicraft accessories, and haberdashery.
  2. Hygienic products. This subclass includes perfumery, cosmetics, sanitation and personal hygiene products. For example, razors, toothbrushes, perfumes, eau de toilette, shampoos, decorative cosmetics.
  3. Decorating products: jewelry, decorative and applied arts.
  4. Cultural and household goods. This includes electronic devices and devices, office electrical office equipment, communications equipment, photo and video equipment, sports equipment, products for intellectual and mental creativity.
  5. Vehicles. The group unites all types of land and water transport, lubricants, fuel for engines, spare parts for cars and mechanisms.
  6. Household goods. This includes furniture, dishes, household appliances, building materials and products. In addition, products of the chemical industry, household tools, agricultural tools.

Classification of consumer goods

The group of everyday goods includes products that a person buys often, for everyday use. The buyer does not think about how to compare similar products and does not spend tangible efforts on this. This group of products includes bread, dairy products, washing powder, garbage bags, toothpaste. It also includes items and foods of the so-called impulse purchase, an unplanned purchase: bars, drinks, chewing gum, newspapers, magazines. The same group contains items, the need for which arises as a result of an unforeseen situation. For example, purchasing an umbrella in rainy weather.

The group of pre-selection goods includes products, before purchasing which a person conducts a comparative analysis with other similar goods, calculates the economic benefit. And he chooses the alternative he likes. Distinguish between products that have slight differential differences depending on the brand of the manufacturer. This group includes refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, mixers, etc. Products with great distinctive features are also included here. These are clothes, underwear, shoes, hats, furniture, wallpaper and more.

The group of goods with special demand consists of items with unique characteristics that are of great value in the consumer market. These include prestigious jewelry, artwork, and light industry products. Most of them are fashionable, collectible items.

The next group is represented by passive demand goods, which are characterized by the fact that buyers do not know anything about it or have never thought about purchasing products. Examples include various household indicators, waste recycling devices, insurance policies, smart papers, etc.

Light Industry Division

The light industry sector includes many divisions and complexes. Their total number is 25. A little less than 600 types of organizations and industrial enterprises work in the field of industry. The main classification structures of light industry include silk, knitwear, linen, woolen, fur, footwear and other industries. The main industrial complexes are in the textile industry. Agricultural products in the form of vegetable raw materials for the needs of light industry provide help in material.

Classifier of chemical goods

Chemical industry products are divided into 7 classes. Each of them is subdivided into 52 subclasses. Classes include:

  • Chemical minerals of mining, products of their primary processing, of inorganic origin.
  • Polymer materials: synthetically obtained rubber, plastics, chemical and plastic fibers.
  • Paints, varnishes, solvents.
  • Synthetic, organic materials and dyes.
  • Organically synthesized products of oil refining, coke, materials for chemical processes.
  • Chemical reagents, pure substances for high-precision production.
  • Medicines, medicines for the pharmaceutical industry.

Tangible and intangible products

Raw materials are products that are used for processing. The result is material. It is intended for the manufacture of products or materials of a different quality. A product is a unit of production. It is determined in individual copies and pieces. The product is a consequence of the labor produced, but belongs to the products. It is simultaneously used for consumption and does not serve the purpose of further exploitation. Products manufactured in easily damaged packaging, after which they cannot be consumed, are called consumables.

Products appear as a result of human activity. It is designed to meet needs. This category is subdivided into products of tangible and intangible activities. The first, intended for trade exchange, belongs to the category of goods. These are food products, household products, chemical materials, products, etc. The intangible category includes insurance services of a legal nature, etc.

Main product characteristics

For items of production to be classified as products, they must meet certain characteristics:

  • the product is the result of activity;
  • it serves to meet the needs of society and individuals.

According to the method of production, products are subdivided into industrial, agricultural, and natural. In the area of \u200b\u200bsales, trade is distinguished, which includes retail. It consists in the sale, loading and delivery of heavy large products, professional advice to sellers on the procedure for using new products and their demonstration in action.

In conclusion, it should be said that the classification of goods is a necessary gradation for determining operational characteristics, processing information about productivity in various industries, studying the demand for categories, groups. Despite the large variety of products manufactured, thanks to the classification, it undergoes systemic standardization and is subject to certification within the established framework.

- - EN foodstuff A substance that can be used or prepared for use as food. (Source: AMHER) Topics environmental protection ... ...

instant food product - - EN convenience food Food so prepared and presented as to be easily and quickly ready for consumption. (Source: ECHO2) ... ... Technical translator's guide

high protein food - - EN high protein food Topics environmental protection EN high protein food DE eiweißreiche Nahrung FR alimentation riche ... Technical translator's guide

Groats, a food product consisting of whole or crushed grains of various crops. The greatest amount of K. is produced from grain of rice, millet, buckwheat, and also from oats, corn, wheat, and peas; much less from sorghum, chumiza, lentils, etc. Great Soviet Encyclopedia

processed food - - EN processed foodstuff Food which has been treated to improve its appearance or to prevent it going bad. (Source: PHCa) ... ... Technical translator's guide

Since ancient times, vegetables and fruits have been widely used by humans as food. However, at different stages in history, the value of vegetables and fruits has been assessed in different ways. In ancient Rome, they were considered even the main means of healing from any ... ... A book about tasty and healthy food

This article is being proposed for deletion. You can find an explanation of the reasons and the corresponding discussion on the Wikipedia page: To be deleted / June 19, 2012. While the discussion process ... Wikipedia

- (lat; this, see the word productive). A work of land, nature, and art; a substance obtained from a chemical combination of other substances. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov AN, 1910. PRODUCT 1) general ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

PRODUCT, product, husband. (from Lat. productus produced). 1. The subject, which is the result of human labor (book). In an exchange society, a product becomes a commodity. Agricultural products. Fur is a staple of hunting. ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

PRODUCT, eh, husband. 1. Subject as a result of human labor (processing, processing, research). Manufactured products. Exchange products. Petroleum distillation products. Book p. Many years of work. 2. transfer. Consequence, result, the product of which ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • We study food (13152043 R),. The set includes 20 educational games + healthy eating rules, 2 playing fields + 24 food tokens; 4 fields with food, have 6 removable puzzle triangles with the image ...
  • Organization of meals in the preschool educational institution in accordance with the new SanPiN 2. 4. 1. 3049-13 (+ CD). FSES DO, Murchenko Natalya Alexandrovna, Chebaevskaya Oksana Sergeevna. The set (book + disk) contains recommendations for maintaining regulatory and technological documentation for organizing meals for children in preschool educational institutions based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and the provisions of SanPiN. Benefit ...

In the commodity science of food products, educational, trade, standard classification is used.

Food products are also subdivided into types, varieties and varieties. There are natural (species) commercial varieties. The commercial grade of the product depends on its quality and is determined in accordance with the requirements of the standard.

In trading practice, the concept is often used range , which is understood as a set of types or varieties of goods, united by any criterion. For example, the assortment of pasta includes pasta, vermicelli, noodles, etc. The assortment minimum is a list of goods that are mandatory for a given commercial enterprise.

The basis academic classification the generality of goods is laid down by their origin or basic raw materials, similarity in chemical composition and use. Since the educational classification does not group goods according to one principle, it cannot be recognized as strictly scientific. According to this classification, food products are divided into nine groups:

grain products - grain, flour, cereals, bakery and pasta. Products in this group contain a high amount of starch;

fruits and vegetables - fresh fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and products of their processing. These products are distinguished by their high biological value and low energy content;

sugar, honey, starch and starch products, confectionery ... These products are characterized by pleasant taste and aroma. Many of them are dessert or delicacies;

flavoring goods - alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, tea, coffee, spices, salt, food acids, as well as conventionally tobacco and tobacco products. They have pronounced tastes and aromas, and contain substances that affect the nervous system. They are used in small amounts to improve the taste of food and to whet the appetite. The consumption of some of them, especially alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, is harmful to human health;

dairy products - milk and its processing products (fermented milk products - sour cream, cottage cheese, cream, butter, cheeses, etc.). Many products of this group are recommended for baby and diet food. They are distinguished by high biological value and good digestibility;

edible fats - vegetable oils, animal fats, margarine, cooking, confectionery and bakery fats, mayonnaise. These products, in comparison with others, have the highest energy capacity, are a source of vitamins A, D, E, K;

meat products - meat of various animals and birds and products of their processing (sausages, smoked meats, canned meat, semi-finished products and culinary products). Meat products are one of the main sources of complete proteins;

egg products - bird eggs and products of their processing (melange, egg powder). These products are well absorbed by the human body and have a high biological value;

    fish products - fresh, salted, dried, smoked, dried fish, canned food, fish caviar, as well as non-fish aquatic raw materials (crayfish, crabs, mollusks, algae, etc.). Fish products are a source of complete proteins, fats, vitamins and have a high nutritional and biological value.

By trade classification goods are grouped into the following groups:


fruit and vegetable


wine and vodka


edible fats

    tobacco products

IN trade practice food products are divided into gastronomic and grocery.

TO group gastronomic goods include ready-to-eat foods:

meat cooking

smoked meats

canned food

dairy products

alcoholic drinks

and etc .

To the group grocery goods include


dried fruit


Barcode classification

The principle of the barcode is the encoding of alphanumeric characters in the form of alternating black and light stripes of various thicknesses (strokes and spaces), reading with a scanning device that decodes the codes and transmits information to the computer.

The first two digits indicate the code of the country where the organization that registered the manufacturer, its product and assigned serial numbers to them is located.

The country code may not be the same as the country of origin. Since the manufacturer or seller has the right to register in a domestic or foreign databank.


Groats are one of the most common foods. Buckwheat, oat and pea groats have the most favorable chemical composition in terms of the content of the main nutrients.

The content of vitamins in cereals is different. The energy value of cereals is quite high. The physiological value of cereals is due to their influence on the activity of the body. Semolina and rice cereals are recommended for baby food due to their low fiber content and high digestibility. Oatmeal porridge has a slimy consistency and has a positive effect on the activity of the human gastrointestinal tract. Groats containing a large amount of fiber (buckwheat, barley, oat) have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

Cellulose (fiber) is a common polysaccharide. Most of the fiber is not absorbed by the human body. Its increased content in a product reduces its digestibility, nutritional value, and impairs its taste.

The culinary advantages of cereals are characterized by the duration of cooking, an increase in mass and volume, organoleptic indicators of the quality of the porridge (taste, smell, consistency). the most valuable are cereals with a short cooking time - 15-25 minutes (semolina, Hercules, fast-cooking unground), providing a large weight and volumetric weld, as well as cereals, cereals of which have a typically pronounced taste and smell, a crumbly consistency.

They produce a wide variety of cereals. The classification of the assortment of cereals is based on the type of grain used and the technology of its processing.

Depending on the grain used, cereals are divided into types - wheat, buckwheat, oat, barley, etc.; by the method of grain processing - on varieties: whole, crushed, ground, crushed unpolished, crushed; by the content of a benign kernel and impurities non-crushed cereals are divided into varieties (oatmeal, buckwheat unground, rice, millet), crushed - by grain size into numbers, and polished cereals (wheat, pearl barley, corn) are subdivided into five numbers, and unpolished (barley) - into three; depending on the wheat type semolina is divided into brands.

KRUPinew menu.

Cereals are not only tasty and nutritious, but also extremely healthy. Cereals (especially unpolished) contain a record amount of vitamins, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc and other essential trace elements. In addition, adherents of a healthy lifestyle know that cereal dishes are rich in fiber and pectin, which absorb all harmful substances from the body. Cereals are especially irreplaceable in the lean, vegetarian menu.

Choosing cereals is not difficult: oatmeal, semolina, millet, buckwheat, pearl barley and any other cereals, first of all, should be fresh and of high quality - taste, color, smell, presence or absence of impurities. Humidity is also of great importance, because dry cereals can be stored without losing their properties for much longer. You should not use wet cereals, as well as cereals containing dirt and impurities: sand, seeds of wild plants, unbroken kernels.

Especially often cereal dishes are prepared in restaurants of national cuisines. For example, the menu of a Russian cuisine restaurant includes a young homemade duck baked with giblets and buckwheat porridge.

As a rule, in restaurant kitchens they use buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, semolina, but it is especially popular rice - the real king of cereals.

Has much less love pearl barleyobtained from polished barley grains. And in vain - barley contains almost the same amount of vegetable protein as in soy, and in its nutritional qualities it surpasses many other cereals. This cereal goes well with vegetables, herbs and mushrooms; it can be used to make soups and even salads. From crushed, but not polished barley grains, barley is rich in fiber and minerals. Apparently, the popularity of pearl barley and barley groats is not facilitated by their "catering", "army" past.

Many people prefer all other cereals buckwheat, which is famous for its bright taste and pleasant aroma. Healthy, dietary and at the same time nutritious, buckwheat is rich in highly digestible proteins, starch, vitamins, magnesium and iron. Lamb side or suckling pig with buckwheat porridge is one of the common banquet dishes. In addition, not only all kinds of cereals and side dishes are prepared from this cereal, but also delicious fillings for pies, and even special buckwheat pancakes.

It still does not lose popularity and milletobtained from peeled millet grains. Loose millet millet porridge with cream or pumpkin baked in a ceramic pot is often included in the menu of Russian cuisine.

Millet groats contain "perishable" vegetable fats, so they should not be stored for more than two to three months. In order for millet dishes not to taste bitter, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the cereals with hot water.

Semolina, used for cereals and a variety of puddings, is obtained from finely ground wheat. A thick semolina porridge with raisins and fruits, garnished with candied fruits, nuts, and whipped cream can make a good dessert. Coarser wheat produces cereal "Artek", which takes much longer to cook than semolina, and differs from it in its bright yellow color.

Also, the recipe for some dishes includes whole, unmilled wheat grains, freed from the shells. For example, vegetarian menus include diet salads made from lightly sprouted grains of wheat, raisins, carrots, and other fruits and vegetables.

But numerous lovers of Georgian cuisine prefer hearty, tasty and easily digestible corn grits... In almost all Georgian restaurants you can taste exotic elarji - dishes made from crushed corn with cheese and corn porridge - hominy.

Corn grits, rich in starch, iron and vitamins, are part of the so-called quick breakfasts - corn flakes and muesli.

Favorite muesli - this accelerated and improved version of cereals is a complex mixture of buckwheat, corn, oat, wheat, rice flakes mixed with nuts, seeds, raisins, pieces of dried fruit and brown sugar.

Porridge made from Hercules oatmeal is considered especially useful. To obtain oat flakes, oats are thoroughly steamed, dried and crushed, and therefore the flakes are absorbed much better than whole oat cereals, and oatmeal has a delicate taste.

Experts believe that Hercules dishes are optimal in terms of the ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and microelements. However, each cereal is healthy, tasty and good in its own way, and you should not give up cereal dishes, replacing them with all kinds of exotic products.

Light, delicate, low-calorie rice goes well with many products - fish, meat, milk, vegetables, fruits. For example, juicy duck breast in maple syrup with fried vegetables, rice and citrus sauce will be a real gem on any restaurant menu.

Rice is used to prepare soups, salads and side dishes, Mediterranean risottos and paellas, aromatic crumbly oriental pilaf.

Now so popular Japanese sushi and sashimi is a combination of viscous glutinous rice with raw sea fish, seaweed, shrimp, soy paste, wasabi sauce.

There are many varieties of rice, the most common of which is long-grain... Its large and long grains retain their shape after cooking and do not stick together, it is ideal as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. Long-grain rice that has been slightly polished is usually called brown. Such cereals, which have retained the bran shell and embryo, are especially beneficial for the body, since they contain all the original nutrients and vitamins.

Gourmets especially appreciate the royal jasmine ricewhich is grown on the high plateaus of Thailand. These snow-white grains with a delicate taste and wonderful milk aroma are used in oriental cuisine.

Rice dishes are in demand among restaurant visitors basmati varietieswhich grows only in India at the foot of the Himalayas and is irrigated with the purest water from alpine sources.

Great for salads and side dishes parboiled rice, which has undergone special heat treatment. It retains useful substances and never sticks together during cooking. But healthy food lovers prefer wild black rice with a unique taste, which is usually consumed in a mixture with long grain.

Buckwheat is subdivided into kernel and done.

Core - This is a buckwheat grain from which only the fruit shell has been removed. To increase the yield of cereals and improve its culinary properties, the grain is subjected to hydrothermal treatment before peeling. The color of non-steamed cereals is gray with a greenish tint, steamed - brown of various shades. In terms of quality, the kernel is divided into the highest and 1st grade.

Done - is crushed buckwheat kernels formed during the production of buckwheat kernel. They are not subdivided into varieties.

Why are cereals good for children and adults?

Vitamin B1 - improves digestion, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, muscles and heart.

Vitamin B2 - maintains healthy skin, nails, hair, improves vision.

Vitamin B3 - eliminates gastrointestinal disorders, enhances blood circulation.

Vitamin B5 - promotes wound healing, helps with infections, promoting the synthesis of antibodies.

Vitamin B6 - promotes the absorption of protein and fat, helps prevent nervous and skin disorders. Vitamin B8 - helps to eliminate general muscle weakness, helps in the treatment of dermatitis and insomnia.

Vitamin PP - strengthens blood vessels

    Iron - increases resistance to diseases, restores good skin tone.


The main advantages of pasta over other flour products are considered the possibility of long-term storage without deteriorating the quality and consumer properties, the speed and simplicity of preparing dishes from them (on average, from 5 to 20 minutes), as well as high nutritional value. Traditionally, pasta can be stored for more than a year, since it has a low moisture content and is completely free of perishable additives (with the exception of flavoring and fortifying in certain types). The high nutritional value is due to the protein content - up to 10.4%, starch - 68.5%, sugars - up to 1.8%, minerals - up to 1.7%.

Pasta is divided into:

by the type of flour from which the pasta is made;

on the use of flavoring or enrichment additives;

by the shape of pasta.

In the production of pasta, hard and / or high-glassy soft wheat is used, which determines the color of the pasta flour (white or cream). You can determine the type of flour used in the production of pasta by the protein content in the product: if 100 grams of protein contains more than 11% protein, then the basis is durum wheat flour. Products with a low protein content are made from soft wheat varieties.

When using flavoring or fortifying additives, their names are added to the name of the variety (for example, superior, egg).

On the packaging of many imported products, the number of eggs per 1 kg of flour is indicated. High-quality pasta products have a high content of fresh eggs (more than 8 per 1 kg of flour). Red beets, tomatoes, cuttlefish ink and spinach are also added to pasta, which determine the product's color and additional nutritional value. For example, red beet products are fortified with vitamin C, antioxidants and minerals, especially iron.

In terms of shape, pasta is subdivided into tubular, thread-like and ribbon-like, as well as curly. They are produced in "plates" and tubes with a large diameter for the preparation of Italian cuisine. Some figured products are presented in the form of multi-colored animals, letters, houses - they are referred to as children's products.

Pasta includes instant noodles. Such a product is called freeze-dried, since moisture is already removed from the prepared product.

Keep Pasta should be kept in clean and dry rooms with a relative air humidity of no more than 70% and a temperature of no higher than 30 ° C. The products can be stored in unheated rooms at low temperatures. Neighborhood with goods with a specific smell is not allowed. Avoid sudden changes in temperature and relative humidity, as this leads to an increase in product moisture.