Mini plant for the production of wine from apples. The vine is tender and capricious

10.05.2019 Lenten dishes

Wine production is an energy-intensive process that depends on many factors. The technology for preparing an alcoholic drink is determined by the grape variety, territorial features of the area, the cost of the components and the harvest period. The latter factor depends on the area in which the grapes grew.

Winemaking equipment

Making wine at home is done with the help of special tools that allow you to create a high-quality drink with a rich taste and aroma. These tools include:

Preparation of raw materials

Winemaking technology provides for the preliminary preparation of berries. During it, branches, leaves and cuttings are removed. The container should be either glass or stainless steel.

There are several ways to prepare the pulp:

  • dilute the resulting mass with a small amount of warm water and leave to ferment;
  • freeze the pulp and let it thaw, then squeeze the juice out of the mass.

To make homemade wine, you can use a special press or a juicer. There are often cases when the pulp is wrung out a second time. To do this, it must be diluted with cold boiled water and let it brew.

At the next stage, sugar is added to the resulting juice, which promotes the formation of alcohol. Saha can be added as either sand or syrup. Excessive amounts of sugar can reduce yeast activity and slow down the fermentation process of the drink.


This is one of the main stages in the technology of wine production. Fermentation is carried out in closed containers, thereby preventing the transformation of the drink into wine vinegar. The bottle should be one third empty, as the volume of the wort increases during fermentation.

The dishes where fermentation takes place are closed with a water seal, which removes carbon dioxide. At home, it can be made from a cap (cork) and a silicone tube. A hole is made in the lid, the diameter of which is slightly less than the diameter of the tube. The hose is inserted into the hole on the stopper, and the other end is dipped into a bottle of water. The homemade shutter is not only airtight, but also protects the grape must from germs and air.

For proper fermentation, you need to monitor the temperature of the room in which the containers are located. The optimum temperature will be + 22 ... + 25 ° С. It is best to place them in a darkened area of \u200b\u200bthe room or wrap the bottle in a dark cloth that does not allow light to pass through.

During the period when active fermentation takes place, the wort can be shaken periodically. This will increase the oxygen required for the yeast to function.


The wine-making process involves storing the drink after it has been fermented. Compliance with the conditions allows you to give alcohol the best taste, color shade and rich smell.

Red young wine acquires a yellow hue, which darkens with each passing year. As a result, the liquid becomes brick-colored. The color of white wine, if aged for more than 5 years, darkens and taste deteriorates.

When matured in natural wood barrels, it acquires oak tones and is saturated with tannins. The pores in the wood allow a limited amount of air to enter the container, which accelerates the ripening of the product.

Ripening the product in bottles improves the quality of the drink. For greater tightness, the plugs are poured with sealing wax. Storage takes place in a horizontal position so that the wine is in contact with the cork.


The process of making wine provides for additional cleaning of the drink from impurities and sediment. The clarified product is characterized by its purity and extended shelf life. There are many ways to clean wine:

  1. Egg white is suitable for interaction with all types of house wines. 100 liters of beverage can be cleaned with 2-3 proteins. To do this, they are whipped into a foam, after adding a little water, and mixed with a small volume of wine. The resulting mixture is poured into a bottle with the rest of the wine. The result can be seen in 18-23 days.
  2. Using gelatin. You will need 15 g of gelatin for a one-liter container. It is soaked in water for 24 hours, changing the liquid every 8 hours. Then it is dissolved in warm water, added to wine and mixed. After 2 weeks, the slurry will precipitate.
  3. Heat treatment is often an integral part of red wine production. It allows you to cleanse the product and give it a pleasant shade. To do this, bottles with a drink are corked and placed in a container with water, which should reach the neck of the bottle. The water is slowly heated to + 50 ° C and removed from the fire. Keep the bottles in the water until it cools. The process is repeated up to three times. After the last heating, the wine is settled for 6 days and separated from the sediment.

It's easy to produce quality. Compliance with technology will allow you to enjoy an exquisite drink.

Winemaking has always attracted both the male and even female part of the population. The need for quality homemade wine is very high in our country, since the drinks sold in stores have very different properties, and besides, they are saturated with preservatives and stabilizers, not to mention flavorings. Therefore, homemade wine, which is produced in small quantities, compared to the industrial volumes of factory drinks, sells very well, there will never be a shortage of buyers.

The main problem in the production and sale of homemade wine is government regulation of the issue. In Russia, there is a state monopoly on the production of alcoholic beverages, huge taxes are paid by those enterprises that produce alcohol of even the minimum strength. To open the production of alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to study legislation, taxation, production requirements and many other nuances. It is very difficult for small wine-making enterprises to survive in modern conditions.

Private winemaking is quite seriously developed abroad, for example, in Spain. Grapes grow there in almost every yard of every region of the country. Plantations, like wine, are taxed, but even with a wine cost of 1.6 euros per liter, production remains profitable. There is a system of incentives for small businesses, especially for the production of natural food. And private wine producers significantly support the country's economy with taxes. In our country, unfortunately, such a policy is not supported; a private winery may be more likely to be ranked as the production of moonshine and bring the owner to justice. Therefore, when organizing this type of business, entrepreneurs resort to numerous tricks.

How to register a wine business

Here are some advice colleagues give to those who are planning to open their own wine company. When you fill out the form when registering an individual entrepreneur, you must select OKVED "sales of products of your own production." In this case, you can count on not such close attention than with the line in the column "type of activity" with the text: production and sale of wine. Homemade wine of our own production can be sold quite widely: in local restaurants, cafes, in the market, in small shops and shops specializing in the sale of good wine. But the sale of private wine is prohibited in our country, remember this. Therefore, position sales as home-made drinks, do not use the word "wine" at all.

How to sell your own wine

Selling homemade wine, position it as a product of a peasant economy. If you have small volumes of wine, then even in a small settlement you will be able to sell it completely. But if you have large plantations, many grapes of different varieties, then you need wider sales. To do this, you will have to conclude contracts with shops and cafes on a wide area. To do this, you will have to organize individual entrepreneurship and production in full accordance with the law. You can find out all the subtleties of legislation on this topic only in the administrative authorities. The legislation is regularly undergoing changes, so look for a competent economist to analyze the wine market.

After all the proper documents have been completed, you can start trading. The cheapest way is to supply wine in large cans, and to position it as a "home draft", this for many buyers is the standard of quality, as a result of which sales increase.

If you decide to sell wine in bottles, then you will need to come out with an offer to buy in stores that have alcohol sales departments. This is a less profitable option for the manufacturer, but a rather prestigious step.

What is needed for wine production

To make homemade wine, you first need a vineyard. It is best if it will be located on its own piece of land. In order to grow good grapes, you must have good knowledge, including in soil science. It will be very good if you find a competent experienced winegrower who will devote you to the secrets of growing this rather capricious crop. It is necessary to select the soil, if it does not meet the required parameters, then it is necessary to correct its composition with the help of fertilizers and mineral additives.

Grape variety selection is another critical step. As a rule, several varieties are selected for a private farm for the production of white, red, and rosé wines of various varieties. Find out which wine is the most needed in your area and buy the vine.

Be sure to divide your vineyard area into zones, and plan the right lighting for each variety. Consider watering and winter storage of the vine. It should be remembered that a good grape harvest can only grow in the southern regions, where high temperatures and high humidity prevail throughout the year. The location of the vineyard in such a zone means not only good quality wine, but also the presence of tourists, that is, a large number of potential buyers of this product.

Simultaneously with the production of grape wine, it is possible to organize the production of berry, fruit, fruit wines, which are also very popular.

To release wine, you need simple equipment and containers. Press, crusher, fermentation tanks, filtration tanks and some other devices are quite acceptable. The most important thing is to know the technology of wine production, and then you will receive a quality product in any case. Remember that industrial production of wine requires serious powerful equipment. Don't buy home installations for large volumes. For bottling wine, it will also be necessary to purchase an installation, there are various equipment for packaging large volumes, and for bottling in small containers.

There are many subtleties to be learned to ensure a traditional or original flavor for your wine. For this, many have their own family recipes that are passed down from generation to generation. If there were no winemakers in your family, then you need to find someone from whom you will buy several recipes, it is better to look for such people among winemakers in distant settlements, in villages and farms. Having an original recipe from a certain area, you can not only make quality wine, you can very clearly use the name of this area in the name of the wine brand, in advertising materials and videos, as a means for the fastest promotion of your product.

Several small outlets can be opened for sale on the market. To reduce the cost of the sales process, you can rent an area in the cellars of buildings. This is fully consistent with the image of the drink (it is stored in the cellars), and also significantly reduces rental costs. Decorating in such a room is usually done inexpensively, emphasizing the natural texture of the walls. It is required to install several barrels of your wine, a counter, a tasting table. You don't need to install anything superfluous in the cellar; it is better to think over the methods and ways of promoting your drinks. For example, you can arrange excursions to your production. This is a great way to sell your wine right out of the bottle.

After the tour, you must invite guests to a slightly larger cellar with tables where you can sit down and taste any variety. As practice shows, after tasting wine is sold out much faster and in large quantities than just in stores. Think carefully about the excursion itself, prepare your report, which should contain information about the history of winemaking, about the area from where you brought your wine recipe, about the processes that take place in the production of wine. You can also talk about the beneficial properties of wine, about the peculiarities of bouquets of different varieties of wines.

As an additional type of business, you can master the eco-tourism, which is fashionable today. If you have a small house that can be converted into a small hotel, then you can start looking for tourists who will live in the hotel and work at your brewery. Some prefer to work in this way for 2-3 days, and some work more than a week.

Tourists will work for you and, besides, they will pay you money for it. All that is required of you is to organize the stay of tourists in the greatest possible comfort. One can be sent to help in the kitchen, the second - to the plantation, the third - to the production. Every day you will need to swap assistants so that everyone goes through each stage of your production with their own hands. Such eco-tourism is very popular in Europe, and is gaining momentum in our country.

Do not forget that all these ideas can bring you income only if you carefully calculate everything beforehand. That is, you need to draw up a complete business plan, in which you indicate all the upcoming expenses. After that, think about what profit you would like to receive, divide it by the market value of one liter of wine. Get the number of liters you should be selling per month. Plan how many liters you have to sell during the year, this will be the number of wine produced per season. Competently organized storage will allow you to sell a quality product all year round.

And one more important point. As in any food industry, blame is constantly being driven by novelties in technology, additives, packaging technology, and promotion methods. And all this can be recognized at organized exhibitions in large cities of Russia and abroad. Join professional communities, receive invitations to exhibitions and forums, get acquainted with the best achievements in the production of natural wine.

E. Shugoreva

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1. Classification of wine.

2. Technology of production of grape wine

3. Features of the production of certain groups of grape wines.

1 Classification of wine

Winemaking - the oldest production based on the use of the vital activity of yeast. It is believed that the birthplace of cultivated grapes is the Transcaucasus, Central Asia, as well as Iran, Afghanistan, Asia Minor, where they began to cultivate the vine about 4-6 thousand years BC. e. In ancient Egypt, before the pyramids were built, about ten varieties of white and red wines were already prepared. Viticulture and winemaking reached their peak in Ancient Greece and Rome, from where they spread to the countries of the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe, where there were favorable soil and climatic conditions. The oldest wine-making regions are Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine. In the XVII-XVIII centuries, viticulture developed on the Don, on the territory of the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories.

Grape wines are classified depending on the method of production, alcohol and sugar content, quality and aging time, color (Figure 11.1).

2 Technology for the production of grape wines

The raw material for the wine industry is grapes. Grape berries contain high-sugar juice from which wine is obtained. The composition of berries, in addition to sugar (mainly glucose and fructose), includes organic acids, pectin, coloring, aromatic substances, and other compounds.

The grapes are harvested during the period of technical maturity, that is, when it contains as much sugar and acid as is necessary to obtain a wine of this type. In winemaking, technical grape varieties are used, which are divided into two large groups: universal and special. Versatile varieties are grown in different regions of winemaking, from which different types of wines are prepared. Special varieties are designed to produce specific types of wines.

The production of grape wines consists of the following main stages: obtaining grape must, fermentation of must, processing and aging of wines.

All technological schemes for processing grapes into must are reduced to two main ones: by the white method - with a quick separation of the must from the pulp and subsequent fermentation of the must, by the red method - with fermentation of the pulp; different types of pulp extraction are allowed.

By white way process grapes of both white and colored varieties, whole bunches or with preliminary crushing of berries. The resulting wine materials are white or pink. When processing grapes of any color according to the red method, wine materials are mainly red and pink, sometimes yellow. The technology of processing grapes according to the white method provides for a number of techniques that exclude an excessive transition into the wort of extractives and coloring substances of the skin, which worsen the quality of white wines. This method produces white natural wines, champagne, cognac and sherry wine materials.

By production method

Alcohol and sugar content

Depending on quality and aging time

By color







Dry special

No exposure

Controlled names by origin









Figure: 11.1. Classification of grape wines

The grapes must be processed within 4 hours after harvest, no later than. Received grapes are sent for crushing to extract juice. As a result of crushing, pulp is obtained (a suspension consisting of a liquid phase - wort - and a solid phase - peel and seeds). Gravity wort is spontaneously separated from the pulp - the most valuable fraction, from which high-quality wines are made. To isolate the remaining wort, the pulp is pressed on mechanical presses, as a result, wort I, II, III fractions (pressure) are obtained. Wort I of pressure, in whole or in part, goes to the production of vintage wines, wort II and III of pressure - to obtain all other types of wines. The resulting grape must is clarified by settling to remove suspended particles. In the process of settling, the wort is treated with sulfur dioxide or sulfurous acid to prevent oxidative processes and the development of foreign microorganisms. The clarified wort is sent to fermentation. Fermentation is carried out with a pure culture of wine yeast at a temperature of 14-18 ° C, but not higher than 22 ° C. The result is a young wine.

When processing grapes by red way strive to extract from the solid elements of the grape bunch as much as possible extractive, coloring, phenolic and aromatic substances. For this, various techniques are used: after crushing the grapes, the wort is insisted on the pulp, or the pulp is heated or alcoholized, the must is fermented on the pulp. Fermentation temperature is 26-30 ° С.

By red way red natural wines, special strong wines (port, Madeira, Marsala), all types of dessert wines, some brands of rose and yellow wines are prepared.

The young wine obtained by the white and red methods is sent for aging. During the aging process, the taste and bouquet characteristic of this type of wine are formed, unstable compounds and a significant number of microorganisms precipitate, the wine becomes clarified, becomes stable to cloudiness. Various technological containers are used for aging young wine: wooden barrels, large metal tanks, bottles. When aging in wooden barrels, there is a gas exchange between wine and air, as well as extraction of phenolic and aromatic substances from wood by wine. All this contributes to the maturation of young wine materials. Aging in large tanks takes place practically without oxygen, which worsens the conditions for wine maturation.

During the aging process, overflows and refills are carried out. Overflow purpose - separation of clarified wine material from precipitates that have fallen as a result of aging or storage, if necessary - providing access to oxygen for the formation and maturation of wines. Transfusion distinguishes between open (with air access, carried out mainly when the wine is aged in large tanks) and closed (without air access). Purpose of refills - to exclude the formation of free air space above the wine, as this can cause oxidation of valuable wine components and the development of aerobic microorganisms. Top-ups are carried out during aging in a wooden container, where the volume of wine decreases due to evaporation through the pores of the wood. Strong wines are topped up 1-2 times a year, dessert wines (except for Tokay wines) - once a month, natural - at least once a week.

In our country, aging in bottles is carried out only for collection wines, abroad aging in bottles is part of the process of producing certain types of wines. Bottles with wine are sealed with cork stoppers, poured on top with paraffin with wax or wax resin and stacked in a horizontal position (to prevent the cork from drying out and the flow of oxygen in the air).

All wines sold on the market must be clear. To give wines stability, they are subjected to various types of processing: physical, physicochemical, chemical, biochemical. Physical methods include centrifugation, filtration, heat treatment. In the latter case, the wine is processed either cold - cooled to a temperature close to the freezing point, kept, as a result, unstable compounds precipitate, then filtered under the same conditions; or by heat - by short-term (pasteurization, hot filling) or long-term heating (to accelerate the maturation of special types of wines - Madeira, port, sherry, Marsala, some dessert wines). The physicochemical method of clarifying and stabilizing wines is pasting. Organic (gelatin, fish glue, egg white, casein) or inorganic (bentonite, polyacrylamide, silicon dioxide, etc.) substances are introduced into the wine, which contribute to the sedimentation of mutate components (proteins, phenolic substances, polysaccharides). With the help of chemical interaction in order to remove excess metal ions (mainly iron and copper) from wine, demetallizers are used (yellow blood salt - FS, Trilon B, phytin, etc.). The biochemical way to eliminate the clouding of wines is the use of enzyme preparations, mainly pectolytic and proteolytic action.

In practice, they use complex schemes for processing wine materials that combine the above methods and techniques. As a result of all types of processing, the isolation of unstable colloidal compounds from young wines, which can subsequently precipitate, is accelerated. In addition, possible turbidity in finished wines, which can be caused by their diseases and defects, is eliminated or prevented.

Processed and aged wine materials do not always meet the requirements for finished wines in terms of their conditions (sugar, alcohol, acidity, etc.) To ensure the conditionality of wines, equalization, assembling, and blending are used.

Egalization - mixing young wines of the same variety to ensure their uniformity. Blending - mixing wines from different grape varieties, different types of wines, wine materials and other components (alcohol, vacuum must, etc.). Assembling - combining small lots of finished wine into large ones within the same variety, but obtained from different vineyards.

After the specified aging period, the wine is bottled.

    Features of the production of certain groups of grape wines

Natural wines obtained as a result of complete or partial fermentation of the sugar contained in the wort, without the addition of alcohol. With complete fermentation of sugar, dry wines are obtained.

Dry white natural wines characterized by a delicate delicate bouquet and taste without roughness and astringency (tones of oxidation are not allowed), the color is most often light, straw-yellow. Some of the best white natural wines produced in the CIS countries are Riesling, Aligote, Pino, Feteasca, Tsinandali, Gurjaani, etc.

In Georgia, in its eastern part (Kakheti), wines of the Kakhetian type are produced, which are classified as natural white dry special. They are characterized by high extractiveness, alcoholism, moderate oxidation, fruit aroma, tart taste, tea color.

Features of the technology: grape must is fermented on pulp with ridges (the comb is part of a bunch of grapes, a mechanical frame) in large clay jugs (qvevri) buried in the ground or in large ground containers. Periodically, 3-4 times a day, the wort is mixed with the pulp. After the end of fermentation, the tanks are topped up and the wine material is insisted on the pulp for 3-4 months. During the aging process, the wine self-clarifies, it is separated from the pulp. For the production of vintage wines, only gravity fractions (spontaneously separated during crushing) of wine are used. Representatives of the Kakhetian type wines are "Tibaani", "Telavi", "Kakheti", "Shuamta".

In Armenia, in the Echmiadzin region, Echmiadzin wines are prepared from Voskehat grapes, which are classified as dry special. They are distinguished by an intense dark amber color, sherry and Madera tones are felt in the taste and bouquet.

So called yellow wines, to which the Echmiadzin ones can also be attributed, are produced in France (in the Château-Chalon commune of the Jura department from the Sauvignon grape variety). The yellowing of wine is associated with prolonged oxidation, which occurs during aging in unfilled barrels with the participation of the yeast Saccharomyces oviformis.

Red dry wines have a dark ruby \u200b\u200bor garnet color with red or purple tones for young wines; bulbous, brick shades appear with age. The taste is full, tart, moderate acidity, varietal aroma with fruit tints. The grapes are processed using the red method. The best red dry wines of the CIS countries - "Oksamit Ukraine", "Negru de Purcari", "Kvareli", "Napareuli", "Mukuzani", "Matrasa", "Cabernet", "Areni" and others. Famous European red dry wines - produced in Bordeaux, Burgundy in France, Chianti in Italy, Navarre wines (Spain).

Natural semi-dry and semi-sweet wines is obtained by partial fermentation of the sugars of the wort or mash, or by blending dry wine materials with canned wort without adding alcohol. These wines are biologically unstable: they can begin to ferment, yeast and other microorganisms easily develop in them. In the production of such wines, along with general technological methods, special measures are used to ensure their biological stability.

Features of the production of semi-dry and semi-sweet wines: stopping fermentation at the right time to obtain wine with the required sugar and alcohol content, stabilizing the wine material during technological processing and aging, as well as bottled finished wine. White, pink, red grapes with sugar content of 20-22% are used. Stopping fermentation is carried out in various ways, among which sulfitation (the introduction of sulfur dioxide), heat treatment (heat or cold), maintaining low temperatures during fermentation to accumulate CO 2 are widespread. The stability of finished natural wines containing sugar is ensured by bottle pasteurization or hot filling.

White semi-dry and semi-sweet wines are characterized by a color from light straw to dark golden, red - from light red to dark red, pink - from light pink to light red, taste and bouquet are light, harmonious, without tones of oxidation and foreign tastes and odors. The bouquet contains fruit or floral tones, varietal aroma. In red wines, some astringency is noticeable in the taste.

The best wines of this group, which are produced in the CIS countries, are Psou, Tvishi, Lykhny, Chkhaveri, Akhasheni, Kindzmarauli, Khvanchkara, Izumrudnoe, Wedding, Masis pink "," Kuleskaya dolina "," Pirosmani ", etc. Semi-sweet wines of France, Germany and Hungary are best known abroad. They are obtained from high-sugar late grape varieties affected by "noble rot" (fungus Botrytis cinerea). In France, such wines are produced in Sauternes (one of the best is Chateau Ikem), Barzak and south of Bordeaux, in Germany - in the Rhine and Moselle regions (Auslese and Spätlese), in Hungary - in the Tokay region ...

Special wines - strong, dessert and liqueur, in their manufacture, alcohol and other ingredients are added to the grape must during fermentation or to the blend in secondary winemaking.

TO strong wines include wines such as port, Madeira, sherry, Marsala. TO dessert - Tokay type wines, Muscat, Cahors. For the production of strong and dessert wines, grapes with a high sugar content - 24-26% and more are used. In the production of these types of wines, additional special techniques are also used, as a result of which these wines acquire special taste qualities. Most of these techniques are aimed at delaying the normal course of fermentation at a certain stage in order to preserve a certain amount of sugar in the wine. A widespread method of stopping fermentation at any stage is fortification (fortification) - the introduction of alcohol into the fermented wort. At the same time, the required amount of sugar is retained in the wine and at the same time the required strength is communicated to it. In the manufacture of dessert wines, distillation is carried out not only with rectified alcohol, but also with mistel. In addition, such special techniques are used as infusion of the wort on the pulp with subsequent heating, and alcoholization of the pulp. These operations ensure the dissolution of aromatic and coloring substances in the skin cells in the wort.

Acceptance of grapes for processing (weighing, selection of an average sample, unloading into receiving bins

Cooking berries with the separation of the ridges

Pulp sulfitation

White wine materials

Red wine materials

Pressing the leaked pulp

Introduction of pectolytic enzyme preparations

Heat treatment of the pulp

Isolation of the gravity wort from the pulp

Wort sulfitation

Insisting on the pulp

Wort sulfitation

Cooling the wort before settling

Fermentation on the pulp

Isolation of wort from mez-gi-gravity

Adding sorbents and flocculants to the wort

Pressing the leaked pulp

Fermentation of wort in a stream

Wort clarification

Fermented pulp pressing

Wort sulfitation

Extraction of pulp with fermented wort in the stream

Adding pure yeast culture

Wort cooling

Wort clarification

Separation of fermented wort from mash

Wort fermentation

Adding pure yeast culture

Pressing the fermented pulp

Wort fermentation

Wort fermentation

Removal from yeast sediment


Equalization of wine materials

Figure: 11.2 Technological stages of obtaining wine materials for white and red wines of a special type

Wines such as port and madeira... The homeland of port and Madeira is Portugal. In the production of this type of wine, various grape varieties are used, both white and red, with a sugar content of 180–240 g / dm3. Processing is carried out using the red method with fermentation or heating of the pulp. At a sugar concentration of 100–120 g / dm3, the fermenting wort is alcoholized to a strength of 18.5–19%. A special stage is wine porting, which consists in heat treatment of wine in 1–2 dm3 undershot barrels placed on sunny grounds or in heat chambers at temperatures of 28–30 ° С and 35–45 ° С, respectively, during one summer season.

In the manufacture of Madeira, heat treatment is also carried out - maderization. Its difference from port wineization consists in a longer aging and in the access of air oxygen to the wine. Young wine is heated in barrels on sunny grounds at a temperature of 28–35 ° С, in glazed greenhouses at 40–45 ° С or in artificially heated rooms at 45–70 ° С. The duration of exposure depends on temperature and ranges from 2-3 summer seasons to 6-7 months. The barrels are 40-50 dm3 underfilled with wine.

The formation of the taste and bouquet of wines such as Madeira and port is associated with oxidative processes that occur when the wine is heated and oxygen is available, only in the case of Madeira do they proceed more deeply.

Currently, port wines are prepared in Portugal, extra dry, dry, semi-dry, sweet, very sweet, with a strength of 18 to 21% and a sugar content of 35 to 165 g / dm3. Madeira is produced in several types: dry - "Sersial" (light color), semi-dry - "Verdello" (amber color), semi-sweet - "Boal" (dark golden color), sweet - "Malmsey". Strength 17-21%, sugar content from 2-4 to 240 g / dm3.

In the CIS countries, wines of the type of port are produced - "Kardanakhi", "Aygeshat", white port "Yuzhnoberezhny", red ports "Livadia", "Massandra" and others, such as Madeira - "Anaga", "Sersial Magarach", Madeira "Crimean "," Madera Dona ", Madeira" Massandra ", etc.

Sherry type wines... Jerez is the most famous wine in Spain, produced from sherry grapes (Pedro Jimenez and Palomino in Spain; Cleret, Sersial, Voskehat, Chilar, White Pinot and others in the CIS countries) with a sugar content of 18-23%.

The grapes are processed in a white way. The resulting wine material is alcoholized to a strength of 16.5%. One of the features in the production of sherry is plastering. Gypsum is added either to the pulp or to the wine material, which gives the finished wine a specific taste (salty, characteristic bitterness) and ensures greater transparency and durability of the wine. Sherry is also carried out - aging of wine in incomplete barrels under a film of special sherry yeast. As a result of their vital activity, as well as the course of redox processes, the wine acquires a special taste and bouquet.

According to the technology adopted in Spain, sherry is aged under a film of yeast in barrels according to the solera system. Barrels are placed in 3 or 4 tiers. The bottom row is called Solera, the rest of the rows are called Criadera. The wine moves once a year from top to bottom, and in the row of "Solera" is the oldest, mature wine that goes for sale.

Another feature in the production of sherry is the heat treatment of wine in full barrels in solariums (3-4 months) or heat chambers (30 days) at a temperature of 40-45 ° С. The final stage is aging for 1.5–5 years.

The main types of sherry produced in Spain: "Fino" - dry wine with low acidity, straw-yellow color, delicate bouquet with a hint of chamomile, strength 13-16%, aging period from 5 to 10 years; "Amontillado" - dry wine, strength up to 20%, color from amber to dark golden, on the palate - salty, aging 12–20 years; "Oloroso" - dry wine or with a low sugar content, amber-golden color, full, soft taste, strong aroma, with resinous and spicy tones, strength up to 21%. In the CIS countries, sherry-type wines are produced in the following names: "Dry Strong Sherry", "Kubansky Sherry", "Ashtarak", "Sherry Magarach", "Chigman", "Tarki-Tau", "Ialoveni Sherry", etc.

Marsala type wines... The homeland of the world famous wine of Marsala is Sicily. This is a strong, dark amber wine with a burning, slightly resinous taste. Produced from white and red grapes Catarratto and Inzolia.

Marsala - blended wine obtained by mixing in different ratios of three starting materials: the main white wine material, alcoholized (siphone) and sulfite wort (cotto). Then the blend is alcoholized to the desired strength, clarified, stabilized, heat treated, kept in oak barrels.

Four types are produced: native (verzhini) - golden-amber color, strength 14–20%, practically no sugar, aging for at least 5 years; the highest (superior) - dark amber color, strength 18-22%, sugar content 5-12%, aged from 2 to 5 years; thin (fin) - the most common, brick-red color, strength 17%, sugar 6.5%, aging for at least 4 months; special - is prepared on the basis of the highest and thin marsala, except for wine, ingredients such as egg yolk, coffee, beet sugar, etc. are used. The strength is not less than 18%.

In the CIS republics, Marsala-type wines are produced in small quantities. These are "Gulistan" (Turkmenistan), "Marsala" (Moldavia).

Tokay type wines... The homeland of these wines is Hungary, Tokay region in the southwestern foothills of the Carpathians. They are produced from grape varieties Furmint, Gars Level, and less often - White Muscat. Overripe, as well as withered or raisin grapes affected by the fungus Botrytis cinerea ("noble rot") are used. The introduction of vacuum wort, alcohol and wine materials from other regions of the country into wine is prohibited.

Several types of Tokaj wines are produced in Hungary.

Tokay-assu - use berries affected by "noble rot", withered and raisin on the bushes. A doughy mass is prepared from them, on which must or young wine is infused for 12–36 hours. Then the must is fermented, the resulting wine is aged for 4–6 years in barrels. Distinguish between 2-6 putton wines (1 putton - chunok with a capacity of about 28-30 dm3), depending on the ratio of berries and must (wine). The strength of such wines is within 12-14%, the sugar content is 30-150 g / dm3. This is the most common type.

Tokay native - cooked dry and with residual sugar. The grapes are processed in the form in which they were born (hence the name of the wine "native"), without separating the raisins. After crushing and separating the ridges, the wort is insisted on the pulp for 12-24 hours, then the pulp is separated, the wort is fermented. The wine is aged for at least two years in unfilled barrels, which contributes to the appearance of an oxidized tone in the taste. The volume fraction of alcohol is 13%, sugar is from 3 to 30 g / dm3.

In Russia and neighboring countries, the production of Tokay-type wines differs from the classical one. Fermented high-sugar wort is alcoholized, young wine is aged in incomplete barrels for 2-3 years. In terms of alcohol and sugar content, they are close to 6-putone ass. The taste in comparison with the Hungarian Tokaj wines is fuller, buttery, with a rye crust tone, the aroma is less developed, with hints of quince or dried melon.

Malaga type wines. Malaga - liqueur blended wine. The birthplace of wine is Spain, the city of Malaga in Andalusia. The main grape varieties for the production of Spanish Malaga are Pedro Jimenez, Malvasia, Albillo and others. The wine is made from a mixture of wine materials and must of various strength, sugar content and color. The most famous types of wine are: white dry malaga - color from light yellow to amber, strength 15–23%, extractives 14–30 g / dm3; malaga sweet - color from light yellow to dark chestnut, strength 15–23%, sugar content 100–300 g / dm3; malaga cream - color from yellow-golden to amber with red tints, strength 15–23%, sugar 15–90 g / dm3. Depending on the color, grape variety and must fraction, sweet malaga is divided into white (pale yellow and dark golden); golden (golden or dark amber color); dark or black, lagrima (tears) - use only gravity wort; mosquito (nutmeg) - produced from muscat grape varieties; Pedro Jimenez - wine is made only from this grape variety.

Malaga is aged in full barrels for at least two years.

In Armenia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, the preparation of wines such as malaga ("Arevshat", "Dashgala") is carried out according to a simplified scheme by blending sweet alcoholized wine material and boiled wort, followed by aging the blend in barrels for at least three years.

Cahors wines... The birthplace of Cahors is the city of the same name in France. Cahors belongs to the group of red dessert wines. The production technology has the following features. The red grape varieties Saperavi, Cabernet Sauvignon, Hindogny, Kakhet, Matrasa and others with a sugar content of 22-26% are used. It is processed using the red method with heating the pulp to 55–75 ° С. After self-cooling, the wort is fermented on the pulp, followed by fortification to the desired strength. For vintage Cahors, wine is aged in barrels for at least three years. The color of the wine is dark ruby, the taste is full, velvety, with tones of chocolate, prunes.

In the production of some wines of the Cahors type, there is no heat treatment of the pulp, it is alcoholized and kept in hermetically sealed tanks for 10 to 60 days. This method was called Kurdamir, as it was first used in the Kurdamir region of Azerbaijan.

The best Cahors are "South Coast" (Crimea), "Shemakha", "Kurdamir" (Azerbaijan), "Uzbekiston" (Uzbekistan), "Chumai" (Moldova), etc.

Muscat wines... For the production of wines of this type, aromatic Muscat grape varieties are used: Muscat white, Muscat pink, Muscat red, Aleatico, Muscadelle, etc.

There are two technologies in the production of nutmeg wines: Western European (French) and South Coast (former Soviet). Features of the first: the grapes are harvested at a sugar content of 25–40%. After crushing, the pulp is insisted, then pressed. The resulting wort is fermented to the accumulation of the volume fraction of alcohol 5–10% and alcohol is alcoholic to the required strength. The aging is carried out in barrels for 2-3 years. Muscats obtained using this technology have a soft, velvety taste, moderately pronounced varietal aroma due to intense fermentation. The most famous French Muscat wines are Muscat Lunel, Muscat Frontignac, Muscat Mirval.

Muscat wines produced in the CIS countries using the South Coast technology are considered the best in the world. This technology is based on the maximum accumulation of grape essential oils and prevention of their oxidation. For this purpose, withered grapes are used, but without raisin berries, the pulp is sulphitated in moderate doses, the fortification of the must is carried out at the very beginning of fermentation, the aging of the wine continues for 2 years in conditions of limited air access (in full barrels). Wines made using this technology have a bright, delicate aroma. The most famous muscat wines of the CIS countries are white muscat "Livadia", white muscat "Red Stone", white muscat "Yuzhnoberezhny", black muscat "Massandra", etc.

Flavored wines refer to aperitifs - drinks that stimulate the appetite. Such drinks are prepared on the basis of wine or alcohol. Among the aperitifs made on the basis of wine, the most famous are vermouths, which have the bitter taste of wormwood. The birthplace of vermouth is Italy, Turin, where their industrial production was mastered in the 18th century.

The raw materials for flavored wines are wine materials (dry, less often fortified, made from white, pink and red grapes), rectified ethyl alcohol of the highest purification, sugar (in the form of sugar syrup), citric acid, color and extracts or infusions of plant materials (wormwood, coriander, oregano, citrus zest, St. John's wort, sweet clover, mint, etc.).

Flavored wines are prepared by blending processed wine materials, infusions of herbal ingredients, sugar syrup, alcohol, color scheme. In the composition of the blend, wine accounts for 80%. The prepared blend is pasted over, treated with cold, filtered and sent to rest, and then to bottling. The total processing time before filling is from 2 months to 1 year.

The most famous vermouths in the domestic market are Mountain Flower, Morning Dew, Bouquet of Moldavia, Extra, etc.

In Italy, dry vermouths (sugar up to 4%) and sweet (sugar 14-16%) are produced, the strength of any type of wine is 16-18%. Sweet vermouths are prepared white and red, dry - only white.

Alpine meadow plants are used as aromatic additives in the production of Italian vermouths. The most famous are the Italian firms Martini and Rossi, Riccadonna, Chinzano, Gancia, Carpano. Vermouths are also made in other countries. The difference between foreign flavored wines and domestic ones is that herbs, mainly roots, bark, and spices are used to a much lesser extent.

test questions

    When are grapes harvested?

    What grape varieties are used to make natural red wines?

    What are the stages in the production of natural red wines?

    What are the features of processing grapes using the "white" method?

    What is the fermentation temperature of wines?

    What are the features of the technology of strong grape wines?

    What is the strength of table wines?

    Which wines are special?

    What are the features of sherry production?

    What grape varieties are used to make Muscat wines?

    Which wines can be classified as flavored?


to the study of the discipline "Introduction to food technology"


Getting started on an independent study of the course, you should understand that modern food technology is based on almost all fundamental sciences. Complex processes occurring during the processing of raw materials into food are based on the laws of physics, thermal physics, chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, mechanics, etc.

Literature / 1 /.

Scientific basis of sugar technology

When studying the topic, attention should be paid to the preparation of beets for production, obtaining diffusion juice, methods of purifying diffusion juice, namely: defecation of diffusion juice, saturation, sulphitation of juice; on the processes of thickening juice by evaporation. Consider methods of cooking massecuite and obtaining crystalline sugar. It is necessary to know how many crystallization cycles are provided in the sugar production. Consider what methods are used when processing edema. To dwell on the production of liquid sugar in more detail. Consider the possibility of its application in various industries. Next, you should consider the technological scheme for obtaining refined sugar. Attention should be paid to the differences in the technological cycle of obtaining granulated sugar and refined sugar.

Literature / 1, 30, 34 /.

Starch and starch products technology

The modern starch and syrup industry is an important branch of the national economy. Processing potatoes and corn, starch and syrup enterprises produce dry starch, glucose, various types of starch syrups, modified starches, dextrins, glucose-fructose syrups, etc. Starch and starch products are used in various sectors of the food industry: confectionery, bakery, canning, food concentrate, etc. Attention should be paid to the various applications of starch products.

When considering the technological scheme for obtaining potato starch, pay attention to the storage conditions of potatoes, methods of delivering potatoes to the plant, the processes of washing potatoes, grinding, isolating cell juice from the porridge, isolating free starch from the porridge, refining starch milk, methods of washing, precipitating starch, and See also starch drying issues. Clarify the differences in the production of potato and corn starches.

For various industries, in addition to ordinary dry starch, starches with altered natural properties are produced from potatoes and corn. They are called modified. Consider ways to obtain modified starches.

Dry starch is used to produce dextrin. Consider ways to make and use dextrin.

Starch syrup is a product of incomplete hydrolysis of starch with dilute acids or amylolytic enzymes. Depending on the purpose, starch syrup is produced in three types. Clarify where the molasses is used and for what purpose, and also consider the technological schemes for obtaining molasses.

To obtain glucose-fructose syrup, corn starch is used as a raw material. Consider the technology for producing glucose-fructose syrup, as well as options for its use in the food industry.

Literature / 1, 29 /.

Bread and bakery technology

The technological scheme for the production of bread and bakery products includes the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials for production, preparation and cutting of dough, baking and storage of bread. When studying this topic, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the storage and preparation of flour and additional raw materials for production. To reveal the differences in the methods of obtaining rye and wheat dough. Describe the processes occurring during the baking of bread, namely: physical, microbiological, biochemical and colloidal processes. In conclusion, we should dwell on the methods of storing bread.

Literature / 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 24, 26 /.

Pasta technology

Pasta is made from wheat flour of the highest quality with special grinding. Finished products can be stored for more than a year without noticeable changes in properties, since they have a low moisture content (13%) and are completely free of perishable additives, with the exception of flavoring and enriching additives. When considering this topic, students need to pay attention to the classification of pasta, technological production schemes.

Literature / 1, 26, 27 /.

Confectionery technology

Confectionery products, depending on the technological process and the type of raw materials, are divided into two groups: sugar and flour. Each of these groups includes several types of products. Sugar products include chocolate, cocoa powder, sweets, caramel, marmalade, marshmallow, toffee, dragee and halva; to flour - cookies, biscuits, crackers, waffles, gingerbread, muffins, rolls, cakes and pastries. It is necessary to pay attention when considering this topic to the main types of raw materials used in the confectionery industry. To dwell on caramel technology and chocolate technology in more detail.

Caramel is a confectionery product obtained by boiling sugar syrup with starch syrup or invert syrup.

Chocolate products are made from sugar and cocoa products - cocoa liquor and cocoa butter.

Literature / 1, 28 /.

Vegetable oil technology

Fats are a complex mixture of organic compounds with similar physicochemical properties found in the tissues of plants and animals. Lipids are widespread in nature and, together with proteins and carbohydrates, constitute the bulk of the organic matter of all living organisms, being an essential component of every cell. According to their composition, lipids are divided into two groups: simple and complex.

Modern technology for the production of vegetable oils includes the operations of preparing seeds for storage and storage of seeds; preparatory operations related to the preparation of seeds for oil extraction; oil pressing and extraction operations, primary and complex oil purification, meal processing.

Currently, two methods are used to extract oil from seeds: sequential extraction of oil during processing of seeds with a high oil content - by pressing, and then by extraction. Studying this topic, students consider the basic processes of obtaining vegetable oils.

The process of oil purification from unwanted lipid groups and impurities is called refining, the ultimate goal of which is the extraction of triacylglycerols from natural oils and fats, free from other lipid groups and impurities. It is necessary to pay attention to the complete oil refining scheme.

Literature / 1 /.

Scientific bases of canned fruits and vegetables

Preservation is a method of processing food products that protects them from damage, primarily microbiological, and allows you to lengthen their shelf life. Considering this topic, it is necessary to pay attention to the basic principles of canning, the main and additional raw materials used in the canning industry, to determine the general technological methods used in canning fruits and vegetables, the main ways of influencing the microflora of food products. Canned food, obtained from various types of fruits and vegetables, is varied in its purpose, has different taste properties and nutritional value. All canned food is obtained according to standards or specifications. The assortment of the canning industry should be considered.

Literature / 1, 24, 31 /.

Production of soft drinks and kvass

The variety of names of drinks, the use of a wide list of raw materials determined the need to apply the classification simultaneously on several grounds: in appearance, in the degree of saturation with carbon dioxide, in the processing method, in the degree of transparency, also depending on the raw materials used, production technology and purpose, drinks are divided into several groups: juice-containing; beverages based on grain raw materials; drinks based on spicy and aromatic plant raw materials, drinks on flavors; fermentation drinks; special drinks; artificially mineralized waters. Attention should be paid to production technology, characteristics of raw materials, individual technological stages.

The main stages of kvass production: obtaining kvass wort; fermentation of kvass wort; blending of kvass; bottling kvass. All these stages of production need to be considered in more detail.

Literature / 1, 3, 4, 5, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, 35 /.

Beer technology

Beer is a low-alcohol, thirst-quenching, sparkling drink with a characteristic hop aroma and a spicy bitter aftertaste. In addition to water, ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide, beer contains a significant amount of nutritious and biologically active substances: proteins, carbohydrates, trace elements and vitamins.

By color, beer is divided into light, semi-dark and dark, and, depending on the type of yeast used, into bottom and top fermentation beer. It is necessary to consider in more detail the raw materials used in beer production, beer classification, technological stages of beer production.

Literature / 1, 2, 3, 5, 15, 22, 24, 35 /.

Grape wine production

Grape wines are classified depending on the method of production, alcohol and sugar content, quality and aging time, color. The raw material for the wine industry is grapes. All technological schemes for processing grapes into must are reduced to two main ones: by the white method - with a quick separation of the must from the pulp and subsequent fermentation of the must, by the red method - with fermentation of the pulp; different types of pulp extraction are allowed. According to the white method, grapes of both white and colored varieties are processed in whole bunches or with preliminary crushing of berries. This method produces white natural wines, champagne, cognac and sherry wine materials. When processing grapes using the red method, they strive to extract from the solid elements of the bunch as much as possible extractive, coloring, phenolic and aromatic substances. Red natural wines, special strong wines (port, Madeira, Marsala), all types of dessert wines, some brands of rose and yellow wines are prepared using the red method. When considering the topic, it is necessary to pay attention to the peculiarities of the production of certain groups of grape wines.

Literature / 1, 23, 24, 35 /.


You need to learn any craft. And if you really want to become a difficult performer, but a real master of your craft, then all the more it is worth mastering the process, starting from the very basics. This statement fully applies to the skill of making wine. As a rule, it is customary to prepare a drink from grapes.

It would seem that everything is not so difficult: there is a grape harvest, a desire to make wine, all the auxiliary materials, but something does not work out, something goes wrong, what is the reason? The fact is that the technology of winemaking is a process that has developed over many years, which has its own laws and patterns. Violation or non-observance of the cooking rules leads to the receipt of a low-quality product.

Varieties of wine

Before getting down to business, you need to make the appropriate preparations. Please be patient. Winemaking technology requires many months of painstaking work. It is necessary to observe the order and sequence of all operations for the preparation of grapes. But, first of all, you need to find out everything about the wine that you want to get. There are a great many types of them, which are determined by the production technology: quiet, fortified, sweet, natural or flavored, sparkling.

By the color of the expected drink, we can confidently say that there are dark and light wines. Dark wines are made from blue and red varieties of berries, white drinks are obtained from light varieties. And here it should be noted that most of all lovers of home winemaking prepare quiet wines. Which, in turn, are divided into semi-dry (sugar content up to 12-16%), dry (sugar content up to 10%), sweet and dessert (sugar content over 16-18%).


First of all, it is necessary to prepare well the raw materials and all the necessary equipment for production. To prepare any wine, you will need, of course, a sufficient amount of grapes. But we will return to this a little later. In the meantime, you need to deal with the equipment for making drinks.

So, we need the following devices:

For the production of a quality wine product from grapes, the room in which the process takes place plays a very important role. It is also necessary to discuss a number of requirements here:

  1. The room should be spacious in order to arrange all the necessary fixtures.
  2. Microclimatic conditions must meet certain requirements: humidity is not more than 75% of the mercury column, the temperature in the room should not fall below 12 degrees Celsius, but also not rise above 25 - 27 degrees Celsius.
  3. Drafts are unacceptable in the production area and production support operations.
  4. The process should take place in the absence of spores of fungal infections of grapes in the atmosphere of the room to avoid contamination of the finished product.

Preparations for the winemaking process should be started before the grape harvest, because the berries quickly deteriorate, lose their natural yeast film and become unsuitable for making drinks. Sluggishly fermenting mixtures are obtained from such grape berries, they are acidifying, and the quality of the drink in this case cannot be expected.

Winemaking stages

Regardless of the type of expected wine, a general production algorithm exists for all types. You can prepare a good, tasty wine if you follow the procedure for production.

Preparation of raw materials

Important! It is unacceptable to wash the berries, as this removes the necessary yeast film from the outer shell of the berries. Raw materials for fermentation must be prepared from whole unwashed grapes. For this, the berries are crushed in a special way using a grate or crusher. In this case, you must try to keep the crust. As already stated, it is absolutely essential for a good fermentation rate. Sometimes only juice with a small amount of pulp is used to make wine, but more often everything goes into business: juice, pulp, berry crusts. The most important thing is not to crush the grape seeds so that they do not get into the raw materials for making the drink. This can ruin the whole process.


- the most important stage for cooking. There are no minor details here. It is necessary to comply with absolutely all requirements: the air temperature, the size of the tank where this stage takes place, the reliability of the water seal, the illumination mode. As fermentation takes place, this will be your product.

The fermentation results in the release of energy and the formation of sugar-based alcohol. It is the sugar content in the original product and the quality of the fermentation process that determine the strength and sweetness of the resulting wine for such a long time. As for the duration, it is impossible to talk about any strictly defined length. Reactions can occur from seven days to three weeks. Everything is very individual, much depends on the grapes themselves. For cooking, it is also extremely important to observe the temperature and humidity conditions of the fermentation reactions. Too low a temperature simply will not allow all processes to proceed with the expected intensity, too high will cause vinegar to form faster than alcohol and instead of wine, you will get a fermented mass.

The water seal creates the necessary anaerobic conditions, which will also prevent acetic acid fermentation. Excessive oxygen content is detrimental to the normal alcohol-forming process.


It is necessary to remove from the sediment only after the end of fermentation. Otherwise, all work will be wasted. The odor seal is carefully removed, the liquid part of the product is drained. It is desirable to separate the sediment completely. If this did not work out, then the production will be supplemented with one more stage - clarification. It should be carried out before laying it for ripening in order to avoid additional aeration when filtering or clarifying with egg white or clay.

Wine ripening takes several months. It is desirable to provide dark conditions, no drafts, sufficient air temperature - then the wine ripens well, the fermentation of fusel oils takes place at the right pace.


It often happens that the resulting drink is tasty, aromatic, but the transparency does not meet the requirements at all. You can help in this case, you need to conduct it. This is usually done using clay (bentonite), egg white, gelatin, or filtration. It is necessary to filter it before placing it for ripening, but it is advisable not to aerate the drink once again in order to avoid weathering of alcohol vapors.


Despite the rather high complexity and meticulousness, home winemaking has acquired and is gaining millions of fans around the world.

The result will certainly delight the master, but the process itself will give even more pleasure. You just need to try to comply with all the requirements and your favorite, unique drink will be on your table.

Dry wine is considered the best variety of this drink, since the production technology of such wine is much more complex, it uses exclusively natural materials, and it is practically impossible to counterfeit dry wines.

A characteristic feature of dry wine is its low strength and the complete absence of sugar in the composition. The strength of this drink does not exceed 12%. Dry wine is a very light drink that perfectly refreshes in the heat and quenches thirst well.

White wine is made from white and pink grape varieties. Most often, such well-known varieties as Chardonnay, Riesling, Aligote or Tokay are used for its production. However, sometimes white wines are made from red grape varieties, although only the pulp of the berries is used for this, that is, preliminary cleaning is necessary.

White dry wine production technology not much different from the production of red and rosé wines. The main difference is that after squeezing the berries, the peel is removed. The second important difference is that the entire production process is carried out at lower temperatures, approximately 16-18 degrees. This explains the invigorating taste and lightness of the drink.

Stages of dry wine production technology

You should start with harvesting, as this is one of the most important and crucial issues. Harvesting should be done only after it is fully ripe. For different varieties, the collection time may be different, while taking into account not only the acidity and sugar content of the berries, but also the fact that the wine will be more aromatic from ripe fruits. After all, dry white wines are valued precisely for their lightness and aroma.

The aromas are formed as the grapes ripen, the best of which can be seen in the early stages of ripening. However, in cooler regions, the berry smell is better and more intense in the first stage, but in hotter places - in the later stages.

Immediately after harvesting, the fruits are cooled to a temperature of 10 degrees. This will help avoid early fermentation.

The first stage of production is delivery, crushing, separation of bunches and pressing of berries. To obtain high-quality white wine, the berries should be delivered to production as soon as possible, and then carefully sorted out in order to sort out sick or spoiled branches. When making wine from white grape varieties, the entire bunches are sent to further stages, but when making white wine from red varieties, the berries must first be separated. The grapes are first crushed, the skin is torn, the juice flows out, and then the fruits are sent under the press. The press should not be too strong, as excessive pressure on the fruits will lead to astringency or even bitterness of the future drink.

The next step is draining the juice. After the pressure of the berries, a juice is formed, in which there are many grapevine particles and seeds, which must be disposed of. Usually the juice is cooled, while the particles fall to the bottom. Then the juice is simply poured into another container.

Previously, fermentation technologies were natural, but now the technology of making dry wine implies the addition of special yeast to the wort, which will significantly speed up the fermentation and fermentation of the drink. As a rule, natural yeast is used, and then, in subsequent stages, pure yeast cultures are added to ensure a stable result. Usually, after adding yeast, it is required to leave the drink untouched for 24 hours. It is important to maintain a constant temperature around 20-24 degrees, as at lower temperatures the wine may not be fertile.

After the end of the fermentation process, the wine is removed from the yeast and filtered, removing the sediment.

The fermentation process of dry white wines is carried out in stainless steel tanks, less often in burnt oak barrels. The surface of such tanks does not contain tannins and therefore does not affect the wine.

Sometimes, if the wine is made from red varieties, after the end of the fermentation process of the drink, it must be clarified. For this, activated carbon is used even in industrial production - it is placed in a drink and left for two days. At the end of this time, the coal will absorb all the excess, and then fall into the sediment. After this procedure, mandatory filtration of the drink is carried out.

With high-quality technology for the production of dry white wine, the final filtration will not make significant changes. However, this procedure can affect the appearance and storage of the beverage after bottling.

A feature of the production of dry white wine can be called the fact that sugar is not added, the whole taste depends entirely on the berries themselves. Sometimes acidity is added in the form of wine vinegar, in very small quantities.