How to be cheerful without coffee. Correct use of time

09.04.2019 Vegetable dishes

Hard work, long working days, constant sleep deprivation, a long trip behind the wheel of a car - all this leads to the fact that we become slow, sleepy and overwhelmed like snails.

Therefore, this article contains 11 of the most effective ways cheer up and regain the ability to work productively and concentrate.

1.Fresh air and physical activity

Even a small twenty-minute walk on fresh air... Fresh air flow and physical activity relieve drowsiness and invigorate. If you don't have the opportunity for a short walk, you can exercise. It is better if it will be strength exercises, for example, push-ups.

2. Chocolate

Natural dark chocolate contains not only caffeine, which helps relieve fatigue, but also flavonoids, which improve mood and improve brain activity. That is why experts advise to use natural chocolate students and schoolchildren during the session and exams.

3. Food

There is no doubt that too fatty and filling food causes drowsiness, but an empty stomach also leads to a breakdown. In order to stay awake, it is recommended to eat foods rich in carbohydrates (potatoes and flour dishes). Such food will return you to working condition and restore brain function.

4. The smell of citrus

It turns out that the aroma of freshly peeled lemon, tangerine or orange contains essential oilsthat have an invigorating effect on the human body. Therefore, if you have a long car trip behind the wheel or strenuous work that requires intense attention for several days, a couple of oranges on hand can be very helpful. The citrus peel is especially good in that it is quite long time retains the aroma even if it dries a little.

5. Daytime sleep

Daytime sleep - wonderful remedy, helping to relieve drowsiness and the rest of the day to feel invigorated. It is best if the duration of sleep is from ten minutes to half an hour. If you have strong nerves, you can easily use this way to cheer up, even at work. Ask a colleague to wake you up after a certain time. And if there is no one to wake you up, use the old key trick: while sitting in an armchair, put your hand on the armrest and grasp a heavy bunch of keys in it. When you fall asleep soundly, your hand will relax, the keys will slip out of it and fall to the floor, making a loud sound that will wake you up just at the right time.

6. Loud singing or shouting

A song sung out loud can cheer you up for a short time. If you are simply "turned off" and completely unbearable, use the proven method - shout. You can even swear at someone's address. For example, scold the government or bosses for making you work when you want to take a break.

7. Work

Our brain needs periodic rest. If we constantly do not get enough sleep, and then do not provide the brain with sufficient load, then it will seek free time and turn off on its own. Therefore, you can spur your own body, providing yourself with urgent work, and the more, the better. True, it is necessary to know when to stop, otherwise it is not far from exhaustion.

8. Enjoyable activity

When you really want to relax, but there is no such opportunity, this is just the best time to occupy your brain with some pleasant activity in which you have a sincere interest. In this case, sleepiness fades into the background.

9. Correct use of time

Biorhythms are not just an invention of English scientists, but a reality that actually affects our productivity and well-being. Therefore, you need to listen to your body. For each person at a certain time of the day, productivity decreases, or, conversely, increases. If you see that at eight o'clock in the evening you feel tired and overwhelmed - rest, and if at eleven o'clock in the morning you have a "second wind", then it is a sin not to take advantage of it. It is necessary to plan your work and your own day, taking into account your biorhythms, resting at the moments of "decline" of your own activity and working at the moments of its "rise". Then you can make the most of your own time.

10. Regulation of air temperature

Fatigue and sleepiness can be caused by too high or too low temperature in room. If it is too cold, then the body begins to spend a lot of energy in order to warm up, which reduces physical and mental performance. If it is too warm, then the body begins to vigorously cool itself in order to avoid overheating. therefore optimum temperature for a person - from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius. With this temperature conditions a person has the ability to fully focus on solving urgent problems.

The influx of cold air, contrary to popular belief, is not invigorating. But it is important to know that a lack of oxygen causes drowsiness.

11. Change of occupation

Monotony also leads to drowsiness and fatigue. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically change the occupation. If, for example, you need for a long time drive the car, stop periodically and stretch your legs. And during the exam, you can go to the toilet. Even such short breaks relieve the brain and make it feel more invigorated.

How to cheer up without coffee and energy drinks? Do you work hard and hard and often feel tired?

That's quite possible. And it's not at all about mental or physical exertion, although they also play a significant role.

There are many external factors that affect your productivity.

First of all, everyone resorts to the help of coffee or energy drinks. It is in them that they seek salvation in the morning and when they feel lethargic and unwilling to work.

These products contain active substances that saturate human body additional energy.

Having consumed them, you feel a surge of strength and vivacity. To put it in one word, it is a kind of "recharging the batteries", which helps to extend the working capacity. But there is a small nuance: this recharge is not enough and for a long time.

But the most important point - it is those active substances that give vigor that are harmful to our health. Therefore, it is better to limit the use of such drinks to a minimum.

And you can cheer up in many other ways, which will be brought to your attention below.

First of all, you should know that the physical and mental alertness a person is influenced by the most harmless factors.

For example, daily food, the light in the room where you work or spend most of the day, the rhythm of life, physical activity, and much more.

A list of ways to cheer up, drive away laziness and fatigue

1. Successful day and constant cheerfulness - this is a good and healthy dream... Getting enough sleep makes you feel refreshed and energized.

2. The daily diet should be correct, include healthy foods ... It is worth minimizing the consumption of fatty, too peppery and salty, alcohol and similar heavy foods.

3. Exercising in the morning is considered the best way to wake up for good reason. Can be replaced with a morning run.

4. Take a good look at the place where you spend a lot of time. If the room is a little dull, there is not enough brightness and lighting, then be sure to buy lighter curtains, try to keep them open more often, make sure that the light access is as much as possible.

5. In addition to brightness, the room should be sufficiently fresh and clean.... Open windows more often, ventilate the room, do wet cleaning. If there is no way to ventilate, then it would be nice to equip the room with air conditioning.

6. Try to start your morning with a glass of cold water.... You can add a slice of lemon or a spoonful of honey to it. This is how you get the job done digestive system and cheer up well.

7. If possible and time permits, be sure to take a morning walk in the park, you can walk your dog or other pet.

8. Morning shower will set your pace for the whole day, especially if it is contrasting. And if you accept cold and hot shower , then not only instantly wake up from sleep, but also charge your entire body with positive and vigor.

9. In addition to water procedures for the body, do not forget about your face. Wash it well. Do it better cold water... Many studies have proven that washing with cold water long years keeps the skin of your face young, beautiful, elastic, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, postponing this unpleasant process for several years ahead.

10. In addition to washing, if there is a time, it would be nice to make a face mask. You need to choose something refreshing, invigorating. After, be sure to wash yourself with tonic.

11. Tune in to work early in the morning. Drive bad and negative emotions away from you. If you have bright positive thoughts, then the day will pass without despondency and fatigue.

12. When going to work, pay attention to what you are wearing. There must be something bright in the wardrobe. Of course, you will not put on a colorful evening dress in the office, but a few small unobtrusive details will noticeably refresh your appearance.

13. In the midst of the working day you were visited by despondency and laziness, live communication will help to cheer up. Get distracted for a few minutes, chat with work colleagues, or call a close friend for a few minutes to just chat.

14. Often at the end of a worker, many of us are drowsy. Fresh air is needed to chase her away and cheer up properly. Go outside for a few minutes. If this is not possible, then stand by the open window.

15. The human body has nerve endings that activate blood circulation and blood flow to the main brain. It is a sin not to take advantage of this. Drive out laziness with earlobe massage... Press hard on their ends for a few minutes. You can also do and temple massage.

16. To focus on a specific job, you need to tickle yourself with the tip of your tongue across the palate.

17. Fruits will help to drive away drowsiness. Even while working have a small snack. Great option - fresh apple or orange... In general, it is recommended not to burden your lunch with fatty ones, it is better to eat some light salad, sandwiches or porridge, and while working, make a few snacks.

18. Music can help you overcome despondency... If this does not interfere with your work and colleagues, then play your favorite song quietly. It is better to choose something more rhythmic, as the relaxing melody will make you sleep even more.

19. You can also distract yourself with your favorite book or watching a funny video.

20. Take short breaks while working. It is good if they are accompanied by small physical activity... You can do gymnastics for the eyes, for example.

21. If you need to quickly cheer up and give sobriety to the mind, then moisten your hands in cold water and massage your neck with them.

22. Similar to the previous method using ice. Take some ice cubes and rub them over your face... Pay special attention to the area above your upper lip. There is a nerve ending that is responsible for the activity of the brain and prevents it from falling asleep.

23. Mint is also good at driving away fatigue and laziness. Have a drink mint tea, eat peppermint candy or gum.

24. Brainstorming will help drive away drowsiness. Get yourself involved with a crossword puzzle or other mental activity for a few minutes.

25. You can distract yourself with your favorite activity. if you have favorite hobby, devote a few minutes to it throughout the day. As a result, you will bring yourself a lot of pleasure, and the notorious change of view activitiesthat increases your interest and attention.

26. If you can, then try take a nap for twenty minutes during your lunch break. Such short-term sleep can recharge the working capacity of the human body.

Remember at least a couple of these methods of dealing with fatigue and depression, and you can always invigorate yourself and recharge.

You will need nuts and green tea
Do you think coffee is the best way to cheer up and drive away sleepiness that has come so inappropriately? Don't rush to answer. There are thirteen other products that can restore a high tone much more effectively than a coffee drink.
One chocolate bar charges you with vivacity for several hours. If you eat a chocolate bar in the morning, then the body will begin to produce endorphins - they will give you the much-needed energy in the early hours.
Cold water
Drink more water in the morning: dehydration is felt most strongly immediately upon waking. Just one glass of cold water, as you woke up, and you will feel much more cheerful, you will quickly enter the usual work rhythm.
Almost all berries contain natural stimulants. But the best and most delicious energy stimulants for you will be: strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.
Orange juice
If it is difficult to wake up in the morning, orange juice will help! The abundance of vitamin C fills the body with energy and perfectly stimulates brain activity. Orange juice can be substituted with lemon or lime juice, but in this case, drinks are best consumed with sugar.
Any cold drink
Not only water - any drink chilled can work wonders. The intake of cold liquid is tantamount to a shock shake: the body turns on the production of energy and begins to function at full capacity.
If you have a difficult day, it is better to saturate your body with energy in the morning. True, the proteins of animal food are processed more slowly, and energy does not appear immediately, but its reserve is enough for a longer period of time than a piece of bread or noodles soup can give. By the way, meat can be replaced with fish.
It is no coincidence that nuts are called "edible batteries". They are so nutritious that they keep you toned throughout the day. However, you should not get carried away with nuts, especially before bedtime. The fact is that the unprocessed energy of nuts during sleep is deposited in problem parts of the body.
Green tea
Any tea contains caffeine, and green is the most beneficial for the human body. If you drink a cup of green tea in the morning, you will feel energized longer than after drinking coffee.
Apples contain boron, which makes you alert and alert almost immediately. In addition, apples are delicious and packed with many healthy ingredients.
The main source of fiber and carbohydrates. Add to your oatmeal some fruit and you have an energetic breakfast of champions ready.
Best of all, the body absorbs natural sugar, and in its bananas great amount... Add bananas to your morning diet - you will feel vigorous for a long time.
Long-lasting energy is called magnesium, and in yoghurts it is found in the required amount... Just remember that filled yoghurts are different. big amount Sahara.
Highly rare products can be classified as a super food, but eggs are one of them. Rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals, eggs not only provide the body with the necessary energy, but also quickly restore a person after heavy physical exertion.

The fifth is not the best solution if you need to stay toned as long as possible. It is not so important whether the delivery of a project, a meeting or an exam is to blame, not only caffeine (and, of course, not at all) will help to "reboot". In this article, we have collected scientific advice for those who would like to drink less coffee without compromising cognitive function. Ready? Then we suggest starting right now.

Drink more water

Dehydration is not only feeling unwell (from a rapid heartbeat to fainting), but also a massive loss of energy, recalls the American Chemical Society. This is due to the fact that a person is 60% water, which, among other things, is necessary for the transfer nutrientssuch as oxygen and carbohydrates to different parts of the body, including the brain. A 2009 study at Tufts University found that even mild dehydration - a loss of 1-2% water - can be associated with fatigue and confusion, so it's definitely better not to take risks.

Take a walk

If you're feeling sluggish at work, daylight may be what you need to recharge. Studies show that gadget screens during the day impair our well-being, while sunlight, on the contrary, promotes vigor and productivity (by activating the hypothalamus, which is responsible for circadian rhythms). In a 2014 study, people who took a walk break while using a computer reported feeling less tired, responding more quickly, and showing top scores in memory tests.

Breathe deeply

Proven: Calm and relaxed employees are productive employees. And it is useful to keep in mind that it is from the stomach that is one of the better ways calm down. Research has shown that inhaling and exhaling in ten counts moves more oxygen to different parts of the body, which automatically raises energy levels and helps you "feel Zen." Let us add to this the fact that deep breathingby reducing stress levels, it strengthens immune systemallowing the body to resist bacteria and viruses even more effectively. Nice bonus, agree?

Listen to your favorite music

If you like working to music, just do it. And do not listen to those who say that extraneous sounds are distracting. Scientists confirm that your favorite music triggers a brain release chemical substancesthat help you better cope with any task. A 2011 study on the topic found that when people listened for at least 15 minutes, their brains were literally overloaded with dopamine, a hormone associated with pleasure. Other studies have shown that pleasant melodies can help produce serotonin and oxytocin, which will make you feel better instantly.

Chew gum

It turns out that chewing helps you work harder without being distracted by extraneous things. And if you don't have at hand healthy snacks like an apple or carrot slices, the most common chewing gum can help here. Some studies suggest that she is able to become excellent remedy Reducing daytime sleepiness because the act of chewing improves circulation and activates certain areas of the brain (including those associated with mindfulness). Recent research, writes Business Insider, has also shown that chewing gum helps students focus on the information they need to learn for an exam, reducing anxiety and increasing comprehension of what they just read.

Cats can be unusually lazy, but scientists are confident that their furry antics not only improve mood, but also help us fight sleepiness. How? In a 2005 study of 7,000 volunteers, it was found that most respondents perceive videos of animals as something that "increases their energy level", "enhances emotions" and "helps to fight negativity." Perhaps this is because when we look at something funny or cute, oxytocin levels rise while the stress hormone cortisol naturally decreases. Scientists suggest that when this effect becomes even more obvious.

Take a nap

None of the above worked? Perhaps you really need to. A 2008 study found that an afternoon nap of 10-25 minutes was better than caffeine at reducing energy levels in the middle of the day. And other studies have suggested that sleep breaks improve our learning ability, memory and creative thinking. So it seems that sleeping in lectures at university was not such a bad idea.

Work, English courses, constant communication with many people - all this makes us restless, draws energy out of us, the reserves of which must be constantly replenished, otherwise by the end of the day you will not even look like a squeezed lemon, but something worse.

Most of the time, we rely on caffeine when we need to recharge. But in addition to a few cups of coffee or tea, we can get headaches, blood pressure problems, mood swings, or other unpleasant effects. Therefore, this method should not be abused. The good news is there are many other ways to tone up. Let's talk about them.

High protein snacks

Do you feel sleepy regularly? During the day, you need to snack on snacks that are filled with proteins. Eat, for example, a slice of apple with peanut butter, a slice of bread with cottage cheese, a handful of almonds or dried fruits.

Well, if you need to cheer up very quickly, it will help protein shake... It can be found in the fitness club.

More vitamin B

Signs of vitamin B deficiency: frequent mood swings, poor concentration, anxiety, depression. If you constantly feel tired, then you need to think about how to replenish stocks of this valuable vitamin. You can find many foods high in its content (beans, fish, nuts, whole grain, eggs) or drink vitamin complexes, which for a good result are best taken in the morning with meals. And by the way, all vitamins are better absorbed when enough fat in food.

A little workout

When you're tired, the last thing you want to do is move. However, it has long been known that a little workout can energize you for the rest of your day. You do not need to torture yourself on the treadmill for an hour, a short run around the block will be enough. Lacking motivation at all? As always, good music in your headphones can help. By the way, we recently made a special one. Well, if you really don't want to get out of your home or office, then do 25 squat jumps.

Cold shower

A hot shower is soothing and relaxing. But if your goal is cheerfulness, then the water should be made colder. Cold water tones the body and accelerates blood circulation. You can start with a hot shower and finish with a 5 minute douche with cold water. If you cringe at the thought of a cold shower, then you can splash ice water in your face at least a couple of times.

Eat less, but more often

Changing your eating habits can dramatically increase your energy levels. If you eat less and more often, you will get an even flow of calories. Heavy meals will make you feel sleepy, while small meals will give you almost pure energy. And try to avoid sugary drinks, especially those containing caffeine. You will get a sharp jump in energy, but after a while you will feel even worse.

Try to go to bed 20 minutes early

Many have already got into the habit of putting off urgent matters until late at night. As a result, you go to bed later and later. 4 hours of sleep is not enough for a normal body, you will be tired and nervous during the day. Try to reverse the situation, firstly, trying to keep up with urgent matters during the day, and secondly, start going to bed 20-30 minutes earlier than the previous one every day. After a while, you will develop the correct and suitable regime for you.

Take a walk

A walk in the fresh air affects the body in much the same way as a short exercise. If you go for a walk in winter, then additionally cheer up from the frosty air. Worried about getting bored? Grab your camera and take some beautiful pictures. Or you can walk one extra stop, instead of jumping on the bus right away (you can also leave the car away from work). A walk can help you reboot your brain and relieve the fatigue that appears after a few hours at your desk. So next time you feel like you need a break - take a walk!


Chat with someone, you can even chat or over the phone. A few minutes of casual conversation will increase your focus and productivity levels. Are your coworkers too busy? But your mom is probably ready to talk with you about the latest family news.


Our brains are incredibly powerful tools. And by visualizing our desires, we may well translate them into reality. The next time you feel exhausted, sit in a chair with your back straight and your hands on your knees. Close your eyes and imagine that you have good moodthat you are energized. Breathe calmly and deeply, keep your back straight at all times. After a few such workouts, you will learn to meditate and in just a few minutes you can literally bring yourself back to life. Read about how to train yourself to meditate every day.

What are some ways you can keep yourself awake throughout the day without drinking caffeinated beverages?