What to cook on New Year's Eve. Steak with cranberry sauce

05.08.2019 Fish dishes

The upcoming New Year 2017 according to the Eastern Horoscope will be the Year of the Red Fire Rooster, and therefore we will celebrate the holiday under the auspices of this Symbol. He comes to replace the same Fire Monkey, whose year will soon end.

In order for the holiday to be a success, and with it the whole next year to succeed, it is necessary to honor the Monkey with dignity and honor and meet the Rooster just as worthily! Thus, we will be able to thank the Mistress of the Year for the good that we had this year! And show worthy respect to the incoming Master of the Year, appease him, so that next year he will become our good assistant in all matters and undertakings.

And how can you win over the Master of the Year? That's right, you need to prepare well for the New Year's Eve - gather your whole family together at one table, draw up a holiday script so that everyone has fun and joy, choose gifts for everyone and feed everyone deliciously. Of course, all this must be done together, distributing responsibilities to everyone. So that everyone is imbued with the expectation of the holiday and invested their part in holding it.

Many have already begun preparing for the holiday - they look through information related to the New Year, look for recipes, and think over an outfit. Of course, we also started it on the pages of our blogs: we select good and proven recipes, draw up an approximate menu, and share tips

And although the blog pages already have separate articles about salads and appetizers for the New Year's table, and even there are ready-made recipes for the compiled holiday menu, let's take a closer look at such an important topic - what should be on the table on New Year's Eve! After all, this is a very important aspect that worries a lot of people. And in today's article I will try to answer all your questions on this topic.

In order to properly arrange the New Year's table 2017, and not to make a mistake in compiling the menu, you need to know some of the characteristics of the Master of the Year. If we understand the basis of this, then it will immediately become clear to us how to decorate and how to set the table for the holiday.

Rooster is a very effective and sophisticated sign of the Eastern Horoscope. He is bright, demonstrative, likes to be in sight, in every way encourages attention to himself. But at the same time, he does not tolerate excessive extravagance, since by nature he is rather thrifty. He does not like excessive pomposity, superficial tinsel and pretense of luxury. On the contrary, it welcomes everything practical and simple, tasteful, beautiful and sophisticated.

He is very organized and responsible (he gets up before everyone else, and does not forget to wake up the one who needs to get up), pedantic. His energy splashes over the edge, he is active and decisive. Its element is Fire, and therefore, in order for it to burn brightly, it must be constantly nourished. And he feeds on new bold ideas, various experiments, decisive actions.

Serving and decoration of the festive table

A beautifully decorated table is the ability of any hostess to show herself from the best side, that is, her kind of calling card. Therefore, if “the theater begins with a hanger”, then the festive table begins with decor and serving.

In the Year of the Red Rooster, the main color is red, and all its many shades. Colors are also welcome - yellow, gold, pure shades of brown, white, green. All colors should be bright and saturated.

It is in these colors that you will need to decorate your table. The tablecloth is available in red or white. Napkins can be chosen in a contrasting color, or in tone. That is, if you choose a red tablecloth, then you can put napkins in gold or white. If you choose a white tablecloth, then the napkins can be red or burgundy.

If you choose one color for both the tablecloth and napkins, for example white, then create additional color spots in the desired colors. For example, red candles, a green sprig of needles, bright Christmas decorations.

Given that the Rooster is still more of a villager, then you can use a linen or cotton tablecloth, with the same napkins.

That is, to begin with, conduct an audit of what you have - what kind of tablecloth, are there any napkins. Decide in what style you would like to see your holiday table. Draw an imaginary picture. Maybe you do not have something and you will need to buy something.

Style also depends on the dishes you have. If you have an expensive porcelain service and silverware, then a rustic linen tablecloth with embroidered flowers will not fit such dishes. And vice versa, rustic-style dishes cannot be placed on an exquisite burgundy tablecloth. The dishes should also be in harmony with the color of the tablecloth.

So, if you decide to decorate the table in a rustic style, then use wooden or earthenware. Put painted rustic dishes in the style of Khokhloma or Gzhel on it.

Place wooden spoons in salad bowls. Create the appropriate decor as well. Put on the table various wickerwork (vases) with fruits, wheat grains or spikelets, wooden candlesticks with candles.

But remember one rule: do not overload the table with all sorts of trinkets. Firstly, they interfere, and secondly, they can irritate guests. Try to put only what will be used, or necessary to create an atmosphere.

Everything should look beautiful and caress the look. Nothing should stand out and be very striking. Remember that the Rooster loves - simplicity and quality! And he is categorically against any bad taste.

If you have an old tablecloth, but you do not want to spend money on a new one, you can lay a beautiful translucent tulle over the old one, or another similar fabric.

Do not ignore napkins, they give any table a festive look. If you have rag napkins, then they can be neatly folded, put on rings or tied with ribbons. Or beautifully fold paper napkins and fasten them with special clips.

What should be on the table on New Year's Eve 2017

To correctly answer this question, you need to think about what the Rooster loves.

1. And he loves, first of all, grains, nuts, vegetables, fruits, fish, seafood. Beef, pork, lamb, turkey, duck, goose are also not excluded. Although there is an opinion that close "relatives" should not be on the table either.

From these products and their combinations, you can cook a large number of tasty, beautiful and healthy dishes. There is already a large and informative article on the pages of my blog, which is made up of 25 dishes, ranging from appetizers to dessert.

2. When decorating dishes, special attention should be paid to ensuring that they are bright, colorful, truly festive. Red, yellow, green and all their shades will certainly please the Master of the Year. Therefore, in the design, you can use all the colors of bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets - everyone's favorite will come in handy! Especially if you make it in a very unconventional way - in jelly.

3. In the design we also use pomegranate seeds, cranberries, canned corn, green peas. Fortunately, nature tried and created such colorful vegetables, fruits and berries.

4. Be sure to put a large bowl of fruit on the table. Buy a little of everything, and in the colors that the Rooster loves, lay them out nicely. Such abundance and beauty will not go unnoticed by our Handsome, and will create an atmosphere of celebration. Do not forget about tangerines, their presence and smell is the same invariable attribute of the New Year, like a Christmas tree with toys.

5. Red caviar is a special priority this year. It corresponds in color to the Symbol of the Year, has a red-orange color, besides, we do not buy caviar every day, and whether you like it or not, it can be considered a delicacy. And our Cockerel loves delicacies and all sorts of delights!

6. Therefore, other delicacies will be welcomed on the table, such as expensive blue cheese, jerky or jamon, smoked eel, red fish. Let there be very few frills, but if any of the above is on your table on New Year's Eve, then the Rooster will appreciate it. He will understand that you tried for him.

7. Fish, and especially red fish, are also a big priority. Therefore, use it in slicing when making fish plates, or decorate salads with it. By the way, in the New Year's menu I compiled, there is already such a salad in two different designs - this is a salad and a salad "Starfish"

Agree, the perfect decoration for the holiday table!

8. Dishes with different New Year themes will also come in handy. These are salads in the form of Christmas trees, in the form of Christmas toys. And salads and appetizers in the appropriate design.

Snacks for the festive table

1. Snacks can be prepared both and. You also need to cook them from those ingredients and in the design that the Symbol of the Year loves. By clicking on the links, you will find 21 cold and 7 unique hot snacks for yourself. When compiling the menu, try to choose such snacks that do not take too much time to prepare.

Time is a valuable value, especially before the New Year! Everything must be done and everything must be in time - to tidy up the house and decorate it for the holiday, set the table, bring yourself and the children in perfect order. And after all this, you need not to fall from fatigue without waiting for the chiming clock!

2. The main snack for the New Year's table, of course, is jelly! As people say - “What is the New Year without jelly? And what to eat vodka with? ” And the people are right in this, even if they “snack vodka”, even if they just eat it, but JELLY - there should be on the festive table!

Festive jelly is cooked from three types of meat - pork knuckle, veal shank and chicken meat are used. If chicken meat cannot be used this year, then take turkey drumsticks instead. The jelly will also be tasty, and the Rooster will not be offended. How to cook a festive jelly, or other options for jelly, you can see. And if you cook it according to your original recipe, then it will also be great!

3. It looks beautiful as an aspic appetizer, this is aspic fish, an excellent recipe for which I recently saw on the site http://garim-parim.ru/, and aspic with vegetables and meat.

Aspic is a real decoration for the festive table, besides, everyone loves it, and it never stays!

Salads for the New Year

1. Not a single holiday table is complete without salads. The main salad for the New Year's festive table is, of course, a salad with the image of the Symbol of the coming year. This salad is best prepared with meat, fish or seafood. After all, the chicken itself will not be used, so as not to offend the Owner.

You need to make it bright and not like the others. It should be different from everyone else, stand out and catch the eye. So that only at one glance at him, he would cause admiration and exclamations of approval from all those present! Cockerel will definitely like this salad, and he will not leave it unattended.

2. And we already have such a salad - this. By the way, the salad is unique, and its uniqueness lies in the fact that there is no such thing anymore - it was invented by me just a few days ago, especially for the celebration of the New Year!

This salad can be prepared by clicking on the link above. And I must tell you that it fully complies with the principles by which we select the menu. It is new, and the Rooster loves everything new very much, it is bright, it contains all the necessary colors, and it is incomparably tasty, besides, it contains all the ingredients that our Handsome loves!

By the way, there you will also find another salad - children's "Cockerel - Golden Scallop"! My granddaughter, for whom I prepared it, was completely delighted with it!

3. And of course, no one has canceled other salads. On the Internet, you can find just a great many of them. I tried to collect in one article the most popular of them, among them completely new ones, as well as favorite old salads in a new version for them. After all, the Master of the Year loves experiments, and knows that everything new is a well-forgotten old!

16 best salads are presented in a special article. When selecting them, all aspects and wishes were taken into account. Ready-made ideas with a detailed step-by-step description will easily allow you to choose and prepare a salad to your liking.

Hot dishes for the New Year 2017

Hot meals are a separate issue. Now not everyone cooks them, they are limited only to appetizers and salads. But if you decide to cook, then you should try and think through all the details. When serving, the dish should look perfect, its taste should be beyond praise. The Master of the Year is a big pedant in such matters; he will not be pleased with a burnt crust on a turkey, meat that is dry as a sole, or a fish that will fall apart when it is removed from a baking sheet.

Therefore, prepare such a hot dish, in which you are 100% sure, which has been prepared more than once. And if you decide on a new one, then make a dress rehearsal and prepare it somewhere in November, early December. And then you can make the necessary adjustments to the preparation.

Among the hot dishes, almost everything will be welcomed, except for chicken.

1. Oven baked duck, turkey, goose. You can bake them with apples, prunes, dried fruits, nuts. With vegetables, fruits, rice, buckwheat. In general, with everything that only has enough imagination and skill.

2. It is good to serve boiled pork, meatloaf, meat baked in dough, pork with vegetables. There are a lot of meat dishes, different, tasty, their own specialties - so choose a recipe for every taste. And again I want to invite you to mine, there are just great ideas for this!

3., baked on a barbecue - all this will certainly be appreciated! After all, the Element of the Fire Rooster is Fire! Therefore, dishes cooked on live fire will be just what you need!

4. Red fish will also be a priority. It is best to bake it in the oven, you can in foil, so we cooked. In the same way, or in any other way, you can bake trout or salmon. And if you buy and bake sturgeon, then it will generally be just a royal treat!

It is not advisable to just fry it. The rooster does not like heavy and very fatty foods.

5. Very often, dumplings are prepared for the festive table. And this year will also be no exception. In addition, dumplings can be stuck in advance and frozen. And for the holiday it remains only to cook them, it will take quite a bit of time

6. And instead of traditional dumplings, I advise you to cook no less tasty ones. Since they are larger in size, they can be cooked much faster than dumplings. And it's not at all difficult to do so. The main thing is to have a manty cooker, because manti is steamed.

7. In general, this year, dough products will come in handy. They are prepared from flour, and flour is ground from grain. And the grain, you know, is the main food of the Rooster!

Therefore, feel free to cook pies, kulebyaki, stretches. And use the filling in accordance with the above wishes.

8. And what can be cooked from cereals? For me, this is not a question at all, of course pilaf! What could be tastier? And how bright and beautiful it is when served - it's just a FAIRY TALE! By the way, with the recipe that I am pleased to offer you, you will not only cook, but also enjoy the process of its preparation in full. Because cooking pilaf is a very exciting process that leaves no one indifferent!

Well, here's how much has already been prepared. Choose for every taste.

But remember, cook everything in moderation! So that everything is enough, and that nothing has to be thrown away.

The rooster is a zealous and very thrifty host! Throw away food? What else have you come up with!!! He will not approve of this and will be extremely unhappy!

Desserts and drinks

  • If you are preparing desserts for the New Year, then try to make them light. If it comes to them, then after what was already on the table, some very nutritious dessert will definitely not be eaten! Cake, fruit pie is better to bake on January 2-3! After all, the holiday continues to this day!

But Italian or will not remain in the refrigerator. These desserts are so light and tender that all guests will taste them with pleasure. Even if they are already full!

And children are usually always delighted with this. In the winter version, I call it "Festive Snowdrift".

Do not use fatty creams for desserts. It will be superfluous for the stomach, and the Symbol of the Year will certainly not like it.

You can also make light cookies for tea. Add nuts, dried fruits or candied fruits to it. Such cookies, even if you do not eat everything at once, you can eat with pleasure the next day.

  • Now, as for the drinks. When choosing them, consider the cocky disposition of the Rooster. When sober, he is the very gallantry and sophistication, and if he goes over too much, then how would everyone have to hide in the corners!

Therefore, given this fact, do not try to put a lot of strong drinks on the table. If you really can’t do without them, then use them at least in moderation.

But golden champagne and red wine, to match the colors of our handsome man - be sure to put it on the table! What is the New Year without champagne? What will we make a wish for next year!

You can also prepare cocktails, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Bright, fragrant, beautiful - with a cherry or a strawberry - won't this please our Host. In addition, translated from French cock tail - "cock's tail", you know what I'm getting at ...

Do not forget to make a “frosty snowball” around the edge of the glass. To do this, dip the edge of the glass in sugar syrup, and then in sugar. Let it cool - and here it is our beautiful filled glass.

Sprouted grains of wheat

This year, some grains must be on the festive table. And best of all, if it is sprouted grains. This promises wealth, prosperity and prosperity in the house for the whole next year. In addition, they also decorate the table.

How to germinate wheat grains.

  1. First you need to sort out the grains. Separate the wheat from the chaff. Put grains in water, healthy grains will sink, and empty grains will float along with rubbish. Remove rubbish.
  2. Soak beans for 6-8 hours. Then drain the water, and rinse the grains thoroughly in several waters until it becomes transparent.
  3. Lay gauze in several layers in a small bowl. Pour out the washed grains on it and cover with another layer of gauze on top.
  4. Pour boiled water at room temperature so that it slightly covers the grains.
  5. Put the bowl in a bright, warm place. It will be necessary to change the water 3-4 times a day, make sure that the grains are wet all the time. Do not pour a lot of water, as the wheat may become moldy.
  6. Usually grains germinate in 2 days. And in a week there will be high grass. Therefore, put them for germination in advance.

What should not be on the New Year's table 2017

  1. Chicken dishes should not be on the New Year's table 2017. That is, you can not put a whole chicken on the table, or use chicken meat in salads and snacks. It is believed that this may offend the Rooster, and next year he will not help you.

We'll have to somehow do without everyone's favorite meat! If your signature salads contain chicken meat, then replace it with beef or pork. Salads from this will not become less tasty, but on the contrary, they will acquire new flavors. And maybe look at a familiar salad as something new. And later you want to cook it in this version.

  1. Also, do not put whole eggs or halves on the table. That is, it is not advisable to put stuffed eggs on the table. But you can use eggs in salads, or in cooking! Well, if you think that it is not advisable to use chicken eggs in salads, then here you can find a way out - use quail eggs. They will also give a familiar dish a new flavor note!

In principle, these are all limitations! Everything else is prepared as it was prepared!

Well, here are perhaps all the recommendations for decorating the festive table in 2017. I did not write recipes in this article, as I thought that it could turn out to be too overloaded. But if you want to see recipes, then follow the links, there is just a huge offer for all categories of dishes. And most of the recipes are given with a detailed step-by-step description.

I tried to focus on the design, decor and what should be on the table on New Year's Eve. Well, how I did it, you be the judge.

If the article turned out to be useful for you, then please put a class, and share it with your friends. It might be interesting for them to read it as well as for you!

And if you have any questions or suggestions, write in the comments. I'll be happy to answer your question or respond to your request!

Happy New Year!

Already on the eve of the New Year, which means that many housewives are in for a painful preparation for the holiday, which both children and adults love so much. Why painful? Take, for example, the moment of inventing gifts for each family member, moreover, the gifts should be not only good, but also useful, so that they give joy for more than one day, or even a year.

Or - a myriad of time spent thinking over the New Year's menu. If you are also puzzled by the question " What to cook for the New Year 2017?”- our site will help you with this and the torment will turn into pleasure in the blink of an eye.

A special and always long-awaited winter holiday begins long before the magical night of December 31-January 1. Inspiring, touching and exciting preparation for the New Year is in itself the beginning of a real miracle, which in a special way brings together all family members. And one of the main tasks of preparing for the holiday, which falls on the fragile shoulders of the hostess, is preparing dishes for the New Year's table.

The rooster, the master of the coming year, loves everything bright and catchy, so dishes should be colorful. By nature, the Fire Rooster is a vegetarian, but you can’t do without meat dishes at all in the New Year, the main thing is that vegetables prevail on the table.

Pork mini-rolls with cheese and prunes

These amazing rolls will be distributed on the guests' plates in no time. Prunes give the meat amazing softness, and notes of salty cheese extraordinarily enliven the taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • Pork neck - 1 kg
  • Cheese - 200 g
  • Prunes - 200 g
  • Sour cream 25% - 250 g
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Mustard with grains - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Dried basil - 2 teaspoons
  • Salt pepper

Cooking process:

Step 1. First of all, prunes should be soaked in warm water and left to swell.

Step 2 The meat should be washed and cut across the fibers (pieces should be 2 cm thick) and beat off with a kitchen hammer.

Step 3 Olive oil, mustard and sour cream must be mixed with salt, pepper and basil. This sauce should be smeared on each piece of meat on both sides.

Step 4 Dry the prunes with a paper towel and cut into small pieces.

Step 5 Cheese must be cut into medium-sized cubes.

Step 6 Chopped prunes and feta cheese should be laid out on ¼ piece of beaten meat and twisted into a roll. This should be done with all pieces of meat.

Step 7 All rolls should be laid out on a baking sheet and baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 40-60 minutes.

Salmon in white sauce with vegetables

This is a very light, low-calorie holiday that will appeal to everyone who follows the figure, but is not going to give up delicious food.

Required Ingredients:

  • Salmon steak - 6 pcs.
  • Cream - 100 g
  • Natural white yogurt - 200 g
  • Seasoning for fish - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Assorted vegetables (for example, peas, broccoli, carrots) - 300 g
  • Lemon ¼ pc.
  • Olive oil

Cooking process:

Step 1. Fish steaks should be washed and dried with paper towels, after which it is necessary to grease the fish with lemon juice and seasoning.

Step 2 Cream should be mixed with white yogurt.

Step 3 Line a baking sheet with foil and brush with olive oil. The steaks should be laid out on foil and poured with white sauce, and the mixed vegetables should be spread between the pieces of fish. Cover the top of the baking sheet with foil so that there are no gaps for air.

Step 4 Salmon steaks with vegetables should be baked in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes, and then you need to open the dish (remove the top layer of foil) and leave in the oven to bake for 10 minutes.

Eggplant stuffed with vegetables

Vegetables will look great on the New Year's table, and such a dish will definitely please the demanding Fire Rooster.

Required Ingredients:

  • Eggplant - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • Grated hard cheese - for sprinkling
  • Salt pepper
  • Mayonnaise - for greasing
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Cooking process:

Step 1. Eggplants should be thoroughly washed, dried, cut off the stalks and cut each eggplant in half lengthwise. From each half, you need to remove the pulp with a spoon so that rather thick walls remain. Then the eggplant "plates" need to be lightly salted.

Step 2 Carrots and bell peppers should be cut into strips, onions - into half rings, and eggplant pulp - into pieces.

Step 3 All chopped vegetables must be fried in a pan with vegetable oil. Tomatoes should be cut into pieces and added to the vegetables in a pan and simmered all together to evaporate excess liquid. As soon as the vegetables are cooked, you should add the garlic, finely chopped or passed through the garlic, as well as salt and pepper.

Step 4 Vegetable filling should be filled with hollow eggplant halves, sprinkled with grated cheese and smeared with mayonnaise.

Step 5 Eggplants need to be laid on a greased baking sheet and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour.

New Year's Salad "Cracker"

"Hlopushka" will delight guests not only with its colorfulness, but also with an unforgettable taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • Potatoes - 400-500 g
  • White meat (chicken or turkey) - 200 g
  • Fresh mushrooms - 200 g
  • Walnuts - 100 g
  • Eggs - 7 pcs.
  • Pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc. medium size
  • Mayonnaise - 250-300 g
  • dill greens - for decoration
  • canned corn - for decoration
  • Beet juice - for garnish

Cooking process:

Step 1. Potatoes must be boiled in uniforms, then cooled and peeled. Peeled potatoes need to be grated on a fine grater, and then take a cling film and put the potatoes on it in a rectangle, tamp well, salt and grease with mayonnaise.

Step 2 Hard-boiled eggs should be boiled, cooled, peeled and grated on top of the potatoes on a fine grater, slightly retreating from the edges so that the potatoes are slightly visible. A little grated yolk and, separately, protein should be left to decorate the salad.

Step 3 The meat must be boiled in salted water, cool and cut into small pieces.

Step 4 Mushrooms need to be cleaned and cut into small pieces and fried in a pan with finely chopped onions in a small amount of vegetable oil. After five minutes of frying, meat should be added to the mushrooms and kept on fire for another five minutes, salt and pepper to taste. The cooled meat-mushroom mass should be laid out on eggs and greased with mayonnaise.

Step 5 Nuts should be crushed to a state of large crumbs in a blender and sprinkled on meat with mushrooms, greased with mayonnaise.

Step 6 The pomegranate needs to be peeled and half of all the grains of the fruit sprinkled on top of the nuts.

Step 7 Then, carefully holding the edges of the film, it is necessary to roll the roll so that the cling film is not inside the cracker. Having rolled up the roll, you need to wrap it with foil and send the salad to the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours.

Step 8 After the set time has elapsed, the roll must be taken out and greased with mayonnaise on top.

Step 9 Part of the grated proteins should be set aside, and the rest of the proteins should be colored with beetroot juice. Then you can decorate the cracker as you wish, using pink and white squirrels, yolks, pomegranate seeds, corn, herbs, etc.

Salad "Crystal"

Salad "Crystal" looks so impressive that at the first glance at it, the guests can take away the gift of speech! But in the next minute they will vying to admire the skills of the hostess, and admire the beauty of the New Year's salad.

Required Ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Onion
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs. medium size
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise

For jelly:

  • Gelatin - 3 packs of 10 g each (total - 30 g of gelatin)
  • The broth in which the chicken fillet was boiled
  • peppercorns
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Bay leaf

Cooking process:

Step 1. First you need to cook the fillet in salted water with the addition of bay leaf, pepper and finely chopped garlic. When the chicken is cooked, you need to get it out of the broth, and strain the liquid itself.

Step 2 Pour gelatin into a saucepan or ladle, and then pour 150 ml of broth into it, mix thoroughly and leave for 10 minutes to swell. Then you need to put the container on the fire and heat it so that the gelatin is completely dissolved (you cannot bring it to a boil).

Step 3 Next, the gelatin must be filtered through a strainer and pour another 700 ml of chicken broth into it. After mixing thoroughly, you need to pour the jelly into cups or into wide dishes. The height of the jelly should be 1-1.2 cm. While the jelly is cooling in the refrigerator, you need to do the salad itself.

Step 4 The bottom of the salad bowl should be covered with cling film, and put the pre-cooked and diced potatoes in the first layer, grease with mayonnaise.

Step 5 Diced pickled cucumbers should be laid out in a second layer.

Step 6 Chicken fillet should be cut into cubes, put in a third layer and smeared with mayonnaise.

Step 7 Cooked and diced eggs should be laid out in the last layer and smeared with mayonnaise. The salad needs to be put in the refrigerator for a while.

Step 8 The mold with the already frozen jelly must be taken out and cut into squares of jelly.

Step 9 Now you need to carefully, using cling film, overturn the salad on a flat dish, remove the film and coat the top and edges with mayonnaise.

Step 10 Carefully, one at a time, you need to get the squares of jelly and spread them around the salad, starting from the bottom. You can decorate the finished salad to your taste.

Snack "Christmas Trees"

An appetizer in the form of green Christmas trees will look spectacular on the New Year's table. And to prepare such a dish is not difficult at all.

Required Ingredients:

  • Curd cheese - 220 g
  • Lavash - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian red pepper - 1-2 pcs.
  • lettuce leaves
  • Olives, chopped - ¼ cup (plus a few olives for garnish)
  • Fresh basil, chopped - ¼ cup
  • Parmesan cheese - ¼ cup

Cooking process:

Step 1. A cling film should be placed on the table, and washed and dried lettuce leaves should be placed on it.

Step 2. Lavash should be put on a green salad and cut into 4 equal parts along the length of the pita bread.

Step 3 Parmesan should be grated on a fine grater, finely chopped olives, and chop the basil and bell pepper.

Step 4 All chopped ingredients must be mixed with curd cheese, divided into 4 equal parts and laid out in an even layer on prepared pita bread.

Step 5 Now you need to carefully twist the rolls, but so that the cling film does not wrap inside. The resulting rolls should be squeezed with your fingers so that a triangular shape is obtained. Next, you need to place the rolls in the refrigerator to cool for 2 hours.

Step 6 After the allotted time, the rolls must be freed from the film, cut into not too wide portioned pieces and each pricked onto a skewer at the base of the triangle, not forgetting to place a piece of olive at the base of each Christmas tree.

A variety of canapes look wonderful on the festive table. Moreover, you can make them absolutely for every taste - with fish, with meat, with ham, with sausage, vegetarian and fruit canapes, with cheese and salmon, with olives and boiled pork, etc.

New Year is a holiday for every person, associated with an elegant Christmas tree, sparklers, of course, gifts and delicious food. Some recommendations will help make the New Year's table memorable. We advise you to decide in advance what dishes should be on the New Year's table. In this article we will tell you what dishes to cook for the New Year 2017, give step-by-step recipes, as well as photos.

The main nuances of the menu

Recently, many have been trying to please the coming symbol of the year with the delicacies presented on the festive table. In 2017, this is the Fire Rooster.

The rooster has always been the master of the house and its hens. He will appreciate simple and natural dishes. In the year of the Rooster, it is better to cook a lot of homemade cakes, for example, pies. Particular attention should be paid to greens and vegetables. Sandwiches with meat ingredients and vegetables can serve as an appetizer. From drinks it is better to choose cocktails, wines or tinctures. To dishes that can be seasoned with alcohol, it is better to add sweet liquor or wine from various fruits and berries.

Note! The highlight of the table should be a small plate with grain.

When people are already gathering in the house, you should offer them a snack. As a snack, a cocktail salad can be suitable, which will immediately give the holiday an appropriate atmosphere.

Cooking for the holiday table

No New Year is complete without New Year's salads. As a rule, the table accommodates meat salads, delicious fish dishes and vegetarian food. It is worth choosing which dishes to cook, focusing on who will eat them. In the New Year, you can try and surprise everyone with your skill, cook dishes that no one has tried before. In addition to traditional salads, which are associated with the New Year, several other dishes are added to the table.


This gourmet dish will appeal to everyone: both women and men. It is very nutritious and helps to cope with the feeling of hunger. To cook it correctly, you need to follow the following instructions:

  1. Take a pound of champignons and fry in a hot pan with onions. It must be remembered that it is better to put them in hot oil, and cut the onion into small pieces. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Then cut 10 crab sticks into cubes.
  3. 6 boiled eggs should be grated on the smallest grater and add all the previously prepared ingredients.
  4. Next, you need to season the salad with mayonnaise.
  5. Arrange the prepared salad on a beautifully decorated platter.
  6. Top with grated soft cheese.

This salad does not take much time, so you should take note of this recipe, besides, it is delicious. It will appeal to people who like salads "with a sharp start."

Korean salad

For the correct preparation of the dish, you must follow the correct sequence of actions:

  1. It is necessary to take 100 grams of green string beans and fry in hot oil until golden brown.
  2. Place the beans on a paper towel, cool, let the oil drain.
  3. Fry six mushrooms and place on a paper towel.
  4. After cooling all the ingredients, you need to mix them in a deep bowl.
  5. Next, add 150 grams of Korean carrots and eight olives.
  6. Salt the salad to taste.
  7. Add pepper if needed.
  8. Toss the salad and let stand for about an hour in the refrigerator.

The prepared dish should be put in a salad bowl and garnished with herbs or pine nuts.

holiday mood

As another festive dish, a salad with a delicious taste will perform. For this you need:

  1. Take three boiled eggs. Cut them into strips.
  2. Add three chopped tomatoes to the eggs.
  3. Cut 150 grams of crab meat product.
  4. Grate 100 grams of hard cheese.

Garlic sauce is used as a dressing. For cooking, take two cloves of garlic and push them through the garlic. It is worth focusing only on your own taste. Remember that housewives often overdo it with this dressing.

Note! Such a dish is laid out in the form of rings or other figures. You can decorate it with lettuce leaves, various herbs, pine nuts.

New Year's table rules

  1. No need to focus on the chicken. The rooster may be offended and deprive the hostess of good luck in the coming year.
  2. The main dish should not be cooked with a lot of oil and fat.
  3. Dishes with greens and vegetables, lean meat will look great on the table.
  4. Don't cook too much spicy food.
Note! It is best to pay attention to foods such as cheeses, olives, spices, fish. You can cook baked fish. As it is suitable trout, salmon. Potatoes can be a side dish.

Drink and don't get drunk

In the New Year, cocktails will be relevant, because the word "cocktail" is even translated accordingly as the tail of a rooster.

Cocktail "Mood"

You can make a cocktail "Mood". For this you need to take:

  • coca-cola;
  • red wine, preferably cherry;
  • dark rum.

This taste will attract friends and acquaintances with an unusual peculiar taste. A wine drink will add zest in the form of tart notes. The procedure for preparing the drink is as follows:

  1. Grab an elegant cocktail glass. Do not forget to wash it, because the appearance of the cocktail is also important.
  2. Put ice on the bottom.
  3. Mix three parts wine and one rum.
  4. Add soda to the mixture.

A lemon or a berry can act as a decoration. The straw will also look amazing. It only takes a couple of minutes to make a cocktail.

Cocktail "Champagne"

It takes half an hour to prepare. It is the main drink of the holiday. Contains champagne, lemon, vermouth, sugar, ice and a dash of fantasy to decorate the prepared drink.

First you need to mix champagne, vermouth and sugar. All in equal amounts. Add lemon juice and stir. Then the drink should be cooled in the refrigerator. Next, you need to pour the cocktail into prepared glasses, decorate them with an umbrella and lemon. Wine glasses are better to choose a New Year's theme, for example, with snowflakes, stickers or hand-painted. Don't forget the ice cubes.

Such recipes will be liked by guests and relatives who have come, they will create a festive mood.

What is the most important item on your Christmas to-do list? Many will say that this is a compilation of a festive menu, and they will not be mistaken. What will be on the table is not just the result of the efforts of the hostess or owner, but also a demonstration of their imagination. After all, I really want to cook something that will echo the symbol of the upcoming 365 days. In 2017, this will be the Red Fire Rooster. What to cook for the New Year of the Rooster so that the “bird” is satisfied?

colorful vegetables

Since the rooster does not belong to predators, the festive table should have as little meat as possible and as many fruit and vegetable dishes as possible. You can simply cut vegetables and fruits beautifully, string them on skewers, build figurines, etc.


What to cook for the New Year 2017 from vegetables so that it is not just a cut? For example, "Turrets". For them, mugs of tomatoes, eggplant and even zucchini are often used. But the baked cherry tomatoes with fresh cucumbers and the lightest curd cream sauce are especially good both in appearance and taste. For 8-10 "turrets" you will need only 1 cucumber and 4-5 pcs. cherry.

  1. Tomatoes should be washed, dried, cut in half and put in a hot oven (200 ° C) for 10 minutes.
  2. During this time, you need to prepare the cream. To do this, half a pack of cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve and mixed with thick sour cream (2-3 tablespoons). 1 tbsp is also sent there. lemon juice and a few crushed garlic cloves. All this must be beaten in a blender to get an airy homogeneous mass.
  3. The cucumber is washed, wiped dry and peeled with a knife, leaving vertical stripes of the skin.
  4. Now it's time to collect the "turrets": take a piece of cucumber about 3 cm thick, squeeze curd cream onto it from a culinary syringe or just put it with a teaspoon. Top with half a cherry, by this time they should already be cooked and cooled.
  5. If desired, you can sprinkle the “turret” with herbs or roasted sesame seeds on top. Such a dish is served on a flat plain plate or on a lettuce leaf.

Vegetable canapes or skewers will look very nice. Toothpicks or special skewers are used for canapes, and thin wooden skewers for kebabs. They should be strung with vegetables, interspersed with herbs. Tomatoes, cucumbers (both with and without skins), multi-colored bell peppers, olives, etc. will perfectly “get along” in one kebab. You can complement this dish with cheese.

Meat salads and appetizers

What dishes to cook for the New Year 2017 so that the Rooster “likes” them? Absolutely, it should not be dishes from chicken meat and eggs in their pure form. And if eggs can be used, for example, in the form of egg pancakes or replaced with quail, then chicken will have to be abandoned. However, there are many recipes where beef, fish, seafood, etc. will be the main ingredients.


For such an appetizer, you will need large shrimp (200 g), salt, garlic and pepper to taste, as well as oil to fry them. The sauce is made from 1 large tomato, 1 ripe avocado, half an onion, salt, olive oil and lemon juice. How to prepare a snack?

  1. Remove the avocado pulp with a spoon, mash and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  2. Pour boiling water over the tomato and remove the skin, chop the onion coarsely.
  3. Avocado, tomato and onion are put in a blender, salted, olive oil is added to taste, sprinkled with lemon juice again and mashed.
  4. Now you need to quickly fry the shrimp, sprinkled with salt, pepper and chopped garlic.
  5. Slices of lightly toasted (oven-dried) bread are smeared with sauce, and shrimp are placed on top.

It is important to ensure that the shrimp lie in the same way, only then the dish will justify its name. If you decide to do without bread, you can replace it with crackers or rye bread.

"Rooster tail"

What salads to cook for the New Year 2017 so that they echo the symbol of the year? An excellent option is the Rooster Tail salad. There are many dishes with a similar name - there are appetizers, desserts, and cocktails. But it is in the salad that all the ingredients will be as bright as the feathers in the tail of a poultry.

  1. It is best to use pork as a meat ingredient - bake a piece of fillet weighing about 300 g in foil (it will weigh less when ready).
  2. Now red onion (1 medium head) and 1 red bell pepper, having previously cleared it of seeds, must be cut into thin half rings.
  3. Cut the cooled meat into strips, mix with pepper and onion. Pour red beans in their own juice (1 can) into the salad, after draining the liquid.
  4. The salad is almost ready, it remains to sprinkle it with walnuts (30 g) and a handful of pomegranate kernels.

Mayonnaise is usually not used as a dressing. Instead, take olive oil, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce or lemon and lime juice. You can pour any of this liquid separately or a mixture of them.

If the dressing used is not very salty and spicy, then the salad should be salted and peppered. And also, if desired, sprinkle it with finely chopped herbs.

What's hot?

Since when meeting the year of the Rooster, you can’t feast on chicken meat, it’s worth cooking fish, beef or pork for hot. A prerequisite is that vegetables should accompany any.


A hot dish called "Nests" is the best way to celebrate the Year of the Rooster, because, firstly, a rooster is a bird, and secondly, it is a family-oriented animal. For "Nests" you will need:

  • half a kilo of potatoes (the same vegetable that is needed);
  • 300 g pork fillet;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 egg;
  • garlic to taste;
  • a little flour (2-3 tablespoons);
  • well melting cheese - 50 g;
  • salt and oil to taste.

First of all, prepare mashed potatoes: boil potatoes, add salt, flour and a raw egg. While the puree is cooling, it is worth doing the meat. Pork is chopped into small pieces, garlic is passed through a press, and onions are cut into half rings. All together are fried until almost cooked. The pastry bag is filled with puree and squeezed onto a sheet of parchment placed on a baking sheet, forming nests. Now it remains to fill them with meat, sprinkle with grated cheese on top and leave in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 25 minutes.

If desired, instead of pork, you can use beef (only you need sauce for it, otherwise it will be dry), minced meat from several types of meat, vegetables (they must first be stewed), mushrooms and even fish.

holiday sweets

Speaking of recipes for the New Year 2017, we must not forget about the dessert. Perhaps on New Year's Eve it will not come to him, but on January 1, most likely, everyone will want something sweet.

To meet the year of the Rooster, dessert should be homemade. What does it mean? Do not try to repeat restaurant dishes. It is best to use homemade jam for cooking, bake pies or pancakes.

Pancake rolls with sweet filling

For this dish, pancakes are prepared according to any recipe. For example, mix 1 tbsp. curdled milk with a raw egg, flour (4 tablespoons) and sugar (1 tablespoon), salt is also added to taste. From the resulting dough should get about 8-10 pancakes. Now for them you need to make the filling:

As a New Year's dessert, you can also cook homemade ice cream. To do this, grind any fruits and berries to a puree (about 1 tbsp.), And then beat in a blender with 0.5 tbsp. yogurt and 2 tsp. powdered sugar. The resulting mass will only have to freeze and can be served on the table!

In addition to desserts, snacks and hot dishes, you should definitely make sure that there are beautiful festive drinks on the table. Alcohol should not be abused - the Rooster will not approve of this. It is best to use strong drinks in cocktails, decorating glasses with fruits and berries in red and orange.

The main distinguishing feature of the Red Rooster, the owner of 2017, is pedantry. He loves classics, elegance and simplicity. Therefore, in the process of preparing New Year's dishes, it is necessary to take into account its tastes.
Recipe content:

The most beloved Orthodox holiday is the New Year. When one year gives way to another, many people cherish the hope that a magical night will bring a new and happy life. They believe that the past year will take away old worries and problems, and the new one will allow a lot to start from scratch. Therefore, there is a special approach to the holiday: they put on the most fashionable outfits, put the best appliances on the table, and prepare the most delicious dishes. For this reason, the preparation of the New Year's menu requires a special approach and compliance with a certain number of rules.

To properly compose the menu, one should take into account the tastes of the Red Rooster in order to appease him in every possible way. After all, both children and adults believe in a magical New Year's Eve that works wonders. To satisfy the animal, one should take into account that the creature is not greedy, but moderately economical. However, this does not mean that the feast should burst with abundance. Everything should be on the table in abundance, but the dishes should be prepared simple.

All New Year's dishes should be colorful and bright, like the Rooster himself. The bright ingredients involved in the recipe will help achieve this effect. The animal will be pleased with the presence of fruits and vegetables on the table. It would be useful to have a container with grain in the center of the feast, because. This is the bird's favorite delicacy. The owner of the year will be glad to have a sweet: a cake or a pie. The animal on the New Year's table will not forgive chicken dishes. Another forbidden product of the New Year's menu are chicken eggs. However, adding them to New Year's dishes is not prohibited. In addition, they can be replaced with quail. You should not just use them explicitly - stuffed or in the form of snowmen on skewers.

The New Year's table should be filled with a wide selection of dishes and drinks. Be sure to hot dishes, snacks, salads, dessert and drinks. The rooster, as a native of the village, is used to simple food, so you should not “bother” with complex recipes from chefs. However, this does not mean that it will be possible to get by with the on-duty Olivier and Fur Coat. Without them, of course, nowhere, but you need to cook a dish without exotic ingredients.
  • hotter. Recall - the feathered symbol will upset if they eat its relatives - the chicken. It is better to choose dishes from fish and seafood.
  • Garnish. Stewed and fresh vegetables will look good. And like a true villager, a rooster will be delighted with potatoes.
  • Salads. Their circle is rich enough. A salad in the form of a Christmas tree or a New Year's toy will help to emphasize the solemnity of the moment.
  • Snacks. Since the rooster is a very bright character, snacks need to be selected bright and expressive. It can be vegetable and meat cuts, canapes, mini-sandwiches ...
  • The drinks. Life-giving moisture is only natural: juices, fruit drinks.
  • desserts. Here fantasy allows you to do anything.

How to set the table?

  • Tablecloth- monophonic soft tones. The best option is white, pink, gold, made of linen or cotton.
  • Service- naturalness: glass, wood, clay, and no plastic. It will be beneficial to shade bright dishes from porcelain dishes.
  • Napkins- in the tone of the tablecloth, but can also be bright red - after all, the Fire Rooster. Place paper napkins on a plate, linen and cotton - under a plate.
  • Glasses- depending on the type of alcohol provided. Don't forget the water glasses.

There should be more accessories made from natural materials on the table - a wicker basket for bread, a wooden tray or a salt shaker. You can greet the Fire Rooster by placing candles in red candlesticks on the table. This will perfectly complement the New Year's interior, give an atmosphere of mystery and elegance. You can safely take out candles and candlesticks left over from last year, because. the fiery theme remains relevant. Last year's red decorations are suitable: figurines, compositions ... Decorate dishes: The rooster loves elegance and beauty. It is advisable to decorate the treat with something red - tomatoes, red caviar, pomegranate. A small bowl with sprouted grains would be appropriate in the center of the table.

What delicious and beautiful to cook - recipes for the New Year 2017

Greten is a great side dish for a main course. This is the oldest dish in French cuisine. Bright, festive, easy to prepare, and given the rustic theme of 2017, it can be made in clay pots.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 143 kcal.
  • Servings Per Container - 6
  • Cooking time - 1 hour 20 minutes


  • Potatoes - 8 pcs.
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 150 g
  • Cream 25% fat - 300 ml
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Champignons - 5 pcs.
  • Nutmeg - 1/3 tsp
  • Cheese - 200 g
  • Greens (parsley, cilantro) - bunch
  • Bacon - 100 g
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp
  • Provence herbs - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp or to taste
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch or to taste

Step by step preparation:

  1. Peel the potatoes, cut into 1.5 cm circles.
  2. Freeze the bacon slightly so that you can cut it into thin slices.
  3. Wash the mushrooms and cut into thin strips along the legs.
  4. For the sauce with a blender, beat sour cream with cream until smooth, add nutmeg, salt, pepper, spices, chopped garlic cloves.
  5. Cheese grate on a fine grater.
  6. Lubricate 6 clay pots or special disposable holiday foil molds with oil.
  7. Lay the ingredients in layers in molds. Alternate layers as follows: potatoes, bacon, mushrooms.
  8. Pour sauce over all products and sprinkle with cheese.
  9. Bake the gratin in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 45 minutes until golden brown. Serve hot, garnished with herbs.

Pork and prunes are a great food combination. Fragrant, juicy, tender, tasty... The dish will be to the taste of both the guests and the owner of 2017.


  • Pork rump - 1.5 kg
  • Pitted prunes - 20 pcs.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Red dry wine - 1 tbsp.
  • Mustard grains - 4 tbsp.
  • Thyme - 1 tsp
  • Salt - a couple of pinches or to taste
  • Black pepper - pinch or to taste
Step by step preparation:
  1. Wash the meat and pat it dry with a towel. Make cross cuts every 1.5 cm, without cutting to the end of 3 cm.
  2. Pour the wine into a deep and wide container and heat it to a temperature close to boiling, but do not let it boil.
  3. Remove the wine from the stove and dip the chopped prunes into it. Leave to marinate for half an hour.
  4. Coarsely chop the garlic and mix with the prunes that you extract from the wine.
  5. Salt the meat thoroughly, pepper, rub with thyme and sprinkle with mustard seeds.
  6. Fill each cut with prunes and leave the meat in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours.
  7. Wrap the pork in food foil and place it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Leave to cook for 30 minutes. Turn the package over and continue baking for another 30 minutes. Then carefully unfold the foil so that the meat is browned for 10 minutes.

Salmon is a delicacy that each of us loves. It can be present on the table in the form of cuts, used for salads, but the most delicious option is baked in the oven.


  • Salmon fillet - 1 kg
  • Breadcrumbs - 5 tbsp.
  • Butter - 30 g
  • Mustard - 5 tablespoons
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons
  • Walnuts - 10 pcs.
  • Parsley greens - half a bunch
  • Salt - a pinch or to taste
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch or to taste
  • Refined vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
Step by step preparation:
  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan.
  2. Add honey, add mustard, pour washed and dried finely chopped greens. Stir.
  3. For breading, combine crushed walnuts and breadcrumbs.
  4. Cut the fish into portions, removing the vertebral bones. Place it in an oiled mold. Drizzle with prepared sauce and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  5. Place the form in a preheated oven to 190 degrees and cook the fish for 30 minutes. Serve garnished with thin lemon slices.

Dessert! How can you do without it on New Year's Eve? And since in the coming year the host of the celebration is the Cockerel, and not simple, but Fiery, the dessert will be flaming.


  • Bitter chocolate - 200 g
  • Cream with a fat content of 30% - 200 ml
  • Cognac - 30 ml
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Chopped walnuts and almonds - 1 tbsp each
  • Any fresh fruit - 100 g
  • Biscuit cut into cubes - 100 g
Step by step preparation:
  1. Prepare the fondue pot by setting its bowl in a water bath.
  2. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt.
  3. Mix the chocolate mass with cream, honey, nuts and cognac until smooth.
  4. Place the bowl on the stand and light the candle.
  5. Put the prepared fruit and biscuit on skewers, which you dip into the fragrant warm mass and enjoy a delicious delicacy!

Drinks are only natural! Remember? Even an alcoholic drink can be made from healthy and tasty products. Mary Christmas - just in harmony with the New Year's table of 2017 and fits all the requirements of the Fire Rooster: red-fiery, bright, natural.


  • Vodka - 1 part
  • Tomato juice - 3 parts
  • Lemon - 1 slice
  • Salt - a pinch
Step by step preparation:
  1. In this cocktail, the main thing is to observe the order of the ingredients. In a small pile, first pour thick tomato juice in a ratio of 1: 3 (the juice should be three times as much vodka). The juice must be thick so that it can hold vodka on its surface and prevent it from “plunging into its depths”.
  2. After that, add a pinch of salt to the tomato juice, squeeze out the lemon juice and carefully pour the vodka over the blade of the knife. The amount of vodka should be three times less than juice. It is desirable that the vodka be ice cold. Since the cocktail is prepared immediately before drinking, otherwise all the ingredients will mix.

Video recipes: