How to squeeze more juice out of an orange. How to get the most juice from oranges

Despite the fact that chromium is one of the hardest elements in nature, the coating inevitably gets various kinds of defects during operation. Let's take a look at how to restore chrome parts, clean them, polish them, and prevent further chrome degradation.

Coating defects

Chromium plating is a thin layer of chromium that is applied to a metal surface, often pre-coated with a nickel layer, by means of electroplating. When plating a plastic, that is, a dielectric, the surface is mechanically processed to create adhesion, then a preliminary conductive layer is applied. The surface becomes less vulnerable to mechanical stress, and in the case of metal, also protected from corrosion. The quality of the coating is influenced by the chrome plating technology. But even the highest quality chrome can get various kinds of damage over time:

Damage to chrome-plated elements that can be restored at home does not include: peeling of the top layer of the coating or chrome along with a nickel substrate, the absence of chrome in the recessed areas of the product or around the holes. Defects of this kind are a factory defect resulting from a violation of technology or the use of low-quality reagents. To restore such car parts, you will need to completely remove the old coating and apply a new layer of chrome. Despite the laboriousness and cost of the process, it is quite a feasible task. Consider the step-by-step restoration of all types of damage.

Removal of corrosion

Chromium protects metal surfaces well from rusting, but it is also susceptible to corrosion. This is facilitated by aggressive reagents used for roads in the winter season.

Punching corrosion, in which the chromium layer is completely destroyed, can only be repaired by reprocessing the part. Also, restoration of areas where rusting of the metal has led to the detachment of the chrome layer is not submitted.

In all other cases, to remove corrosion from a part, you can use:

  • a mixture of baking soda, powdered gas stove cleaner and warm water. To prepare, dilute soda and powder in a 1: 1 ratio, and then add water, stirring until a pasty state;
  • As a substitute for baking soda, you can use citric acid and regular salt in a 1: 1 ratio. Coca-Cola will cope with small foci of corrosion;
  • WD-40 (in common people called "Vedoshka");
  • specialized cleaners for chromium. For example, Soft99 Chrome Cleaner or Doctor Wax (DW8317), GRASS Chrome Cleaner, etc. The manufacturers of the products assure that the composition of their chemical reagents and fine abrasives can not only remove oxides and cloudiness, but also create a protective film. This way you can protect the parts from further destruction. Often such products are marketed as polishing pastes for removing haze and scuffs. Therefore, with a large amount of corrosion, it is recommended to use them as the final stage of giving a presentation.


To clean chrome-plated parts, foil or metallata (steel wool) is often used; in the absence of a regular sponge, you can use.

Never use sandpaper. This will remove too much chrome and cause scratches, thereby damaging the part even more. In addition, you will additionally "expose" the surface by opening the centers of corrosion for oxygen and moisture.

Rye removal begins with thorough cleaning of chrome-plated parts and adjoining areas from dirt, bitumen stains, fat deposits. You can use car shampoo (no wax), special bitumen stain removers, foam engine cleaner, and regular degreaser.

To use commercial cleaners for chrome-plated parts, just drop a few drops on a rag and rub the surface until a shine appears. If you are using your own product made from acids and salts, then it must be applied to the surface, leaving it for a few minutes for a chemical reaction. For more effective cleaning, wipe the part with the soft side of the dishwashing sponge; you can remove rust from grooves, grooves or joints with a toothbrush. It is better to do this procedure several times. So you can control the effect of chemical elements on the part. An overly aggressive compound left on for a long time will destroy the excess chromium layer.


You can restore the original shine of chrome-plated elements and remove minor scratches by polishing. As a polishing paste, you can use GOI paste, which, depending on the size of the abrasive particles, is presented in several variations (NN 1-4):

  • NN 4 is the coarsest abrasive. Suitable for removing oxides and grinding deep scratches from the part;
  • NN 3 - medium abrasive, which will give a smooth matte surface without roughness;
  • NN 1-2 - numbers for finishing. Polishing will give the original shine and smoothness.

The number of required GOI paste numbers depends on the degree of damage to the chrome-plated part. For a high-quality restoration, NN 1-3 will be enough. Most often, the paste can be found in bars, so when polishing it is permissible to use a couple of drops of clean motor oil. Door handles should be cleaned after polishing if oily deposits remain on them. For other elements, the engine oil will create a protective film that will keep the chrome-plated elements of the car from reagents.

Among the cosmetics for cars, you can find special polishes for chrome. For example, Doctor Wax (DW8317), Chrome Polish from Sapfire, Liqui Moli Chrom-Glanz-Creme or similar products from other manufacturers.

For manual polishing, it is enough to apply the composition to a cotton cloth or microfiber and rub the surface until it shines. You can polish the surface with the highest quality using a polishing machine or special polishing wheels with an adapter for a screwdriver. It is advisable to polish the part in two stages:

  • felt circle at medium speed;
  • a felt or soft foam pad (usually black) for the final shine. You need to polish at medium speed. In order not to overheat the surfaces of the parts, do not stay in one place for a long time; periodically, the surface can be moistened with clean water.

Before polishing the chrome parts of the car, thoroughly clean the surface from dirt.

Alternative methods

If the restoration of chrome elements with your own hands does not give positive results, you can stylize the chrome detail using vinyl film. This method will restore the shine of the chrome-plated elements of the car without laborious electroplating. Among the manufacturers of films with a chrome effect are:

You should not expect elasticity and a mirror effect from cheap Chinese films, and a poor-quality film can swell or peel off at the edges over time. It is worth considering that, compared to conventional vinyl materials, pasting with a chrome film has a number of features. The advantage of this restoration is that it becomes possible to choose the color shade of the chrome finish. Therefore, if you want to do work with your own hands, choose only high-quality materials - so the chances of repeating the original chrome are much higher. If chrome delamination or large cracks and foci of corrosion occurs on an old part, then all the old chrome will have to be removed to obtain a smooth surface. To do this, you can use abrasive machines (for example, a sandblaster) or chemical solutions.

The second alternative is chemical metallization. Despite the fact that the coating is cheaper than the electroplating method of forming chromium, the quality level is quite acceptable. Processing takes place using special equipment, so it will be extremely costly to restore chrome parts with your own hands.

The chrome-plated body elements add a special elegance and style to the vehicle. Every car manufacturer uses such elements in the auto style. However, beauty requires sacrifice. This is due to the fact that chrome plating is susceptible to corrosion, but with the right approach to cleaning chrome elements, you can keep the perfect look. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for cleaning and restoring chrome plating.

Polishing chrome parts: general rules

Firstly, if you have a new car, then you should clean the chrome plating in a timely manner. This will help you keep the chrome elements shiny for a long time.

To clean and repair chrome plating, you will need a special product that is sold at a car dealership or the home remedies listed below. Typically, a store-bought product is called a chromium reducer or a car shampoo with a coating reducer. There may be other names, so check with the seller for information. Also get a rough, soft scrubbing sponge. For the final polish, you can use a microfiber or a heavy-nap woolen cloth.

Stock up on sponges, cleaning agent and go. The process is quite lengthy. For example, one chrome rear bumper molding will require about 80 grams of cleaner and 2 sponges.

After you have made a rough cleaning of the chrome plating, you can start polishing the part. The polished part must be completely dry. For the best effect, it is recommended to use a hair dryer, microfiber or woolen cloth with a large pile. When polishing, you can use a special polish for chrome. It will help to avoid plaque on the coating and create a protective layer. Polishing is done in a circular motion, covering the entire surface. After polishing, leave the car for 30-40 minutes, and then walk again over the polished part with microfiber to remove excess polishing agent.

To maintain the ideal condition of chrome-plated elements, it is necessary to carry out these operations 2-3 times a year. The effect to be achieved will meet all your expectations.

How to remove rust from chrome car parts

In this case, it all depends on the size and depth of corrosion foci on the chrome-plated part. If the centers of corrosion look like small rusty dots or scratches, this is half the battle, but if the corrosion center has already grown enough and has an impressive depth or even chrome has swollen, then it is practically impossible to save the coating or it will not be possible at all.

1. Corrosion in the form of dots and scratches.

If a chrome-plated part has corrosion damage in the form of rusty spots with a shallow depth or scratches, then simple means are suitable for cleaning the surface and removing this rust: these are polishes, and acetic or citric acid, and soda, etc. The ideal option after that is to cover the cleaned part with a protective polish to prevent the growth of former foci of corrosion.

2. Corrosion in the form of severe lesions or swelling.

If the chrome-plated part has significant corrosion damage, for this it will be necessary to clean it first with almost the finest emery paper, and then proceed to the method described above in the first case. It is worth paying attention, if the chrome coating is completely swollen, then something cannot be done. You can only resort to special services that deal with the chrome plating of parts. Or you can cover this part with a chrome film yourself. It certainly won't take long, but the effect will still not be what we would like.

How to clean plaque on chrome car parts

Currently, there are quite a few tools that can be used to clean and remove plaque from chrome-plated car parts. Moreover, it is important to mention that for this there is no need to run to a car store and spend money. And by the way, not always every tool for cleaning chrome elements will cope with this. It will cope to some extent, but the cleaning process can take a long time. Therefore, below we list the funds that are probably in every home. And this:

  • Baking soda;
  • Rubbing alcohol;
  • Citric acid (especially effective);
  • Acetic acid;
  • Foil and water;
  • Liquid for washing dishes or windows.

At least one of the above list is definitely in every home. Therefore, there is no need to spend money on cleaning products at the auto shop.

Interesting video on cleaning chrome parts

This video shows, oddly enough, cleaning the chrome-plated surface with water and an ordinary falg.

Methods for restoring and cleaning chrome parts from plaque and rust was last modified: October 15th, 2018 by Administrator

Chromium is a hard but brittle metal that is often used as a coating for other metals. The chrome plating process is often used in the manufacture of chrome grilles, rims and other automotive parts, bathroom and kitchen faucets, bicycle parts, and more. At the same time, chrome is sufficiently well cleaned of dirt and rust and does not even require expensive cleaning agents or special tools for this. However, chrome can smudge and tarnish very quickly, so if you want to maintain its shine, it is important to regularly clean the chrome surface.


Part 1

Cleaning the chrome surface

    Prepare an aqueous solution of dishwashing detergent. First of all, chrome must be cleaned of dirt, stains and grease in order to expose the rust that may have formed on its surface. Fill a bucket with lukewarm water. Add 10 drops of liquid dish soap to it. Stir the soap solution by hand until a light lather forms.

    • To clean chrome items that can be immersed in the solution (such as small parts, pots or dishes), it is best to use the kitchen sink instead of a bucket.
  1. Wipe the chrome surface with a cleaning solution. Dampen a sponge or microfiber cloth with soapy water. Squeeze out excess water so that it does not splatter everything around. Rub the chrome surface with soapy water, making sure not to miss a single spot. Rinse the sponge regularly in soapy water to clean and re-soak with the cleaning solution.

    • Use a soft toothbrush moistened with soapy water to reach hard-to-reach corners and slots.
    • For best results, clean chrome surfaces weekly or as soon as they start to tarnish.
  2. Rinse the surface. When the chrome, in your opinion, is already well cleaned, drain the soapy water. Rinse the bucket and fill it with clean water. Rinse the sponge thoroughly in running water. Squeeze excess water out of the sponge and wipe the chrome again to remove any residual cleaning solution from it.

    • For items that you washed in the kitchen sink, simply rinse off the cleaning solution in running water.
    • When working outdoors with car and bicycle parts, simply rinse them with water from a garden hose.
  3. Wash off stubborn stains with wine vinegar. Sometimes you have to deal with stains and marks that cannot be washed off with ordinary soapy water, and they need to be wiped off with a mildly acidic solution of wine vinegar. Mix equal parts water and vinegar in a bucket or sink. Moisten a sponge with the solution and squeeze, then rub it over stubborn stains to work on them with diluted vinegar.

    • When you are satisfied with the result achieved, once again rinse the chrome-plated surface with clean water.
  4. Wipe the chrome surface dry and inspect for rust. Take a dry microfiber cloth and wipe the chrome surface with it. Traces of dried water drops easily remain on chrome, so fresh drops must be wiped off immediately, even before they dry. When wiping off the chrome, check for rust.

    • If you find rust on the chrome surface, use the following rust removal method.

Part 2

Removing rust
  1. Cut into square pieces of aluminum foil. Tear off a strip about 7.5 cm wide from the foil roll. Cut it into three equal parts. Each piece should be about 7.5-10 cm long. To remove rust from the chrome, you will need to wipe it down with aluminum foil.

    Fill a bowl with water. Take a small bowl from the kitchen and fill it with plain water. The water will act as a lubricant between chromium and aluminum. Rust is removed by a chemical reaction when these two metals come into contact.

    • There is no need to use cola or vinegar as a lubricant to remove rust from chromium.
  2. Rub the rust with foil soaked in water. Dip a piece of foil into a bowl of water to wet it. Lightly rub the rusted area of ​​the chrome surface with wet foil. There is no need to apply excessive pressure and excessive force as very little friction is required to form the rust-dissolving aluminum oxide.

    Use an aluminum foil ball to clean the chipped areas. Chromium is prone to chipped areas, especially where rust appears. Use a crumpled ball of aluminum foil to remove rust from these areas and give them a sleek look. Tear off another 7.5 cm wide strip of foil. Crumple it into a not very tight ball. Wet the ball and rub it gently over the dents.

    Rinse and dry the chrome surface. Once all the rust has been removed, use a sponge or hose to rinse off the brown paste that has formed during operation. After removing rust particles and paste residues, wipe the surface dry with a clean microfiber cloth.

Part 3


    Polish the chrome surface with a dry cloth. Take a clean, dry microfiber cloth and polish the chrome surface completely with it. Apply light pressure and rub the metal in a circular motion. This will help remove any residual traces of moisture, dirt and rust, and polish the metal to a shine.

    • You can also use a portable polisher with a clean, dry polishing pad.
  1. Lubricate the chrome with baby oil. Baby oil is essentially petroleum jelly and is an excellent polish for wood and metal. It will not only help to make the metal surface smooth, but also give it a beautiful shine. Place a few drops of baby oil on the chrome surface, spreading the drops 2.5-5 cm apart.

    Wipe down the chrome surface with a cloth. Use a dry microfiber cloth to rub the baby oil onto the chrome surface. While working, lightly press on the rag and move in a circular motion. Once you have covered all the required area, repeat the process with another clean cloth to remove excess oil from the surface.

Car enthusiasts who attach great importance to the appearance of their iron pet often wonder how to clean the chrome parts of the car. The chrome coating is designed to protect the metal from aggressive environmental influences and at the same time serves as a decoration giving the car an elegant look. But it, too, over time lends itself to corrosion, oxidation, becomes cloudy and becomes covered with cracks. To keep it in its original form as long as possible, care is required.

To ensure that the chrome-plated surface does not lose its original appearance, it is necessary to periodically clean it. You need to do this from the moment you buy the car.

Caring for chrome-plated car parts includes two types of work:
  1. Actually cleaning the surface from rust and plaque.
  2. Polishing the cleaned part.

If the damage to the parts is not too deep, all the work to eliminate them can be done by hand, without resorting to the services of a car service.

If the chrome on the part has peeled off or crumbled in the places of recesses or holes, it is impossible to restore the coating at home. In this case, complete removal of chrome and re-chrome plating of the surface is necessary.

There are many products available for cleaning chrome-plated car parts. They can be purchased at a car dealership or you can use the household tools available in every home. When purchasing car cosmetics, you should pay attention to the designations on the label, indicating that it has the ability to restore the chrome coating.

Cleaning can be done with sponges, rinsing off the cleaning agent with water, and the final polishing is best done with microfiber or fluffy woolen cloth.

You can find many tips on the internet on how to clean rust on a car. The choice of a particular method depends on how deeply it is embedded in the surface of the part. Corrosion can be present in the form of small points, or it can manifest itself in the form of deeper damage, accompanied by swelling and shedding of chromium. This most often occurs under the influence of reagents that are used on the roads in winter.

To remove foci of rust, you can use:
  1. Gas stove cleaner. It is mixed with baking soda one to one and a little warm water is added to make a paste.
  2. A mixture of citric acid and salt.
  3. Coca-Cola. It cleans up small damaged areas well.
  4. WD-40.

In addition to improvised means, you can clean damaged areas with the help of compounds specially designed for the care of chrome-plated surfaces. These are Doctor Wax, Soft99 Chrome Cleaner and others.

Do not use sandpaper for cleaning. With its help, you can only scratch the part more.

In addition to rust, dirt and various oil deposits can accumulate on chrome-plated parts. They must be washed off before cleaning. After the surface has been washed, the rust can be removed. When using special compounds, it is enough to put a few drops on a rag and rub until the part starts to shine.

If self-made mixtures are used, they are applied to the surface and left for a while so that they enter into a chemical reaction with rust.

There are times when the car has been washed and cleaned using all possible means, but rust and stains on the chrome parts still remain.

In these cases, the following can help restore their appearance:

  • the use of chrome film;
  • chemical metallization.

Don't use cheap Chinese film. It is short-lived and can soon swell and peel off at the edges.

Before using the film, it is necessary to achieve maximum smoothness of the restored surface. If it is badly damaged, remove the old chrome coating.

Chemical metallization is a more complex process. Compared to the galvanic chromium plating method, it is much cheaper, but it will be extremely difficult to make it at home.

In everyday life, we often encounter the problem of rusting on various materials. In this article we will tell you how to remove rust from chrome and nickel plated surfaces. It is believed that chrome parts corrode less. But this is not so - chromium is covered with red spots no worse than ordinary iron.

What is chrome plating and why does it rust?

Chromium plating is a technology of coating metal surfaces with a thin layer of chromium. The most common chromium plating method is the electroplating method. The essence of this process is the deposition of chromium from the electrolyte onto a metal part under the influence of an electric current. Such actions significantly increase the strength of the material in products, makes it more resistant to corrosion and allows the use of processed metal for decorative purposes.

As a rule, chrome-plated metal is used in plumbing and mechanical engineering. Unfortunately, the beautiful shiny chrome surface gets minor scratches over time, which expose the metal beneath the chrome. Under the influence of oxygen, an oxidation reaction occurs, as a result of which rust appears on the surface, which, as it turns out, is not easy to clean.

Important! The best way to get rid of rust is to keep it out of the way.

Recommendations for caring for chrome-plated elements of the car

To prevent the occurrence of all kinds of damage on the chrome-plated surfaces of the car, you should, first of all, take care of their care:

  • When washing a car with chrome elements, it is advisable to use warm soapy water. Wipe all chrome parts with a soft cloth or sponge immediately after rinsing.
  • The chrome-plated bumper is best wiped with a cloth dampened with warm water for softness.

Important! As a result of processing with rough materials, chrome parts are covered with a network of micro-scratches and quickly fade.

  • For reliable protection of the bumper from corrosion, after cleaning it with any compound from rust, it is necessary to lubricate the inside of the lining with “Litol” abundantly.
  • For the durability of chrome-plated parts, exposure to strong temperature changes and high humidity should be avoided.

Important! In summer, after washing, it is better to put the car in the shade. In winter, it is recommended to use special protective sprays.

  • The water pressure during cleaning should be of low power. This will gently clean delicate surfaces.

Important! It is not recommended to leave the garage with traces of moisture on chrome-plated parts. Wipe them dry before riding, or wait for the drops to dry naturally.

  • From time to time, you can wipe the chrome parts with kerosene, after washing it off with warm water. It must be ensured that kerosene, gasoline or white spirit never remains on the surface of the parts. Kerosene is also used to degrease chromium prior to polishing.

Important! Do not let soda and mineral oil come into contact with chrome-plated surfaces.

  • To protect chrome-plated parts, you can use a special varnish or technical petroleum jelly. These substances provide good protection against corrosion, but may slightly degrade the appearance of chromium.

Important! Such protection should be renewed once every 2-3 months.

  • To remove traces of stains and grease, use a cleaner.
  • For effective and high-quality protection, it is better to use products specially designed for this.

How to remove rust from chrome plated surfaces at home?

How to clean a chrome bathroom shelf and other products? If, nevertheless, spots of corrosion appear, the first step is to localize the center of its spread, clean up and remove the rusted area. Then cover the surface with oil varnish. To remove rust from chrome-plated surfaces, you can do without special expensive cleaners. You can find the substances you need for this at home.

Baking soda

It is necessary to use this tool with great care, since soda can provoke the appearance of small scratches. But if you apply it correctly, you can remove rust from the chrome surface without damaging it. For this:

  1. Mix baking soda with water to make a gruel.
  2. Apply the mixture to the damaged surface and leave it on for a few minutes.
  3. Remove baking soda and dirt with a damp soft cloth.

Important! Make sure the baking soda does not dry out. Do not leave the paste on the surface for a long time.

Pounded chalk or tooth powder:

  1. A similar fine abrasive is applied to a flannel cloth and the surfaces are treated.
  2. After cleaning rust stains, powder and rust residues are removed with a damp soft cloth.

Coca-cola + foil

Not only Coca-Cola can be used for this method of removing corrosion. Pepsi and other similar drinks will easily deal with rust on chrome surfaces:

  1. Wipe all chrome surfaces with a soft cloth to remove dust and dirt.
  2. Wash the parts with warm water.
  3. Take regular food foil, moisten it with Coca-Cola and sand the chrome parts to remove any rust stains.
  4. It is advisable to polish the surface with felt or a soft cloth after processing.

Important! The aluminum foil method works by transferring electrons between metals, reversing the corrosion process. This method must first be checked on a small inconspicuous area to make sure that such an action does not damage the surface.

Table vinegar:

  1. Fill a plastic bag with vinegar.
  2. Secure the bag over the parts with a rubber band and leave it on for a few hours or overnight. Small items can be thrown inside the bag.

Important! The exposure time of the vinegar to the surface is determined by the degree of rust damage.

Salt and Lemon Juice:

  1. Mix equal parts lemon juice and salt.
  2. Treat the damaged surface with a soft cloth soaked in the mixture.

GOI paste + engine oil:

  1. Dilute GOI paste with two drops of engine oil.
  2. Use a piece of felt soaked in the product to treat the rusty surface.
  3. Remove rye and agent residues thoroughly with a clean, damp cloth.

Important! It is necessary to use this method carefully, since the paste is usually coarse. But it is precisely this tool that gives excellent results, even if you need to remove rust from chrome-plated surfaces with a large area of ​​damage.

Potatoes and laundry soap:

  1. Cut the potatoes in half.
  2. Rub each of the parts in the cut area thoroughly with laundry soap.
  3. Place the potatoes on the rusty spots for a few hours.
  4. Wipe off the remnants of corrosion after a while with a damp soft cloth.

Copper sulfate and hydrochloric acid:

  1. Mix 200 grams of copper sulfate and 50 grams of strong hydrochloric acid in 1 liter of water.
  2. Dip a swab into the resulting solution and blot all rust spots with it.
  3. After - it is necessary to wipe everything with a weak solution of baking soda, rinse with warm water and dry.

Important! Be sure to perform this entire procedure only with rubber gloves. Be careful not to get the solution on your skin or clothing.

Dry cement

Using such a fine abrasive will help not only remove rust from the chrome-plated surface, but also sand it:

  1. Apply dry cement with a soft cloth or felt to the damaged areas of the chrome plated metal. Rub them lightly.
  2. Wipe with a dry cloth and degrease the metal.
  3. Place a soft cloth in a metal jar with melted medical wax (paraffin).
  4. When the fabric is soaked, remove it from the jar, wait for it to cool and beat off excess wax.
  5. Rub the surface with a wax cloth until shiny.


In case of severe corrosion, as a last resort, you can use the common WD-40 agent. It is applied like this:

  1. It is necessary to spray the product liberally and leave for at least 15 minutes.

Important! The optimum processing time for best results is 1 hour.

  1. After the lapse of time, wipe the parts well.

Chrome will shine like new.

Removing rust from chrome plated surfaces of plumbing fixtures and kitchen items

We constantly encounter chrome surfaces in our daily life. Initially, they delight us with their brilliance and radiance in the bathroom and kitchen. In the loss of the beautiful appearance of such elements, soap foam, mold on plumbing, dust and dirt in any form play an important role. To maintain a clean, radiant look, chrome elements must be regularly cleaned and maintained. To do this, you can use the following tools:

  • Multifunctional cleaning agents, as well as glass washing liquids (“Mister Muscle”, “Help”, “Clin” and others). Wipe chrome with a soft cloth.
  • Baking soda and soda are natural alternatives to ready-to-use detergents.
  • Soap scum from chrome plumbing fixtures can be removed using anti-static wipes or cooking spray.
  • To remove the lather, you can mix baking soda with water, apply it to the surface, and leave for a few minutes. Then wipe the surface with a soft, damp cloth.

Tips for removing rust from chrome surfaces:

  • If the rust has eaten through the chrome plating, machining is necessary. The grit level of a sanding material is determined by how deeply the parts are damaged by corrosion. In some cases, fine emery is sufficient, in others - a larger grain.

Important! Choose carefully the material with which you will apply the cleanser. Sandpaper of any grain size is absolutely not suitable for these purposes, as it can provoke the appearance of scratches. Remember that each new scratch is an additional access of oxygen to the metal, it intensifies the rusting process.

  • If mechanical friction removes a significant amount of metal, it is necessary to protect it by applying primer to the weld seams and other areas.
  • The use of acids is possible only if they are immediately removed from the surface of parts after processing.
  • The polish can be used if the damage is shallow. Acid or anhydrous ammonia is not allowed in the composition of polishes.
  • To remove rust from chrome-plated surfaces and not damage it, you can use metal wool (steel wool). For particularly resistant rust, the metal can be combined with other cleaning agents.
  • You can apply a protective layer of polish for chrome, rust spray, or deep penetrating grease like Prolong, NANOPROTECH, Nordtech, etc. Although these products are quite expensive, they are economical in the long term because they surface wear will be significantly reduced, which will save you from expensive rust removal procedures.
  • It is best to repair chrome parts damaged by corrosion using specialized compounds that can be purchased at automotive stores.

Removing rust from metal

Not only chrome surfaces can be cleaned with home remedies. Almost all of the above methods are quite effective in removing traces of rust on ordinary metal. In addition to them, you can also use the following tools to get the desired result faster:

  • It is possible to remove rust from metal as quickly as possible using chemical agents. As a rule, they contain phosphoric or oxalic acid. The rust dissolves completely under the influence of acid.

Important! Such products are very toxic, therefore it is necessary to work with them with rubber gloves and a respirator.

  • You can also remove rust from metal using rust removers to stop the spread of rust. Means in the form of aerosols are applied to the iron with a light layer.
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