How to properly freeze dogwood at home for the winter and is it possible. How to store dogwood at home: optimal temperature and timing

15.08.2019 Fish dishes

The pleasant astringent taste of dogwood conquered many, and since then summer residents have begun to actively grow it on their plots. Cornel is very rich in ascorbic acid and various useful microelements, thanks to which it has found its use in folk medicine. This marvelous berry was not spared by the culinary - the extraordinary taste and aroma of dogwood simply could not go unnoticed! How to preserve the dogwood so that it delights us with its valuable properties for as long as possible?

Dried dogwood

Drying is the most optimal way to harvest these wonderful berries. In order to dry the dogwood, you first need to select only healthy and finally ripe berries, colored in bright red. It is important to try so that among the berries prepared for drying there is no overripe or soft dogwood. In addition, the dogwood must not be affected by pests or diseases.

The sorted berries are thoroughly washed under cold running water. And to disinfect the berries, you can add soda or table vinegar to the water. After the berries are washed, the stalks are cut off from them.

There are three different ways to dry dogwood. First, it can be done in the oven. And if you have a special dryer, you can use it too. First, the dogwood is dried at a temperature of fifty to sixty degrees, and then the temperature is increased to seventy-seventy-five degrees.

Secondly, dogwood dries perfectly in the sun. The washed berries, together with the seeds, are laid out on a cloth or on thick paper in places with minimal moisture. By the way, before doing this, you can blanch the dogwood in boiling water for two to five minutes. Then the berries are dried in the open air, trying in every possible way to avoid moisture and exposure to direct sunlight. The periodically drying dogwood must be stirred so that the berries dry evenly. And it is recommended to take them indoors at night. After about three or five days, the dogwood will dry up and can be stored.

And thirdly, the dogwood can be dried in the form of pita bread. Pits are removed from the washed berries by rubbing, and then the pulp, crushed into gruel, is laid out on a wooden board (or tray) in a thin continuous layer. Next, the resulting mass is exposed in a well-ventilated place in the open air. When the dogwood is dry, rather long stripes will appear on the boards - these are lavash. And so that unusual pita bread does not rot, the crushed dogwood pulp can be slightly salted before drying. Such pita bread is usually used as a seasoning.

To make the dried berries sweet and viscous, pre-cooked dogwood is dipped in hot sugar syrup for six to eight hours, after which the mass is allowed to cool. Then the berries are thrown into a colander, and after a few minutes they are again poured with heated syrup. After five to six hours, the dogwood with syrup is brought to a boil, once again thrown in a colander and distributed over clean paper for subsequent drying.

Dried dogwood is stored in dry, dark places packed in cardboard boxes or linen bags.

Freeze dogwood

Frozen berries are good because they retain their beneficial properties to the maximum. Moreover, the taste of frozen dogwood is significantly improved. Ripe berries intended for freezing are sorted out and washed, after which they are allowed to dry thoroughly. Then the dogwood is poured onto a pallet, which is sent to the freezer. The frozen berries are transferred to plastic bags and tied tightly.

Cornel jam

A kilogram of dogwood is first washed, and then blanched in boiling water for about a minute. Next, the dogwood is transferred to the boiled syrup and boiled for about seven minutes (one and a half kilograms of sugar and 300 ml of water are needed to prepare the syrup). After such a short cooking time, the jam is set aside so that it cools down at room temperature, and then boiled again. Then, once again repeating the procedure from start to finish, lay out the cooked delicacy in jars and immediately roll it up.

Cornel is a small tree, up to 7 meters in height, with oblong fruits, although pear-shaped berries can also be found in the form of a ball. Their color ranges from light red to black.

Fruits have an original sweet and sour taste, and are beneficial to many dishes. They are relevant throughout the year, so it will be useful to freeze several containers of this wonderful berry.

What is the use of dogwood

Cornel contains several different essential components, this helps to maintain many functions of the body.

1 dogwood berry weighs from 2 to 6 g, the pulp in it occupies 70%. There are only 40 kcal per 100 grams of the product, and the broth contains 2 times less of them.

100 grams of berries contain 1.2 grams. protein, 9.8 gr. carbohydrates and 85 g of water. 15% is sugar.

The greatest value in the cornel is vitamin C: in one hundred grams of it is about 100 mg. This fruit can even compete with black currants. Other components identified in it:

  • malic and nicotinic organic acids;
  • tannin;
  • essential oil;
  • phytoncides;
  • pectin;
  • minerals: potassium and calcium, magnesium.

Among the useful properties are:

  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • bactericidal;
  • antipyretic.

Cornel eliminates vitamin deficiency, regulates blood pressure and frees the body from toxins. It is recommended to introduce it into the food system for the treatment of intestinal infections, joint and skin ailments.

It increases the tone of the vascular wall, relieves edema. It is especially useful to introduce fruits into the menu for diabetes mellitus. They do not cause an increase in the blood glucose index, but they activate the enzymatic activity of the pancreas.

Cornel normalizes metabolic processes. It is successfully used in food for gout, anemia and skin diseases.

Dogwood drinks improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, remove diarrhea and cope with diseases of the oral cavity. Relieve intoxication, energize and vigor.

Cornel can be found in many dishes. It goes well in baking, it is used to prepare sauces and marinade for meat. It is included in a set of salads, soups, pilaf, and as a separate ingredient, jam, marshmallow, compotes, jam, jelly and much more are made from it.

The berry will become an original addition to alcoholic beverages. It is used to make vodka, liqueurs and wine. Such an extensive scope of use makes this fruit indispensable even in the everyday menu.

Preparatory stage

Freezing dogwood for the winter is preceded by its assembly and preparation.

It ripens in late August - early September. Of course, you can buy it in the market or in the supermarket, but it is better to collect it yourself. Only ripe fruits are suitable for freezing. They can be distinguished by their dark burgundy color and softer consistency.

Unripe fruits with a pale red tinge and firm to the touch. They need to be laid out on some surface and wait until they reach the desired condition.

The easiest way to harvest is to lay a piece of cloth under the tree and chicken out the dogwood. It should be borne in mind that along with the ripe fruits, rotten, wormy and affected ones will fall to the ground. This is substandard. Therefore, after picking the berries, they are sorted out, leaving only those suitable for freezing. Be sure to clean them of leaves, sticks and other debris.

The negative side of this method of picking berries is that many of them, ripe and soft, falling to the ground, wrinkle and deform.

When you bring them home, don't hesitate to dispose of them. It is a perishable product and therefore cannot be stored for a long time.

In order to freeze it properly, the fruit must first be thoroughly rinsed. Do this in a colander. Then spread in 1 layer on a towel and let the fruit dry well. Otherwise, excess moisture will freeze on it.

How to freeze?

Dogwood is very easy to freeze at home. It is better to do this in the freezer, where the temperature reaches minus 18 degrees. Wash it well before loading it. Set the pre-freeze mode the day before. Then it is turned off and the storage mode is turned on.

The berries are laid out in one layer on the board and immersed in the chamber. At this temperature, they will freeze in 20 minutes.

If you want to save space, take them out and fill them in separate containers. Displace air, seal carefully. Do this quickly as the berries may defrost. If space permits, store them on a baking sheet. This method allows freezing the dogwood along with the bone.

Too ripe and soft berries cannot be frozen whole, so a bone is removed from them and ground into porridge. Cakes are made from the mass, each is wrapped with cling film and placed in the freezer.

The grated composition is mixed with sugar. Its quantity is determined by taste. Poured into a container and sent to the camera.

It is quite convenient to freeze this mixture in ice cube trays. When it hardens, it is taken out of the cells and placed in one container or bag. These portioned cubes are useful for tea or porridge.

The berries should be thawed gradually.

  1. Put the required amount in a bowl and place it in the refrigerator compartment to allow the berries to thaw gradually.
  2. After a while, continue the process at room temperature.
  3. If you bypass the refrigerator stage or defrost the fruit in water, they lose their juice, vitamins and appearance.

After thawing, you can use the dogwood to prepare compotes, jelly and other dishes. Freezing preserves all the useful elements of the fruit, their taste remains unchanged. This is the best way to store dogwood, which allows you to enjoy the berry all year round.

You will learn more about how to properly freeze dogwood in the following video.

Cornwood blanks for the winter have medicinal properties in folk medicine, they treat the gastrointestinal tract. From dogwood berries, you can prepare jam, jam, compote, marmalade for the winter, pickle, freeze.

1. dogwood jam.

Dissolve granulated sugar in water, boil for 5 minutes. Pour dogwood with hot syrup and let it brew for 5 hours. Cook in three steps for 5 minutes at intervals of 2 hours. Then transfer to the jar and close the lid. Cornel - 1 kg. Granulated sugar - 1, 2 kg. Water - 1 glass.

2. dogwood marmalade.

Rinse ripe berries, remove seeds and boil in water. Decant the broth. It can be used as a compote or for making jelly (with the addition of gelatin.

Rub the mass through a sieve or a colander (knock in a blender. Add sugar and boil until tender. Put in jars and roll up. For 5 kg of dogwood, sugar 2.5 kg, 2 liters of water.

3. frozen dogwood.

Frozen dogwood retains most of the beneficial properties, and the taste of such berries even improves. Ripe berries are suitable for freezing. They are sorted out, washed, allowed to dry, poured onto a pallet and placed in the freezer. The finished product is placed in plastic bags and tied well.

4. pickled dogwood.

Only unripe fruits will do. Rinse them and blanch them in boiling water for 2 minutes. Fold back and arrange in banks. Pour water into one can to determine the approximate volume of liquid per can. We drain this water, measure its amount and we bring to the required volume by the number of cans.

In each liter jar put 7 black hot peppercorns, 3 bay leaves, a piece of cinnamon (or a pinch of powder), 1/4 teaspoon of salt, dill. Boil measured water and pour into jars. Let it stand for 3-5 minutes. Drain the water, bring to a boil and pour again into the jars.

5. dogwood syrup.

Rinse well-ripened fruits, dry and grind. You can remove the seeds and grind in a blender. Let it stand for a day. Strain the mass, add water, sugar. Boil until thickened over high heat. Pour into clean bottles (cans) and tighten.

6. dogwood jam.

Cornel - 1 kg.
- Sugar - 6 glasses.
- Water - 1 glass.

Boil ripe dogwood in water until completely softened, then rub through a sieve or colander, add sugar and boil, as described here.

7. dogwood compote.

A 1 liter jar takes about 500 grams of fruit. Rinse under running water, put in jars and pour over syrup. Boil the syrup for 1 liter of water and 1 kg of sugar. Put jars with filling for sterilization in a water bath. Withstand liter 15 minutes. Roll up, turn over and wrap up until completely cooled.

8. dogwood jam.

We carefully sort out ripe dogwood berries, rinse thoroughly and put them in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour in water, put on fire and heat until the peel from the berries begins to lag behind. Then remove the saucepan with dogwood from the heat, cool slightly and rub the berries through a sieve into a separate bowl. Pour sugar into the grated mass and put it on fire for 5 minutes, then cool it a little, pour the dogwood jam into sterilized jars and roll it up. Cornel - 2 kg, sugar 3 kg, water 1 glass.

9. dogwood jelly.

For cooking, we need: dogwood - about 1 cup, sugar - 1/2 cup, starch - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Sort the berries, rinse, put in hot water and boil for about 10 minutes. Drain the broth, mash the berries and combine with the broth, then boil, strain, add sugar, let it boil again, pour in the starch diluted in cold water in a thin stream and bring to a boil.

10. dogwood in the Caucasus.

Rinse ripe soft dogwood fruits and remove seeds. Bring the fruits to a boil while stirring and squeeze the juice. Mix two parts of cornel juice with one part of water, add sugar to taste. Boil the juice for 5 minutes, pour into bottles and seal.

For work, we need a dogwood, a colander, a kitchen towel, and freezer bags.

Before freezing, the dogwood should be sorted out, damaged berries, leaves, tails should be removed.

Rinse the dogwood well.

Pat dry on a kitchen towel.

Divide the dogwood in one layer in portions in freezer bags. Remove air from bags as much as possible. Send to the freezer for storage. Dogwood berries can easily lie in the freezer until next year.

Is it possible to freeze dogwood for the winter

Dogwood fruits are frozen in several ways: Loose. Whole dry berries are scattered on a pallet in one layer and stored in this form in the freezer compartment, using as needed. Prepackaged. Dogwood berries can be packaged in containers, plastic cups or plastic bags. In this case, plastic containers are closed with lids, and the bags are tied. Slightly frozen berries are packed more conveniently and fastest. Shabby. Overripe fruits are soft, so you can grind them with a wooden spatula or rub them through a sieve. Then the gruel is formed into small cakes or balls, each wrapped with cling film. It is very convenient to take out a portion, defrost it and use it without residue.

Frozen dogwood preserves all vitamins and organic acids as much as possible, essential oils, pectins, phytoncides and tannins remain in it. After freezing, the dogwood becomes even more aromatic and tasty, so children and adults are happy to eat it for the benefit of their health and immunity.

Pickled dogwood in spicy brine is something like homemade olives, but in a Slavic manner. An interesting appetizer and an unusual addition to salads and other dishes.

We continue to harvest dogwood fruits for the winter. The dogwood compote was closed in jars, and the dogwood sauce was prepared for the meat. The next step is sweet and sour dogwood in a spicy marinade, which will be to the taste of many. This appetizer is often compared to olives. But the taste of pickled berries is radically different. It turns out a good alternative to pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and plums. It is very simple to prepare pickled plums for future use; this process will not cause difficulties even for novice cooks. Jars with such a blank are well stored and the lids do not swell, even if they are in the closet of the apartment, where it is warm enough.

Pickled dogwood will be a good addition to meat dishes and strong drinks.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: cooking.

Total cooking time: 30 min.

Servings Per Container: 0.5 L ...


  • dogwood - 0.5 kg
  • hot pepper - ¼ pcs.
  • sugar - 2.5 tsp
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml
  • salt - ½ tbsp.
  • allspice peas - 3 pcs.
  • tarragon - 1 pc.
  • cloves - 3 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • water - 150 ml.


How to store dogwood in the freezer for the winter

Storing dogwood in the freezer at low temperatures allows it to preserve most of the vitamin C, all trace elements and a tart rich taste. Interestingly, freezing improves the flavor of the berries. After that, they become much sweeter. Before freezing, the dogwood must be carefully sorted out, leaves, twigs, insects, etc. must be removed.

The selected berries must be washed, dried on a towel at room temperature, and then poured onto a pallet in one layer. You need to freeze for 3 hours, then pack them in bags and store at a temperature of -18 ° C and below for 1 year. You can also freeze the dogwood grated with sugar. To do this, select ripe and overripe whole berries, remove the seeds and grind them in mashed potatoes, at the rate of 1: 0.5, for 1 part of the pulp 0.5 parts of sugar or powder. Put the finished product in plastic portion trays and freeze. Store in a freezer at -18 ° C and below for up to 6 months.

Dogwood harvesting video for the winter

  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • dogwood - 975 gr.
  • filtered water - 0.5 l.

Begin by sorting the dogwood. Get rid of spoiled and rotten fruits, rinse healthy berries. Remove the bones. Boil the sugar and water syrup separately. Stir the sweet base until the grains melt. Perform manipulations at low power. Now combine the dogwood and syrup in a cooking pot and leave for 5 hours. After the expiration of the allotted time, send the dishes with the contents to the stove, simmer after boiling for 10 minutes. The berries are already pretty soft, so don't stir them. Shake the container only slightly. Take care of the sterilization of cans and lids in advance, and then pack up the finished treat. Capping is carried out immediately, while the jam is still hot. Cool it upside down.

Juice from fresh dogwood berries is very beneficial for diabetes. Useful substances and elements in the composition of dogwood improve the functioning of the digestive tract, intestines, enhance the enzymatic function of the pancreas, normalize metabolism in the body and remove toxic elements. All of these actions lower blood glucose levels in diabetic patients and remove excess sugar. You should take half a glass of juice half an hour before meals daily. Regular consumption of the juice also helps with dysfunction of the thyroid gland. A large amount of ascorbic acid makes dogwood juice indispensable in the fight against vitamin deficiency and chronic fatigue. Daily use of 30 ml of juice will increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, give strength and vigor.

Hot dogwood sauce for the winter

A simple recipe for dogwood sauce for the winter will allow you to always have a seasoning on hand not only for meat dishes, but also for all sorts of side dishes. Ingredients:

  • dogwood - 1 kg;
  • head of garlic;
  • ground coriander, suneli hops and red pepper - 1 teaspoon each;
  • a bunch of cilantro;
  • a teaspoon of olive oil;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  • Pour the berries and heat over low heat for 10 minutes, stir.
  • Turn the berries into a puree.
  • Chop the cilantro finely.
  • Grind the garlic with coriander and mix with the puree.
  • Add oil and salt.
  • Cook for 10 minutes over low heat and stir constantly so that the sauce does not burn.
  • Arrange in sterile jars and roll up.

It is prepared quickly, and the ingredients are known to all housewives.

There are several ways to freeze dogwood, of which the most common and simplest one is simply placing the berries in the freezer. To do this, after you have prepared the berries, spread them in a thin layer on any flat surface and place them in this form in the freezer.
The time for the initial freezing in the freezer depends on the temperature setting in the freezer. So, if you set the temperature to -12C, then after 15–20 minutes you can get the dogwood and start filling it. At higher temperatures, the initial freezing time will increase accordingly. When the dogwood is frozen, it must be placed in closed containers for freezing, cellophane or special bags for this. Please note that when packing frozen dogwood in bags, you must release air from them and close tightly. It is also important to remember that you need to pack it as soon as possible to avoid thawing the berries. After you have packed up the whole dogwood, do not forget to make an inscription on the package containing information about the date of its freezing. For convenience, you can immediately calculate the date when the storage period ends. As a rule, for frozen, unprocessed berries, the shelf life in a freezer at an appropriate temperature, that is, at -18 C and below, is no more than 9-12 months. This method of freezing whole dogwood is used to reduce the amount of freezer space occupied by frozen berries.
If you have the opportunity, you can put fresh, prepared berries on a pallet, sprinkle them in one layer and store them as such in the freezer at -18C and below without packaging. It is allowed to use the product frozen in this way for about 6 months. Frozen dogwood, not subject to processing, can be used in winter to cook compote, jam and much more. In addition, it is widely used as a condiment in meat, poultry and fish dishes. But this is not the only way to freeze dogwood. You can freeze it using granulated sugar. Before using this recipe, be sure to also prepare the berries. In this case, any amount of dogwood and granulated sugar is taken. As a rule, their mass is chosen independently based on your taste preferences. The berries must be rubbed through a sieve. It is recommended to use a sieve with a finer mesh. At the end of the wiping process, bones should remain in the sieve, and there may also be remnants of the skin.
After that, granulated sugar is added to the finished gruel to taste. Everything is thoroughly mixed and placed in the dishes in which you plan to freeze the dogwood. This can be an ice freezer or other similar utensil. In addition, this mixture can be rolled into balls and wrapped in cling film, after which it can also be frozen. Cornel is frozen with sugar in the freezer at a temperature of -12C for at least 1.5-2 hours. If the temperature is higher, then the product will have to be frozen accordingly longer. After that, the frozen mixture of dogwood and sugar is removed from the mold in which it was originally frozen and packaged in the same way for packaging whole berries. When calculating the shelf life, you must take into account that by freezing the dogwood in this way, you will significantly reduce its shelf life. This product is stored at a temperature of -18C and below for no more than 4 months. Frozen dogwood with sugar is very convenient to use in winter, adding it, for example, to tea, porridge, etc.
By observing the rules for preparing dogwood and freezing it, you will be able to preserve its main important medicinal and taste properties. This is due to the fact that keeping it for the winter by freezing, it retains almost all useful vitamins, organic acids, essential oils, pectins, phytoncides and tannins. In addition, in winter, he will be able to please both adults and children with his taste.

Cornel is one of the berries that contains a large amount of useful vitamins. In this regard, many people have a question, is it possible to freeze dogwood for the winter or only compote is prepared from it and jam is made? The answer to this question is quite simple, the dogwood can indeed be frozen.

At the same time, freezing is good in that it is not subjected to heat treatment, which allows the berries to retain most of their beneficial properties. In addition, freezing improves the palatability of the dogwood.

One of the most important rules that must be followed when deciding to freeze dogwood is the correct selection and preparation of the berries necessary for this.

Before you freeze the berries, you must first purchase them. It is best, of course, not to buy them in large chain stores, but to collect them at their summer cottage. Dogwood is harvested in late summer and early autumn. The process of picking berries can take several days. This is due to the fact that only ripe berries are suitable for freezing. A little unripe berries can also be picked, but they need to be spread out in a thin layer at home and wait until they ripen.

The best and surest way to collect ripe dogwood is to lay something under the bush and shake it easily. In this case, ripe berries will fall, and underripe ones will remain on the bush.

This method has several negative points, since a large number of not only ripe, but also spoiled dogwood berries will fall.

In addition, when the berries fall, they can be damaged, crumpled, and for freezing them in a whole form, this is unacceptable. You can determine whether the dogwood is ripe or not by taste and color. Ripe berries are bright red in color. Their taste is sweet and sour, slightly tart. Outwardly, they resemble ripe cherries, but only slightly oblong.

After the dogwood is harvested or purchased, do not delay freezing it, as it deteriorates quite quickly. Before freezing, the dogwood must be sorted out, choosing suitable berries and removing unnecessary debris (sticks, leaves, etc.). It should be borne in mind that only berries that have reached full ripeness are suitable for freezing. In addition, they should be firm to the touch. Also, the dogwood should not be wormy, and it should not have all sorts of damage, bruises and darkening.

But, there is one exception, for example, if you decide to freeze dogwood using sugar, then it is allowed to take slightly overripe berries, but in no case rotten ones.

After the berries have been selected, they must be thoroughly rinsed. In this case, it is advisable to wash them in running water using a colander.

Place the washed dogwood on a clean, absorbent cloth or paper towel. Thus, it should lie for at least 15 minutes. You can also use another drying method, for example, laying the berries on a cloth, using gentle movements so as not to damage them, wipe them off, removing moisture from them. Drying the berries before freezing is necessary to remove unnecessary accumulations of water and its subsequent freezing on the Dogwood.

Freezing methods and recipes

There are several ways to freeze dogwood, of which the most common and simplest one is simply placing the berries in the freezer. To do this, after the berries have been prepared, spread them in a thin layer on any flat surface and place them in this form in the freezer.

The initial freezing time in the freezer depends on the temperature setting in the freezer. So, if you set the temperature to -12C, then after 15–20 minutes the dogwood can be taken out and started to pack. At a higher temperature, the initial freezing time increases accordingly.

When the dogwood is frozen, it must be placed in sealed special containers for freezing, cellophane or special bags. Please note that when packing frozen dogwood in bags, it is necessary to release air from them and close tightly.

It is also important to remember that you need to pack it as soon as possible to avoid thawing the berries.

After you have packed up the whole dogwood, do not forget to make an inscription on the package containing information about the date of its freezing. For convenience, you can immediately calculate the date when the storage period ends.

As a rule, for frozen, unprocessed berries, the shelf life in a freezer at an appropriate temperature, that is, at -18 C and below, is no more than 9-12 months. This method of freezing whole dogwood is used to reduce the amount of freezer space occupied by frozen berries.

If you have the opportunity, you can place fresh, prepared berries on a pallet, sprinkle them in one layer and store them as such in the freezer at -18C and below without packaging. It is allowed to use the product frozen in this way for about 6 months.

Frozen dogwood, not subject to processing, can be used in winter to cook compote, jam and much more. In addition, it is widely used as a condiment in meat, poultry and fish dishes.

But this is not the only way to freeze dogwood. You can freeze it using granulated sugar. Before using this recipe, be sure to prepare the berries as well.

In this case, any amount of dogwood and granulated sugar is taken. As a rule, their mass is chosen independently based on your taste preferences. The berries must be rubbed through a sieve. It is recommended to use a sieve with a finer mesh. At the end of the wiping process, bones should remain in the sieve, and there may also be remnants of the skin.

After that, granulated sugar is added to the finished gruel to taste. Everything is thoroughly mixed and placed in the dishes in which you plan to freeze the dogwood. This can be an ice freezer or other similar utensil. In addition, this mixture can be rolled into balls and wrapped in cling film, after which it can also be frozen. The dogwood with sugar is frozen in the freezer at a temperature of -12C for at least 1.5-2 hours. If the temperature is higher, then the product will have to be frozen accordingly longer.

After that, the frozen mixture of dogwood and sugar is removed from the mold in which it was originally frozen and packaged in the same way for packaging whole berries. P

when calculating the shelf life, you must take into account that by freezing the dogwood in this way, you will significantly reduce its shelf life.

This product is stored at a temperature of -18C and below for no more than 4 months. Frozen dogwood with sugar is very convenient to use in winter, adding it, for example, to tea, porridge, etc.

Observing the rules for preparing dogwood and freezing it, you will be able to preserve its main important medicinal and taste properties. This is due to the fact that keeping it for the winter by freezing, it retains almost all useful vitamins, organic acids, essential oils, pectins, phytoncides and tannins. In addition, in winter, he will be able to please both adults and children with his taste.

Cornel is one of the most useful, bright and mouth-watering berries from which excellent preparations (, jams and compotes) are obtained. Is it possible to freeze dogwood and how to do it correctly? Our recipe with a photo will show you everything in detail.
Sweet dogwood fruits with a slight acidity and astringent taste will saturate your body with vitamins, phytoncides and essential oils. This is especially true if there are little fidgets in your family. By making them drinks and sweets based on this berry, you will improve their general condition, energize them for the whole day. Thanks to this "bouquet" of nutrients, this berry should be present on every table. This is especially true in winter, because it will help strengthen the immune system, saturate the body with vitamin C and improve the general condition.
From dogwood, you can create a lot of different dishes. This scarlet berry is good in pies, it makes excellent jam and preserves. You can also make natural marmalade from dogwood, boil natural fruit drink or jelly.
To provide yourself with this berry for a long time, you can freeze it. When stored properly, you can enjoy dogwood-based meals throughout the winter months.
By consuming dogwood, you can increase your hemoglobin, cleanse your body of toxins and saturate it with ascorbic acid. Having in the bins several bags of scarlet fruits, you can exclude artificial vitamins from your diet.
So, how to freeze dogwood for the winter - step by step instructions.

We will need:
- bags for freezing;
- linen cloth.

- dogwood berries.

1. We prepare the necessary components. We choose ripe, but dense, scarlet fruits that have retained their shape.

2. We wash the dogwood under running water and put it on a linen napkin.
3. With gentle movements we try to remove excess moisture from the fruit.

5. Carefully close the package, trying to release air from it as much as possible, send it to the freezer.

We use frozen dogwood berries at our discretion.

See also how to cook