Peanut butter recipes at home. Homemade peanut butter with honey

16.10.2019 Snacks

A popular American treat made at home from ground peanuts with sugar and honey. Nuts were used as an additional source of calories at a time when food was scarce, because they are very nutritious. The homemade peanut butter recipe has been preserved in every American family, but housewives know how to make sweet mousse.

Peanut butter - benefits

The benefits of peanut butter are due to its composition. Peanuts are high in protein, vitamins and other nutrients. OH contains antioxidants, magnesium, fiber and folic acid - this leads to partial regeneration of cells and an improvement in the functioning of the cardiovascular system of the body, improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and helps with anemia. Calcium in the composition is designed to improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system, strengthening bones.

Children from a young age can use this delicacy, since it does not contain harmful substances (cholesterol). However, some studies have shown that frequent consumption of peanuts increases testosterone, a male hormone that leads to weight loss and normalizes the development of the muscular system. Studies have not shown any negative consequences for women. This product has been the basis of vegetarian food for over a hundred years, as an excellent substitute for meat, as a source of protein.

The high calorie content of the dish allows you to saturate the body with just a few spoons. The average caloric value is 588 per 100 grams of product. To improve the taste, add components such as cocoa, sugar and jam. In the traditional version, such a product is a dessert - it is spread on toast or added to other food.


The harm of peanut butter is due to its allergenicity. If a person has a severe allergy to nuts or nutmegs, then he may feel worse after eating this dish. Additionally, manufacturers can add synthetic additives (flavors, preservatives and large amounts of sugar) for long-term storage. These substances can be harmful to health, but peanut butter is prepared at home without impurities, therefore it is considered healthy and natural.

What is peanut butter eaten with?

Our compatriots do not know what they eat peanut butter with, so they avoid cooking it. However, the simplest option would be regular bread or rolls. Residents of the United States spread nut dessert on toast for breakfast, which provides the body with strength and energy. Alternatively, you can use the mixture as a baking cream or sweet sauce for some dishes. Application outside of desserts is unpopular.

Children love nut butter. However, before placing the vase on the table, you need to determine its freshness. Pay attention to the color: if the mousse is dark, then the nuts were used old. If the dessert seemed too sugary, you may have added an extra portion of sugar as a preservative.

How to make peanut butter

To prepare a traditional product, we need only four ingredients: the nuts themselves, salt, sugar, sunflower oil and a little honey. The mixture is made from unsalted, peeled natural peanuts, which can be purchased at any supermarket. Rinse it at home and dry it on a towel before you start cooking.

Next, you need to take a frying pan or baking sheet to fry the nut for 5-7 minutes over high heat before preparing the sweet dish deliciously. Further, the preparation of peanut butter involves grinding the nut in a blender. This should be done for up to three minutes, then add the remaining components and continue grinding until smooth. You should get a mousse-like mixture without any lumps or lumps.

Peanut Butter Recipes

A traditional peanut butter recipe can come in handy when making baked goods, desserts, or lunches. By combining the right ingredients, you can create a unique product every time that your family will appreciate. There are no restrictions on adding cocoa, dairy products, condensed milk or other components to the composition.


  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 1750 kcal.
  • Cuisine: American.

Peanut butter cookies are quick to make if you already have a pre-made or purchased main ingredient on hand. The baked goods are filling and nutritious, but you can always reduce the amount of sugar, especially if you are going to give cookies to children, and if gaining weight is not your goal.


  • peanut mousse - 150-200 grams;
  • flour - 250 grams;
  • butter - 100 grams;
  • chicken egg - one;
  • sugar - 150-200 grams;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the main ingredient with melted butter in a blender.
  2. Add an egg to the mixture.
  3. While stirring, add the rest of the ingredients. In the process, the dough becomes denser.
  4. Sculpt the cookies in the shape you like.
  5. Bake in 160 degree oven for 10 minutes.


  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 5 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 1650 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch.
  • Cuisine: American.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

A cake with peanut butter resembles a biscuit in structure, each cake of which is smeared with mousse (as in the photo). The only difference is that a nut mixture is also added to the dough, which gives it a special buttery taste. Cakes greased with paste will go well with any filling, both with condensed milk and with jam.


  • peanut mousse - 100 grams per biscuit, 200 grams per cream;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • flour - one and a half glasses;
  • butter - 100 grams;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • soda - on the tip of a teaspoon;
  • salt - half a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. For a biscuit, beat peanut butter, eggs, flour, butter, sugar in a blender. Begin to beat the whites with sugar, then gradually add the other components.
  2. For the cream, you will need peanut paste, butter, sugar, which must be whipped and brought to a mousse consistency.
  3. Next, cut the biscuit into two flat cakes and coat them with cream. You can make three layers, grease one of them with jam or condensed milk (as in the photo).

A sandwich

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 2 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 1550 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch.
  • Cuisine: American.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

A classic delicious American sandwich prepared for dessert or lunch for children or adults. There is nothing difficult here. The peanut butter sandwich is a very nutritious food. It is prepared as breakfast before going to school or work, or given to the child to take. The high calorie content and nutritional value provide an energy boost for the whole day, and it tastes good too!


  • sliced \u200b\u200bbread (toast) - optional;
  • peanut mousse - 200 grams;
  • additional ingredients (cocoa, chocolate, nuts) - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Sliced \u200b\u200bbread can be toasted or dried initially in a toaster.
  2. Spread mousse on the bread.
  3. Decorate at your discretion.


  • Cooking time: 35 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 1700 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert, for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: American.
  • Difficulty cooking: easy.

Peanut butter muffins are prepared in the same way as classic cupcakes. They will be based on any fermented milk product that you can find. Since nut butter makes the dough heavier due to its oily composition, it is recommended to add more baking soda, quenched with lemon juice or vinegar.


  • peanut mousse - 250 grams;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • a glass of kefir or yogurt;
  • sugar - 1 incomplete glass;
  • flour - 1 glass;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;

Cooking method:

  1. Mix eggs and sugar into a dense foam.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients gradually. At the last stage, pour flour in a trickle. The finished dough should fall off the spoon, not drip (like in the photo).
  3. Fill the muffin tins and bake the dessert in the oven for 30-40 minutes.


Hello friends, in my next issue I would like to pay attention to one very interesting recipe. I attributed it to sweet sauces, but it is also good for making sweet snacks from it.

Here is a peanut butter recipe at home. A homogeneous composition of nuts and honey, in the process of prolonged exposure to it with a blender, turns into a paste.


1. Peanuts - 230 gr.

2. Flower honey - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. To prepare peanut butter, we need peanuts, peeled, salted and fried in a pan.

We send it to the blender bowl.

2. Grind to a crumb state.

3. Add flower honey to the bowl.

4. Continue to beat.

5. The total whipping time, with partial breaks and mixing the contents of the bowl, was 32 minutes.

6. This is what the finished version looks like while still in the blender bowl. Cooking times can be significantly reduced if you use a higher power appliance.

For example, I have a blender with a capacity of only 500 watts. More potent counterparts will cook peanut butter much faster.

7. As you can see, we have got a good thick mass, which is identical to the purchased analog. We transfer it to a free jar, where we will store it.

Additional Information:

On a large scale, the paste is made from lightly toasted natural peanuts. Application of the cold exposure method to finished products guarantees the preservation of useful minerals and active elements. It was first cooked in the United States and Canada.

This dish has become widespread due to the large number of useful properties. So, pasta prepared in compliance with all technological processes has a large amount of minerals.

It contains resveritrol, a substance that helps to reduce the inflammatory effects that occur with a cold.

In addition, it includes trace elements such as iodine, iron and calcium. Simply put, it is useful not only for children, but also for adults.

The active distribution of this product outside the United States has led to the content in the pasta structure of a large amount of fiber in the proportion of 1 gram per teaspoon of the finished dish.

The presence in its composition of a large number of trace elements contributes to the fact that a person, using it, will be able to maintain himself in excellent physical condition, without fear of gaining excess weight.

Nut butter is great for those on a diet.

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Hello everyone! With you Vika Leping, and today there will be a very cool recipe - homemade peanut butter from one ingredient (the second is optional). Yes Yes! Let's make peanut butter and that's it! And yes, I must say right away that nut butters can be made from any of your favorite nuts using the same technology: almonds, cashews, walnuts, whatever you like, show your imagination!

Nut or seed paste is often called urbech. It is fashionable now 馃檪 Sunflower seeds, linseed seeds, hemp seeds, and chia seeds are also used. Such a thick mass is saturated with a huge amount of nutrients, therefore it is considered a very valuable source of benefits for our body. But do not forget that Urbechi, like our peanut butter, which has a caloric content of 567 kcal per 100 g (like a whole peanut), should always be used in doses.

After all, urbechi and pastes are often called oils for a reason - they contain a lot, albeit healthy, but fats. You always need to know when to stop, as with other products. By the way, in the Ukrainian language, as in English, there are two words for oil: actually, butter and oil. Butter is all solid oils, and olia is liquid. Therefore, we usually call this product peanut butter, and American peanut butter is called peanut butter.

Peanut is peanut and literally translates to pea nut because pea is green pea. And if you really go headlong into my linguistic chains of thoughts, then I will take the liberty of claiming that they call it that because peanuts are not a nut at all, but a variety of legumes. Here is such an informative and instructive digression. Don't swear, I'm just a philologist and sometimes linguistic insights come to me 馃榾 But still, let's talk about peanut butter.

I have already said a little about the benefits of urbeches, but still, why is peanut butter without sugar useful? In addition to fat, peanuts also contain a lot of protein, which means there are amino acids, vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, PP, linoleic and folic acids and many other microelements necessary for our body. Iron, copper, potassium, manganese, magnesium are all in saturated concentration. So eat with pleasure if you are not allergic to peanuts, and think about the benefits you bring to the body.

So, to the point! Homemade, natural peanut butter, step by step recipe with photo!


  • - peanuts or any others - 500 gr (any amount is possible)
  • - 2-3 tbsp. or dried fruit / dark chocolate / salt - to taste

Cooking method

So how do you make peanut butter? First, I bring to your attention a video recipe for peanut butter with my YouTube channel ... Everything is shown here very clearly, so be sure to take a look. And subscribe to the channel, there are a lot of other interesting things, recipes, videos about food, cooking, travel and health!

Video recipe: peanut butter at home

Step by step recipe with photo

Nut butter is usually made from toasted nuts. But you can also make it from raw, it's just that, to be honest, it will not be so tasty and a little bitter. But there will undoubtedly be more benefits in it. I'm going to bake peanuts in the oven. You can buy roasted peanuts. It is desirable that it is sold already peeled. I found it peeled raw, so I'll cook it myself.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees in advance. Pour nuts on a baking sheet in an even layer. I advise you to put parchment paper. We put the baking sheet in the oven for 15-25 minutes. Every 5 minutes, open the oven and quickly stir the peanuts, then close again. Making peanut butter is easy, but you shouldn't yawn while cooking.

I give such a wide spread in time because everyone has completely different ovens, nuts can be cooked by someone in 15, someone in 25 minutes! Look at them and smell them, they should brown a little and smell very fragrant for the whole house. Do not burn! Peanut butter doesn't need a burnt source! We take out the finished nuts together with the baking sheet and let them cool for about 10 minutes. If your peanuts are in the skin, you will need to spend another 5 minutes to peel them with your hands, but it's quite simple.

But you don't have to have a stationary blender to make peanut butter. If you have a high-quality submersible, use its shredder - everything will work out with it, but it will take more time. And you will need to give him a break so that he does not burn out with you. If you follow all the instructions, everything will go fine, so read carefully.

Pour peeled peanuts into the bowl of a blender or chopper. If you roasted it yourself, now it smells good for the whole apartment! Homemade peanut butter will smell the same. And if you bought already fried nuts, put them in a hot pan for a couple of minutes to restore the flavor, you will not regret it!

We begin to grind the peanuts. I turn on my blender for 30 seconds at high speed and get the same result as in the photo. It's called peanut butter crunchy, crunchy in English. Due to the fact that some nuts are not completely ground, it remains a little "crispy". In quotes, because there is no crunch as such. I don't like this kind, but it also has a place to be, of course.

If you use a chopper, grind peanuts with impulsive presses for 10 minutes until such a state. First, a crumb will turn out, then the mass will begin to set. Pay attention to the word impulsive! It is very important! Otherwise, you risk losing your blender. You will most likely need to stir the mass with a spoon at this stage as well, in order to push the unmilled pieces closer to the knife. The production of nut butter can be delayed, but this is normal 馃檪 But the taste is awesome and there is nothing superfluous in the composition!

Continue to grind the peanut butter if we want to achieve uniformity. If your blender gets very hot, set it aside for 15 minutes and then continue. The same impulsive movements until complete homogeneity. I turned on my blender again 3 times for 30 seconds, helping the paste to push towards the knives with a pusher until it became liquid. But it became liquid already in the second 30 seconds, I just wanted to achieve downright perfect smoothness.

If your nut crumb still doesn't want to release oil and become viscous and homogeneous, you can add commercial liquid peanut butter, just a little. But this is an extreme case! Better to grind longer. You can also add honey immediately if you want to sweeten our peanut butter a little. Because it's not sweet by itself, of course. I added honey at the end and ground it again. There are about 3 tablespoons here.

The peanut butter became much harder immediately after adding the honey. Also at the end you can put your favorite dried fruits, chop finely dark chocolate or even add salt, because many people like the salted version. But my favorite is with honey.

We shift the finished yummy into jars. All! Now you know how to make peanut butter at home! It can be stored for 6 months not even in the refrigerator. The only thing is that it can flake, that is, the solid part separates from the liquid oil, but this is absolutely normal, just stir it before eating.

And if you're wondering what to eat peanut butter with, I recommend spreading it on whole grain crispbread or toasted toast, with a banana on top and some other favorite fruit or berry like mine. I also really like to put strawberries. Just do not forget that the calorie content of peanut butter is large enough, keep yourself in control! 馃榾

Let me summarize quickly.

Short recipe: homemade peanut butter

  1. If you bought unroasted peanuts, turn on the oven 180 degrees.
  2. Spread the peanuts on a baking sheet in an even layer and put in a heated oven for 15-25 minutes until golden brown, stirring the nuts every 5 minutes.
  3. We take out the finished peanuts, cool for 10 minutes and peel them with our hands.
  4. Put peanuts or any other nuts (both cashews and almond paste will be tasty) in the bowl of a stationary blender or chopper, if the blender is submersible.
  5. Remember that the peanut butter blender must be powerful enough. If he is not professional, grind the peanuts for 15-20 minutes until completely homogeneous with impulsive presses, periodically stirring the peanut crumbs and gruel, only after 10 minutes it will begin to release oil and set.
  6. If the blender is professional, grind for several minutes until completely homogeneous, helping to push the peanut mass to the knife with a pusher.
  7. At the end, add honey or chopped dried fruits, or chopped dark chocolate, or salt, if desired, and grind or stir again.
  8. Congratulations, you now know how to make peanut butter at home!

The homemade peanut butter recipe has come to an end. I honestly did it for the first time. And again, I'll be honest - it was the tastiest, smoothest, smoothest paste I've ever tasted! I will never buy more peanut butter, I will cook myself! In addition, I brought the jar with me to the Crimea, to try it for my mother, she also rated it at five. And not because I am her daughter 小械褉谐械泄 Sergey took another can to my office, there they also checked it out perfectly!

In general, if you have always wanted to cook such deliciousness, cook, do not hesitate, you will get the best peanut butter without butter, without sugar, without preservatives, without flavor enhancers and other nasty things that marketers shove into our favorite products. Of course, you can buy it, but ... Look only at the composition of Nutella - this is obscurantism! Oh, by the way, who loves Nutella? Do you want to learn how to cook it and write you how? If so, write in the comments. I just thought of it

And last time I told you! Further more! In order not to miss new items, , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe, you will receive as a gift a whole collection of complete recipes from 20 dishes prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save a lot of your time! Eating fast and tasty is real!

I was with you ! Tell your friends that yours and mine are peanut butter, recommend it if you like it, like it, leave comments, appreciate it, write and show photos of what you have done, and remember that everyone can cook deliciously, that you are more talented than you can imagine, and of course enjoy your meal! I love you, be happy!

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Peanut butter is an incredibly popular American toast, but it can also be used to make cookies, rolls, creams and sauces. Such a paste has a rich taste and, even in the classic version (without adding butter and sugar), it turns out to be very satisfying and high-calorie. It is incredibly simple to make peanut butter at home, the main condition is the presence of a powerful kitchen processor, alas, but it is impossible to cook it without it, because instead of pasta you will get ordinary wet crumb ...

Today we offer you a classic recipe for peanut butter, which includes only peanuts, but, if you wish, adding a little honey or powdered sugar, you can make sweet peanut butter, and if you also add cocoa powder or melted chocolate to it, then you will get the chocolate version. So let's get started!

How to make peanut butter at home - ingredients:

  • peanuts (raw) - 400 g

Additionally (optional):

  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • honey (powdered sugar) - 1-2 tablespoons (or to taste)
  • cocoa powder (chocolate) - to taste
  • salt - a pinch

Peanut butter - recipe at home with photo:

Pour the peanuts on a flat baking sheet, level the nuts in an even layer and send them to the hot oven.

The oven should be preheated in the range from 150 to 180 C (we focus on the power of our oven) and fry the nuts until a beautiful ruddy color from 5-7 to 10-15 minutes (the time will depend on the temperature). Stir the nuts several times during baking so that they evenly brown on all sides. By the way, if you wish, you can brown the nuts without using the oven - in a dry frying pan. In the case of using a frying pan, be sure to set the minimum heating and stir the nuts as often as possible so that they do not burn. After roasting, if the nuts are in their husks, they need to be slightly cooled to a comfortable temperature and peeled.

We send the peeled peanuts to the harvester.

And we begin to grind. After a few minutes, when the nuts begin to release oil, we stop the combine and clean the stuck nut mass from the walls and bottom (we pay special attention to the bottom, this is where the mass sticks the most).

And again we continue to grind until the crumbs turn into a homogeneous peanut butter. This process may take more or less time (on average 10-15 minutes), it all depends only on the power of your kitchen assistant (by the way, if you grind long enough, and the nuts still do not turn into a paste, then you can add to them 1 tablespoon vegetable oil). If required, then during grinding, we make short pauses so that the combine cools down a little. When the peanuts turn into a paste, then, if desired, season it to taste.

For sweetness, you can add a little honey or powdered sugar to the peanut butter, and a pinch of salt for a richer flavor, or some cocoa powder / melted chocolate for a chocolate spread. After the addition of the additives, mix the paste well again.

That's all, peanut butter is ready at home!

Serve it on crispy toast with slices of bananas, apples or your favorite jam. As our step-by-step photo recipe shows, making peanut butter at home is easy!

Enjoy your meal!

Peanut butter is an overseas delicacy that can now be bought from us.

It is available in regular stores, in online stores, but not always really deserves attention. What is not in the composition!

Therefore, it is better to cook this delicacy yourself. Peanuts are one of the healthiest and most inexpensive nuts in which there is no shortage.

Homemade peanut butter - general cooking principles

Basically, peanut butter is just very well ground nuts, since the rest of the ingredients are added in small amounts. You need to cook a treat with a blender, a food processor. When using a meat grinder, nothing will work. Good grinding helps to release the fat that is in the nuts, the consistency weakens, the mass becomes thinner.

What else is added to the paste:

路 Honey or sugar;

Other ingredients may be present, depending on the recipe chosen. Very often, the pasta is prepared with cocoa or chocolate, other nuts and seeds can be added. All of these recipes can be found below.

As for vegetable oil, it is better to take a peanut product, but not everyone has it. Therefore, it can be replaced with analogs. If there is no edible nut oil, then we use sunflower, but choose a refined product. If you managed to kill the pasta very well, the consistency suits you, then additional fats are not needed at all, you can do without them.

Homemade peanut butter with honey

One of the classic homemade peanut butter recipes. The nuts are used raw and will need to be peeled. This is done after frying. It is difficult to remove the dark skin from raw peanuts. It is best to use peanut butter, but if not, you can substitute a different oil.


500 g of peanuts;

路 1 tbsp. l. honey;

0.25 tsp salt;

路 2 tablespoons of oil.

Cooking method

1. Peanuts must be fried and dried. To do this, pour it onto a baking sheet and send it to the oven. We set the temperature to 150 degrees, start heating and drying. We are waiting for the nuts to brown a little, just a little, together with a set of temperature it will take at least half an hour, then cool completely.

2. We crumple the nuts with our hands so that the skin comes off. Or we put it in a bag and press through it, then blow it through. But if you have extra time, then you can sit and clean with your hands.

3. Grind the cooled nuts with a blender to small crumbs.

4. Throw salt into the crumb, add honey. Grind again until smooth.

5. A little oil will stand out from the nuts, but pour more. We grind it again. The smoother the paste, the better.

6. Transfer to a convenient screw-top jar and store in the refrigerator. We use it for breakfast and healthy desserts.

Homemade peanut butter with sugar

If there is no honey or it simply cannot be consumed, then sugar will come to the rescue. By the way, many manufacturers add it, and for the aroma there is just honey essence. But this is not the saddest ingredient, so it is still better to cook peanut butter at home without any chemicals.


400 g of peanuts;

15 ml of oil;

路 2 tbsp. l. powder;

路 a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

1. Take peanuts peeled, pour it on a baking sheet and dry in the oven for about a quarter of an hour. It is important to cool completely so that moisture is evenly distributed inside the nut.

2. Now chop the nuts in parts or at once completely in the combine.

3. As soon as the mass becomes wet from the peanut butter released, add the powdered sugar. Brown sugar is very often used, but it will be difficult for it to dissolve in fatty nut butter. Therefore, it is still better to grind the sand, regardless of its color. Scroll the peanuts along with the powder.

4. Finally, add oil and salt. Grind everything again.

5. We look at the consistency. In general, more oil can be added so that the grains are not felt so much. But still it is better not to forget about the high calorie content of fat. Let homemade pasta not only be healthy, but also delight in taste.

Homemade peanut butter with walnuts

A variant of pasta with walnuts, which give an unusually pleasant taste, enrich the delicacy with other vitamins and valuable substances. In the same way, you can cook pasta with hazelnuts, different seeds, and other types of nuts.


250 g of peanuts;

100 g of walnuts;

2 tablespoons of honey;

2 tablespoons of pasta;

路 a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

1. Put the peanuts in the oven, spreading them out on a baking sheet. We also dry the walnuts, but do not fry them. Therefore, it is better to put them in another dish. If the peanuts are not peeled, then we take out and get rid of the skin. Cool the nuts.

2. Grind the peanuts with half of the walnuts, that is, add 50 grams.

3. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, you need to salt and add honey, beat again.

4. Add oil and grind everything again with a blender.

5. We simply chop the remaining nuts with a knife into small pieces, but not into flour.

6. Remove the peanut butter from the blender, add the walnuts and stir.

Homemade peanut butter with cocoa

A chocolate variant of peanut butter. It is prepared with honey, but if desired, you can replace it with powdered sugar, as in one of the recipes above. Another nuance is cocoa powder. The higher its quality, the better the taste. But when replacing honey with sugar, you can take instant cocoa powder, which is already sweet.


350 g of peanuts;

25 g of cocoa;

2 tablespoons of oil;

路 35 g of honey.

Cooking method

1. Dry the nuts in the oven and peel them. Or we act in a simplified way - fry in a pan. Only at the same time, we carefully monitor that the peanuts do not burn anywhere, otherwise the pasta will not have the same taste. It is necessary to fry evenly and not over the highest heat.

2. Grind the cooled peanuts with a blender several times and combine with cocoa, salt. Grind a little more.

3. Introduce honey. If it is too thick, then be sure to warm it up before that, so it will be easier for it to distribute in a thick mass. But we do not bring it to too hot a state in order to preserve vitamins in the product.

4. If the consistency does not suit, this may be due to cocoa, then add additional butter. But we add in small portions and each time we interrupt very well so that it is absorbed.

Homemade peanut butter cream

The recipe for an amazingly delicious peanut butter cream. It can be used for any desserts: cakes, pastries, eclairs. Or just eat it with bread, loaf, roll, like classic pasta. It is advisable to keep the oil for an hour in a warm room, then it will easily beat into a lush foam.


0.5 cans of condensed milk;

250 g peanut butter;

250 g butter.

Cooking method

1. Beat butter until fluffy. We put it in a bowl, immerse the mixer and turn it on. We use the highest speed. After a few minutes, the mass will become lighter, the oil will be almost white, and will increase in volume.

2. Condensed milk can be used plain or boiled. In the first version, the cream is more liquid. It is convenient for them to work. In the second version, it acquires a very pleasant taste, distantly resembles caramel and is wonderfully combined with nut butter. We just put them together and rub them together.

3. As soon as the nuts with condensed milk turn into a single mass, we begin to add them in small portions to the butter, while continuing to beat.

4. We store the finished cream for no more than three days in the refrigerator, but it is still better to use it immediately.

Homemade peanut butter with chocolate

To make chocolate peanut butter you need milk chocolate, it works much better with it. The amount of oil is approximate. If the nuts will produce little fat, it is best to add a little more.


250 g of peanuts;

90 g milk chocolate;

12 ml of oil;

1 tsp honey.

Cooking method

1. Dry the peanuts in the oven or simply fry in a pan and cool.

2. Grind with a blender until the mixture becomes creamy. After that, we throw in a pinch of salt, add a spoonful of honey. And again we twist everything well.

3. It is not necessary to pre-melt the chocolate, but also freeze too much. Just keep the tiles warm a little. Then we break it finely or chop it, add it to the pasta. We twist it again.

4. Pour in vegetable oil. It remains only to beat the pasta well again until smooth.

Homemade peanut butter with maple syrup

This paste is produced by one of the most famous manufacturers of products for healthy and dietary nutrition. But this delicacy is easy and simple to make yourself. Moreover, maple syrup is no longer a curiosity.


350 g of peanuts;

2 tablespoons of syrup;

路 a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

1. According to the classical scheme, dry or fry the peanuts, cool.

2. Put nuts in a blender, twist well.

3. Add maple syrup and some salt. We twist everything again. It is better not to add oil to such a paste. Due to the syrup, it will not be too thick. But you can pour other nuts or a little cocoa for a variety of tastes.

Homemade peanut butter tips and tricks

路 If you want to make different types of peanut butter (with chocolate, candied fruit, coconut, etc.), it鈥檚 better to just make the classic version first, and then put aside small portions and add additives that you like.

路 If peanut butter does not have a very pleasant taste of oil, then it can be masked with vanilla, cinnamon, natural honey.

路 Peanuts may taste rancid, it is advisable to try the nuts before using and grinding.