The picnic menu is a gourmet treat in the great outdoors. Menu for nature

18.10.2019 Desserts and cakes

One of the most beloved and popular entertainments of the summer time without a shadow of a doubt can be called a picnic trip. A sunny day and a pleasant company will definitely raise your mood to unattainable heights,

and delicious food will help make your outdoor recreation truly complete, give you strength and add pleasure. And this is where the most important question arises, forcing many housewives to rack their brains. What to cook for a picnic? What dishes to prepare in advance or what products to stock up to treat your friends and loved ones to delicious food without spending too much effort on its preparation? Let's try to figure this out together!

Not a single picnic is complete without food and drink: after all, you will spend more than one hour in nature, so, of course, you should take care of a delicious menu in advance. Find out in advance what each of the participants of the banquet prefers. If the company is large, agree on who will take with them, who will cook what dishes.

If you have little time to pack, of course, you can take raw vegetables, herbs, bread, cuts (sausage, cheese, cheese), as well as marinated meat from the store with you. However, there are hundreds of recipes for excellent, partially home-cooked meals that will be perfectly absorbed in nature.

The most popular picnic dishes and products:

1) Skewers from different types of meat (pork, poultry, lamb, veal)
2) Grilled fish
3) Grilled vegetables and mushrooms
4) Fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits
5) Sandwiches
6) Cookies and pastries
7) Salads
8) Potato baked in a fire
9) Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

Many of you most likely only grill kebabs or other meat dishes at picnics, but there are many other delicious and healthy grilled dishes. For example, grilled vegetables are delicious. In the summer, these vegetables abound: zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, sweet peppers, and mushrooms.

You can take a little of these vegetables and fry the pieces of vegetables between the frying of the meat. Vegetables make a great side dish for barbecues.

Mushrooms Champignon must be marinated before . Take 0.5 kg of champignons, wash and dry them, place them in a regular plastic bag without holes (preferably in several bags), then pour in 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1/4 cup olive oil, add a little pepper to taste. Then tie the bag tightly and mix the contents well. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

sweet peppers immediately after cooking, place in a plastic bag for 5 minutes, so that the skin can be easily removed.

Tomatoes on the grill, they cook quickly enough, they can be cut into 2 halves, or put whole over the coals. After cooking, they acquire a rich sweet taste.

You can lay vegetables on a wire rack, or you can string pieces on skewers, like barbecues. Also, sometimes vegetables, cut into pieces and greased with oil, are wrapped in foil in portions, then, as it were, baked over coals. The main thing here is to withstand the right amount of time so that everything is well baked. Don't worry if the vegetables are a little crunchy. If you like soft vegetables, keep them longer.

Potato often taken with them to bake in a fire, however, together with fatty meat, it can seem too heavy. It can be offered to cook for vegetarians who do not eat kebabs.

Grilled fish is also easy, but it is advised to use a wire rack for it. Especially tasty are salmon, trout, sardines and other fatty fish species. Before roast fish necessary pickle : you can simply roll in spices for fish, salt, pepper.

The coals for frying should have a white coating, and the heat should not be as strong as for meat, since the tender meat of the fish cooks very quickly. Typically, 2 cm thick fillets are cooked for about 5-6 minutes on each side.

Picnic snacks

Sandwiches are another indispensable dish for those cases when you go on a picnic, not intending to fry a barbecue there. However, sandwiches can also come in handy for those who are waiting for meat on the grill, since this is a very long process: after all, you need to prepare everything, collect firewood, light a fire, wait until the firewood turns into coals, and only then fry the meat.

In order not to die of hunger while waiting, you can take ready-made sandwiches with you or make them on the spot.

And this sandwich can be prepared at home, it is ideal for a large company, it is easy to cut it at a picnic and it is convenient to transport it.

Dfor thismiracle sandwich need:

Bread roll (preferably round and tall), favorite toppings for sandwiches (sausage, cheese, mayonnaise or pesto sauce, green salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, boiled chicken meat or turkey meat).
Cut off the top of the bread roll and scoop out all the flesh, leaving only the crust.

Then start layering your ingredients, smearing them with sauces.

When the bun is filled to the top, cover with the top. Your puff picnic sandwich is ready!

By the way, sandwiches will be especially tasty if you grill the bread right over the fire. Before cooking the meat, place a few slices of bread on the grate and fry them until crispy:

You can also try filling sandwiches with cheese, vegetables, meat, and only then bake them over coals. You will make a great hot sandwich:

Picnic sandwiches can be made in the form canape, cutting big sandwich into small portions and stab them with toothpicks. To do this, you can take a long French loaf, cut it in half, and then stuff it with your favorite ingredients. Cover with the top layer and cut into pieces.

Prick each piece with toothpicks or skewers so that they do not fall apart and place in a suitable dish.

If you would not like to make the usual sausage and cheese sandwiches, you can use other healthy recipes.

For example, this unusual sandwich can cook with avocado :

You will need: French long loaf of bread, boiled chicken breast pieces, ripe avocado, onion rings (pickled or fried), pesto, arugula, soft goat cheese.
Cut the loaf lengthwise into two rugs, grease the bottom with cheese and lay all the ingredients on it in layers. Then cover with the top of the loaf.

Cut into serving pieces.

Great sandwiches can be made in the form lavash rolls . All ingredients can be prepared at home, wrapped in pita bread, and then slightly heated on the grill before serving.

But such rolls with grilled vegetables will turn out tastier.

You will need: Raw chicken breast, soy sauce, a couple of spoons of honey, eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers, salt, pepper.

Cut the chicken breast into pieces about 1 centimeter thick, pour in soy sauce, honey, salt, pepper and leave to marinate for 15 minutes. Cut the vegetables into thin rings (0.5 centimeters). Fry everything on a grate, greased with vegetable oil, over the coals until golden brown. Put everything on pita bread and wrap it in a roll.

Send the finished rolls back to the grill for a couple of minutes and fry on both sides. You can add fresh herbs and sauce to the roll.

Very fast and easy to prepare snack sandwiches with garlic butter .

Everything you would need- just prepare the butter for this snack in advance. Place 200 gr. in a blender bowl. butter at room temperature, add four crushed garlic cloves and 50 gr. chopped green dill. Blend everything together in a blender for one minute, transfer to a plastic container and refrigerate. Before starting a meal, brush slices of rye or wheat bread with your oil, place a thin slice of smoked meat or fish on top, garnish with circles of any fresh vegetables and dill sprigs. Your sandwiches are ready!

delicious french country sandwiches you can cook in advance, or you can do it right in nature, replacing the ham with slices of freshly grilled meat or poultry.

Cut off the top of one French baguette along the entire length. Carefully remove a portion of the pulp so that a cavity forms in the baguette along its entire length. Drizzle the baguette with a dressing of one tablespoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of good wine or balsamic vinegar.

Separately prepare the stuffing. To do this, finely chop, mix and season with olive oil one large tomato, one cucumber, one sweet pepper, half a red onion and two tablespoons of chopped parsley and basil, salt to taste. Put the finished filling into the baguette recess, and spread the ham slices on top. Lubricate the top of the baguette with a mixture of 3 tbsp. tablespoons of softened butter and 1 teaspoon of mustard. Cover your stuffed baguette with the top half, press down gently and cut crosswise into portions.

Classical Greek salad perfect for picnics. This salad is very easy to prepare and its refreshing taste will save you from the summer heat. Thoroughly wash and coarsely chop three ripe tomatoes and one cucumber. Cut one large red onion and two small sweet peppers into circles.

Separately prepare the dressing. To do this, mix 6 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of wine vinegar, salt and black pepper to taste.

Mix the prepared vegetables and put in a salad bowl, pour over the dressing, put 150 gr on top. diced feta cheese and sprinkle your salad with 2 tablespoons chopped parsley and oregano. Before serving, decorate the salad with large pitted olives.

No American BBQ is complete without warm potato salad . Preparing such a salad is not at all difficult. Prepare your salad dressing the night before your trip to nature.

To do this, put in a blender bowl ½ cup of peeled hazelnuts (hazelnuts), 100 gr. parsley without sprigs, two cloves of garlic, 5 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil, salt and black pepper to taste. Grind everything together until a thick green mass is obtained, transfer to a plastic container and refrigerate.

You are very lucky if your birthday is in the summer! This is a very good reason to escape from the bustle of the city with a friendly company to nature. Organize an unforgettable picnic in the fresh air somewhere by the river, in a forest clearing or summer cottage. Build a grill, fry a barbecue and accept congratulations under cheerful toasts.

A traditional festive table can also be set on a simple bedspread, there would be something to display. Some of the treats, of course, will have to be made at home in advance, but this is only in order to spend less time on preparations and leave more for outdoor activities.

I bring to your attention a detailed description of the menu for celebrating a birthday in nature in the summer or in the warm season

Preparing beautiful cuts for a birthday

Summer is the very time of the year when we must fill our body with vitamins not only from the sun, but also from vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries that grow at this time of the year. Therefore, be sure to take all these components with you and arrange a fruit, vegetable and even berry composition already on the spot.

Vegetable mix
fruit dessert

A simple recipe for a quick snack of crisps for a picnic table

A snack of stuffed chips is sure to please all guests. A very successful combination of excellent taste and speed of preparation of this dish, suitable for celebrating outdoors. You just need to take all the products with you.


  • Greens - bunch
  • Chips - 1 pack
  • Mayonnaise - 70 g;
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr;
  • Tomato -1 pc.

Working process:

Finely chop the greens. We rub the cheese on a grater. Tomato - cut into cubes. We season with mayonnaise. For snacks, choose the largest chips. Before serving, lay out the filling on each chip and send the “boats” to the dish.

Quick cold appetizer "Sandwiches on skewers"

  • Rye loaf - 1 roll
  • Cream cheese - 100 gr.
  • Hard cheese -100 gr.
  • Salami - 200 gr.
  • Olives - 1 can
  • Olives - 1 bank

Cooking steps:

  • Baton cut into small slices. You can use the cutters to cut out circles. If there is no shape, can be cut arbitrarily
  • At home, dry in the oven at a temperature of 120-150 degrees for 20-30 minutes until browning. Can be pan fried without oil
  • Spread cream cheese on each piece. Put a piece of hard cheese on top. Cover with another piece of bread.
  • We stick a skewer into the bread and put a piece of salami on top of it in the form of a sail, we complete the design with an olive or an olive

"Italian appetizer" of vegetables with sausage

For cooking you will need:

  • Olives - 1 can
  • Olives - 1 bank
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Pickled artichokes - 1 can
  • Salami - 200 gr.


We cut the bell pepper into slices, cut the salami into thin slices so that they can be rolled into 4 parts. Next, we string the ingredients on skewers in the following order: first, an olive, slices of pepper, roll the salami into 4 layers, string them on a skewer, followed by an olive and an artichoke.

Simple and tasty salad with feta cheese and fresh vegetables


  • Tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Salad - 2-3 leaves
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Seedless olives - 1 can;
  • Feta cheese - 100 g;
  • Olive or sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Mustard - 0.5 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  • Pre-washed peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers cut into large cubes
  • Tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces, finely chop the greens
  • Mix olive oil in a separate bowl with mustard
  • Put the chopped vegetables and herbs on a plate, pour over the prepared dressing, mix
  • Next, put feta cheese, diced and whole olives in the appetizer

For those who are on a diet - salad with cabbage and radish


  • Fresh cabbage - 300-500 gr
  • Cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • Radishes - 100-150g
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Wash all vegetables well
  • Cut the cabbage and lightly remember it with your hands, pour it into a salad bowl
  • Cut the radishes and cucumbers into thin circles or slices, add to the cabbage. We mix everything well
  • Salt, season the appetizer with freshly squeezed lemon juice

The most popular picnic is barbecue. The same dish that is solemnly placed on the table directly from the grill. Hissing, sizzling, smoky, fragrant and very tasty meat

You need to marinate it at home, just have time to put pieces on skewers to burnt coals.

red wine pork skewers recipe

Of course, the signature dish at an outdoor holiday is shish kebab! The main task is to marinate it correctly. There are a lot of marinade recipes. But especially loved is the marinade on dry red wine. The meat is very tender, juicy, and most importantly very tasty! Just lick your fingers!

To marinate 1 kg of meat, you need:

  • 300 ml - Dry red wine
  • 4 things. - Onion (large)
  • 0.5 pcs. – Lemon
  • 5-7 peas - Allspice
  • Salt - to taste


  • We cut the meat about 5x5 cm in size. We put it in a deep container.
  • Onion, peeled, cut into rings, sent to the meat. We mix the meat with onions, trying as much as possible to squeeze the juice out of the onions so that the meat is soaked for 3-4 minutes.
  • Next, add the wine, squeeze the lemon juice, season with pepper and salt. We mix everything thoroughly. We close the lid.
  • After a couple of hours, you can start cooking. Bon Appetit!

An equally popular dish cooked on coals is kebabs.

Along with barbecue and baked kupat, this unusual dish will look very beneficial. The combination of tender chicken meat and bacon baked on coals and the sweetness of pineapple with Hawaiian sauce will surely appeal to guests!

For cooking you will need:

  • Chicken breasts - 4 pcs.
  • Canned pineapples - 1 can
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Bacon - 12 strips
  • For the Hawaiian sauce:
  • Pineapple juice - 500 ml.
  • Corn starch - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 50 gr.
  • Soy sauce - 2 table. spoons
  • Salt to taste

Sauce preparation:

  • We mix all the cooked ingredients in a metal bowl. Stir until starch is completely dissolved.
  • Put the pot on the stove, bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and cook for 2 minutes. The sauce is ready.

Meal preparation:

  • Cut chicken breast, pineapple, bell pepper into large cubes, and bacon into strips. Onion cut into large feathers.
  • For one skewer we take 4 pieces of chicken and 3 pcs. pineapple, 2 peppers and onions, 2 strips of bacon.
  • We string the edge of the bacon onto the skewer, followed by the chicken, again the bacon, which wraps the chicken on one side. Next comes the pineapple and then the bacon. After the pepper and onion, which we wrap with bacon together.
  • The last piece should be chicken with bacon. Lubricate the finished braids with vegetable oil.
  • Grill for about 10-15 minutes. Serve with hot Hawaiian sauce.

In the summer heat, be sure to bring plenty of drinking water, juices, lemonades, prepared on your own or ready-made, bought in a store. And be sure to surprise your guests with a delicious drink prepared in advance - berry kvass! In addition to the fact that it is very pleasant in taste, it also tones and quenches thirst well.

Refreshing drinks for a picnic

For 3 liters of water we need:

  • 600 gr. - berries (red, black, white currant)
  • Peppermint - bunch
  • 250 gr. – sugar
  • 0.5 tsp - dry yeast


Thoroughly crush the berries. Bring 3 liters of water to a boil, pour chopped mint into a saucepan and keep on medium heat for a couple of minutes. We put the mashed berry mixture here, remove from the stove, cover with a lid and insist for 12-14 hours, after which we filter the berry infusion through gauze several times. We dilute sugar with dry yeast in it, cover with gauze and leave to ferment for 10-12 hours in a warm place without drafts. Now it remains to strain the finished kvass again and cool it down properly. Such a wonderful drink will cheer you up and perfectly quench your thirst.

Prefer to refresh yourself with sparkling soft drinks in nature? Then you will definitely like the homemade version of the mojito without rum.


  • 4 things. – Lime
  • Mint - bunch
  • Honey - to taste
  • Sparkling water - 2 liters
  • Orange - 1 pc.


  • Cut 3 limes into thin circles straight with the peel. We cut off the leaves from a bunch of mint and coarsely chop with a knife.
  • We combine them with lime slices, pour liquid honey to taste and lightly knead with a pestle to make juice.
  • We spread this mass on the bottom of the carafe, fill it with sparkling water and stir until the honey is completely dissolved.
  • At this time, wash 1 lime and 1 orange, thinly cut into circles. Before serving, put a few slices of citruses on the bottom of the glass, knead a little with a spoon and pour over a cool mojito.

Instead of citrus fruits, you can take strawberries, pineapple, mango, kiwi and any other fruits. Refreshing picnic cocktails open up boundless scope for the brightest and most delicious fantasies.

Drawing up a festive menu for guests on their birthday is a very responsible task, since any hostess wants to please each of her guests, show off her culinary talents and even surprise with new and original dishes.

However, not everyone can afford an unlimited budget. And yet, even with the most modest family budget, you can not limit yourself to the same long-bored salads and a standard set of snacks.

If you wish, you can show your imagination by making the festive table tasty, unbanal and not go broke at the same time.

How to make the right menu for a festive dinner

First of all, it is important to make a list of guests, because the amount of products that you need to buy will depend on their number, and besides, it will immediately allow you to determine the approximate amount that you will have to spend.

When preparing a menu for adults, you need to rely on the fact that in a few hours of a feast each guest can eat from a kilogram to one and a half kilograms of various products: snacks, sandwiches, salads take up at least 60% of the total amount eaten, hot 30%, desserts about 10% .

Select appetizers and salads

Snacks are good because they do not require a lot of time and skills to prepare them, while guests eat them very willingly until they are served hot.

They are served on separate flat plates, thinly sliced ​​into neat equal segments on their own or using store-bought cuts. You can put boiled pork, carbonate and other meat delicacies, sausage, ham, tongue and other meat and poultry products on a meat plate.

Cheese and vegetables can also be served on plates, combining varieties and combinations of different types of cheeses and fresh or canned vegetables. The presence of even a small amount of each type of snack on a plate with a variety of choices provides a feeling of a rich festive table.

For each person you need about 200 grams of meat and cheese snacks.

It is very good if there are blanks and marinades in the house. Pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, squash and zucchini, mushrooms, bell peppers and sauerkraut, homemade marinated salads never go unnoticed by guests.

When planning, you need to lay 300-400 gr. for one adult guest. fresh and (or) canned vegetables in snacks.

Salads help out any housewife, because they are quite satisfying and not very laborious. Everyone's favorite classic set of salads, such as vinaigrette, Olivier, Mimosa, salads with crab sticks, Caesar, herring under a fur coat, fresh cucumber and tomato salad, of course, is unlikely to remain unclaimed.

But if you replace even one of these salads with a new and original one, the guests will be very surprised. It can be a simple but tasty and original salad with ham or chicken and pineapples.

Sea cocktails of mussels, shrimp, squid, salted red fish or caviar are a wonderful table decoration. It is very good if the salads are presented in such an assortment that will satisfy both vegetarians and people on any diet.

Cuts and salads quickly lose their appearance, dry out, turn sour and deteriorate, so they are cooked in moderation, no more than 300-400 grams of the total mass of all snacks per person, so as not to have to throw away the excess.

In addition, with too many snacks, there is a danger of overfeeding guests to satiety already at the initial stage (after all, the main course and dessert are ahead).

The nail of the feast - the main course

Hot is the highlight of the festive table. First of all, decide whether to cook fish, poultry or meat for the main course. However, it is better to remember that not everyone likes fish, so if there is only one hot dish, it is better to opt for meat or chicken. Chicken meat is quite simple to prepare, and besides, it is the most budget option.

Pork or beef, fried in the form of medallions or chops, also does not require much time.

If you want to treat your guests with an unusual dish, choose veal, rabbit or duck. For several hours of a feast, one guest can eat about 300 or 400 grams of a hot dish along with a side dish.

Sweet Conclusion: Dessert

The easiest way is to use a cake as a dessert, and it doesn’t matter if it’s purchased or cooked on your own.

If there is only one cake, complement it with sweets and fruits, and if there were a lot of main dishes, then limit yourself to light portioned desserts from fruits, yogurt, cream or pudding.

Take no more than 100-150 grams of sweets per person.

Menu for a homemade holiday feast

Snack "Peacock Tail"

You will need eggplant, tomatoes, cheese, garlic and mayonnaise, as well as fresh cucumber and olives.

Eggplant cut into long plastics lengthwise, soak in salted water, then rinse and fry.

Cut cucumbers and tomatoes into slices.

Grate cheese, mix with mayonnaise and squeezed garlic.

Transfer the eggplants to the dish, imitating the tail of a peacock, spread the cheese mass on top and put the vegetables on top of the tail.

Finish the tail with circles of olives.

Classic duet: ham and cheese

It is so quick to prepare that it can be built at the last moment before the doorbell rings.

You just need to take cheese, garlic, mayonnaise, ham. Coarsely grate the cheese, combine finely chopped garlic with the cheese mass, season with mayonnaise.

Cut the ham into thin slices or use ready-made cuts. Put a small amount of cheese mass into each slice, roll it up, fasten it with a skewer or a toothpick, put it on a dish, refrigerate for about half an hour, after which the appetizer can be served.

Meat with mushrooms in French

For 14 servings prepare:

  • Lean pork and fresh champignons - 1 kilogram each;
  • Any soft cheese - 100 grams;
  • Any hard cheese - as much as soft;
  • Ripe tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Onion - 2 heads;
  • Salt, ground pepper, mustard - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Gently wash the mushrooms, cut into slices and fry with oil. Peel the onion, chop and add to the mushrooms.

Continue frying until the water evaporates and the onion is transparent. Put the prepared mixture of champignons and onions in a suitable container. Coarsely grate both types of cheese.

Cut the meat into slices at least one and a half centimeters wide, beat off all the pieces on both sides. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, put beaten meat on it, grease with mustard, salt and pepper.

Put a layer of champignons and onions on top of the meat. Cut the tomatoes into half rings, put a layer on top of the mushrooms and onions. Sprinkle with soft and hard cheese.

Place the dish in a preheated oven, bake at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes, add greens before serving to guests.

Potato boats stuffed with chicken and vegetables

Products (for 4 servings):

  • 4 pieces of large potato tubers.

For filling:

  • Chicken fillet - 1 piece;
  • Bulb onion and fresh ripe tomato - 1 pc.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1/2 pc.;
  • Half a bunch of dill and parsley;
  • Green onions - a pair of feathers;
  • Any oil to taste - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Hard cheese about 100 grams;
  • Seasonings to taste.

To prepare the bechamel sauce:

  • Wheat flour - 50 g;
  • Whole milk - 750 g;
  • Butter with a fat content of at least 82% - 40-50 g;
  • Salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Boil the fillet and cut into cubes, also chop the onion, and boil the potatoes in their skins, peel. It is allowed to boil pre-peeled tubers.

For the bechamel sauce, fry the flour until brown in butter, stirring constantly. Add milk to the flour, continuing to stir the sauce continuously, preventing the appearance of lumps, until thickened, do not forget to salt and pepper, season.

Cut the cooled potato tubers in half lengthwise, make notches in each half with a knife and a teaspoon - you will get boats. Fry the onion in oil, add finely chopped tomato, green onion rings, chopped greens, simmer for three minutes.

Combine with chopped peppers and chicken. Stuff potato boats with this mixture. Pour white sauce onto a baking sheet, place boats on top, sprinkle with cheese and chopped herbs. Bake for at least 15 minutes until crusty.

Some interesting recipes for a potato dish for a side dish:

Children's birthday requires not only a special entertainment program, but also a special children's menu. All dishes should be served in portions, be light, tasty and brightly and interestingly decorated so that all the little guests want to try them.

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection of dishes for a children's holiday, making them taking into account children's preferences, but not forgetting the benefits of certain ingredients.

For example, all children love dough products, so they can be served pancakes or pancakes with interesting fruit and curd fillings.

Cottage cheese banana fritters


  • Cottage cheese - 300 gr.;
  • Flour - 200 gr.;
  • 4 eggs;
  • Ripe large bananas - 3 pcs.;
  • Milk - 150 ml;
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • Soda - a pinch;
  • Lemon juice and zest from half a lemon, or an equal amount of apple juice
  • Salt;
  • Oil for frying;
  • Powdered sugar.

Grind cottage cheese with milk well in a blender. Separate the whites and yolks and add the latter to the curd. Beat the cottage cheese with the yolks again until smooth.

Pour flour with baking powder and soda into the curd mixture, whisking it continuously at low speeds.

When all the flour is covered, leave the curd dough aside and take care of the bananas: wash them, peel and puree. Pour banana puree with lemon or apple juice.

Gently fold the banana puree into the batter. Beat the remaining whites until fluffy and remove them into the dough in three steps, easily mixing from the bottom up with a spatula.

Heat an oiled frying pan over very low heat, and spread small portions of the dough with a spoon, leaving a distance between the pancakes.

Cover the pan with a lid and bake for 15-20 minutes, then turn over and continue on the other side without a lid until the pancakes are browned.

Put the fried pancakes on paper to remove the oil, when they cool down, put in a single layer on a dish and sprinkle with a layer of powdered sugar through a strainer.

You can draw funny faces with syrup or liquid chocolate using a pastry syringe, or use stencils.

Mini chicken skewers served on skewers

Take 1 - 1.5 kg of chicken fillet, which must be cut into even, approximately identical pieces of small size. Sliced ​​fillet should be placed in the marinade.

Marinade: 3 tbsp. l. sour cream, 2 tbsp. l. tablespoons olive oil, squeeze 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice, salt, pepper.

Cut the onion head into large rings and add to the marinade and chicken meat.

Marinate the meat for a couple of hours, string it on disposable wooden skewers and bake in the oven for at least 40-50 minutes.

Bright and unusual dishes for a children's holiday. The main thing here is the presentation!

Menu for a picnic - celebrating a birthday in nature!

A picnic in nature is not only a banal barbecue, sausages on a skewer or sandwiches taken from home. If you prepare well, you can feed your guests with quite festive dishes and in nature. For example, potatoes baked in foil.

Based on 1 serving:

  • 2-3 smooth, even medium-sized potatoes;
  • Salo with a good meat layer (or even bacon) at the rate of 1 slice for each potato;
  • Salt, favorite spices;
  • Food foil.

Wash the potatoes, make an incision, dividing each tuber into two parts, but without cutting to the end. Salt, sprinkle with spices, insert pieces of bacon into the cut, if desired, add fresh or pickled onions. Wrap tightly in foil and send to hot coals for 20-25 minutes, checking readiness, remove and carefully unfold the foil.

Pork skewers

Where would a picnic be without a fragrant juicy kebab. You will need:

  • 2 kg of pork (it is better to take a rump);
  • 4 onion heads;
  • seasoning for barbecue;
  • tomato paste, ketchup or fresh mashed tomatoes - 100 g.

Season the meat and marinate in tomato and seasonings, putting in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours. Thread meat onto skewers, alternating with onions, then transfer to the grill.

Eggplant with lard cooked on skewers

If an ordinary barbecue does not cause any surprise, you can please your guests by cooking eggplant with lard on skewers.

They can be served at a festive picnic on the occasion of a birthday both in addition to the traditional barbecue, and on their own as a hot snack. The preparation of this delicious dish will not be any extra difficulties, which is what you need in a field trip.

At home, eggplants should be prepared in advance, cut into rings with a thickness of at least 0.5 cm. Eggplants should be taken one at a time for each skewer.

Salo also pre-cut thinner, and salt the eggplant. Already on arrival in nature, vegetables and lard, alternating with each other, will only need to be strung on skewers and baked on coals, turning over like a barbecue, until a beautiful crust forms on eggplants.

Interesting recipes for every taste from a famous chef:

  1. If you don't want to make a lot of salads and appetizers, but want variety, make canapés or small sandwiches. They will satisfy lovers of fish, meat, sausages, and vegetables, while not requiring long cooking.
  2. Try to take into account the tastes of all guests - make dishes with meat, and vegetarian, and a couple of appetizers with fish.
  3. For hot children, it is better to serve minced meat products, since minced meat, and unlike a whole piece of meat, can be bitten and chewed even by a small child.
  4. Meat products for the children's table are recommended to be stewed or steamed, minced meat should be taken lean or from poultry meat, and in order for meat products to interest young guests, you can make them not traditionally round or oval, but in the form of fish, etc.
  5. It is best to cook veal or poultry meatballs for a children's birthday. The latter is preferable due to its availability and good taste.
  6. As a side dish, mashed potatoes are perfect, which must be beautifully laid out with a pastry bag when making a portioned dish.
    If the meatballs or cutlets are of a traditional shape, then for the smallest guests they can be cut into neat pieces and laid out in a circle of plates with a slide of mashed potatoes.
  7. If you are planning a picnic in nature, then give up perishable products such as mayonnaise or sour cream. If you want to make a dressing, take a small bottle of vegetable oil.

Spring, summer and early autumn are wonderful seasons for picnics, swimming in a river or lake, and celebrating birthdays in nature. In the fresh air, appetite increases, therefore, for organizing such events, it is necessary to prepare a menu in advance. Often, a good outdoor recreation is not complete with barbecue and beer alone, there are many other alternatives.

What can you cook with you on the nature

Snacks outdoors are different from those served at the table at home. Fatty, nutritious foods, hot first and second courses are not suitable for preparing picnic treats. The following dishes are suitable for outings in nature:

  1. Cold appetizers. There are several types of such treats:
    • Cold meat dishes. Baked or fried meat, sliced ​​ham or sausage.
    • Vegetable mix. Fresh, pickled, salted tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, beets.
    • Flour products. Pies, rolls, cakes, pies, donuts, cheesecakes.
    • Sandwiches.
  2. Appetizers in the form of salads. Preference is given to dishes prepared from fresh vegetables.
  3. Raw products. Suitable for all varieties of hard cheeses, processed cheese.
  4. Fresh fruits.
  5. Canned vegetable snacks. Ideal for a picnic in winter, early spring.

Simple and delicious snack recipes for going out into nature with a photo

The organization of a successful picnic must be approached with all seriousness. It is important not only to prepare delicious snacks, but also to pack them properly. Use the following simple rules for serving food for a field trip:

  • Each dish is packed separately.
  • Sandwiches and cuts are wrapped in paper.
  • Picnic snacks with pungent odors (pickles, fish, marinated foods) and salads are packed in airtight plastic trays.
  • Bread is placed in a separate plastic bag.
  • Glass, porcelain dishes break easily and are not suitable for a picnic.
  • To dry your hands, take napkins and kitchen towels with you.
  • Forks, spoons, plates for food during a picnic, use disposable.

There are a huge number of dishes that are convenient to take with you to nature, and it does not take much time to prepare them. Basically, for such snacks, fresh vegetables and non-perishable products are used. If you have not decided on the menu yet, prepare snacks with step-by-step recipes, which are described below, they will perfectly diversify your open-air feast.

Sandwiches in a hurry

A picnic sandwich is simply irreplaceable. They make it from different products that you can find in the refrigerator, the main thing is that there is bread and any sauce or mayonnaise. So that the rest is not spoiled by a poor-quality snack, it is recommended to use the following tips:

  • If possible, prepare the ingredients for the snack in advance in your kitchen, put them in different containers, and make sandwiches when you arrive at the picnic site.
  • Do not use food that can melt (butter) to prepare snacks.
  • Eggplant for snacks, fry in advance.
  • To keep sandwich sauces from leaking out and becoming thicker, mix chopped greens with them.
  • Bread is the most important ingredient in a snack, the taste of the dish depends on its variety. Use any that you like - rye, white, with sesame seeds, cereals or bran, pita bread, in the form of toast or croutons.

Sandwich with vegetables

A great light snack option for vegetarians or dieters. For the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • rye bread - 2 slices;
  • eggplant - 5-6 slices;
  • small tomatoes - 1-2 pcs.;
  • lettuce leaves - 2-4 pieces;
  • dill, parsley - 0.5 bunch;
  • fresh basil leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • tomato hot sauce;
  • melted butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Fry eggplant slices on both sides in a small amount of ghee.
  2. Prepare two slices of medium-thick bread, spread them along the entire length of the sauce.
  3. Then put lettuce leaves, fried eggplant slices on one slice of bread.
  4. Place the basil leaves on top of the eggplants, then the tomatoes and green dill.
  5. Close with the other half of the bread.

American sandwich

Snack with cold cuts hearty and tasty. Show originality - prepare small sandwiches, cut the bread into triangles, lay out the products beautifully. For the recipe we need:

  • black bread - 2 slices;
  • sausage or ham - 50g;
  • lettuce - 1-2 leaves;
  • tomato - half;
  • cucumber - 2-3 circles;
  • mustard.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut sausage or ham into thin slices. Lay the slices on one half of the bread.
  2. We cut the cheese according to the size of the bread, put it on top of the ham.
  3. Then lay out the washed lettuce leaves.
  4. At the end of the appetizer, we put thin circles of tomato, cucumber. We cover with the second half of the bread, pre-greased with mustard along the edges.

Cold appetizers for nature

Canapés are very popular at the picnic. It is possible to use them even if you do not have time to wash your hands. This appetizer recipe requires the following ingredients:

  • hard cheese - 150-200 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 2-3 pcs.;
  • sausage - 20 pieces;
  • skewers - 20 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. We clean the cucumbers from the skin, cut into even circles.
  2. We chop the sausage in the same way.
  3. We cut the cheese into slices.
  4. Then we form canapes. On a skewer, we sequentially put cheese, cucumber, sausage.

Ham and cheese roll

Fans of meat snacks will like small ham rolls. We suggest using the following version of the recipe, all picnic participants will be delighted with it. Required snack ingredients:

  • ham - 300 g;
  • processed cheese - 200 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • walnut - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise;
  • green onion - 100g.

Cooking method:

  1. On a fine grater we rub the cheese and pre-cooked and peeled eggs.
  2. Peel nuts from shells and chop finely.
  3. Squeeze out the peeled garlic cloves.
  4. Mix cream cheese, eggs, nuts, garlic with mayonnaise.
  5. We cut the ham into thin slices, on each edge of which we put 1 incomplete tablespoon of the filling.
  6. We turn the ham into a roll, tie it with a green onion. For a better hold, secure each bundle with a toothpick.

Quick and tasty salads and snacks for barbecue

It's hard to imagine going out into nature without barbecue. But one fried meat is not enough here. An excellent addition that will emphasize the taste of barbecue are appetizers in the form of salads with lots of vegetables. It is recommended to prepare and wash the vegetables for the dish in advance at home, and cut and mix outdoors. Salads are dressed just before serving.

Salad with feta cheese and fresh vegetables


  • tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • lettuce - 2-3 leaves;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • pitted olives - 1 can;
  • Feta cheese - 100 g;
  • olive or vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • mustard - 0.5 teaspoon.

Appetizer preparation method:

  1. Pre-washed peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers cut into large cubes.
  2. Tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces, finely chop the greens.
  3. Mix olive oil in a separate bowl with mustard.
  4. Put the chopped vegetables and herbs on a plate, pour over the prepared dressing, mix.
  5. Next, put feta cheese, diced and whole olives in the appetizer.

Salad with cabbage and radish


  • fresh cabbage - 300-500 g;
  • cucumber - 3 pcs.;
  • radish - 100-150g;
  • lemon - half.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash all vegetables well.
  2. Cut the cabbage and lightly remember it with your hands, pour it into a salad bowl.
  3. Cut the radishes and cucumbers into thin circles or slices, add to the cabbage. We mix everything well.
  4. Salt, season the appetizer with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Light snacks for children's birthday in nature

A children's picnic is a great opportunity to relax in the fresh air with your children. Snacks for a child are different from food for adults, they should be as useful as possible, have an attractive appearance. It is worth considering that if we are preparing a holiday, we need to take care of the availability of desserts, fresh fruit snacks. Then the birthday will be remembered by the birthday man and will become a wonderful moment reminiscent of childhood.

fruit canape


  • bananas;
  • kiwi;
  • grape;
  • peaches;
  • pears.

Cooking method:

  1. For canapes, you can use other ingredients, it all depends on your imagination. Rinse fruits well in running water, let them dry.
  2. Cut everything except the grapes into cubes.
  3. Thread fruit squares onto skewers, alternating in color. The last to prick a bead of grapes.

Sausages in puff pastry

Children will not get enough of sweet treats, so we offer to diversify the festive menu with a simple snack with sausages. The required ingredients are:

  • puff pastry - 1 kg;
  • sausages - 15 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 4-5 pcs.;
  • hard cheese.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut cucumbers into quarters.
  2. Cheese cut into thin slices.
  3. Defrost puff pastry, roll out thinly and cut into long (30 cm) strips, 4 cm wide.
  4. Clean the sausage from the skin and wrap it in a strip with dough, cheese or cucumber.
  5. Put the wrapped sausages on a baking sheet, previously covered with parchment paper.
  6. Put the pastries in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake for 20-25 minutes.

Simple recipes for pita snacks

Lavash is a thin Armenian bread. There are a huge number of options for snacks with pita bread, each culinary specialist can come up with his own original recipe. The most popular ingredients for stuffed pita bread:

  • Chicken's meat.
  • A fish.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Hard cheese.

Rolls with lavash, ham and salmon


  • pita bread - 2 packs;
  • salmon - 200-300 g;
  • cheese paste - 2 pcs.;
  • ham - 300 g;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop up the greens.
  2. Cut the salmon and ham into thin slices.
  3. Apply a thin layer of cheese paste on a sheet of pita bread.
  4. Then lay out the salmon, crush everything with greens.
  5. Wrap pita bread with salmon in a roll and put in the freezer for 10 minutes.
  6. Then take it out and cut into pieces.
  7. Also make another roll, but replace the salmon with ham.

Lavash envelopes


  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • ham - 300 g;
  • cheese (hard) - 300g;
  • pita bread - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 200g;
  • garlic - 1 pc.;
  • greenery;
  • salt and pepper.

Appetizer preparation method:

  1. Mix chopped garlic and dill with mayonnaise.
  2. Cut each pita leaf into 8 squares.
  3. On one side, grease the squares with garlic-mayonnaise sauce.
  4. Cut ham and cheese into thin plates, tomatoes into rings.
  5. Lay on the pita leaves in layers in the following sequence - cheese, tomato, ham.
  6. Wrap the envelope, put on a baking sheet. Bake 10-15 minutes in the oven.

Appetizing beer snack recipes

In nature, it is appropriate to drink a glass of tasty and cool beer. In order not to be limited to the presence of banal and unhealthy snacks in the form of chips, salted nuts and crackers, we recommend using the following delicious recipes.

Cheese sticks


  • puff pastry - 400 g;
  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • grated cheese - 200-300 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Roll out the dough thinly, grease it with yolk on top.
  2. Visually divide the sheet of dough into two halves, put cheese previously grated on a medium grater on one of them.
  3. Cover with the second half and roll well over the dough with a rolling pin.
  4. Cut the workpiece into equal strips (2 cm long).
  5. Lay the strips on a baking sheet. Send to bake for 10 minutes in a preheated oven.

Croutons with garlic


  • dense bread;
  • melted butter;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. In any dense bread (Borodinsky, Sliced), we remove the crust. Cut the flesh into small pieces.
  2. Brush the bread sticks with melted butter.
  3. We put a dry frying pan on the fire and quickly fry on each side.
  4. Season the finished croutons with a mixture of garlic, water and salt.

Video recipes: what snacks to cook for a picnic in nature

A trip to nature (to the forest or to the river) is a pleasant event. But first you need to properly prepare, collect and cook delicious snacks. Simple vegetable and meat cuts have already managed to bother everyone. To surprise your family and friends, prepare original and easy-to-prepare snacks with the step-by-step video instructions below.

Delicious snack for summer picnic

Stuffed loaf with herring

Canape on skewers

Spicy appetizer of young zucchini

Pickled Tomato Salad with Garlic

Summer is the time for nature trips and picnics. Such a holiday is associated not only with fresh air, trees, a river, but also with delicious food.

However, summer is also the time when the risk of poisoning is highest. The scorching sun can quickly ruin even freshly prepared meals. They need to be selected with special care for a picnic.

The choice of dishes for a picnic is huge. What to cook - depends on individual preferences, as well as whether you plan to build a fire and cook something on the spot, such as barbecue or ribs.

On a picnic in the summer, you should not take perishable foods - pates, soft cheeses, curds, cakes, raw eggs, salads with mayonnaise and chocolate. Owners of portable refrigerators can skip this rule, but only if the food will not be exposed to air for a long time.

If you plan to cook barbecue outdoors, then a bowl of meatballs, cabbage rolls and other dishes will be out of place. Appetizers and sandwiches will be very useful to you, they will allow you not to die of hunger while waiting for the main course. It is desirable that the picnic food is not too greasy and heavy. Consider the most popular products that are suitable for outdoor recreation.

  1. Meat

Meat is at the top of the list. It can be prepared at home. Fried chops, chicken legs, which can be cooked in crackers or batter, and baked chicken are suitable for a picnic.

A good option would be lazy chops. Cooking them is simple: take 1 kg of any minced meat, break 3 eggs into it, add spices to taste, salt and pepper. Stir and put the minced meat with a spoon on a frying pan heated with oil, forming small "chops" and fry them on both sides. If the stuffing comes out thick, add another one to it. From minced meat, you can form chops with your hands, and dip in flour, then in an egg and fry.

For nature, the best option would be meat on the coals. Both for grilling and barbecue, it is worth picking up meat with fatty streaks. From pork, loin, rump, brisket and neck are recommended. For grilling - tenderloin, brisket and loin on the bone and ribs. From beef - the inner region of the hind leg, rump, sirloin and tenderloin. From lamb - shoulder blade, ribs and back leg. From chicken - wings and legs.

It is better to marinate the meat at home - this will prevent it from spoiling and allow it to marinate. A traditional marinade is a mixture of oil, acid and onion. You can use any oil, without a pronounced aroma, it will cover the meat with a film that will not allow it to dry out during frying, so it will remain juicy. Dry wine, vinegar or is used as an acid. The onions will enhance the taste. You can use spices.

  1. Sausages, sausages

Sausages are useful for making sandwiches and as a snack. And if they are cooked on coals, they will serve as the main dish.

If you do not plan to build a fire and fry on it, give up boiled sausage, because in the open air it quickly becomes weathered and unattractive. For sandwiches, it is worth buying ready-made cuts.

Sausages and wieners are ideal for charcoal cooking. They can be cut and fried, laid out on a grill or put on a skewer.

  1. A fish

Fish can be cooked at home. Better take the fillet - this will save you from fussing with the bones. It can be made in batter or breading.

Grilled fish comes out delicious. Catfish, cod, carp, mackerel, catfish, sturgeon, trout, salmon and salmon are suitable for grilling.

It is better to marinate fish at home. No fat is needed for pickling - lemon juice, soy sauce or white wine, and spices are enough.

  1. Vegetables and fruits

Ideal foods for nature are vegetables. They can be eaten raw, used in salads, or grilled over charcoal. Wash them well before taking them on a picnic.

Potatoes can be taken raw and then baked in coals, cooked on a skewer, or boiled in their jackets at home.

Cabbage, onions, herbs, cucumbers, radishes and bell peppers are suitable for making salads. Delicious mushrooms, eggplants, zucchini, peppers and tomatoes are obtained on coals. They can be cooked on the grill or in the form of kebabs.

  1. Grilled or grilled vegetables

Grilling vegetables is easy. Make a marinade at home by combining olive oil with a little wine vinegar, salt and black pepper. For a picnic, chop the vegetables, toss them with the marinade, and let sit for 1/4 hour. Oil the grate and fry the vegetables. 7 minutes is enough for each side.

Vegetables may or may not be pickled. If you are cooking eggplants, they should be chopped, salted and left for 20 minutes to get rid of bitterness. Sprinkle pieces of vegetables, fry, put in a dish and season with sauce. You can choose the sauce according to your taste. A mixture of balsamic vinegar, sugar, salt, garlic and olive oil is combined with vegetables.

  1. Shish kebab from vegetables

For cooking, you can use any vegetables - zucchini, bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, eggplant and onions. Tomatoes should be taken small, they can be left whole or cut in half. The remaining vegetables can be cut into rings, for example, eggplant and zucchini, or into cubes - bell peppers. Put them on a skewer and pour over the sauce. To prepare it, combine 1/2 cup soy sauce, 1 tbsp. olive oil, the same amount of lemon juice and Italian herbs. Drizzle the sauce over the strung vegetables - do this over a clean container to use the sauce that has dripped off the vegetables. Place the vegetable skewers on the grill and bring to readiness. Turn vegetables over and baste with sauce.

  1. canned food

Canned food is not a mandatory option for nature, but you can use it if you are not going to cook over a fire. You can take canned fish, seafood and peas with you.

Homemade preparations will fit into the picnic - salads, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and mushrooms. In the fresh air, such food quickly disperses.

Do not take processed and semi-hard cheeses for a picnic, as they quickly lose their appeal. For a trip to nature, hard, soft pickled and smoked cheeses are suitable. They can be used to make sandwiches and salads, as well as an independent snack. Cheeses are best grated or cut at home.

  1. Bread and pastries

Many cannot do without bread, so it must be taken. Take at the rate of 1/2 loaf for 1 person. Flat cakes and pita bread are suitable for a picnic. You can take hamburger buns, hot dogs and stuff them on the spot.

Closed meat or cheese pies will also go. Children will love sweet pastries - cookies, biscuits without cream and buns.

  1. Water and drinks

Water is useful not only for quenching thirst, but also for washing hands. You can take a thermos with coffee or tea, juice and compote for a picnic.

Other products

In nature, you need salt. Vegetable oil and sauces will not hurt - you can cook it yourself or buy ready-made ones and spices.

To protect yourself and loved ones, get a thermal bag or make one like it. To do this, freeze water, mineral water or other drinks that you plan to take on a picnic in plastic bottles. Before collecting a bag for nature, line its bottom and sides with a thick cloth or towel, place bottles with frozen liquid, and put food on top. When it's time to sit down at the table, you will get not only fresh food, but also nice cool drinks.

Picnic salads

Most picnic salads are best dressed on site. Some of them are worth cooking in nature, for example, tomato salad. This will preserve the freshness, taste and appearance. Hearty salads with the addition of mayonnaise are not suitable for picnics, as they quickly deteriorate and become weathered. The same can be said about dishes seasoned with sour-milk products.

Consider salads suitable for a picnic.

A great salad for a picnic in nature - Greek. Its main ingredients are feta, tomatoes, onions, oregano and olive oil. Other products can be added at will.

Required products:

  • 3 ripe tomatoes;
  • 1/2 bell pepper;
  • medium cucumber;
  • medium red onion;
  • 3 tbsp olive oil;
  • 120 gr. feta;
  • 20 pitted olives;
  • 1 tbsp a spoonful of oregano;
  • salt and black pepper.

Chop all the vegetables, except for the tomatoes - it's best to chop them and add them to a salad at a picnic. Onions and cucumbers - half rings, peppers - straws.

Mix vegetables, put olives to them and place the salad in a container. Cut the feta into cubes and pack separately. Prepare dressing from salt, oregano, pepper and oil, pour it into a suitable container. Arriving at a picnic, add sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomatoes to the salad. Season, stir and sprinkle with feta on top.

At home, cut the cabbage, cucumbers into half rings, dill and green onions. Mix and put in a container. Separately, prepare a dressing from sunflower oil, a small amount of vinegar and salt, pour it into a container. At the picnic, it remains to add dressing to the container with vegetables and mix.

Caprese salad

The salad is prepared quickly, so it can be made at a picnic. Cut into rings four tomatoes and 1/2 kg of Mozzarella cheese. Arrange them and the basil leaves nicely on a platter, season with salt and pepper, and drizzle with olive oil.

Similarly, you can prepare other salads, such as Caesar or a regular salad with radishes, tomatoes, lettuce and cucumbers.


Prepare sandwiches for a picnic in nature. If you stocked up on cutting, then quickly make them on the spot. They will turn out tastier if slices of bread are fried on a fire. Cheese, meat, sausage and vegetables can be put between slices of bread. Put them on the grill and hold them over the fire, then you will get excellent hot sandwiches.

Quick simple sandwiches can be made from a French loaf. Cut it lengthwise, scoop out some of the pulp to make a small indentation, then add your favorite toppings and cut the bread into pieces.

avocado sandwiches

Sandwiches with original taste will delight you. You will need a French loaf, goat cheese, arugula, pesto sauce, onion rings, avocado, fried or boiled breast.

Cut the loaf lengthwise, brush the bottom with cheese and layer the remaining ingredients, brushing with sauce. Cover with the top and cut the bread into portions.

Ham sandwiches

Prepare the filling. Cut the cucumber, tomato, bell pepper into half rings and 1/2 red onion into thin slices. Combine chopped parsley and basil, a little olive oil and salt. Pour dressing over vegetables.

Cut the loaf lengthwise, remove some pulp, sprinkle the inside with a mixture of 1 tsp. olive oil and 0.5 tbsp. balsamic vinegar. Arrange lettuce leaves, toppings and ham slices. Brush the top slice of bread with the butter and mustard mixture. Cover their sandwich.

If you have the patience, try making canapé sandwiches. The dish looks spectacular and is easy to eat.