Delicious light salads for meat. Delicious meat salads: step by step recipes with photos.

06.03.2019 Salads

Many housewives will agree that the squid and chicken salad deservedly got its name. Due to the combination of ingredients and amazing taste, it can be safely called magical. And also call the hostess a sorceress who will treat you to this yummy. In general, try making a squid and chicken breast salad and judge for yourself.

Chicken breast and mushroom salad is light salad with tender chicken fillet and fried mushrooms, which will perfectly complement your lunch or dinner. Looking ahead, we can safely call this salad one of the most delicious and at the same time easy to prepare. Chicken breast and mushroom salad will take its rightful place on your list of recipes; it not only decorates the table, but also gives you a new sense of taste.

Salad with sausage and Chinese cabbage is an incredibly beautiful salad that is perfect for romantic dinner for two. Also, such a salad will decorate any festive table, but if you are tired everyday meals, then of course this option is the most successful. Having prepared a salad with sausage and Chinese cabbage, you will feel truly new tastes that everyday food completely forgotten.

this is very delicate salad with enough spicy taste... This salad is made in layers and turns out to be quite satisfying. Our detailed photo recipe will help you to easily prepare a salad with chicken and pickled mushrooms, as well as decorate and serve it beautifully.

By the way, it is also suitable for a festive table, do not hesitate, such a salad will be eaten very quickly, you will be very pleased.

Salad with boiled beef incredibly tasty and hearty salad... It can be prepared for dinner, and it will not be a shame to put it on the festive table. Everyone who has tried this salad will find something new for himself. The taste of this dish is due to the incredibly successful combination of all the ingredients.

We will also add red beans to the salad with boiled beef - they will add satiety to this dish.

Quail's nest salad is not just a salad, but a real piece culinary arts... Although there is nothing complicated in its preparation, there are small nuances everywhere. To make a delicious quail's nest salad, it is not at all necessary to have culinary skills. Our step by step recipe will help you prepare a delicious and beautiful appetizer on the festive table.

great holiday salad that will go with any table. Pickled mushrooms, potatoes and cheese make this salad very tender and delicious. The ingredients work well together and create unique taste... Salad White Night has another very valuable property- this is simplicity and speed of preparation. diversifies and effectively decorates any festive table. This simple and delicious salad can be called a work of culinary art. For lovers dietary meat birch salad with chicken fillet will be a real discovery. Not only adults will love him, he is also very popular with young children. - it is unusually tasty and healthy salad, which can be easily and quickly prepared on hastily... If you are thinking about which salad to cook and that it is tasty and not hitting the family budget, then the salad with chicken and pineapple is for you. Easy to prepare, low in calories, but moderately nutritious, it will appeal to both adults and young children. Ease of preparation and low cost of products make this salad a favorite for many housewives. This is a salad that you can prepare for any festive or romantic table. This salad is hearty and tasty, it can satisfy any taste and become a hit of any event. There is nothing superfluous in it, the ingredients perfectly combined with each other make the salad with beef and vegetables an ideal dish.

Salad with smoked sausage and corn, cooked according to our simple recipe will delight you with its taste. There are many salads to which sausage is added, they are all worthy of your attention and most of them will appeal to everyone. Today we will tell you another simple one, but delicious recipe, according to which you can easily prepare a salad with smoked sausage.

Salad emerald placer will perfectly decorate any festive table and become a hit of the evening. To prepare this salad, we need chicken fillet, cheese, tomatoes and a few more ingredients that you will find in any store. Making an emerald scatter salad is as easy as making a salad from crab sticks - no big deal!

it's pretty simple to cook. There are many fresh cabbage salad recipes. Add to it and crab sticks, and meat, and sausage, it all depends solely on your taste. In our recipe, we suggest preparing a delicious fresh cabbage salad with the addition of chicken fillet and cheese. Thanks to these ingredients, it will turn out to be very tender and moderately satisfying. turns out to be very tender, due to the unusual juiciness of the leaves Chinese cabbage... Earlier Chinese cabbage not that it was in short supply, it was almost impossible to find, but a lot of time has passed, smart people have learned to grow new varieties of Peking cabbage, and now you and I can easily find it in any supermarket.

The ham and corn salad is quite simple and quick to prepare, so if you still don't know what to cook for ham and corn dinner, we advise you to complement it with this wonderful and very satisfying salad. We need the most common products that can be found in the store.

it is always delicious and hearty dish, which can be prepared for a holiday or just like that. Another name for this salad is "Merchant Salad". This dish has a very rich taste, although it contains few ingredients and they are all available in any store. Pork salad is great snack, by its appearance alone, it increases the appetite, it is impossible to resist it, it is impossible not to try it. one of the favorite salads of many housewives. Probably few people who do not like these salads. Salad made from smoked chicken very satisfying and at the same time very tasty salad. You can cook it for a holiday or as additional dish for dinner or lunch.

Italian salad with pasta pretty unusual dish which many of us have never even heard of. This is a very hearty dish in which, in addition to pasta, there is also cheese, ham and much more interesting and tasty. Making such a salad is not difficult, our step-by-step recipe will tell you about it. This salad is perfect for family dinner... Tasty, unusual, in general, very original. Italian pasta salad is more than just a salad.

1. Cornucopia salad
Chicken egg - 1 pc
Soft cheese - 30 g
Chicken breast - 50 g
Prunes - 6 pieces
Walnuts - 6 pcs
Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
Cucumber - 50 g
Pine nuts - 5 g
How to cook
Beat the egg with salt, pepper and grated cheese
We bake a pancake on both sides
Cut it in half and roll it up in a small bag
Cucumber, boiled chicken breast and cut the prunes into strips, coarsely chop the walnuts with a knife
We mix everything, season with sour cream, seasoned with mustard and salt, and fill our cone.
We spread it on a plate so that the filling spills out from the Cornucopia, decorate with dill, parsley, pine nuts and light mayonnaise mesh.
2. "Luck Horseshoe" salad
smoked breast - 1 pc.
boiled egg - 3 pcs.
canned beans - 1 can
Korean carrots - 150-200 gr
How to cook
The salad is laid out in layers in the following sequence:
finely chopped breast meat
coarsely grated egg yolks
red beans (no liquid)
korean carrot
egg whites
3. Salad, just salad 🙂 with chicken and salted mushrooms
Chicken breast - 1 piece
Eggs - 2-3 pieces
Salted mushrooms - 1 cup
Capers to taste
Hard cheese - 100 gr or to taste
Greens to taste
How to cook
Boil chicken breast and eggs and cut into cubes.
Chop mushrooms and herbs.
Grate the cheese.
Mix all the ingredients and season the salad with mayonnaise.
* Instead of mushrooms, you can put fresh or pickled cucumbers in the salad.
4. "Solemn" salad
chicken breast - 1 pc
carrots - 2-3 pieces
onion - 1 piece
champignons - 400 gr
eggs - 3 pcs
cheese - 150 gr
green peas - 1 can
salt optional
How to cook
Boil eggs, cool, peel, grate.
Boil carrots, peel, grate.
Boil the chicken breast, cool, chop the meat finely.
Grate cheese on a coarse grater.
Chop the champignons and onion, fry on vegetable oil... Lay out the salad in layers in the following sequence:
chicken meat, mayonnaise, carrots, mushrooms with onions, mayonnaise, cheese, eggs, mayonnaise, top layer - canned green peas.
5. Salad with chicken and croutons
200 g white loaf
250 g chicken fillet
150 g cheese
1 cucumber
150 g onions
1 bunch of lettuce
For refueling:
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 cloves of garlic
1 tbsp vinegar 6%
How to cook
1. Boil fillets
2. While our fillet is being cooked, we prepare croutons.
Cut the bread into cubes and fry in a skillet with vegetable oil.
3. Add to the salad bowl: - cut into strips of cucumbers, onion cut into half rings, tear the salad.
4. Prepare the dressing, mix oil, vinegar, pepper, salt, and garlic
5. Our chicken and croutons are ready.
Cut the chicken into cubes and send it to the salad bowl, season our salad, sprinkle with grated on fine grater cheese, mix.
6. Put the salad on a plate, decorating it with crackers
6. Pork tongue salad
1 large carrot
1 red paprika
1 yellow paprika
1 blue onion
3 pig tongue(800 g.)
1/2 bunch green onions
3 cloves of garlic
300 g canned celery
vegetable oil
salt pepper
2 sachets salad dressing for fresh vegetables
How to cook
Boil the pork tongue until tender and peel it.
Cut paprika, carrots into strips and fry in vegetable oil. Fry until soft.
Cut the tongues into strips and put in a glass container, pepper and add garlic passed through a press to them. To mix everything.
Pour fried vegetables to the tongue and canned celery, then put the blue onions, cut into rings, into the salad.
Sliced green onions add there along with the salad dressing, and then mix well.
Sprinkle with fresh dill when serving.
7. Turtle salad
chicken legs - 2 pieces
eggs - 3 + 1 for decoration
apples - 2 medium
onion - 1 medium
hard cheese - 100 gr
How to cook
Boil the legs until tender. Cool down.
Cut in small pieces.
Finely chop the onion.
Pour boiling water over it and leave for 10 minutes.
Then drain the water, rinse the onion in cold water(this is done so that the onion does not taste bitter).
Separate the whites from the yolks.
Grate the whites of the yolks on a fine grater separately.
Grate the apple.
Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
On flat dish lay out the proteins in the shape of an oval, salt a little, grease with mayonnaise.
Put fillets on the squirrels, smooth, grease with mayonnaise.
Put the onion on the fillet.
Put the apple on the onion, brush with mayonnaise.
A little grated cheese set aside to decorate the top, put the rest of the cheese on the apple, brush with mayonnaise.
Put the yolks on the cheese, brush with mayonnaise.
We begin to decorate the salad with grated cheese, nuts, cut 1 egg a little on the bottom so that it becomes on the dish and you can make the legs and tail from cucumbers both from fresh and sour or pickled. and you can decorate with greens.
This salad left my friends very much in 10 minutes. delicate taste try it !!
8. Ham salad with prunes under a tomato head
ham - 200 g.
tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
prunes - 100 g.
walnuts - 100 g.
mayonnaise 50 g.
sour cream 50 g.
salt and pepper to taste
How to cook
Cut the prunes into small pieces (in Germany, you don't need to soak the prunes, they are already soft, otherwise you will get porridge)
Cut the ham into thin strips.
Cut the tomatoes into slices.
Chop the nuts.
Lay out the salad in layers:
Combine sour cream and mayonnaise and mix.
-ham, grease with mayonnaise and sour cream
-prunes, again grease with mayonnaise and sour cream
-tomatoes, grease with mayonnaise and sour cream
salt and pepper.
Sprinkle the salad walnuts, refrigerate for 2 hours to soak.
9. Salad "Onion with minced meat"
3 heads (medium) red onions
3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
100 g of water
1 white onion
a small bunch of green onions
500 gr minced meat (veal)
3 tablespoons oil (odorless)
150 gr cheese
3 eggs (var)
1 clove of garlic (optional)
mayonnaise, salt, pepper to taste!
How to cook
Prepare minced meat or take already purchased one. I have minced meat from the sirloin.
Chop the white onion finely.
Fry the minced meat and onion in oil until tender.
Season with salt, pepper and garlic.
While the minced meat is fried, grate the red onion with the rings. Marinate in (apple cider vinegar + water) for 10 minutes.
Grate cheese and egg. Mix with mayonnaise.
Chop the green onion.
When the minced meat has cooled down, we begin to collect the salad.
Throw the pickled onions on a sieve to glass the liquid. Put in a salad bowl.
Cover the onion with minced meat.
Then put the mixture of cheese + egg + mayonnaise.
Sprinkle with green onions.
You can serve right away, but it is better to stand overnight in the refrigerator. It gets even tastier.
10. Meat salad with scrambled eggs and gherkins
Veal - 200g
Beef - 200g
Small gherkins - 10-15 pieces
Large onion - 1 pc.
Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
Milk - 1/2 cup
Flour - 1 tablespoon
Curd cheese (I have Almette with herbs) - 2 tbsp.
Finely chopped fresh dill - 2 tablespoons
Sour cream no more than 10% fat - 2 tablespoons (who loves - mayonnaise is very appropriate)
Garlic - 1-2 cloves (dried, granular is also suitable)
Olive oil - 2 tablespoons
Butter - 2 tablespoons
Green onion - 4 feathers
Salt to taste
Freshly ground black pepper - to taste
How to cook
Probably a variant salad, but obviously not charlotte.
Boil beef and veal (you can do with one type of meat) (at least 1 hour), cool.
Grain the meat and place in a bowl.
Beat eggs with milk and flour, add cottage cheese and chopped dill, salt, pepper, beat again.
In heated with butter Pour the omelet mixture into the frying pan.
Fry the omelet for 2 minutes on each side, like pancakes. Allow to cool slightly. Put the finished omelet on a roll mat, film, or foil, roll it up, secure and put in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
Cut the onion into thin half rings, chop the garlic, fry in olive oil until golden brown, 10 minutes, cool.
Cut the gherkins in half.
Mix the meat, gherkins, onion and garlic mixture, season with salt and pepper to taste.
Put the meat salad in a heap, omelet cut into slices around. Sprinkle with long onion feathers.
Bon Appetit!

Meat salads- it's not only great dish on festive table but also a great idea for hearty dinners, delicious dinners and quick breakfasts... Very satisfying and nutritious salads with meat and other meat and sausages- ham, sausage, balyk, sausages - enjoy great love, especially among men.

The main product in such dishes can be accompanied by a variety of components: vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, cheese. Salad with meat can become a full-fledged substitute for lunch, and can also be served as a warming snack before serving the main hot dish.

For the preparation of such salads, boiled, fried, baked, dried or smoked meat can be used. Such salads can be prepared light and dietary, or more nutritious and high-calorie - everything will depend on the type of meat you choose and the dressing for it.

Pork, beef or chicken are ideal for salads. If you prefer beef, you can safely buy both marbled and lean meat.

Salad from lean meat it will turn out to be as low-calorie as possible, and from marble it will be to your taste true gourmets... In seasoned marbled meat contains layers of fat, which when heat treatment will begin to melt, giving the meat juiciness and a pleasant aroma.

You can also make a meat salad based on a grilled steak. Ideal if you cook light steak degree of roasting, which will make the salad as juicy and appetizing as possible.

Salads with arugula and flank steaks are very tasty. But in this case, the meat must be pre-marinated, since the flank steak is a rather tough cut with coarse meat fibers. For the marinade, it is recommended to take dry oregano, ground pepper chili, cumin and half a teaspoon of sea salt.

Rub the meat with this mixture, leaving it to marinate for 30-40 minutes. After that, the meat is fried in a highly preheated pan. Before you start cutting meat pieces for salad, you need to give a freshly cooked piece of meat a little "rest" so that it own juice evenly distributed over all its parts.

Using the same technique, try making a skert steak meat salad with herbs and caramelized fruit. To begin with, the steak is fried in a pan, and when it is completely ready, the meat is taken out on a separate plate, and in the same pan and in the same fat, pear cubes are fried with a small amount brown sugar and chopped walnuts.

Put together the sliced ​​small sliced ​​steak, pear, arugula, add a little cheese and season this salad delicious dressing from wine vinegar, dijon mustard, olive oil, salt, sugar and ground pepper.

In season fresh berries and vegetables it is impossible not to try to prepare a delicious salad with slices of cheese and blueberry dressing. For this salad you will also need meat steak fried in a hot pan.

And for dressing, you need to mix blueberries in a blender, balsamic vinegar, Orange juice, honey, olive oil, Dijon mustard and salt. When decorating such a salad, first put a pillow of vegetables and herbs on a plate, and on top beautifully distribute the meat fried and cut into beautiful slices, beautifully poured with blueberry sauce.

A salad made from ribeye steak turns out to be very juicy and amazingly tasty. To do this, a piece of meat is fried for 3 minutes on both sides, and then put for 3 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. To cut into small pieces of meat are added fresh tomatoes marinated in a mixture of olive oil, chopped basil and garlic. Meat and pickled tomatoes are spread on a pillow of green onion feathers and celery leaves.

And this is not the whole list of the most delicious salads that can be prepared from meat. Want to know more ?!