Delicious rhubarb jam. Rhubarb jam: the unique taste of spring

Many are accustomed to the fact that jam is made from strawberries, raspberries, currants and many other berries. Rhubarb jam turns out to be no worse than the above. Seriously enough, don't be surprised, but this perennial herb is perfectly suited as an ingredient in this treat. As a result, this product turns out to be not only tasty, but also very useful, because rhubarb has a lot of useful properties.

In order to make rhubarb jam, you should know that it is best to collect it before mid-June. , since it accumulates oxalic acid, and this will not have a very good effect not only on the product itself, but is also harmful to health. It is not recommended to cook it in dishes made of copper or tin, because this leads to oxidation. Well, it is advisable to store this product in glass jars in a dark and cool place.

So, today we will consider the best and most popular recipes for making rhubarb jam.


  • Rhubarb stalks - 2 kg
  • orange - 4 pieces
  • sugar - 2.5 kg.

Cooking method:

First, we need to peel the rhubarb, measure out the right amount of sugar and wash the oranges.

Then cut the prepared rhubarb and orange together with the zest into small pieces and put them in a saucepan.

Next, we need to weigh the resulting mass and mix it in a 1: 1 ratio with sugar. In my case, the weight of the chopped mass turned out to be 2.6 kg, the same amount I added sugar. Then we leave the resulting mass for about half an hour in order for the juice to stand out.

Then we put the pan on the fire and after the contents boil, we need to reduce the heat to medium and cook the jam for another 20 minutes, stirring it occasionally and remove the foam.

In the meantime, while the jam is being prepared, we will sterilize the cans in the way that you prefer. For example, using a double boiler.

Now that everything is ready, pour the hot jam into the jars, twist them, cover with a towel and leave to cool completely.

Rhubarb jam with lemon - step by step photo recipe


  • Rhubarb stalks - 1 kg
  • lemon - 1 piece
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • boiled water - 2/3 cup.

Cooking method:

First of all, we peel the stems and rinse them under running water. Then we cut them into small pieces.

Then pour sugar into a large saucepan, pour water into it and put it on low heat. Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved.

The syrup should be quite thick so that its droplets hold their shape and do not creep.

Then put the chopped rhubarb into the syrup, mix and continue cooking until the foam appears. After that, immediately remove it from the heat, wrap it in a blanket and leave it for a day until it cools completely.

The next day, wash a good lemon and grind it along with the peel and add to the pan to the jealousy, stir and put on low heat.

Now, after the foam forms, we need to remove the jam from the stove and immediately put it in sterilized jars and close the lids.

The jam is ready, eat to your health!

How to make banana rhubarb jam


  • Peeled rhubarb - 1 kg
  • peeled bananas - 0.5 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

We rinse the peeled rhubarb in cold water, then cut it into small pieces and transfer it to a large saucepan. Pour one kilogram of sugar there, mix and let it brew for half an hour.

Then we put the pan on low heat, stir it periodically. As soon as the contents of the pot boil, remove it from the stove and leave to infuse for 6-8 hours.

Then again we put on low heat, let it boil for one minute and set aside. Meanwhile, peel the bananas, which should be exactly half the weight of rhubarb by weight. We cut them into rings and send them to a container for rhubarb. Stir and leave to infuse for 6-8 hours.

The third brew will be the final one. We put the pan on low heat, bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, cook a little longer than previous times, about five minutes. Then we put the resulting, simply awesome jam into sterilized jars, tighten the lids, wrap it in a blanket and let it brew and cool for a day.

Rhubarb jam in a slow cooker


  • Peeled rhubarb stalks - 500 gr
  • sugar - 500 gr.

Cooking method:

First of all, we cleanse the rhubarb from its thick skin. Then we rinse in cold water and cut it into small squares, place it in the multicooker bowl.

Immediately fill it with sugar, mix properly and leave for 2-3 hours in order for the juice to stand out.

After the sugar has melted and the juice has come out, turn on the "Stew" mode on the multicooker for one hour.

After the time has elapsed, the jam will be ready, put it in sterilized jars, close the lids, wrap it in blankets and remove the infusion. And of course, do not forget to try this delicious and very healthy just cooked jam with a pleasant and unusual greenish tint.

Rhubarb and strawberry jam


  • Rhubarb stalks - 1 kg
  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • lemon - 1 piece
  • sugar - 1.2 kg.

Cooking method:

The first step is to peel the rhubarb, then rinse it in water and cut it into pieces.

We put it in a bowl, fill it with sugar, stir it and leave it for 2-3 hours, so that it starts up the juice.

Now we put the bowl on fire, let it boil, and then we reduce the heat to low, remove the foam and cook for another 10 minutes.

Then we take the strawberries, rinse them, peel them and cut them into pieces. We put it in a bowl to the rhubarb, mix and continue to cook for another 20 minutes, only two or three minutes until cooked, add the juice of one lemon and bring it to homogeneity again.

The jam is ready, put it in sterilized jars, wrap it up and leave to infuse.

Rhubarb Jam with Apples and Ginger


  • Rhubarb - 1 kg
  • apples - 3 pieces
  • orange - 1 piece
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 200 ml
  • ginger - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

Peel the rhubarb, rinse, cut into pieces and transfer them to a saucepan.

We wash the orange, then remove the zest from it and add it to the rhubarb. And squeeze the juice from the orange itself.

Peel the ginger, finely chop and transfer to the rest of the ingredients.

Now peel the apples, remove the core and cut them into small pieces. Add to the pan.

Apples give the jam not only excellent taste, but also thickness.

In the saucepan, we already have almost all the ingredients, except sugar, pour water and orange juice into it, mix well and put on fire, after the contents boil, reduce the heat to low and cook for another 20 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, add sugar, increase the heat to medium, stir and cook for another 10 minutes until tender.

It remains only to shift the finished jam into sterilized jars, close the lids and wrap it in a warm blanket.

Rhubarb jam recipe for the winter (video)

Enjoy your meal!!!

Rhubarb is a perennial plant, fresh petioles of which are eaten. You can make candied fruits, jam and mashed potatoes from them. Housewives also love to make rhubarb jam: it is incredibly healthy and, moreover, it turns out not sugary.


The simplest recipe for making a sweet rhubarb treat involves a minimum of ingredients:

  • 1 kg of rhubarb;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Before making rhubarb jam, you need to properly prepare the main product. Wash the plant, dry it and cut it into cubes. Do not remove the peel. Place the food in a saucepan and cover with granulated sugar. Leave it for a day to let the rhubarb juice. Then stir the mass and put to simmer over low heat. The jam will be ready within 15 minutes after boiling. When the mixture has cooled, pour it into jars and store in a cool place.

With cherry leaves

If for the winter you want to get a jam with a special aroma, you can add a little cherry tree leaves. To implement the recipe, you need:

  • 1 kg of petioles;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 100 g cherry leaves;
  • 200 g of water.

Wash the young rhubarb stalks and cut into squares. Make a syrup from sugar and water, add some cherry leaves during cooking. After dissolving the sugar, you can remove the leaves. Pour the main ingredient with hot syrup, cool and add the rest of the leaves. Bring the rhubarb jam to a boil on the stovetop. It is ready when the mass thickens and the petioles become transparent. Pour the fragrant sweetness into clean jars.

With lemon wedges

Citrus jam gets a bright sourness. Cooking lemon sweets makes it richer in vitamin C. You need to take:

  • 1 kg of rhubarb stalks;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • ⅔ glass of boiled water.

We begin to translate the recipe into reality by washing the stems. Peel them and cut into small pieces. Pour sugar into a saucepan and pour water, put on fire and heat until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Put the stems in a thick syrup, stir and simmer until foam forms. Then remove the pan from the stove, wrap it in a blanket and send it to cool for a day. After a day, add citrus crushed with peel into the jam and keep on fire until foam re-forms. Then put the mass in a container. For the winter, you have a dessert with a delicate greenish tint.

Without using a stove

If you don't know exactly how to cook rhubarb jam over an open fire, opt for a slow cooker. With her, the delicacy will definitely not run away and will retain all the aroma. Ingredients:

  • 500 g stems;
  • 500 g of sugar.

Cut the peeled plant into pieces and cover with sugar. Let it brew for 3-4 hours. After the formation of juice, send the mass to the bowl. In a slow cooker, in the "Stew" mode, cook the dessert for about 60 minutes. At this time, you can leave the lid on the jam.

With apple flavor

If you decide to make a blank with apples, then choose fresh sweet fruits. To implement a simple recipe, you need to take:

  • 3 cups of chopped petioles
  • 3 cups crushed apples
  • 2 cups sugar
  • half a glass of water;
  • pectin package.

Peel fruit and rhubarb and cut into equal cubes. Pour into a saucepan, cover with sugar and stir. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Put the dishes on fire and wait until they boil. Then the rhubarb jam should languish for another half hour. (You don't need to cook it longer, otherwise the petioles will exfoliate, and this spoils the appearance of the dish). Now add the pectin to thicken the mixture. Keep on fire for another 5 minutes.

With the addition of orange

This delicacy turns out to be sweet, but with a fresh hint of citrus aftertaste. Required to prepare:

  • 1 kg of stems;
  • 0.5 kg of oranges;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Cut the rhubarb stalks into cubes, sprinkle with some sugar. Remove the zest from the oranges, set half aside (it will still come in handy). Finely chop the peeled pulp, remove the seeds. Add oranges to the rhubarb, add a little more sugar and cover. Let the mixture sit for 4 hours. Then put it on fire, bring to a boil and add the rest of the sweet sand. Add fresh zest, let it boil again, and then cook for 5-15 minutes. Rhubarb and orange jam can be placed in the jars before cooling.

With ginger

Rhubarb jam is especially sour, but if you add ginger, the delicacy will become even more piquant. Main ingredients:

  • 4 cups chopped stems
  • 3 glasses of sugar;
  • 3 tbsp chopped fresh ginger;
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice.

Cut the stems into pieces, combine with ginger and cover with sugar. Add lemon juice and wait 20 minutes. Put the saucepan on medium heat, cook the treat for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Arrange the hot piece in jars and wrap it up with a blanket.

Have you ever tried rhubarb jam? Not? Until recently, and I did not know its taste. But last year, the neighbors at the dacha treated me to a fragrant, slightly sour, unusual jam for me. After long attempts to determine its composition, they took pity and pointed out to me the spreading burdocks growing by the fence.

I couldn't believe it was true. Of course, we cooked compote from it, baked pies, even made a delicacy from and, but rhubarb jam ...

I could not resist the temptation to surprise guests and family with a new dish. I remember how we held a tasting of gooseberry jam with oranges among the guests ... It was fun. Nobody was able to determine the composition completely. Let's see how it will be this time.

First I got into the world wide web and fished out several recipes from there. I decided to make several jars in small portions in different versions and determine the most delicious for my family. It turns out that the treat goes well with different fruits such as lemons, apples or oranges.

To my surprise, I even found a recipe with champignons. True, I did not dare to cook. Maybe you want to? He is also in my collection. Well, let's go.

Oranges go well with other fruits and vegetables, even meat. I like to add them to various dishes to enhance or highlight the taste. For example, when you add juice and fruit zest to stewed cabbage, you get an awesomely tasty dish.


  • Rhubarb stalks - 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg
  • Orange - 2 pcs.

Peel the skin off the stem with a vegetable peeler (more convenient) or a knife.

Remove the peel from the orange, remove the seeds. Grate the peels. You can first remove the zest with a fine grater, and then peel. Cut into pieces.

Cut the petioles into small cubes.

Put them in an enamel pot with 1 kg of sugar and oranges. Close the lid and let stand for 3-4 hours.

As soon as juice appears, transfer to heat, bring to a boil, add orange peel and remaining sand.

Boil again, hold for 5-10 minutes, remove from heat, put in jars.

Classic 5-Minute Rhubarb Recipe

This is the easiest and easiest option to prepare. Its qualities do not suffer from this at all, tk. rhubarb has an expressive taste without any additives.

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg

Wash the roots, peel them of rough skin. To do this, we hook it from the edge with a knife, and it will easily slide down in a thin spiral.

Cut the petioles into pieces, about 1 cm each.

Put it in an enamel or stainless steel pan with sand. Stir, leave alone for 2-3 hours until the juice appears.

When the juice appears, heat the saucepan over the fire, bring the contents to a boil, simmer it in this state for 5 minutes and turn it off. Cool down and repeat the same procedure.

Preparing jars. We sterilize them in the oven, pour boiling water over the lids and dry them.

For the third time, bring to a boil, boil for five minutes, pour into ready-made jars. You no longer need to sterilize. Store in a cool place throughout the year.

From this amount, a little more than a liter of ready-made tasty jam is obtained. It can be used with tea, used for compotes and pies.

How to make rhubarb root jam with bananas

The combination of ingredients is unusual. The finished product tastes like sweet and sour caramel.

  • 1 kg rhubarb
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 0.5 kg bananas

You need to tune in that the cooking process is long, but the result is an amazing jam with a caramel flavor. The proportions are based on refined products. Those. first we clean, then weigh.

Cut the petioles into cubes, cover with sugar. We put on fire, bring to a boil, turn off and leave to infuse for 6-8 hours. This method of cooking leaves the stems soft and tender.

After cooling down, put it on fire again. Let it boil for a minute, turn it off. While the contents are cooling, it is preparing the second component of the jam.

We clean the bananas, measure the required amount. We take bananas and rhubarb in proportion to 1 to 2. One part of bananas and two parts of stems. Cut the bananas into rings with half a centimeter thick, pour into a saucepan.

Stir, leave to cool for 6 hours. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 times. Heat to a boil, hold for a minute, turn off and cool. We boil for the last time for five minutes.

If you do not like the pieces in the jam, you can grind them into a single mass with a blender before the last cooking.

Before the last cooking, prepare the jars - sterilize.

Arrange hot jam in jars, seal, wrap in a towel. In this form, cool and send for storage.

Step-by-step recipe for making lemon jam

Lemon, like any citrus, emphasizes and enhances the pleasant taste of rhubarb.


  • Rhubarb - 1 kg
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Boiled water -2/3 tbsp.


  • Peel the stem, rinse under running water, cut into cubes.
  • Measure sugar into a saucepan according to the recipe and add water. It is necessary to dissolve the sand. It is necessary to boil a thick syrup so that the drop does not spread.
  • Then add the chopped rhubarb, continue to heat until foam forms. As soon as it appears, remove the pan from the heat, cover it with a lid and wrap it in a blanket for a day until it cools completely.
  • The next day, pass the lemon through a meat grinder or cut into pieces and punch with a blender. Mix with rhubarb mass. We put on fire, wait for boiling. As soon as we see the foam, turn off the fire.
  • We lay out hot on sterilized jars, roll up the lids.

Video - how to cook rhubarb and mushroom jam for the winter

A strange combination of rhubarb and mushrooms. But after watching the video, I was impressed. And suddenly, really, very tasty, as they say.

Indeed, all great chefs know how to combine products that seem incompatible at first glance. This, as in fashion - mixing styles gives a new impetus to development.

Simple Rhubarb Cinnamon Jam Recipe

Cinnamon with apples is a predictable duet. And in combination of spice with rhubarb stalks, we get a spicy aroma, delicious taste.

You will need:

  • Rhubarb stalks - 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp

Cooking steps:

  • We clean the roots from the rough skin, rinse thoroughly.
  • Cut into small pieces, send them to the dishes along with sugar. Mix and leave for 5-6 hours.
  • After the rhubarb has started up the juice, put on the fire, bring to a boil. Boil for 1 minute. Cool it down.
  • We repeat the process.
  • Before the last stage, we rinse the jars, sterilize in the oven.
  • For the third time we punch with a blender until puree, mix with cinnamon.
  • Let it boil, keep it on the stove for a minute.
  • We lay out hot on hot jars. Roll up the lids, cool under a towel. Do not turn over.
  • If you prefer slices, then no need to purée.

How to make strawberry rhubarb jam

Not an ordinary recipe. There is no need to wait until rhubarb juice appears or add water for syrup. Are you surprised? I have never cooked this way, but the result should be a caramel flavor.


  • Rhubarb - 0.5 kg
  • Sugar - 0.75 kg
  • Strawberry - 0.250 kg

How to cook:

Let's prepare the rhubarb. We clean, rinse, cut.

  • This recipe requires a thick bottom dish (required). We spread 0.5 kg of sugar, put on a quiet fire. We constantly interfere. It is necessary for the sugar to dissolve and acquire the color of caramel. At the same time, it should not burn out.
  • If you see that the mass is boiling excessively, remove from heat for a while, stir.
  • We send rhubarb to the finished caramel syrup, mix. Sugar can collect in crystals from temperature changes. It's not scary, he will go away on fire later.

You can cook the syrup in a thick-bottomed, high-sided skillet.

  • After bringing the rhubarb with caramel to a boil, remove from heat (there may be lumps, they will then disperse). We send strawberries into the container, mix, add the remaining sand, put it on the fire again. Keep boiling for about five minutes.
  • We shoot. Caramel has formed inside, you need to give time for it to disperse. To do this, cover it, not forgetting to stir. After you get a single thick mass, boil it for the last time.
  • It should be laid out hot in clean jars. Close tightly, cool without turning.

Basic cooking rules

In order to cook the right jam, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Collect and harvest the root between May and the end of June (depending on the region). When inflorescences appear, the petioles become stiffer, sinewy, and are not suitable for food.
  2. Use enamelled, stainless steel or glass dishes to cook the jam.
  3. Be sure to peel the tough film off the petioles before use.
  4. It goes well with lemon, lime, orange, strawberry, banana, kiwi, currant.
  5. The taste can be set off with ginger, cinnamon, citrus zest and even hot pepper (in reasonable quantities).

The jam cooked for the winter will brighten up winter evenings with aromatic tea and delicious cheesecake. I would be glad to receive your responses and new recipes.

Rhubarb is a plant from the buckwheat family, it has a huge number of varieties. An interesting fact is that it is considered a vegetable all over the world, but there are few recipes where it is used in soups or meat dishes. Any beginner and not only a chef, at the sight of rhubarb, will first come up with a recipe for pies or a sweet dessert with rhubarb. There are a great many options for preparing it, ready-made dishes bring exceptional benefits, and the whole process does not take much time. Perhaps that is why the plant is so popular in the States, as well as in China, the birthplace of rhubarb.
Important! Only rhubarb stalks are eaten, while the roots and leaves are poisonous for the digestive system.
Many people love jam as a dessert. However, apples, apricots, cherries, which are usually used, are already banal and uninteresting. On the contrary, jam from such an unusual plant as rhubarb will appeal to many and will add new colors to the diet. Another original recipe for the winter is, step-by-step instructions for the preparation of which are also in this section of the site.

This jam has an unusual spicy taste. Doesn't require much water as rhubarb produces enough juice.


  • 1 kg. rhubarb stalks
  • 1 whole orange
  • 1-2 apples of green varieties
  • 0.2 l. purified water
  • 1.5 kg. Sahara
  • 50 gr. grated ginger root.


  1. Wash, peel the rhubarb stalks, cut into small pieces.
  2. Remove the peel from the orange, squeeze the juice from the pulp.
  3. Peel the apples, cut into small wedges.
  4. Put all the ingredients in a stainless steel saucepan, add water and juice.
  5. Cover the saucepan with a lid, boil, then put on minimum heat.
  6. After 20 minutes, add sugar (powder), boil again for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  7. Increase the heat again to maximum - boil for 10 minutes.
  8. Allow the jam to cool completely, or pour into sterilized containers.

Rhubarb jam with lemon

For excellent immunity, it is useful to use this jam during the cold and vitamin deficiency season. Such a small amount of ingredients makes a delicious and healthy dessert.


  • 1 kg. rhubarb
  • 1 lemon (lime)
  • 1 kg. granulated sugar
  • 0.5 l. purified water.


  1. To avoid the harsh rhubarb aftertaste, carefully remove the film
  2. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Prepare the syrup: add all the sugar to a large saucepan, add water. Cook, stirring constantly, until a stringy consistency.
  4. Tip: making sure the sugar syrup is completely ready to use is very simple - just add a drop of water to it. If it turns into a small ball, the syrup is boiled down enough.
  5. Pour all the rhubarb into the ready-made sweet mixture, boil until foam appears. Remove from heat, allow to cool completely.
  6. Add lemon zest, stir, put on fire again. Boil over low heat until the mass is completely thickened. Cool down. Rhubarb jam with lemon is ready!

Thick rhubarb jam with banana chunks and nuts

This delicacy will be appreciated not only by adults, but also by children. Especially if you serve a scoop of ice cream with it. Jam has a smoother and softer texture. The amount of sugar can be adjusted at your discretion.


  • 700 gr. rhubarb stalks
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 4 cups sugar
  • 150 gr. hazelnuts
  • 300 ml. purified water


  1. Cover the peeled and finely chopped rhubarb with sugar in a deep saucepan.
  2. Fry the hazelnuts in a dry frying pan, crush with a rolling pin or hammer.
  3. Add water to rhubarb with sugar, put the mixture on fire.
  4. Add finely chopped banana, boil the mass in several stages. Grind with a blender.
  5. Add some of the nuts, mix. Then add the rest, mix the mass thoroughly again. Cool down. Enjoy your meal!

Rhubarb marmalade with oranges

Instead of purchased marmalade with dyes, it's much better to make it yourself. For a festive table or just a family tea party. Such marmalade retains a pleasant taste and beautiful amber color for a long time.


  • 3 ripe oranges (for piquancy, you can prepare 2 oranges and 1 grapefruit)
  • 700 gr. granulated sugar
  • 600 gr. rhubarb


  1. Rinse and peel citrus fruits, divide into wedges.
  2. Remove all white films, cut the pulp into pieces.
  3. Rinse, peel, cut into rhubarb stems.
  4. Put the pulp of oranges (grapefruits) in a saucepan, cover with sugar
  5. Boil over high heat for 3 minutes, stirring thoroughly.
  6. As foam appears, it must be removed with a slotted spoon.
  7. Pour rhubarb into a separate saucepan, boil until soft.
  8. Prepare glass containers - jars with tight lids.
  9. Pour a layer of citrus fruits on the bottom of each jar, let them harden.
  10. Add rhubarb in the next layer. Cool down. Rhubarb marmalade is completely ready to eat!

Advice! If there are no suitable jars in the hostess's arsenal, you can pour both masses in layers into a rectangular shape made of glass or plastic. Cut the frozen marmalade into portioned pieces, roll in sugar or coconut.

Rhubarb jam with apricots and mango

Delicate and delicious dessert with tropical notes. Perfect for sweet tartlets at a holiday party.


  • Mango - 150 gr.
  • Rhubarb stalks - 150 gr.
  • Fresh apricots - 300 gr.
  • Sugar (can be replaced with powder) - 70 gr.
  • Lemon zest - 10 gr.
  • Orange juice - 40 ml.
  • Pectin - 10 gr.


  1. Peel the mango, cut into pieces.
  2. Rinse apricots, peel, grind in a blender until puree.
  3. Mango, apricots, lemon zest and 40 gr. put sugar in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Add finely chopped rhubarb and reduce heat to low. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.
  5. Stir 30 gr. sugar with pectin.
  6. Add to the fruit mass, bring to a boil.
  7. Pour in orange juice, stir.
  8. Boil again, boil for 3-5 minutes.
  9. Remove from heat, set aside until the jam has cooled completely. Keep refrigerated.

This jam will also be a great addition to sweet pastries, cakes, soufflés and other desserts.

Rhubarb jelly with cherries and cognac

Alcoholic jelly in mini portions is a mega-popular dessert in the United States. No party is complete without this original delicacy. Cherry and cognac - a classic combination, rhubarb complements the overall picture, helping the jelly to keep its shape well and provide an impeccable taste.


  • Rhubarb - 300 gr.
  • Cherries (fresh or frozen) - 150 gr.
  • 150 ml. cognac (vodka)
  • 3 sachets of gelatin, 15 g each.
  • 300 gr. Sahara
  • Purified water - 9 tbsp. l. - First step
  • Purified water - 300 ml. - second phase
  • Cocktail cherries of different colors.


  1. Wash and peel the rhubarb, finely chop.
  2. Defrost cherries, cut in half.
  3. Pour gelatin into a saucepan, add 9 tbsp. l. water, stir.
  4. Place rhubarb in a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil. Cook, stirring occasionally, until soft.
  5. Cool and beat with a blender.
  6. Add cherries, boil again.
  7. Add water, cook over low heat for 7-10 minutes.
  8. Put the saucepan with the swollen gelatin on the fire, bring until the gelatin is completely dissolved, but do not boil. Remove from heat.
  9. Add to the fruit mass, mix thoroughly.
  10. Pour in cognac (vodka), cool.
  11. Pour into molds, place in the refrigerator. Let the jelly harden completely for 4-5 hours. Better to leave it overnight.

Serve rhubarb jelly with cherries and cognac in the same molds, or turn them over and put the jelly on a large platter. Decorate with red and green cocktail cherries.

Rhubarb jam with pears and vanilla

The warm aroma of vanilla and pear will envelop the whole house with its care. Delicate jam with butter and hot buns - the perfect breakfast for your loved ones!


  • 1 kg. pears
  • 1 kg. rhubarb
  • 2 kg. Sahara
  • 15 gr. vanilla sugar (you can use a vanilla bean).


  1. Peel the pears, remove seeds and stalks. Cut into small wedges.
  2. Rinse the belt, remove the film, cut.
  3. Pour pears into a stainless steel saucepan, add sugar, stir.
  4. Add rhubarb, bring to a boil, boil for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Remove foam with a slotted spoon.
  6. Pour vanilla seeds or vanilla sugar into the hot mass, mix.
  7. Boil until thickened in several steps.
  8. Cool, pour into sterilized jars or other containers.

Serve with pancakes, pancakes, rolls with a scoop of ice cream. Garnish with a vanilla pod if desired.

Rhubarb jam with figs

You can complement the sour taste of rhubarb in a very successful way. An unusual combination of rhubarb and figs will delight even the most sophisticated gourmets. An excellent addition to jam will be, which is also easy and simple to prepare.


  • 500 gr. figs
  • 500 gr. rhubarb
  • 300 ml water
  • 1 kg. Sahara
  • 1 pinch of citric acid.


  1. Wash the figs thoroughly, remove the skin and cut off the legs. To cut in half.
  2. Rhubarb, rinse, peel, cut into medium sized cubes.
  3. Fill figs with granulated sugar, stir.
  4. Boil, boil, stirring with a wooden (silicone) spoon, for 5 minutes.
  5. Pour water over, boil and simmer over low heat for 35 minutes, skimming off the foam from time to time.
  6. Put the rhubarb in the hot mass, mix.
  7. Boil over medium heat until thickened.

Advice! For a more sour-sweet taste of the jam, you can add chopped half of a pitted lemon.

Cool, fill glass or plastic containers.

You can enjoy great taste!

In translation, the name of the rhubarb “pie plant” means - “plant for the pie”.

The lifespan of a perennial plant reaches 15-20 years.

Rhubarb root is also poisonous. In case of contact with mucous membranes, it can cause serious burns.
400 grams of rhubarb contains the full daily value of vitamin K.

Due to the high content of beta-carotene and lutein, rhubarb, as well, is a useful food for people with a low percentage of vision.

Housewives start harvesting rhubarb and preserving it from mid-June.

Later, the petioles will become coarse from the heat, and far from harmless oxalic acid will begin to accumulate.

The benefits of rhubarb are due to the content of ascorbic acid, malic and other fruit acids, pectins, sugar, rutin in it.

Therefore, preserving rhubarb for the winter in the form of jam is not only tasty, but also healthy.

How to make rhubarb jam properly

Rhubarb cannot be cooked in tin or copper pans because it oxidizes.

You need to roll up rhubarb jam in pre-prepared jars. Glass jars are rinsed with baking soda and then sterilized in any way you are used to.

The cut stalks of rhubarb must be peeled with a knife from very thin skin. If you skip this step, the pieces of the plant in the jam will be too tough.

Then the rhubarb stalks can be cut into pieces and made jam.

The best rhubarb jam is obtained if you cook it for a long time. After boiling, remove it from heat and leave for 6 hours. Repeat this 3 times, for the last time the rhubarb jam is cooked until tender.

In this way, the rhubarb pieces look like candied fruit in clear syrup.

To add flavor to the jam, add a pinch of cinnamon while boiling.

Rhubarb jam recipe without seaming

Proportions: 1 kg of rhubarb will need 1 kg of sugar.

1. Wash, dry and dice the rhubarb. The peel in this method does not need to be peeled off.

2. Place in a saucepan, cover with sugar and leave for 24 hours for the rhubarb to juice.

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3. Stir and put on low heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 10-15 minutes after boiling.

4. Put the cooled jam into jars and cover with plastic lids.

5. Store in a cool place.

Rhubarb Jam with Gelinka


  • rhubarb - 1 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • cinnamon - on the tip of a teaspoon
  • a bag of gelatinous mixture "Zhelinka"


1. Wash the rhubarb stalks, remove the hard skins and cut into cubes.

2. Cover with sugar and wait until it melts.

3. You can cook the jam in two ways: 30 minutes after boiling and immediately pour it hot into sterilized jars and roll it up or in three passes for 15 minutes, waiting for it to cool completely each time. Remove the foam.

Five minutes before the end of cooking, add a bag of "Gelinks" and cinnamon. Then the rhubarb pieces will resemble candied fruits.

Rhubarb jam with cherry leaves

For flavor for 1 kg of rhubarb and 1 kg of sugar, add 100 g of cherry leaves. You also need 200 g of water.

1. Wash the rhubarb and cut into slices equal to the width of the stem.

2. Boil the sugar syrup with water. Add half of the leaves as you cook. When the syrup is ready (the sugar dissolves completely), remove the leaves.

3. Pour the boiling syrup over the rhubarb pieces.

4. Cool and add remaining fresh cherry leaves. Put to boil, remove the leaves and cook until tender, which is determined by the transparent petioles and thick syrup.

5. Pour hot aromatic jam into pre-sterilized jars and roll up.

In winter, rhubarb jam can serve as an excellent ready-made filling for baking sweet pies, pies, pancakes, etc.