How to fry soft beef slices in a pan. Beef steak in a pan is delicious, simple and delicious! How to fry juicy meat

Hello my dear readers! Do you want to surprise your husband with a gourmet culinary dish and do not know what to concoct? I recommend cooking a delicious steak or entrecote. Believe me, after such a dish you can ask him whatever you want 🙂 And in today's article I will share the secrets of how to fry beef in a pan. I will also tell you what needs to be done to make it soft and juicy.

Useful properties of beef

Taste of course depends on the age of the animal. It is better to choose tender and juicy veal.

The energy value of beef is 218 kcal per 100 g of product. There are 18.6 g of protein and 16 g of fat, and there are practically no carbohydrates

This product is good for our joints, muscles and bones. Beef is recommended to be included in the diet for anemia. Because there is a better absorption of iron and vitamin B12. In addition, it contains biotin and vitamin PP.

Beef is much easier to digest than lean pork. Its moderate use is recommended even by doctors.

Beef selection and processing

I'll tell you a secret that the success of cooking 90% depends on the correct choice of meat. For example, for a steak, it is better to take a tenderloin. But I advise you to stew the meat from the back of the frog or from the shoulder blade. See this article for details.

Also, look at the color of the fat. The juvenile has white fat. If it is yellowish on the piece of beef offered to you, it is better not to take it. This is the meat of an old animal and it will take much longer to cook.

If the purchased beef is a little old, do not be discouraged. It must first be boiled a little, and only then only fried. You can also dip the beef in a saline solution before cooking. For brine for 1 liter of water, take ¼ tbsp. salt. In it, the meat will become juicier and more tender. Just before the next cooking, do not forget to rinse the beef - that is, wash off the excess salt. In addition, for juiciness, it is better to cook the “old woman” with the addition of sour cream.

Cooking time can be significantly reduced by allowing the meat to soak in the marinade before frying. There are many options for beef marinades. But I will tell you only about two of them, which I like best. And you write in the comments to the article which one you like more 🙂

Option 1: kiwi marinade

To marinate a kilo of meat, you need 4 pcs. kiwi, 5 medium-sized onions, black + red pepper, salt and herbs.

Remove the skin from the kiwi and grate the fruit on a fine grater. Cut the peeled onion heads into half rings. Spread the chopped onion on a cutting board, add salt and walk several times with a rolling pin. Thanks to this, the product will release a lot of juice and become softer.

Mix kiwi with onion, pepper the mixture and enrich with herbs. That's all, the exotic marinade is ready. Place chopped beef in it in pieces and leave for half an hour or an hour. Do not hold longer, otherwise the structure of the meat will be disturbed and the pieces will fall apart into fibers.

Option 2: wine vinegar marinade

For a kilo of beef, take the following products:

  • 4 things. medium sized onion;
  • ¼ part of celery root;
  • a couple of carrots;
  • 3 pcs. lavrushki;
  • 5 pieces. cloves;
  • 3-4 pcs. garlic cloves;
  • 0.5 tsp ground nutmeg;
  • freshly ground black pepper + salt;
  • water;
  • 250 ml white grape vinegar.

Do not use regular table vinegar instead of grape vinegar. It will make the beef tougher and more rubbery.

Clean the celery and carrot roots. Wash them and cut into small pieces. Then cut the peeled onion into half rings. Finely chop the peeled garlic.

Place the sliced ​​beef in a deep bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add here root vegetables with onions, garlic, nutmeg, cloves and parsley. Dilute wine vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and fill the meat with this solution. Gently mix the ingredients and leave the beef to marinate for an hour.

How long to fry beef in a pan

The cooking time depends on the size of the portioned pieces of meat. I advise you to rinse fresh beef with cold water, dry it and cut into pieces weighing about 30 grams. Cut the meat across the grain, removing any large veins.

If in pieces, then fry in a pan for 20 minutes. The fire is medium, without covering the dish with a lid. But you will get a ready-made steak in a grill pan in 6-8 minutes. In this case, every 1.5-2 minutes you need to turn the steaks.

Pay attention to the choice of the dishes in which you cook. A good frying pan is one that is thick-walled. In such a container, heat is evenly distributed.

By the way, I recently found this out myself. Last Saturday I bought a new frying pan from Neva-Metal utensils. Heavy, but everything warms up evenly, and you can cook on it with almost no oil. Well, I will write about it separately. So, friends, if you want to get soft fried meat, the pan plays an important role.

Roast Beef Recipes

Here are the promised recipes. In them, I tried to describe in as much detail as possible the process of preparing gourmet culinary dishes.

How to Grill a Beef Steak

Best of all steaks are obtained from tenderloin. Carefully cut off the film that tightens the muscles of the tenderloin. Cut the meat into pieces. Remember that the height of the steak must be at least 2.5 cm. If it is less, you risk overcooking the meat. Optionally, you can marinate the meat or just salt and pepper to your taste.

To increase the area of ​​the steak, lightly press the meat with your hand. And to give it the right shape, use a regular twine. Tie it around the perimeter of the steak.

Heat up the grill pan. Wipe its surface with a paper towel dipped in vegetable oil. Put the steaks in a bowl. If there is room, then put the pieces of bell pepper and cherry tomatoes. Fry the food, periodically turning it over so that a beautiful mesh appears on them.

A couple of minutes before cooking, salt the steaks and remove the twine. Lay the pieces of meat on a plate. Place a little butter on top of each piece.

That's all, put vegetables and fragrant meat on plates. And let's start eating this yummy 🙂

Here is a video of how to cook a steak.

How to fry beef in a pan with slices

  • 500-700 gr of beef;
  • 1 tbsp butter;
  • 2 pcs. onion;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • spices + salt.

Pour 2-3 tablespoons into a heated pan. vegetable oil and add a spoonful of butter. Fry the chopped onion on it.

At this time, cut the meat into pieces. If you want the beef to cook faster, marinate it ahead of time. To do this, use one of the marinades I previously described.

When the onion is fried, put the meat directly on it. Remember, my dears, if you want to fry meat in pieces with onions, you should always start with onions. So the meat will lose less liquid and will be tastier.

For the first few minutes, do not stir the meat so that it seizes directly on the pillow of onions. As it starts to lighten, stir. When the meat is fried on all sides, then salt and add spices.

For softness, it is better to add 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream, add water and bring the dish to a boil. Then cover the pan with a lid to let the dish stand for 5 minutes.

And you can also cook awesomely tasty gravy for meat - I wrote about it at the end of the article 😉

How to fry beef entrecote in a pan

Let's start with what is an entrecote? Translated from French, it means "meat between the ribs." That is, to prepare this dish, you need to take a tenderloin on the edge.

  • entrecote weighing about 300 g;
  • salt + freshly ground black pepper;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp hops-suneli (without a slide);
  • fat for frying (butter or vegetable or pork fat).

Rinse the beef, pat dry. Before frying, the beef must be processed with a tenderizer or simply lightly beaten with a hammer. Rub the meat with crushed garlic, salt and pepper the product. Then add suneli hops. Cover the container with a lid or cling film, and then send the beef to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Better yet, forget about meat for the whole day.

When you think of pickled meat, heat the pan well, grease and lay out the entrecote. Fry for 3-4 minutes on both sides. When serving, place on a plate and pour over the juices released during frying.

Delicious gravy for beef

For her, take:

  • 2 pcs. onion;
  • 2 tbsp butter;
  • 2.5 tsp flour;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 4 tbsp sour cream;
  • 3 tsp tomato paste.

Cut the onion into half rings and fry in vegetable oil until golden. Set the finished product aside. Add the butter to a small saucepan and melt over low heat.

Add flour, mix well. Then pour milk here, stir the mixture with a whisk to get uniformity. Then add sour cream and salt here. Do not forget to mix everything with a whisk.

If the sauce is too thick, then add 30-50 ml of milk. And the last note will be tomato paste - it will give the sauce a pinkish tint. Reduce the heat and do not forget to stir the gravy all the time. Now add our fried onions to the sauce and mix again. And when the mixture begins to boil, turn off the heat.

That's it, the gravy is ready. To some, this may seem too tricky. But you want to get an incomparable dish, and not just fried meat. Well, deliciousness requires more time 🙂 Serve hot meat with gravy and vegetables (raw or boiled). It's indescribably delicious. Just lick your fingers!

I am sure that you have your own tricks for preparing soft and juicy beef. Open them, friends. Well, share the link to this article on the social network. And I wish you great culinary success. And I say: see you again, dear readers!

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Juicy marbled beef steak is a classic of the genre. However, cooking the perfect steak at home is quite difficult. The likelihood that a ten-centimeter piece of beef will be evenly fried, will not lose juiciness and taste excellent is not so great. How to fry a beef steak in a pan? You can't do without knowing some tricks from real chefs.

How to fry marbled beef?

Marble beef is a famous delicacy. It is not easy to get such meat, and you need to be able to cook it correctly. Fried marbled beef is especially tasty, provided that it is properly prepared and heat-treated. What is the peculiarity of cooking such meat? Let's take a closer look.

Marble beef: how to choose and prepare for frying

The structure of such a piece of meat consists of thin veins of fat and fibers, which, when cut, looks like a marble stone. This is where the name of the delicacy comes from. Most cooks prefer to cook steaks from marbled beef. The taste, as well as the appearance of the dish, is unusual, and the meat is very tender.

If you purchased fresh marbled beef, rinse the piece under running cold water, and then remove moisture from it with paper towels or napkins. Vacuum-packed meat is just enough to dry. Next, marbled beef is cut into blanks for steaks.

Portioned pieces of meat are rubbed with a mixture of salt and pepper. These seasonings are quite enough. Experienced chefs prefer not to pickle this delicacy, because this can spoil the delicate taste of meat. It is necessary that in this form the steaks stand for about an hour in the refrigerator.

Classic beef steak in a pan


  • Marbled beef (sliced ​​steak or cut from the thigh).
  • A little sunflower and butter.
  • Herbs, spices and seasonings to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. How to cook a delicious beef steak in a pan? First you need to choose the right meat. It is better to choose marbled beef - with a large amount of fat. This type of meat is ideal for steaks. Cooked meat will taste great and retain its juiciness.
  2. You can take frozen beef, only before use you need to keep it in the refrigerator for a day. Slowly thawed meat perfectly retains all the juices and will be tender. At the same time, steam beef is not the best option, since the meat must be ripe. And it matures for at least two days. Then the fibers will be softer, and the steak will be correspondingly tastier.
  3. We take a cut of meat and cut off a piece from three to five centimeters thick. Beef is the type of meat that can have several degrees of doneness. If you want to cook a medium-rare steak, then cut off a piece of meat with a thickness of 3.5 - 4 centimeters.
  4. At the same time, there is one caveat: meat should be cut strictly across the fibers. Cut off in one motion so that the surface of the piece is as even as possible. To do this, you need to have a large and sharp knife at hand.
  5. How to marinate beef steak? We take a piece of meat, pour vegetable oil. Then sprinkle on both sides with pepper and seasonings to taste. It is sprinkled, not rubbed. Otherwise, the taste of beef will be “drowned out” by spices.
  6. Ideally, the steak is grilled. However, for lack of a better way, we will cook on the stove. How to fry a beef steak in a pan and achieve the perfect result? Let's start with a frying pan. It must have a thick bottom. Cast iron or aluminum is best.
  7. If you cook in a thin frying pan, then the meat will not be fried - only stewed. So, take a suitable frying pan, heat it at maximum heat and fry for four minutes. Then turn over to the other side and fry again for three to four minutes.
  8. We spread a piece of meat on a hot pan or baking sheet. Then we send it to the oven preheated to 150 degrees. Or alternatively, we continue to fry it in the same pan. However, in this case, you can overcook the meat.
  9. It's time to salt the meat. To do this, pre-dilute salt in a bottle of hot water. You can also add herbs there. For example, rosemary and thyme are the perfect complement to the taste of beef. We continue to fry. At the same time, from time to time we grease the steak with the prepared solution.
  10. How long does it take to fry the meat in a pan and not dry it? A medium-thick steak should be pan-fried for about 16 minutes. Remember that eight has already passed. Therefore, fry for another eight minutes, turning a piece of meat every two minutes to the other side.
  11. Remove the meat from the heat, transfer to a warm container and leave for 5 - 10 minutes. During this time, the juice is evenly distributed throughout the piece of meat. We shift the meat and serve to the guests. As a side dish, it is better to use a light vegetable salad or greens.
  12. You can also serve beef with creamy, mushroom or pesto sauce (greens and butter, whipped with a blender). A glass of dry red wine will complement and reveal the taste of fried beef steak.

marbled beef steak recipe


  • marbled beef, tenderloin or already cut steaks
  • black pepper, salt
  • grill pan

Cooking method:

  1. The steak is cooked from beef at room temperature. If there is a need to defrost meat, then only in advance in the refrigerator, a day before.
  2. With a sharp knife, remove excess fat, films and veins from beef.
  3. We cut steaks with a thickness of 2 - 2.5 cm, it can be thicker, but not more than 4 cm. Too thin pieces will quickly lose moisture and become tough. Too thick will take a long time to cook.
  4. Dry the steaks with a paper towel to remove excess moisture.
  5. There is a lot of controversy about when to salt and pepper. We salted and peppered both sides before frying.
  6. We heat the pan, but do not heat it up, without smoke and fire)
  7. We put the steaks in the pan, try not to touch each other.
  8. The timer is the main secret! We mark the time. For a steak 2 - 2.5 cm thick, set the timer for 90 seconds (one and a half minutes).
  9. Turn the steaks on the timer signal.
  10. Again we mark 90 seconds.
  11. Turn the steak over to make a nice mesh pattern.
  12. Let's set the timer again. It turns out that each side we fry 2 times.
  13. In total, it takes a little more than 6 minutes to cook a steak.
  14. We remove the pan from the fire.
  15. Be sure to cover the steaks with foil after frying to let them rest.
  16. Keep under foil for about 5-10 minutes. Then serve on a warm plate to the table.

Marble beef in a pan

To cook a delicious juicy marbled beef steak in a pan, you do not need much time and special culinary tools. All that should be on hand is a piece of quality meat and some spices for aromatics.


  • Steak "New York" Primebeef - 800 g
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp
  • Pepper mix - to taste
  • Salt - to taste
  • Other seasonings (basil / rosemary / thyme) - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Wipe the striploin steak dry with a paper towel and leave it on the table to saturate with oxygen. Let the meat warm up a little at room temperature. This is necessary for even frying.
  2. Rub the meat with a mixture of peppers and salt, olive oil.
  3. Heat the pan to 200 degrees.
  4. We put a piece on a heated surface, press it with a spatula.
  5. Fry the steak on each side for 2.5 minutes, constantly turning over.
  6. Fragrant herbs are added at the end of roasting.
  7. We turn the beef 4 times - with a piece thickness of no more than 3 cm, there will be enough time to get the ideal Medium readiness.
  8. Remove the beef steak from the pan, let the piece "rest".

Marble meat and a minimum of spices


  • Steak - 800 g
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. The steak should be thick, the thicker the easier it is to cook. If the steak turned out to be thin, then you need to be a professional to catch marbling, not to let the fat leave the meat, not to overcook. So about 2 cm thick is a normal steak.
  2. Steaks don't bounce. Even if they are made from ordinary beef, from tenderloin. Its upper, thickest part goes to steaks and does not need to be beaten off. They beat the tenderloin closer to the tail, but here they do not make steaks, but langets, for example.
  3. We wash the meat, but we don’t know how it was treated, where it was lying around. After washing, the meat must be dried with a towel, it is impossible to start cooking wet meat, it will take excess water and turn out tasteless.
  4. We sprinkle the meat with finely chopped fresh rosemary, pour with refined olive oil. Together they emphasize the taste of meat, reveal it. Many spices and herbs I do not recommend. Still, we cook expensive meat and try to emphasize its natural taste. So rosemary or thyme, black pepper, maybe garlic. It's enough.
  5. I think that such a simple marinade will be enough, but now it is very popular to marinate meat in kiwi, it breaks down the fibers. But you won’t achieve deep frying with blood on such meat, it will be just soft meat - not a steak.
  6. A cast iron skillet works best. Plain or grill pan with a corrugated surface. It removes excess fat, and the meat is well fried, a crust forms on it.
  7. Heat a dry frying pan and put the meat on it. Oil is not required, we have a piece of meat smeared with olive oil. The meat must be fried until golden brown. 30 seconds on each side, no more. And then bring it to readiness in the oven.
  8. Butter. We used refined olive oil for the marinade. We fry on it. You can’t fry on expensive cold-pressed olive oil, it will burn and taste bitter.
  9. We bake steaks at a very high temperature, 220-240 degrees. It is difficult to bring steaks to readiness in a pan, they will start to burn
  10. 3 minutes. And we get a medium rare roast. The steak is quite raw inside, but juicy, pink juice comes out of it.
  11. 6 minutes- this is a medium roast, medium roast. The meat is already without blood, not raw, but pink and transparent pink juice flows from it. This is a universal degree of roasting, if a person does not specify how roasted he wants a steak, I will make him medium.
  12. 9 minutes- medium well, well-done steak. On the cut, it is quite a bit pink, but if 5 minutes pass, it will already turn gray, cook on a plate. And clear juice flows from it.
  13. For marbled meat, medium well roasting is a bad option. Because the melting of fat has already begun. And the meat will not be as juicy as in the previous two cases. Soft - yes, but not juicy.

The steak is already cooked and needs to be salted before serving. I use coarse sea salt.

Steak New York strip steak


  • striploin beef steak - 250 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

For garnish:

  • vegetable oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • green beans - 100 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • chopped almonds - 6-8 pcs.;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 2 - 3 pieces;
  • tomato sauce - 50g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wipe the steak with a paper towel, pepper, brush with olive oil on all sides, let it rest at room temperature for 2 hours. To cook a dry frying pan, you need to heat it up quite strongly.
  2. Place the steak in the hot skillet, after 30 seconds turn the meat so that you have a "grid" (i.e. 90 degrees), then after 30 seconds turn it over to the other side so that you get a "grid" on the other side.
  3. An important point in cooking a steak is the formation of a crust. It is she who keeps the juices inside the piece, making it tender and juicy. Do not salt the meat before frying, and do not cover.
  4. After the crust has formed, transfer the steak to a less hot surface and fry until desired doneness.
  5. Determine the readiness of the meat: pierce the steak with the tip of a fork or knife and press a little on top, if the juice released is transparent pink, then the meat will turn out to be medium rare and will be pink inside, if the juice is transparent, then the meat is completely fried.
  6. It is best to use medium roast meat. After frying, the meat must be left for 1-2 minutes in a warm place so that the juice is evenly distributed over the fibers.
  7. The steak is very tender and juicy, with an unusual taste. The marbled beef striploin steak is perfectly paired with wine made from the Shiraz grape variety.

Ribeye Steak from marbled beef


  • marble beef;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. It is necessary to take a thick edge of beef and cut off a piece from it, strictly across the fibers of at least two and a half centimeters so that the thickness of the piece is the same on all sides.
  2. Then put this steak on the drainage to remove water and put it in the refrigerator, so that it has time to “come to its senses” after the previous procedures and is slightly weathered.
  3. Remove the steak from the refrigerator 30 minutes before cooking to bring it closer to room temperature.
  4. Brush the steak with vegetable oil. Pepper with crushed black pepper and salt generously at the very last moment of frying. To properly cook a steak, the primary temperature of the frying surface should be as high as possible.
  5. Put the steak on a very hot grill and fry it for 1 - 2 minutes, turn the steak over and fry for 1 - 2 minutes in the same way.
  6. Repeat the procedure several times. Next, fry the steak at a lower temperature until the desired degree of readiness.
  7. The recommended degree of roasting is medium. Rib-eye steak is a leaner meat, so juicy red wines from Malbec, Merlot, Zinfandel grapes are suitable for it.

Marble beef in a pan classic recipe


  • marbled beef
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic
  • Rosemary
  • Mix of spicy peppers

Cooking method:

  1. Pour olive oil into the pan in which the meat will be fried. Crush the garlic with a knife, right in the skin, and add to the oil. We also throw a couple of sprigs of rosemary there. Leave the oil to absorb the aromas for about 20 minutes or more. Everything, the preparation is over!
  2. We start the main stage directly 15 minutes before serving. First, remove the garlic and rosemary from the olive oil. The oil has already been soaked enough, so we throw out the flavors - we no longer need them. Heat the pan steadily and evenly.
  3. Salt and pepper the steaks, and then carefully place them in the pan. There should be free space between the pieces of meat so that excess juice can evaporate.
  4. Fry marbled beef for 1.5 minutes on each side. Try not to pierce the meat when turning, so as not to lose the precious juice.
  5. Turn off the burner, cover the beef with a lid and let it “rest” for about 10 minutes. During this time, we announce delicious tender meat among those present and transfer the salsa to a beautiful gravy boat. Now you can serve.

How to make salsa for marbled beef


  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Tomato juice - 100 gr.;
  • White wine vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Chili or Tabasco sauce - to taste;
  • Greens - to taste;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

This dish is very convenient because all the preparation can be done the day before, and on a solemn day, just spend 10 minutes and enjoy the result! But even if the guests promise to come in half an hour, there is no reason to abandon the idea.

  1. If you have an oven, preheat it to 180 degrees. Meanwhile, wash and lightly rub the bell peppers with olive oil.
  2. We put them in a refractory form and send them to the oven until they are confidently burned - this will take about 20 minutes, although look, all ovens are different!
  3. When darkening appears on the skin, we take out the peppers and wrap them in a regular bag or cling film - let them cool.
  4. If you don't have an oven, rinse the peppers, rub with oil, immediately place in a bag and microwave for 2-3 minutes. Then take it out and let it cool down.
  5. While the peppers are cooling, let's take care of the tomatoes. Slightly cut the skin, put them in a bowl and pour boiling water over them. Vegetables must be completely covered with water. Leave for 15 minutes and then take it out.
  6. We clean the skin from the tomatoes, remove the remnants of the stalk, and cut the pulp into small pieces.
  7. We shift everything into a separate container and pour the tomatoes with tomato juice - this will give a light pickle. Read more:
  8. When the bell pepper has cooled, we also peel off the skin, remove the seeds and cut into small cubes. Add to tomato mixture.
  9. Finely chop the greens - cilantro, dill, parsley, tarragon - your favorite, and also add to the salsa.
  10. Add 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar (if desired, you can replace with a spoonful of lemon juice), hot sauce (adjust the spiciness to your taste), a little salt and pepper. Mix everything, cover with a film and leave to infuse at room temperature.

A little tip: it is advisable to cook more salsa, because it goes well with marbled beef and leaves with a bang.

How to fry marbled beef in a pan?

  1. For frying marbled beef steaks, it is best to choose a grill pan. But if there is no such dish, then any other will do. You need to add olive or sunflower, preferably refined, oil to the pan and heat it to the maximum temperature, as evidenced by the characteristic crackle.
  2. The steak is placed on a hot pan. Fry it for 30 seconds on one side and how much on the other. This "shock" heat treatment contributes to the creation of a crust that retains the juiciness and taste characteristics of marbled beef.
  3. After that, the fire is reduced and the steak continues to fry. The readiness of the steak is checked by piercing: if clear juice is released, the meat is fried.
  4. After frying, you need to move the marbled beef steak to a plate and let it “rest” for a few minutes. During this time, the juice will be distributed throughout the piece of meat.
  5. You can serve fried marbled beef with a side dish of beans and cherry tomatoes or other vegetables, and from alcoholic drinks, the dish will be combined with red semi-sweet wine in an original way.

Beef is a great tasting meat that is much healthier and less fatty than pork. From this meat you can cook anything. There are many ways to prepare it. Well, judge for yourself, beef can be baked in the oven, boiled, fried, steamed. And how many different dishes can be made from this meat - a lot! Now I will tell you how to fry beef in a pan so that it is soft and juicy. Be sure to see also.
Today I’ll tell you about the most banal and simple, beloved and sought-after dish by everyone, which, most likely, every culinary specialist knows about. It will be about how deliciously fry a piece of beef, at the same time, so that this meat comes out soft and juicy. You know, as such, I won’t tell any secret, which is why it’s enough just to start cooking this dish with me. That will be enough. Believe me, all members of your family will be delighted with the finished meat.

Prepare the following foods:

- a piece of beef (I have a piece weight - 250 grams),
- half a large onion or a couple of small ones,
- a glass of water (150 milliliters),
- 1/3 teaspoon salt
- to taste ground allspice of excellent quality,
- 1-1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Recipe with photo step by step:

So, start the cooking process in advance. Put the meat in a deep bowl. Fill it to the brim with water. Leave the beef for a couple of hours, and even better for 4 hours. This is necessary so that the excess blood “comes out” from the meat.
After that, cut the meat into pieces.

Pour oil into a frying pan with any coating and heat it. Then lay out the chopped pieces of meat, fry them quickly on both sides over high heat.
Put the onion to the meat, which is pre-peeled, cut.

After that, pour in water, add spices.

Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the meat for 40 minutes on the weakest fire.
Serve cooked beef with buckwheat or any other side dish. Think. you will like this one too

Beef is a very tasty meat, but it is rather capricious in cooking. It is prepared in different ways. The most budget option is stew, in boiled form it is dietary food, but if you decide to fry beef, then you have chosen the most, perhaps, “delicious” way of cooking.

Roast beef: pros and cons

Grilled beef is golden brown on top and juicy on the inside. The appetizing dish is popular among connoisseurs of delicious food. Why do gourmets, and not only, prefer fried beef meat?

  1. Roast beef cooks faster. As a result, it does not lose useful qualities. Boiled and stewed beef meat for cooking requires a significant investment of time.
  2. In the process of cooking, such “delicious” smells are carried around that even those who were not hungry a minute ago will whet their appetites.
  3. This meat dish does not cause heaviness in the stomach and is well absorbed.
  4. Fried meat can act not only as an independent dish, but also as an intermediate version of the cooking process.
  5. In this way, you can cook a variety of dishes, both everyday and festive.
  6. You can fry any part of the beef. But fresh and young meat still tastes better, and it cooks faster.

But the benefits of this method of preparation, doctors question.

Firstly, according to almost all recipes, meat is fried in a large amount of oil, which increases its fat content and calorie content. So, with its regular use, extra pounds can easily appear.

Secondly, frying occurs at a very high temperature, which leads to the formation of various harmful substances, including carcinogens. Such a delicious crispy fried crust is especially “rich” in them.

There is another serious problem that those who decide to roast beef have to overcome. You need to "catch" the moment when the meat is ready. That is, you can not overcook it - the taste will be worse.

How to choose meat and other ingredients

The first thing to do is prepare everything you need.

For frying, you need vegetable oil and salt. Very often, housewives also add black pepper (peas), bay leaf, two or three cloves of garlic and a little mayonnaise, various spices to your liking. In order for the meat to be softer, it is pre-beaten. Therefore, the tool that beats the meat should also be at hand.

Meat requirements:

  • should not have a dark color;
  • not winded edges;
  • absence of yellowed fatty layers.

If there are such signs on a piece of meat, then, unequivocally, this is the meat of an old animal, and besides, it lay on the window for a long time or was stored in inappropriate conditions. Therefore, it is better to refuse it.

Choosing a frying method

It can be a traditional frying pan, a great way is to fry on a grill, in a microwave (or oven) you can fry beef on a grill or spit. Country option - meat on the coals. There are also special household appliances for frying meat, for example, an electric grill.

Fry in a frying pan

It is better to take a thick-walled frying pan, preheat the oil. The meat is fried for a quarter of an hour over high heat, and then the heat decreases.

This technology will allow you to get a golden crust, which, in addition to being pleasant in appearance and gives taste, allows you to keep the meat juice inside. It is not necessary to cover the pan with a lid.

Meat on the coals

It is good to heat up the brazier, because the heat should be a lot. Beef steak is fried for a long time, so you need to make sure that there are enough hot coals, and, most importantly, they are evenly distributed. And turn the pieces over in time.

Grilled meat

It's easy to prepare. You can take one large piece, there is an option - kebabs, that is, cut into small pieces. Be sure to pre-marinate the workpiece, preferably in wine, and in its absence with grape vinegar and spices to taste. The duration of cooking and the mode must be set in accordance with the instructions for the grill.

You can check the readiness like this: pierce with a stick (preferably a wooden one), the thickest part of the piece - if clear juice stands out, then the meat is ready, if reddish, you need to fry more.

How to prepare meat

It is pleasant to eat meat that does not have films, extra bones and fatty inclusions. Therefore, a piece of beef must first be cleaned.

The meat is washed well under running water and dried with a towel.

The meat can be fried in one large piece, cut into steaks, or into small pieces. Naturally, a large piece of meat will take longer to cook. In this case, it is necessary not to overdo it with the thickness in order to avoid undercooking.

Beef, compared to other types of meat, is somewhat dry and tougher. Therefore, cooks pre-marinate and beat it. For pickling, dry wine is excellent, red is better, fruit sour juices - plum, pomegranate, apple. Soaking in olive oil and mayonnaise also helps to soften and increase juiciness.

Beef Roasting Technology

Broken pieces of meat cook faster. Before cooking, the meat piece must be rubbed with your favorite seasonings, but salt is added in the middle of frying.

Chop meat should be fried as follows: heat the vegetable oil and put the pieces, previously grated with seasonings, in a pan. A couple of minutes, and one side “grabbed” with a crust, turn it over, and the second one is fried in the same way. During this period, do not forget to salt each side. Further, periodically turning over, fry already on a small fire. A golden crust will provide juiciness.

In order for the grilled meat not to dry out, the first fifteen minutes of cooking must be kept wrapped in steam-oil parchment. So the piece does not dry out and is covered with an even golden crust.

Small pieces are cut at an angle to the grain direction.

It is better to cut the meat for a steak across the fibers, and the thickness should not exceed four centimeters.

  • Beef is a tough meat, so it is better to beat it. But you can simply pierce holes in the meat preparation, which will also contribute to quick and uniform frying.
  • During cooking, the meat can be sprinkled with red wine - this will add flavor to the dish.
  • If you need to add broth to the roasting meat, then it should be hot. Otherwise, the meat will become tough.

Original Recipe: Chinese Spicy Fried Meat

The meat is cut into bars and placed in the marinade. For the marinade, you need soy sauce, in which finely chopped ginger and garlic and one chili pepper (if large, then half), add half a spoonful of sugar. If the sauce is without salt, then it should be added to the marinade. The beef is marinated.

For a pound of beef, you need a couple of onions, the same number of medium carrots. Three or four peppers. Garlic and salt to taste. Soy sauce will need half a cup. It is better to choose dark.

Half an hour for pickling is enough. During this time, sweet peppers and carrots are chopped into strips, onions are cut into half rings. Bulbs are desirable to take large.

Heat the oil in a frying pan until a light smoke comes out. The meat is removed from the marinade with a slotted spoon and placed in a frying pan. Stir with a wooden spatula. Fry for 5-7 minutes, then remove. Carrots and onions are placed in the remaining oil, fried for a couple of minutes. The fire can be turned off. Then marinade sauce is poured, pepper and meat are put, mixed and fried for about 5 minutes.

The best side dish is white fluffy rice.

Whatever we cook for lunch or dinner, but the most delicious and satisfying dish is always a meat dish. From meat you can cook stuffed cabbage, meatballs, chops, steaks and many other dishes. Also, the meat can be simply fried and served with any side dish. However, when it comes to pork or chicken, they cook faster and easier. But in order to cook beef deliciously, you need to learn some of the nuances and secrets of culinary art. From the article you will learn how to fry beef in a pan.

Fry beef steak in a pan

A very popular dish today is beef steak. It cooks quickly if you marinate the meat in advance. Moreover, such meat turns out to be very juicy, has a rich taste and aroma. In order to cook a steak, not any part of a beef carcass is suitable.

The best option here is either tenderloin or entrecote. These are the softest meat parts, thanks to which they are well and quickly fried. Plus, the cooked meat is very tender. The only drawback is the more expensive price than other parts of the carcass, but the result is worth it.

So, to cook a beef steak in a pan, you will need the following products:

  • beef tenderloin - 300 g
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • salt - to taste
  • ground allspice - to taste
  • suneli hops - 0.5 tsp
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - for frying

Let's start cooking beef steaks:

  1. First prepare the meat. Clean it of excess films, veins, fats, if any. Rinse well under running water, then dry with a paper towel. Now cut the meat across the grain into several pieces. Beat lightly with a special kitchen hammer designed for chops - literally a few times, purely symbolically.
  2. Peel the garlic from the husk, rinse and squeeze through the garlic. Gently rub the minced garlic on all sides of the meat. Now salt and pepper the meat to taste.
  3. Then rub the meat with hops-suneli seasoning. Pour the soy sauce over it and use your hands a little so that it absorbs the marinade well. Now put the container with the meat in the refrigerator for 3.5 hours so that it marinates well during this time. In general, the longer it marinates, the better, juicier and softer it turns out in the end.
  4. After the specified time, remove the meat from the refrigerator. Take out the pan - it is desirable that the metal on it be denser, then it will evenly heat up, and the meat will be well fried. Put the pan on the fire, heat it well, pour a little vegetable oil - literally on the bottom. Even, one might say, just grease the bottom of the pan with it.
  5. Now put the marinated beef steaks in the pan and fry on each side for 5 minutes maximum - until golden brown. That's it, the roast beef is ready. When serving, put the steaks on a plate and pour over the meat juice that has been released during frying into the pan. And do not doubt the excellent roasting of such meat. You will not need more time for heat treatment, because the meat is perfectly marinated, which makes it soft, juicy and aromatic.

Tips and Tricks for Cooking Beef with the Pan Fry Method

As you have seen, there is nothing complicated in cooking beef if you know how to do it right and have wonderful cooking recipes in your arsenal. We want to give you some tips that will be useful to you in this culinary art:

  • If you decide to fry beef in the form of steaks, then their thickness must be at least 2 cm, otherwise the meat may burn during frying due to being too thin. Plus, the thinner the meat is cut, the less juicy it turns out.
  • For frying steaks or beef entrecote, it is preferable to use a special grill pan. In addition to the fact that the meat will turn out delicious, it will also be amazing in appearance.
  • If you decide to fry the beef in pieces, then to stew, then here you can take a part of the carcass cheaper than a tenderloin. It can howl the scapular part or the back. After all, after frying, you will still stew the meat for about an hour, during which time it will be able to cook perfectly.
  • Try to buy meat from young cattle. How to recognize it? Younger veal is lighter in color, while older beef is usually a richer red. You can also pay attention to the fatty layers. If they are white, then the calf was young, and if they have a yellowish tint, then most likely the animal was more than 2 years old, and the meat from it should be cooked much longer.

We hope that our article will help you become a master of the culinary art in the field of meat dishes, and you will often pamper your household and guests with roast beef. After all, this is practically the most useful meat, which should be present in the diet as often as possible. It is very rich in iron and various trace elements, so beef dishes should become an integral part of the diet of people suffering from anemia, diseases of the muscles, joints and bones.