Recipe for soup with champignons and cream cheese. The three best soups with champignons and cream cheese

10.08.2019 Restaurant notes

And this time - this is a recipe with melted cheese. And although, of course, I have already shared similar options in other articles, but it is this first dish that turns out to be incredibly tasty. I call it soup - julienne, in association with the beloved by many and well-known other dishes.

They are very similar in composition of products, and even a little to taste. Therefore, if you like julienne, feel free to take the recipe. You will definitely like it.

And precisely because of all his wonderful merits, I decided to devote an entire article to him with a detailed step-by-step description and photographs. I hope that he will also fall in love with you. Moreover, in summer it can be prepared from fresh mushrooms, and in winter from frozen, and even dried.

Mushrooms can also be different - in the summer fresh forest representatives are great, and in the winter you can buy both fresh and frozen champignons. A recipe for their use will also be in the article today. When you read this recipe, you will find it.

And if you don’t be too lazy in the summer and freeze forest white or boletus, the soup with them will be not only tasty, but also incredibly fragrant, with the smell of a summer forest and a unique smell of your own, which you will not confuse with any other.

Today I am preparing this dish not only with melted cheese, but also with chicken. Although I want to say right away that it turns out equally tasty without chicken. But it seems that in one of the articles I already have such a recipe, so I won’t repeat it.

Mushroom Soup with Cream Cheese and Chicken

Yesterday we went to the forest and scored some mushrooms. They have already appeared in large numbers in the markets. So we decided to try our luck. But where we were looking, there were not so many of them. Mostly boletus, but a few boletus. Also, 3 whites, three - four grease fittings, and a dozen russes fell into our basket. That's the whole "catch".

Usually we are used to better results. But nothing, for the first time, it’s enough to cook a delicious soup, and cook some fries with onions.

We will need:

  • fresh (frozen) mushrooms - 300 - 350 gr
  • chicken - 350 gr
  • onion - 1 pc
  • carrots - 1 pc (small)
  • potatoes - 2 - 3 pcs.
  • processed cheese - 2 pcs each 100 g
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • salt, black pepper - to taste


The first thing to do is put the processed cheese in the freezer. Then I will tell you why this is necessary.

1. Rinse the chicken, or rather its parts, thoroughly under a stream of cold water. Then pour the slices with two liters of cold water and put on fire.

For cooking, it is generally better to take meat on the bone so that there is a fat. The chest is a little dry and will not give. Therefore, you can use the ham, wings, ribs.

If you want to get a dietary option, it is better to remove the skin immediately, with its use it will be quite oily. And you can cook with it, and remove it only after cooking. In this case, the broth will turn out to be rich and nutritious, but ugly fat will not float in it.

I usually buy two or three chicken at once, and cut it into pieces. From the right parts, I immediately cook what I need, I freeze the rest of the meat and use it if necessary. Then it’s very convenient to cook when you need only wings for a dish, for example, or shanks, or the same breasts.

And just ribs with a ridge and other parts, where there is not a lot of meat, I always leave for cooking soups. I use such meat today.

2. While talking about chicken meat, most likely the little water slowly began to boil, and the first foam began to appear on its surface.

From this moment, the gas should be slightly reduced and the appearance of more active foam should be monitored. It must be removed immediately so that it does not spoil the appearance of the finished dish.

If you leave a big fire, the foam will appear more actively, and you may not have time to remove it. It happens that it’s like you are following the process, and you remove it in time, but all the same insidious flakes are already floating in the broth. And then you need to filter the broth through cheesecloth, wash the pan, pour. How much trouble!

And it was necessary - it was all to reduce a bit of fire. Then we don’t miss anything, we remove everything in time, and the broth turns out to be transparent and bright.

3. Cook chicken, by the way, it is necessary with a very small boil. Sometimes it may even seem that nothing boils at all. So no, it’s boiling, but slowly, just the way it should. And let it be cooked for 40-50 minutes, until the meat becomes easy to move away from the bone.

During the first 15 to 20 minutes, periodically remove the resulting foam. Then it will stop appearing on the surface. It is not necessary to close the lid so as not to increase the heating. Salting is also not necessary yet, otherwise the meat will turn out not so tasty, giving all its taste to the broth.

And he will already be rich in taste.

4. In the meantime, the chicken is cooked, proceed to the second stage of cooking. Namely, to the preparation of other products.

5. Peel the mushrooms, if necessary, wash them first. Since I have them from the forest, I do not wash them, except for the russula, or as they call us bruises, but I immediately clean them. The legs of the brown boletus need to be scraped with a knife, like a young carrot, and remove the leaves from the hat. With whites, clear the ground from the legs. And with the butter you need to remove the upper sticky film with a knife, it is tough and we don’t need anything in the dish.

If the mushrooms are washed, they will swell and become excessively watery and lose their taste. Therefore, I just carefully clean them from all that is superfluous.

See also that wormy specimens do not come across. Remove these immediately. Imagine a worm caught in a plate to someone from home. The whole soup will have to be poured ...

If it’s a pity to throw it away, then it’s better to dry it. Worms will creep out during this process themselves, and then you can use these mushrooms somewhere.

6. To make a light broth, I do not use boletus (redheads) for cooking. They give a dark color to the broth. And such a dark color with white cheese will not be combined at all.

Therefore, I take 3 small whites, 4 oilers and many small brown boletuses. I leave large specimens for the biscuit. Medium - they will look very beautiful. They will not “splatter” and will not creep.

Honestly, I do not even weigh how much it will be in grams. Mushroom soup, so there should be a lot of them.

They need to be cut. I cut in medium slices so that they are visible and palpable. Keep in mind that when frying and cooking they will lose in volume in two - three times.

7. Onion cut into very small cubes. If you cut it larger, then it will subsequently swim in a plate, and not everyone likes it. Properly cooked onion becomes almost transparent, and is not visible at all in the dish.

Heat oil in a pan. Put onion and fry until light golden brown, or until soft.

I don’t use a lot of oil due to the fact that the dish is cooked on chicken broth, and it will already be quite fatty. But for frying, in this case, you need to use a pan with a non-stick coating.

But if you decide to cook without chicken, then you can add another spoonful of oil, but not vegetable, but melted or creamy. It will give a light creamy taste and an additional aroma.

8. The onion is ready, I hope that it is not too reddened? After all, fried onions will give a bitterness. And for a gentle cheese dish, this is useless.

Add to it immediately all the chopped mushrooms. Reduce heat and fry, stirring occasionally. Cooking time will be 15–20 minutes. It’s better to navigate not by time, but by the appearance of the cut. They should change in color to slightly dark, lose in volume two, three of their size, and taste to become completely ready for use.

5 minutes before cooking, lightly salt them.

9. In the meantime, they are fried quickly grate carrots. For this, I use a grater for Korean carrots. I like it when the vegetable is sliced \u200b\u200bor grated beautifully and evenly. And such a grater just gives a similar result.

When they come to the state described above, that is, they are ready to eat, add carrots.

Stir and simmer over minimal heat for another 3 minutes.

10. In your free time, peel and chop the potatoes with thin strips, but try to do this closer to the time when the chicken is ready. Otherwise, with a long lay, the potatoes will darken, which is also undesirable for us. After all, he will already be dark in the finished dish.

Therefore, in order not to doubt, just peel the potatoes and put them in cold water. The time will come for him, have time to quickly cut.

11. Our chicken is ready, and excellent. It should be removed and put on a plate to cool. And put chopped potatoes in the broth. Allow to boil and salt. But remember that we have already salted mushrooms with onions, so do not be too zealous.

The amount of broth should remain virtually unchanged. Well, maybe 50 - 70 ml. And this is as it should be, because we cooked chicken on minimal heat.

That is, after putting the potatoes into the broth, we still have 2 liters left in the pan.

Boil potatoes 13 - 15 minutes, after boiling, reduce heat and cover with a lid.

12. In the meantime, while potatoes are being boiled, we do not use skin to remove skin from chicken meat. And the meat itself to disassemble into fibers or cut into cubes. I prefer to disassemble into small short fibers. Not to taste more like it, but in appearance.

Although at first glance it seemed a little meat, but how much came out. It’s enough for the soup, and more is not necessary. After all, the main product we have today are mushrooms, which are called "forest meat".

13. There is quite a bit left. After the potatoes have cooked the prescribed time, put the fried mushrooms with onions in a pan to it. As well as chopped chicken.

Due to the fact that we previously fried them, foam will no longer appear, which is always very much. Also, the pieces will remain whole and not boil out.

Cook for 5 minutes. Try the salt, if not enough, then salt, but after boiling, so that the salt present in the roasting has time to disperse.

14. And during this time we need to grate cheese. We have not forgotten that they are in our freezer. Today I have 2 processed cheese "Wave". They froze slightly. We pick up the packaging with a knife and it easily leaves.

Then rub the cheese on a grater. It will be easy and quick to do - the frozen cheese rubs perfectly.

When choosing processed cheese, give preference to varieties that are more expensive. Now you can buy cheese even for 9 - 10 rubles, you should not buy such. It is not clear at all what is in the lineup. Cheese is more expensive in the region of 30 rubles. And you can take cream cheeses in packs, for example, cheese brand "Hochland" is perfect.

He has not only a cheesy, but also a creamy taste. Which will also be just a plus.

15. Put the grated cheese in a pan. Allow to boil, add pepper to taste and if desired, reduce the heat again and cook for 3 to 5 minutes until the cheese is melted.

Sometimes cheese is not very well melted, that's okay. It depends on the type of cheese, and probably on the quality. If it is not completely melted, then there will be small grains of cheese in the broth.

16. Turn on the gas, tightly close the pan with a lid and leave to infuse for 10 minutes.

Then serve with black or white bread.

I sprinkled a little dried thyme on top. I did not add any spices during cooking, so as not to interrupt the natural smell. But when serving, I added a little as a decoration.

And here it is - a pleasant creamy taste, delicate texture, an unforgettable aroma and a pleasant golden color. The soup exceeded all expectations. Tasty like never before. Probably just missed him, from last year they didn’t cook this one - with fresh mushrooms.

It turned out quite thick. Spoon, of course, is not in it, but still ...

If you don’t have a lot of mushrooms (sometimes it happens), and the dish turns out to be liquidy, then you can add small spider line noodles to it. Today we didn’t have to do this, there were a lot of them. But take this into your note, it may come in handy.

I must also say that according to the same recipe. Everything is done exactly the same as in the description, everything is cooked, and then mashed with a blender.

Then everything is brought to a boil and turns off.

In the same way, leave to insist for 10 minutes, then pour on plates and serve.

Chopped chicken meat can not be mashed, but put on top in the soup. It will be beautiful! You can also leave a few mushrooms, especially if there are, for example, whole hats, or small whole specimens. It will also look very beautiful.

In the photo, the soup turned out to be light. If you want to get this option, then cook it from champignons and without carrots. Champignons practically do not stain the broth, and the dish will turn out exactly as in the photo.

And the presence of carrots, especially fried, gives a positive golden color to any dish cooked with it.

Cream of champignon soup with cream cheese

This is a very popular recipe for millions of housewives. It is very simple, and any housewife will cope with its preparation.

In this option, we do not use chicken meat, but we use cream. Therefore, it can be called cheese - creamy.

Here is such a simple recipe. And it turns out just incredibly tasty. Serve it best with croutons or fresh herbs.

In this recipe, I especially like that we don’t mashed the mushrooms, and they remain quite tangible. It is so nice when he comes across a tooth.

Here are such delicious and very simple to prepare soups. With the advent of the season, cooking is such a pleasure. Yes, in principle, to cook them well in the winter. The main thing is not to forget that there are such delicious and wonderful recipes.

If you like mushroom soups, then here are some very delicious recipes.

Take note of the recipes. Here is truly a “golden collection”.

Bon Appetit!

Today we suggest you try cooking. The proposed recipe for cream cheese soup will be with a phased preparation photo.

Thanks to the addition of cheese to the soup, it will have a gentle creamy taste.

  • Chicken fillet - 200 g
  • Champignons - 300 g
  • Potato - 300 g
  • Processed cheese - 200 g - is 2 pcs., For example, cheese "Friendship" or "Orbit"
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Onion -1 pcs
  • Carrot -1 pc.
  • Pepper
  • Greens

Cook cream cheese soup  very easy and simple. Any housewife should know his recipe. Cream soup is very aromatic and tasty.

Cooking and recipe for cheese soup with mushrooms:

  • First of all, we put the chicken fillet in 1.5 liters of water. After boiling, salt a little and cook for about 20 minutes.

  • Then we get the fillet from the broth and cut it into small cubes.

  • While the broth is cooked, peel and finely chop the onion.

  • Fry it in butter or vegetable oil in a pan for 5-7 minutes. There we add the grated carrots. And fry it for another 5 minutes. Then add well-washed and chopped champignons into the pan. And cook them until the liquid evaporates.

  • At this time, cut the potatoes into cubes and put them in the broth so that it boils for about 20 minutes.

  • Add the whole tomato there.

  • As soon as our potatoes are cooked, we remove the tomato from the broth, remove the skin from it and knead it with a fork to make a slurry.

  • Add it to the broth with potatoes. Who does not want, he can not "bother" and not add the tomato to the soup. This is just my addition. Simply, if he is in the soup, then this will give him a beautiful reddish-yellow color.
  • Now put a mixture of onions, carrots and mushrooms. And cook for 5 minutes.

  • Then add the chopped chicken.

  • Now grate the cream cheese and add it to the soup with chicken and mushrooms. Mix everything well and wait for the cheese to completely dissolve.

  • Now it remains to add salt and pepper to taste, and herbs for decoration. If you are a garlic lover, you can squeeze one clove directly into the soup pot.

Served cheese soup with mushrooms and hot chicken. You can also add bread croutons bought or prepared at home to it.

Here is such a chicken soup with melted cheese and mushrooms turned out with me! I made croutons of white bread in the oven.

Hope chicken cheese puree  and you’ll really like the mushrooms. Bon Appetit!

The modern variety of products allows you to cook first courses as a real delicacy. Just a boring broth with vegetables or pieces of meat tired of many more in kindergarten. Cheese mushroom cream soups are successful in cafes and restaurants. Try to please the family with such a dish in the home kitchen.

How to make cheese soup with mushrooms

The beauty of this recipe is that you can separate the festive and everyday versions of soup. Although the name of the dish sounds like gourmet, it does not require expensive products. Chicken is best served as a base for cheese soup. In the budget version, use cheap processed cheese in foil (sometimes the purpose is indicated on them). You can cook a more expensive dish. Add cream and high-quality fat cheese to it.

Mushroom soup with cream cheese and cream

The classic recipe is simple. Delicate creamy taste will delight the family in winter when you want to warm yourself. You will need:

  • chicken back;
  • champignons - 800 g;
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • processed cheese - 100 g;
  • cream - 125 ml.

The preparation will be:

  1. Fill the chicken with water and put the pan on the fire. Bring to a boil, remove the foam, add bay leaf, salt and pepper. Keep on low heat under the lid for an hour.
  2. Cut the potatoes into small cubes. After half an hour, dip into the broth.
  3. Wash the mushrooms and cut into plates, fry in oil until the liquid runs out.
  4. Chop the carrots and onions, add to the mushrooms.
  5. Dip the vegetables into the pan, add the cheese. Shuffle.
  6. Keep under cover for 10 minutes. Pour in the cream.

How to cook cheese soup with mushrooms and chicken

If you want to make a first course with pieces of chicken, you will need:

  • chicken breast on the bone;
  • champignons - 800 g;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • processed cheese - 100 g;
  • grated fat cheese - 50 g;
  • fresh greens.

Do this:

  1. Put the broth. When it boils, remove the foam, add spices, salt, leave over low heat.
  2. After 45 minutes, remove the chicken breast, separate the fillet from the bone. Leave to cool.
  3. Grind the potatoes in cubes and put in a pan.
  4. Cut the mushrooms into plates, fry until the liquid evaporates completely. Then add chopped carrots and onions to the frying pan.
  5. Fillet can be cut into cubes or noodles along the fibers. Grind the chicken, return to the pan, then add the vegetable frying there.
  6. Finely chop the cheese or grate it, stir in a saucepan.
  7. Leave under the lid for 10-15 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro, basil) and grated cheese before serving to spice up your appetite.

Mushroom and Broccoli Cheese Soup

Soup with cheese and mushrooms can be prepared in the form of a cream. It will require:

  • dry mushrooms - 2-3 handfuls;
  • broccoli - 600 g;
  • champignons - 800 g;
  • processed cheese - 100 g;
  • cream - 150 ml;
  • bulb;
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.

There are two options for preparing such a dish. Soup with cream cheese and mushrooms will be elegant if you add the fried mushrooms and broccoli separately. Cook like this:

  1. Soak dry mushrooms for 3-4 hours, rinse thoroughly, finely chop, pour fresh water and place on a stove.
  2. When the water boils, add salt, reduce the heat, and throw the potatoes cut into small cubes.
  3. Leave on for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Strain, drain the broth into a separate bowl. Grind potatoes and mushrooms with a hand blender in mashed potatoes. Put spices, cream cheese, mix, leave under the lid.
  5. Slice fresh champignons, fry in sunflower oil. When the liquid evaporates, add the broccoli divided into inflorescences.
  6. When the mixture is browned, mix it with mashed potatoes. Pour in the cream.
  7. Dilute the puree with the remaining broth until the consistency of fat yogurt. Put on fire, let it boil again.

With shrimps

Gourmet soup with champignons and cream cheese with shrimp can be prepared at home. The high cost of dishes can be varied, choosing the quality of the products. You will need:

  • shrimp - 1 kg;
  • champignons - 1 kg;
  • processed cheese - 100 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • hard grated cheese - 50 g;
  • cream - 250 ml.

An economical soup with cheese and mushrooms with shrimp will work if you buy cheap sea platter. If you want to impress, choose large king prawns for cheese soup with champignons. Cook like this:

  1. Pour half the mushrooms with water, put in a boil. Then cover, turn down the heat. Salt.
  2. Throw chopped potatoes after 30 minutes.
  3. Cook another 20-30 minutes. Then drain the broth into a separate bowl and grind mushrooms with mashed potatoes with a blender. Put the cream cheese, mix, leave under the lid.
  4. Chop the second portion of the mushrooms with plates, fry, then attach the peeled shrimp.
  5. Dilute mashed potatoes with broth to the consistency of sour cream, add cream, mushroom roast, shrimp. Cook another 10 minutes.

With bacon

Hearty mushroom soup with cheese will turn out if you add bacon. You will need:

  • champignons - 800 g;
  • chicken back;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • processed cheese - 100 g;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • bacon - 300 g;
  • black pepper.

If you have limited means, you can put less bacon, then it will serve for decoration and flavor. Cook like this:

  1. Place the chicken in a pan, fill with water, put on fire.
  2. When the water begins to boil, carefully remove the foam, pour salt, pepper and bay leaf. Reduce heat, cover.
  3. Chop potatoes. After 40 minutes, put in the broth. Cook for another quarter hour, then put half the mushrooms in a saucepan.
  4. After half an hour, drain the broth into a separate bowl, and chop the mashed potatoes and mushrooms. Add cream cheese, cream, mix. Leave under the lid.
  5. Cut the remaining mushrooms into plates, fry. With a sharp knife, cut the skin from the bacon, cut into thin slices, put in a pan.
  6. Dilute the puree with broth to the consistency of thick kefir, pour black pepper on the tip of the knife.
  7. Before serving, put two to three tablespoons of bacon and mushroom roasting in each plate.


Cheese soup with champignons and hearty meat dressing can be prepared not with bacon, but with smoked German sausage. You need to do it in full accordance with the previous recipe, but instead of bacon, cut and fry the sausage cut in pieces by hunting, Krakow or Munich. Also suitable sausage or sausage with bacon. This thick soup will be a great snack for beer, so you can add a few spicy spices - paprika or curry.

How to cook a soup with champignons and cheese in a slow cooker

Mistresses who have a modern multicooker or pressure cooker at their disposal can cook dinner much faster. For a classic dish you will need:

  • mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • processed cheese - 100 g;

Some housewives prefer to lay raw vegetables, but it is recommended to fry them first. Do this:

  1. On a wide board chop the onions with carrots. Place them in a multicooker bowl, add oil, leave on frying mode.
  2. Put sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms and potatoes. Leave on for another 15 minutes.
  3. Put cream cheese, spices, salt. Fill with a liter of water, leave in the quenching mode for an hour.

Video: step by step recipe for cheese soup with mushrooms

Step 1: prepare the chicken fillet.

To prepare this wonderful dish, you can use ordinary water, but if you want the soup to be rich, then it is better to make it on the broth, for example from chicken. To do this, you can use any part of the bird, but the most ideal option is fillet, because it is lean and cooked pretty quickly. To begin with, we wash it under trickles of cold running water, dry it with paper kitchen towels, put it on a cutting board and use a sharp kitchen knife to cut off the film from the meat, as well as cartilage.

Step 2: Cook the broth.

Then we send the chicken into a deep saucepan, fill it with three liters of purified water and put on medium heat. After boiling with a slotted spoon, remove the gray-white foam - curled protein from the surface of the liquid. Then we reduce the fire to the level of honey with the smallest and medium. We cover the pan with a lid so that a small gap remains, and we cook the broth 25-30 minutes, remembering to periodically remove accumulating foam.

Step 3: prepare the rest of the ingredients.

While the chicken is being prepared, using a clean knife, peel all the vegetables indicated in the recipe. Wash them with parsley, dry with paper towels, take turns on a chopping board and chop. Potato - in slices or straws of the size from 1.5 to 2 centimeters. Immediately transfer it to a clean deep dish with cold water and leave it until use so that it does not darken.

Onions are diced, and carrots are chopped on a medium or small grater.

Mushrooms are cut into layers or straws 7–6 millimeters thick, and finely chop the greens. We distribute the prepared products in separate bowls, put the remaining ingredients that are needed for the dish on the countertop, and proceed to the next step.

Step 4: prepare a vegetable dressing.

We send to a medium fire a pan with a piece of butter. After a few minutes, we chop the chopped onion into the melted warm fat. Fry it until transparent, as well as a delicate golden crust, stirring occasionally with a wooden kitchen spatula. It will take no more 3-4 minutes. Then add the carrots to it and cook them together for a couple of minutes until the last is soft.

After the vegetables are browned, transfer the mushrooms to the pan, mix everything until smooth, and simmer until the moisture evaporates completely 15 minutes. When the soup dressing is ready, remove it from the stove and temporarily set aside.

Step 5: cook the cheese soup with mushrooms - stage one.

As soon as the meat is cooked, we catch it from the pan, transfer it to a deep plate and set it near the ajar window to cool. We increase the fire under the broth to an average level, carefully pour potatoes in there, after draining water from it, and cook the vegetable for 15 minutes.

Step 6: cook the cheese soup with mushrooms - the second stage.

The chicken cools quickly, on a clean board with a new knife, cut it into portions or take it out with a table fork into fibers. After 15 minutes  we send the meat along with stewed mushrooms, onions, as well as carrots after the potatoes to the pot with broth.

Season the soup to taste with salt, black pepper, bay leaf and liquid cream cheese. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth and cook even 5-7 minutes  until vegetables are fully cooked.

Then add chopped parsley to the pan, stand the aromatic dish on the fire for another 2 minutes  and turn off the stove. After that, cover the pan with a lid and allow the first hot dish to brew for 7-10 minutes. Then, using a ladle, pour it in portions on plates and serve to the table.

Step 7: serve the cheese soup with mushrooms.

Cheese soup with champignons is served hot as the first main course for dinner. It is served in deep plates, optionally supplementing each serving with two or three pinches of fresh, only chopped dill, parsley, cilantro, basil or green onion. Very often along with this dish put on the table pialas with cream and sour cream, as well as put crackers, croutons or fresh bread. Enjoy a delicious and simple meal!
Bon Appetit!

Alternative to onions - shallots or leeks, butter - vegetable, broth - ordinary purified water, liquid cream cheese - hard, but chopped on a fine grater, and parsley - dill or cilantro;

Very often, along with mushrooms, onions and carrots, stew diced sweet pepper salad. This ingredient gives the finished dish its distinctive flavor;

The spices indicated in the recipe are considered classic, but you can use any that season the first hot dishes, for example, coriander, paprika, all kinds of ground peppers and others.


  • fresh champignon mushrooms - 10 pcs. (medium);
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • processed cheese - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l (not soft);
  • salt or other seasonings to taste;

What can be prepared from champignons? Yes, anything. This is a product that is good in almost any dish: in cutlets, and in cereals, and in all kinds of fillings, and even in salads (for example, "Cockerel Salad"). Wait, don't you think we forgot something?

Soup! What delicious and fragrant champignon soups! Of course, they can not be compared with boletuses, but this is a good alternative to forest mushrooms. Not everyone has the opportunity to stock up on white mushrooms for the winter. So, if you put 100 grams of champignons in a bag of grams in the store, and still they are unused in the refrigerator, get it out quickly - we’ll make soup with mushrooms and cream cheese.

Soup with champignons and cream cheese recipe with photo step by step

Prepare the products for the soup.
Pour water into a saucepan and set it on a fire to boil. Meanwhile, peel the carrots with onions, wash them, chop them: chop the onion, pass the carrots through the middle link of the grater.

We shift into a frying pan, put butter in it and a little let the vegetables on medium heat. It is not necessary to fry them to a dark color, it is important to slightly wither them, let them be filled with creamy taste and aroma.

In parallel, we wash the mushrooms, cut them into thin plates.

Diced peeled potatoes. By this time, your water should boil, transfer the champignons to the pan.

Next we add the passer.

Let the contents boil again and boil over high heat for about 7 minutes. Then we pour the potatoes.

Cook the soup over low heat under a lid for 20 minutes. At the end of this time, finely chop the processed cheese and put it in the pan.

We keep the soup with mushrooms and cream cheese on the stove for another 10-12 minutes. Some pieces will separate, some not. If you like when they feel good in soups, you can put them in the soup just 5 minutes before turning them off. Add to taste only when the cheese is sold, it will also give salted soup. Serve it with croutons and herbs. Bon Appetit!

On a note:

There are a lot of cooking options for soups with champignons. Since these mushrooms themselves are easy to process and cook, the first dishes with them are also simple. If you need to cook borsch or cabbage soup, or the same pickle at least 2 hours before lunch, then you will make this soup with mushrooms and cream cheese in about 40 minutes, considering that you need to peel, chop and spare the vegetables, and let it boil .