Spinach Paneer Recipe. Palak Paneer - Fresh Spinach Cheese

27.11.2019 Dishes for children

If you use fresh spinach, rinse it thoroughly, divide into leaves and chop.

Steam or fresh spinach for 4-5 minutes, until the leaves are soft and shrink.

Grind the leaves in a blender or food processor until smooth. Set aside.

Peel chili from seeds and partitions and chop.

Wash the food processor or blender. Grind ginger and chilli with cold water. Add coriander, paprika, cumin and turmeric and continue the process until a smooth paste forms.

Preheat ghee  in a two liter saucepan over moderate heat. Put the spice paste in the hot oil and fry it for 2-3 minutes, until it starts to pester and a distinct aroma appears. Gently add the spinach puree, mix with spices. Cook over high heat for 3-4 minutes.

Dice the cheese into approximately 1 cm cubes.

Gently add cream, cheese cubes, garam masala and salt. Cook another 5 minutes and serve hot with rice or hot bread.

I heard about Palak Panir a very long time ago, not even about Palak panir, but simply Panir - the famous Indian cheese.

Palak Panir means "Spinach with Panir Cheese." Recently, an Indian restaurant was opened in our city. Since my husband and I are big lovers of oriental cuisine, we, of course, visited the restaurant. On the menu, I just found Palak Panir, of course, decided to order. The dish was spicy, spicy and very creamy. Of course, at home I made an attempt to reproduce the recipe and it turned out that everything was very simple. True, a set of special spices for this dish should be owned or purchased.

So, we will prepare all the products on the list. In the original, instead of vegetable oil, the famous ghee ghee is used, but you can do without it. Cheese Panir - essentially a simple homemade cheese, such as Adyghe.

First of all, we need to warm all the spices in the oil. Do not be alarmed at the appearance of the contents of the pan, nothing is burnt, just a combination of spices gave such a color. Fry the spices for literally 2 minutes so that they give their flavor to the oil.

On a fine grater, three ginger and onions, a chili pepper, cut into rings, remove the seeds, if you are not a big fan of hot.

We spread the vegetables in a pan and fry for 2 minutes.

It’s better to peel the tomatoes, I did not do this and then regretted it. We cut the tomatoes into slices or cubes, there is no difference.

Add the tomatoes to the pan to the rest of the ingredients and simmer for 10 minutes until the tomatoes are soft and mashed.

In the meantime, prepare the spinach. Fresh - we’ll rinse, sort it out. If the spinach is frozen, do not defrost it first. Boil spinach in boiling salted water for 3-5 minutes. Discard the spinach in a colander, let the water drain and then punch the spinach in a mashed potato.

We shift the spinach into the pan.

Add panir cheese to the pan and diced.

Pour the cream, add salt and cook the palir panir for another 10 minutes.

Ready Palak Panir is served hot with boiled rice or fresh bread.

Enjoy your meal!

Without it, it is impossible to imagine the amazing cuisine of India, which, as you know, smells like spices and burns the tongue.

Even if you ask for the “spicy know” food there, it will be like spicy. Panir, fried cheese, the basis of many oriental dishes and, of course, the optimal choice of a vegetarian lunch - these are the importance of the balance of which we constantly tell.

And palak, it's spinach, where you will find the lion's dose of vitamins, and iron, which is not only useful, but also prevents the appearance of cellulite.

Yes, yes, I’m in a hurry to please fans of setting fire to taste recipes - spicy food helps fight extra pounds and improves digestion.

Therefore, it's time to arrange an island in India in the kitchen and prepare a palir panir, the recipe of which with step-by-step photos of cooking you will find in this article.

  Palak Panir - the best recipe

Step number 1. Preparing the ingredients

  Step 1

He is a classic. And, as I already said, the main thing in oriental cuisine is spices.

Therefore, before stocking with spinach, I recommend a raid on the spice department.

You will need:

  1. Garam masala (in translation from Hindi “hot mixture”, why hot, I will not explain;)) - a universal mix of spices. The classic composition looks like this: cloves, black and white pepper, cinnamon leaves, white and green cardamom, caraway seeds, nutmeg leaves, coriander and star anise. In Ayurveda medicine, by the way, it is believed that garam masala can cause a temperature jump.
  2. Ground chili pepper - 1 tsp. If your stomach is not friendly with spicy foods, you can don’t put it at all or use a minimal amount.
  3. Turmeric - 1 tsp.
  4. Freshly grated ginger - 1 tsp.
  5. Paprika - 0.5 tsp.
  6. Cumin (Zira) - 0.5 tsp.
  7. Ground coriander - 1 tsp.

If you have at least half the spices, it’s already good for the first time - the dish will turn out not so authentic, but still tasty.

You can also replace them with a universal curry seasoning, the main components of which are a dozen traditional oriental spices.

  Step 1

Other ingredients:

  1. Spinach - 200 g. I used fresh, but you can do it frozen, in this case we take 400 g.
  2. Panir cheese - 200-300 g. It can be found in health food stores, replaced with a similar Adyghe structure or prepared independently (how to do this, I will tell below).
  3. Chili pepper - 1 pc.
  4. Cream - 100 ml.
  5. Ghee or melted butter (I used the second) - 1 tbsp. l

Step number 2. We process spinach

  Step 2

So, we take up the panirik palak. We start the recipe with spinach processing.

We cook it until the leaves become soft and decrease in size several times. This will take a maximum of five minutes.

  Step 2

Separately, it is worth saying that Indian cuisine is half composed of everything that can be crushed, whipped and chopped.

Previously, they used a sieve and a mortar for this, but technological progress made the number one gadget in the country of spices.

Pour the resulting mass into another dish and set aside for a while.

Step number 3. Grind and fry the spices

  Step 3

Now it’s the turn of spices.

In a blender, to the state of the paste, grind the grated ginger diluted with water, and send the rest of the spices there, to make a homogeneous mass.

  Step 3

In a frying pan or in a saucepan, heat the oil and fry the spices for several minutes until they start to stick violently.

Step number 4. Cooking the sauce

  Step 4

Now pour the spinach and continue to stew.

Five minutes later, add cream in a thin stream, add salt to taste and simmer for about five more minutes.

In the meantime, our sauce is boiling, I’ll tell you that in India there is a whole vegetarian city. In Palitana you can not only eat animal meat, but both fish and eggs are banned.

Moreover, many residents put a bandage on their mouths - so as not to accidentally swallow any midge and not take their life.

The fact is that at least five million Indians profess Jainism, the religion of non-violence and non-harm to anything living.

Palitana monks decided not to limit themselves to refusing meat - they went on a hunger strike and put forward an ultimatum to the government to legally prohibit killing animals for food.

The city is considered a temple and, despite the fact that today mainly Hinduists live there, and Jainists are less than a percent, it is full of Jain shrines.

Therefore, the authorities had to agree with the requirements - since 2014, meat, fish and eggs in Palitana can neither be caught, nor eat, nor sold, nor bred.

Of course, there were some protests from fishermen and farmers, but they also had to obey and rebuild their lives in a new way.

Step number 5. Combine cheese and spinach

  Step 5

So, remove the sauce from the stove. Now we get down to cheese - we cut it into small cubes, fry ghee in oil, mix with sauce and cook for a couple of minutes.

I added chili at the end of cooking to make the taste not too sharp.

Cheese in different variations can also be fried, or you can add fresh.

Our palir panir according to the classic recipe for cooking at home is ready.

  Homemade Paneer
  1. To get a 300-gram head, you need two liters of milk and the juice of one lemon. We buy milk at home or with a minimum shelf life - too pasteurized and always fresh will not work for us, because manufacturers add a lot of anti-sour substances to it. We achieve just the opposite effect.
  2. We bring the milk almost to a boil (no more than 90 degrees), pour in the lemon juice and mix with a spoon. After a couple of minutes, cottage cheese will surface, and yellow serum will remain below. If souring does not happen, squeeze out another lemon.
  3. When the mass has cooled, drain it through several layers of gauze and leave it for a quarter of an hour to completely glass serum. Then we lay the future panir in a convenient shape and press down on top with a load so that it forms and subsequently easily cuts. We leave it under the press for 2-3 hours, after which we send it to the refrigerator.

  There are dozens of variations of the preparation of the panir

Our panir is ready. In addition to the abovepanirka palaka recipe, it can be added to, fry with tomatoes or batter, cook with green peas in tomato sauce.

In Indian cuisine, such cheese is also used for cooking.

  5+ Secrets of Loose Rice Garnished

We only have to boil the rice. In India, basmati is used. They grow it all year round and manage to collect up to four crops.

  Now we cook rice

So that your perfect side dish does not turn into a sticky mess, just follow these simple rules:

  1. Pre-soak rice in water for half an hour
  2. We rinse several times before cooking - ideally, the water should already be clean, not cloudy
  3. We cook in a ratio of proportions 2: 1, i.e., for two parts of water we take one part of rice (according to the same recipe we get super buckwheat)
  4. Put rice in hot or boiling water
  5. Stir when it boils to large bubbles, reduce heat to a minimum and cover with a lid; we cook for fifteen minutes, while we do not interfere and do not remove the lid
  6. Salt is added during cooking, spices - at the end
  7. When the cereal is cooked, leave it for 5-10 minutes to insist and be saturated with moisture

  Enjoy your Indian appetite!

Your side dish is ready for panirik palak.

And to make cooking easier, here's a simple step-by-step video recipe from connoisseurs of Indian cuisine:

Palak Panir (Shak Panir). A very popular dish of Indian cuisine, which can be found in almost all Indian restaurants. Palak - spinach, panir - homemade cheese. The dish is liquid in consistency and is a good addition to rice, mashed potatoes or bread.

Palak Paneer Recipe (Shack Paneer)


  Spinach 200 gr
   Homemade Cheese 125 gr
   Sour cream 80 ml (4 tablespoons) (15-20% fat)
   Vegetable oil 20 ml (1 tablespoon)
   Turmeric 3 g (1/2 teaspoon)
   Salt 3 gr (1/2 teaspoon)
   Ground black pepper 3 g (1/2 teaspoon)

Time for preparing:

15 minutes

Step 1 Preparing Spinach

If you use frozen spinach:

Rinse the spinach under cold water. Let it unfreeze.

If you use fresh spinach:

Rinse well and dry. Cut the roots and chop the spinach 1-2 cm thick

Heat oil in a pan with a thick bottom. Fry turmeric for 5-7 seconds. Add the spinach. Stew for 5-7 minutes. Spinach should boil and give juice

After 5-7 minutes, remove the spinach from the heat, transfer to a blender and chop until smooth.

Step 2 Cooking Homemade Cheese

For this recipe, you can use, purchased feta cheese or Adyghe cheese.

Cut the cheese into 1 cm cubes.

Step 3 Finish Cooking

In a pan, combine ground spinach, chopped homemade cheese, sour cream, salt, and ground black pepper. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.

ATTENTION!!! Do not boil our palir panir for a long time after adding sour cream. If you use natural sour cream, then after 3-5 minutes of cooking, the sour cream will curl up and the serum will separate. Palak panir will become fluid and not uniform

Our palan panir (Shak panir) - homemade cheese with spinach and sour cream is ready. It can be transferred to serving dishes and served.

Indian cuisine is especially rich in vegetarian recipes, because it is no secret that most of the inhabitants of this country do not eat meat at all.
  And the amazing thing here is that even a convinced "meat-eater", having tried one of the classic vegetarian dishes, make sure that it is not only tasty, but also satisfying!).
  All dishes consist of accessible and understandable ingredients, some of which can be replaced with our analogues. The main thing is to stock up on spices, if you are in India, be sure to drop into a regular store and buy local spices)).
  But all the necessary spices are available at our place, both in supermarkets and in online stores.
  Today we will make a palir panir or spinach cheese.
  In this dish, in addition to cheese and spinach, add tomatoes, shallots, cream (or sour cream, or yogurt), ghee oil, as well as a number of spices.
  The cooking technology is different: someone pre-fries the panir, someone turns raw ingredients into mashed potatoes, adding dry spices, and the set of spices itself is somewhat different in composition.
  We will prepare an option without a tomato and a large amount of chili, but no one bothers to add them if desired).
  Panir can be replaced with ready-made Adyghe cheese. Spinach for this recipes need a lot, so it’s easier to buy frozen. What to use sour cream, yogurt or cream is rather a matter of taste, a small amount is required for cooking.
  The finished dish is not at all sharp and quite thick. If you like it sharper, add chili peppers, if more liquid - water.

Calculation of products for 3-4 servings

We will need:
  Panir (Adyghe cheese) - 300 gr.
  Spinach (frozen) - 400 gr.
  Onions (shallots or red) - 1-2 pcs.
  Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp.
  Sour cream - 2-3 tablespoons
  Green chili pepper (fresh) - 1/2 pcs.
  Zira or cumin (seeds) ~ 1 tsp
  Coriander ~ 1 tsp
  Turmeric ~ 0.5 tsp
  Red chili ~ 0.5 tsp
  Garam Masala ~ 0.5 tsp
  Water ~ 30 ml
  Salt to taste
  Pepper - to taste

Throw the spinach into the pan, close the lid and defrost over low heat for about 5 minutes.

Cheese cut into large cubes.
  We cut onion into thin half rings, chop the garlic and chili pepper.

We put the spinach in a bowl, pour oil on a clean pan, throw cumin seeds (zira).
  Heat, then add onion, garlic and chili. Cook for 5-7 minutes over low heat.

Then we throw spices (chili, turmeric, coriander and garam masala), as well as a little salt (you need to take into account the salinity of the cheese !, if it is neutral, then you need more salt). Stirring, cook for 1 minute.

Then we return the spinach to the pan (if you like a uniform sauce, then the spinach can be chopped in a combine beforehand!).

Cook another 4-5 minutes. Then add the sour cream, stirring, simmer for another 1 minute. (Sour cream, cream or yogurt can also be added to an already turned off finished dish!)
  Then pour the whole cheese.

Mix gently and turn off.
  Serve the dish in a common bowl, along with boiled rice, chapati or naan.
  And all, bon appetit!