Interestingly decorated salads. Festive beautiful salad

13.09.2019 Snacks

Not a single holiday and not a single large feast is complete, and in the daily menu, one or another type of salads are constantly found. But any housewife knows that you won't be full of salad alone, so you have to cook a lot of a wide variety of dishes. Naturally, there is simply no time left to decorate salads, because so much needs to be cut, mixed and prepared so much that we simply do not have the strength for any beauty. Therefore, salads on our tables often look just like a mixture of ingredients seasoned with butter or some kind of sauce. The appearance of such a dish, put on the table, cannot be called beautiful, but you really want each of our dishes to please not only with their taste, but also with their appearance. Simple but effective ideas for decorating salads, the dish delighted not only with its taste, but also with its appearance.

First of all, I would like to talk about the simplest and fastest way to decorate salads. Salads often include products that can be used as dishes for serving them. In such a natural "dish" any salad will look very impressive, even if you just mix it with the sauce and do not waste time on other decorations. What products can be suitable for such salad dressing? If you know how to handle coconut and do not see a problem in carefully opening it, leaving a small lid, then it will be an excellent decoration. Pineapple cut lengthwise is also suitable for the role of natural "dishes". The removed core can be used as one of the ingredients in a salad. In this case, both ordinary pineapples are suitable, if you plan to serve the salad in a common dish, and mini pineapples, if portioned decoration is supposed. Also, when decorating salads, large tomatoes, oranges, grapefruit halves or pomelo can be used. In addition to the original appearance, a big plus of such decorations is that after a meal, these "dishes" do not have to be washed.

Salad decoration can be done not only from fruits and vegetables, but also from such unexpected products as, for example, bacon. So, in order to make such a salad basket, you will need bacon, paper towels, a baking dish, a heat-resistant bowl or a low wide glass and a microwave or oven. Fold a paper towel in half and line it on a baking dish. Wrap the glass or bowl tightly with paper towels, folded two or three times. Turn this paper-wrapped glass over and place it on a baking dish. Now take two slices of bacon and place them criss-cross on the bottom of the glass. Now take another piece of bacon and wrap it around the glass, intertwining with the pieces already laid. Repeat this procedure with the next piece of bacon and so on until the entire glass or bowl is wrapped in bacon. Now place the baking dish in the microwave for 4 minutes at full power. When the bacon strips are baked together, carefully remove the glass from the paper, turn the bacon basket over and very carefully so as not to damage the structure, remove the paper that has absorbed excess fat. A sturdy basket is unlikely to be made without paper, since excess fat will interfere with the adhesion of the bacon pieces to each other, and instead of drying out, they will remain damp.

However, the previous option for decorating salads can hardly be called very simple and quick. But there are situations when there is practically no time, and you want to serve the dish beautiful. Surely every housewife has a handful of nuts in her cherished kitchen cabinet, and a bunch of fresh herbs in the refrigerator. All this will come in handy to make a salad dressing if it contains nuts. Lay out the salad in the shape of cones, take almonds and stick each nucleolus into the salad so that they resemble scales. But even in this form, the decoration of the dish is unlikely to be perceived at least as some kind of cones, it lacks "coniferous twigs", which can successfully replace the twigs of rosemary. You can build such a salad decoration in a matter of minutes, but your family and friends will be glad to see such beauty on their dining table.

Have you come across recipes for salads that neither appearance, nor even contents have anything to do with their name? On the Internet, such specimens come across quite often, which is only the well-known salad "Mimosa", which, by the way, can be decorated with edible "mimosa" made from a couple of fluffy twigs of dill and egg yolk grated on a fine grater! So, salads "Penguin", "Polar", "Polyus", etc. you can decorate with such penguins in order to somehow bring their name and content into line. It is very simple to make such penguins, but at the same time they look impressive and will surely be remembered by everyone for a long time. You will need carrots, small balls of mozzarella cheese, a jar of olives and small olives, green onions, canned beans or beans, and toothpicks. Cut the carrots into circles and cut out a small section from each circle. Cut the mozzarella balls in half, cut a corner of the large olives. Place the halves of the mozzarella balls into the large olives, and place them on a toothpick that you want to stick into the carrots. Make an incision in the small olives so that you can insert the carrot slice you cut out beforehand. Place small ones on top of the cheese in large olives, making sure that the toothpick goes through the piece of carrot. On top as a hat, attach canned beans or beans, and tie a green onion feather like a scarf. The original salad dressing is ready!

You can quickly and easily make decorations for salads from fruits and berries. These decorations will look especially good in fruit salads. For this decor, you will need a small ice cream spoon, tough cookie cutters, wooden skewers, a sharp knife, and pieces of watermelon, melon, apple, or any other fruit or berry. From each fruit or berry, cut 1 cm wide pieces, from these pieces, using hard cookie cutters or a sharp knife, cut out flowers, stars or any other shapes you like. Use an ice cream spoon to cut small balls out of the fruit. For those "flowers" that are supposed to have a core, remove the center and insert the ball there. Securing everything with a skewer and decorate the salad, summer flavors, aromas and mood will appear on your table.

If all these flowers are not for you, you have free time, and your soul longs for originality, then this method of decorating salads is for you. We all collected the Rubik's Cube in childhood, someone managed to group squares of certain colors on different faces, someone did not, but everyone probably remembers and loves the toy. Why not apply the idea of ​​using multi-colored squares as a decoration for salads? You can make a salad from some of these cubes, or you can put any other salad inside and use the fruit only for decoration. Let's use the second option. Place the salad in a square plastic container, then flip the contents onto the platter and carefully remove the container so that the salad stays on the plate and keeps the square shape. Cut out squares from fruits and berries or cheese, ham and vegetables and use them to lay out all the planes of the future cube. The creation of such a masterpiece will take a long time, but no one will reproach you for the lack of originality.

How many times have you prepared delicious salads and wondered how to decorate them at the very last moment? As a rule, at such moments, nothing more interesting comes to mind than lilies from onion heads, mice from chicken and quail eggs, all kinds of roses from beets and swans from apples, which, of course, look beautiful, but from time to time they appear on every table. But you really want to add variety and please your loved ones with something new and interesting. Stock up on original ideas in advance, make your fantasies come true, create, decorate and amaze!

Alena Karamzina

It is difficult to imagine a traditional feast without delicious salads, and even more so the New Year. The beautiful design of the dishes pleases the eye, whet the appetite and generally creates a special festive mood. To surprise guests, to bring aesthetic pleasure to themselves and their loved ones, the hostesses come up with and search the net for a variety of ways to decorate salads - simple and complex. Let's find out how to decorate salads for the New Year 2018.

Salads with sprinkles and ornaments from slices

One of the easiest ways to decorate salads is to sprinkle. What could be easier than sprinkling the finished salad with one of the grated ingredients. For sprinkling, use grated:

  • eggs, both white and yolk;
  • cucumbers;
  • boiled carrots;
  • beets;
  • sausage.

The topping can be used neat or mixed with mayonnaise.

In addition to grated ingredients, finely chopped greens are used, as well as small products such as peas, corn, red and black caviar, and pomegranate grains. By imagining and using ingredients of different colors, they create drawings and ornaments.

Video: decorating herring under a fur coat

If you set yourself the goal of doing something more original, then an interesting effect is obtained with a combination of sprinkles and thinly sliced ​​pieces of vegetables and fruits. Often they make a background of sprinkles, and on top are placed cucumber circles, olives rings, cover the salad with thin slices of red fish. Look at the photo how to make calla lilies from squares of cheese, lay out pineapple from mushrooms, and form a starfish from salad and red fish.

With mayonnaise

An additional decorative effect is created with mayonnaise. Since most salads are already made with mayonnaise, some do not use this option, being careful not to overdo it with the sauce. However, subtle patterns look very attractive and appetizing.

If you buy mayonnaise in a tube, you can draw just like this. But if really thin lines are needed, you need to put the mayonnaise in a pastry bag or in an ordinary plastic bag and paint like cream on a cake. Of course, a combination with other decorating options will not hurt the appearance of the salad at all.

Puff salads

There is nothing complicated in the flaky salad technique. However, alternating layers of green cucumbers, orange carrots, red fish, yellow corn make the salad really fancy. Use transparent bowls, vases, cocotte bowls for puff salads, then they will not need additional decoration. But on the other hand, if there is a desire, why not decorate them on top using already known methods?


Salads decorated in the form of animals are relevant if you want to attract the attention of children to food. In addition, in the New Year, a bullfinch laid out from salad, a dog (after all, the Year of the Dog is coming), a hare - all this will be in the theme of the holiday. Those who miss the summer are advised to take the opportunity and enjoy the summer landscapes, the view of colorful butterflies, bees, ladybirds.

Note! Many decorations, including animals, are cut from thin pieces of vegetables using cookie cutters.

For design ideas for salads in the form of birds, animals, insects, see below.

New year design

Salads decorated in New Year's style will look the most advantageous on the New Year's table: in the form of bells, Santa Claus, snowman, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, chimes, cones.

How to make such beauty? Also, as already described. Lay out the salad, give the mass the desired shape, sprinkle, decorate, brush with mayonnaise. Look at the photo, everything is clear here.


The technique of decorating dishes has been elevated to the rank of a special art. One of the famous techniques is carving. This is the art of creating figurines and decorative curls from vegetables and fruits, which later serve to decorate salads, main courses or as an independent decor. There are so many options for jewelry that it is simply not possible to imagine everything, but you can learn how to make basic elements.

Carrot cones

Cones are immediately associated with Christmas trees and the New Year. Let's decorate the salads with carrot cones, and make the spruce branches from dill.

You will need a sharp, narrow knife to cut the bump. It is necessary to give the carrots a cone shape.

If available, it is convenient to cut with carbide knives, but they are optional.

Cut the petals in a circle with a knife, trying to fit the whole number of petals, and cut the pulp a little under the petals. Continue row by row.

When you get to the end, sharpen the tip of the carrot.

You will get these cones. Moreover, when using different tools, they will be slightly different.

Pancake and beetroot roses

Pancakes are not a very common product for carving, but this is the beauty of this decoration. Immediately and do not understand what it is made of.

Grate boiled beets and stir in mayonnaise.

Spread the beets over the pancake.

Roll into a roll and cut into about 5 cm pieces.

From the side of the cut, from one edge, you need to make several small cuts in the form of petals.

Arrange the pancakes as shown in the photo, and cover the gaps with parsley leaves.

Tomato roses

How real roses are obtained from the skin of a tomato. Even special practice is not required for cutting.

Take any tomato with a beautiful, even, intact skin. Notch the cap on top, but do not cut it off completely.

Continue to cut the skin in a spiral pattern, being careful not to accidentally trim.

Then unfold the spiral on the cutting board. And roll into a roll, starting at the tip, towards the "hat".

Decorate the salad with the resulting roses. You can make several and collect the "bouquet". You can make one big one and place it in the center.

In the same way, they make a rose from an apple.

Cucumber leaf

Cucumbers are often used in carving. They have several valuable properties: they are dense, so it is convenient to cut out of them, their skin and pulp are of different colors, due to which a decorative effect is achieved. Try cutting the leaves out of the cucumber. One cucumber will make at least two leaves.

First, cut a piece of cucumber as shown in the photo.

Cut the flesh out from the inside, but not too close to the rind.

Shape the cucumber into a leaf. Cut off more pulp from the pointed edge.

In the center along the sheet, make two cuts converging to the tip.

From the sides, cut perpendicular cuts to the first two and remove these fragments.

Cut out leaf-shaped holes in the pulp.

If you did everything correctly, you will get such a cucumber leaf.

Onion water lily

To cut a water lily, you will need a purple bulb; such a flower will not need to be stained to give color.

Take an onion and peel it.

Make zigzag cuts in the middle, working in a circle.

Separate the two halves.

Disassemble the half into separate pieces and reassemble so that the teeth do not overlap.

One onion produces two water lilies.

Banana dog

A banana may not be very suitable for decorating an unsweetened salad, but making a dog out of a banana is worth it, because the Year of the Dog is coming. And this fruit makes a charming dachshund.

Draw a banana pattern with legs by hand on paper. Place it on the banana and trace the outline with a sharp knife, cutting through the peel.

Bend the legs.

In addition to the template with legs, you will need a template with ears, draw it by hand too.

Cut only the ears and bottom according to the template.

Make a curved cut like this between the ears.

Trim and remove the banana pulp. Fold down the loose skin that has formed between the ears from above.

Make holes for the eyes with a knife and insert the black peppercorns.

Insert a couple of toothpicks into the base of the "head".

Attach the "head" to the "torso".


When you see ready-made spirals from vegetables, it seems that it is either impossible to make them at home, or expensive tools are needed. But everything turns out to be much simpler.

The most you need is a cucumber, slicer, and a sharp knife. Although you can do without a slicer.

First of all, cut the cucumber into thin slices. Then cut the edges diagonally on both sides.

Make several parallel slits along the length.

Roll a piece of cucumber with a pencil.

Carefully remove the spiral and decorate the salad.

Radish flower

You have already seen how to make roses from pancakes and beets, tomatoes, but there is another way to make a carving flower. Let's try to cut it out of radish, or rather not even cut it, but fold it from pieces.

Swan their apples

This is an original, fairly easy way to decorate a salad or fruit cuts. Repeat carefully all the steps according to the master class.

Cut the apple in half with a diagonal cut.

Take the part with sepals. Remove the bones.

Place it as shown in the photo. Place the top and bottom on the knife - they will serve as limiters.

With the other knife, make an incision slightly to the right of the center.

Then cut the side of the apple.

Then repeat on the left side of the apple.

Place the cut area again between the two knives. Coming back from the edge, make cuts at the top and side.

You will get a few of these pieces.

Overlap them.

Place the "wings" in the main apple half on the sides. Cut an apple slice in the center.

Take the other half of the apple that we haven't used yet.

Cut off a thin piece of apple.

Now cut out the part that is covered with the knife in the photo.

And cut off the edge as well.

Press the seed into the pulp. Give the piece a more rounded shape.

Insert the swan's head into the center incision.

Bulbous dahlia

At first glance, it's hard to believe that a dahlia from an onion is made with your own hands in just 8 cuts. It looks so beautiful and complex.

Take a sharp and thin knife.

We do not cut anything from the root side, on the other side we make an even cut.

Take the onion in your hand or place it on a board. We cut the onion in the middle, but not completely. We do not cut about 1 cm.

Make a second cut perpendicular to the first cut. Now we cut each of the parts in half.

And again in half: we cut two parts at once or each separately.

Take a bowl of water and put the onion in the water for a couple of hours.

After two hours, remove the bulb, it will turn into a chrysanthemum.

If you want to make a red chrysanthemum, dip the onion in the beet juice and let it sit for a while. The longer you keep the onion in the juice, the more intensely it will color.

A beautiful and effective decoration.

Watch the video for a few more interesting master classes.

Video: carrot flower

Video: cucumber butterfly

Video: tomato and cucumber decorations

Photo carving jewelry will inspire you to be creative.

"," Evropeyskiy ") are prepared without mayonnaise dressing and always look great on the everyday and festive table. Components for such salads are usually large in size, and sesame seeds, small nuts, wheat croutons, and pomegranate seeds are chosen as a useful decoration. The olive oil dressing with lemon juice and ground pepper gives the dish a finished look, mild aroma and mouth-watering flavor.

In the Slavic culinary tradition, thick mayonnaise sauces are widespread, healthy competition for which today are white unsweetened yoghurts and low-fat sour cream. But it is rather difficult to discern what is hidden under the delicious white blanket, and it is not always possible to give a beautiful shape to the salad mass.

To help hardworking and hospitable housewives - dozens of techniques for different occasions. And we still remember a lot from mom's cozy kitchen.

Classic salad dressing

  • Egg crumbs or shavings.
  • Chunks (slices) of chicken or quail eggs.
  • Hard cheese, chopped on a coarse or fine grater.
  • Grated boiled sausage without fatty inclusions.
  • Slices of cucumbers, radishes and tomatoes.
  • Olives, olives, whole or halved.
  • Finely chopped herbs (parsley, dill).
  • Sprigs of greenery.
  • Boiled or fried shrimp.
  • Mayonnaise cobweb.
  • Green peas and corn.

Decorating salads with shredders

Sets of graters, thanks to which the Olivier basin is prepared in fifteen minutes, appeared at our housewives in the early nineties. Cubes, straws, shavings, the finest slices and rings can all be used to give a dish an unusual and appetizing appearance. Given the high cutting speed and the frightening sharpness of the knives, you have to be extremely careful not to injure your fingers. But the result, undoubtedly, will pay off all the efforts, especially if the painstaking design of portioned salads, laid out in individual dishes, is required.

A lot of exactly the same cubes allows you to collect a perfect shape "Rubik's cube". This spectacular setting is suitable for small portions of fruit salads or vinaigrettes, such as a romantic dinner for two.

Beautiful salads with curly cuts

The easiest, fastest and most effective way to serve beautiful salads is to use the slicing tins. As they say, with a slight movement of the hand, colorful elements of various shapes are made: flowers, circles, stars, hearts, butterflies. As a starting material, you need to choose products that retain their shape well and do not change color when in contact with air (for example, potatoes are not an option, because they darken even when cooked).

  • Boiled and fresh pumpkin, carrots, beets.
  • White and red cabbage.
  • Fresh or pickled cucumbers and not very juicy tomatoes.
  • Sweet pepper pulp of any color: red, orange, green.
  • Sausages.

Bread (wheat or rye) fits well with the recipe of some salads. From yesterday's loaf, you will be able to cut cute figures. Sometimes apples and pears are found among the ingredients of unsweetened salads. Neat figures are also obtained from these fruits, appropriate as decoration. Only the apple needs to be sliced ​​just before serving to the guests, as it darkens. Alas, this does not happen often with those purchased from the supermarket: there is little iron in them.

If the task is to decorate a sweet mix with slicing, then the list of suitable products increases: kiwi, pears, watermelons, strawberries, melon, persimmon, banana, etc.

To get hearts / stars, use metal cookie cutters or the now fashionable Pop Chef set. Plastic nozzles and a rubber bulb - this simple device is really safe, affordable and understandable even for a child.

There is another option, how to decorate the salad in an original way using kitchen utensils. Curly graters will turn a dense vegetable into a springy spring that will look tempting on any of your salads. Only "raw materials" should have a cylindrical shape: carrots, zucchini, cut beets.

Decorative cutting of vegetables and fruits can be used to create a compositional center of salads. An amazing decoration appears from cabbage, pumpkin, carrots, beets with the help of carving knives. Most likely, no one will eat this beauty, and it will be possible to grind it for tomorrow's soup or vegetable stew. Carving is considered an expensive hobby because, in addition to a set of tools, money is also spent on creating prototypes. But everyone can work out on a budget carrot on a weekend. There are many carving video tutorials for beginners published on the network, and there are good step-by-step instructions in thematic books. Curly cutting is also a good antidepressant.

And now the design of the festive salads is completed, but the question remains: what to do with the leftovers, scraps, which turned out to be a decent slide? A profitable solution is to prepare a couple of impromptu salads from them on your own or with the hands of guests who came to the fire early. Chop finely, stir, season generously and season with salt. There is never an extra snack.

Decorating salads with "ice" and "crystal"

Not very common, but always effective, is to decorate the salad with pieces of jelly. The gelatinous mass can be cut into cubes (rhombuses) with a knife or turned into other geometric shapes with molds. Combine with carrots and parsley sprigs, preferably curly.

Salads in jelly evoke deserved admiration. They are prepared sweet from fruits or savory - from pieces of vegetables, legumes, meat, poultry, fish, sausages. In addition to the usual clear jelly, try white, milk-based.

DIY salad bouquet and flower meadow

Making flowers for salads is a very rewarding experience. First, they are almost impossible to spoil. Secondly, they are laid out quickly and can even be done in no particular order. After the petals and cores have taken their places on the salad slide, all that remains is to decorate the free field with finely chopped greens, grated egg yolk, canned sweet corn, green peas from a can. This is how a flower meadow appears - a real lifesaver for snacks, which are served in large quantities. By the same principle, it is easy to arrange a decoration-mushroom clearing.

To make a delicious bouquet, you will have to tinker with both the design and the selection of ingredients of the desired shape. This design would be appropriate on a spring table, for example, on the occasion of International Women's Day. A bouquet of lilacs, roses, tulips, mimosa twigs - there are no limits to the culinary's imagination. The simplest decoration is calla flowers, the buds of which are rolled up from slices of cheese, and the stems "grow" from the feathers of green onions.

Scarlet tulips are obtained from long tomatoes without pulp, roses - from everything that can be rolled into a roll. Bunches of lilacs are made from egg white, natural white or tinted with beetroot juice. Of course, you need to photograph the decoration of salads with such gastronomic pictures before the admiring crowd of guests empty all the dishes.

Beautiful salads in the children's menu

Toddler snacks are usually small, so it's easier to shape the salad than to lay it on top. For children's parties with a large number of guests, of course, everything is served in decent quantities, so the scope for design is wider.

Bears, penguins, hedgehogs and ladybugs, hares, cows, octopuses, snowmen - whatever picture appears on a children's plate, it almost guarantees interest and, therefore, excellent appetite.

It is worth noting that impressionable children can refuse to eat living creatures, even though they are decorative, and not real. In this case, from the permitted products, we lay out pyramids, bicycles, suns, stars and flowers, mushrooms, soccer balls, bows, flags and other items that will interest a particular child. A good example is given in the cartoon for preschool children "Peppa Pig", where little Pig George was laid out a dinosaur from lettuce leaves.

How to decorate a salad with a Christmas wreath

The wreath is appropriate not only on Christmas Eve, but also at any celebration. If the mix is ​​filled with a gelling mixture, then it is immediately laid out in a round cake pan with a recess in the center, preferably a silicone one, so that it is easier to get it out.

When you want to give the shape of a wreath to a dense mayonnaise salad (like "Olivier"), use the same baking dish, turned upside down. Just immerse it in the center of the salad bowl and press - an empty center forms by itself and the edges are aligned. It's even easier to take a glass jar of the correct diameter and lay out the salad on the dish around it. When the decoration is complete, the jar is gently removed.

Salad dressing is a wonderful family activity that guarantees a great mood for all participants in the process. And if you imagine how many pieces you and your children will eat between times, you can only rejoice for such a generous vitamin gift to your body.

Today we will consider the best options for decorating salads with a photo of step by step work, we will learn how to beautifully decorate children's birthday dishes, make edible decorations from different products with our own hands. For any festive dish, not only taste is important, but also a beautiful presentation. Salad for the holiday should be such that you want to admire, and then eat immediately.

Decorating salads for the holiday is a whole art, but absolutely every housewife can learn the skills of decorating dishes at home. To decorate the dish with your own hands, we recommend using the components that are present in the salad or, in extreme cases, those products that will only improve its taste.

Carrots, cucumbers, green onions and eggs are suitable for creating picturesque flowers and custom ornaments. Below you will find recipes with photos, with the help of which you will quickly, hastily make a festive dish, and decorating salads in pictures with step-by-step instructions will help novice housewives prepare for the holiday.







It is better to purchase several tools that will make the process of decorating salads and appetizers more interesting and easier. You will need the following devices: scissors and sharp knives, semicircular spoons sharpened at the edges (noisettes), a tool that easily cuts the zest from citrus fruits, tools for cutting the middle (from apples and other products) and creating dimples on a dish, a brush, a pastry syringe with nozzles, cookie cutters. These tools will be enough for high-quality DIY decoration of salads and snacks.

There should not be a lot of decor elements; in most cases, it is better to adhere to minimalism in the process of decorating a salad. It is also not worthwhile to conjure strongly over the decoration of all the dishes that will be present on the festive table.

If the "highlight of the program" looks great, then there is no need to distract the guests' eyes with the decor of the rest of the plates, this can only reduce the effect of the presentation. For the same reason, salad bowls with decorated appetizers shouldn't be bright. Recently, decorating salads for birthday is gaining more and more popularity among housewives. Let's talk about the most popular dishes that both kids and adults will love.

One of the most suitable for a festive decoration and the most beautiful when served is the "Sunflower" salad. You can put whatever your heart desires in the appetizer: carrots, garlic, corn and eggs, chicken fillet. Chips will serve as flower petals, we lay them along the edge of the plate, we will assign the role of seeds to olives.

Olivier and Mimosa salad can be decorated with a spring hint: a sprig of lilac. Chop the white of the egg on a coarse grater, set aside half and mix with the beet juice (you need it a little, just to get the desired color). Lay out the protein in the form of purple and white flowers for a snack. Flowers are located on a branch of parsley, dill.

New Year's theme. The ingredients of the salad should be selected so that the almonds are suitable for them. Put the festive salad mixed with mayonnaise dressing in a plate in the shape of a pine cone, then carefully insert the scales (almonds), a spruce sprig will be the final touch. A beautiful decoration of salads for the New Year is a wonderful addition to appetizers on the festive table.

You can decorate the traditional salad on the festive table with your own hands in an original way - a herring under a fur coat. On a herring under a fur coat, you can draw a mushroom meadow: sprinkle the top layer with crumbled yolks. The eggs will turn into legs, and the tomatoes or bell peppers will turn into hats. Dill will become the grass in the meadow.

There is nothing difficult about making a delicious recipe salad. You take the suggested ingredients, crumble everything into one dish and voila! ready.

No matter how it is. It is not enough to "tune" the salad, it is also serve necessary beautifully. So that the dish evokes an appetite and a desire to immediately start eating it. But how to do it? That's right: read our article, How to decorate salads beautifully and original.

The art of culinary decor

A novice hostess can also cope with cooking, but with her own hands, the process, although no less exciting, sometimes requires dexterity and knowledge. Do not worry. We will show you how to turn this action into a pleasant procedure so that your loved ones will appreciate your efforts.

Beautifully decorated salads - hostess face, a nice bonus for guests who will remember this table and this evening, and who invited people here. Some, according to the modern habit, will immediately begin to "click" the magnificent decoration of the table on their phones and cameras, in order to post later on social networks - it is so fashionable now.

The first thing culinary experts advise to draw your attention to is per color... Bright, juicy colors can induce appetite. But faded and gray colors will only alienate the guest. This is good for those who are on a diet and want to eat little that evening. But our task today is not the same.

Try to make at least one or two salads from bright ingredients, with a lot of shades... Usually these are fresh tomatoes (bright red), yellow bell peppers, green cucumber, boiled bright orange carrots. You cannot do this day without greenery - fresh, bright, juicy, green-green. These are lettuce leaves, and, and onions, and "feathers" of dill and parsley, and ...

Psychologists have long said that the brain subconsciously perceives fresh greens as a wholesome and healthy food, giving rise to the desire to immediately send all this beauty into the mouth.

Rules for the beautiful design of dishes

There are some unwritten laws that you must remember and observe, even if you are a novice cook. For example, it is best to decorate a salad with the elements of which it consists. For example, Olivier can be decorated with circles of potatoes, eggs or boiled carrots.

Interesting that "Mimosa" housewives love to do it like a real one: they rub an egg yolk on a grater and put it on a salad in the form of flowers, making a stem of dill.

Often on the Internet, people are looking for an answer to the question of how to decorate, but experienced chefs have thought of everything for a long time: make a "fish" from boiled beets or carrots - and the theme is followed, and the same products are used.

Another important point: you need to arrange the dish before serving it. This is how it will preserve its freshness as much as possible.

What color are what products?

To make it easier for you to navigate and invent, we will tell you what color will come out of this or that product:

  • White(radish, egg, sour cream, radish, potatoes)
  • Violet(red cabbage)
  • blue(rice or egg white dyed with red cabbage juice)
  • yellow(egg yolk, sweet pepper, corn kernels)
  • burgundy(boiled beets)
  • purple(grated egg white, colored with raw beet juice)
  • green(olives, cucumber, green peas, greens, green bell peppers)
  • Orange(bell peppers of this color, boiled carrots)
  • pink(rice or egg white, tinted with beet or cranberry juice)
  • Red(tomatoes, pomegranate seeds, red sweet pepper, cranberries)
  • black(olives, clove sticks).

Original ideas for decorating holiday salads

Recently, chefs never cease to amaze gourmets. What is just an appetizer or salad made ... in a plate of fruit(pineapple, orange, watermelon, etc.). True, tastes must be combined, otherwise, instead of exotic cuisine, guests will try something inedible.

How to decorate a salad for the New Year

You can see the ideas for decorating New Year's alats in the photo. The main principle guided by the chefs is preservation of the theme... Chimes, snowflakes, winter, Santa Claus - all this can become a beautiful picture in skillful hands, while in others it will turn into an absurd and tasteless mass ...

Mommies are often very perplexed - how to decorate baby salad so that the child eats everything without a trace (it's no secret that many little gourmets have a bad appetite). Use funny and funny associations, usually these are animals - cats, pigs, butterflies, ladybugs, and your child will not be taken off the plate. Even

Don't forget to serve the spices nicely too! For example, which you will find on our website.

A little tip in the end: before preparing a new dish, carefully study and prepare a list of products that make up it, look on the Internet for options for decorating it. You can even draw it on a separate piece of paper and practice in advance. Good luck with this interesting business.

Fruit slices should be pretty too! From the video you can learn how to serve fruit beautifully to the table: