Balsamic vinegar: what it is, uses and recipes. Why balsamic vinegar is useful, cooking at home

19.10.2019 Soups

Do you want to learn an easy way to help prevent heart disease and even cancer? If your answer is yes, we advise you to include balsamic vinegar in your diet. Now let's find out what is the secret of its usefulness for the body.

This article has answers to all your questions! Do you want to know them? Then read carefully!

Balsamic vinegar - overview

This vinegar is of Italian origin, made with love and following technology proven over the years. It is used as a tonic to relieve ailments such as indigestion and heartburn. It is low in calories and low in fat, making it an ideal seasoning for pickles, glazes and salads.

Interesting Facts

The name "balsamic" means that at first balsamic vinegar was used only as a healing balm. Its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect has been well known since ancient times.

Lucrezia Borgia consistently used balsamic vinegar as a medicine when plague swept through Italy.

The famous Giacomo Casanova used balsamic as an aphrodisiac.

Balsamic vinegar composition.

Calorie content: 88 kcal

Energy value:

  • Proteins: 0.49 g (~ 2 kcal).
  • Fat: 0 g (~ 2 kcal).
  • Carbohydrates: 17.03 g (~ 68 kcal).
  • Energy ratio (b | f | y): 2% | 0% | 77%.

Product proportions.

  • In 1 teaspoon ─ 5 grams of balsamic vinegar.
  • In 1 tablespoon ─ 15 grams of balsamic vinegar.

Nutritional value and composition


9 health benefits of balsamic vinegar

Of course, balsamic vinegar is good for human health. It must be ingested in small amounts to get all the benefits it needs. Here are some facts that prove why balsamic vinegar is good for your health:

    According to numerous studies, this vinegar contains several compounds that have medicinal properties. For example, it is rich in antioxidants from plant compounds known as polyphenols. When ingested, these compounds have the additional effect of reducing atherosclerosis-associated blood lipids, which are caused by oxidative damage.

    Balsamic vinegar contains a large number of acetic acid. This acid, which is also found in other types of vinegar, is known to have health benefits. A study published in 2006 found that acetic acid plays an active role in lowering serum triglycerides and cholesterol in rats fed cholesterol-rich foods. At the same time, it is emphasized that the consumption of vinegar has a positive effect on the level of cholesterol in the human body. Another study in the field of diabetes mellitus found that taking vinegar improved insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes.

  1. Fights Cancer Cell Formation

    Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that has antioxidant properties. It is found in grapes, from which balsamic vinegar is produced. Quercetin is rich in vitamin C and its antioxidant properties help in strengthening the immune system. This means your body will be able to fight off inflammation, infections, and even serious diseases like cancer.

  2. Reduces the risk of heart attacks

    Balsamic vinegar is low in cholesterol and saturated fat. This means it doesn't harm your heart. By consuming balsamic vinegar, you can be sure that your heart remains healthy and excess fats are not deposited in your blood vessels. The sodium content of the product is also very low. This suggests that vinegar can reduce arterial pressuretherefore, the risk of heart attacks is also reduced.

  3. Aids in digestion

    The polyphenols found in balsamic vinegar stimulate the activity of pepsin, an enzyme in gastric juice that is responsible for breaking down proteins into amino acids. They will also help your intestines absorb them better. Then it becomes much easier for your body to build and regenerate new cells.

  4. Strengthens bones

    Pepsin and acetic acid improve the body's ability to absorb essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium. These minerals play an important role in the development of strong and healthy bones. Balsamic vinegar is rich in both of these minerals.

  5. Relieves pain

    Balsamic vinegar has been used since ancient times as a medicine to relieve various types of ailments. It is still widely used as an effective remedy for migraines and headaches. Since vinegar has antibacterial and antiviral properties, it can also be used to treat wounds and infections.

  6. Destroys free radicals

    As mentioned earlier, balsamic vinegar has high antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are vital ingredients for destroying free radicals in the body. When oxidation occurs in your body, a certain amount of energy is produced that helps in the fight against free radicals.

    Cell membranes in the body are destroyed by free radicals. They also stiffen the walls of arteries and cause premature aging. The antioxidants in balsamic vinegar scavenge free radicals and protect your cells. What's more, they slow down the aging process, leaving you young both inside and out.

  7. Helps in better absorption of food

    Balsamic vinegar also contains melanoidins. These are the substances that give vinegar its rich dark color and viscosity. According to research, they have antioxidant properties and help prevent oxidative damage to cells that lead to meat consumption in the digestive process. So the next time you eat a meat dish, say a turkey sandwich, make yourself a balsamic vinegar salad as well to prevent oxidative stress.

As you can see, balsamic vinegar is great for the health of the entire human body. We advise you to make this product a must in your daily diet. Add vinegar to your favorite salads, desserts, smoothies, and more. You can also use it as a marinade for meat before grilling it. There are so many balsamic vinegar recipes out there that your recipes will not only be more varied and tastier, but also healthier.

Can I use balsamic vinegar during pregnancy?

Some believe that balsamic vinegar in the diet during pregnancy is an additional risk. In addition to lead, pregnant women are frightened by rumors that this product may even cause complications during childbirth. But there is no scientific evidence for this phenomenon. In small doses, balsamic vinegar can even be beneficial to pregnant women due to its lower sodium content (compared to other sauces) and the presence of iron.

Is balsamic vinegar good for diabetics and those looking to lose weight?

As for diabetes mellitus, it is undesirable to use balsamic vinegar, due to the large amount of sugar in its composition. But it is recommended to use it in meals during a diet. Moreover, the taste of vinegar is suitable for almost any dish. If a person wants to lose weight or get rid of the orange peel, the vinegar must be mixed with flour to make a batter. Then apply to problem areas and cover with cling film. After such a course, cellulite is noticeably reduced, and slimness is guaranteed for a long time.

How to make balsamic vinegar at home?

Making balsamic vinegar at home takes more than 5 minutes, but it significantly saves your budget and gives you confidence that the product is natural. We offer you a step-by-step recipe:

  1. Buy wine barrels

    They should be different: from large to small. Based on what flavor you want to give the vinegar, choose the right material: cherry, oak, chestnut or mulberry.

  2. Empty the barrels

    To get rid of any bacteria and other impurities, thoroughly clean the barrels with a mixture of water, salt, or vinegar.

  3. Buy grapes

    Better to use Trebbiano, Lambrusco, or two together. Buy enough grapes so that 80% of each barrel is accurately filled with juice.

  4. Extract the juice

    Crush the grapes and separate the juice from the pulp using a sieve. Then let the liquid sit and sit for about 15 minutes.

  5. Boil the juice

    Let the juice simmer, then reduce heat and continue to simmer for 24 hours at high heat. At this stage, the juice, as a result of a natural fermentation process, turns into a sweet syrup called mosto.

  6. Let the bridge ferment

    After the juice has reduced to half of its original volume, remove the container from the heat and let cool. Then pour the resulting bridge into a chemically inert container where it should ferment. After that, pour the liquid into prepared barrels.

As you can see, the process of making balsamic vinegar is quite lengthy. This takes at least 12 years. And all just so that the vinegar is infused. After 12 years, you can get a certificate for your balsamic vinegar from an Italian consortium by sending the resulting liquid for testing. If it passes all the standards, you can proudly say that you made an authentic balsamic vinegar in your own home!

Summer is the time for salads, barbecues, cocktails and desserts! Now that you already know how to make balsamic vinegar, delicious treats for every occasion are guaranteed! Here are three ways to use your balsamic vinegar this summer:

1. Salad dressing

This vinegar can be used as a dressing for any salad. Just mix it with a little<оливкового масла. Это вкусно и полезно! Еще один вариант для соуса ─ смешать уксус, немного горчицы, оливковое масло и тертый пармезан в кухонном комбайне. Создавайте свои миксы из любимых ингредиентов и удивляйте гостей необычными блюдами!

2. Glaze

You can use balsamic vinegar as a marinade in vegetables or grilled meats. It also goes well with ribs and fish.

3. Desserts and cocktails

Add some balsamic vinegar to your desserts and cocktails. You can add a new taste to the famous Bloody Mary cocktail by adding a small amount of this vinegar to it. Use it for your favorite desserts. Divine taste is obtained when mixed with strawberries. It is also a great option for making refreshing desserts with fruit and cream.

As noted, balsamic vinegar has been used for centuries as a condiment, digestive aid, and as a tonic. Nowadays, it is increasingly used in the fight against a wide range of diseases. The saturation of balsamic vinegar with antioxidants, polyphenols, acetic acid and melanoidins make this product not only an important element in the kitchen, but also very valuable for human health.

To stay healthy and get the most out of your body, add balsamic vinegar to your daily diet. The result will not keep you waiting long!

In a closed form, balsamic vinegar can be stored at least forever, from this it will only get better, since aging is very much appreciated in this product. After opening, the bottle is best kept in a cool, dark place, no more than 1 year. Over time, the taste of low grade vinegar is lost.

The first mentions of this useful "native" from the Italian provinces of Reggio Emilia and Modena date back to 1046. Then the Italian marquis Boniface presented the German emperor Henry II with a barrel of a thick potion made from Trebbiano grapes.

And it was a truly royal gift: with a fruity aroma and a sour-sweet aftertaste, balsamic vinegar, or balsamic in Medieval Europe, was famous as a healing balm.

The beneficial properties of balsamic vinegar have been known since ancient times.

Representatives of the royal dynasty used it as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent during the plague. But the famous adventurer of the XVIII century Giacomo Casanova balsamic - a powerful aphrodisiac - helped to gain fame as a tireless lover. And only centuries later, balsamic vinegar became a spicy seasoning for salads, seafood and meat dishes. So what is balsamic vinegar, what are its benefits, and possibly harm?

What is useful

To answer this question, we will find out what balsamic vinegar is made of and what determines its beneficial properties.

This product is prepared in 3 stages, using grape juice with sourness of special varieties - spergola, bercemino, lambrusco.

Fresh grape juice is boiled down to a thick dark syrup, which is then aged in wooden barrels. The barrels differ in size and purpose: the smallest ones are filled with ready-made balsamic. When a small part of it is sold, the contents of the first barrel are supplemented from the second. The volume of the second barrel is brought up to the original, adding the contents of the third into it, etc.
Balsamic vinegar matures in barrels

There are also spices in it, the exact list of which only manufacturers know about.
The production technology of budget versions of balsamic has been greatly simplified. Its main components are red wine, wine vinegar, caramel, thickeners and dyes.

The beneficial properties of real balsamic vinegar, aged for at least 12 years, are due to its rich chemical "asset", including:

  • antioxidants;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • vitamins;
  • pectins;
  • polyphenols;
  • saccharides;
  • anocyanins;
  • tannins.

Possesses antioxidant, antimicrobial and tonic properties, subject to moderate consumption of balsamic:

  • normalizes cholesterol levels and the functioning of the circulatory system, helping to prevent heart ailments;
  • reduces the risk of cancerous tumors;
  • suppresses inflammatory processes and pathogenic flora in the digestive tract, normalizes digestion;
  • being a powerful aphrodisiac, it tones the body.

Balsamic vinegar perfectly tones the body

How to use balsamic vinegar?

Traditionally, balsamic is a frequent "guest" of Italian cuisine, where it is used as a salad dressing.

Soups and salads seasoned with a small amount of aromatic vinegar are considered classics of Italian cuisine. Among the most revered recipes are squid rice and shrimp and avocado salad, risotto and pasta.

And of course, a traditional Mediterranean dish of soft cheese and tomatoes, garnished with green lettuce.

When dressing salads, balsamic vinegar is often mixed with olive oil.
But gourmets prefer to start their dinner by dipping bread in olive oil mixed with balsamic vinegar. The resulting mixture has a delicate, mild flavor.

Where else is it used

The fame about the beneficial properties of the product has gone beyond the kitchen.
Knowing about the benefits of balsamic vinegar for the body and, in particular, its properties to stimulate cell regeneration, leading manufacturers of cosmetics enrich them with nourishing creams and anti-cellulite products.
Due to its ability to speed up metabolic processes, balsamic vinegar is effectively used for weight loss.

Balsamic vinegar is a great weight loss aid

Unlike vegetable oil, the energy value of 100 ml of which is not less than 445 Kcal, the calorie content of balsamic vinegar, depending on the origin of the product, is 88 - 106 Kcal. The main difference between balsamic vinegar and oil is the absence of fats: the ratio of bju (proteins / fats / carbohydrates) in it is 0.5 / 0/17.

Thick, with a slightly caramelized texture, it allows you to make delicious sauces with almost no vegetable oil added.

Balsamic vinegar will become a real "lifesaver" for a diet: it only takes 1 tsp to make a great dressing. walnut or olive oil, 1 tablespoon each water and mild mustard, a chive and 5 tbsp. balsamic. The result is an excellent sauce, whose calorie content is 20 times lower than that prepared on the basis of vegetable oil.

Balsamic vinegar also shows excellent results in the fight against cellulite: according to reviews, wraps with it, combined with an intensive massage, soften the skin and make it silky. But most importantly, penetrating deep under the skin, balsamic actively stimulates the drainage of subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Is balsamic vinegar harmful?

According to the results of American microbiological researchers, using balsamic vinegar while losing weight for a long time and in large quantities, you can bring not only benefits, but also harm. So, a special "acidic" diet with balsamic vinegar ("PH diet") threatens a lot of health problems caused by possible "acidification" of the body.
If you consume balsamic vinegar without measure, you may experience health problems.

Future mothers often wonder if balsamic vinegar can be used for pregnant women?There are no categorical contraindications for its use, but it is still not worth using it uncontrollably. It is better if the product is used for medicinal purposes: undiluted - for treating external wounds and abrasions, an aqueous solution - for rinsing a sore throat.

Vinegar is not indicated for ulcerative neoplasms in the stomach and intestines, as well as in case of hypersensitivity to its components.

Poor-quality balsamic vinegar can be harmful: the abundance of synthetic components in the "artisanal" product threatens with poisoning, so we will tell you how to choose a truly natural product.

How to choose

This product comes from the Italian provinces of Emilia-Romagna or Modena, and its Italian name always contains the word tradizionale (Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena or Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Reggio Emilia).

The maturity of balsamic vinegar can be recognized by color coding:

  • The cream cap on the bottle of a product from Modena corresponds to a young - aged 12 years balsamic, and the golden one corresponds to a mature vinegar aged 25 years;
  • The 12 year old balsamic from Emilia Romagna is marked with a red label;
  • 18 years old - silver;
  • and the 25-year-old is gold.

Depending on the aging, the cost of a product prepared in accordance with all the rules ranges from 40 to 70 euros. Lower cost may indicate a German counterfeit or a handicraft product.

You will learn detailed instructions on how to choose a quality balsamic vinegar from the video:

Is there a big difference

Considering the high cost of a truly Italian product, clever chefs of respectable restaurants sometimes substitute balsamic vinegar with other “neighbors” from the gastronomic department.
Judge for yourself how equivalent such a replacement is:

  • What is the Difference Between Wine Vinegar and Balsamic Vinegar.The first is the heritage of France and, in fact, is a fermented wine. Its two varieties - white and red - are obtained, respectively, from red or white wine by adding acetic acid bacteria to it from alcohol-containing raw materials;
  • If you compare balsamic vinegar and soy sauce, the difference is not only in technology. Making soy sauce takes months and involves fermenting a mixture of legumes with molds from the Mushroom Kingdom;
  • Aged juice from squeezed grapes instead of dry distillation of wood - this is the main difference balsamic vinegar from the usual.

Skillful housewives, wishing to please guests with an Italian dinner, often ask themselves the question: how to replace balsamic vinegar at home?

The most common alternative is the aforementioned wine vinegar. However, it is worth worrying that the taste of this common supermarket dweller is at least a little closer to the original. To do this, vinegar is mixed with tarragon or wormwood in a 2: 1 ratio and insisted for 6 weeks in an unlit room. The finished tincture is stored in the refrigerator.

An alternative to balsamic vinegar
Is it possible to go an easier way and replace balsamic vinegar with apple cider vinegar?
Yes, if you use this recipe:

  • Cut a medium-sized apple into slices, put in a glass container;
  • add 3 sprigs of tarragon;
  • 1 tsp each granulated sugar and white pepper;
  • a clove of garlic, divided into 2 parts.

Pour 0.5 liters of apple cider vinegar and, closing the container, send it to infuse in a cool dark room. After 14 days, the aromatic balsamic alternative is ready.

Each of these alternatives has its own benefits for the body.

But still, allow yourself at least occasionally to cook an exquisite dish with real balsamic vinegar: the pleasure of the piquant taste and the benefits for the body make the use of this expensive product quite reasonable.

Similar materials

Balsamic vinegar, it is also - in the Italian style - acheto balsamic, or simply balsamic. He appeared in our area not to say that for a very long time, does not pretend to be in the first roles, it stands modestly on supermarket shelves, so that many do not even suspect about its existence. This is understandable: the consumption of vinegar in our country is traditionally lower than in Europe. But Italian cuisine, which quickly gained popularity due to its bright flavors and understandable simplicity, contributed to the popularity of balsamic. More and more people, having once tasted balsamic vinegar, are looking for it in stores, and only after the coveted bottle finds its place on the shelf, they ask the question - "what kind of thing is this balsamic vinegar?"

The first and foremost thing to know is that not all balsamic vinegars are created equal.

Traditional balsamic vinegar

Authentic balsamic, Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale, has been produced in the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna, in the cities of Modena and Reggio Emilia, for over 1000 years. This process is slow and expensive. First, the juice of Trebbiano grapes is heated for a long time until it boils down several times. The resulting thick and sugar-laden syrup - grape must - is aged in barrels made from various types of wood, from oak and cherry to juniper and mulberry. During the aging process, some of the vinegar evaporates (it is called the "angel's share", just like in the case of cognac), so all the barrels have different volumes.

The finished vinegar is bottled from the last, smallest keg, refilling it from a larger keg, that is supplemented from an even larger keg, and so on - and the newly made wort is added to the largest keg. The wort for traditional balsamic vinegar is kept for at least 12 years, but the process itself, as can be seen from its description, has no beginning or end, and it is called accordingly: in perpetuum. Of course, vinegar can be over 12 years old; other traditional aging periods are 18 and 25 years, and the longer the vinegar is aged, the more powerful and rich its taste and aroma become.

Traditional balsamic vinegar is a noble product that requires many years of endurance and labor, and, of course, everyone is already interested in the question of how to distinguish a fake. But I will not bore you with details, since most of us will not need this information: the real Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale cannot be found in supermarkets. It is sold only in specialized stores, and the price is for 100 ml. starts from hundreds of euros and more. Real "black gold".

Affordable Balsamic Vinegar

The balsamic vinegar that we sell is made using a different technology. The cheapest brands are the usual ones, where dye, sweetener and thickener are added to mimic the look and taste of the same real balsamic. According to the rules, such balsamic vinegar is also aged - but not in wooden barrels, but in steel ones, and not for 12 years, but for a couple of months, so this does not affect the taste so radically. Do not let the name Aceto Balsamico di Modena confuse you: anyone can make such vinegar - you can see, for example, German on the shelves - and it does not cost much more than ordinary wine. It is very easy to distinguish it, it is enough to read the composition, in which all additives should be indicated.

Better varieties of balsamic vinegar are still produced in Italy. As a rule, the technology for the production of such vinegar is similar to the traditional one, but there are differences that did not allow it to receive the status of Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale - for example, a shorter aging time, production in another region, and so on. It is logical that such vinegar costs less than traditional vinegar, although it is more expensive than imitation with a sweetener, and in general is an example of a good price-quality ratio.

How to use balsamic vinegar?

Initially, balsamic was used for medicinal purposes - in fact, the Latin balsamum, from which the name of this vinegar comes, is translated as "healing". However, now the only use of balsamic vinegar is exclusively culinary.

Balsamic vinegar behaves very well in salad dressings, especially where tomatoes are involved. The same, by the way, applies to other tomato dishes - a couple of drops of balsamic will definitely not harm tomato soup or meat stewed in tomato sauce.

Balsamic vinegar can be substituted for any other in marinades and sauces, or drizzled - again, no more than a few drops! - any ready-made meals, from scrambled eggs to fried meat. Balsamic also works well with some desserts: a drop of good, thick balsamic vinegar greatly ennobles ice cream or ordinary strawberries or raspberries. Another idea is to add balsamic to the cocktail: in some cases it is very good.

Finally, let's not forget about what can be made from any industrial balsamic, including the cheapest one - and the resulting thick vinegar can be used to decorate the dish or season everything described above, but with a better result.

Vinegar is an aqueous solution of acetic acid. Made according to an original recipe, it is a natural product. It is obtained as a result of fermentation - vinegar bacteria convert alcohol into vinegar.

Numerous properties of this liquid, including those used for beauty and health, were already known in ancient times. But most often it is used as a preservative. Depending on the type, vinegar is today an extremely popular food additive to marinades, dressings, sauces, and some desserts. At home, it is used even more widely and is found in every home, because it is able not only to enrich the taste of dishes, but also to fight some diseases or symptoms, and serve as a cleaning agent.

There are different types of vinegar, each with its own health benefits.

Wine vinegar

This vinegar, as its name suggests, is made from wine (white and red) and is released as a solution with an acid concentration of 6 to 10%. Its taste depends on the time it has matured - as with wine, the longer the better.

A good quality product supplies the body with magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Since red wine vinegar is a source of tannins, it has anti-inflammatory properties.

Applying white and red wine vinegar

It is used in the preparation of marinades for meat (mainly beef, veal and lamb). White vinegar, due to its milder aroma, is suitable for dishes with a sweet and sour taste, for example, borscht or other beetroot dishes. Wine vinegar - both white and red - is an ideal addition to vegetable salads and can be used to make really delicious dressings.

Balsamic vinegar

What is it?

Balsamic vinegar tastes milder than alcoholic vinegar. It is made from white and red grapes, or rather, from concentrated grape must. It is characterized by a dark color (the original is almost black), sweet-sour taste and aroma. This substance is thick and sticky. If balsamic vinegar is produced according to the original recipe, then it should mature in wooden barrels for about 12 years. In the era of industrial production, this rule is departed (as well as the fact that more than 140 kg of grapes must be used to produce a liter of product), since on a large scale it is simply unprofitable.

Culinary application

Balsamic vinegar is used as an additive to salads, as it is an excellent base or component of various types of dressings. It also goes well with marinades and sauces, especially for Italian dishes. Curiously, this kind can be used for making desserts, including fruit ones. An example is a delicious summer snack - strawberries drizzled with good balsamic vinegar. It is advisable to introduce it into the diet for people who have problems with intestinal motility.

How to choose balsamic vinegar

What to look for when buying a product? True balsamic vinegar is not readily available to the average consumer and, unfortunately, is relatively expensive. Therefore, if you decide to buy it, look for the certificate logo on the packaging, indicating the authenticity of the product. The original balsamic vinegar is almost black, sweetish, sticky and thick. Contains about 8% acetic acid, 4% other acids (tartaric, malic, etc.); from 20% to 70% of the total composition are non-fermented sugars.

If it is not possible to buy a product made in full accordance with the traditional recipe, this does not mean that you need to give it up. Good quality balsamic vinegars can be found in supermarkets, online stores, and organic food outlets. It is recommended to choose balsamic vinegars, which contain an admixture of the original traditional (aceto balsamico). You should also pay attention to the ripening time and choose products in which this period has exceeded one year. If balsamic vinegar contains sugar, caramel, fruit juices, preservatives and colorings, then it is best to avoid it.

Apple vinegar

Composition and useful properties

Apple cider vinegar is made either from the apples themselves or from apple cider mousse. It is a source of vitamins A (beta-carotene), groups B, C, E, lactic acid, pectin. This type is especially useful for people who dream of losing weight, because:

  • reduces appetite;
  • limits the absorption of carbohydrates from food or drink, before or after which it is drunk;
  • improves intestinal motility, limits the deposition of fat in fat cells;
  • has a beneficial effect on the acid-base balance;
  • accelerates the detoxification process of the body.

In addition, apple cider vinegar is used to fight rheumatic diseases, diabetes, colds and candidiasis.

Before a carbohydrate-rich meal, you should drink a glass of water with lemon juice and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar - this will reduce the drink.

Culinary uses of apple cider vinegar

This vinegar can be used as an ingredient in salad dressings. It also goes especially well with white meat and poultry. It is a natural preservative and therefore prolongs the shelf life of products.

Alcoholic vinegar

Alcoholic vinegar is added to marinades, sauces, poured over meat jelly, herring is soaked. It is a good addition to poorly digestible, heavy meals as it improves digestion and stimulates appetite. But in any case, you need to add vinegar in small quantities: consumed in excess, it can be very unhealthy.

This species is indispensable in the household. Diluted in hot water, it is used as a descaling agent, renewing the color of fabrics, cleaning copper and brass. Curiously, alcoholic vinegar is an excellent skin care product: rubbed into it, it prevents excessive sweating. But, if the skin is tender and sensitive, it must first be diluted. In addition, vinegar relieves pain from insect bites.

Rice vinegar

Rice vinegar is an essential part of oriental cuisine - mainly Chinese and Japanese. The production of this product is based on the fermentation of rice, often with additives such as corn or wheat. Depending on the specific variety, the product may have different colors, aromas and properties. For example, Japanese are softer and sweeter than Chinese. In addition, rice vinegar can be flavored with soy sauce, ginger, wine, chili, citrus fruits, onions, sesame seeds, etc.

What dishes are white, black and red rice vinegar used in?

Rice vinegar is used to make sushi (rice is seasoned with it), oriental sauces, marinades, or for dressing pasta. There are three main types of it: white, black and red. White is so named because it is colorless and more like our traditional spirit vinegar than other rice varieties. It is suitable for sweet and sour dishes, vegetables can be pickled in it. Black rice vinegar is mainly used for fried foods. It has a bright, expressive taste and aroma, but does not impart a sour taste to food. The original vinegar takes years to mature. The red variety matches perfectly the taste and aroma of fish and seafood. If you add sugar to it, it tastes like black.

You can also flavor a store product yourself. It is best to use white wine vinegar for such culinary experiments. You can add to it:

  • garlic;
  • herbs (for example, basil, oregano, chamomile, yarrow, mint), while adding a little honey;
  • citrus juice;
  • chilli
  • cherries, raspberries or strawberries (pre-chop), etc.

We simply fill the selected additives with vinegar and send them under a lid to a cool place for several days until the vinegar acquires a new taste and aroma. When this happens, the liquid must be carefully filtered and poured into a glass bottle.

Vinegar is a great addition to many dishes, from desserts to game dishes. It all depends on its type, quality, quantity and availability of additives. Therefore, experimenting with vinegar is a real culinary adventure in which we are limited exclusively by our own imaginations.

Balsamic is famous for its sophisticated bouquet with sweet and sour notes that can enrich any dish - from soup to desserts. Two to three drops of this vinegar turns ordinary food into a unique delicacy.

A bit of history

In 1046, the most powerful ruler of Italy, Boniface III of Canossky, came to Rome for the coronation of the German ruler Henry III. As a gift, the new head of the Holy Roman Empire received a small barrel of balsamic from an Italian dignitary. This fact was documented, which became the first mention of an elite seasoning in history, which is still called nothing more than “ the king of vinegars».

The custom of giving away aged balsamic quickly spread among the European aristocracy. Vinegar was inherited and included in the dowry. No wonder, because it can be stored for decades without losing its unique properties.

The excellent seasoning was originally used as a medicine with strong antiseptic properties. It was applied to wounds, used as a gargle for diseases of the throat and mouth.

Lucrezia Borgia considered balsamic vinegar to be an effective defense against the plague, and the famous heartthrob Giacomo Casanova as an effective aphrodisiac.

Currently, about 300 family businesses with a long tradition are engaged in the production of the "royal seasoning". Interesting fact: among them there is a factory founded by relatives of Luciano Pavarotti.

What is balsamic vinegar made from?

Balsamic is made from unclarified freshly squeezed grape juice (the so-called must), obtained by pressing. For the classic recipe, white grapes are taken, which makes the product more aromatic.

The juice, boiled down to a dark thick mass, is poured into wooden barrels, placed in the attic and left to ripen for at least 3 years. Optimum for high-quality "balsamic" is considered to be a maturation period of 12 years.

During fermentation, the raw material is poured three times, each time reducing the size of the barrel. The largest containers are made from mulberry, medium - from cherry or chestnut, small - from oak wood. And each of the breeds gives "balsamic" its aroma and healing properties. In addition, manufacturers add an exclusive set of spices to the main composition, the list of which is kept secret.

Wine vinegar and balsamic vinegar are often confused. What is the difference, it is difficult for an uninitiated person to understand, since both products seem to be made from the same raw materials. In fact, in the first case, ready-made wine is used, which is left to sour under the influence of special bacteria. For "balsamic", they take boiled grape juice, subjecting it to a long, gradual fermentation. Therefore, this seasoning is much healthier.

The best manufacturers and how to choose

The original balsamic vinegar, which would be more correctly called a sauce, is produced only by two provinces in northern Italy: Modena (Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena brand) and Reggio nel Emilia (Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Reggio Emilia). Small businesses in both areas try to adhere to the recipe exactly, since the products have a protected region of origin designation.

But there is also a cheaper analogue of balsamic vinegar - based on wine.
Its taste and benefits are incomparable with an authentic product. But the price is an order of magnitude lower than that of the present. It is this kind of vinegar, produced not in single batches, but on an industrial scale, that can be found on the shelves of our supermarkets.

There is also a middle option. Italian manufacturers of traditional balsamic offer such a variety as сondimento is a high quality product, but with some deviations from the standards... For example, aging is less than 12 years or the manufacturing plant is located in another province, and therefore its product is not properly certified. In this case, it will be possible to acquire the desired delicacy very inexpensively.

White balsamic, which is a mixture of wine vinegar and grape must, is perfect for many dishes. It has a delicate taste and perfectly sets off other ingredients. Since such vinegar is not considered original and does not mature for a long time, its cost is not so high.

Selection rules

  1. The original balsamic vinegar necessarily has the prefix Тradizionale in its name. The composition of such a product contains only grape must without any foreign additives, as evidenced by the inscription on the label. The acidity of the natural product does not exceed 6%.
  2. The Modena seasoning is bottled in square-bottomed bottles. Other cities in the Emilia-Romagna region use tulip-shaped light glass containers.
  3. Both manufacturers have developed their own "age" designation system.

In Modena, this is the color of the lids:

  • young, refined vinegar, aged 12 years, has a creamy
  • over 25 years - gold.

The Reggio Emilia seasoning has different label colors:

  • red - 12 years old
  • silver - over 18
  • gold - from 25 and more.

Condimento class products are not subject to strict quality controls. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken, you need to study the composition of balsamic vinegar. The presence of sugar, colors, artificial flavors, thickeners and preservatives speaks for itself. It is better to refuse such a seasoning.

Decent vinegar Сondimento is quite capable of replacing Тradizionale, if it is evaporated over low heat to a viscous consistency. The resulting sauce is perfect with ice cream, bruschetta or cheese slices.

Benefit and harm

"Vinegar of Kings" contains almost the entire periodic table, but especially rich in iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus... It also contains B vitamins, retinol (A) and ascorbic acid (C). It is not surprising that balsamic has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract, enhances immunity, helps fight infectious diseases and pathogenic microflora, and prevents the growth of malignant tumors.

And the presence of antioxidants makes vinegar indispensable in cosmetology, in the production of anti-aging creams, restoring hair balms, masks, and so on.

We emphasize once again that we are talking only about a traditional Italian product. Vinegar, made industrially, lacks medicinal qualities.

Vinegar added to dishes stimulates digestion, accelerating the absorption of heavy foods and preventing the accumulation of cholesterol.

It is believed that with the regular use of this seasoning, as well as other products related to the Mediterranean cuisine, it is possible to prolong active longevity, reduce the risk of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, sclerosis, psychosomatic disorders and improve memory.

But it's important not to overdo it. Excessive use of any vinegar, including balsamic, can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis or stomach ulcers. To prevent this from happening in classic Italian cuisine, balsamic is mixed with olive oil.

What balsamic vinegar is eaten with: use in cooking

Due to its complex bouquet and pronounced fruity notes, balsamic is equally suitable for both savory and sweet dishes.

For example, panna cotta is garnished with strawberries pickled in vinegar. Seasoning is also included in the composition of sweet berry sauces for ice cream or dressing for fruit salads.

Also, balsamic perfectly sets off the taste:

  • grilled meat
  • seafood
  • cheeses, especially young cheeses like mozzarella or ricotta
  • vegetables, both raw and grilled
  • soups
  • omelet
  • chicken liver

Popular Italian dishes with balsamic vinegar added:

  • spaghetti bolognese
  • mozzarella with tomatoes and arugula
  • bruschetta
  • marinara sauce
  • pizza
  • caprese salad
  • panna cotta
  • carpaccio
  • risotto

It is better to season dishes with balsamic vinegar before serving, so as not to subject the product to heat treatment. This is how its taste and healing qualities are preserved.

Three recipes for balsamic dressings

  1. Basic - suitable for salads with fresh vegetables and herbs. At 3 st. l. olive oil take 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and stir. Season the dish right before serving.
  2. With pesto sauce. A great alternative to mayonnaise for those who follow the rules of a healthy diet. In equal proportions, take balsamic and pesto, and then add twice as much olive oil.
  3. Garlic - Ideal for protein salads.

Add a pinch of ground black pepper and salt to the base dressing, as well as a chopped clove of garlic. Let it brew a little and use as directed.

Homemade recipe

The cost of the original balsamic vinegar ranges from € 40 to € 70, depending on the aging. If it is not possible to purchase a real product, you should not replace it with a budget industrial analogue. It is better to prepare a great seasoning yourself - it will cost much less, while not harming our health.

Homemade Balsamic Vinegar Recipe # 1 Popular

This is the most common balsamic variation. The resulting product is very similar in taste and color to the original.

We need

  • 400 ml 9% grape vinegar
  • 400 g pitted cherries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 large lemon
  • 1 tbsp. l. sugar (preferably unrefined cane)
  • ½ tsp cinnamon


  1. Puree the cherries by hand or with a blender.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan, bring the mixture to a boil and evaporate for 20 minutes over low heat.
  4. Cool the resulting vinegar, pour into glassware, close and send to the refrigerator for 2 - 3 days, infuse.
  5. Next, the essence must be filtered through several layers of gauze and stored in a pre-sterilized glass bottle at low temperatures.

Recipe number 2, with basil

This balsamic will have a delicate, pleasant taste. It goes well with meat, fish and as a salad dressing.

We need

  • 9% natural vinegar
  • a bunch of purple basil


  1. Lightly chop the washed and thoroughly dried greens, preferably with your hands.
  2. Place it in a pre-sterilized (always dry!) \u200b\u200bGlass container and fill it with vinegar. The bottle must be tightly sealed.
  3. We insist the mixture in a dark, cool place for at least 14 days, or a little longer, until it acquires a beautiful, rich pink hue. The fragrant seasoning can be used for 4 to 5 months.

Recipe number 3 - spicy

The prepared essence is used not only in cooking, but also for homemade masks, lotions or tonics. It relieves irritation, reduces pain from burns and injuries, helps with insect bites, and destroys fungal infections. It has a regenerating and tonic effect.


  • 300 ml natural apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp sage (dry seasoning)
  • 4 clove buds
  • 12 raisins and the same number of black peppercorns
  • 6 cardamom pods


  1. We add all the listed spices to the vinegar and insist in a closed glass container for 2 - 3 months. The mixture is kept in a dark, dry place, shaking occasionally so that it does not turn out to be bitter.
  2. Then we filter the essence, pour it into a dry, clean bottle, seal it and store it at low temperatures.

You can take any spices, experimenting and choosing to your liking.

What can replace balsamic vinegar in dishes

It is difficult to find an alternative to natural balsamic, but it is possible. Above, we mentioned herbal-infused apple cider vinegar, which will add the desired flavor to our dishes. It is prepared easily, from affordable, inexpensive products.

Another option is flavored wine vinegar. Spices for it are selected individually, but it is recommended to include tarragon and mint in the composition. For a glass of vinegar, you need to take about 50 g of dry spices.

White sherry is also suitable as a base for a balsamic substitute. Seasoning from it is prepared as follows:


  • 700 g of wine
  • 1 tsp cinnamon and ground white pepper
  • 70 ml 9% natural vinegar
  • 2-3 sprigs of rosemary
  • 1 tbsp. l. brown sugar
  • you can add a small chili pepper


  1. Caramelize sugar in a frying pan.
  2. Pour in the sherry, stir, gradually add spices.
  3. Pour the completely cooled mixture into a bottle, preferably made of dark glass, and leave for two weeks.
  4. Then we filter and store in the refrigerator.

Balsamic vinegar is one of the must-try foods. If not in its original form, then at least in its own performance. Such seasonings give only health and good mood. Cook with love!

Useful video

The plot tells how to make a vintage and aged product from an inexpensive unseasoned product. You just need to evaporate the balsamic in a saucepan.