green onion salad recipe Option with herring

Greetings, my dear readers!

Salad with green onions and an egg is relevant in early spring, when the supply of vitamins is depleted and fresh shoots the beam just wants to be eaten. And what could be simpler - an egg, green onions, corn and a salad is ready!

This time, a salad recipe arose literally from what was found in the refrigerator, plus a green onion constantly growing on the windowsill.

I have in freezer Frozen sweetcorn is always available. I want to note that it is very convenient, since it can be used as much as needed and at any time. I advise you to take note!

I also had an open jar of delicious (homemade) pickled cucumbers, so I decided to make a salad of cucumbers, eggs, green onions and corn. It turned out very fresh and delicious!

And so I list the ingredients:

  • Chicken egg - one
  • Green onions - 2-3 arrows
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pieces
  • Corn - 3 tablespoons
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing


First of all, let's boil the egg. We wash it under running water, place it in cold water and cook from the moment the water boils for 10 minutes. Then we fill cold water and let it cool down.

While the egg is cooking, prepare the corn. I usually wash it first with cold water a couple of times (this way the smell of the freezer goes away), and then pour it with boiling water, literally for a couple of minutes. After this procedure, our corn is ready to go to the salad.

We clean the finished chilled egg, rinse with water and separate the protein from the yolk. Rub the protein on coarse grater, add finely chopped green onions and a little mayonnaise.

Pickled cucumbers cut into small cubes.

Pour egg white with onions and prepared corn into a bowl.

Add pickled cucumbers.

Season with a little mayonnaise.

Mix everything and put it on a flat plate with a slide.

Rub over the top (on fine grater) egg yolk and sprinkle with green onions.

That's all! Salad with green onions and egg is almost ready.

The green onion salad recipe can have many options, the main thing is that the ingredients involved in it should be deliciously combined with each other.

With love for you, Lyudmila.

I propose to cook delicious from green onions and eggs. This one of green onions and eggs is rightfully considered spring, as it contains a lot of fresh, juicy greens of onions and dill.

Young green onion very useful for human body. Zinc contained in green onions is involved in the formation of immunity. Green onions are one of the best remedy to replenish the supply of vitamins during post-winter beriberi. Onion feathers contain more vitamins than in the bulb itself. The composition of green onion feathers includes B vitamins, as well as. One hundred grams of green onions contains daily rate vitamin C for humans. The onion feather contains chlorophyll, useful for the hematopoiesis process. Substances contained in green onions help to strengthen the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels. Phosphorus and, which is part of green onions, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth. Appearance green onions make any dish more attractive. However, green onions should not be abused by people with diseases. gastrointestinal tract in the stages of exacerbation, as well as with diseases of the kidneys and liver.

To prepare a salad of green onions and eggs, you will need the following ingredients:

Green onions - 1 medium bunch
Chicken egg - 7 pcs.
Dill - ½ bunch
Cucumber - 1 pc.
Mayonnaise - 1.5 - 2 tbsp.
Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

How to prepare green onion salad with egg:

Take green onions and wash thoroughly under running water, if necessary, peel and let the water drain. Cut green onions into small rings.

Wash the dill thoroughly, let it drain and chop finely.

Hard boil, remove the shell and cut into cubes. Add to salad bowl with chopped greens.

Wash the cucumber, peel, cut into small cubes and put in a salad bowl.

Salt the whole mixture to taste, add black ground pepper, again according to your taste, and season with mayonnaise.

By the way, mayonnaise is an excellent sauce for fresh herbs.
Ready green onion and egg salad put on plates, you can decorate with parsley leaves or dill sprigs and serve.
According to nutritionists, a chicken egg that has fallen heat treatment. Raw eggs are poorly digested and can be dangerous. A boiled egg is more easily absorbed by the body, despite the persistent opinion about the usefulness of a raw egg.
The egg contains many valuable proteins and fats, it contains a number of vitamins - A, B, B6, E and D. The yolk is the richest in vitamins, it also contains calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, as well as trace elements such as iodine , cobalt and copper. Due to the optimal ratio of metals, trace elements and proteins, a boiled chicken egg is a good remedy in the treatment of alimentary anemia. The phosphorus contained in the egg, in combination with other components, has a beneficial effect on nervous system. Chicken egg contains enough lecithin, which has properties to prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Although there is also cholesterol in the egg, the percentage of lecithin in the egg is about 10%, and cholesterol is only 1.5-2%.

Very simple, useful and delicious recipe green onion salad with sour cream. If possible, eat green onions in fresh, it is very rich in vitamin C, which, as you know, is destroyed very quickly during heat treatment. Read about all the benefits of green onions after the recipe.


green onion- 200 grams

Sour cream 10-20%- 1-2 tbsp

Salt taste

How to make green onion salad

1. Rinse the onion, cut into thin rings, salt. Stir and let stand for 5 minutes so that the onion gives juice.

Add sour cream to green onions. Mix.

Delicious green onion salad is ready

Bon Appetit!

Benefits of green onions. Green onion diet recipe.

Green onions contain volatile substances, which create a wonderful bactericidal and disinfecting effect. Help accordingly immune system organism. Onions that are darker green in color are more useful and smell more pungent because they contain large quantity phytoncides.

Bioflavonoids, which are also contained in batun, inhibit the growth of tumors in the body, that is, they have a carcinogenic effect. Batun reduces the risk of cancer of the oral cavity, colon, larynx.

Green onions are a storehouse of vitamins. 100 grams of onion can overlap daily allowance vitamin C. It is important to say that vitamin C is perfectly preserved in dried green onions.

Green onions are rich and indigestible dietary fiber fiber, which helps regulate digestion and eliminate constipation.

It is important to remember that vitamin C is destroyed in 5 minutes. Therefore, you need to put green onions already in ready meal poured into a plate or eat as a bite.

Very useful, diet recipe from green onions: Grind green onions and fat-free yogurt in a blender and eat as a snack with bread.

Green onions go well with various ingredients. Therefore, it is often added to soups, borscht and snacks. But especially tasty and healthy is vitamin spring salad from green onions and vegetables. In today's post, you'll find a few original recipes similar dishes.

Classic variant

This simple but very interesting snack perfect for a family lunch or a light snack. It is simple and quick to prepare and consists of budget components. To make such a green onion salad, you will need quite a bit of free time and a bit of patience. Plus, you should have:

  • 5 chicken eggs.
  • 50-70 grams of green onion feathers.
  • 100 milliliters of mayonnaise.
  • Salt.

Pre-washed eggs are poured with cool water, sent to the fire and boiled. finished product cool, peel, cut into small cubes and put in a bowl. Chopped green onions and finely crystalline salt are also added there. All this is seasoned with mayonnaise and gently mixed. Optionally, a ready-made salad with green onions and an egg is seasoned ground pepper. From this, its taste will become brighter and richer.

Variant with radish

This vitamin snack is different pleasant aroma and easy unusual taste. She prepares from a large number vegetables. Therefore, it is ideal for those who follow their own figure. To build such a salad with radishes and green onions, you need a minimum of time and a simple set of ingredients. In this situation, you should have the following ingredients on hand:

  • A bunch of parsley.
  • A couple dozen radishes.
  • A bunch of green onions.
  • Salt and spices.

Since this green onion salad includes a dressing, make sure you have a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a little lemon juice in your kitchen at the right time. And for decoration ready snack pre-boil the chicken egg.

In one bowl combine chopped green onions and chopped parsley. Radishes, sliced ​​​​in circles, salt and spices are also added there. A fully prepared salad is seasoned with a sauce made from freshly squeezed lemon juice and vegetable oil, and then decorated with boiled egg pieces.

Variant with canned peas

This unpretentious, but very delicious salad from green onions will be an excellent addition to family dinner or dinner. It is prepared from the utmost simple ingredients. And the process itself takes no more than a quarter of an hour. To make this appetizer, you will need:

  • 80 grams of green onions.
  • Pair boiled eggs.
  • 150 grams of canned peas.
  • Salt, spices and mayonnaise.

In one bowl, chopped onion and chopped eggs are combined. Canned green peas, salt and spices are also sent there. Ready salad season with mayonnaise, gently mix and serve. If desired, it is decorated with leaves of fresh herbs.

Apple variant

This is unusual and juicy dish is different sweet and sour taste and pleasant aroma. It will surely attract the attention of lovers of spicy, moderately spicy salads. To prepare it you will need:

  • A bunch of green onions.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 150 grams of hard cheese.
  • A couple of full tablespoons of mayonnaise.
  • Sweet and sour apple.
  • Salt.

Washed eggs are poured with cold water, placed on fire and boiled. After that, they are cooled, freed from the shell, cut into small cubes and put in a large bowl. Chopped onion and chopped apple are also added there. In an almost ready salad, diced cheese, salt, spices and mayonnaise are sent. All this is well mixed and served on the dining table.

Mustard variant

Using the technology described below, a very light and tasty salad of cucumbers and green onions is obtained. highlight this dish is an mustard dressing giving it a special piquancy. To prepare it you will need:

  • 100 grams of green onions.
  • A couple of boiled eggs.
  • 100 grams of fresh cucumbers.
  • 30 milliliters of vegetable oil.
  • 5 grams of mustard.
  • 5 cloves of garlic.
  • Parsley, salt and spices.

In one bowl combine chopped egg whites, chopped cucumbers and chopped onions. All this is salted, seasoned with spices and poured with a sauce made from mustard, garlic, egg yolks and vegetable oil. The finished salad with cucumber and green onions is carefully mixed and served.

Option with herring

We bring to your attention one more interesting recipe for quick cooking hearty snack. It consists of simple and easily accessible components sold in any grocery store. Before starting the process, make sure you have in your home:

  • Boiled potato.
  • 3 green onions.
  • 80 grams of herring fillet.
  • Boiled yolk.
  • 50 milliliters of sour cream.
  • A few drops of lemon juice and vegetable oil.
  • A pinch of salt and sugar.
  • A teaspoon of Dijon mustard.

You need to start cooking this salad by creating a dressing. To do this, mustard is combined in one bowl, vegetable oil, natural lemon juice, sour cream, sugar and salt. All mix well and set aside.

On a flat nice plate a special forming ring is installed and grated potatoes, chopped herring, chopped green onions and chopped egg yolk. Each of the above layers is smeared with cooked sauce. Before serving the salad to the table, it is briefly sent to the refrigerator. So he has time to infuse, and all the ingredients are thoroughly saturated with the aromas of the sauce.

Option with sour cream

This light summer snack consists of simple products, and any beginner can handle its preparation without much difficulty. In just a few minutes, you will get an interesting vegetable salad. Egg, cucumber, green onion - that's all you need to have a quick snack with your family. Before starting the process, see if you have on hand:

  • 3 fresh cucumbers.
  • A dozen green onion feathers.
  • A couple of eggs.
  • Sour cream and salt.

Eggs are boiled, cooled, peeled and crushed. Then chopped onions and diced cucumbers are added to them. The finished salad is salted, sprinkled with seasonings and poured over with fresh sour cream.

Cod liver option

According to the method described below, a sufficiently nutritious and tasty dish. To prepare it you will need:

  • Standard can canned liver codfish (in vegetable oil).
  • 4 eggs.
  • 15 green onions.
  • A couple of drops of lemon juice.
  • Salt and a pinch of grated citrus zest.

pre-washed chicken eggs boiled, cooled, peeled and cut small pieces. Then, cod liver and chopped green onions, pre-chilled and mashed with a fork, are added to them. All this is run lemon juice and zest. Immediately before serving, the salad is poured over with the oil remaining in the cod liver jar.

A simple salad of boiled eggs and green onions can be attributed to a kind of cold appetizers, as it is served not only in a salad bowl, but also on small pieces of black bread. Although this simple recipe has long been familiar to many, there are still those who will be suddenly surprised by the combination of crispy onion feathers with boiled chicken eggs. The set of ingredients is minimal, but the result is wonderful, while fast and accessible to everyone.

Ingredients for 4 servings

  • chicken egg - 4-5 pcs.
  • green onion - bunch
  • salad mayonnaise - about 100 g
  • salt - just a pinch
  • pepper - to taste

How to make green onion and egg salad

Boil eggs hard boiled. Pour them with cold water, lightly salt, cook for 12 minutes over medium heat. Let them cool down completely cold water(to speed up the process a little, you can “refresh” the water a couple of times).

We clean the white part of fresh green onions with a knife, then wash and cut both the white and green parts of the onion. We try to cut into medium rings.

We clean the cooled chicken eggs from the shell, cut them into medium cubes with a knife or a convenient egg cutter.

Mix eggs with green onions in a salad bowl, add a pinch of salt (no more needed, because the dish is dressed with mayonnaise), a little black or white ground pepper.

Dressing the salad thick mayonnaise. For opponents of mayonnaise dressings, you can recommend olive or sunflower oil, with which the dish also “sounds” well. Or you can replace mayonnaise with sour cream or plain yogurt.

It remains to think about serving the dish. The easiest way is to serve it in a small salad bowl. If you want to serve the salad in a special way, then decorate it as an appetizer on slices of bread. By the way, because of the green onions in the composition, this salad does not like a long wait, so take it to the table immediately after preparation.