Lay out the mashed potatoes nicely. How to beautifully serve potatoes on the festive table? How to diversify ordinary puree

30.10.2019 Egg dishes

If you want to diversify your festive menu and treat your guests with something original, you don't have to invent something completely new. It is enough to cook a dish that you and your loved ones have long liked, adding some unusual / unusual component to it, decorate it in an original way and serve it. Such a dish can be mashed potatoes - a traditional treat of the festive table, which has a large army of fans, especially among children :).

Perhaps everyone knows how to cook mashed potatoes. Therefore, the main purpose of the article is not to teach you how to cook it, but to suggest several interesting options for its presentation.


Guests, especially children, will be delighted. My niece Lenochka, when she saw the serving of this dish, exclaimed enthusiastically "Wow, this is real magic !!!" 🙂

"Volcano" will fly away in a moment, believe me, although cooking it is a simple matter:

  1. Make a medium consistency mashed potato
  2. Stew or fry the meat separately - as you like - with mushrooms, vegetables, sauce, etc.
  3. Collect the Volcano a few minutes before serving. To do this, you need to take a wide dish or plate with high edges. Put the mashed potatoes on the center and shape it into a slide. Place the meat around the perimeter of the plate. Make lava smudges - for this you can use ketchup, mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard, meat gravy - at your discretion. At the top of the volcano, place a half eggshell or small container that does not burn or melt (for example, a small ceramic or glass hodgepodge). Pour alcohol into the container, set it on fire and serve it to the table.

Mexican mashed potatoes

We came up with such a puree literally on the go, when preparing treats for.

For this dish, you need to prepare light mashed potatoes with the addition of milk and butter. Add canned corn from the jar to the mashed potatoes and mix well. Everything - Mexican mashed potatoes are ready!

Potato balls (deep-fried potato balls)

Here you will have to tinker a little longer, but as a result you will find an excellent dish - the most delicate mashed potatoes in a crispy crust. To prepare such balls, you need to make a thick mashed potato, into which you need to drive one egg. Cool it slightly and form small balls 3-4 cm in diameter. Dip them in an egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a large amount of hot vegetable oil.

And finally, a few secrets of delicious mashed potatoes:

1. Potatoes should cook well. The cooking time depends on the type of potatoes and the size of the pieces (the smaller you cut the potatoes, the faster they will cook). I can say for sure that you need to cook for at least 20 minutes. The water in which you boil potatoes needs to be salted well enough.

2. After the potatoes have boiled, the water must be drained (completely - if you plan to add milk to the puree, otherwise leave it partially to add to the puree).

3. The better you knead / beat the cooked potatoes, the more fluffy the puree will be. You can use a mixer for whipping.

4. While whipping, add butter and heated milk or water to the puree, which remained after boiling the potatoes - approximately 1 glass of liquid and 100 g of butter per 1 kg of potatoes. You regulate the density yourself, depending on the desired result.


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Potatoes are the most commonly consumed product in our country. It can be found on the table both on weekdays and on holidays. If you show your imagination, then from this product it is possible to create a huge number of all kinds of dishes for every taste. At the same time, you can increase or decrease the calorie content of dishes due to additional products, for example, cheese or butter.

Cooking potato side dishes is a pleasure, since no difficulties usually arise. Recipes for delicious potatoes for a side dish are always pretty simple and straightforward. Here is some of them.

Potato side dishes for every day

Potatoes are so versatile that dishes made from them may not be alike. At the same time, you can provide for less high-calorie recipe options. Here are the recipes for dishes that you can cook every day.

Puree "Green light"

An easy way to cook:

  • peel the potatoes, depending on the size of the tubers, cut the large ones into several parts;
  • boil them in salted water until cooked;
  • while the potatoes are boiled, you can start preparing spinach leaves with garlic;
  • first you need to fry chopped garlic in oil;
  • spinach leaves need to be divided into several parts and stewed with garlic for a couple of minutes;
  • after that you need to pour cream into the pan, stir and simmer for 3 minutes, then salt;
  • using a blender, you need to turn the spinach-garlic mass into a puree state;
  • after the potatoes are ready, we make mashed potatoes from them in the usual way;
  • combine mashed potatoes with spicy spinach mass and mix until smooth.

This dish is perfect as a side dish for many meat, chicken or fish dishes. If you exclude garlic from the recipe, you get a nutritious and healthy meal for children. Kids love an unusual presentation, so they will definitely like the green color of potatoes. And with the help of a pastry syringe, you can get a beautiful and original portioned serving with some interesting dish.

Potato sticks for a side dish "You can't imagine any tastier"

In order to prepare such a dish, you need:

  • peeled potatoes - 1 kg;
  • chicken eggs - 1 piece;
  • wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • nutmeg - half a teaspoon (ground);
  • butter - about 70-80 g;
  • half a glass of bread crumbs;
  • 5 tablespoons of sunflower oil.

The cooking time for potato sticks is about 2 hours.

The calorie content is 180 kcal per 100 g.

Cooking process:

So delicious, sticks can be served as a side dish with chicken cutlets or stewed fish. Fried foods will make your lunch or dinner too greasy. It is better to provide something light - a vegetable salad, for example, or steamed dishes. In addition, such potato sticks can be eaten as an independent dish with sour cream, tomato or cheese sauce.

Cooking in the oven

It is believed that foods cooked in the oven are healthier than boiled or fried foods. This also applies to potatoes. Moreover, baked tubers are considered less nutritious, in contrast to other cooking methods. So, how to deliciously cook potatoes for a side dish in the oven?

"Rustic Joys"

  • young potatoes - 1 kg;
  • salt, oregano, black pepper, paprika - 1 tablespoon each;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons.

The time from preparation to serving the finished dish is 1 hour.

Caloric content per 100 g - 325 kcal.

Cooking method:

  • small tubers of young potatoes must be cut into quarters and placed in a deep dish;
  • pour oil in half and mix it with potatoes;
  • pour spices there and mix again;
  • Iron the potatoes greased with oil and spices on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of about 180-190 degrees.

This dish for a side dish is very popular among the population, as it is prepared very quickly, and in the end it turns out to be very tasty, aromatic and satisfying. Just like sticks, rustic potatoes can be eaten simply with sauces (barbecue, garlic, curry) or mustard. Tip: so that the potatoes are not so oily and greasy, after they are removed from the oven, they must be laid out on a plate with a paper towel or several times folded napkins. So, excess oil will be absorbed into them and it will be more pleasant to eat them. Such potatoes are wonderful with fresh herbs. It can be chopped finely and sprinkled on the finished dish.

Potatoes on the festive table

On the festive table, potatoes can also take their place of honor. There are a lot of options for preparing holiday dishes. Consider the most interesting recipes for a side dish of potatoes for a festive table.

Italian gnocchi

Products for cooking:

  • medium-sized potatoes in the amount of 2 pieces;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc;
  • 2 cups wheat flour;
  • salt to taste.

The time for preparing a festive side dish is 1 hour.

Calorie content - 315 kcal per 100 g.


  • peel the potatoes, place them in a saucepan with water;
  • boil for 15 minutes from the beginning of the boil;
  • we make mashed potatoes from it in any way (with a mixer, manually, with a blender, etc.);
  • pour salt, flour into the potato mass and break 1 egg into it;
  • knead a kind of dough, but you do not need to knead thoroughly;
  • from it you need to make flagella about 3 cm thick;
  • each of them must be cut into pieces about 1 cm long;
  • boil the gnocchi for about 3 minutes in boiling water and, as soon as they float, remove from the pan using a colander.

It is better to eat them right away, while they are warm. If you have guests at home, then before they arrive, pieces of gnocchi can be prepared in advance, and boiled just before serving. Since this does not take long, no one will notice your absence.

Potato "fan" as a garnish from the oven

Ingredients required:

  • medium-sized potatoes in the amount of 8 pieces;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • parmesan cheese - 100 g;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

It will take an hour and a half to cook.

Energy value per 100 g - 315 kcal.

Cooking like this:

  • before starting cooking, you need to put the oven to preheat. Required temperature - 180 degrees Celsius;
  • potatoes must be carefully peeled, washed and dried with a towel (regular or paper);
  • each potato must be cut into slices from above every 3-5 mm;
  • put each potato "fan" on an oiled baking sheet, pour over melted butter (butter);
  • potatoes should be baked for about an hour. At the same time, you need to water it with oil from a baking sheet constantly;
  • 10 minutes before cooking - sprinkle with grated cheese and bake further.

This dish should be served hot as a side dish.

Dishes for a potato side dish

The potato itself is a very versatile product that can be boiled, fried, baked, marinated and otherwise cooked. It goes well with a variety of foods: meat, fish, vegetables, cheese and others. Here's what you can cook for your potato side dish.

Chicken fillet "Juicy" with pineapple and cheese

Ingredients for the dish:

  • chicken fillet - 700 g;
  • canned pineapples - 1 can;
  • cheese - 250 g;
  • mayonnaise - 5 tablespoons;
  • greens for decoration;
  • pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking will take you 50 minutes.

Calories are contained in a dish per 100 g - 170 kcal.

Cooking step by step:

  • cut the chicken fillet into slices, beat off each on both sides with a kitchen hammer;
  • put on an oiled baking dish in the oven;
  • chicken fillet should be pepper and sprinkled with salt evenly on each piece;
  • on each of them we iron a pineapple circle;
  • grease the fillet with pineapple on top with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese on the coarse side of the grater;
  • put a baking sheet in an oven preheated to standard values \u200b\u200b(180 degrees) for 40 minutes.

Garnish with fresh herbs and serve with mashed potatoes, for example, mixed with spinach and garlic.

Vegetable Fantasy salad for fried or baked potato garnish

Foods to prepare a salad:

  • fresh cherry tomatoes - 10 pieces;
  • green peas - 1 can of canned;
  • lettuce leaves - 1 bush;
  • sesame seeds - 1 handful;
  • fresh medium-sized cucumber - 2 pieces;
  • balsamic vinegar for dressing;
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon.

The cooking time for vegetable salad is 30 minutes.

Calorie content - 150 kcal per 100 g (serving).

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  • cherry tomatoes must be cut into 4 equal parts;
  • cucumbers should be cut into thin strips;
  • wash lettuce leaves, dry them and tear them with our hands into small pieces of equal size;
  • put vegetables in a salad bowl;
  • open a jar of peas, drain the water and pour into the salad;
  • fill the salad mass with balsamic vinegar and olive oil;
  • sprinkle sesame seeds on top before serving.

Ground walnuts can be used instead of sesame seeds. It is not recommended to season such a salad with mayonnaise, as it may lose its fresh vegetable taste.

Moreover, if it is served with potatoes, which were cooked with butter (butter, vegetable), cheese, fried in a pan. It is better to serve light dishes with such a side dish, for example, vegetable salad without heavy dressing, steamed cutlets. Thus, there will be no feeling of heaviness and pain on the stomach.

How to diversify ordinary puree.

Who among us in the cold winter season does not like to have dinner with mashed potatoes with a cutlet or herring. Simple and delicious. Sometimes even nothing else is needed to be happy after a long frosty day. Anyway, potatoes in winter always go with a bang.

However, if you're not too lazy to be original, then our five tasty ideas will be a timely answer to the question "What to cook for dinner?" Try it!

Before you get started, here are some of the secrets to getting the right mashed potatoes:

Thorough cleaning. First of all, the potatoes must be thoroughly peeled - peel them off, cut out the "eyes" and get rid of spoiled places.

The correct size of the pieces. Do not try to save time by cutting the potatoes into small slices - they will cook this way faster, but, alas, they will still have time to lose all the useful vitamins. For a truly healthy mashed potato, cut the boiling potatoes into large slices.

Potatoes need to be boiled... In the mashed potatoes of some housewives, you can see lumps that spoil its structure - this is a direct result of the fact that the mashed potatoes were not cooked. Don't make such mistakes.

Beat correctly. To get a soft and airy potato mass, it is not enough just to grind the mashed potatoes, you need to beat it. This process takes place in 2 stages: at the first stage, the potatoes are rubbed through a grater or pounded with a special device. Next comes the stage of whipping - give preference to manual mixers, since automatic devices get down to business too zealously and in a matter of seconds turn your puree into an unpleasant sticky mass.

Required supplements. To make the puree soft, you need liquid - it's better to use preheated milk rather than your own potato broth. Also, be sure to add butter: heat it to a liquid state and add in portions, in 2-3 passes. You can also use sour cream - also a very unusual taste.

And now about the recipes themselves.

Puree is the taste of childhood! ©

Mashed potatoes with olive oil, coriander and fried onions

What do you need:

Potatoes 5 pcs.

Bow 1 pc.


Olive oil

Freshly ground pepper, salt

How to cook:

In the usual way, boil the potatoes in mashed potatoes.

At the same time, fry very finely chopped onions in olive oil and add coriander, freshly ground pepper and salt to your taste.

The final stage - you need to heat the potatoes, adding pre-frying to it. The puree is ready!

It goes very tasty as a side dish for fish or simply with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Mashed potatoes baked with cheese, onions and tomatoes

Puree is the taste of childhood! ©

What do you need:

1 kg of potatoes

400 ml milk

300 gr cheese

200 g leeks + 10 g butter for frying

2-3 cloves of garlic

Salt, pepper, herbs

1 tomato

4 tbsp mayonnaise

How to cook:

Boil potatoes with garlic, pepper, salt and bay leaf until tender, you can even overcook the potatoes a little.

While the potatoes are boiling, finely chop the leeks, fry in butter.

Pour the fried onion into boiling milk and turn it off immediately.

In milk and onions, grate half the required cheese. And mix well.

When the potatoes are boiled, drain the water from them, remove the bay leaf and potato ceilings, adding a mixture of milk, onion and cheese to it. You can add finely chopped fresh herbs or sprinkle dry.

Grease a baking sheet or baking dish with oil and put the mashed potatoes in it.

Cut the tomatoes into circles and top with the puree.

Grate leftover cheese, mix with seasoning and mayonnaise.

Place on top of the tomato puree.

Bake in the oven at 190 degrees until the top is browned.

Mashed potatoes with garlic oil

Puree is the taste of childhood! ©

Crush 2 cloves of garlic in a press, put in a bowl and cover with unrefined sunflower oil (can be replaced with olive oil). Let it brew, then add to the cooked puree. Sprinkle with chopped fresh dill.

Mashed potatoes with olive oil and parmesan

Puree is the taste of childhood! ©

Add 3-4 tablespoons to the freshly mashed potatoes. l. finely grated Parmesan cheese and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Stir well and serve.

Mashed potatoes with peas and mint

What do you need:

500 g potatoes

300 g canned peas

1 lemon with zest

4 sprigs of mint

250 ml milk

50 g butter

How to cook:

Boil the potatoes in the usual way. 5 minutes before cooking, add canned peas to the potatoes. Soda lemon zest on a grater, squeeze the juice separately.

Mash the potatoes and peas to a puree consistency. Stir in butter, milk, lemon zest and mint. Salt and add lemon juice to taste.

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You don't have to read hundreds of cookbooks to find out how to make mashed potatoes... This knowledge is written in our subcortex, somewhere between borscht and scrambled eggs. Milk, butter and egg yolk will save even the most hopeless and tasteless potatoes, the main thing is not to oversalt.

Mashed potatoes in the oven

The best side dish is mashed potatoes and this is not up for discussion. But boiled potatoes are so boring on weekdays that you don't want to cook them for a holiday. Of course, at the present time there is no time for delights, because you want budget and tasty. Therefore, you should not give up the tender and soft puree, you need to serve it beautifully!

Today "So simple!" will show you the most extraordinary variations of the usual boiled potatoes. Even the most fastidious readers will be surprised! We have prepared 12 ideas on how to serve mashed potatoes so that they become a signature dish on the festive table.

© DepositPhotos

Unusual ways to serve mashed potatoes

To make potato dishes tasty and healthy,. Never save on health!

And if time is running out, there is a little trick. It is necessary to pour the washed tubers with water, tightly wrap the container with cling film and place it in the microwave. Cook at maximum power for 5-7 minutes, the time depends on the size of the potatoes.

For a smooth and airy puree, choose starchy varieties. They are round potatoes with light brown skin and light flesh. Starchy potatoes are very soft during cooking, which provides a delicate consistency of mashed potatoes.

But it is better not to use potatoes with red skin. It does not boil so much, and the puree can come out with lumps.

What to put in mashed potatoes, except potatoes

Classic mashed potatoes will not do without or cream. For a delicious flavor, add a few sprigs of thyme, rosemary, or other herbs to the liquid and heat over low heat.

Another product that makes mashed potatoes tasty and fluffy is butter. Do not feel sorry for him and do not skimp when buying: the oil should be high in fat. Alternatively, you can take refined sunflower or olive oil. However, the taste of puree in this case will be slightly different.

Both milk and butter should be at room temperature. If they are cold, the potatoes will cool faster and the mashed potatoes will have to be stirred longer. This means that it can turn out to be sticky.

Some people put a few tablespoons of sour cream, mayonnaise, natural yogurt or grated cheese in mashed potatoes. You can also add a raw egg, fried onion, or mushrooms for flavor.

If you want to give the puree an unusual color, boil the potatoes along with beets, carrots, or pumpkin.

Fresh herbs will give a special aroma to the finished puree. It can be mixed with the rest of the ingredients, or you can sprinkle it on the dish.

How to make mashed potatoes

Peel the tubers and cut them into equally large cubes. Thus, the potatoes will cook more evenly and.

Place the cubes in a saucepan and cover with cold water so that it covers about 1 cm. Season with salt and heat.

By the way, they still argue about when to salt the puree. Alone Perfect Mashed Potatoes, Mashed Potatoes with Buttermilk, Black Pepper and Green Onion chefs salt at the beginning, others Emeril Lagasse's Garlic Mashed Potatoes - at the end, third Mashed Potatoes, Kind Of Robuchon-Style - after boiling water. Opinions were also divided among famous professionals about which water to put potatoes in: cold Perfect mashed potatoes or already boiling How to make mashed potatoes.

One thing is for sure: the potatoes must be completely boiled. Checking the degree of doneness is easier with a knife. It should pierce the potato cube easily.

pluckytree /

When the potatoes are ready, drain the saucepan, place the cubes in a colander and dry them slightly. To do this, put them back in a hot pot and leave for a couple of minutes, stirring occasionally. This will evaporate excess liquid from the potatoes, which is not at all needed in mashed potatoes.

Remember, the colder the potatoes, the harder they are to knead.

The puree must not be mixed in a blender: this can cause it to become viscous, sticky and, of course, tasteless. It is best to puree by hand using a perforated pusher. This won't take much of your energy, because the starchy potatoes become very soft after cooking.

For harder varieties, you can use a potato press. It will help get rid of the lumps.

LexnGer /

Then add the remaining ingredients to the puree and mix well. Do not spare time and effort for this if you want the puree to turn out to be airy. At the end, you can season the puree with spices to taste and stir again.

Bonus: 4 unusual recipes for mashed potatoes

Stacy Spensley /


  • 400 g potatoes;
  • 400 g of cauliflower;
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • ½ cup of cream;
  • ¼ glasses of grated cheese;
  • salt to taste;
  • a few sprigs of green onions.


Boil the potatoes. 10 minutes after the water boils, add the cauliflower blossoms and cook until tender.

Put butter, cream, cheese, salt in mashed vegetables and mix well until smooth.

Sprinkle with chopped green onions before serving.

Ernesto Andrade /


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable or olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
  • a few teaspoons of salt;
  • ½ teaspoon sugar;
  • 2 cups unsalted coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon dried garlic


Boil potatoes. Place the chopped onions in a skillet with oil, vinegar, a teaspoon of salt and sugar and cook for a few minutes. The onions should soften and take on a golden brown hue.

Add garlic and fried onions to the crushed potatoes. Stir well until smooth.

3. Baked potato and celery puree - Jamie Oliver's recipe


  • 4 potatoes;
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt to taste;
  • 300 g celery root;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 sprigs of fresh thyme;
  • spices to taste.


Wash potatoes and sprinkle with salt. Pierce the rind with a fork and place the tubers on a baking sheet. Bake in an oven preheated to 190 ° C for 30 minutes.

Cut the celery root into large pieces. Place it and the garlic cloves on baking paper, sprinkle with salt and pepper, sprinkle with two tablespoons of olive oil and stir by hand. Fold the paper to form a roll.

Half an hour after starting to cook the potatoes, place the roll on a baking sheet and bake for another 20-30 minutes. Potatoes and celery root should be completely baked.

Peel the potatoes, squeeze out the baked garlic pulp, and combine with the celery. Add thyme leaves, olive oil and mix well. Season the puree with spices.


  • 800 g potatoes;
  • 500 g pumpkin;
  • some ghee;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • salt to taste;
  • 125 ml of milk;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • some nutmeg;


Peeled potatoes and cut into cubes and boil for 25-30 minutes. Heat ghee in a skillet and fry the chopped garlic in it.

Drain the saucepan, dry the vegetables and add milk, cream and butter to them. Stir well, season with salt, pepper, garlic and nutmeg and stir again.