Green onion salad with eggs and cucumber. Step by step recipe

Don't miss the spring season of juicy green onions. Add it to boiled eggs and pour over homemade sour cream - a healthy salad is ready!

Spring salad with green onions and eggs

Green onions are sold all year round, but in spring the onion feathers are especially juicy and tasty. There are many options for spring salad. For example, some housewives believe that it is imperative to cut and combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl, others love originality, filling halves of eggs with onion filling.

The first cooking option

Boil the egg, peel and chop into cubes.

Chop the green onion feather, but do not chop too much. Do not use the white part in the salad, add it better to the soup.

Put all the ingredients in a deep salad bowl, season with salt, add sour cream, mix. Serve immediately.

Second cooking option

  1. Boil eggs. Everything is simple here, if they are cold, just that they have been taken out of the refrigerator, put them in cold water, if they are warm, put them in hot water. As a result, the shell will not crack on them;
  2. Cut each egg into two halves (lengthwise), remove the yolk;
  3. Finely chop the onion, mix with sour cream, salt. If desired, you can add a drop of soy sauce to the sour cream;
  4. Fill the protein halves with onion filling, and sprinkle with coarsely chopped yolks on top;
  5. Serve immediately, otherwise the salad will taste bitter.

Salad with green onions, eggs and cod liver

Cod liver is a product of high fat content, so we dilute it with eggs in a salad.

You will need:

  • cod liver (in oil) - 1 can;
  • chicken eggs (fresh) - 4 pieces;
  • green onion feather (juicy) - 15 feathers;
  • salt;
  • a pinch of grated lemon zest;
  • 2 drops of lemon juice.

It will take 20 minutes to cook, the calorie content of the dish is 370 kcal.


  1. Boil the egg until tender. Cooking time 8-10 minutes. Cool in cold water, remove the shell from it. Chop into pieces;
  2. Remove the liver from the jar. Put in a container with chopped eggs, rub together both products;
  3. Add chopped onion feathers, salt at your discretion, add juice and lemon zest. Stir and arrange the salad in portioned plates;
  4. You can cook it a little differently. Boil the eggs and cut into cubes. Remove the liver from the oil, put on a plate and mash with a fork. Chop the onion. Combine all the products, season with a little oil remaining in the jar;
  5. Note: a jar of cod liver must be kept in the refrigerator before cooking, 60 minutes is enough.

- recommendations for choosing the right temperature, and the best fillings for meat.

Take note of the must-try chicken lagman recipe.

Read on for the delicious chicken gravy - it's a great addition to any side dish.

Salad: cucumbers, eggs and green onions

If you like a combination of cucumbers, green onions and eggs, then this salad will suit your taste.

For him you will need:

  • fresh crispy cucumber - 2-3 pcs;
  • feather of green onions - 10 stems;
  • 2 fresh eggs;
  • add sour cream, salt to taste.

It will take 20 minutes to prepare a salad. One serving contains 180 kcal

Take only fresh, crunchy cucumbers, juicy green onions. Cut the vegetable into cubes and finely chop the greens. Season everything with sour cream.

Add a couple of boiled eggs to this vitamin mass. You can choose different cooking method - hard-boiled or soft-boiled. But aerobatics is a poached egg. Of course, making it is not at all easy.

It is necessary to bring the water to a boil, then add a little salt and vinegar, then use a knife to make a funnel in the water and drive a raw egg into it. It will turn out to be soft and very delicate.

The next method for making poached eggs is quicker and easier. Pull cling film over the bowl, do not forget to grease it with vegetable oil, sink it a little inside the bowl.

Pour the egg and tie a pouch or secure with a skewer. Then dip in boiling water and cook. Make an incision on the finished egg and put it on the salad.

Herring with green onions in a light coat

The main feature of this salad is that we replaced the traditional mayonnaise with a tasty and healthy dressing. The main ingredients of which are sour cream with a fat content of no more than 10% and "Dijon" mustard. Unlike ordinary mustard, it is sweetish and without harshness.

You will need for 1 serving:

  • 80 g fillet of herring;
  • 3 stalks of green onions;
  • 1 boiled yolk;
  • 1 boiled potato;

For refueling:

  • 50 sour cream;
  • a couple of drops of lemon juice and oil;
  • a pinch of sugar and salt.
  • 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard.

Herring salad can be prepared in 20 minutes, the energy value of one portion is 210 kcal.

Salad recipe with green onions and herring step by step:

  1. Add a pinch of salt, sugar, a couple of drops of lemon juice and vegetable oil, one teaspoon of mustard to the sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly. The result is a sauce that tastes the same as mayonnaise, while having a fat content of no more than 15%;
  2. Place the salad molding ring on the plate. Lay the salad in layers. The first is grated potatoes, the second is finely chopped herring, the third is chopped onion feathers, and the fourth is finely chopped egg yolk. Grease each layer with sour cream sauce;
  3. Remove the ring, coat the salad with sauce on all sides, sprinkle with chopped onions;
  4. It is not necessary to prepare the salad in portions. Calculate the ingredients for the required number of people and make it in a regular salad bowl;
  5. Tip: If you don't have a salad forming ring, take a regular tin can, remove the lid and bottom.

Enjoy your meal!

Spring salad - green onions with an egg, became almost dear to me at a time when simple culinary dishes caused no less delight than, for example, going to the cinema for a fashionable film. Not so long ago, vitamin greens in the cold season was a fair deficit. Now parsley or dill can be bought at any time in any store. Earlier, the first greens that appeared on sale was green onions.

The onion we are used to is a perennial plant. Small onion seedlings are grown from the seeds, then onions grow from the seedlings. Part of the onion in winter and spring is used to sublimate greens, or "feather", as they say. Once I visited a greenhouse farm, where onions were sprouted under a film in winter to get greens. Huge areas are covered with wet sawdust, on which green onion shoots grow. Then the green onions are picked in bunches and sold. I remember my mother always bought such bundles, and we cleaned them at home. Cut off the shriveled onion and leave only the greener onion feather with a short white part. It must be said that the taste and aroma properties of sprouted onions are much more intense than those of summer garden onions grown from seeds. But perhaps these are personal impressions.

The springiest salad for me is green onions with a hard-boiled egg. Salad dressed with thick sour cream. Exceptionally delicious with mashed potatoes and homemade pork cutlets, fried in breadcrumbs. If there is no onion yet, cook with olives.

There is nothing easier than boiling a few eggs and chopping green onions. Chicken eggs are a very common product and very useful. The high content of protein, fat and minerals makes chicken eggs extremely useful for a healthy diet. Chicken eggs are included in a colossal number of dishes that are prepared around the world. It is perfectly possible to add eggs to.

Salads containing eggs are very common. Of course, the ubiquitous one has long been the king of egg salads. However, Olivier salad often contains both hard-boiled eggs and green onion feathers. Although I prefer sweet onions in Olivier. Green onions with egg - spring salad, vitamin and healthy. To cook an egg with green onions, you need a little time - boil and cool the eggs. It's 15-20 minutes. Moreover, this salad for cooking does not require any special skills and knowledge. Only eggs and green onions, and, of course, the dressing.

Green onions with egg. Step by step recipe


  • Green onions 1 bunch
  • Egg 2-3 pcs
  • Thick sour cream 0.5 cups
  • Salt, black pepper, balsamic vinegar, or soy sauce taste
  1. I must say right away that it does not matter at all which green onions are chosen for the salad - sprouted or grown in the garden. When I say that the green onion and egg salad is spring salad, it's more of a tribute to memories. In fact, this salad is prepared at any time of the year, depending on the mood.

    Green onion feather

  2. Wash and sort the green onions thoroughly, removing rotten and damaged feathers. If the green onions wilt a little, you should first put them in cold water, literally for an hour. The washed green onions should be dried from drops so that the water does not get into the salad.
  3. Fresh chicken eggs must be hard boiled. This, for sure, everyone can do. To prevent the eggshell from cracking during cooking, I pour the eggs with cold water and bring them to a boil over low heat. Eggs are kept in the refrigerator, and if you put them in boiling water, the shells usually crack. The same happens if you quickly bring the water to a boil - the eggs do not have time to warm up and cracks appear. I put the boiled eggs under a stream of cold tap water until they cool down. And immediately, without delay, I peel it from the shell.

    Fresh chicken eggs must be hard boiled

  4. Chop the green onion with a sharp knife. It is not worth chopping too finely, but coarse slicing is also not very suitable. For the green onion and egg salad, I do not use the white part of the onion - only the feather. The white part is cut off and used for preparing the first courses.

    Chop the green onion with a sharp knife

  5. I do not grate hard-boiled eggs, as many do. The boiled egg has a very delicate texture and crumbles a lot. It is best to cut the eggs into small cubes with a knife.
  6. Salt chopped green onions for salad and stir to dissolve the salt. Add the chopped eggs and stir.

    Salt chopped green onions for salad and stir to dissolve the salt. Add chopped eggs and stir

  7. Many people prefer mayonnaise as a salad dressing in green onions and eggs. Yes, it is tasty. I prefer thick sour cream, which goes well with spring salad. Sour cream needs a little pepper, just a little. If the sour cream has a slightly sour taste (considering that sour cream is a fermented milk product), I add 2-3 drops of good dark soy sauce. If the sour cream does not have a pronounced sour taste at all, then I add 2-3 drops of dark balsamic vinegar. Please note: drops, not spoons. Sour cream with additives is mixed until completely homogeneous.

    As a salad dressing, I prefer thick sour cream, which is great with spring salad.

  8. Season salad green onions with egg and mix.

My recipe for today won't be too elaborate or complicated. It will be light - both in taste and in terms of the cooking process, it will be fresh and very bright. You've probably already guessed what I want to offer you: a salad of boiled eggs and green onions, with cucumber and mayonnaise.

This is a very famous dish, they begin to cook it in early spring, as soon as juicy fresh cucumbers and green onions, pleasing to the eye and full of vitamins, appear on sale, and they finish it closer to autumn. That is why it is also called spring salad with green onions and eggs.

And also because it is just an explosion of freshness, some amazing fusion of lightness, enthusiasm and good mood. As I said, the recipe for salad with green onions and eggs is very simple and affordable, making it a pleasure. If this dish is still not in your cookbook yet, I will gladly tell you how to make a salad with green onions, eggs and cucumbers.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 medium-sized cucumbers;
  • 0.5 bunch of green onions;
  • dill, parsley;
  • salt;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. sour cream.

How to make a salad with green onions, egg and cucumber:

Boil the eggs hard-boiled - so that both the white and the yolk become hard. Cool, clean and cut into cubes with a side of 0.5-0.7 cm.

We also cut the cucumber into cubes, while trying to make them the same size as when cutting eggs. In this case, the finished salad will look neater and, as a result, more appetizing.

We cut the green onions.

And don't forget about the rest of the greens - dill and parsley.

We combine eggs, cucumbers, onions and herbs.

Now it's the turn to refuel. It seems to me that sour cream will be the best choice for this salad - it has a delicate taste, which will only emphasize the taste of other products. But I know that many people love this salad with green onions and eggs and cucumber with mayonnaise - well, well - that's their right. But then I advise you not to buy mayonnaise, but to cook it yourself - it will not only be tastier, but also healthier.

Now we just have to mix the salad with green onions and an egg and cucumber and add salt to taste (you can also black pepper if you like it).

I usually buy sour cream in the market, from a friend of the milkmaid - quite fat and certainly fresh, without sourness. The flavor of the dressing matters a lot to this salad, so don't compromise and only add good quality sour cream. If you chose mayonnaise instead of sour cream, the same advice can be applied to it.

This salad with green onions and eggs and cucumbers does not like to "stand" for a long time, that is, you should not cook it in advance, because the cucumbers can let the juice start and your dish will lose all its attractiveness. But you can prepare the ingredients in a few hours - wash vegetables and herbs, boil eggs and cut everything, and then hide in the refrigerator. And just before serving, the salad should be seasoned with sour cream.


  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • Bulb onions - 1-2 pcs.
  • Chicken fillet - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Cheese - 150-200 grams.
  • Greens - 2-3 branches.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Vinegar 7%.
  • Salt.

Everyone can cook a salad with onions and eggs, regardless of skills, but the result will delight home and the most fastidious guests.

Recipes for salads with onions and eggs are varied:

Firstly, onions - they can be green or onions, raw, pickled, fried.

Secondly, eggs - from just boiled hard boiled to tender and delicious egg pancakes or scrambled eggs.

Thirdly, additional ingredients. This is where the cook's imagination is not limited by anything. You can make an everyday fresh salad of cucumbers, eggs, and green onions with sour cream or mayonnaise.

A salad of squid with eggs and fried onions, laid in glasses and decorated with herbs, will suit the buffet table. For the holiday, you can prepare a puff salad of cheese, eggs and pickled onions with apples; hearty salad with mushrooms, fried onions, eggs; everyone's favorite crab salad with corn, boiled eggs and spicy onions.

By the way, a salad with crab sticks and eggs will become more interesting if you add green instead of onions.

Such a combination as eggs and onions can be found in a salad with fish, chicken, meat, liver, cheese, fresh or boiled vegetables, pickles. The piquant bitterness and juiciness of onions are in perfect harmony with the delicate and soft egg taste, and together they make any dish more interesting.

Fresh onion and egg salad will be a great addition to a healthy menu. The abundance of trace elements and easily digestible protein will saturate the body with everything it needs, energize. In particular, a regular green onion salad with egg, seasoned with sour cream, will be part of a healthy breakfast or light dinner. You can supplement it with tomatoes and cucumbers, cheese or cottage cheese, lean meat, aromatic herbs.

In turn, a salad with an egg and fried onions will serve as an excellent side dish, and if supplemented with the appropriate ingredients, it will take its rightful place even on the festive table. The same can be said for the pickled onion and egg salad. Boiled potatoes, mushrooms, seafood, various types of meat, fruits, pickles, beans are added to such snacks. For dressing such salads from onions and eggs, mayonnaise is mainly used.


A simple yet rich salad can be made with onions, chicken, cheese and eggs. This appetizer will complement the festive menu, delighting and satisfying all guests. Thanks to chicken, eggs and potatoes, the salad turns out to be very satisfying, and onions and cheese add spice.

  1. First you need to boil until cooked eggs (hard boiled), potatoes (in their uniform) and chicken fillet (with salt).
  2. Finely chop the onion, sprinkle with vinegar and leave for about 20 minutes. Rinse the pickled onions in ice water, squeeze.
  3. Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes or take apart into fibers.
  4. Chop the potatoes with a coarse grater.
  5. Finely chop the eggs with a fork.
  6. Grind the cheese on a medium grater.

Salad with potatoes, eggs, onions and chicken is best laid out on a flat dish.

  1. First, distribute the onion, put the chicken on top of it, make a dense mesh of mayonnaise.
  2. In the next step, evenly lay out the boiled potatoes, lightly salt, also coat with mayonnaise.
  3. Put chopped eggs on a potato layer, salt if necessary, make a mayonnaise mesh.
  4. Put grated cheese in the last layer, grease with mayonnaise on top, decorate with herbs. For decoration, you can use halves of olives or olives, onion rings.
  5. Put the salad in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, tightening with cling film.


A light, bright and delicious layered salad can be made with eggs, carrots, onions, and apples. You need to put finely chopped onions in a salad bowl. Distribute grated sweet and sour apples on top, then chopped boiled eggs. The next layer is grated raw carrots and the last is grated cheese. All layers must be coated with mayonnaise, if desired, you can repeat them again.

Delicate but satisfying salad is made from liver, onions and eggs with rice.

  1. The liver needs to be soaked in milk, fried, scrolled through a meat grinder.
  2. Chop the onion in half rings, fry in vegetable oil.
  3. Grind boiled eggs.
  4. Cook the rice with the addition of salt.
  5. Combine everything in a salad bowl, add grated cheese with mayonnaise, mix well.

By the way, liver salad is made without rice. In this case, in addition to eggs and onions, pickles, boiled carrots, and canned peas should be added to the salad.

You can also make a potato salad from eggs and onions with pickles. To do this, boil the potatoes in their uniforms, peel, cut into cubes. Grind the eggs in the same way. Chop pickled cucumbers with onions in half rings. Combine everything in a salad bowl, add chopped parsley, salt, mayonnaise, mix thoroughly.

A delicious rich taste will delight a salad of mushrooms, eggs and onions of two types at once - fried onion and fresh green. Mushrooms need to be fried in oil, at the end add onion chopped in half rings, cook for some more time. Boil the eggs, cut into cubes, chop the green onion. Mix everything, adding mayonnaise, cool.

The simplest salad can be made with fresh cucumbers, eggs, and green onions. Chop all products, salt, mix with sour cream or mayonnaise. A similar salad with an egg and green onions can be prepared without cucumbers, and mayonnaise can be mixed in equal proportions with sour cream.

A very simple, healthy and delicious recipe for green onion salad with sour cream. If possible, eat fresh green onions, they are very rich in vitamin C, which is known to be destroyed very quickly during heat treatment. Read about all the benefits of green onions after the recipe.


Green onions - 200 grams

Sour cream 10-20%- 1-2 tbsp

Salt taste

How to make green onion salad

1. Rinse the onion, cut into thin rings, salt. Stir and let stand for 5 minutes to juice onion.

Add sour cream to green onions. Mix.

Delicious green onion salad ready

Enjoy your meal!

Green onions are good. Diet recipe for green onions.

Green onions contain phytoncide substances that create a wonderful bactericidal and disinfecting effect. Accordingly, they help the body's immune system. Onions with a darker green color are healthier and have a more pungent smell, as they contain more phytoncides.

Bioflavonoids, which are also contained in batun, inhibit the growth of tumors in the body, that is, they have a carcinogenic effect. Batun reduces the risk of cancer of the oral cavity, colon, larynx.

Green onions are a storehouse of vitamins. 100 grams of onions can exceed the daily requirement of vitamin C. It is important to say that vitamin C is perfectly preserved in dried green onions.

They are rich in green onions and indigestible fiber in fiber, which helps to regulate digestion and relieve constipation.

It is important to remember that vitamin C is destroyed in 5 minutes. Therefore, you need to put green onions in a ready-made dish, poured into a plate or eat a bite.

A very healthy, dietary recipe for green onions: Chop green onions and low-fat yogurt in a blender and eat with crisps.