How to choose a ripe watermelon. How to choose a ripe, juicy and sweet watermelon? How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon by the appearance of the bark

How to choose the right delicious and ripe watermelon , what signs should you pay attention to? This material will help you choose sweet watermelons with juicy flesh without high concentrations of dangerous nitrates.

First rule: season of watermelons.
It is best to buy watermelons at the end of summer, then this berry no longer contains a lot of nitrates and will bring maximum benefit, joy and pleasure.

Second rule: The "right" places.
It is recommended to buy melons and watermelons only in special places that are intended for the sale of melons: in equipped tents and shops. In such tents, there must be a hinged awning, and fruits and berries must be placed on special flooring, above the ground at least 14 cm.

Third rule: unharmed and whole.
When buying a watermelon, you need to carefully examine it from all sides, you need to make sure that the fruit is not damaged. It should not have any bruises, cracks or other visible flaws, and even more so the fruit should not be rotten.

Fourth rule: fruit size.
When choosing a watermelon or a melon, a lot of buyers are guided by the size of the fruit, but this is absolutely not a guarantee of good taste and maturity.

Fifth rule: shiny hard crust.
The mature minke whale has a hard and shiny crust that is difficult to pierce with a fingernail.

Sixth rule:
the degree of banding.
To buy a good watermelon, be sure to pay attention to how much striped watermelon... After all, the more contrasting color of the watermelon crust, the more ripe it is.

Seventh rule: yellow speck on the side.
As a rule, while a watermelon ripens in the field, it "lays" one side for itself and a bright spot is formed there. If the fruit is ripe, the spot is bright yellow, sometimes the speck becomes orange.

Eighth rule: dry tail.
A dry tail has always been a sign that the watermelon is ripe. When ripe, the watermelon "disconnects" from the bush by drying out the tail. But do not forget that fruits that have been plucked long ago can also have such a dry tail, and at the same time they will not necessarily be ripe.

Ninth rule: who is tastier - "boy" or "girl"?
As you know, among the watermelons there are "boys" there are "girls". If "boy", then on the opposite side of the tail, the bottom of the fruit is slightly convex, and for "girls" the bottom is flat and decorated with a wide circle. It is believed that "girls" are tastier and sweeter, they have more sugar and many fewer seeds.

Tenth rule:"Ringing" watermelons.
If the watermelon is already ripe, then when tapped, it emits a ringing, not a dull sound.

That's all the secrets to choosing a delicious watermelon. Before serving it, you need this sweet and fragrant berry be sure to wash under running water.

In the photo: 8 eight most important signs ripe watermelon:

How to choose a nitrate-free watermelon?
Some unscrupulous melon growers, fertilizing the soil with nitrates, often exceed the permissible norms in pursuit of fast ripening of fruits and fast yields.

So, you should be alerted by the following signs that will help you avoid food poisoning"chemical" watermelons:

  • bright yellow fibers that go to the rind of the watermelon to the core;
  • excessively bright red with a purple tint;
  • instead of sparkling grains on the cut - a smooth, too glossy surface.

Watermelon attracts not only with its taste. It is rich in easily digestible sugars, mainly fructose, trace elements (magnesium, potassium, etc.), pectin substances... IN watermelon a lot of folic acid - 150 g of the fruit is enough to meet the daily requirement for this vitamin. Distinctive property watermelon is his low calorie content: 100 g of the edible part of the fruit contains only 27 kcal. The pulp of the unique berry quenches thirst well. In hot weather, we lose not only water with sweat, but also a number of trace elements, therefore it is valuable that watermelon, unlike many drinks, compensates for our losses in fluid and trace elements, increases the body's resistance to hot weather. Availability in watermelon a large number fiber helps the proper functioning of the intestines, improves digestion. Fiber in watermelon delicate, so it works very delicately. And one more useful substance provides us watermelon... We are talking about lycopene - a natural antioxidant, a representative of a large group of substances that are mainly found in foods vegetable origin and are known for their antitumor effects. Good watermelon- valuable dietary product that can be recommended to people of all ages. It is a diuretic and choleretic agent, has a healing effect in diseases of the liver, gallbladder, kidney and urinary tract. Delicate fiber and low acidity allows you to use watermelons those who suffer from gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa), gastroduodenitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum).

Where do bad watermelons come from?

Recently, attitudes towards watermelon have changed somewhat. This alertness, I must say, is not unfounded. Do watermelon both improper storage conditions and violation of trade rules can be hazardous to health. Experts say that the first to be wary of roadside watermelon collapses, where substandard or rejected goods by trade and sanitary inspectors flock. According to the rules, roadside trade in melons and gourds is generally prohibited, and goods from such points should be withdrawn. A few hours are enough to watermelons absorbed from car exhaust heavy metals... According to the rules, the place of trade must be fenced off, be under a canopy. Place the watermelons on the trays, not heap them on the ground. The casually sketched watermelons dirt and pathogens can penetrate through microcracks. The seller must have a permit from the sanitary-epidemiological station (SES) for trade and a medical book. Finally, a certificate of conformity of the sold product to the requirements of the standard is required. After reviewing the certificate, you can verify the origin watermelon... In addition, the certificate controls the content of mineral fertilizers, the amount of radiation, heavy metals, etc. If a photocopy is made of the certificate, you should pay attention to the print, which must be in color. If the seal is black, the certificate is forged.

No windows, no doors. The room is full of nitrates

Watermelon, like all melons, is a very grateful plant. Under certain conditions, in one season, you can manage to collect more than one crop of these berries. But "intensive" farming, the desire to achieve a fast harvest, the largest possible fruits, as well as violations of the rules of transportation, storage and trade turn the dietary product into a source of trouble. To watermelon it matured faster and gained weight, craftsmen overfeed it with fertilizers, mainly nitrogen - nitrates (nitric acid salts: sodium, potassium, ammonium, calcium nitrate). The introduction of nitrates into the soil is accompanied by their accumulation in the pulp of the plant. Lack of sun and an abundance of moisture contribute to the accumulation of nitrates. Nitrates themselves are slightly toxic, but they are precursors of N-nitroso compounds that have the ability to cause oncological diseases and nitrites. The conversion of nitrates to nitrites occurs in the gastrointestinal tract with the participation of microflora. Some more of them enter the body in finished form: some of the nitrates are already in watermelon converted to nitrite, facilitated by high humidity. With an increase in shelf life, the content of nitrites in watermelon increases several times. Nitrites, unlike nitrates, are toxic compounds. They disrupt the transport function of blood, affecting hemoglobin - the oxygen carrier to tissues. Hypoxia occurs - oxygen starvation of tissues, which is especially difficult for children, as well as those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, excretory systems.

The purity of a watermelon is a guarantee of health

Often cause of unpleasant effects from eating watermelons we ourselves. On the peel watermelon particles of soil, dust, various microorganisms are preserved, therefore, a poorly washed fruit can cause an intestinal infection. Shouldn't buy watermelons with a damaged crust or already cut. Bacteria multiply rapidly on the sweet surface of the damaged fruit in the presence of air (even a small wound is enough), and when eaten watermelon the occurrence of gastrointestinal disorders is possible. In addition, it is not uncommon watermelon not eaten immediately and stored cut when room temperature... Under these conditions, microorganisms also begin to multiply on the surface of the fetus.

Trouble from watermelon

Unfortunately, today no one can guarantee the good quality watermelon 100 percent unless you personally raised it. Since the consequences of eating a poor-quality product are very serious, you should not offer it to children under 2 years of age. How younger child, the less protected his body from adverse effects - microbes, nitrates, toxins, the more severe the consequences can be. Older children watermelon it is advisable to offer it during its natural ripening period - at the end of August, in autumn. By this time watermelons are already ripening without fertilizers, and taste qualities they are much higher during this period. For a kid 2-3 years old, 80-100 g is enough watermelon, for a child 3-6 years old - 100-150 g. Poor quality watermelon can cause frustration gastrointestinal tract... The time of their appearance ranges from 1-2 hours to 1-2 days after using the product. The younger the child is, the earlier they can occur. External manifestations of disorders: weakness, lethargy, headache, fever, paroxysmal abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, upset stools, which can lead to dehydration. Depending on the amount of a harmful agent that has entered the body, on age and individual resistance, the disease can proceed in different forms... In a mild form, weakness, lethargy, nausea, 1-2 times vomiting and / or 1-2 times liquefied stools are observed. Severe disorders in the work of organs and systems are accompanied by pronounced weakness, headache, high temperature, repeated vomiting and liquefied stools, leading to dehydration. The child needs help before the doctor arrives. The main goal is to give the baby as much as possible more water and thereby reduce the manifestations of the disease. Frequent fractional drinking is necessary. When vomiting, the child is drunk with a teaspoon and even a pipette. It is better to add REGYDRON, GASTROLIT, ENTERODEZ to your drink - specialized formulations to restore the loss of not only liquid, but also salts. Used drugs that can attract harmful substances and remove them from the body (sorbents) - SMEKTA, ENTEROSGEL, POLIFEPAM. For abdominal pains, it is necessary to give drugs that relieve intestinal spasm - NO-SHPU, PAPAVERIN, but not in any case painkillers (analgesics), such as analgin. It should be remembered that under the mask of poisoning, surgical pathology can often lurk, for example, appendicitis - an inflammation of the appendix. Taking analgesics can mask the signs of appendicitis, while the pathological process will develop gradually. An untimely diagnosis is fraught with serious complications and can be costly for the child's health. After a qualified examination, the pediatrician will prescribe the necessary therapy. In severe cases of the disease, the child may require systematic medical supervision and assistance in a hospital setting.

So how? You haven't stopped loving yet watermelons? Well, right. And to avoid the troubles caused by their use, heed the advice of a specialist.

  1. Before you cut watermelon, do not forget to wash it thoroughly warm water with soap.
  2. Cut watermelon store only in the refrigerator.
  3. IN different parts plants accumulate nitrates unevenly. Research shows that in watermelon the most poisonous is the flesh at the peel about 3 cm thick, so it is better to offer the child the part that is closer to the core.
  4. When enjoying your favorite product, know when to stop. Measure the amount watermelon and the age of the child.

Watermelon is a valuable and tasty product that can bring real pleasure. But only if it is properly grown, properly stored, properly sold and properly eaten.

How to store it correctly watermelon

Watermelons can long time store in fresh... At proper storage he can decorate the table not only on New Year, but even on March 8. To do this, you should buy in the fall watermelon weighing no more than 4 kg with a dry tail. It is desirable that the yellow spot on the side is as small as possible. Wash, dry, place watermelon in a net and hang in a dark cool place, preferably in a cellar, at a temperature not higher than +5 C so that it does not touch anything. You can, of course, do with a dark closet in the apartment, but in this case watermelon will be able to survive only until the end of the year.

How to choose watermelon... Learning to choose watermelons!

  1. To watermelon brought joy and pleasure, we must remember: best time for purchase watermelon in Russia it is the end of summer and autumn.
  2. Watermelon should be purchased in places specially designated for trade, in stores, and not in spontaneous markets.
  3. From watermelons one grade and one batch is better to choose watermelon large, but not gigantic. The larger and lighter at the same time watermelon, the more ripe it is. When choosing watermelons too small and too large should be avoided.
  4. A dry tail is a sign of ripeness. Ripe, watermelon first of all, "disconnects" from melon - his tail dries up. Then the pigment chlorophyll, which is no longer necessary for it, ceases to be produced, which catches sunlight and ensures respiration and development of plants, and under the influence of light, light spots appear. This is a sure sign that watermelon ripe.
  5. Light spot on the side that lay watermelon should be as yellow as possible, even orange.
  6. The striped crust should be as contrasting as possible.
  7. Ripe watermelon necessarily covered with a hard shiny crust, which is difficult to pierce with a fingernail, and all because, "breaking" with melon, watermelon is no longer able to absorb moisture and its crust hardens. But if the nail pierces easily watermelon ny skin means the fruit is raw, unripe. You can also rub the crust and smell: the smell of freshly cut grass also speaks of substandardness.
  8. Ripe watermelon always bouncing under shock and sometimes resonating when tapped. If you knock on it, you hear not a dull sound, but a clear, sonorous sound.
  9. You can attach watermelon to your ear and squeeze it with your hands as hard as you can. In ripe berries, the peel will slightly bend and crackle.
  10. ... To check watermelon on ripeness, it is thrown into the water, floats up - it means ripe.
  11. Watermelon is a bisexual berry. In a "male" individual, the bottom of the berry is convex, and the circle on it is small. For "girls" the bottom is flatter, and the circle is wide. "Girls" are considered tastier: they have fewer seeds and more sugar.

SOS signals. Nitrate watermelon.

If watermelon"overfed" with nitrates, he himself signals this to us, demonstrating the following signs:

  • intense red color of the flesh with a slight purple tint;
  • the fibers that go from the core to the crust are not white, as expected, but with all shades of yellow;
  • at the "wrong" watermelon and the cut surface is smooth, glossy, and in the "correct" watermelon it sparkles with grains;
  • Mash a piece of watermelon pulp in a glass of water. If watermelon good, the water will just become cloudy. If watermelon"harmful", the water will turn red or pink.

Early products usually contain more nitrates than in late summer or autumn. Although this depends not only on the season, but also on watering and on growing conditions. Allowable rate nitrates in watermelon- 60 mg per 1 kg.

It is recommended to buy watermelons from reliable sellers, and the berries should be protected from dust, and not laid in a slide near the road. Some buyers try it to determine the maturity of watermelons, but you should not do this, because along with the juicy pulp, you can bring harmful microorganisms into your body that have got on the slice with the environment... For sanitary reasons, it is not recommended to purchase watermelons with a crack, albeit a small one, as well as a bruise. These places can serve as an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.

Some watermelon growers apply a significant amount of fertilizers, especially nitrogen, to the soil to obtain increased yields. As a result of such events, the fruits develop intensively, become large, but they, as a rule, do not ripen and pose a danger to human health. Each of the sellers must carry a certificate that confirms the absence harmful substances in watermelons. Sometimes nitrates are injected into the fetus with a syringe to accelerate the ripening of the pulp, but in this case, you can see the puncture site.

If nitrates are introduced from the soil, then it was previously impossible to determine their presence without cutting the fruit. However, now there are nitrate meters on sale - devices that will show the content of nitrates in a watermelon. It is useful to have a nitratometer on the farm to measure the indicators of these substances when purchasing all vegetables and fruits.

Usually, when cutting a natural watermelon without the participation of chemistry, black seeds can be found, and the presence of harmful substances gives out insufficiently sweet and light pulp, unripe seeds. Have natural product when broken, the grainy middle is exposed, while the overfed fruit contains a significant amount of fiber. The presence of white streaks usually indicates a lack of warmth during maturation, and formation yellow color indicate an excess of mineral fertilizers. If the flesh of the watermelon is too bright, you need to cut off a piece and stir in water. Usually, a change in the color of the liquid indicates artificial tinting.

How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon by its appearance

A fully ripe watermelon should weigh within 6 kilograms, but even with smaller fruits, they can be ripe, but they need to be further tested. It is better not to take berries of significant weight if you do not plan to eat everything on the day of purchase, because the cut fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Melon growers say that irregularly shaped watermelons are often much sweeter than standard specimens.

When any kind of watermelon ripens, the color of the stripes on its peel contrasts with the main color. When choosing, pay special attention to the spot of contact of the fruit with the ground - in a ripe and sweet watermelon it is yellow with a diameter of 10 centimeters or more, in immature it is white. The rind of sweet, fully ripe watermelons is easily scraped off with a fingernail.

The peduncle in a mature fruit is yellowish and dry, in an unripe watermelon it is green. With an experienced eye, you can determine how the tail of the fruit separated from the main stem - it was torn off itself or it was torn off for a long time, it is more difficult to determine the cut with a knife. If there is no tail on the watermelon, then it was removed on purpose, so it is not recommended to buy such a fruit.

Other signs of a ripe watermelon can be considered a dull sound when tapping on the fruit, a characteristic crackle when pressed, as well as plaque on the surface. The density of the fruit pulp decreases during ripening, so a high-quality berry does not sink in water.

When watermelons ripen

The ripening period of watermelon berries depends on the variety and other biological characteristics of this culture. Under standard growing conditions in warm regions, the crops in question begin to ripen in mid-summer, but are harvested selectively. Melon growers pay attention to the fact that berries intended for transportation over long distances are picked in a few days from the moment of physiological maturity.

Midsummer is the approximate ripening period for the first watermelons. In fact, it all depends on many factors: the growing region, the variety used, the soil conditions, as well as the technology (plants can develop and produce crops in unprotected soil or greenhouses). Depending on the selected variety, from the moment of germination to the appearance of the first harvest, it can take from 65 days (for early ripening watermelons) to 100 days (for late varieties).

Most delicious berries with sweet pulp are obtained in the southern regions of our country, when grown on light sandy soils, and it is absolutely useless to grow such varieties of watermelons in middle lane or Siberia, where loamy and cold soils are present. Crops that will be planted in the considered climatic zones will not only mature late, but also will not have time to accumulate enough sugar, and the fruits will be lopsided. It has been noticed that the ripening of watermelons can be delayed in the event of a rainy summer and an imbalance in positive temperatures. In such situations, to accelerate the ripening processes, a frame is arranged over the crops and a transparent plastic film is stretched.

Tips for choosing a sweet and ripe watermelon - video

« Himself - scarlet sugar, caftan - green velvet. " All kids can easily guess this riddle. Juicy, sweet and velvety watermelon pulp pleasantly refreshing on a hot day, quenches thirst and is a source of vitamin C, iron, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, pectin and fiber. However, how many times have we brought home a big beautiful watermelon, gathered at the table with the whole family, cut it and ... were disappointed. Instead of the scarlet pulp splashing with juice, something pale pink and completely tasteless appeared before our eyes. It is even more offensive when, after tasting a quite decent-looking watermelon, symptoms of poisoning appear - headache, nausea and vomiting. This reaction is caused by the nitrates contained in watermelons, which appeared in the process of growing the fruit due to the use of a large amount of mineral fertilizers.

How to choose the right ripe watermelon

It's not difficult at all if you know a few simple rules... So, let's learn to choose the perfect watermelon, aromatic, sugar, melt in your mouth and without nitrates!

Rule 1. Look at the calendar.

The most delicious ones ripen in season, that is, from the second half of August to the end of September. Early watermelons are rich in nitrates, since some producers, in an effort to reap the harvest, feed melons with nitrogen fertilizers and growth stimulants. If you want to enjoy watermelons without health consequences, be patient!

Rule 2. Meeting place can not be Changed.

It is very important where you buy the watermelon. Melons should be sold either in a store or in stalls with an awning, on special flooring located at a height of at least 15 cm from the ground. The fact is that delicate watermelon pulp is a suitable breeding ground for microorganisms that get inside through invisible cracks along with dust and dirt. All melons and gourds instantly absorb hazardous substances from the environment, so never buy them near highways, because car exhaust contains harmful substances and heavy metals. For the same reason, do not take cut watermelons, which are literally teeming with germs. In this case, even certificates will not help - an initially flawless watermelon can be very hazardous to health.

Rule 3. They are greeted by clothes.

Carefully examine and feel the watermelon from all sides - there should not be even small cracks, dents, soft spots, scratches and other damages on the watermelon rind, through which bacteria and microbes can easily penetrate. It is good if the watermelon has a spherical or slightly elongated shape, uniform and even color - this is a huge plus for the watermelon image. Bright and contrasting stripes are a sure sign of ripeness of a watermelon, as well as a shiny "wooden" crust, which cannot be pierced with a fingernail, but easily scratched. Rub the watermelon rind with your finger - y unripe fruit the smell of fresh hay will be clearly felt.

Rule 4. It's all about the ponytail.

The watermelon tail must be dry - when the watermelon ripens, it stops taking moisture from the ground and dries up. If the tail is green, it means that the watermelon is plucked before full ripeness, although from the long-collected unripe fruits the green tail turns yellow over time. There is an important difference between a mature and immature tail - in a ripe watermelon, the tail is fragile and breaks easily, while in an unripe fruit it is more sluggish. If the tail is cut off, bypass such watermelons - most likely, the sellers decided to disguise the poor quality of the crop.

Rule 5. These mysterious yellow spots.

Since it lies on one side for a long time, a bright spot of a rich yellow or orange hue is formed at the point of contact with the ground - it is called a "cheek". A surface that is too light, large or unevenly colored should alert you, as this is a sure sign that the watermelon is undersized on the melon. The optimal size of the "cheek" is 5-10 cm. There is another sign of ripeness - small light spots that appear on the entire surface watermelon peel after the cessation of chlorophyll production.

Rule 6. Large or small?

The correct answer is average. Large watermelons, despite their tempting appearance, are often grown using nitrates, and small fruits are often unsweetened. Sometimes there are exceptions - small watermelons can be sugar and tasty, while large watermelons can be watery, unsweetened and pale pink.

Rule 7. Voiced and ripe.

Knock on the watermelon with your fist - ripe fruits emit a clear and sonorous sound, and unripe watermelons respond deafly. You can put your ear to the watermelon as you would sea ​​shell, and squeeze it slightly - a ripe watermelon will crackle slightly.

Rule 8. Girl or boy?

It turns out that watermelons are gender. In female fruits, the lower part is completely flat with a large brown circle, while in male fruits it is convex and with a very small circle. Know that the sweetest and tastiest are "girls", besides, they have much fewer seeds.

Rule 9. Watermelon "passport".

If you found the most best watermelon and are ready to buy it, ask the seller for a quality certificate, which can be considered a kind of watermelon "passport". The certificate must contain the following data: the "homeland" of the watermelon, its age, that is, the timing of harvest, the content of nitrates and other characteristics, on the basis of which it is possible to draw a final conclusion whether or not there is a watermelon on your table. If the seller shows you a photocopy of the certificate, take a closer look at the print - it must certainly be in color, not black and white. If you suspect fake documents, do not risk it - health is more expensive.

Rule 10."Exposing" nitrates.

Finally, you bought the “right” watermelon, brought it home and cut it up. Do not rush to taste, first make sure that the fruit is not nitrate. You should be alerted by the following points - incredibly bright watermelon pulp with a lilac hue, yellow fibers in the pulp and a smooth gloss on the cut of the watermelon instead of a granular surface. Remember that nitrates are concentrated closer to the crust, so always leave the juicy core for babies - it is just the tastiest.

Enjoy the aromatic and sweet pulp, juices and summer desserts, which are very fond of children. You can also arrange watermelon fasting days and losing weight is tasty, easy and healthy. We wish you a pleasant watermelon time and a juicy fruity mood!

Ah, summer, summer! It's a great time when all people are resting, children are on vacation, adults go on their well-deserved vacation. And immediately the hikes to the beaches and trips to the sea begin. But summer is not only sun and tan, but also delicious watermelons! In the summer this big berry becomes a faithful companion on every trip to the forest, on a picnic, on a hike, to the beach, on a visit. You can buy a watermelon and just go home. He will not let you get bored and hungry. However, choose ripe, juicy and delicious watermelon- not an easy task. To buy only delicious food, you need to know when to buy them and what they should be.

How to choose a ripe watermelon

A well-ripened berry is tasty, healthy, it's just a pleasure. Many do not know how and do not know how to choose the right watermelon. In order for the purchased berry to please with its taste, you need to know a few tricks. You need to be guided by them when you go to buy a watermelon:

  • Place of trade.
  • Berry color and contrast.
  • Sound quality.
  • Peel requirements.
  • Weight range.

Requirements for the place of purchase

To purchase a truly delicious watermelon, you need to decide where is the best place to do it. You shouldn't buy the miracle berry in street tents. Of course, it is better to give preference to proven places (shops, shopping centers, civilized markets). The first thing to look for when choosing a watermelon is the storage conditions. The berries should be in trays that are specially designed for this. Moreover, their height should be at least a quarter of a meter.

In addition, watermelons should be hidden from direct sunlight, i.e. in mandatory be under a canopy. Don't be shy about asking for a certificate. The seller must have a document in his hands that will at least testify that his product has passed the examination and does not contain more than the established level of nitrates. If your health is precious, then you should not be afraid to defend your rights. One simple question about certification can easily prevent the possibility of food poisoning.

If you are satisfied with the quality of the place where the watermelons are sold, and the owner has Required documents on your product, but at the same time its shelter is located next to the road, then you should not buy a watermelon in this place, even if it seems ideal to you. By their properties, melons perfectly absorb everything from the environment, because there are many microcracks on their bark. Stripes that are sold along highways absorb a large amount of exhaust gases and pollutants. By consuming them, you can cause serious damage to your health.

What a ripe watermelon should sound like

A ripe berry, when tapped on it, should respond with a dull sound, as if there is nothing under its bark. And if it is possible to squeeze the watermelon from both sides, then you should definitely perform such a procedure. If the minke whale responds with a sonorous crackle, then you can be sure - it was picked from the garden on time, it is very juicy and ripe.

Requirements for the condition of the peel and its color

Watermelons must be of the correct spherical shape. This criterion does not apply to Japanese square berries, which are grown using a special technology in glass cubes - this is a completely different matter. The color of the peel of the watermelon should be dark, and the darker, the better and tastier it will be, and the stripes should be as light as possible. The higher the contrast of the berry, the more likely it will be tasty and juicy. As for the peel, it must be firm and shiny, without any deposits. The hardness is determined by the fingers: if the berries have a soft skin, then they are most likely not ripe. It is worth trying to rub the shell with your fingernail. If it scratches easily, this is definitely a plus in favor of choosing this watermelon. On the surface of the fruit there should not be any cracks, spots, etc. It should be solid, because all extraneous points indicate the unnaturalness of the minke. In addition, such inclusions can tell about the introduction of injections of various drugs.

Most likely, earlier you could hear that if there is a yellow speck on the side of a watermelon, this speaks in favor of its ripeness. Yes, this is so, but this mark must necessarily be bright yellow, in no case white. White spot just shows how the watermelon lay (and possibly was stored for a long time) on the ground. Such a fruit is unlikely to please anyone with its taste.

Often times, people don't know how to choose sweet watermelon, and ask the seller for help. Unfortunately, the time has passed when people at the counter were afraid for their reputation and gladly helped the buyer. Nowadays, the majority is aimed at selling their goods at any cost. Find a good seller who will really help you in your choice good fruit, - very great luck. Therefore, everyone should know how to choose the right ripe watermelon.

Do not buy berries with a cut from the middle. This is bad not only from a hygienic point of view (after all, you do not know what kind of knife you did the autopsy with), but also from the point of view of safety, since being cut or at least cut, the berry will no longer retain its taste for a long time if it is not put in the refrigerator. Also, do not buy damaged watermelons, even if they are offered at a discounted price. Better pay more for a delicious and ripe fruit than suffer sweat from stomach problems.

Another useful and equally important factor when choosing a watermelon is the dry tail of the berry. When ripe, the minke whale itself breaks off on the melon from the place of its ripening, like any other of its family. But, unfortunately, a dry tail may indicate that it was plucked a very long time ago, so this sign is only additional in the question of how to choose a good watermelon.

Mass requirements

When choosing a watermelon, you should give preference to those fruits that are small in size. It is better that the weight does not exceed ten kilograms. Stripes heavier than this mark are large in volume and are usually famous for their unnaturalness. But you should not chase small watermelons - they are usually unripe and unripe. The main thing is that before you have a purchased minke whale, you should smell it. So to speak, to check whether he grew up himself or was helped by the miracles of chemistry. If it gives off a sour smell, it is better not to take it: you can easily get nitrate poisoning. If there is no pronounced specific aroma, you can be proud of yourself: you bought a good, natural watermelon.

How to choose a watermelon girl

Many people do not like to eat watermelon due to the presence of a large number of seeds in them. In order not to suffer with them, you can cheat a little and find a special fruit, namely a watermelon girl. It is not very easy to buy it, because almost everything is on sale for the selection of boys. And according to statistics, there is only one girl for every twenty watermelon boys, and, as you understand, it is very rare to meet her on the market.

So how to identify a ripe girl watermelon? Stripes by sex are identified only by their bottom. The "soft spot" of the girl's watermelon is flat, with a large speck, while in the guy-berries it is embossed and has a smaller speck. The difference in this mark on the bottom lies in the flower that blooms during the ripening of the girls.

If you know how to choose a ripe watermelon-boy, then there will be no difficulties with the purchase of a berry-girl too.

How to choose between two identical watermelons

We are all very indecisive and want the very best product. In people, uncertainty is always born about which berry to give preference to, when both of them suit them. How to choose a delicious watermelon from two looking alike? When choosing between two identical berries, you should give preference to the one that will be easier. The entire weight of a watermelon depends on how much water it contains. With the same volume, a large mass will indicate its juiciness, and in a smaller striped berry the flesh will be sweeter.

The first signs of a delicious watermelon

Let's summarize a little all the information on how to choose a ripe watermelon, and what you should pay attention to:

  • The average size.
  • Smooth, clean, shiny rind.
  • High contrast of watermelon stripes.
  • Small yellow or orange spot on the side, but by no means white.
  • The rind should be firm when pressed with your fingernail.
  • Dry tail.
  • When choosing between a boy and a girl, take the girl and distinguish them by their curvy and flat ass.
  • Crunches when pressed, buzzes when slapped.
  • No cracks or violations of the skin cover.
  • Large volume and light weight.
  • No sour odor when cut.