Simple recipes for the preparation of zucats from watermelon crusts. The easiest recipe of candied watermelon crusts

30.08.2019 Fish dishes

Watermelon candies are probably the most unpropered delicacy. And in vain. After all, it is in the peak of watermelon that the maximum of useful substances for the body remains.

In the cheese of the crusts are unsuitable for food, but when you learn how to make candies from watermelon crusts, then all winter can indulge yourself with sweet and fragrant slices of summer.

Homemade Tuts from Watermelons with Lemon

In the store to meet such a product is very difficult, but for cookies from watermelon crusts at home can any hostess. Sweet preparation scheme is:

  • 4 kilogram watermelon;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 lemon juice.

Homemade tuts are preparing from watermelons like this:

Ready homemade candied fruits from watermelons need to be stored in the covered container, so that dust did not fall on the candied slices, and they are not reset.

Simple recipe for watermelon zucats with lime

While there is a hot waterbuzzy collection season, you can cook a simple zuchati recipe with lime. Such a drying option is stored for a long time, is used simply for food, as well as to add to the baking. For independent cooking at home, take:

  • 1 kg. crusts;
  • 1 kg and 200 gr. sugar;
  • 700 ml. water;
  • pair of limes.

The manual of home cooking is not distinguished by complex manipulations.

  1. To begin with, we cook crusts. We clean from residual pink pulp and green outer layer.
  2. Cut pieces. You can take a knife for curly cutting and use it. So slices will be much more cute.
  3. Blanch them in boiling water. Separately in the saucepan can be prepared syrup from sugar and water.
  4. We send ready-made crusts into syrup, add the lime zest, and cook a minute 5. This will give the candied with a light citrus tint of taste, and the lime pieces themselves are also incredibly tasty.
  5. Cook for 5 minutes. I cool up to a warm state. Heat-cool dish 10 times. On the 5th time, squeeze lime juice into the container.
  6. After all, we are posting homemade tuts from watermelons into a baking shape and send an hour in the ovens for an hour, heated it up to 50 degrees.

Recipe for Cucuts from Watermelon Cork "Useful Candy"

Following the step-by-step preparation scheme, you will find application, at first glance, absolutely unnecessary raw materials. And if you tinker in the process of cooking useful candy with bright fruit juices, the result will pleasantly surprise. Take:

  • 1.5 kg. crusts;
  • 1 kg. sugar;
  • half a glass of saturated color juice;
  • vanilla (optional);

The instruction of step-by-step preparation of such a dish, like candle of crust, looks like this:

  1. Cut a rigid green crust with a sharp knife. My and cut them on neat lumps. We put them in a saucepan.
  2. I spend the sugar and leave. Corks should let juice.
  3. We pour any bright-grained juice, throw vanilla and put a saucepan on a slow fire.
  4. We bring to the state of boiling, cook 40 minutes before the transparency of pieces.
  5. We lay out slices on a baking sheet, checking it in front of this wax paper.
  6. Leave to dry up to the desired hardness. Subsequently, we fall asleep with sugar powder and remove into the container in which you are going to store them. The vacuum container is best suited.

Natural candy will be a useful sweet snack for any child.

Recipe for watermelon candies in a slow cooker

Fast and simple recipe for watermelon candies are perfect for lovers of light methods in cooking. You can prepare your own product using:

  • 1.5 kg. Cork watermelon;
  • 2.5 kg. sugar;
  • 1.5 l. water;
  • 5 gr. lemon acid;
  • sugar powder (for sinking).

The preparation instruction is as follows:

  1. We pour cleansed and sliced \u200b\u200bcrop with water in a suitable container.
  2. We leave for three days. 2 times a day we change water in the tank.
  3. We merge the water into a colander, we rinse and send to the multicooker bowl.
  4. We pour water so that all pieces are in the liquid. I exhibit the position "Cooking for a couple".
  5. After 20 minutes, we drag the water, and the crusts again lay in the bowl. We pour 1.5 l. Waters, sugar and lemon sugar and acid. Mix and turn on the "Pilaf" mode.
  6. After the end of the cooking lay out slices on the baking sheet, removed by a paper towel. We dry 5-6 hours and remove into storage tank.

To certainly want to master at home the recipe of candied fruit crusts, you can just look at numerous photos of delicacy. Even in the picture, it looks more than appetizing. Try to diversify your culinary experience and please the delicious dish of children.

Video: Cooks from watermelon crusts at home

In the season of watermelons do not rush to throw crusts after you have been having a sweet red flesh. Of these, you can cook delicious jams or candles, which will certainly become a favorite delicacy. Cuccats made from watermelon crust - unique sweetness, which is not sold in the store, and only with their own hands you can cook an unusual dessert.

The advantage of sweet berries is that the pulp consists of 90-95% of the water. It also includes fruit acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Few people know that the peel of watermelons also contains a number of useful substances: magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, C, P, and this is not a complete list.

Useful substances can be obtained from both fresh watermelon and from recycled pulp. Watermelons can be preserved, they make jam, jams, pulp are even solid.

Harm sweet berries is a high content of chemicals that are often used for rapid maturation. Also, watermelon flesh is not recommended to be used in acute diseases of the urogenital system, pancreas diseases, diabetes mellitus.

As for the citades and jam from the crust and the meat of watermelon, many vitamins and minerals are destroyed during heat treatment. In the process of preparation, a large amount of sugar is added, which increases the calorie content of the final product. If you look at the situation on the other hand, heavy metals and nitrates come out of crusts with long-term welding, which are concentrated to a greater extent in the peel of watermelons.

Important! Without the addition of sugar, Cucuts can be prepared from the watermelon, but in the end it will turn out a tasteless product. For the sake of sweet fruit taste and this dessert is done, so it's not worth refusing to sugar. However, it is worth noting that people suffering from diabetes and overweight, from the dessert it is better to refuse.

How to prepare in five stages of candied fruit crusts?

All the recipes of the zucats from the watermelon crust are similar in the fact that for cooking at home, sweet slices will need to pass five stages of cooking. Some mistresses ignore some stages, which is not recommended. Otherwise, the product may simply fail.

  1. Stage 1. Clean the crust. Using a fitting device for cleaning vegetables, cut green peel. Remove the remnants of meakty. Ideally, you should only have a white part from which the candies are made.
  2. Stage 2. Put the crusts. To get rid of nitrates, crusts should be held in cold water for 2-3 hours. For these purposes, you can also blanch the crusts. For this, pieces are placed on 5-7 minutes in boiling water, and then lowered under the stream of very cold water.
  3. 3 stage. Cook slices. This stage is quite long, but also the most responsible. Initially, you need to weld the sweet syrup where watermelon cubes or shelters are laid out. Some first fall asleep sugar in a crust and wait until juice appears, and then put on fire. After the syrup boils, the lumps are boiled about 10 minutes. The saucepan is removed from the plate and left for 7-8 hours. Then the crusts again put on the stove, and the procedure is repeated. It is necessary to do so at least 8-9 times. As a result, transparent pieces should be obtained, which will be completely impregnated with syrup.
  4. 4 stage. Sorsheh Cuokati. Put pieces on a baking sheet, which pre-lay in parchment. We sprinkle from above with a small amount of sugar, put the oven for 50-60 minutes warmed up to 60 degrees. It is important to catch the moment when the tsukata will be ready. They should not be sticky, outside the surface should be an elastic, smooth, and inside they remain gentle, slightly viscous.
  5. 5 stage. Storage. Finished citades should be cooled and decompose on banks for further storage. Preferences should be given to containers with hermetic glass lids. The jars are pre-smelled and thoroughly dried. Sweet pieces in them can be stored for about a year. Cuccats from watermelon crusts at home are often made for the winter, along with jam or jam from the flesh.

Recipes Corks Corks

If you observe the basic rules of preparation, you can make your own dessert to your liking: classic, spicy, citrus, mint, etc. It is possible to use sugar or sugar powder, coconut chips, almond petals, multicolored dragee. If you drop pieces with chocolate or maple syrup, natural homemade candy will turn out.

Recipes for making candies from watermelon crusts a lot, but the hostess is advised to start with the simplest recipe. After that, you can try more complex recipes with the addition of various ingredients.

Simple recipe

The easiest recipe for the candied fruit crusts does not imply pre-wigs in soda solution. It is really light and will not require some professional culinary skills.


  • Watermelon crusts - 750 grams;
  • Sugar - 370 grams;
  • Liter of pure water.

How to make candies from watermelon crusts at home:

  1. At this stage, it is important to have kitchen scales, which weigh the white part of the crust. You should have 750 grams.
  2. Corks cut into cubes.
  3. In a saucepan with water to pour sugar sand. Put a saucepan on a slow fire and keep until the sugar completely dissolve.
  4. Put cubes in syrup, pecking about 15 minutes.
  5. Remove the saucepan from the stove, close the lid, leave to appease for 12 hours.
  6. Put on a small fire again, cook for 15 minutes, give to stand 12 hours. Repeat the procedure for another time.
  7. Using a colander or sieve, strain the syrup with crusts. Let the cubes lie in the colander or sieve about 30-40 minutes so that the syrup is completely with them the stack.
  8. Laying a baking sheet. Cubes to cut in the sugar powder, lay out on the baking sheet, put in a clean dry room for several days.

On a note! In this recipe you need to adhere to strict proportions, otherwise the dessert will not work: 2.5 portions of sugar sand and 4 portions of water takes 3 portions of the crust.

Lemon Cucats

The pieces made on this recipe are soaked in soda solution. With soda candied with watermelon crusts are obtained dense, elastic, bright yellow.


  • Watermelon crusts - 3 kg;
  • Clean water - 3.5 liters;
  • Food soda - 1 tbsp.;
  • 1 lemon;
  • Sugar sand - 1 kg;
  • Powdered sugar.
  1. Pour into a saucepan of 3 liters of water, add food soda, stir good to dissolve soda.
  2. Cut crusts on large cubes, lay out in soda solution.
  3. Put a saucepan into room with room temperature for 24 hours.
  4. Rinse cubes under the crane, pour cold water, leave for half an hour.
  5. Dry water, dry peel, cut into small cubes.
  6. Pour 500 ml of water into a saucepan, pour 750 grams of sugar sand. Cooking syrup for candied fruit crusts.
  7. Grind lemon zest, pour into sugar syrup, pour ½ lemon juice.
  8. Share watermelon cubes, hold 15 minutes on slow fire.
  9. Remove from the stove, close the lid, withstand 12 hours.
  10. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times, while the pieces do not get soft and not become transparent. After that, fold them on the colander so that all the liquid of the glass.
  11. Slip pieces powder, put a baking sheet on a stuck parchment, put in the oven. Dry the candied for about an hour at a temperature of 40-50 degrees.

The finished watermelon candies made on this recipe must lie for several days at room temperature, and then they can be folded into storage tank.

Ginger crusts

What will be needed for cooking:

  • Prepared watermelon crusts - 1.5 kg;
  • Sugar sand - 1 kg;
  • Lemon zest - teaspoon;
  • Ground ginger root - teaspoon;
  • Lemon acid is a teaspoon.

How to cook:

  1. Cork cut into long bars, rinse. Stay in a saucepan, fall asleep with sugar, leave for 5-6 hours.
  2. Put a saucepan on a small fire, cook the contents of 10-15 minutes.
  3. Leave for 10-12 hours, then put on fire for 10 minutes. So repeat 2-3 times, until the bars become transparent. The last time for boiling add spices, citric acid and zest.
  4. The cooled lumps lean on the colander to get rid of the liquid. After that, the paler is cut into the sugar powder, not too tightly decompose on the shining parchment paper.
  5. Put a delicacy for an hour at a temperature of 40-50 degrees.

On a note! In this recipe you can experiment with various spices. For example, if you want to get savory candies with a sharp taste, add the chile ground pepper. You can add any spices to your taste: vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, ground carnation. Be sure to shake the pieces of spices before sending the bedding in the oven to dry.

Cooking Cucats from watermelons in the dryer

In our time in the kitchen, each hostess there are quite a few devices that greatly simplify the cooking process. You can use the fruit dryer and the marinator to obtain the candied.

The process of preparation of candied watermelon crusts in the electric grinder:

  1. Prepare the crusts to get 1.5 kg of cubes.
  2. Send them to the marinator, pumped there with sugar sand.
  3. Put the 2-3 cycles in the program immediately, so that the pieces are as impregnated with sugar.
  4. Next, the crusts need to be boiled in sugar syrup for 20 minutes.
  5. Catch off on the colander or lay out in the sieve to the glasses of an extra liquid.
  6. The cooled future candles from the watermelon crusts decompose in the dryer for special pallets. Place the temperature of 40-55 degrees and dry until readiness.

On a note! If there is no marinator, cubes just fall asleep with sugar sand and left for 2-3 hours. In the same fluid, then hold 15 minutes on low heat, lean on a colander, then put the dryer on the pallets.

Recipe in Multivarka

An interesting recipe, as a result of which you can get delicious homemade candies without spending a lot of time.


  • Half a kilogram of white part of the crust;
  • 5 kg of sugar;
  • One and a half liters of water;
  • 5 grams of citric acid;
  • Powder sugar.

How to cook:

  1. The cut crusts are folded into the pan, pour clean water, put in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. At the same time, water should be changed once every 6-7 hours.
  2. After the time expires, get a saucepan from the refrigerator, rinse crust under running water.
  3. Stay in a slow cooker, pour water to completely close your crusts.
  4. Put for 20 minutes "Cooking for a couple" mode.
  5. Next, throw back the pieces on the colander, and wash the multicooker bowl.
  6. Purple pour into a clean bowl, add water and sugar.
  7. Set the "Pilaf" on the multicooker.
  8. At the end of the program, get pieces, cut them in sugar, dry in the oven.

Tsukata - all known delicacy, which is preparing with the help of cooking fruits or their crusts in sugar syrup. Speakers both separate dessert and are used to decorate confectionery products. It contains a fairly large amount of sugar, but at the same time retain the beneficial properties of fruits, of which are made. We present a few recipes for the preparation of candied fruits from ripe watermelon crusts.

The peel of the watermelon is rich in useful substances, as well as his flesh, has its indistinguishable aroma and, with proper processing, it may well become a delicious dessert. In particular, you can cook candies. So it is not always worth throwing watermelon crusts in the trash can, you can be patient and get original candy, which are unlikely to find on sale. It is worth understanding that watermelon should be grown without adding a large number of harmful substances that have the property to accumulate in the peel.

Selection and preparation of the main ingredient

Based on it is better to take watermelon with a thick crust. A top green layer is cut off with a penetration and remnants of meakty are removed. The raw material is rinsed in water and dried with a napkin. Then rolls into cubes or curly pieces (if there is a special knife or device).

The weight of the watermelon mass should be about 1 -1.2 kg, so that it is more convenient to use the ratio with other ingredients.

The process of cooking a zuchats from watermelon crust

The procedure for the preparation of any zucatov, as a rule, is standard and consists of several stages. The recipes of cooking candied fruit crusts differ only in the composition and number of ingredients and additives.

  • preparation of raw materials (see above);
  • washing or boiling in water (allows you to soften the flesh and remove harmful substances). You can lower this moment, but for the ideal watermelon candies, it will not be superfluous, therefore, before you start cooking, the crusts are better to soak a couple of hours in the water (you can add any adsorbent any adsorbent) or boil 10-15 minutes;
  • cooking in sugar syrup is the longest process, during which all the moisture is removed from the crust and they are saturated with sugar taste, and also acquire a glossy look and pleasant consistency. Water mixes with sugar and sugar syrup on the stove (it should be thick enough), after which watermelon peels are placed in it and boils for 5-10 minutes. Then you need to make cool and put in the syrup for several hours, and then turn on and pecking again. This process must be repeated until the pieces are transparent and will not get a pleasant yellowish tint. Usually cost 6-10 cooking, but it is possible to speed up the process and speed up if you are arranged the appearance and quality of the obtained zucats.
  • fixing from syrup through a colander to save a delicacy from water residues;
  • drying of the candies is carried out either in the oven, or in the electric grid at a temperature of 40-60 degrees to the state of readiness. The finished product must be dry outside and elastic inside.

It is allowed to dry simply in the dry heat closed room for several days. In the furnace time takes 1-2 hours.

Recipes of Cuccates from Watermelon Cork

The easiest recipe for the winter

In winter to remind yourself about the summer and aroma of the watermelon, having enjoyed the candle, taking the fast recipe for the preparation of dessert from watermelon crusts at home.

  • water - 0.5 liters;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • watermelon crusts - 1 kg;
  • sugar powder - 50 gr.

To speed up the cooking process, you can lower the stage of soaking the crust and immediately prepare a sweet syrup. Cooking in this solution can be longer - up to 20 minutes, constantly stirring and not allowing burning. Let laugh all night. The next day, the cooking procedure repeat several times with short periods of cooling and upset.

Strain, decompose on the baking sheet so that the pieces do not stick together with each other. Send watermelon zucats for drying in a fuch cabinet or a dryer for 1-1.5 hours, the temperature regime in the area of \u200b\u200b+50 C. Flip sweets and put it on storing into a hermetic dry container or submit on the table to tea.

With lemon

In this recipe, not only lemon juice, but also lime, citric acid can be used to give non-cyclic.

  • watermelon crusts - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar sand - 1.8 kg;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • 1 lemon or 5 g of citric acid.

How to make watermelon zucats with lemon? The procedure is similar to those described above. If time allows - you can use a multi-step process with soaking and a few days of boilers, so the candies will become saturated and beautiful. The only difference - during cooking in syrup is added acid (it may be juice lime or lemon). Therefore, as a result, the zuchatic is obtained with citrus aroma and sourness.

With orange

Tsukata with orange is obtained orange shade and have a bright orange flavor.

  • orange - 2 large fetus;
  • watermelon crusts - 1 kg;
  • sugar sand - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 2.5 glasses;
  • sugar powder - 50 gr.

Cooking crusts should be added with the addition of orange and squeezed orange juice. We repeat the standard steps of soaking, filter, west. Wonderful orange candy ready! Bon Appetit!

With soda

Soda is used in any of the recipes for softening the watermelon crust before going to cook them. Due to the action of this substance, the pulp of the zucats becomes the most tender. One teaspoon must be divorced in 3-4 cups of hot water and pour into this raster sliced \u200b\u200bwatermelon crusts. Let break in 2-3 hours. After that, rinse thoroughly with water and can be sent to fire in sweet syrup. Next - to cook according to the described scheme.

With ginger

Ginger Cuccats are a reminder of oriental sweets. In addition to ginger, other spices and spices and spices can be added to the Cuokata. It can be Indian Masala, carnation, vanilla, cardamom and even sharp red peppers!


  • ginger ground - 1 teaspoon;
  • watermelon peeled crusts - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon or orange zest - 1 tsp;
  • water - 3 glasses.

Soak chopped watermelon crusts in sugar syrup, zest and ginger for several hours. Put the whole mixture on fire and boil 10-15 minutes. Give cool. Make this procedure several times, after which it is strain and dried at a temperature of 40 to 60 degrees. The delicacy is obtained with a saturated ginger taste and aroma.

In a slow cooker

Household appliances accelerates and facilitates the cooking process of the Cuccats.

  • watermelon crusts - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • sugar powder for powder.

Preparation steps:

  1. Soaking in ordinary water - 3-5 days, in the refrigerator, water must be changed regularly;
  2. Washing in running water;
  3. Select the "Cooking Cool" mode in a slow cooker, crusts should be covered with water - 20 minutes;
  4. strain;
  5. We dilute sugar with water, put with crusts in a slow cooker, turn the "pilaf" mode until automatic shutdown occurs;
  6. We carry out the drying procedure in the oven.

In the electric rig

The electric dryer for products is saving time. And if you use it in a tandem with a marinator, you can cook the candies much faster than the standard way.

  • watermelon pierced sugar put in the marinator into several cycles;
  • then prepare in boiling sweet syrup before transparency;
  • strain through colander or gauze;
  • put the candied with watermelon crusts in the electric dryer and bring to readiness;
  • sprinkle with powdered and stored in a dry closed container.

To get multi-colored candies, with cooking, you can use food dyes and syrups of bright berries (blueberries, sea buckthorn, cherries or black currant). Children will be delighted!


The finished candied fruits are stored for a long time, if they put them in a dry jar or a container with a closing lid. You can also use paper or plastic bags. The main thing is to prevent moisture inward.

Everyone knows that watermelons are divided into two categories - on the "boys" and "girls". Usually everyone is trying to find in the watermelon grief "Girl" - she has a crust and pulp, respectively, more. If you still got a "boy", do not hurry to grieve. Save the thick crusts, we are welded from them excellent Cucats. Economy savings will be decent: Cuccates are now expensive - rubles for 300-400 per kilo. We will prepare them from the cast in essence of the product. The sugar will also leave the maximum of rubles for 30. From a hefty watermelon, it turns out somewhere near a kilogram of crust. True, rarely, who is able to eat such at a time. But I found the way out - the crusts after eating processing, put in the container and remove into the refrigerator. And so, until the watermelon is over. Of course, something still has time to throw the household. But the fact that I managed to save, quite enough to boil the candied fruit crusts, the old recipe, more than once and not two running around. Everything turns out in the best possible way. The main thing here is clearly reckoning the desired number of ingredients. Then nothing will snap and spoil. I do not wash the crust before cooking, I do not rub soda. Just cut into cubes and syrup.


  • Watermelon crusts - 750 g (weight purified),
  • Water - 1 l (4 cups)
  • Sugar - 2.5 glasses (625 g)

(Standard glass - 250 ml)

Verified recipe for organmo crusts

So, for three days, while we were ate watermelon, I had a decent amount of watermelon crust. I cut off the green dense peel and the remnants of a red flesh - completely, so that even traces it is left.

In this form, the crust must be weighted to determine how much syrup will be required for them. It will be necessary to do this in mandatory, otherwise the candied may not work. The formula for calculating the ingredients: on 3 parts of a crust of 4 parts of water and 2.5 pieces of sugar. For example, by 300 grams of crust of 400 ml of water and 250 g of sugar. And you can safely multiply these values \u200b\u200bfor two or three, or divide if your crusts are quite a bit.

After weighing, the crust can be cut. The form can be selected any. Someone cuts stripes, someone in diamonds. I like cubes.

Cooking the zucats from watermelon crusts are very simple. Take a saucepan. Sugar sugar in it, pour water.

We put a saucepan on fire, bring a mixture to a boil, mix a couple of times until sugar is dissolved. It turns out such a transparent syrup.

We lower the watermelon crusts.

Put on the stove. We are waiting for when boils, we reduce the fire and cook the crust for 15 minutes.

Then cover the saucepan with a lid and put your crusts. At least twelve hours. Then we boil their second time. Leave again for 12 hours. And again cook. So we will cook the crusts for the candied three times. And we make two breaks between cooking.

Then we take off the bakery paper, stance on the baking sheet. I smell some sugar. I spread the devils on it, mix, shook out. Some diligently calculate the candied in Sahara. I do not do this. Sugar is not needed for sweetness, but in order for the cessages do not stick together. Then I put a baking tray somewhere higher and leave for a day, two until the candied fruit. You can mix a couple of times.

Finished candied candies from watermelon crusts in heavy banks, unluckled by the most bakery paper on which the candied frisses were dried.

You can use them for confectionery decoration. For example, the famous Fairy Tale Cake.

I hope you will like this simple recipe.

Bon Appetit!

At the end of the summer - the beginning of the autumn comes the season of watermelons, when they can be obsessed before the dump. Juicy, sweet and fragrant red flesh just melts in the mouth! But few people guess that from the crusts that remain in huge quantities after eating this huge berry, you can cook very tasty homemade jams and candied.

I am preparing jams and candied with watermelon crusts every year. I offer you your recipe that you can safely call the simplest. Many recipes such a dish, which are found on the Internet, provide for the pumping of each slice for a fork so that the pieces of the crust are better soaked with syrup and turned out to be transparent. Try to the word - this vigorous step is not needed (not once checked).

In addition, there are such recipes for jams and bezukates from watermelon crusts, where prepared pieces are recommended to soak some time in soda solution, after which it is thoroughly rinsed from it. Also, it is not necessary - we definitely do not need an extra soda. In fact, it is elementary to prepare this home delicacy, you need a little patience and the result will please you. Watermelon Tsukati adore my children - they do not know that these are peels, and think that some candied fruit.


Preparation of dishes by steps with photos:

So, to cook delicious jams and candies, we need not watermelon itself, and watermelon crusts, sugar and lemon. It is possible without lemon, but it turns out a completely different, more rich taste and fragrance of the finished dish.

The most long and labor cost is to prepare the crusts of the watermelon. We need exclusively the green part, so we cut off the dark outer crust and pink, which remains from the pulp. Then we cut the pale green crusts with arbitrary pieces - you can quadrels or strokes (I made a panel).

Now we rinse the watermelon crusts in cold water. Jump them from the liquid and fall asleep with sugar sand. We leave for everything for several hours (and better at night) at room temperature. It is necessary that the sugar is dissolved, and the peels of the juice. By the way, the juice is very much - the crust is literally floating in it.

We add to the future the ceda jam (remove the thinnest outer layer, having previously told lemon boiling water) and lemon juice. Cook on medium heat after boiling 10 minutes. Then we leave jam to the complete cooling and impregnation with syrup for an hour 3-4. We repeat the procedure with boiling and compatible 2 times.

As a result of cooking, watermelon pieces will be completely transparent, appetizing solar color (due to the addition of lemon zest) and sweet. Sling is roaring and thickens - it will become like liquid honey.

And now, if you want a zucati, go to the next stage. Sweet slices need to be away from the syrup. To do this, simply learn them on a sieve, which we substitute a saucepan. It is necessary that on the pieces remain as little syrup as possible, otherwise the candies will dry out for a very long time. In general, for a couple of hours, let it stand.