Recipe for cooking "Hanum": a juicy lazy man. How to cook Hanum at home: Features, Recipes and Reviews Khanum Recipe in the oven

27.04.2021 Dishes from seafood

Khanum (Hanuma) is a wonderful Uzbek dish that is preparing for a couple and served on the table with vegetable or sour cream sauce. If you want to learn the recipe for Hanuma with meat, then read this article and boldly go to the kitchen to please the relatives and close to the next culinary masterpiece.

Khanum from pork

The meat roll, cooked for a pair, is very satisfying and tasty. In the original version of the recipe, lamb with curricular fat is used. However, we decided to replace her pork, which it is easier to find on the shelves of our stores. Dish Khanum (recipe):

  1. To prepare the dough, pour into a deep cup of two glasses of sifted flour, make a deepening in it, add two spoons of vegetable oil and half a cup of boiled water. Check the dough, put it on the table and cover the bowl.
  2. While the dough is resting (approximately an hour), you can go stuffing. To do this, take 700 grams of pork cervix and cut it with small pieces. Grind five medium bulbs, and five peeled potatoes cut into a cube. Mix the products prepared, add salt and ground pepper to them.
  3. Divide the dough into two parts and roll quite thin each of them.
  4. Lubricate the billet with vegetable oil and evenly put the stuffing on them. Carefully roll up two rolls and cover the edges.
  5. Lattle of the steamer slightly lubricate the oil and put a roll in it. To the second level, in the same way to put the second roll. Prepare a dish about 45 minutes.

We hope you enjoy the recipe of Hanuma with potatoes. Serve it to a table with sour cream sauce, cooked salt and pepper.

If you do not like chopped meat too much, then try to make a steam roll with minced meat. How to prepare Hanuma (recipe for cooking):

  1. Check the simple dumplings from one egg, one and a half cups of flour, 200 ml of water and a teaspoon of salt. Cover it with a food film and let stand aside for a while.
  2. For the filling you will need 400 grams of minced beef and pork, one grated carrot and one grated raw potatoes.
  3. Divide the dough into two parts and slightly roll each.
  4. Lay out (without reaching the edge of a few centimeters) mince, carrots, chopped greens and potatoes, mixed with salt and pepper.
  5. Roll the roll, put it in a nancing and prepare about 40 minutes. Just prepare the second roll.

The finished dish can be served with any home cooking sauce or adzhika.

This delicious dish of Uzbek cuisine can be prepared by a variety of ways. Someone prefers to add potatoes to filling, someone - zucchini or pumpkin for juiciness. In this case, we suggest you use stewed onions and carrots. Khanum (recipe):

  1. Take for a dough one and a half cups flour, salt, one egg and half a glass of water. Mix all the ingredients and leave the dough for the time while the filling is prepared.
  2. Two carrots and two bulbs Clean the peel, grind with a knife and grated. Tow vegetables in a pan until readiness, and at the very end add cream to them (200 ml), salt and pepper.
  3. Roll the dough into a rather thin layer and evenly apply fillings on it (300 grams of any minced meat mixed with stewed vegetables). Turn the dough with a roll.
  4. Pour one liter of water into the steamer, install the steamer nozzle on the bowl, pre-lubricated with vegetable oil. Gently lay out the roll, close the multicooker and cook with the program "Couple" 40 minutes.

Cut the roll on the portion slices and serve with tomato sauce of own preparation.


Prepare appetizing treads from the dough and surprise a new dish of friends or relatives. How to make mini khanum (recipe):

Lean Khanum.

Surprisingly, but a delicious steam roll with vegetables can be without meat. How to cook lean khanum (recipe):

Khanum from pumpkins

This popular Asian dish can be prepared with different fillings, and every time his taste will open for you from the new side. This time we suggest you try to prepare a chain with a pumpkin:

  1. To prepare the test, mix 450 grams of flour, salt, one egg and water (as you need). Put the finished product in the plastic bag and leave it to relax at about half an hour.
  2. For the filling, take the pumpkin (500 grams), clean it from the skin and cut into small cubes (you can grate).
  3. Four bulbs free from husks and cut off by half rings.
  4. 200 grams of swine fat (can be replaced with butter) Cut into cubes.
  5. Mix the prepared ingredients, spice, add spices and mix well.
  6. Roll the dough into the layer of oval shape, put the stuffing on it and turn the harvesting roll.
  7. Lubricate the steamer lattice with vegetable oil, put the Khanum into it (do not forget to prevail its edges) and prepare about 40 minutes.

Finished dish Cut the portion slices and serve with sour cream or ketchup.

Khanum with cabbage and meat

Another variation of a familiar dish will definitely enjoy your friends and relatives. Read how to cook a delicious Khanum (recipe), and surprise your new original dish.

  1. Check the tight dough from 400 grams of flour, one eggs, two spoons of vegetable oil and water. After that, cover the product with a food film and leave for half an hour.
  2. 500 grams of white cabbage lie straw, and a couple of bulbs - half rings.
  3. Tear vegetables in a pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. Add salt, spices and mix well.
  4. Divide the dough into four parts and roll each in a subtle layer. At the first part, lay out half the meat minced meat (250 grams) and cover the second part of the test. At the top of a smooth layer, put the cabbage, turn the resulting design with a roll and cut it into portion pieces.
  5. Put the rolls into a double boiler and prepare them for 20 minutes. Serve a ready-made dish with tomato or sour cream sauce.


We hope you will have the recipes that we have collected for you in this article. Prepare Hanum with different fillings and please the new tastes of loved ones and friends.

For dough

Warm water - 1 tbsp.

Onions - 1 pc.

Salt - 1 tsp.

Salt and spices (black pepper) - to taste

Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp

Creamy oil - 50 g

Flour - 1 kg

For podliva

Onions - 1 pc.

For filling

Meat minced meat (beef or lamb) - 0.5 kg

Tomato paste - 1 tbsp

Potatoes - 1 pc.

Vegetable oil for frying

Carrot - 1 pc.

Cooking method

Check the dough. Pour water into the container, pour salt and mix until complete dissolution. Pour the mixture into a dough kneading cup and add oil.

Sketch the flour and knead the dough before getting smooth, dense mass, as a consistency of similar with dumplings or dumplings. Detect the dough into the package rest.

Preparing filling. In a bowl we fold mince, finely chopped onions, potatoes and carrots cut by thin cubes, so that they do how they steamed in all layers of dishes. Solim and Pepper to taste. Mix well.

Rested dough separating on 2 parts, one of which roll in a subtle circle. The thinner the dough, the lack of a dish.

Pre-melted on the plate, butter pour into the rolled dough and evenly lubricate to the edges.

Uniformly distribute the filling along the rolled test.

From one edge, we begin to gently turn the dough into the roll and press the edge.

Cut the foil according to the size of the roll and lubricate the middle with vegetable oil. Put the roll on a lubricated oil part of the foil.

We raise the edges of the foil and in several layers we take them to each other high above the roll, forming space inside.

Lay out the roll on the baking sheet, and pour water on it. We prepare in a preheated oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 190 degrees, periodically checking the presence of water on the contrary.

Cooking the gravy. Chopped onions chopped onion fry in a frying pan until golden color and add tomato paste. Pour some water and extinguish on a quiet fire for 10 minutes.

Cut the ready-made dish on portions and serve with filling and sour cream. Bon Appetit.

The traditional dish of Asian cuisine Khanum is a roll of a dough with a meat or vegetable filling cooked for a pair. However, this dish was so loved by other peoples that traditional Khanuma recipes have undergone significant changes. In particular, our compatriots learned how to prepare Khanum in the oven, while his taste is not worse than the traditional.

Features of cooking

When cooking Hanuma in the oven, you need to know the rules concerning cooking this dish at all, and secrets relating to its baking in the oven.

  • Dough for Hanuma should be smooth and elastic. Outwardly, it resembles dumplings. To give the test of a better taste and elasticity, eggs, vegetable oil are added to it, but it is possible to make it without them, using only flour, salt and cold water. The main thing is to knead it well and give it to "relax" for at least 30 minutes in a cool place.
  • Dough for Hanuma can be kneaded in bread maker. In this case, it is especially gentle.
  • Minced stuffing is better to cook with your own hands. Then you can be sure that high-quality ingredients are used for it. By buying ready-made mince in the store, you risk bringing home a poor-quality product with which Khanum will be tasteless, and all your efforts will be wasted.
  • A stuffing for Hanuma can be made without meat, from among the vegetables alone. But more often they are added to the stuffing as a supplement to minced. In this case, it turns out more gentle and juicy.
  • Khanum baked in the oven, wrapped in foil. At the same time, a little water is poured into a baking sheet so that in the oven there is quite high humidity. Foil itself must be lubricated with vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick to it.
  • Traditionally, Khanum should not be ruddy, but if you want him to be twisted and acquired an even more appetizing appetizer, 10-15 minutes before the dishes are ready-made foil.
  • When cooking Hanuma in a mantle or a multicooker, the roll folds with a ring - in a different way he will simply not fit into this dish. Having prepare Khanum in the oven, from this tradition you can retreat, turning the roulet with Zigzag, undercalax or generally pretzel. On the taste of the finished dish it will not affect, but it will acquire a more original look.

Khanum is served hot as an independent dish, cutting it in front of it into pieces. Khanumu needs to fall the sauce or immediately pour them a dish. Most often it is a tomato sauce with garlic or sour cream sauce with greens, although there are other options. For example, some of our compatriots prefer to serve Khanum with mushroom or cheese sauce, which also good harmonize with the taste of Khanuma.

Hanum in the oven with meat and vegetables

  • wheat flour - 0.25 kg;
  • egg chicken - 1 pc.;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • lamb - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 150 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • carrot - 100 g;
  • creamy oil - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • fresh greens - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • sour cream - 0.2 l;
  • salt, Pepper, Zira - to taste.

Recipe on the occasion::

Cooking method:

  • Seasoned flour Mix with salt and egg. Gradually interfere with water. If necessary, its number can be slightly increased - it is important how much water will take the dough. Carefully stir the dough with a spoon, then lay it on a flour-graced board. Close the flour of the palm and knead the dough. It should be elastic and smooth.
  • Riding the dough into the ball and cover with a napkin, send it to the fridge for 40 minutes.
  • Wash meat, dry it and cut into large slices. Touch through the meat grinder.
  • Add salt, pepper into chopped meat, pepper, and mix.
  • Clean the potatoes and soda it on a large grater. Just do the same with carrots. Put vegetables in a bowl with minced meat, mix.
  • Finely cut the peel purified onion, connect it with minced meat and vegetables.
  • Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll it into a subtle layer. To do not stick the dough, use flour.
  • Stay on the dough filling, scatter. Be sure to retreat from the edges of 3-4 cm.
  • Creamy oil Cut into small pieces and decompose over the filling.
  • Melko chop the greenery with a knife, divide it in half. Sprinkle minced mince.
  • Roll the dough into the roll. If desired, it can be given another form, such as envelope.
  • Fold in half a large sheet of foil and bed of him on the baking sheet.
  • Lubricate the foil with vegetable oil and put on her Khanum. Raise the edges of the foil and cover them with Hanum from all sides.
  • Heat the oven to 190 degrees and place a bastard with a convolution.
  • Prepare Hanum 45 minutes. 15 minutes before readiness, it can be deployed to be twisted.
  • The remaining greens mix with sour cream, add some salt and pepper into it.
  • Skip the garlic through the press and add to the sour cream, mix.

When feeding the Hanum with the resulting sauce. Sauce can be prepared on another recipe. To do this, it will take 300 g of tomatoes that need to be cleaned, cut into small pieces and put out with greens and chopped garlic. Sour cream in this case will not need.

Hanum with beef and pumpkin

  • wheat flour - 0.6 kg;
  • water - 0.2 l;
  • chicken Egg - 1 pc.;
  • beef - 0.6 kg;
  • pumpkin (flesh) - 0.3 kg;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • pork fat - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Asking flour, pumped into it a teaspoon of salt, mix.
  • Wear an egg along with water. Pour this mixture into the dough. Check it, stirring first for a fork or spoon, then with hands. As a result, the dough should be elastic and elastic.
  • Remove the dough into the refrigerator for 40 minutes.
  • Wash beef, blot with kitchen towel. Cut on large pieces and check them through the meat grinder.
  • Scroll through the meat grinder fat and mix with minced meat.
  • Clean the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, soda large.
  • Grind the knife freed from the peel onions.
  • Put vegetables in a bowl with minced meat. Silte and season it, mix it.
  • Remove the dough from the refrigerator, divide it in half. Solve one piece and put half the filling on it, retreating from the edges about 3-4 cm. Roll into the roll. Postpone him aside. Similarly, form the second Khanum.
  • Prepare 2 pieces of foil by lubricating them with vegetable oil.
  • For each sheet of foil, put on the roll, turning them with a spiral.
  • Pack ruses in foil. Lay out the convilios on the baking sheet.
  • Pour a little water on the baking sheet.
  • Heat the oven to 200 degrees, place a baking sheet with Hanuma. Bake them 45 minutes, 15 minutes before readiness by deploying foil.

The sauce for Hanuma, prepared on this recipe, can be used as the same as made for the Racuum on the recipe shown slightly above. However, the usual sour cream to it is very good.

Choose wonderful proven Ranum's recipes on the resource site. We taste variations with mushrooms, minced meat from a different type of meat, fragrant greens, potatoes and other vegetables. Provide a unique taste with aromatic spices and seasonings. An abundance of cooking options for this roll will repeat the whole family.

Khanum is a big roll of a couple of Uzbeks with a variety of fillings. The dough for him is the same as for dumplings or mantle. In fact, it is a huge juicy man. And the diversity of filling and does not have borders at all. Meat - chopped or minced meat, with fat and without, vegetables - what soul are pleasing, weeds and spices - how to please! Variations - an excellent amount, and in each case it turns out an unmatched yum.

The five most commonly used ingredients in Hanuma recipes:

Interesting recipe:
1. In the pile for the test to sift flour.
2. Dissolve salt in water, add vegetable oil. Water and oil mixture pour into flour. Drink egg.
3. To knead the dense elastic dough. Cover with cloth or film. Give "relax" minutes 20 minutes.
4. Add a naked onion to meat minced meat.
5. Malely cut potatoes and carrots or pumpkin (for personal preference).
6. Mix vegetables with minced meat and loaf.
7. Salt, knock. Do not forget to register zila - a spice with a wondrous aroma!
8. Roll thinly dough. Grease its surface with oil.
9. Share a filling force. Equally distribute over the test.
10. Roll the roll. Carefully take edges.
11. Prepare a couple of 40 to 50 minutes.
12. Finished Khanum lubricate with buttercup.
13. Serve with sour cream or tomato sauces.

Five nutritional recipes Hanuma:

Useful tips:
. If you dawn a little salt into water, then the formation of the steam will be more intense, Khanum will cook faster.
. The rollik can be stolen by other vegetables: zucchini, eggplants, tomatoes. Amazingly delicious, it turns out a kushanye with the addition of mushrooms.